Are Books and Brains Weapons? The U.S. Government Thinks So.
Sending user manuals, algorithms, and lines of code can be legally equivalent to exporting bombs.

Oleg Tishchenko logged onto the Digital Combat Simulator fan forum in 2011 and posted an innocuous request: "Help needed with eBay item shipping." Tishchenko was the lead avionics programmer for Eagle Dynamics, which produces the simulation game, and he had found an old F-16 fighter jet flight manual for sale. But the seller wasn't shipping outside of the United States, so Tishchenko needed someone to pick up the book and mail it to Russia.
It made sense. Tishchenko's job at Eagle Dynamics was "to make a picture that looks like what you'd see in real life," he told the Russian opposition magazine Meduza. "If a certain device displays velocity in real life, it should display velocity in our games too." He had ordered dozens of flight manuals before without any problem, but a few forum users warned Tishchenko the book might be covered by U.S. weapons laws.
"I thought they were being overly cautious, that it was some kind of super law-abiding American thing," he later told Meduza. "I knew it wasn't just eBay where these things were being sold. There are websites selling the same exact manuals that just keep on going without a problem."
The post, however, had caught some unwanted attention. Tishchenko's eBay account was banned. An undercover agent approached him online, asking Tishchenko to meet outside Russia to buy more fighter jet manuals. When Tishchenko applied for a visa to visit Germany, an official at the German consulate told him he couldn't enter Europe due to a weapons-smuggling investigation.
In summer 2018, when Tishchenko was at a concert in the Republic of Georgia, a group of Georgian police burst in and pulled him away from the woman he was dancing with. He was arrested and handed to a pair of U.S. Marshals at the airport in Tbilisi. Tishchenko pleaded guilty to Arms Export Control Act violations and was sentenced to time served. The U.S. government, which had gone through all the trouble of taking Tishchenko in, flew him back to Russia a few months later.
Sharing weapon manuals illegally has become something of a running joke among video game fans ever since. Players of War Thunder, a Hungarian competitor to Digital Combat Simulator, have taken to posting military documents on the fan forum every few months. No doubt wary of facing the same fate as Tishchenko, War Thunder founder Anton Yudintsev went to The Washington Post in 2022 to beg fans to knock it off.
For the most part, user manuals shouldn't be seen as legally sensitive. They're not blueprints for manufacturing weapons; they are merely guides for using them, meant for ordinary troops to read. Neither the book that Tishchenko bought nor most of the PDFs being posted to the War Thunder forum are classified; any American can own one of these manuals, legally.
Despite all that, weapons manuals are considered "munitions" under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) set by the U.S. State Department. Thus, "exporting" one or even showing it to a foreigner is legally equivalent to exporting a bomb. And the federal government's overly capacious vision of information as ammunition goes far beyond fighter jet manuals.
Weaponized Algorithms
Until the late 1990s, encryption algorithms were also on the U.S. Munitions List, making it illegal for foreigners to download certain American-made web browsers.
Beyond ITAR, the U.S. Commerce Department's Export Administration Regulations (EAR) strictly control "dual-use" technologies that could be used in war or weapons manufacturing. Space satellites, carbon fiber materials, underwater rebreathers, high-end night-vision goggles, lasers, supercomputers, and even certain types of medical equipment are all covered by these regulations. In some cases, people who clearly had no intent of doing anything of a military nature with certain objects have been treated by the U.S. government as potential weapons smugglers.
Earlier this year, the U.S. government announced it would tighten its enforcement of these rules even further. "There are going to have to be some penalties that get everyone's attention," Matthew Axelrod, assistant secretary for export control at the Department of Commerce, told a group of law students in January 2024, according to Reuters. "I think we're on the cusp of that." He cited a $300 million fine against California electronics company Seagate Technology for selling hard drives to Chinese telecom giant Huawei.
Arms export laws might seem in theory a sensible use of government power. The weapons industry is not really a free market, since all the customers are other governments or governmentlike forces. And private companies in the U.S. probably shouldn't be arming potential foreign aggressors, let alone wartime enemies.
The U.S. arms control system, however, has grown into something quite different from a ban on gunrunning. Since the Cold War, these export control laws have been used as a tool for slowing down the development of peacetime competitors. For example, the Department of Commerce has been tightening the rules on exporting semiconductors to China for any purpose, claiming that artificial intelligence could be used by the Chinese military.
These restrictions have done a lot of collateral damage, bringing down the full force of the national security state on everyone from scuba suppliers to cancer researchers. They've blocked scientists from sharing lifesaving data with foreign colleagues.
For most of U.S. history, the government was concerned with taxing and regulating imports coming into the country, not exports leaving U.S. soil. But the age of industrial warfare brought new concerns that exports could be dangerous, either by empowering enemies or by dragging the United States into conflicts the country wanted no part in. Congress passed the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1917 (which gave the president new powers to impose economic sanctions) and the Neutrality Acts in the 1930s (a series of laws banning weapons exports to countries engaged in a war, even conflicts the U.S. was not a party to).
The export control system was overhauled several times after World War II. The United States founded the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls, or CoCom, a coalition of capitalist nations that agreed to keep strategic technologies out of Communist hands. CoCom was abolished after the Soviet Union collapsed, but our own domestic export controls—ITAR and EAR—stayed.
Cryptography was the first time the public policy problems with these export controls made big news. Before the advent of personal computers and electronic banking, encrypted communications were almost always a military technology. Then, in 1976, a scientist drank too much at a Passover ceremony. In a fit of wine-drunk genius, Ron Rivest devised the Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) algorithm, which would allow two people to share encrypted messages without exchanging a secret key beforehand, a feat mathematicians had thought impossible.
For the first time in history, complete strangers could encrypt their communications without special equipment or a codebook. In 1991, another scientist named Phil Zimmermann used RSA to create Pretty Good Privacy, the first encrypted email software for consumers, and allowed a friend to post the software for free online.
"If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy. Intelligence agencies have access to good cryptographic technology. So do the big arms and drug traffickers. So do defense contractors, oil companies, and other corporate giants," Zimmermann wrote in a 1995 essay. "But ordinary people and grassroots political organizations mostly have not had access to affordable military grade public-key cryptographic technology. Until now."
Zimmermann received volumes of mail from people around the world thanking him for keeping their communications safe from governments. His software was being used by everyone from human rights defenders in the former Soviet Union to rebels in Burma, according to The Code Book, a 1999 history of cryptography by Simon Singh. The U.S. government, though, was not a fan of Zimmermann's privacy-protecting product.
The Department of Justice opened a grand jury investigation into Zimmermann, alleging that he was, in essence, smuggling a weapon through the internet. After a massive outcry from both the software industry and First Amendment advocates, the prosecutors dropped the case. His lawyer Philip Dubois speculated that, facing such a loud backlash from civil libertarians, "the government did not want to get into a public argument about some important policy issues."
Meanwhile, the tech company Netscape used the same RSA algorithm to create Secure Sockets Layer, a system for encrypting logins and credit card transactions on the web. (Any website that starts with https is protected that way.) In order to avoid being prosecuted, Netscape created two different versions of its browser, a "U.S. edition" with strong encryption and an "international edition" with weaker, Washington-approved encryption that could easily be broken.
Export control laws were becoming a laughingstock. A popular T-shirt among computer scientists featured the RSA algorithm, along with the label "WARNING: This shirt is classified as a munition and may not be exported from the United States, or shown to a foreign national." Years later, in 2008, when Congress and telecom providers were discussing mandatory internet filtering, the webcomic xkcd joked that "we should've lobbied to keep [encryption] counted as weaponry. Once they get complacent, we break out the Second Amendment."
Then-President Bill Clinton finally gave in, moving cryptographic software from the Munitions List to the dual-use list in 1996. The U.S. Department of Commerce still requires tech companies to notify them before publishing new encryption software, though.
Weaponized Proteins
Cryptographers are not the only civilian scientists the U.S. government has tried to punish for international collaboration. During the Trump administration, an Iranian medical researcher's attempts to explore potential stem cell innovations led to a bizarre international criminal case.
In 2016, medical professor Masoud Soleimani asked for a favor from a former student, Mahboobe Ghaedi, who then worked at AstraZeneca in Maryland. Soleimani—no relation to the now-dead general—needed some protein samples for his research, which strove to find ways to use stem cells to treat diseases such as cancer, liver cirrhosis, and diabetes. The samples would cost $40,000 in Iran but only $8,000 in America, so he wanted to order them to Ghaedi's address and have her bring them to Iran next time she visited.
The professor made similar requests of Maryam Jazayeri, another former student of his in America, and Matteo Taerri, a Florida doctor whose nephew had studied under Soleimani. Unfortunately for all of them, airport security did not like the look of Ghaedi's protein samples. U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated the materials and let Ghaedi go on her merry way. Unbeknownst to her, the feds began secretly building a case—and won sealed grand jury indictments for export violations against all of the scientists.
Then they laid a trap. The government granted Soleimani a visa to attend a Mayo Clinic research program in Minnesota but revoked his visa and had him arrested at the airport. Federal agents pounced on Ghaedi, Jazayeri, and Taerri soon after. Department of Commerce official Ariel Leinwand accused the scientists of "a very large conspiracy" to export items that could be used "for chemical and biological warfare purposes."
Iran? Weapons of mass destruction? Sounds terrifying—if it were anything more than a tall tale. In reality, the materials were going toward research into tissue regeneration. Lawyers for Ghaedi argued that the samples had "no potential nefarious use that would jeopardize the United States or its people." U.S. Attorney Greg Pizzo came close to conceding as much, arguing that it is "frankly irrelevant" under export law whether there was "an innocent use for these items."
The Trump administration wasn't really interested in bringing these scientists to justice for failing to do their paperwork, it turns out. Instead, they were bargaining chips in a hostage exchange. Iran had jailed Princeton University historian Xiyue Wang on even more egregiously trumped-up charges while he was doing work at an Iranian archive. The Trump administration sent Soleimani back to Iran in exchange for Wang's freedom and later let Taerri go as part of an exchange for an American tourist jailed in Iran.
"Thank you to Iran on a very fair negotiation," President Donald Trump stated after the Wang-Soleimani exchange. "See, we can make a deal together!" Once the exchange was concluded, prosecutors quietly dropped the charges against Ghaedi and Jazayeri. Export control laws had been just vague enough to use as a political tool—one effective at grabbing hostages.
Weaponized Breathing
The U.S. government has made clear over and over again that, even as it throws around vague insinuations that exporters are threatening national security, it doesn't actually have to prove a nefarious use for the goods.
In 2016, Libyan-American businessman Osama Bensadik told Peter Sotis, a scuba equipment supplier in Florida, that he wanted rebreathers for a shipwreck dive in the Mediterranean Sea. Sotis agreed to sell the equipment and teach Bensadik how to dive but found out that he couldn't ship the rebreathers to Libya due to export restrictions. Sotis told Bensadik that he was free to pick up the equipment from the warehouse in Florida.
A week after Sotis handed over the rebreathers to Bensadik, the U.S. Department of Commerce called Sotis, asking about the shipment. Sotis played dumb. Soon after, customs officials in a European country confiscated the rebreathers at the border, and the U.S. government indicted Sotis for violating the EAR, even though he wasn't even the person who shipped them out of the country.Prosecutors noted that rebreathers are better suited for stealthy military operations than are other types of scuba gear, because they do not leave behind a trail of bubbles.
"If someone wants to pick something up from us and ship it overseas, it's none of our business," Sotis later told the Miami Herald. "How do I stop a shipment from a company I didn't hire?" In a separate interview with the FlKeysNews, he called it "just ridiculous" to say that his customers were "terrorists."
