David Boaz: Libertarianism Is the Intellectual Core of Liberalism
How Vietnam, Watergate, and stagflation supercharged the libertarian movement.
This interview has been condensed and edited for style and clarity.
Reason: Having been in the libertarian movement for nearly half a century, how do you assess the current state of libertarian ideas and the broader libertarian movement?
Boaz: I think there are a lot more libertarian ideas. When I was in college and thought of myself as a libertarian—but also thought of libertarians as part of the conservative movement—who did we have as intellectuals? [Friedrich] Hayek and [Milton] Friedman and [Ludwig von] Mises.
It was kind of a good set of years there, because Hayek won the Nobel Prize in '74—which was stunning to us, because even as naive college students we knew nobody like that had won a Nobel Prize before. Then in 1975, [Robert] Nozick won the National Book Award, which really helped to put libertarianism on the map of political philosophers. Then in 1976, Friedman won the Nobel Prize. I was out of college then, but that period really boosted libertarian academic credentials.
These days, just like everybody says, we have nobody like [Ronald] Reagan and [Margaret] Thatcher. But in the time of Reagan and Thatcher, they said, "Where are the people like [Winston] Churchill and [Franklin] Roosevelt?" I look back and say, "Wow, weren't those great? And who is that today?" But at least one answer is there's a lot more libertarian intellectuals today. Maybe nobody is a Hayek these days, but there's definitely a lot more libertarianism in the academy, more libertarian intellectuals, more people reading those people. Some of them even get published by major publishers. There's more of that, and I think that means there's more people who think of themselves as libertarians.
What's the essence of libertarianism for you?
To me, the essence of libertarianism is the nonaggression principle. You have no right to initiate force against people who have not initiated force against you. From that comes freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of property and markets, ideally within an ethos of cosmopolitanism and pluralism and tolerance. At that point, we're kind of talking about liberalism, and these days I'm worried not just about libertarianism, but about liberalism.
Cosmopolitanism, tolerance, pluralism—where do those come from and why should those be interconnected? If we compare the nonaggression principle to the core of a nuclear reactor, why should the surrounding framework be akin to cosmopolitanism?
I think libertarianism is set within classical liberalism, and I think of libertarianism as the intellectual core of liberalism, the intellectual vanguard. I often say I'd like to be part of a libertarian intellectual vanguard leading a broader liberal movement. And for my whole career, we haven't had that. We've had liberals divided into people who emphasize free markets and people who emphasize civil liberties and tolerance and equality under the law for all. Libertarians have not had a great record on equality under the law for all, although I think it's clearly inherent in what we believe. But you didn't see many libertarians involved in the Civil Rights Movement, critical of Jim Crow, and they should have been, and they should have been out there.
The Cato Institute, where you've spent most of your career, was founded in 1977 in San Francisco. How did it come into being?
Ed Crane was in Washington running the MacBride for President campaign in 1976, and he observed that [the American Enterprise Institute] and Brookings had a significant influence on limited budgets. And he said, "There ought to be a libertarian think tank, one representing the values of the American Revolution." So he talked to Charles Koch, who had money to help. And Charles said, "OK, I'll put some money up if you'll run it." And he said, "Well, you don't want me to run it because it needs to be in Washington, and I'm going back to San Francisco." And, as he used to tell it, "Charles was smarter than I was, and he knew if I started this, I would in a few years realize it should be in Washington."
The idea was to set up a think tank that was neither liberal nor conservative, and that would put libertarian ideas on the policy map, as well as just the pure theory map.
What were the big issues in the 1970s that you guys were obsessed with?
The big influences in the early '70s were Vietnam, Watergate, and stagflation. I used that trio often to explain why there was an efflorescence of libertarians in the 1970s. The government had just accomplished Vietnam, Watergate, and stagflation, which gave people a very different view of a government that they perceived as having solved the Depression and won World War II. It was a different generation that was coming up.
