Jason Talley and Pete Eyre's Excellent Adventure—Move over, Merry Pranksters, and hit the bricks, Jack Kerouac! There's new crew on the road in search of freedom!
Here's a heart-warming scene from today's America: Two liberty-loving, new-media-savvy lads, Jason Talley of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation and Pete Eyre of Bureaucrash, have left Washington, D.C. in an RV to tool around America and tell tales of freedom and oppression. Driving north to New Hampshire, they'll be heading west and lighting out for Los Angeles. And then they'll head back east.
Tally and Eyre are blogging, tweeting, and YouTubing their adventures and encounters along the way at
Shortly before this latter-day, Rothbard-grokking Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarity hit the road, they sat down and talked with about their trip. And how they plan to avoid the apocalyptic outcomes of RV movies such as Race with the Devil and Lost in America.
Approximately seven minutes. Interview by Nick Gillespie; shot by Dan Hayes and Meredith Bragg; edited by Dan Hayes.
Go here for embed code and iPod and HD versions.
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