Social Conservative Groups Upset at GOP Silence on Gay Discrimination Bill
Only one senator actually spoke against it
Senate Passes Bill to Outlaw Anti-Gay Job Discrimination
Will head to the House, where there is significant resistance
Senator Pushing Drone Privacy Bill
Would require law enforcement officials to get warrant for surveillance
Sens. McConnell, Paul Hoping To Attach Right-to-Work Amendment to ENDA
Unlikely Democrats in the Senate will let right-to-work legislation go before Obama
Bill Preventing Anti-Gay Job Discrimination Passes Senate Hurdle
Prospects in the House not so good
Bill Banning Anti-Gay Job Discrimination Has Votes to Pass Senate
House passage is not likely
Senate Mulls Outlawing Anti-Gay Job Discrimination; What Will Come of Freedom of Association?
Most Americans now support such laws
Biden Urging Senators Not To Impose New Iran Sanctions
Don't want to put diplomatic resolution at risk
The NSA Reform Bill That Isn't Pushes Forward
The bill by the woman who loves (most) NSA surveillance fails to reform NSA surveillance. Imagine that.
Rand Paul Says It's Likely Yellen Will Be Confirmed as Next Fed Chair
Despite his attempts to block the confirmation process
Senate Democrats Express Frustration Over Obamacare Site Fiasco
Some of them have elections next year to worry about
Senate Committee Votes for Feinstein's Surveillance Non-Reform
Authorizes mass collection of telephone metadata
Senators Question Government Security Clearance Process
Want to know why Aaron Alexis' police records weren't uncovered
Senators Debate 'Stand-Your-Ground' Laws
A show for the cameras about state-level self-defense laws
Senate Intel Committee Orders Review of Surveillance
Not happy with surveillance of leaders
Apparently, Secret Surveillance of Powerful People Is What It Takes to Make Sen. Feinstein Worry
Now that it affects important people, she wants a full surveillance review
Reid Promises ENDA Vote on Gender Identity Protection in Workplace Before Thanksgiving
Not going anywhere in the house
Former GOP Senator Has Harsh Words For Republicans
Lowell Weicker used to represent Connecticut
Sen. Feinstein Planning To Introduce Bill Codifying NSA's Phone Records Program
Says the legislation would increase oversight
CISPA Mounts Yet Another Comeback
Is Sen. Feinstein just simply unable to read the mood on privacy right now?
Sen. Cruz Says He's Not in the Senate To Find 99 New Friends
Obamacare defunding strategy didn't please a lot of people
Senate to Vote on Government Shutdown Bill in Late Afternoon, Early Evening
Then the bill goes to the House
Senate Deal Would Fund Government Through January 15, Set Up Special Committee to Negotiate Remainder of Budget
Raises the debt limit to cover spending projected through February 7
White House: Obama "Applauds" Senate Government Shutdown, Debt Ceiling Deal
Wants Congress to act soon
Senate Announces Debt Ceiling, Government Shutdown Deal
Must be approved by Republicans in the House
House To Vote on Senate Government Shutdown, Debt Ceiling Plan
Unclear if Obama will have a bill to sign by today
Obama Delays Meeting with Congressional Leaders
Seen as a move to give senators more time to deal
Sen. Corker Says "Republicans Are "in a Bad Place"
Government shutdown has not been good for party unity
Democrats Reject Sen. Collins' Budget Proposal
Would have extended government funding for six months and increase debt limit through January
Bipartisan Group of Senators Preparing Measure To Reopen Government
Senate meeting today to vote on lifting borrowing cap
Obama To Meet With GOP Senators at White House To Discuss Fiscal Stalemate
Second week of shutdown
Democrats in the Senate To Try and Pass Measure To Increase Debt Ceiling
Could be unveiled today