How Trump Imperils Free Markets and Personal Liberties
Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank provides a helpful summary, with a little help from me.
Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank provides a helpful summary, with a little help from me.
Carr advocates greater control over social media by federal regulators, despite a reputation for supporting free speech.
"[I]n seeking to hold Cooper Union liable for [students'] expression, [plaintiff] cannot help but say the quiet part loud: sweeping otherwise-protected political expression into the hostility analysis will create pressure on institutions 'to suppress speech to ensure compliance with Title VI,' causing 'regulated entities to adopt restrictive policies in an effort to avoid liability' for a hostile environment."
Most courts have ruled that vanity license plates are private speech and protected from viewpoint discrimination under the First Amendment.
The award-winning journalist discusses the collapse of a post–World War II consensus, online speech police, and the legacy media on the latest episode of Just Asking Questions.
The authors of a picture book about two male penguins raising a chick together argue excluding their book from school libraries violates their free speech rights.
Elon Musk's vague White House role is only controversial because he's trying to slash bureaucracy.
After a lawsuit from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, the city backed down. But it's still part of a worrying trend.
Chairman Andrew Ferguson’s assault on "Big Tech censorship" aims to override editorial decisions protected by the First Amendment.
Interim U.S. Attorney Ed Martin puts loyalty to Donald Trump ahead of loyalty to the Constitution.
"It was blamed on a new hire who hadn't 'fully absorbed' the startup's culture."
Combine moral zealotry with increasingly blurred lines between political speech and violence long enough, and the outcome is predictable.
The president's portrayal of journalism he does not like as consumer fraud is legally frivolous and blatantly unconstitutional.
But though other Justices had expressed doubt about Hill before, only Justices Thomas and Alito noted their willingness to grant review in this case.
Is Florida forgetting that the First Amendment applies there too?
"It's shameful that government officials would use the criminal legal process to censor art and expression."
Federal Trade Commission Chair Andrew Ferguson hypocritically engages in the very partisanship for which he faults the American Bar Association.
Free speech experts say the takedown order is a clear example of unconstitutional prior restraint under the First Amendment.
Kirk Wolff set out to peacefully protest Trump's plan to take over Gaza. Then an administrator and a police officer drove by.
can go forward, the Eighth Circuit rules.
Margaret Brennan should immediately Google the Weimar Fallacy.
Place names in American English are defined by what American English speakers call them, not what the President tells us to call them.
The Munich Security Conference was supposed to be a foreign policy forum. Instead, the vice president lectured Europeans about democracy.
Conway, New Hampshire, is trying to make a local bakery take down a mural of colorful baked goods. The bakery says that violates its First Amendment rights.
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"no matter how challenging or controversial a topic may be."
So holds the Florida Court of Appeal, rejecting the members' claim that they aren't subject to personal jurisdiction in Florida. The majority doesn't discuss the substantive merits of the case.
A dust-up over geographical nomenclature is silly, but it signals the Trump administration's hostility to the First Amendment and freedom of the press.
"Lily accused Gunther of 'Gaslighting' (underscoring omitted) by denying he suffered from steroid-induced rages during their marriage and denying Lily's contributions to Gunther's career success."
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