Former NIH Director: Ignoring 'Collateral Damage' Inflicted by COVID-19 Policies Was 'Really Unfortunate'
Francis Collins’ remarks highlight the folly of attaching "infinite value" to a life saved by government regulation.
As federal officials considered how the government should respond to an emerging pandemic in 2020, Francis Collins recalled last year, "we weren't really considering the consequences" of extreme measures such as business shutdowns, school closures, and stay-at-home orders. It was a startling admission from Collins, who played a major role in those conversations as director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Collins, whose July 2023 comments recently attracted online attention, confessed that "public health people" made a "really unfortunate" mistake by ignoring the devastating side effects of the interventions they believed were necessary to curtail COVID-19 transmission. That mistake carries important lessons not just for future responses to communicable diseases but also for a wide range of public policies that inflict harm in the name of saving lives.
Collins, who ran the NIH from 2009 to 2021, was speaking at a Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, conference sponsored by Braver Angels, an organization that aims to "bridge the political divide" by encouraging civil discussion between people with different ideologies and partisan allegiances. During a session with Wilk Wilkinson, a Minnesota trucking manager and podcast host who is sharply critical of the political reaction to COVID-19, Collins tried to explain the perspective of the scientists who shaped that response.
"If you're a public health person," he said, "you have this very narrow view of what the right decision is, and that is something that will save a life. [It] doesn't matter what else happens."
That seemingly noble impulse, Collins noted, encouraged public health specialists to overlook the unintended but foreseeable costs of the policies they recommended. "You attach infinite value to stopping the disease and saving a life," he said. "You attach a zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people's lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never might quite recover from."
The folly of attaching "infinite value" to a life saved by government regulation should be obvious. Economists and regulators, after all, routinely and rightly seek to balance the costs of new rules against their expected benefits, a calculation that entails estimating the "value of a statistical life."
If that value were infinite, it would justify any policy that promises to save lives, regardless of the cost. A universal speed limit of 25 miles per hour (or, more ambitiously, a ban on automobiles) would reduce traffic deaths, for example, but at a cost that few of us would consider acceptable.
During the pandemic, the wisdom of weighing costs against benefits was not just forgotten but explicitly repudiated. Andrew Cuomo, then New York's governor, insisted that the goal was to "save lives, period, whatever it costs," because "we're not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable."
Although Collins portrays that attitude as characteristic of "public health people," there were dissenters even among experts who fell into that category. In October 2020, for example, three epidemiologists—Harvard's Martin Kulldorff, Oxford's Sunetra Gupta, and Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya—issued the Great Barrington Declaration, which recommended taking steps to protect people who were especially vulnerable to COVID-19 while allowing "those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally."
At the Braver Angels conference, Collins described Kulldorff et al. as "very distinguished." He was less respectful in an October 2020 email to White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci, saying "this proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists" demanded "a quick and devastating published take down of its premises."
During his exchange with Wilkinson, Collins explained that he was "deeply troubled" by the Great Barrington Declaration, which he viewed as reckless. "I regret that I used some terminology that I probably shouldn't," he said.
Collins also regrets that he and his colleagues paid insufficient attention to the "collateral damage" caused by restrictions on social, economic, and educational activity. "We probably needed to have that conversation more effectively," he said. Better late than never.
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No amnesty.
Hell, no. "Oooops! Sorry!" is not enough. There need to be trials, preferably followed by hangings.
I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned Qs effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities Copy underneath site to..
Check It—>>>
Burning traitors at the stake is highly underrated.
Indeed. Never forget. And I'll never forgive the people who actually drove and defended the policies.
These regrets of his are something that should be expressed at his criminal sentencing.
Public health is as much scientific as phrenology, Lysenkoism, and Nazi racial science!
And Trumpalooism is THE Moist SCIENTIFIC of them ALL!!! This is The One Science to Rule them ALL!!!! Trade wars, putting babies into wire cages and deliberately losing track of their MomDads, and tariffs GOOD; vaxxers, illegal sub-humans, groomers, witches, and trannies BAD! The Science of Trumpalooism Has Spoken!!!