What were the main issues? The answer is they're kind of the same issues over and over. History is not a bunch of new things. It's one damn thing, over and over. For Cato, the original agenda was, "Well, we're going to take on Social Security, the linchpin of the welfare state. We're going to take on school choice, which underlies so many problems. And we're going to take on the foreign interventionist state." Early on, we were writing about all of those things. Our first real book was about an alternative to Social Security, how to get out of it. At least one of our first papers was on Social Security, but we had a very early pro-immigration paper. We had a very early paper on conscription, which was a live issue at that time.
Is Social Security unstoppable at this point?
That seems to be the observation all over the world. We've made a lot of progress on free trade. We've made a lot of progress on human rights, civil rights, women's rights, gay rights. We've made some progress on some microregulation issues. We're making some now on housing. We repealed a lot of the New Deal regulations in the 1978 to '81 era. When people say we're on the road to serfdom, I tell them about all these things. We ended conscription, we ended the [Civil Aeronautics Board], we ended the [Interstate Commerce Commission]. We created a structure that continuously brought tariffs down. All those things were progress. There was significant progress, and people still say, "Yes, but what about all this government spending and everything?" I think the answer there is once you create a program that people think they're getting benefits from, it's very hard to take those benefits away.
We can argue that Social Security is not, on net, benefiting people, but there's a huge constituency of people who paid money in and they don't want it taken away from them. That's true for every program. It's true for the farm program. That's one of the reasons that we always say it is so important to stop a new entitlement in the beginning. Because Medicare was expected to cost a billion dollars a year, 10 years after it was founded. That was crazy. It was much more than that. You've got to stop it.
In the '80s, what was your attitude towards Ronald Reagan? A lot of libertarians, or people leaning libertarian, would say he was really good. Is that right or is that wrong?
My own trajectory with Reagan was in the '70s. I was in [Young Americans for Freedom] and I went to the 1976 convention on behalf of Reagan, not as a delegate, but just there to cheer him on and everything. I liked Reagan, and I was actually a delegate to the state convention or maybe the county convention for Reagan.
Then in 1978, I got hired to work on the Clark for Governor campaign, and that shifted my allegiance. Ed Clark for governor, California 1978—the first big Libertarian Party campaign that actually had some money and a professional staff of me and one other guy [laughs].
While Reagan was president, I was a libertarian, and we were pretty much critical of everything he did. Well, not everything, but many things he did. As time went on, and we saw other presidents, I think we got nostalgic for the Reagan-Thatcher era—two people who, even if they didn't always live up to it, did enunciate a lot of libertarian rhetoric. I think Thatcher in England revived British entrepreneurship and appreciation for enterprise. Reagan did some of that too. I think to a great extent, Reagan's speeches about freedom revived the American spirit, maybe as much as his tax cuts did.
How disastrous was the George W. Bush administration for America and for libertarian advances?
That was pretty bad. And we were sort of optimistic when he came in! We didn't like Republicans. They did a lot of bad things. But Bush had told Ed Crane that Cato's Social Security plan was on the right track, and he wanted to do something like that. Early in his administration, he appointed a commission, which we were sort of opposed to because a commission is usually the way to put an idea to bed. But it turned out he appointed a commission of Republicans and Democrats that was stacked in favor of some kind of privatization. So that was good.
But then 9/11 happened, and Bush got distracted from everything else. Then he gets reelected, and he says, "I'm going to use my political capital on reforming Social Security." It turns out, somehow he got reelected but everybody hated him. We did a poll at the time, and we said, "Would you support an idea that would allow you to put your own money into retirement and then not take Social Security at the end?" And 60 percent said, "Yeah, that sounds good." When we said, "President Bush has a plan," it got 40 percent approval. So that kind of killed it.
How bad was the war on terror and the USA PATRIOT Act, for libertarian ideas?
It was definitely bad that we got the PATRIOT Act, but also, just the general [feeling that] we have to respond with war. We even have to invade Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. And the PATRIOT Act and the surveillance state that was created—very bad for the country, bad for libertarians too, although it gave us a lot of targets to complain about. But we didn't get very far in aiming at those targets.
Was Barack Obama particularly bad? While there were overblown accusations, such as him attempting "to destroy America as we know it," is there validity to the idea that he was putting us on a particularly terrible path?