While diving off the coast of Libya may sound like a strange hobby—and Bensadik had driven an ambulance during the Libyan civil war—the feds never proved the scuba gear was meant for anything other than shipwreck exploration. In fact, they never even tried. Rather than putting Bensadik on trial for whatever allegedly dangerous activities they thought he was planning, prosecutors focused entirely on Sotis and his store manager Emilie Voissem. Both of them were convicted and imprisoned—Sotis for 57 months, Voissem for five months—solely for disobeying the Department of Commerce.
Weaponized Accident Data
Not only does the long arm of U.S. export regulations reach into the depths of the sea and the human body, it also extends into outer space. Many types of spacecraft, both rockets and satellites, are on the Munitions List, meaning that they fall under ITAR. Given that information about weapons is regulated like the weapons themselves, that makes it hard for Americans to collaborate with or even hire foreigners in the space industry.
In the late 1990s, the Clinton administration decided to move satellites from the Munitions List to the less-restrictive EAR controls. Under the watchful eye of U.S. officials, American telecom companies began paying to launch their satellites on China's Long March rockets. When that experiment went wrong, it led to regulations that kneecapped the American space industry for over a decade.
The problem was that Chinese launch vehicles just weren't up to snuff. In December 1995, a Long March rocket carrying a Hughes Electronics satellite exploded in midair, killing at least six people on the ground. While the Chinese space program blamed the Hughes satellite, Hughes engineers determined the problem was the rocket's fairing, or nose cone.
Company lawyers debated what they were allowed to put in the accident report, both because rocket design was still covered by ITAR and because the Chinese government would be offended by the implication that its rockets were shoddy. They decided to wink and nudge the Chinese scientists toward a solution. "Politically we could not write down on paper that the fairing had failed," Hughes official John Perkins later testified. "This document was trying to say, 'We are not going to say that. Now, go fix the fairing.'"
Then, in February 1996, another Long March rocket carrying a Space Systems/Loral satellite exploded, destroying the hotel where foreign engineers were staying and burning to death between 56 and 200 Chinese bystanders. Several American companies joined an independent review board to figure out what was causing these deadly accidents. A Loral engineer sent the Chinese space program the committee's final report, which determined that the Long March rocket had a faulty measurement system. He redacted sensitive technical data before faxing it over.
The space industry thought it was providing helpful (and lifesaving) safety information to China. But the U.S. government treated the report as an illegal export of weapons technology. The Defense Department alleged in 1997 that the accident investigations would help China build up its ballistic missile program. Hughes had to pay a $32 million fine, and Loral had to pay another $14 million. All commercial satellites were moved back onto the Munitions List.
A University of Colorado Law Review article called it the "overreaction that destroyed an industry." The U.S. share of the global satellite market fell by 21 percent between 1996 and 2006. When the company Bigelow Aerospace wanted to test an inflatable space habitat called Genesis I, the U.S. government initially refused to allow Bigelow to "export" the metal frame and Kevlar sheeting to the launchpad in Russia unless the items were kept under 24/7 guard. After all, any satellite was legally a weapon.
"If the Genesis I stand were placed upside down, covered with a nice checkered tablecloth, and you put a couple of plates on it, one would be hard pressed to distinguish the stand from any other table already commonly available at Moscow's local IKEA outlet," a Bigelow executive complained. The feds eventually backed down on the guard requirement.
Finally, in 2013, the Obama administration and congressional Republicans moved (some) commercial satellites back from ITAR to the EAR, albeit with a ban on exports to China, North Korea, and countries accused of sponsoring terrorism. Nevertheless, export controls cast a long shadow over the space industry, especially since the rockets themselves are still considered weapons.
Weaponized Hiring
Probably the biggest day-to-day hurdle that ITAR creates for the space industry regards staffing. Any company that hires a "foreign person"—that is, someone without U.S. citizenship, a green card, or asylum status—needs a State Department license for that person to work on ITAR-controlled technology. The employer has to strictly document what information is given to the employee, including through casual conversations. Remember, sharing information about a "weapon" with a foreigner is seen by the government as the same as exporting the weapon itself.
Paired with civil rights law, export controls create a confusing situation for employers. After General Motors was fined $20 million for giving ITAR-controlled data to foreign employees in 2005, the company imposed strict ITAR compliance requirements. But those requirements were too strict, forcing green card holders to provide the company with their foreign passports. That policy caused the government to fine General Motors another $365,000 for discrimination in 2023.
When SpaceX announced that it would only hire U.S. citizens or green card holders to make ITAR compliance easier,the Justice Department sued SpaceX for discrimination based on immigration status. The case is currently held up due to procedural issues.
"The key is that companies are prohibited from restricting both hiring and staffing practices based on citizenship or national origin," attorney Lisa Mays told Bloomberg Law. "So even where a company would require an export license to employ a non-U.S. person in a position, the company must pick the best candidate and then apply for the required export license as necessary."
Mays accidentally captured the contradiction at the heart of the system. America wants to be a meritocracy, an engine of innovation where talent and know-how flow in freely. But it also wants to strictly control the knowledge that flows out.
The only way to do that is to construct and enforce an absurd view of the world—where books are fighter jets, lines of code are bullets, cancer researchers are potential bioterrorists, and an accident report is a blueprint to destroy the world.
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Yes, books and lines of code can be concidered weapons. The Rosenberg were just exporting loose leaf paper.
If an American gave the axis powers a book on the najvio language that would have been treason.
Your government knows the power of propaganda and has used it against you for centuries.
It’s modern form refined by Sigmund Freud reverse engineering psychosis.
All that’s needed is control of the media and the willingness to lie – big.
Hasn’t the government demonstrated this enough to prove it to you?
This documentary lays it out perfectly clearly.
We all see you as the product of a very serious (and horribly vile) form of propaganda. Please make the world a better place: FOAD.
It’s the Joooooosssssss!
But somehow the party that wants to cancel Jews thinks the leader of the other side is Hitler.
If you’re threatening free speech, you’re the fascist
If you’re trying to disenfranchise the voting rights of others, you’re the fascist
If you’re trying to control the language of others, you’re the fascist
If you're trying to control the news, you’re the fascist
If you're financing an enormous eugenics op against blacks, you’re the fascist
If you hate the Joooz and are attacking them in the streets and vandalizing their businesses, you’re the fascist
If you're telling young gays that they're really women and castrating them, you’re the fascist
If you’re committing a holocaust in Gaza, you’re a fascist.
Yes, your Hamas friends are committing a genocide.
Technically they aren't doing that, but if their official charter and leadership are to be believed, that's only because they lack the capability to do it.
It's been the truth since 1948 that if the Jews had the intentions of the Arabs, there'd have been no Arab "Palestinians" left alive by 1955, and if the Arabs had ever had the military capability of Israel there'd have been no Jews left living in the region within 3-4 years.
What's happening now is the result of an Israeli leader who's spent his entire adult life dealing with Jews and other western civilians being taken hostage by Arab "freedom fighters" taking a hard line and being allowed to do so because the people who could vote to stop him have spend most or all of their lives in an environment where their opponents have instigated decades of violence against non-combatant targets under the notion that if they can make the idea of coexistence unthinkable that the people they're targeting will somehow just choose to take their superior military capability and leave voluntarily (or else enough Arab civilians will be "martyred" that maybe the liberal western nations who enable the Israelis will make them stop).
The reason to refrain from outrage over deaths in Gaza isn't because of support for Netanyahu; I believe he's going way too far, but I understand why he thinks that it's the necessary thing (and he might ultimately be correct in that). It's because western outrage over Arab deaths is the motivating factor for Hamas to instigate ongoing conflicts which draw responses that cause those deaths.
Trading a cease-fire for return of hostages taken on 10/7/23 looks like a good solution in the short term, but in the longer view, it merely reinforces incentives for Hamas to do it all again once they've again built up the strength to launch another attack.
Bibi’s gonna swing from the gallows for the holocaust he is committing.
This holocaust is perhaps the only thing Jews could have done to lose Israel.
The scriptures of your own "religion of truth" document that Jews lived in that area under Roman occupation centuries before the Arab population claiming to be "indigenous" (to a country with a name that was literally invented by an occupying power) freely admit that their ancestors moved to the area. Or are you suggesting that the New Testament is full of lies (since by your definition, any kind of inaccuracy or incorrect statement supposedly constitutes a "lie")?
Maybe Bibi and the Jews are merely asserting their inherent right to forcibly eject an occupier from their native land?
Never mind that there'll never be any gallows since the ICJ has literally no enforcement power, and there's far too much opposition to any kind of death penalty among the same nations which are pretending to care at all about the "Palestinian" Arab population (and if Bibi ever sets foot in any of the Arab/Muslim countries making up the bulk of the current ICJ membership he'll be standing between two M1 Abrams tanks with Star of David flags painted on their turrets).
I couldn’t care less why Bibi and his henchmen are committing a holocaust in Gaza.
In your favourite bogeyman story, the lie many believe is true without a shred of physical evidence, nobody knows or cares why Hitler would have committed a holocaust in WW2. Jews had nothing he wanted and meant nothing politically. It’s ridiculous.
That didn’t stop anyone from seeing they swung from the gallows for what they allegedly did.
Bibi and friends are going to swing for the holocaust they are committing for the whole world to see today.
Jews weren't the only ones targeted for extermination in the holocaust, there were 12 million people killed in the extermination camps, only half of them were Jews.
Hitler rose to power partly by scapegoating Jews and other "undesireables" for the dire state of Germany after the Weimar government cratered the value of the Mark and left the nation's economy in a shambles. That's a tactic which, within Europe, goes back hundreds of years and was hardly unique to Germany.
It's almost surprising you've nveer made any mention of the "Rothschilds" or the international "banking conspiracy" which often get blamed for WW1, the resolution of which led more or less directly to the destruction of the German domestic economy. It's another excuse to blame some kind of global cabal of Jews for something bad; or did the cult you grew up in get taken down by the FBI before your "education" reached that point?
They didn't really have significant immigration in Europe from the 14th-early 20th centuries, and the populists needed someone other than the ruling class to single out as the alleged "cause" of the misfortune of the masses. Jews were a convenient target because it allowed for the alignment of the aristocracy with the Catholic Church so they didn't have to compete for control while they had their people focused on a common "enemy".
The only reason you see any kind of "lack of evidence" is that you've chosen to disregard the warehouses full of stolen clothing, jewelry, and personal belongings, the literal tons of human hair that was shaved off of the prisoners and kept by the SS, as well as the bins full of dental fillings and other gold which was literally pulled out of the flesh of millions.
And you've decided to believe, with absolutely no substantiation, that the eyewitness accounts of tens of thousands of individual witnesses including the relative handful of surviving prisoners, the soldiers from the US, UK, and USSR militarizes who liberated the camps, and the confessions of the SS troops who carried out the extermination orders they'd been given, were all somehow coerced, coordinated, and/or purchased by some secret conspiracy which has both been secretly directing history for over a century, and which "had nothing that Hitler wanted".
If the "global zionist conspiracy" is half as influential as you're convinced that it is, then the Jews had almost everything that was desired by a man whose motto was "Today Germany, tomorrow the World", and they'd be a major impediment to his imperial aspirations. If they didn't have any significant power, influence, or assets, then there's no way they could have convinced even just the population of Poland that Auschwitz had been more than a mere prison camp (where records show that over 1 million Jews among others were taken in, from 1939-1945 but fewer than 10,000 left under their own power, but somehow few, if any ever died...)
Do you see why there's no real need for others to "refute" your nonsense. Simply trying to make any consistent case from its own internal non-logic leads to it quickly falling apart.