I’m sorry he broke you so completely.
The spastic asshole has been broken for quite a while.
It should be euthanized.
Sorry, but you are mixing two different things. I earned a Master of Public Health degree and there is a - very narrow - legitimate role for government in public health. Government should almost certainly monitor the world for incoming contagious diseases in order to give early warning to the private sector. There is even a reasonable argument for the role that DARPA exemplified in at least temporarily clearing red tape for the private sector to develop safe and effective immunizations and, possibly, giving emergency funding for that purpose. There is absolutely no excuse for government using public funds to promote weight loss, diets, heart disease and stroke prevention.
Additionally, using the military to temporarily respond to medical disasters by setting up mobile ICUs and hospitals as they did when the hospitals were in danger of being overwhelmed by people seriously ill with COVID-19 is certainly justifiable, and gives our reserve military personnel valuable practice in defending the nation.
In theory it's justifiable.
In practice, the Navy Hospital Ship that was set up in Long Beach to handle non-Covid patients that regular hospitals in Los Angeles (city population ~10million) treated fewer than 100 patients before a Covid outbreak among its staff/crew forced them to pull back the gangways and leave the harbor. It's possible that some of that lack of utilization came from the state/local authorities, and the chosen media/online silos for most of the local populace had people on the verge of taping plastic sheeting over their windows and caulking around their entryway doors, but that was largely a "health policy" decision made within the government (and some TDS once trump refused to declare a Federal level lockdown of the whole country).
Stay At Home mummy From the large apple Shared Her Secret On but She Was ready to clear 5000 US dollars Weekly From on-line Work merely 3 Weeks once Losing Her recent Job…
I think this is the first time an adbot/scambot replied direct to one of my posts,
Feels like I’ve “arrived” in some way…
Government role in monitoring - maybe. But it's not yet established that government has a better track record of monitoring for incoming contagious diseases than private entities.
Government role in "temporarily clearing red tape" - you're missing the point that the red tape didn't belong there in the first place. More government to fix the sins of prior bad government is an example of treating the symptoms and ignoring the actual disease.
Using military medical as surge capacity - okay, I agree with that one.
“it’s not yet established that government has a better track record of monitoring for incoming contagious diseases than private entities”
My opinion does not depend on government being BETTER at it.
“you’re missing the point that the red tape didn’t belong there in the first place.
I did not miss it. It had nothing to do with my assertion. Getting an emergency clearance to allow the right thing does not imply “more government” or change the blame for the red tape or the need for removal of that red tape in the longer run.
Almost a week late.
So do millions of us out here.
“Mistakes were made.”
Facts changed. So we should forgive them, of course, without them needing to reflect at all or offer any substantive change in their approach.
Data indicating the extreme correlation between age and Covid deaths/mortality rates was avaliable from Wuhan via WHO (the agency which google/youtube claims is their reference for determining "misinformation") as early as Spring 2020, and was only confirmed more deeply as more data accumulated.
By the time the vaccines were available, and it was knowable that there was no data tracked or collected regarding transmission among the vaccinated (only incidence of "severe symptoms" was even measured), the data was clear on the fact that a "fully vaxxed" 70 year old person was still at hundreds of times higher risk than an unvaccinated person under 25. None of that prevented colleges, and public schools in many (mostly Dem controlled) states/districts from declaring mandates that all students had to be "fully-vaxxed" (in quotes because the definition of that requirement changed several times) to attend classes while also continuously masked. This included several districts around Los Angeles where vaccination rates for legitimately dangerous diseases like measles and whooping cough had fallen to under 50% (and in some cases lower than vax rates among the general population in South Sudan) less than 5 years earlier when much of the left was following RFK Jr's crusade against "big pharma".
A universal speed limit of 25 miles per hour (or, more ambitiously, a ban on automobiles) would reduce traffic deaths, for example, but at a cost that few of us would consider acceptable.
The problem is that it may not even be true. If you ban automobiles, you’re banning the unseen benefits that come from people have from them, such as the ease of going to their doctors. If you make the speed limit 25, you’re doubling, potentially, the amount of time spent on roads, increasing driver fatigue giving more opportunities for carelessness.