Yes. For one thing, like I said, every time you create a new entitlement, you'll never get rid of it. He was trying to create those, and he had some success. We had stopped HillaryCare. We were not able to stop Obamacare. That's what we said at the time: You'll never get rid of it. We kept trying, but we didn't. So yes, he did put us on that bad trajectory, a bigger government than we'd had before. Although every president was giving us a bigger government than we had had before.
How did Donald Trump scramble the libertarian movement? There are people who claim that "Trump is the most libertarian president ever." What do you think people mean when they say something like that?
Yes, there were. I had lots of fights. I blocked more people that year on Facebook than ever before. I had a lot of fights with old friends who said, "He's the most libertarian president." I mean, when he was running…he said he would cut taxes. Any Republican that year would've been campaigning on tax cuts. He said he would cut regulation. He did campaign against immigration and against trade. I never did understand. I guess he said, "Drill, baby, drill." So libertarians who thought of American energy independence, or at least production, liked it.
I think a lot of libertarians, certainly a lot of conservatives, liked the fact that he fights, he stands up, he calls the left a bunch of dickheads. I think in the subsequent five years, it occurred to me that the people conservatives and some libertarians are gravitating to are not necessarily the ones who are most conservative, certainly not the ones who are making the most compelling cases; they're the ones who are the most anti-left.
Sean Hannity on Fox: He's just partisan, anti-left all the time. Tucker Carlson. Charlie Kirk with Turning Point USA. Charlie Kirk had been kind of "Free market! Socialism sucks"—that was his organization. And then he just went all in for Trump. Then I saw other people going all in for Trump. The defense of Trump now, as the most libertarian president, I think would be tax cuts, and conservative Supreme Court justices who many libertarians think are better than liberal Supreme Court justices. And they'll say deregulation. There wasn't that much deregulation, but there was less regulation than in a Democratic administration.
What's the case against President Joe Biden?
The case against Biden is he is a bankrupt spender. I think Trump may have spent more in four years than Obama did. Biden then comes in and says, "I'll see you and raise you." So there's certainly that.
The best case I heard for Trump is from one of my colleagues. He was saying, "Hillary will bring 4,000 dedicated regulators to Washington. I don't know who Trump's going to appoint—Republican hacks, [former president of the Heritage Foundation] Ed Feulner's list, his cronies—but they won't be dedicated regulators." I think that's definitely happened with Biden. He campaigned as a moderate, and compared to either [Sen.] Elizabeth Warren or Trump he seemed centrist. But he has empowered an administration that wants to regulate everything.
Some of it is woke regulation: sexual harassment on campus, hate speech, all that kind of stuff. Some of it is just pure economic regulation, and you see it every day. "The Biden administration is going to require…" "The Biden administration is going to ban…" One of the problems there, of course, is abuse of presidential power. Every time I see one of those, I'm like, "Where in the Constitution does it say the president can do that?" Of course, it doesn't anywhere.
Going back to what I said in the beginning about cosmopolitanism and tolerance: Obama comes in, campaigns. He's black; he's the first president to welcome gay people into his administration, even though he's not for gay marriage until right before the 2012 election. But he looks like somebody who believes that everybody is part of America. Trump is obviously the exact opposite of that. And with Biden, it's gone way beyond that.
Now we are looking at another Trump vs. Biden. Neither of these people, neither of these parties, are in any way committed to libertarian principles. What are libertarians to do? How do we maneuver a political landscape such as this?
That's a good question these days. Some people tried in 2016 to run a presidential ticket composed of two governors, Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, both well-respected, against the two worst candidates in history, and they got three and a half percent of the vote. That didn't seem to work out very well.
Now the Libertarian Party has fallen apart, so they're not going to do that. I guess you have to pick the party you believe in. I would love to see a fiscally conservative, socially liberal centrist party. I do believe there are millions of voters who think that way, maybe a plurality of voters who think that way. But the two parties are controlled by, more or less, their extremes, and how do you break into that? My [former] colleague Andy Craig has thought a lot about election reforms. I never thought much about them. I always figured if there's enough libertarians, they'll make themselves felt within whatever political system. But maybe something like ranked choice voting, not so much that it would help libertarians, but that it might hurt extremists and get more of a consensus candidate.