Not to mention that there's no more real evidence to support your premise that 12 million people somehow just went missing in German Occupied Europe from 1942-1945 and none ever attempted to re-establish contact with any friends or relatives despite supposedly going on to live happy and fulfilling lives in some hidden part of the planet where their sudden presence somehow went unnoticed. Somehow that lack of evidence doesn't even lead you to be skeptical, but you're happy to believe that the "showers" at Auchwitz never sprayed anything but water and the crematory furnaces were merely some kind of excessively insulated warehouse facility?
Those who were hung at Spandau were tried by a mostly military court, and rather than offering the defense that what they were accused of never happened (something which should have been the unanimous account of every one of them if what you believe is true).
Their defense was that what they did was what they were ordered to do by German High command in Berlin. There are documented records of the issuance of that order, including the name of the individual who issued it and the date it was sent out the soldiers overseeing the camps.
Did the cult you were raised by never consider the question of why Waffen SS troops (the most elite forces) were kept in posts as mere guards in a civilian prison camp even while the flow of the fighting had reversed on both fronts and the battle lines began to approach Berlin once again? When Auschwitz was overrun by the red army, why were Germany's best troops in the region inside that fenceline watching over a few thousand walking skeletons instead of out on the front trying to oppose the Russian advance?
“ It’s almost surprising you’ve never made any mention of the “Rothschilds””
I’ve stated here many times how the Balfour Declaration which was addressed to Rothschild was exposed in 1936 by Samuel Landman, the Secretary and solicitor to the UK Zionist organization as “a definite contract” between global Zionists and the British government to bring the US into WW1 in exchange for the promise of Palestine.
“ common “enemy””
Jews have always been persecuted everywhere they have lived, not as scapegoats, for their real evil, corrupt selfish actions. Like freemasonry, WW1, WW2, the Middle East conflict and this holocaust in Gaza.
“ clothing, jewelry, and personal belongings, the literal tons of human hair”
I don’t recognize that as physical evidence of a holocaust because it isn’t. EVERY prison camp has those things.
“ tens of thousands of individual witnesses”
Every survivor is proof that they weren’t exterminated when they could have so easily been as captive prisoners. Every paid or coerced testimony is inadmissible as evidence. I’ve demonstrated and refuted the impossible lies of many of them.
“ If the “global zionist conspiracy” is half as influential”
Are you admitting that you recognize this, like Hitler did? Forget Hitler! How would this knowledge make anyone in the world feel about Jews? It’s no wonder they are persecuted wherever they exist throughout history.
“ Those who were hung at Spandau were tried by a mostly military court, ”
The military is complicit in the holocaust lie. They used it as anti German propaganda throughout the war and admitted they had NO EVIDENCE of it.
Harlan Fiske Stone, a member of the US supreme court, said Robert Jackson, the chief US prosecutor, was away "conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremberg". Not that Stone minded what was done to the Nazis, he just didn't want justice to be tainted by it in fraudulent trials.
.” When Auschwitz was overrun”
Why did even a single Jew survive if the plan was to kill them?
Your bullshit has been refuted once again.
"I couldn’t care less why Bibi and his henchmen are committing a holocaust in Gaza."
If the historical timeline described in the New Testament is remotely accurate, then the Jews (including Netanyahu) have a stronger claim to be the actual indigenous population of the region, and would under the rules that Hamas apologists claim are ensconced in "international law" be completely justified in the use of force to drive foreign occupiers from their native ancestral lands.
Under that interpretation, it's Hamas/Hezbollah/PIJ and their precursors in the PLO have been engaged in an ongoing campaign of the kinds of crimes which the ICJ is now calling "genocide" since 1948 (when that word had a much more severe meaning than it apparently does today).
Considering there are twice as many Arabs in Gaza alone than there were in all of "Palestine" in 1947, if the Jews have been going about some kind of "genocide" for all that time, they'd appear to be quite bad at it.
Even 50 years after the end of WW2, the number of Jews living in the region of Europe between the eastern border of Germany and the western border of the USSR (including Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary) was less than 2% of what it had been in 1936; that's what the aftermath of a genocide (or one that was stopped just short of being completed) looks like .
[“ tens of thousands of individual witnesses”
Every survivor is proof that they weren’t exterminated when they could have so easily been as captive prisoners. Every paid or coerced testimony is inadmissible as evidence. I’ve demonstrated and refuted the impossible lies of many of them.]
It's not just the survivors of the camps (7k out of more than a million taken to Auschwitz, for example). It's the guards who ran the camps, it's the soldiers who saw the condition of the prisoners and the extermination facilities first hand, it's the photographers and film-makers who went to the sites after the liberation and made their own visual records of all of it.
You've never once provided any actual evidence other than your own claim that anyone was "coerced" or bribed in any way or by any person/organization. All you've ever demonstrated is that you choose to believe the first-hand accounts are "impossible", and that you apparently think that it's likely that 12 million people were never heard from again by anyone outside their own group but were still secretly living somewhere past 1945 without being noticed at any point in history since then, and that not one of them ever made any meaningful attempt to contact anyone they'd known prior to 1942.
Not to mention that they'd have to have been travelling unnoticed through the territory of a totalitarian empire and an active war zone in groups of several thousand, then making their way across some significant body of water which would have been subject to some manner of naval blockade in order to escape Europe.
Or maybe you think that millions of Polish-speaking Jews just turned up in France sometime in 1946 and nobody considered remarkable enough to mention?
"not as scapegoats, for their real evil, corrupt selfish actions. Like freemasonry, WW1, WW2,"
Do you still stand by the idea that a people who had been "properly" persecuted throughout European History were a people who Hitler had no reason to target? Or that a small minority of the population who were nevertheless steering the course of history, including causing the WW1 which led to the decimation of Germany through the Treaty of Versaille (no doubt authored by those who were in the thrall of the Jews or at least doing the bidding of the Rothschilds and international banking cartel), and who would somehow go on to drive Hitler himself (against his own personal intentions, I suppose?) to claim dominion over Czech lands and to invade Poland "had nothing he wanted"? If Hitler ever wanted world conquest, then the power you're claiming the Jews have would absolutely be something he would have wanted to take.
Not to mention that if the Jews in the modern age have 10% of the power you're attributing to them, then nothing they might ever do in or to Gaza could possibly "cost them Israel". Who's going to step up and take it from them if they clandestinely control most or all of "western" civilization, including but not limited to the nation which might still be the world's only military "superpower", and one of the two or three which still hold a sufficient nuclear arsenal to render the planet virtually unlivable.
[“ If the “global zionist conspiracy” is half as influential”
Are you admitting that you recognize this, like Hitler did? Forget Hitler! How would this knowledge make anyone in the world feel about Jews? It’s no wonder they are persecuted wherever they exist throughout history.]
I'm admitting nothing. I'm simply pointing out that if you're correct about it, then whatever the ICJ or the ICC, or the entire UN choose to do is merely pissing into the wind.
If Hitler "recognized it", and it justifies the persecution of the Jews, then your claim that Hitler "had no reason" to want to persecute the Jews can't possibly also be true. This is why nobody posts links as evidence in refuting your gibberish; all we need to contradict one of your claims is another of your own claims. Before you get too excited, under the actual rules of logic (as opposed to whatever imagined horseshit constitutes your pile of "properly applied" logic), just because two of your claims are self-contradictory and they can't possibly both be true in the same world that doesn't translate into meaning that they can't both be false as well. Either Hitler "had no reason" to persecute Jews, or he understood that they're so inherently evil and powerful (some might even go so far as to call them a "boogeyman") that it was not only appropriate, but necessary to persecute them. You've made both of those claims within a span of 48 hours, and yet both can't possibly be true, although both could possibly be false.
Take for example a claim that an elephant is a species of Fish, and a counter-claim that an elephant is a species of Bacteria. Clearly both of those claims can't be true at the same time, but both can be (and very much are) false at the same time.
“I’m admitting nothing”
Of course you aren’t, that would demonstrate your faulty logic, contradiction and lies.
You’re not admitting that Israel is committing a holocaust in Gaza either but you are trying to justify their doing it.
Doesn’t that make you just as bad as the Hitler bogeyman character of your false narrative?
Simply recognizing that Jews are evil, corrupt liars isn’t a reason or justification to kill them all.
Even their holocaust in Gaza only requires the death penalty tor their leaders while other participants receive lesser punishment.
Suffice to say that Israel has lost any moral claim to the stewardship of Palestine.
Regarding the bullshit WW2 holocaust story and all the evidence that I’ve provided to refute it, you haven’t refuted anything that I’ve said.
You’re just repeating the story rhetoric without any proof at all.
In exactly the same way you can’t even admit that hair from a prison barbershop doesn’t prove that a holocaust occurred.
Every claim you make that you don’t prove just demonstrates that you haven’t proven it. It certainly isn’t “proof” of a holocaust.
The fact remains that Jews WON’T advocate for what would be necessary to PROVE that there was a WW2 holocaust.
Peer reviewed OBJECTIVE FORENSIC ARCHAEOLOGY would unequivocally determine if their were the remains of millions of people exterminated or merely thousands who died from typhus.
The latter refuting the bullshit tale forever.
But that would require repealing the laws that criminalize refuting the holocaust story in EVERY nation where it allegedly occurred.
I’m alway suspicious when correctly applied science and logic used to demonstrate truth, reality are crimes.
[Of course you aren’t, that would demonstrate your faulty logic, contradiction and lies.]
Wow, did you miss the entire point.
It's not necessary to acknowledge that the existence of the global Jewish conspiracy which you're claiming has been steering a large portion of global history for more than a century ever existed in order to point out the flawed logic in your premise that it does exist, and has the power to influence international history, and that it "had nothing that Hitler would have wanted to take". It's your position that this cabal both holds sway over global events (at least in Europe and the Western Hemisphere) and that it presented no challenge to the imperial ambitions which Hitler openly and clearly stated ("Today Germany, Tomorrow the World!") with regularity. How's Hitler going to conquer a world that's clandestinely run by a few hundred Jews wielding a kind of power which can direct the use (and according to you) misuse of worldwide military forces?
Not to mention your claim that Jews have been always and everywhere completely deserving of persecution and punishment going back at least to the Spanish Inquisition and the European Dark Ages, but also that Hitler would have had no reason to take notice of them or to single them out in the 1930s. If Jews "deserved persecution" anywhere and everywhere, then that would have been the case in 1930s Germany and your own prejudice would, in a world where it's true, provide the very motive for Hitler which you also claim never existed. Both of these can't be true; if you believe that Jews always deserve persecution, then your claim that Hitler had no reason to do so is a lie, and if you believe that there was really no reason to single them out in 1936 Germany, then your repeated insistence that it's deserved "everywhere and anytime" would have to be a lie (and I mean a for-real, I can prove you're saying things you believe to be false kind of lie, not your made-up re-definition of the term which could include someone simply being incorrect in what they believe to be the truth).
Just because I'm proving that the overall world-view you're espousing is inherently self-contradictory and therefore impossible doesn't mean that I'm acknowledging that any part of it might actually be true. As I demonstrated with the "elephants" example, just because your multiple claims can't all be true in the same world doesn't mean that they aren't all false in this world; literally anyone who understands actual logic could confirm that for you, if you were capable of comprehending correct logic.
"Simply recognizing that Jews are evil, corrupt liars isn’t a reason or justification to kill them all."
[In your mind, it would be a justification to at least imprison them all.]
Just curious, how is it that your "religion of truth" could possibly be rooted in the teachings of someone who, by his heritage is, according to you, an "evil, corrupt, liar"?
[Suffice to say that Israel has lost any moral claim to the stewardship of Palestine.]
Palestine is a colonialist name invented by an occupying power as punishment against the indigenous inhabitants for attempting to rebel against the occupation almost 500 years before the Arab levant migration brought them into the area. How is "stewardship" of an alleged "nation" which never existed be something that's even worth debating?
