DIY Genome Editing at Only $2 a Pop
Avoiding regulation, DIYBio becomes cheaper and more available.
Avoiding regulation, DIYBio becomes cheaper and more available.
Beware of activists touting "responsible research and innovation." The sensible-sounding slogan masks a reactionary agenda.
The original Jurassic Park is the best summer movie ever. The latest sequel just wants to remind you the original exists.
Expect anti-biotech activists to oppose this important development.
One step closer to solving the organ shortage crisis?
A U.K. bioethicist makes the case for deploying CRISPR gene-editing to modify human embryos in the next two years.
The difference between two identical genes—one edited and the other a natural mutation—is entirely metaphysical.
We already give our kids music lessons, braces, and tutoring. Why not also give them better genes?
Gene-editing technology will eventually allow parents to alter their future offspring's intelligence, height, eye color, and more. And that's worth celebrating.
Despite bioethical handwringing, they pose no special risks to future generations
The presidential hopeful doesn't realize that government biotech crop regulation helped to create the monopoly in the first place.
A new international commission will consider the pros and cons of human genome editing.
Parents, not bureaucrats, have the moral authority to decide whether to gene-edit prospective progeny.
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Flinging around such terms is not helpful and does not advance the debate.
If it's safe, then it's ethical. No need for a global moratorium.
Why we should not let fears about inequality stand in the way of technological progress that could potentially make the next generation healthier, happier, and smarter.
I made antibiotic-resistant E. coli in my kitchen, and the world didn't end.
"Governments should follow the principle of regulatory parsimony," two bioethicists argue.
Cures for HIV/AIDS and specifically targeted antibiotics
"If DNA is a drug, then all life on Earth is high."
Also most babies will be created using skin cells and the bioethics of radical life extension
Three-parent babies are now possible. Congress should get out of the way.
Ordering people to reproduce in only government approved ways is tyrannical and unethical.
State mandated eugenics is always evil.
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