And hey, when I was a young guy, I didn't ever think I'd be looking for a consensus centrist country.
Although we are more free as individuals, certainly to express ourselves and to live the way we want to, many don't really feel that way. Can you talk about a culture of libertarian freedom and cosmopolitanism, and how it aligns to our contemporary experiences?
I think that's partly because people always have this nostalgia. On Twitter, there's all these things: "Remember when a man with one income could afford this house?" Then economists come along and say, "Adjust for inflation and adjust for house size and things, this is not true." Plus you have all the knowledge in the history of the world in your pocket right now. Nobody had that. David Rockefeller didn't have it in 1990.
Part of it is just that we always look back and think, "Oh, things were better and now they're worse." But I do think a lot of people know they're freer because they're black people who are allowed to aspire to things. I'll tell you, when Karine Jean-Pierre was appointed press secretary, I wrote a blog post and said, "This is a sign of progress. A black lesbian could not have been the president's press secretary even maybe five or 10 years ago. This is a sign that we're a more open and accepting society." And I got a lot of blowback from alleged libertarians saying, "She's an affirmative action appointee. You're endorsing diversity, affirmative action." I said, "Look, I don't know if she'll be any good, but I'll tell you this: There are positions in your administration you would put diversity hires in, I don't believe you make the most visible face in your administration an affirmative action hire. It's important how she speaks on behalf of your administration. Whether she's good or not, I don't know, but I think they think she is."
We see more black people, more women being able to rise in corporations and politics. And of course, as a gay person in high school in the '60s, now living in a world where I can live with a longtime partner and my friends can get married, all of this is pretty much taken for granted, even among conservatives.
There's a huge surge in illiberalism both on the left and on the right. Where is that coming from, and where does that leave libertarianism?
That's a good question. I've been writing about this, not so much about libertarianism, but about liberalism. We live in a liberal world. Brian Doherty wrote in his history of the libertarian movement [Radicals for Capitalism], "a world that…runs on approximately libertarian principles." You look at that first and say, "What?" And then you think, "Well, yes, the United States, Europe, and more parts of the world are generally based on free markets and private property, and on free speech and freedom of religion, and expanding human rights to people to whom they were denied." All of that is basic libertarian principles.
OK, we're arguing about gay marriage, and OK, we spend too much money. There's all those things, but we do live in a liberal world. And yet we have these big sets of illiberals on both left and right, in the United States, and in other countries, in countries like Hungary and Turkey and India. We're moving away. It's not just Russia, China, Mexico.
My question is: Liberalism works so well! Have you looked around? Do you realize what your grandparents, your great-grandparents had, even your parents? My parents had a black and white TV for a long time. I have four televisions in my house of two people.
A critique of liberalism is that while it gives material resources, it lacks deeper meaning. Critics say it does not reward true believers with a unifying faith, goal, God, or mission. Is this a legitimate critique of liberalism?
To some extent, yes, it's a legitimate critique. Liberalism is a philosophy of individual autonomy. No established church, no established ideas. [Chinese Communist Party leader] Mao [Zedong] said, "Let a thousand ideas bloom," but liberalism actually did that. It's a significant critique, but it's a good thing. We should defend the liberalism that allows people to find meaning in their own lives. Preachers and teachers and authors may want to help guide people to find meaning in their own lives, but we're not all going to find the same meaning. What we want is people being able to choose their own churches, or no church, choose their own ideas and so on. We don't want the church, the king, the Vatican, the government imposing a meaning on everybody. That's what the liberal revolution was about. It was in great part a revolution against the established churches.
There's all these illiberals on the left, there's all these illiberals on the right, and yet liberalism endures. We do mostly live in a liberal country, in a liberal world. Something is attractive enough about liberalism to resist most of these assaults. I think it is that most people, at least in the United States, do want a world of private property and free markets and free speech and human rights and freedom of abortion and women's rights and to choose jobs. They resist the real impositions.
This interview has been condensed and edited for style and clarity.
