Virginia Postrel is a contributing editor for Works in Progress and the author, most recently, of The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World. She writes essays at
Virginia Postrel
Latest from Virginia Postrel
Prescription for Trouble
Online pharmacies challenge traditional medical models, and the regulatory backlash threatens broader Internet freedoms.
After Socialism
Now the greatest threats to freedom come from those seeking stability and the "one best way."
Dangerous Remedy
The other problem with extending Medicare
Learning to love the future
Our anxiety about what's to come is just the wish for things to stand still.
The Pleasantville Solution
The war on "sprawl" promises "livability" but delivers repression, intolerance--and more traffic.
Misplacing the Blame for Our Troubles on 'Flat, Not Tall' Spaces
Culture:The anti-sprawl technocrats crave 'density,' which they believe is more efficient and more interesting.
Dilbert's Doctrines
Cartoonist Scott Adams on cubicles, capitalism, and the angst of the knowledge worker. Interviewed by Virginia Postrel.
The Bonds of Life
Society depends on rules. But what sort of rules enliven our world--and what sort stifle it?
Stars in Her Eyes
Astronomer Sallie Baliunas on sunspots, global warming, and the benefits of privately funded science
No Telling
The push for Internet privacy controls combines a bad theory with a dangerous agenda.