[Peer reviewed OBJECTIVE FORENSIC ARCHAEOLOGY would unequivocally determine if their were the remains of millions of people exterminated or merely thousands who died from typhus.]
Find one credible chemist anywhere in the world who would agree with the idea that any test could determine the number of incinerated bodies present based on whatever might be left of ash that's been dissolving and decomposing in 80 years worth of weather, snowfall, thawing/runoff, rains, and for the ashes which were spread across pastureland agriculture and livestock presence. Provide a link to any forensic scientist anywhere in the world who would agree that any meaningful evidence could be collected 80 years later from a dozen or more separate locations, none of which have been kept inaccessible and protected from the elements for all that time, or else admit that you're simply demanding an impossible standard of proof as an excuse to prop up your denial of reality.
While we're at it, since you claim that the "eye witness" accounts of the survivors, guards, liberating soldiers, journalists, and documentarians who all witness the aftermath of the camps were mostly coerced via bribery, perhaps you could provide any shred of evidence to prove that even one person received a bribe from the same global cabal which is simultaneously steering the course of human history and also so powerless that someone in Hitler's position would have taken no notice.
Maybe if the tech had existed in 1945, something could have been done in the event that the tens of thousands of first-hand accounts that were recorded from the soldiers of multiple countries who fought on different sides of the war had been considered to be as questionable as you choose to believe. The thing is that they'd probably still not have done much of it since the overall consensus was to believe the accounts of the people who had actually been there including the US, British, and Russian soldiers and the German guards who had no reason to simply deny it all in the Nuremburg trials if it hadn't actually happened. Why even attempt the "following orders" defense if there had been no such orders given, and no exterminations ever took place, then why would any of the SS soldiers and officers on trial for carrying them out not all deny those claims all the way to the gallows? One thing about the truth is that it's easy for those telling it to "keep the story straight" because things only happened the one way, why they'd all tell the same lie which led to their being hanged is the kind of thing that only a mind as deranged as yours could possibly pretend to understand (what would condemned men get from a bribe, and where's any shred of evidence the even one such bribe was ever paid if that's going to be your claim once again?).
What would you know about Holocaust, Herr Misek?
I know that Jews use the term holocaust like a weapon to beg for Palestine, sympathy, money and impunity, have done hundreds of times for over a century while never really being the victims of any of them.
I know that in October 28 2024, South African lawyers submitted to the United Nations International Court of Justice about 5000 pages of irrefutable evidence proving that Israel is intentionally committing a holocaust in Gaza today.
What else is there to know?
Anyone who's ever seen any sort of demonstration of your notion of "irrefutable" would say there's a hell of a lot left to know.
Have you ever seen anyone refute anything that I’ve said.
Then you know that you’re lying.
How many times have I challenged you to specifically describe it and post a link to it to prove your claim.
You’ve never done it. You always cut and run.
"Have you ever seen anyone refute anything that I’ve said."
Many many times. I've done it myself on dozens of occasions.
The fact that you're too blindered by hate/ideology (and/or stupid) to have noticed is exactly what I'm referring to.
The number of times you've referred to a pile of ideological nonsense as "irrefutable proof", only proves that whatever you think the term "irrefutable proof" means isn't remotely the same as what any sane, literate, and educated person would take it to mean.
The time you cited "hundreds of newspaper reports" which are actually just the same story being printed by hundreds of papers which all got it from the same news wire service (something which papers had been subscribed to for decades before the stories you referenced came out) as evidence of some kind of "global conspiracy" is proof that you've got no meaningful understanding of the meanings of the words "proof" or "irrefutable". Similar to your batshit-crazy funhouse-mirror about how stacking fallacious reasoning with subjective "evidence" somehow constitutes what you bafflingly refer to as "properly applied logic".
The only thing that you calling something "irrefutable" means to someone operating in reality is that you've decided to believe it with the zeal of a religious fundamentalist, and that you'll disregard counter-evidence and illumination of the fallacies in your alleged "logic" and pretend that if you choose to ignore the refutation hard enough, then it really isn't starting you in the face.
The cherry on top of this whole sundae is that you're either so stupid, or so ignorant, or both that you're "satisified with the optics" of what your lunatic fever dreams appear to be when read by anyone with even a passing knowledge of reality and the actual rules of logic and reasoning.
No link eh?
Of course not. Because you’re lying.
What link is needed? I'm not referencing anything you haven't posted freely on these boards multiple times.
Do I now have to prove that you've said you're "satisfied with the optics" on here in the past?
It doesn't take independently sourced information for any rational and mentally competent person to see the glaring lunacy of your own nonsense. It's not our fault that you're to batsht ideologically blindered to notice that it all falls apart under its own inconsistency without any need for any refuting evidence.
I can refute any one of your claims with nothing more than either referencing another of them, or by invoking either common sense or common knowledge (such as the existence and function of a news "wire service" and why it's not at all uncommon for the same story about nearly any topic to be run in dozens or even hundreds of newspapers around the country/world within the span of a week or two (and in the modern age, usually all on the same day).
SInce you're my main source for refuting your insanity, if what I'm saying is false then it's you that the liar (in which case, I'd refer you back to the amazon link I posted before).
Would it help if I posted a link to the AP or Reuters homepage? They're not going to have online archives going back to 1917, and everyone other than maybe you (and other troglodytes raised around North Idaho in the 1980s-90s) knows that they exist, and it's easy to verify that such services and their widespread use date back well into the mid-late 19th century.
If you think that anything that I’ve said proves that what I’ve said is incorrect PROVE IT!
Specifically describe it and post the link fuckwit.
Your hollow rhetoric proves nothing.
The hundreds of referenced instances where Jews claimed that 6 million of them were facing and experiencing holocausts throughout the world, begging for Palestine, money, sympathy and impunity were all variations on the same theme, not the same story, and occurred over 40 years before WW2, not days or weeks from the same source as you suggest.
But you obviously knew that, having seen my posts, and have just decided to lie, again.
No surprise there Kol Nidre boy.
Your "hundreds of referenced instances" was a lot of different newspapers all printing the same couple of stories which they received via their subscription to the same "wire service".
Where you choose to see a global cabal, a reasonable mind sees the Associated Press (or some other operation with a similar structure). News "wire services" have been in widespread use since the telegram lines were strung into the expanding territories of the United States after the Civil War in the 1800s and were well established by 1917. Because of these wire services, anyone could look through all of the papers you "referenced" as part of the conspiracy for printing stories mentioning "six million Jews" and find hundreds of other stories every year which were also printed in every one of those papers which had nothing at all to do with anything that even you would consider to be of interest to the "global Jewish conspiracy". Where you think you're seeing "incontrovertible proof" of a worldwide conspiracy, any sane and reasonable mind is seeing confirmation that newspapers all around the country which are still were subscribing to "news wires" 100 years later were also using such services at a time that was decades after the technology and specific operating model of such services originated and rolled out internationally.
If you’re telling young gays that they’re really women and castrating them, you’re the
fascistImam.Look at these idiots feebly parroting propaganda.
They have to make every issue emotional to shut off whatever critical thinking they might be capable of, BEFORE, they insert whatever lie they want to advance.
Who’s your biggest bogeymen to fear and project on those people and information that refute your lies? Hitler? Palestinians? The left? The right?
They’re soooo brainwashed they don’t even realize what they’re doing.
"Look at these idiots feebly parroting propaganda."
Finally, you're at least attempting to comment on something which nobody would dare question your expertise...
"Who’s your biggest bogeymen to fear and project on those people and information that refute your lies? Hitler? Palestinians? The left? The right?"
Jews maybe? You're clearly not afraid of being hit by our secret "space lasers"....
"They’re soooo brainwashed they don’t even realize what they’re doing."
Jews are currently on trial in the United Nations International Court of Justice for committing a holocaust.
Are you denying this?
I'm just reccommending a device you could use to see what someone looks like who's so brainwashed that they don't realize they're doing nothing more than parroting fabricated propaganda and blaming everything on an imagined bogeyman.
btw, I'll be offline for a three-day weekend again starting tomorrow. It's not that I ever "cut and run" it's that if I'm not trapped at a computer terminal all day, I just don't care enough about your noise to be bothered to log in and even read it let alone respond. Don't mistake indifference for intimidation; if I saw you on fire, I COULD piss on you to extinguish the flames, I just wouldn't waste the time to do so.
I’m pleased with the optics.
I didn't get too in depth on the listing, but it did appear to be a decent quality mirror...
WTF flavor of ignorant bullshit are you on about now?
When the book or the lines of code are already (legally) public in the US how can forbidding its export make any sense from a national security perspective? Don’t you think that any foreign government or hostile group can already have access to any of those information if they wanted too?
You could argue that they were public books on the Navajo language back then (?), but information was not as ready available as today.
Either an information is classified, or it is not: you can’t stop the exportation of a public idea (I don’t even mean legally or constitutionally: just practically).
Considering ALL humanity, the ONLY thing we all share in peace is the truth, aka reality.
Do you want peace or conflict? It’s a simple question.
Knowledge is power. Secrets and lies are the source of all conflict on earth.
Free speech is an inalienable right to ensure peace. Inalienable means that everyone’s right to communicate can’t be bought, sold or even given away.
The enforcement of NDA’s, secrets, violates free speech.
Peace or conflict?
On which department's website do you propose the US Government publish the design drawings and parts lists for manufacturing a multi-stage nuclear fission warhead?
Should the plans for the ICBM to launch it be on the same site, or should we force any billionaire in the world who wants to be able to kill a million or more people at a time be forced to click a link to get all of the plans for the tech to do it?
Maybe we could post the maufacturing process for Sarin and VX gas on the same page while wer're at it?
Criminals won’t be successful at keeping secrets when lying is criminalized and everyone has the inalienable right to record what they witness.
The moment they interact with others they will be caught.
Then the NDA’s people sign making themselves part of the conspiracies won’t be worth the paper they’re written on.
Emu and ostrich meat are both categorized as "red meat", but are very low in fat.
I'd recommend cooking them as you would venison or buffalo.
We're just doing non-sequiturs now, I guess? Nothing you said there is new, or relevant to what I asked, or even connected to reality in any meaningful way. At this point, it'd be more useful to discuss grilling meat from exotic birds...
If there are no secrets, that means open publication of all currently classified information, which includes detailed designs and parts lists for multi-stage fission-fusion munitions capable of destroying entire cities. Since you want there to be no secrets, I'm wondering where you think such information should be made available for public and ultimately global distribution.
Once the criminals have nukes and ICBMs, they've got no need to keep any further secrets. They can sit back and simply demand ongoing ransom payments from whatever government they choose based on the threat that they might have built such a device.
The criminals will still have to keep their location secret. Don’t you think?
If they've also been gvien free access to all of the technial information about how stealth tech works, and the specs for every kind of weapon that could be used against them, maybe they wouldn't have to. ICBM silos are difficult to hide unless they're on board a submarine (another set of plans that you'd apparently like to see distributed to anyone who cares to read them), anyway.
Maybe they'd just take up in some "flag of conveinience" banana republic and hope for the world's compliance with "international law" would protect them?
On the other hand, if they did keep themselves hidden then they'd have little to fear about being prosecuted for "keeping secrets" since the enforcers would have to find them to punish them.
Or are you such a deluded moron that you think that somehow declaring a law to "criminalize lying" would be something that people intent on violating other more serious laws wouldn't dare to lie in the process of those other crimes? Criminals being defined by their deep and abiding respect for the law after all...
You obviously fail to grasp the fact that criminals can’t achieve anything alone.
Food, water, fuel, parts engineering etc. etc. They need others to provide.
Every honest person recording what they witness and unwilling to lie is a threat to expose and locate them.
The more criminals they work with only multiplies the threat as they each require interactions with the public also.