- Video Editor: Adam Czarnecki
- Audio Production: Ian Keyser
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"One of the problems there, of course, is abuse of presidential power. Every time I see one of those, I'm like, "Where in the Constitution does it say the president can do that?" Of course, it doesn't anywhere."
Shhhh, you're not allowed to ask that.
Libertarians are the liberal “brain trust”.
Nazis are brain-dead.
Nazis like to think they are the "brain trust" for the Planet, but Reality got in the way of that!
Fuck Off, Nazi!
To paraphrase Nelson Algren:
Never play cards with a man called Doc.
Never eat at a diner called Ma's.
And never, ever you trust your liberty to a man fond of the word "equal".
Libertarianism is fundamentally a thoughtful philosophy, which by itself sets us apart from other political, social and economic narratives. But thought is not what motivates me (or, probably, most libertarians) primarily. What motivates me to think about liberty and the implications of freedom in a non-anarchic state is emotional. Minimum coercion and maximum individual freedom consistent with the equal rights of everyone else just FEELS right to me. I don't consider myself to be a purist, because I DO enjoy small wins, moving the pointer further away from tyranny and towards freedom from time to time.
Libertarianism is a grift for coning dudebros who just want to legally snort coke off a hooker's ass into cheering for open borders.
They all think that, and think it's we, the libertarians, who don't think things thru enough. And who knows, maybe they're right. I'm not so arrogant as to think I'm right about everything.
What's this "we" business, Kemosabe?
You're no Libertarian, Ms. Submission-to-slavery-is-better-than-submission--to-war! a.k.a. Ms. Treat-slaves-right-instead-of-freeing-them! a.k.a. Ms. Means-test-Medicare-not-abolish-it!
See, this one's so arrogant s/he not only thinks s/he must be right, but also thinks s/he knows everyone else's thoughts.
You have revealed all of these thoughts yourself. A real Libertarian wouldn’t even entertain them as options. And if these aren’t your thoughts, you sure are ham-handed at expressing them.
Oh, and I'm a "he."
I'm a Libertarian because Liberty and it's fruits are real and Realz are superior to Feelz.
except you have to admit that many who would agree with your 'because' were never Libertarians, so that is no way a defining reason
In your world you will be tortured, killed and stolen from. Sure, the incipient consciece-less bastard is all for minimum coercision (it protects him) and maximum individual freedom ,which in your case is to be left alone but in his case is perversion, money, power etc.
You move the pointer to a world of slaves
Karl Popper for Dummies
" in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance." -and that is the one thing you would fight against !! To your own destruction
Yours is the thinking many of the Founders mercilessly mocked.
Births are down, families are falling apart, we are led by stupid and lazy leaders—that is what minimum coercion and maximum individual freedom get you. It’s Popper’s Paradox
“If everyone is tolerant of every idea, then intolerant ideas will emerge. Tolerant people will tolerate this intolerance, and the intolerant people will not tolerate the tolerant people. Eventually, the intolerant people will take over and create a society of intolerance. Therefore, Popper said, to maintain a society of tolerance, the tolerant must be intolerant of intolerance”
Immoral folks with lots of money get their way and virtually everybody suffers.
YOur view seems exacltly like Stephen Douglas's justification for slavery. and Lincoln said what you hate:
"When Judge Douglas says that whoever or whatever community wants slaves, they have a right to have them, he is perfectly logical if there is nothing wrong with the institution; but if you admit that it is wrong, he cannot logically say that anybody has a right to do wrong. "
amen to poor uneducated Lincoln...our only PhD president (Wilson) was a HUGE racist. You overvalue intelligence and education and that makes me suspicous of you even if we agreed on something for you would agree to the right thing for the wrong reason
Re Trump/Biden rematch:
Orange Man Bad v Senile Old Fool take 2.
Douchbag vs. Shit Sammich...and either candidate could be either!
There are positions in your administration you would put diversity hires in
Da fuq is this logic?!
Woke liberaltarianism. See the last big L candidate and her anti racist messaging.
There is a desperation from an insignificant portion of people calling themselves libertarian to tie them to today's defined liberals. Think tanks and cocktail parties are corrupting.
Reason started downhill when the DC office opened.
A million times this
^ +1
Put "diversity" hires up your ass.