It’s not that balancing a life requires other considerations, it’s that there is zero thought given to any harms their policies generate at all. People were most likely killed by the panicked rush to put them on ventilators, but that doesn’t get weighed into any negative analysis of COVID responses. People suffered more armament harm and death because they weren’t able to get elective surgeries for a stretch of time.
These central planners don’t consider that their proposals may cause more actual harm than not enacting their proposals. They don’t have any sense of what absolutely foreseeable consequences are worth avoiding.
People will DIE
No matter what, you will die.
Deal with it.
But we can save the world by stopping oil!:
Was gonna say, I wonder if we'll get the same admissions after the world goes to shit due to all the insane environmental diktats.
And wasted time: the cost of regulations and actions that waste the public's time should be measured in terms of mean waking lifetimes (to a first approximation, 16 hours/day times 365 days/year times 40 years of average remaining life-span: 233,600 hours).
FWIW, by that standard, TSA's security theater costs on the order of 20,000 lives per year, making it the most deadly terrorist organization on the planet. *Until* NIH got into it.
Wow. That actually beats the IRS's 11,000 lives per year. I thought the tax code would come on top!
The hypothetical stated that only a certain mode of death would be eliminated; with modern vehicles, it would be very difficult for anyone of average health to sustain a life-threatening injury while inside a vehicle at those speeds. Then it's stated clearly that the costs associated with that policy wouldn't be considered tolerable.
Itemizing some of those costs in detail isn't a refutation of the claim, it's actually reinforcing the point.
At some level, the purpose and the function of organizations like CDC and NIAD/NIH is to focus too tightly on particular aspects, because they merely advise the policy makers; similarly, there should be some agency in the commerce department to advise on just how to create economic growth at all costs, and if the Dept of Education serves any purpose, it should contain an agency which tries to determine how to improve learning at all costs. It's supposed to then be the job of the top-level policy makers to weight the costs and benefits of various advice they're getting, and figure some kind of workable amalgam of all the different recommendations. in the case of what happened with Covid, there was a void of anyone providing advice about the mental health and societal costs of trying to emulate what the Communist Chinese regime was doing; especially since nobody really believed their claims that cases went to absolute zero as a result.
It didn't help that so much of the MSM, and certain political activist communities got so much of the public convinced that the best policy response was to "listen to the experts" without regard for what the parameters are that those experts are working within.
Now will Reason apologize for doing the same thing?
I know you already know the answer to that one: Reason doesn't do apologies. Heck, they generally don't even do graceful corrections.
Their haughty, arrogant attitude from the top down is that we're all supposed to just completely ignore all the shit they said in thecesrly days of COVID and pretend they never actually said it. Same deal with so many of the other big stories they cover so badly (the Russian collusion hoax, etc etc etc).
And if someone has the temerity to actually go to the trouble to post actual links and quotes, that's when they get the rage and gaslighting from all of them through their panoply of sockpuppet accounts.
How about that slimy piece of shit JFree?
Never! Texas Slim and Florida Shorty were the worst of all the covid governors.
It's not even clear that it saved lives in the long run.
Cuomo certainly killed people with his COVID response.
Hey, did my edit actually work?!
Yes, the "Edit" button is back! I found out yesterday myself.
ok – i’ll bite
Yup! its baaaack... [trust but verify]
I'd say it's at least likely that the response will kill many more than the virus in the long run. It just happens in so many subtle ways that it is hard to quantify.
This fucker Collins belongs in prison. Period.
That he is expressing regrets about the policies he pushed is good. That he was one of the people rather viciously suppressing dissent from those policies while slandering scientists expressing such dissent in the moment is unforgivable.
"Expressing regret" is insufficient. He needs to be prosecuted and hanged.
Save it for the sentencing hearing.
It's actually not good. He is lying and trying to rewrite and whitewash.
Which has much to do with the second part my comment. He was not just honestly wrong, he was part of the cabal to suppress any dissent from the official narrative and have a real scientific discussion.