A submarine? Why not a secret lair in a dormant volcano island in the middle of the ocean?
Nobody would notice the infrastructure eh?
You are an imbecile.
Satellites might notice someone digging a silo on a remote island, if they ever chose to look that direction; there are even satellites which can scan below the surface depending on the terrain and what they're looking for. Not to mention the number of shiploads of equipment and materials that would have to be secretly routed to and unloaded at an island without any kind of developed freight port.
Even once it's built the silo cover and other infrastructure can be difficult to hide from a satellite, and being in a fixed location makes the place vulnerable to a raid by larger militaries either by overt or covert forces (or a combination of both).
Multiple countries have been using submarines for decades to keep a portion of their nuclear arsenal in places where their opponents hopefully aren't tracking them, can't be located quickly or easily, and if they are found can be moved to somewhere else without any need for preparation or loss of readiness. Not to mention, that in your world without secrets, the plans, specifications, and parts lists to build such a vehicle would be as readily available to any person in the world as were the plans for the nuclear missiles they're going to carry.
I don't know about where you shop, but when I buy food, nobody at the store asks where I'm getting the money to pay for what I'm buying. If non-criminals don't have to declare their source of income to buy groceries, why would anyone expect criminals to have to do it? I get most of my water piped into my house by a company who also doesn't ask or care how I'm paying the bill so long as I do (in some places that I've lived, it's been the government themselves providing the water to every house on the block without asking who's possibly using it for some kind of crime), same goes at the gas station where I buy my fuel.
Some of the critical parts for the nuke might be tricky to come by, but if the plans to build the weapon itself aren't a secret, then it's probably also going to be possible to get all of the plans and information needed to manufacture those parts from materials which at some point would be stuff that can be used for any number of reasons and the suppliers won't much care what anyone is doing with any of it. Fissile material would be the toughest, but for anyone with the financial resources to build a missile and a submarine, getting it on the black market from some other country would become a very real possibility.
Not sure where you're living that everyone everywhere you go won't sell you basic necessities without a full explanation of what you're doing with the majority of your time whether or not it bears on how you're going to pay for the purchase you're making. I guess that if you think that opting for the method of concealing missiles that's been in use for more than 50 years is more farfetched than the one that's used exclusively by the villains in Bond movies and Johnny Quest cartoons, maybe you think that you live in a place where the clerk at your gas station needs to know your occupation and all of your hobbies before you're allowed to fill your tank though.
The optics which you're "satisfied" with are truly baffling to any sane person reading these exchanges. I don't know how to try to tell you that in a more clear and straightforward manner.
Treason was committed by the liars who drove the nation, the world, to war to serve their secret selfish interests.
The case against SpaceX is literally a punishment case against musk for not complying with the blob. To act like it's anything else shows you are an idiot
A "useful" idiot.
An evil idiot.
ITAR expressly forbids them from doing what Merrick Garland’s DOJ charged them with, and Garland knew this and didn’t give a fuck because he’s essentially Lavrentiy Beria now and Musk had said mean things about the party.
To think that this evil man came within a hair’s breadth of ensconcing himself on the Supreme Court too. It gives you the shivers.
Speaking of evil idiots, yesterday Lying Jeffy was waving around a new WaPo October surprise hit job on Musk, where they lied and pretended that Musk wasn’t allowed to work on his visa. Jeffy was claiming it justified illegal immigration, without explaining how the illegals poring across the borders have visas.
Actually, I just remembered that Musk had Canadian citizenship and Canadian citizens do not require a visa to enter the United States for work, business, or study purposes.
They didn't always need a work permit at the time either, which makes Kkkemjeff's story extra bullshitty.
There's a difference between needing a visa to enter the country and being a "US Person" for the purposes of ITAR restrictions.
ITAR rules would prevent the sharing of restricted items/information with someone who's a US Citizen if they're employed by a foreign corporation, for example.
Like most Federal rules, they're not always as clear-cut as they should be, and at companies where they're frequently applicable, the advice from the legal department would be to restrict sharing information whenever there's any doubt. It's harder to get prosecuted for excessive caution, and the consequences of being convicted for violations can be severe depending on the circumstances.
When it comes to rockets, almost everything is "dual use" since all that's required to convert a satellite launcher into a ballistic missile is to either over-load it or to run the throttle lower/shut off the engine prematurely. Any rocket that can reach orbit with a particular payload weight can be used to drop that much mass onto virtually any location on the planet without any permanent modification; converting any purpose-built ICBM to non-military use is far more difficult than going the other way doe to the physics involved, and there's no legislation which will ever change that.
Musk violated the terms of his student visa when he decided to start a company instead of go to class
Musk himself even admitted that his legal status was "questionable" at the time
You are such a fucking whore that you will prostitute yourself out to defend your tribe, right or wrong. You have no shame, no ethics and no integrity.
"If the Genesis I stand were placed upside down, covered with a nice checkered tablecloth, and you put a couple of plates on it, one would be hard pressed to distinguish the stand from any other table already commonly available at Moscow's local IKEA outlet,"
If I were to put a claymore mine in an ikea box it would look the same as all the other ikea boxes.
If you were then to use that box as a doorstop, the mine would no longer be "ordnance" because you're using it for a non-military purpose.
At least that seems to be the premise of the author in this piece.
Funny, considering the DEA literally smuggles actual guns to foreign countries all the time. I guess it's different when the government does it.
Trust the experts.
Trust (obey!) OUR experts.
I think you mis-spelled "CIA".
And yes, it is different when the government does it. Same as killing and taking people's cash and property using threats of force (including lethal force in some cases).
Mail in ballots and cleanest elections ever.
All but three ballots were identified before being counted, according to CBS News. Four of the ballots passed the initial round in the signature verification process. Mesa County asked two of the voters to cure their ballots, which led to one of them alerting the county that they had not sent it in.
“The voter reached out to Mesa County to tell them they did not vote their ballot and or receive it,” Griswold said. “At least one other affected voter received a message through the BallotTrax system… that their ballot was received by their county clerk. Again, the voter did not receive their ballot and had not voted their ballot.”
She added that the Mesa County clerk had begun an investigation that discovered the ballots had been sent from areas near each other. The investigation also found that some of the ballots were signed by the same individual. The Mesa County clerk turned over the investigation to the district attorney, who started a criminal investigation.
Note. Fraud was caught basically by accident and still allowed fraudulent ballots through. Signatures were accepted initially.
But we know this is the only fraud that will occur to the cleanest election ever acolytes.
Officials in Pennsylvania’s Lancaster County flagged 2,500 possible fraudulent voter applications.
That’s 60% of the applications the county received “last week at two separate times” just before the registration deadline.
Massive amounts of false ballots may be floating around this election. But remember, cleanest elections have occurred since 2020.
PA fraud would worry me; Pres Trump has moved PA to his electoral column over the last 2 weeks, I think.
Next up; AZ, GA and WI. If he wins 2 of 3 + PA, the election is over.
Federal Judge orders election officials to allow 1500 self declared non citizens to vote.
“Let’s be clear about what just happened: only eleven days before a Presidential election, a federal judge ordered Virginia to reinstate over 1,500 individuals–who self-identified themselves as noncitizens–back onto the voter rolls,” Virginia GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) said in a statement. “Almost all these individuals had previously presented immigration documents confirming their noncitizen status, a fact recently verified by federal authorities.”
Virginia had notified these voters and provides same day registration if status changed. Apparently 2 weeks to correct is not good enough, instead just put them back on the rolls.
No widespread corruption.
But just enough.
Do you guys think Trump will be able to surpass the fraud factor this time?
It’s going to be a blowout.
Just watched a video of mail-in ballots for Trump being opened, then destroyed. Singular source so unsure.
Where is that on the scale of it's not happening, it's happening only a little, it's happening and it's a good thing, shut up fascist?
There's a few of those videos.
I say especially watch the voting machines this time.
That billion dollar ruling that Dominion won, whose premise turned out later to be a lie, was intended to set precedent and scare off other legitimate challenges in 2024.
If the democrats win again through fraud, then the gloves come off.
That's what they're hoping for. Incite an insurrection, which they will easily put down, and use it as the excuse to impose full fascism under martial law.
Trump will not be allowed to be president again. It doesn't matter if he wins the election. If he wins, he will be killed or imprisoned before inauguration day, or legal chicanery will be used to "disqualify" him.
At it again. For people living in the real world, below are some relevant quotes from the actual court order.
ORDERED that within five (5) days of this Order, Defendants and their agents provide a remedial mailing to each registrant described in Paragraph 3…..
Advising registrants who are not U.S. citizens that they remain ineligible to cast a ballot in Virginia elections;
ORDERED that Defendants’ authority or ability to cancel the voter registration of noncitizens through individualized review is not limited by this Order. Nor does this Order limit Defendants’ authority or ability to investigate noncitizens who register to vote or who vote in Virginia’s elections. The preliminary injunction applies only to Defendants’ systematic Program which occurred after August 7, 2024;
Since JesseAz will lie about what he himself said, please remember where JesseAz placed the goalpost: “Federal Judge orders election officials to allow 1500 self declared non citizens to vote.”
Mike, why do you keep embarrassing yourself to defend this? The order did exactly what I said it did. It left them on the voter roles. Note your own post says they can still investigate IF they vote. That is not part of my claim.
You are so fucking dishonest. Just like Jeff. Is this ingrained in far leftists? To try to create strawman to deflect from the conversation?
Are you this dishonest Mike?
Ability TO investigate does not mean they will. See the GA SoS declining to investigate in 2020.
Yet here you demand they keep the possibility of voting. Because you’re a dishonest lying shit weasel leftist. Lol.
This is now the 3rd time on 4 days you’ve tried to claim I said something I didn’t. This seems to be your go to. All because you were embarrassed at having your remedial math destroyed. Lol.
Note. In question was execution of a 2006 law. Done 91 days before. With the DoJ suing 40 days before an election. You continue to defend having illegal voters on voting rolls.
Democrats must admit that they just want illegals to vote.
"You are so fucking dishonest. Just like Jeff. Is this ingrained in far leftists? To try to create strawman to deflect from the conversation?"
What did Alinsky, and all his Marxist predecessors, tell them to do?
Is Jeffy even American? I know that many here believe, or at least used to, that he is in reality the former Cytotoxic. Who is supposed to be Canadian.
Any thoughts?
You are so fucking dishonest. Just like Jeff. Is this ingrained in far leftists?
Their not far-leftists, they're fascists. And they have to lie because their positions are obviously abhorrent and vile if they don't.
It is a religion to them like Muslim taqiyya. They have no issues with lies even when obvious.
They have no issues with lies even when obvious
lol, talk about confession via projection
Why don't you tell us all again about that "$150 billion" figure with regards to illegal immigrants, Jesse. What does that figure really consist of?
Or better yet, just to support them so it’s irrelevant.
Federal Judge orders election officials to allow 1500 self declared non citizens to vote.
It seems to me your outrage is misplaced. The law is clear. The judge had no choice but to keep the voter roll as-is. And he absolutely DID NOT allow noncitizens to vote. It remains illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections and these registrants will receive intense scrutiny. But both the state and the voters are limited by federal law.
(2)(A) A State shall complete, not later than 90 days prior to the date of a primary or general election for Federal office, any program the purpose of which is to systematically remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters.
My questions are: why do we have a 90 day rule and why did Virginia not act sooner?
The 90 day rule comes from the National Voter Registration Act.
(scroll down to item 47 of the list)
Yes. The 2006 law is clear. Yes the statement issued TO EXECUTE the law 91 days (federal law is 90 days) is clear.
Maybe you don’t know what the law is QB?
Virginia acted before 90 days. So your question is based on a false premise.
Now the actual question. 91 days before they notified the affected voters with a process to reapply and Virginia has same day registration, so why did the DoJ sue? Weird huh.