Is Trump libertarian? Of course not. But on certain policies, he's advanced the libertarian position more than anyone in decades. His education policy -- which I don't think Boaz discusses -- involved the biggest move towards the libertarian position since the DoE got created. He's also the least inclined of recent presidents to cooperate with international organizations or agreements that abridge the liberty of Americans: fx the Paris Accords, or the UN in general.
Do Trump's policies overlap with libertarianism in too few instances? Yes, certainly. But do Biden's overlap in any? If so, someone please point them out. And note, I said libertarianism, not Boaz's "cosmopolitanism."
Boaz is simply one more TDS-addled shit.
Cosmopolitanism is their codeword for "globalism"
Regarding those (me included) who point out that Trump is the most libertarian POTUS for the last century, Boaz responds:
"...Yes, there were. I had lots of fights. I blocked more people that year on Facebook than ever before. I had a lot of fights with old friends who said, "He's the most libertarian president." I mean, when he was running…he said he would cut taxes. Any Republican that year would've been campaigning on tax cuts. He said he would cut regulation. He did campaign against immigration and against trade. I never did understand. I guess he said, "Drill, baby, drill." So libertarians who thought of American energy independence, or at least production, liked it..."
Put more clearly, he DOESN'T respond; he points this way and that, but never responds to the claim.
TDS-addled shits really can't get over it.
I'd been hoping that referred to, among other things, libertarians not acknowledging Trump as a fairly substantial win. But then I thought, Dave Boaz? Probably not what he meant.
"Dave Boaz?" TDS-addled pile of shit. Note above he was totally incapable or refuting the obvious statement of fact, instead wandering off into a 'well this and that' word salad.
Boaz, either reply to this statement or admit you are one more steaming pile of TDS-addled shit:
"Trump was/is the POTUS who provided the most libertarian policies and appointments than any POTUS since Silent Cal."
Put up, or shut up.
And you had better to be ready to show your work as opposed to hoping to be given a pass as being a tired pile of supposedly 'libertarian' shit. Grow up, instead of growing old.
Might there have been more in the audio? I don't have the patience to listen to that, but the condensed transcript was so glaringly devoid of it I thought maybe...?
And it's not about growing old. He was like this 45 years ago too. I thought, though, that maybe he'd be over it by now, same as he distinguished his take on Reagan at the time compared to years later. (Mine too! I was very critical of Reagan 40 years ago, but came to appreciate him in subsequent years.)
Boaz acknowledges he was "not like this" 45 years ago.
I am with LINCOLN
ALL created equal
ALL with inalienable rights
Govt exists to protect those rights.
None of this goes with David's thinking
Drop the Utilitarianism and get moral
"When Judge Douglas says that whoever or whatever community wants slaves, they have a right to have them, he is perfectly logical if there is nothing wrong in the institution; but if you admit that it is wrong, he cannot logically say that any body has a right to do wrong."
David celebrates destruction under the aegis of freedom
It is freeing that Blacks now have almost 6X the abortion rate of whites, that most Black marriages fail,and the Black males are more likely to NOT have a father than to have.
This is David's joy, people supposedly flexing their muscles. BUT almost all that 'freedom' was historically coerced.
David will have climate and environmentalism do whatever people want, Yippee but he would never see the conncetion with the dissolution of the family.
A now 17-year odl study on urban sprawl and pollutioni and guess what the big culprit is
Broken Homes Damage the Environment
A really inconvenient truth: divorce increases the environmental footprint of families
a stunning study and David is in the utter dark
"When Liu and Yu calculated the cost in terms of increased utilities and unused housing space per capita, they discovered that divorce eliminates economies of scale. Among the findings:
In the United States alone in 2005, divorced households used 73 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and 627 billion gallons of water that could have been saved had household size remained the same as that of married households. Thirty-eight million extra rooms were needed with associated costs for heating and lighting.
Between 1998 and 2002, in the United States and 11 other countries (among them Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Greece, Mexico and South Africa), if divorced households had combined to attain the same average household size as married households, there could have been 7.4 million fewer households in these countries.
