Steve Chapman is a columnist and editorial writer for the Chicago Tribune.
Cigarettes and Compulsion
Graphic cigarette warnings aren't effective or constitutional.
Graphic cigarette warnings aren't effective or constitutional.
Afghanistan is a medieval country that we can barely begin to understand.
If you want to find wisdom about gasoline markets, avoid Washington, D.C.
Believers have found Barack Obama and his Justice Department to be staunch allies.
Among those who sorely miss the Cold War, China serves as an endless source of fear and loathing.
Ending factory farming without government intervention
We've heard this warning before. It's still wrong.
Foreign policy under Obama is not much different from what we would have expected had Bush stayed for a third term.
Romney doesn't have an obvious reason to run for president. That's his trouble. Gingrich does. That's his.
Experience indicates that freedom can coexist with general access to contraception.
The state should not force kids to stay in school until they're 18.
Obama has appointed to the Supreme Court people who don't entirely share his taste for aggressive statism.
Amending the Constitution was meant to be hard, which is why it seldom happens
To many Americans, Romney and Huntsman represent a faith that most of them know little about. To Chapman, it's been a trip down memory lane.
The Republican presidential race now moves from New Hampshire to South Carolina, but it's really taking place in an upside-down Lake Wobegon.
The candidate who criticized Bush-Cheney became the president who continued their legacy
Today, your chance of being murdered is lower than it was in the late 1950s, a time of enviable peace and order.
This was a year of freedom and hope across the globe.
Gay rights are America's values, according to America's people.
It will come as news to the prime minister that Russia may not endure him forever.
When it comes to religious freedom, he's not a reliable friend.
If there's class warfare going on, Obama is not going to get any medals.
Neither Is a "true" conservative, but at least Romney could win.
Scientists are split over whether salt is a silent killer, or just a silent seasoning.
A balanced budget amendment won't halt the growth of big government
In trying to be all things to all people, Romney sounds like nothing much to anyone.
Magical thinking is no substitute for verifiable facts.
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