Reason Staff
Latest from Reason Staff
Deadline This Week: Intern at Reason This Summer!
Applications are due Thursday.
Steve Chapman: Liberal Policies vs. Affordable Housing
The chronic shortage of inexpensive housing is really a blaring signal for government to get out of the way.
Sheldon Richman on Rethinking America's Relationship With Israel
Maybe Israeli politicians will act more responsibly if they don't have the American people to fall back on.
Baylen Linnekin: Socially Engineering Food Choices Doesn't Work
To say that Los Angeles merely failed would be putting it mildly.
David Harsanyi on Obama's Signature Achievement
Obama is working to nail down a wide-ranging global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, accomplished with unprecedented executive fiat.
Ronald Bailey Explains How Real Factories Will Replace Factory Farms
Room for buffalo to roam and antelope to play.
Kurt Loder Reviews The Divergent Series: Insurgent and Kumiko: The Treasure Hunter
Shailene Woodley in a sub-par sequel and Rinko Kikuchi in an overhyped Sundance item.
Steve Chapman: Change Comes, Even to Mormons
Mormons are learning what followers of other religions know: It's possible they will change the culture, but it's certain the culture will change them.
Christopher Preble: GOP Budgetary Shenanigans Shield Pentagon From Tough Choices
Busting the budget caps virtually ensures that necessary reforms within the Pentagon will be kicked down the road.
Andrew Napolitano on Clinton Putting Herself Above the Law
What if Hillary Clinton's emails were hacked by foreign agents when she was the secretary of state?
Shikha Dalmia on the Rubio-Lee Tax Reform Plan
It's conservative social engineering atop pro-growth reforms
Brendan O'Neill: Stop Smearing Critics of Islam as Islamophobes
Branding everything a "phobia" stifles meaningful debate.
Andrea Castillo: Will Robots Take Our Jobs?
For now humans make sub-par robots and robots make sub-par humans.
Robin Hanson Reviews Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future
Seeing dark omens of catastrophe in new tech demos.
Sheldon Richman on Libertarian Straw Men
The latest cheap shot is David Masciotra's piece at Alternet, '"You're Not The Boss of Me!' Why Libertarianism Is a Childish Sham."
Peter Suderman: The History of Science Fiction Robots
How science fiction androids became real-life machines.
Noah Berlatsky on the Government's Crusade Against Classifieds
The hope seems to be that negative publicity will shut down, or at least its "adult" listings section, just as Craigslist closed its erotic services listings in 2010 under similar pressure.
Baylen Linnekin Interviews the Sponsor of Wyoming's Food Freedom Act
"The free market is suddenly hip on the farm again."
Ronald Bailey Explains that Doomsters Mistake Peak Prices for "Peak Everything"
On the downward side of the latest super-cycle
Kurt Loder Reviews: Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief and The Wrecking Crew
Strange tales from the church of Xenu, and the secret weapon of '60s rock.
Steve Chapman: Sports Stadiums Throw Taxpayers for a Loss
It's a play fake that never fails.
David Harsanyi: Why Won't Anyone Challenge Hillary?
The fact that Hillary has been running in an open election as if she were the incumbent is fairly unprecedented in modern politics.
Sheldon Richman on Republicans' Iran Plans
Republican hardliners don't really want a "better deal" with Iran, they want war.
Elizabeth Nolan Brown on Sex, Love, and Robots
Will sex robots be more like vibrators, pets, partners, or slaves?
Andrew Napolitano on the Clinton Email Scandal
Keeping work documents from the government as Clinton did is a felony, punishable by up to three years in prison and permanent disqualification from holding public office.