Around the year 2000, the numbers of divorced households in the 12 countries ranged from 40,000 in Costa Rica to almost 16 million in the United States.
In divorced households the number of rooms per person was 33 to 95 percent greater than that in married households.
To track what happens when divorced people returned to married life, the study compared married households with households that had weathered marriage, divorce and remarriage. The results: The environmental footprint shrunk back to that of consistently married households."
Wow, that is a Guinness book stupid comment ". It was in great part "a revolution against the established churches."
Even after the Constitution there were established churches, and 2) that was a restriction of Federal Government. and 3) The Founders had profound hopes that government would encourage religion. YOu always go for the classical and you can adduce Founders for that but that does not mean they felt the Jews inferior, they felt them SUPERIOR to the classical cultures
The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.
John Adams
A new 3-volume set representing 8 years work gives the religious views of all 118 Founders. Read it, and repent of being an uninformed moron.
In Their Own Words, Volume 1, The New England Colonies by Judge Boonstra
In Their Own Words, Volume 2, The Middle Colonies
In Their Own Words, Volume 3, The Southern Colonies
almost 2000 pages. you might find 4-5 whom you could mangle into semi-agreement with you 🙂
Yet not one word in the Constitution mentioned Christianity or any other religion, nor even God or The Lord except in the date, which means nothing unless you think we’re Pagans for using the name of the Months and the Days of the Week.
Wrong and makes the Declaration mere rhetoric.
It was Christianity that led to speaking of God as Natural Theology does so that we all could start with Reason
Jefferson uses the term "Nature's God." Later, he uses "Creator" and lastly "Divine Providence."
So John Adams is vindicated
The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.
John Adams
Learn a lesson from a FOUNDER
The founders and the revolutionists tended toward deism rather than theism. It was Thomas Paine, who wrote “Common Sense” and “The American Crisis” which helped spark the revolution, who also wrote the deist tract, “The Age of Reason”. It’s significant that the only place God is mentioned in the founding documents is in the first sentence of the Declaration, “Nature’s God”. Not the God of Abraham nor the God of Jesus, rather the God of nature, the deists’ god.
David misreads Libertarianism.Remember in "The Republic" where Plato shows that a natural development in a society such as ours is for many to realize what is wrong but to be too undeducated or smart or caring to know what is right.
That is libertraianism as I've tracked it for 20 years.
I could give many examples.
"Helping' Blacks by supporting abortion when black women abort at 6X the non-Black rate. Raving about economic help when 2/3 of Black families have no father present
No,David, is a very common type of person. A Peterson, a Hirshi Ali, a Tom Holland --- but one who blocks out religion , morals,and the horrors in front of his eyes if he can only somewhere, somehow see a 'Freedom" even if it is a horrible freedom
So your words about regulation are belied by what you support Take abortion and the 14th amendment
"When the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted in 1868, the states widely recognized unborn children as persons. Twenty-three states and six territories referred to the fetus as a “child” in their laws prohibiting abortion. Twenty-eight classified abortion as an “offense against the person,” or a functionally equivalent classification. These statutes were enacted in recognition of unborn human beings’ full and equal membership in the human family. In Ohio, the same legislature that ratified the Fourteenth Amendment in January 1867 passed legislation criminalizing abortion at all stages just three months later. Several senators who voted for the Fourteenth Amendment’s ratification sat on the committee that reviewed the anti-abortion bill. They acknowledged in their report that “physicians have now arrived at the unanimous opinion that the foetus in utero is alive from the very moment of conception,” and declared on that basis that abortion “at any stage of existence” is “child-murder.” In light of the historical evidence, there can be little doubt that the original public meaning of the term “person” in 1868 included unborn children."
Dude, you got abortion on the brain. Regardless of any opinions of the 1860s, a fertilized egg, a zygote, does not possess the brain cells to eventually have human-level rational consciousness, without further brain development. Once it has the number of brain cells to eventually support human consciousness, then it could be be said to be a person with rights. That doesn't happen until 6th or so month of pregnancy. Our rights derive from our rational capacity. Before the fetus possesses the brain cells necessary to eventually possess rational capacity, it can't be rationally said to possess any more rights than the lower animals.