No false premise.” A State shall complete…any program…”
It doesn’t matter when the law was enacted, the voter roll purge cannot continue past 90 days by law.
And yes. The reason the DOJ sued is obvious but irrelevant to my point.
Yes, it’s totally obvious. Can’t be taking noncitizens off the voter rolls. Democrats have an election to fortify.
Maybe Jesse should be angry at Youngkin for not acting sooner to purge the voter rolls.
But that would require thought, and not automatically repeating what his Team Red handlers tell him to say.
And of course you’re just fine with non citizens voting. As citizenship, the constitution, and America mean nothing to you. Your allegiance is to the new global order.
Starmer admits the UK Labour's Party often interferes in US elections. Says no big deal.
Starmer told media travelling with him to a Commonwealth meeting on the Pacific island of Samoa that his party had done nothing wrong, and that the volunteers had paid for themselves.
“The Labour party has volunteers, who have gone over pretty much every election,” he said.
“They’re doing it in their spare time, they’re doing it as volunteers, they’re staying, I think, with other volunteers over there.
“That’s what they’ve done in previous elections, that’s what they’re doing in this election and that’s really straightforward.”
Hmm, if a socialist state provides material life support to activists so they are free to "volunteer" their time and effort for political causes, how is that different from the state paying these people directly?
Marxist foreign agitators like this should be savagely beaten and thrown out of the country. And hopefully the Brit’s will have their fill of Starmer and his ilk. Ideally overthrowing and executing all of them. As an example to the victimized world.
Marxists have no right to exist.
KAMALA brings 10 abortion "doctors " on stage to praise abortion.
Someone in audience has a medical emergency and all the "doctors" heads start spinning looking for someone else who can help.
"I think someone needs some medical assistance over here."
Video included.
I only saw baby murderers, not a single dr
They're doctors just like how slaughterhouse workers and serial killers are doctors.
Careful. A certain someone might appear ranting about ‘what baby?’.
Does that woman do anything that isn’t fake?
Her blow jobs must have been real enough.
Probably ruined the finish on every single one.
It got her to the presidency so it mustn't have been bad.
A politician that spackles Cackles thus tackles the label of their shackles from media jackals.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Kamala blew Big Mike to secure Barack’s endorsement.
"Okay, all I have to do to save a life is just do what I normally do except in reverse..."
+1 "Take two of these and call me when the person is a clump of cells."
So which is the higher priority Matthew?
Do you want to prevent hostile entities from having weapons (or the means and the know-how to make them) or do you want the free flow of information?
These are mutually incompatible goals, and given your beat as the anti-war writer, I can't see the first as being anything else than the top banana.
Universal soldier -
"He's the one who gives his body as a weapon of the war
And without him all this killing can't go on
He's the universal soldier and he really is to blame
His orders come from far away no more
They come from here and there and you and me"
Right now you should be grateful that most of the people who are, and used to be soldiers are on the right side in this country. And are in fact the one practical barrier between America and democrat hegemony.
Professionally paranoid security state officer: Everyone is a threat.
Idealistically naive open society fanboy: Nobody is a threat.
Threats always exist. No reason to over react. But also no reason to never react. Violations of the NAP in a violent manner effecting the state should be responded to.
A lot of phony libertarian concern trolls like to pretend that self defense is the same thing as aggression.
*Initiating* aggression.
They'll also obfuscate with sophistry about ongoing genocide.
At least we know that of words and books are weapons, that Shrike, Jeffy and Sarc are completely unarmed.
Border Czar invited in some more doctors, engineers, and entrepreneurs.
Vermont hunter’s game cam reportedly captured another blessing of immigration:
Justin did the same thing as Joe. These guys make phony asylum claims in Canada, get their $3500 CA/mo., and just when it comes time for their case to be reviewed, they sneak into the US to make another asylum claim for another $2k US/mo. plus goodies. They work under the table the whole time and send their allowance and tax free winnings back home, and when they leave they are sitting pretty.
So, Canada is failing to do our job for us in exactly the same way as Mexico.
Let's see what the obvious solutions are.... a "wait in Canada" rule for asylum applicants? Build a northern wall and say we're going to make Canada pay for it? Give speeches about how we'll kill opioid kingpins with military raids into Windsor?
Or we could just stop give them money and freebies.
Is there a single leftist narratives you won’t push?
Why not enforce the law? Remain in Mexico/Canada? First safe harbor asylum claims. Why not deport? Meanwhile Biden is simply removing immigrants from having their claims heard creating a nebulous asylum status.
Everything you defend is Marxist in nature. Open borders. No rules. Open violation of the NAP. Welfare for the globe.
You’re pathetic Mike.
Gosh I’ve missed your false dichotomies and phony choices, White Mike.
Here’s an idea. Stop giving them allowances and freebies that are far more generous than what genuine welfare cases amongst the citizenry receive, and create then create actual punitive penalties for phony asylum claims.
Overnight you’d cut them by 1000%.
Can they go back and forth every few years. Just make up a new name each time?
Only if they switch genders.
Kamala would fund that from taxpayers money.
So they can only do this 50-60 times?
Look at the bigot who doesn’t know there is no limit to genders.
Uncle Samantha wants you to join the military to become an army of one…hundred genders.
At a few years per cycle, I think they’ll run out of longevity before they run out of genders anyway.
All my kids were Biden fans- of course they couldn't vote, but talking to them was a good litmus test for what passed for politics among the younger voters.
My oldest is now of voting age, and is not excited enough to go vote. The next oldest is the most interesting, telling me that most male friends have become Trump supporters. We are in a purple-trending-blue city in California, so this was quite a shock to me.
I think we are seeing a preference cascade in the polls. For years, the media and left (I know, I repeat myself) insisted that support for Trump was icky and extreme. I've seen polling on X where they say young men who support Trump will never get laid. Disagreeing with woke nonsense in schools would get you scolded by staff and students, and could result in a lot of other problems.
That is all changing.
I don't think these kids have any idea what the actual politics are- whether they are Kamala or Trump supporters- and even when they do have ideas, they are usually shallow and emotional. But the emotions are important, and what I perceive from the Trump converts is that they are sick of being lectured about what is proper and they support Trump because they see him as the only viable pushback against that system.
Kids are notoriously fickle, so this isn't so much new votes for Trump as just missing votes for Kamala, but that may be enough in these swing states. Especially if I am seeing this happen here in California of all places.
"I’ve seen polling on X where they say young men who support Trump will never get laid."
Ah yes, Operation Lysistrata. This is why it's important for young men to hone their "bunny boiler" radar.
Or hang out in bars that serve mostly "beer", not 23 kinds of artisanal free-range micro-brews. And not Chardonnay.
Great comradery but those places are sausage fests, with the odd skank who loves the attention she gets from the drunks.
My final thought on this is what a waste this has been for the Libertarian Party. Gary Johnson pulled in a huge vote total against Clinton and Trump, and we can all agree that was largely due to the distaste for both Dem/Rep candidates. ’20 and 24 elections have offered equally bad options, yet Jorgenson delivered horrid results and Oliver is on track to do even worse.
The internecine bitch-slapping between the MC and Old Guard has not helped the LP’s efforts. Indeed, I saw today that Chase has only raised $400k for his campaign, which is just embarrassing. The Old Guard is convinced that the dismal performance of Jorgenson was a success rather than the failure it actually was, and thus think themselves the grown ups in the room, and the MC is too busy being edgy to form a strategy. Now the LP Chair is being sued by the Old Guard- this civil war means that the LP is dead as a party of actual consequential candidates for the near future.
But Reason has been equally atrocious. Too many times they play into the same gas-lighting game that the Left has been engaging in. How many articles painted Vance as EXTREME AUTHORITARIAN based on random quotes pulled from talk shows 5 years ago? How many articles written on a tiny niche issue like Tariffs compared to many of the other issues like the economy that actually dominate voters’ minds?
I don’t expect Reason to be a mouthpiece of the LP, but this shows just how irrelevant their reporting has been. KMW confuses clicks for engagement- she loves posting those Trumpy headlines that get people to click through. In a political landscape where people are being sold identities (Trump! Kamala!) not policy, their only answer has been to scold supporters of those identities and discuss niche topics. The people who support Trump don’t think he is a tyrant, and shouting that he is a tyrant isn’t going to convince them. Indeed, as I mentioned in my OP, it is probably going to drive more people to Trump as they tune out the hyperbole. Likewise, no one is going to stop supporting Kamala because she is insufficiently YIMBY on zoning laws. No one cares.
Reason has lost the forest for the trees, while the LP is acting like monkeys jumping from those trees and flinging poo at one another. Until someone can articulate big ideas and get people excited about liberty again, the youth will continue to funnel into team Blue and Red.
I saw today that Chase has only raised $400k for his campaign
This is worse than Jill Stein, currently sitting a 2.4 million.
What a vanity project.
Sarc and Pedo Jeffy inform me that Oliver is gay. So isn’t he getting a cut of that LGBTPedo money cake? $400k is a joke, even for a third party.
Wait, what???
He's gay??
But he looked like such a pussy-hound... I can't believe it.
Why else would nobody vote for a guy who have no chance of winning?
Until someone can articulate big ideas and get people excited about liberty again, the youth will continue to funnel into team Blue and Red.
Not sure how to do that when freedom has been framed as positive liberty, as in forcing people to do things for you in the name of freedom, for so long that the idea of not asking permission and obeying orders is a foreign concept to so many young people.
Like advocating to use taxpayer money on anyone who crosses a border?
Bring back OBL, and one more. When Sandra was in full bloom (meaning, super sarcastic in her OBL parody), I laughed so hard at her parody I had tears in my eyes. This alone would instantly raise the bar for Reason.
“the youth will continue to funnel into team Blue and Red.”
Libertarianism is a philosophy, not a party. Libertarians need to push to get as much libertarianism as they can into the platforms of both red and blue, and support libertarian candidates in those parties. Not start their own party.
Problem is that red and blue stand for control, not liberty.
Democrats traditionally despise economic liberty but pay lip service to personal liberty.
Republicans traditionally despise personal liberty but paid lip service to economic liberty. I use past tense because Trump took the party on a hard left turn on economics, leaving libertarians behind. Libertarians didn't leave the GOP. Trump led the GOP away from libertarians.
As a result many libertarians have gone to team blue because they at least give lip service to personal liberty, while team red now despises both.
How do you suggest getting economic liberty back into team red? Certainly won't happen while Trump is the figurehead. He hates economic liberty. How do you suggest getting team red to back personal liberty when they've always wanted to get involve in what people do in their bedrooms?
How do you suggest getting economic liberty into team blue? They've always hated the freedom to keep your own money because they think they can spend it better.
I don't see much of an option but to form a part that stands for both economic and personal liberty. Because you're never going to convince the left to support economic liberty, and you're never going to convince the right to support personal liberty.
Why do you repeat the same tired and debunked bullshit thread after thread.
Personal liberty denied by the DNC:
Parental involvement in schools.
School choice.
Protesting as a conservative.
Removing licenses if conservative.
Increased taxes (yes less money means less freedoms)
Vaccination mandates.
Why are you incapable of ever modifying your stupid slogans to reality?
His brain has literally shrunk from decades of alcohol abuse. Much of it irreversible. The damage has also clearly caused him the development/exascerbation of comfabulism, of which Sarc displays several symptoms.
Confabulation is associated with several characteristics:
1. Typically verbal statements but can also be non-verbal gestures or actions.
2. Can include autobiographical and non-personal information, such as historical facts, fairy-tales, or other aspects of semantic memory.
