
Obama's Recovery That Wasn't; Plus: How to Really Cut Defense Spending!

Matt Welch & Kennedy preview Reason's brand-new issue


"Today, everybody agrees that the recession is over and the question is what the pace of the expansion is going to be," said National Economic Council head Larry Summers…on December 13, 2009!

Almost every month since President Obama took office, a different member of his administration has offered a wildly optimistic prediction about the upwards direction of the economy.

"The Recovery That Wasn't," the cover story of Reason's brand-new October issue, juxtaposes those phony proclamations with the actual economic data to make a comical (and sad) commentary on the state of the job market during the Obama years.

Reason Editor in Chief Matt Welch met up with Kennedy on a rooftop in New York City to talk about "The Recovery That Wasn't" and other highlights from the new issue.

The stories from the October issue will be rolled out at Reason.com over the coming weeks. Click here for a list of stories that are already on the web.

Subscribers to the print edition of Reason receive their issues a month before the stories go live online. A year's subscription is just $14.97 for 11 issues. Click here to order now!

About 3.30 minutes. Shot by Jim Epstein and Anthony Fisher, and edited by Epstein.

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