
Tonight on The Independents: Mystery Meat Wednesday, With Ralph Nader, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Melissa Francis, Paul Mecurio…Talking Executions, Corporate Welfare, Asteroids, Benghazi, Economic Malaise, and National Honesty Day (Bumped)


Tonight's episode of The Independents (Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT) will continue the recent trend toward WTF (Winning the Future!) juxtapositions on Wednesdays, as an interview with Obama-impeacher Ralph Nader transitions into a discussion on Benghazi, asteroid scare-mongering (I hope!) with Bill Nye the Science Guy presages a National Honesty Day round of mutual criticism among the co-hosts, and so on.

Party Panelists are Fox Business anchor Melissa Francis and Wall Street lawyer-turned comedian Paul Mecurio, who will discuss Oklahoma's cinematically awful execution, the U.S. economy's spectacularly sluggish growth, Texas Gov. Rick Perry's pot-sweetening in the Toyota relocation deal, and the high cost of regulation.

Speaking of Melissa Francis, she participated in an Independents real-or-fake contest about horrifying government laws and regulations last Friday:

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