A Rancher Cloned a Giant Sheep. The Feds Jailed Him for Allegedly Risking Ecological Disaster.
Federal prosecutors said creating hybrid animals is "unnatural," yet the practice is common in the game industry.
Federal prosecutors said creating hybrid animals is "unnatural," yet the practice is common in the game industry.
Elizabeth Ann, a black-footed ferret, was cloned from cells of another ferret that were cryopreserved at the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance's Frozen Zoo.
Will Smith fights his younger clone in this ambitious but underwhelming action thriller.
Creation of artificial mouse embryos provokes bioethical handwringing about designer babies
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the birth of the first cloned mammal
But not food from the animals' offspring
Non-profit says it's to fight climate change
Have grown embryos containing frog's DNA
DNA can't survive more than a few million years to be cloned
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