3. The account can be fantastic or coherent.
4. Both the premise and the details of the account can be false.
5. The account is usually drawn from the patient's memory of actual experiences, including past and current thoughts.
6. The patient is unaware of the accounts' distortions or inappropriateness, and is not concerned when errors are pointed out.
7. There is no hidden motivation behind the account.
8. The patient's personality structure may play a role in their readiness to confabulate.
Sarc is also kind of dumb too.
Problem is that red and blue stand for control, not liberty.
Go fuck yourself, saying the obvious like you'd just received an unknown revelation from the gods.
It doesn't have to be that way, but that won't change as long as libertarians are content with the soggy cracker they receive from the LP circle jerk.
Libertarians didn’t leave the GOP. Trump led the GOP away from libertarians.
See, if you watched even one long form podcast with Trump instead of relying on CNN to inform and do all your thinking for you, you'd realize what utter horseshit that is.
Trump might not be 'libertarian' but he is a hundred times more libertarian than McCain, Romney and the Bushes ever were. Even more so than Reagan.
This is part of the reason why the libertarian "left" like Greenwald, Shellenberger and Gabbard are joining with Trump against your Cheney/Harris authoritarian monstrosity.
See, if you watched even one long form podcast with Trump instead of relying on CNN to inform and do all your thinking for you, you’d realize what utter horseshit that is.
Attacking me doesn’t refute the fact that he’s a mercantilist and a protectionist, neither of which are libertarian economic values.
Trump might not be ‘libertarian’ but he is a hundred times more libertarian than McCain, Romney and the Bushes ever were. Even more so than Reagan.
Trump doesn’t have a libertarian cell in his body. He accidentally did some libertarianish things, but they were purely by accident. And if he would reverse on all of those things if he thought it would benefit him.
I don't recall McCain, Romney or the Bushes running on a platform of protective tariffs and industrial policy aimed at bringing back jobs lost to comparative advantage. That's where Trump left libertarians behind.
This is part of the reason why the libertarian “left” like Greenwald, Shellenberger and Gabbard are joining with Trump against your Cheney/Harris authoritarian monstrosity.
As far as I can tell they oppose Trump because he’s an outsider, not because he’s somewhat libertarian. Though I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone would support Harris (there’s a comment you will pretend does not exist).
Again with the Tariffs. This has been explained o you endlessly. You’re just too brain damaged, drunk, and too low of an underlying intellect to understand economics and international trade.
True, mercantilism ain't libertarian. But being mercantilist makes him think mercantile, and therefore to favor other policies that are good for business, which are almost always pro-liberty. It makes sense that if you want a country to produce more exports, you'd make it easier to do business there and so produce more goods and services for export. And this is borne out by Trump's overall stance.
I don’t recall McCain, Romney or the Bushes running on a platform of protective tariffs and industrial policy aimed at bringing back jobs lost to comparative advantage.
That's because you're an idiot who can barely remember what he posted five minutes earlier.
And of course McCain and Romney supported it at the time.
And your brand-new tariff fetish aside, Trump was light-years better than them on wars, torture, free speech and civil rights.
Which of course you know but won't bother mentioning because you don't actually give a shit.
Do you think sarc has noticed how close Chase and Trump are for isidewith yet? Even Jeff got 57% lol
No, they stand for whatever they think will get them elected. If they thought vegetarianism and yodeling would get them elected, that’s what they’d stand for. So it’s very reasonable to try to influence all major parties.
In fact the best returns on effort would be in political parties that are currently about 50% for and 50% against you, so you can tip the balance. If the party is already overwhelmingly in your favor, your effort there is wasted, and if they’re overwhelmingly in your disfavor, you effort there is futile.
And don’t stop at political parties. Work on influencing clubs, churches…any groups that might get a little political and exert their influence at times.
“…… they’ve always wanted to get involve in what people do in their bedrooms…”
Sigh. This sounds like one of those “They gonna put y’all back in chains” nonsense tropes that the perpetual grievance crowd traffics in.
You may not be a prog but you sure do live in the past like they do. Grow up.
You don’t need to have your own political party to do that, and in many cases tying ideas to a political party is a drag.
Those are the official numbers and perhaps he is receiving some donations through the backdoor.
" I’ve seen polling on X where they say young men who support Trump will never get laid."
Never is a long time. Eventually the sex starved Trump supporting young men will lay each other as happens in prisons and religious orders.
"But the emotions are important,"
Enjoying a good laugh is also important. Trump is by far the most entertaining option, Cornel West coming a distant second. Trump's bits on black jobs, Hitler's generals, etc are edgy enough to ensure a long life on Youtube long after the election is over.
I’m sure you don’t have much problem getting laid as a Harris supporter. You probably get lots of guys at the bathhouse to bottom you.
A childish comment. Light on humor, heavy on sexual panic. Devoid of interest.
Speaking of childish:
mtrueman 2 days ago
Flag Comment Mute User
And where would you prefer 9 year olds to learn about sex? Are there any porn sites on the web you could point to that you think would do a better, more responsible job? I’m pretty sure most 9 year olds masturbate. It’s easy to do and is a source of innocent merriment.
Speaking of childish:
Mother's Lament 4 hours ago
Flag Comment
Mute User
Speaking of childish:
mtrueman 2 days ago
Flag Comment Mute User
And where would you prefer 9 year olds to learn about sex? Are there any porn sites on the web you could point to that you think would do a better, more responsible job? I’m pretty sure most 9 year olds masturbate. It’s easy to do and is a source of innocent merriment.
You’re “pretty sure most 9 year olds masterbate” eh?
Orgasms arrive with puberty that on average occurs at age 11-12 for girls and 13 for boys.
Those three years are significant when they represent a quarter of your life.
Do you think that lying to feeble minded fuckwits advances the sharing of truth?
Not enough ‘innocent merriment’ for you?
Thanks for reminding me. Timothy Spall this time. Bowlderized version.
Whatever happened with the loud popping sounds in Iran a day or two ago? Seems to have fallen off the news cycle.
Iran fell down and their security quickly ran in.
Did the Ayatollah get cut by a spontaneously exploding teleprompter?
The ones you were coerced to help fund? And the ones that you now have a bullseye on your back for that?
The US State Dept is working hard to try to get Iran not to respond saying that Israel is done hitting them as that was a retaliation for recent activities.
Israel should finish the job. Maybe if they do it just right it will give the Iranian people an opening to violently overthrow the mullahs and exterminate the whole regime. Which is what should have happened a long time ago, but didn’t in large part thanks to Obama.
You’ll have to pony up a few hundred billion more and your neighbors’ kids will need to head over there to participate.
Why? The regime is wildly unpopular with the people. Israel just has to degrade their ability to attack them and oppress them. From there they just need to cripple the mullah’s ability to control their own population. Then the Iranian can finish them off and establish a less aggressive government. Which shouldn’t be too difficult.
Because (1) net positive taxpayers like me are being coerced to fund a foreign nation and (2) they don’t have the personnel to invade and occupy Iran. The US can’t protect its borders and should consider focusing on that instead of trying to protect someone else’s that could turn into Iraq-Afghanistan part 3.
Israel doesn’t need to invade. Just cripple the regime. Then let the Iranian people finish off the mullahs. The regime’s hold on power has been tenuous for over twenty years now.
The Devil Fell Down in Georgia
According to the Central Election Commission of Georgia, the ruling party “Georgian Dream” wins the parliamentary elections.
The Central Election Commission published the results of processing votes from 3,018 polling stations (97.01% of the total number of voters).
“Dream” received 54.2% of the votes.
The four opposition parties together gain 37.33% of the votes.
– “Coalition of Change” – 10.81%,
– “Unity – National Movement” – 10.07% (Saakashvili’s party),
– “Strong Georgia” – 8.72%,
– “For Georgia” – 7.73%.
The opposition has already stated that it will not recognize the election results and is preparing protests for Sunday.
– Intel Slava Z
Another blow for the unipolar Biden-Harris regime. Particularly affected was obese and former color revolution pot stirrer Victoria Nuland, who is also dealing with an unemployed husband (Robert Kagan) who reportedly resigned from the WaPo editorial board after they were informed that the newspaper was not endorsing a potus candidate this cycle.
I'm sympathetic to Simone Weil who called for the abolishment of all political parties. Parliamentarians' primary duty is to their constituents. Party membership raises issues of dual loyalty.
"Elon Musk is in 'regular contact' with Putin, new report alleges"
Do I have to connect the dots for you? DO I?!
I hope Musk's personal security detail is better than Trump's.
five assassination attempts already. The Jeffsarc's aren't messing around.
The Kremlin has said this is not true:
Just finished watching the Rogan/Trump interview. Every Reason editor and staffer should be required to watch it. The whole 3 hours.
Pres Trump won the election with that interview.
It wasn’t even his best one, which I think was the two hours he did with Theo Von. Especially their conversation on drugs. His Lex Fridman one was great too. He’s done what? Ten long form podcasts now? Apparently Barron is pushing him to do all these.
But the one JD Vance did with Von was the best.
I agree it wasn't his best but it's likely to get the most attention. 27 million views on YouTube as of this morning plus Spotify and Rumble and X. That has to be more than the the entire MSM combined. You can agree or disagree with Trump on anything but you can't watch any of his long form interviews and make the case that he's an unhinged white supremacist.
"You can agree or disagree with Trump on anything but you can’t watch any of his long form interviews and make the case that he’s an unhinged white supremacist."
Out of respect for tradition, he saves the fascism for his rallies.
Says two little Jew-hating Nazis who shill for the party of slavery, the Indian wars, the Klan, and the Japanese internment.
The same people who are threatening free speech, making political prosecutions, trying to disenfranchise the voting rights of others, trying to control the language of others, and trying to control social media and the news.
And yet you two goosestepping little shits have the gall to call Trump "fascist".
"And yet you two goosestepping little shits have the gall to call Trump “fascist”."
If the jackboot fits... What exactly do you have against Nazis? If don't answer, I just might have to control your speech!
It doesn’t. The fascism comes from your kind. Not Trump, not us.
Just admit you’re a neo Marxist that wants to end the constitution and impose a totalitarian state run by democrats as the sole state party.
I could at least respect your honesty then.
"It doesn’t."
Yes it does.
"I could at least respect your honesty then."
No you couldn't.
Claims be doesn't have a tribe below lol.
Because for you, freedom=fascism, right pinko?
Mshithead, like all the Neo-Marxists, thinks clever rhetoric will convince us that resisting their totalitarianism is "fascist". Meanwhile, the Democrats are busy imitating actual Nazis, from state control of commerce and information to canceling Jews--all while yelling "Hitler!".
It wasn't that clever. It was only meant to hit a nerve. And it did, judging by your kneejerk response.
It doesn't have to be clever. It has to be true. And Earth-based told the truth.
While Mfalsemam lies.
Yes it does. No it doesn't. No he didn't.
Fuck off and die, asshole.
resisting their totalitarianism is “fascist”.
To EBHS and people like him, District 13 is the hero of Hunger Games.
The kind of world you amd your fellow travelers are working towards.
You can agree or disagree with Trump on anything but you can’t watch any of his long form interviews and make the case that he’s an unhinged white supremacist.<
Yes, bigly. And the interview destroyed Harris’ entire line of argument about threat to democracy. That is a dud. This interview checked the box for any remaining fence sitters.
Here's why we CANNOT reduce the power of the unelected federal regulators, example #3,869,844:
"Merger between makers of Coach and Michael Kors handbags halted by judge"
"AU.S. District judge has halted the merger between the makers of Coach and Michael Kors handbags, saying it would reduce competition and hurt consumers.
In her ruling Thursday, U.S. District Judge Jennifer Rochon noted that Tapestry Inc. and Capri Holdings are "close competitors" and that the merger would result in "the loss of head-to-head competition" and raise prices for shoppers.
[...]The ruling came six months after the FTC sued to block Tapestry's $8.5 billion acquisition of Capri, saying that the deal would eliminate direct competition between the fashion companies' brands like Coach and Michael Kors in the so-called affordable luxury handbag arena..."
Imagine the wives of middle-management having to pay more for their status-symbols!
Andrew Heaton has a new book out called "Tribalism is Dumb: Where It Came from, How It Got So Bad, and What to Do about It".
I purchased the audiobook, but haven't gone for a good drive yet.
I do like the premise of it.
Tribalism has made politics so awful I was forced to write a book about it. Well, fine. Fine.
This book explores the evolutionary roots of loving our team and hating the enemy team, and why groupish caveman instincts linger in our minds today. It answers: If tribalism is hardwired into us, what changed in the last twenty years? How did partisanship get so loud, toxic, and obnoxious, and ruin last Thanksgiving? Finally, it says what we can do about it as individuals navigating relationships, and as society as a whole.
"Tribalism is Dumb" will make you less flummoxed by partisanship, political loudmouths, and dogmatic pundits. It will make you taller, slimmer, and more attractive to everyone you could legally hit on. And it will make you better equipped to navigate tribalism in the wild.
Maybe it will help deal with the the caveman tribalist morons in these comments.
Maybe it can help with that raging case of long TDS. Good luck.
The only derangement I see around Trump is from his followers.
Or maybe not. Good luck buddy.
I’m not going to ignore Trump’s hostility towards economic liberty, his scapegoating millions of people without papers, his comments about wanting to be a dictator and having the power to do whatever he want, his attempts to overturn the election, or that he’s a bombastic buffoon and an embarrassment to the nation. I guess that’s what you call TDS.
Nor does anything I just said equal support for Harris. The fact that she’s a former prosecutor is all I need to know to despise the woman.
If you put a gun to my head and forced me to choose I’d choose Trump (there’s a comment that y'all will pretend doesn't exist). But thankfully I’m not being forced to vote under threat of death, so I choose not to.
You won't ignore it. In fact you'll continue to repeat Psaki led talking points without ever actually listening to his speeches. Hence, you being tribal with the TDS group.
Or definitely not with that sarxist rhetoric.
Sarc, you’re struggling and failing. Falling further into the abyss every day of your pathetic existence. It’s time to to let go, and end your suffering. Just go ahead and die.
What's happened to you, man? Until a few weeks ago, your insults were amusing. Double meanings, interesting wordplay, not too obvious.
Now this is all you got?
He’s become Jesse if Jesse had a sense of humor.
Do you also think I am tall, well groomed, and look like a cop?
A tribalist attack dog that ignores what people say and instead substitutes the voices in your head.
You said these very things about Jesse. When you said them, it was weird and a bit creepy in a Tim Walz kind of way.
I don't think Sarc is gay, although he's definitely sucked a cock for drugs and alcohol more than once.
I think he fetishized Jesse more out of a sense of inferiority and feelings of anger rather than actual homosexual attraction.
Sarckles on the street giving handjobs for crack, its easy mmmkay.
Yeah, Sarc deifitmley has some homoerotic shit going on in his pickled Brian when it. Ones to Jesse, and Trump. Probably fantasizes about them spitroasting him.
I think he fetishized Jesse more out of a sense of inferiority and feelings of anger rather than actual homosexual attraction.
Hey now. I'm a tall cop looking man. Probably fantasizes about his ex wife's upgrade too.
Maybe she left Sarckles for a cop and therein lies some of the issues.
You guys k is that Sarc was never married, right? The whole thing is an alcoholism fueled delusion. Kind of like Charlie and The Waitress on ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’.
Ideas!™ , not people.
Can you explain how cops and media think every dog is a pitbull again? Still don't get that amazing high quality comedy.
Sarc’s comedy makes Nick Swardson look like Richard Pryor.
I ate some GMO turducken and got quadruple boosted. Maybe it has lowered me closer to jeffsarcmike level of intelligence.
I’m doing some chores and was short handing. Right now am splitting more firewood for the 2025 burn season. With the way prices have skyrocketed, including healthcare, under the disaster that has been the Biden-Harris regime it helps me put away more cash, disassociate from the broken system, and is part of the health and fitness program so I don’t end up like those collectivists that demanded masking and vaxxing from fit people because they were too lazy to flatten their curves.
GMO turducken is best when boiled in HO2.
JD Vance was wrong about turducken.
A Venn diagram of GMO turducken, a bear in a trunk, and snarfcasmic would truly be a sight.
If you ever questioned how dumb Mike is with his HO2 and GMO turducken, this is more proof of to how dumb Mike can get.
Mike Laursen was the dumbest regular in the commentariat during his tenor here.
Does the book scream tribalism at every one else whole ignoring your own tribalism? Like you and jeff?
If not you won't learn from it.
You're the blue tribe's fucking medicine man here who is constantly losing his shit on anyone who says something that reflects poorly on the Democrats.
I know that self-awareness isn't your bag, but even you must realize what you do by now.
I purchased the audiobook
Zero surprises there.
Riiight. Except you, mister library of bookmarked comments, still has yet to produce a single comment of mine where I praise, support or defend any policy by any Democrat.
I’ve challenged you to do that many, many times over the years. Yet you never have.
Why? Because such comments don’t exist.
If you possessed the slighted bit of honesty you could produce many comments where I praise, support or defend Trump for cutting regulations, appointing good judges, and not getting us into any new wars.
Yet you think I’m a Democrat because I criticize Trump and his unthinking tribalist followers when they all deserve it.
You are what the book is about.
Do I need to post your Biden recognizes the constitution shit again? Even above you continue to claim they are for personal liberty. I can go into any thread critical of a dem and show you threadshitting and attacking the GOP instead.
You seem to believe that as long as you don't say "I am a Democrat" you can ignore 99% of your consisten posts in one direction.
Nobody is dumb enough yo fall for this. Shrike tries the same bullshit.
"where I praise, support or defend any policy by any Democrat."
Of course you don't because you have no clue what their policies are, and when we point them out for you, despite being written in black and white by the party, you call them conspiracy theories.
Maybe if you knew what your party's policies actually were you'd stop being so tribal.
Spoken like a true tribalist who cannot comprehend someone despising both political tribes.
And did you see where I said I'd vote for Trump over Harris if someone put a gun to my head? Of course not. You're looking at the words right now and they're swimming in front of you because your tribalist brain cannot register them.
" You’re looking at the words right now and they’re swimming in front of you because your tribalist brain cannot register them."
Perhaps you should make an audiobook of your comments.
All he'd hear is the teacher on the Peanuts whenever I said anything that conflicted with the narrative.
You are the narrative, Sarckles. You're a Jake Tapper broadcast made flesh and given too much alcohol
misconstrueman, make an infinite audio loop that you play endlessly: I am a hypocritical, useless, anti-semitic POS too cowardly to go help my hamas homies.
Where would you be without me?
Spoken like a true tribalist who cannot comprehend someone despising both political tribes.
As expected of the guy who actually said it's morally wrong to despise the Nazis.
“I purchased the audiobook, but haven’t gone for a good drive yet.”
So I can see you managing to acquire an udiobook somehow, but how would you go for a drive? You obviously had any car you owned repossses years ago, or alternately sold it for booze money. And you’re too drunk and stupid to steal a car unless people in Maine leave the keys in the ignition. Do they do that there?
And you’re too drunk and stupid to steal a car unless people in Maine leave the keys in the ignition. Do they do that there?
Dunno how folks down in “Northern Mass” do it, but it is quite common in the northern half of the state.
Maybe that’s the Sarc version of a stay at a hotel. He just sneaks into a car with the keys in the ignition and squats there overnight. A getaway from his refrigerator box in the piss soaked alley behind the dive bar.
I just love how we all ask him to read books and the closest he will ever get is audio books. He probably has an auditory learning disability too.
And he just isn’t very bright.
“America wants to be a meritocracy, an engine of innovation where talent and know-how flow in freely. But it also wants to strictly control the knowledge that flows out.”
Alternatively, America is a country in which the government has a never ending list of ways to extort money from the private sector.
Need to get rid of the democrats. Then the RINOs. Then anyone else with Marxist aspirations and Stalinist dreams.
All oppressive regimes believe books and ideas are dangerous.
History is ripe with examples, and the banning books filled with "dangerous" ideas is one of the first steps toward totalitarianism.
Exactly. Name the one time in history that the guys banning books and censoring everybody were the good guys.
The good guys just want to censor misinformation and dangerous rhetoric.
The sad thing is that lots of people in China under Mao, and North Korea today, think the Dear Leader really does lead the good guys.
Wow. Huge Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. Sold out crowd. Scary shit.
Black Nazis, Jewish Nazis, White Nazis all coming together to celebrate fascist ideas like civic nationalism, colorblindness and no more wars.
Remember how Hitler was against invading Poland? Just terrible.
Strangely, 'reason' is correct about this one. It's a little known fact that all U.S. weapons, including nuclear bombs, have a Pioneer 10-type gold plaque attached written in all 7151 human languages that describes exactly how to build and use them, so nobody needs the engineering drawings or the tech manuals anyway. Of course -- typical government in action -- nobody actually needs to know *how* to build or use a weapon just *to* build or use it, so the plaques are unnecessary -- yet more government waste. Good catch, 'reason'!
> Then, in 1976, a scientist drank too much at a Passover ceremony. In a fit of wine-drunk genius, Ron Rivest devised the Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) algorithm, which would allow two people to share encrypted messages without exchanging a secret key beforehand, a feat mathematicians had thought impossible.
Yeah, so, can y'all actually stick to things you actually know anything about?
First, the Passover when RSA was invented was in 1977, not 1976. This is important because what Rivest did was come up with an effective "one-way" function to implement Ralph Merkle's key agreement protocol, as presented in a November 1976 paper by Diffie and Hellman.
And while it is technically true that there were some mathematicians at the time would would have expressed the opinion that it might be mathematically impossible to come up with such a function, please note all of five months passed between the publication of the Diffie-Hellman paper and Rivest writing the core of the RSA paper.
I mean, look, RSA is a pretty neat trick. But it was a case of three postdocs at MIT reading a fairly obscure paper on a theory and then spending a few months chewing over how to practically implement it.
And everything from Merkle's basic idea idea to the prime factorization approach used in RSA turns out to have been a re-invention of the secret work done at Britain's GCHQ by James H. Ellis, Malcom J. Williamson, and Clifford Cocks anyway.
Which means it's pretty ridiculous to portray it as a case of drunken genius insight doing things mathematicians thought impossible. RSA was just a reasonably clever idea whose time had come.
I suggest that the author of this article learns what he is talking about. He never goes into specifics on the type of manual for the F-16. There isn't a "user's manual" for a fighter jet. There are maintaince manuals, operating manuals and employment manuals. All of these can contain classified information. Operating maunals can contain information like capabilities and weaknesses. Maintaince manuals can contain information about classified systems and procedures.
I personally have several operating manuals for military aircraft. All of the aircraft that I have manuals for are no longer being used by the Military. F-14, A-4, A-6, A-7.and others.
If he wanted info on the F-16 all he would have to do is to contact the Museum of the Air Force in Dayton Ohio. Odds are pretty good that they would help him get what he needed and avoid any problems with classification.
The government's treatment of secret material is sometimes ridiculous in the extreme.
In the 1970's I was in the Army and was a crewman on a Pershing nuclear missile outfit. During a training class the instructor showed us a diagram of the missile with its four stages- 1st and 2nd engines, the guidance and control section and the warhead.
The teacher gave the overall length of the missile, and the lengths of the first three sections. Being a wiseass, I then asked him what the length of the warhead was. With a stern face he said "that's classified.."
The whole class broke up and, to this day I don't think the sergeant had any idea why.