Bhattacharya doesn't get a pass either. Although I'm not familiar with he might have tried to communicate to Collins before the Great Barrington Declaration, but the public declaration came five or six months after it was too late to make a difference. If he and others had made the Great Barrington Declaration on March 29th after the disastrous "fifteen days to slow the spread" announcement it would have shown courage and might have had some productive effect.
Great Barrington Declaration wasn't just something they threw together in an afternoon. During the early part of the shutdowns, there was some level of expectation that the authorities who shut things down might actually stick to their claim that it was a short-term measure, or at least had some awareness that it would be very harmful, expensive, and past the authority of any western government to try to extend it indefinitely.
In the blue states (especially the deep-TDS coastal regimes), what really sealed our fate was trump refusing to lock the whole country down; that almost forced Newsom's hand to close CA to a near-New Zealand extent or else risk losing his base voters to the recall effort. If trump had called for any level of restriction at the Federal level, CA probably would have filed a lawsuit to block it and started planing for some kind of state-funded free music festival that they'd streamed to every high school gym, movie theater, and senior recreation center in the state for 24 straight hours to make it possible for all 40 million residents to attend at a crowded indoor venue somewhere accessible.
I don't know about NYC, although some panic would be a bit more justified with as bad as things reportedly got there (about 4x the rate of cases and deaths as Sweden in the first "surge" if you overlay the data graphs for those two places), but once trump started to try to discourage panic, there was a huge contingent from L.A. to Seattle who doubled down on fear practically locking themselves alone in a basement with 3 masks on, and only encountered fresh air for as long as it took them to spray down their amazon and doordash deliveries with bleach. I have some far-left friends who may have actually been isolating from each other in different rooms of their house, because nobody in their family is good enough with tools to seal themselves off entirely with plastic sheeting; when the beaches in L.A. County re-opened for a month in June 2020, they insisted that I keep a mask (fabric at that time since the data wasn't in that they were actually useless yet) on with them even while distanced outdoors on a relatively breezy section of the coast (and if I'm remembering correctly, wouldn't park next to another occupied space in the outddor lot, to avoid possibly incidentally passing within 6 feet of a masked stranger in that environment). The funniest part of it all is that my Covid symptoms started 3 days later (most likely, I caught it at a neighborhood diner the day before having breakfast) and not one of them came down with it; even the county-employed "contact tracer" didn't think it was possible that I'd actually caught the virus on a sunny/windy day outdoors.
For all their talk about "believe the science" and "follow the data", the Dems around here wouldn't consider the possibility that the high death rates in the earliest data were more a product of the fact that the CDC and FDA kept the supply of test kits so restricted (and the version of the PCR test that was being used was so expensive) that almost all of the people being tested at all were already at hospitals with severe symptoms, and far too many who tested positive ended up being put onto a ventilator that ultimately was determined to do more harm than good. Too few test kits meant the denominator in the fatality rate calculation was too small by multiple orders of magnitude (that was knowable at the time), combined with the fact that the accepted "best treatment" was at best failing to improve any outcomes and at worst killing people needlessly (that wasn't knowable at that time); even in spring 2020 it was possible to know that the rate of bad outcomes among those testing positive in the USA wasn't a valid calculation, and that the reported rates were at least 10x or 100x too high, or more after the infected cruise ship data indicated that there was a very high rate of asymptomatic infection with the virus.
Yeh - venting and putting all the old together were very likely the primary causes of death early on. The vaccines took over by summer of 2021.
It really is whacked that he isn't on trial for perjury. It's one of the biggest slam dunk, drop dead, stone cold lock cases of perjury I've ever seen in my life with all the emails and other documentation they're in possession of.
Are you sure you're not confusing him with Fauci (this guy's boss)? I know there was a slam-dunk for Fauci lying in a Congressional hearing when he denied having funded the research that NIH confirmed having funded, but the guy in this story would have been the one to authorize releasing the proof that Fauci had lied in his testimony.
Yeah, it's not fucking "unfortunate". At best it is total incompetence and unsuitability for the job.
At least some of the commentariat here was considering the consequences of government prohibiting freedom of association. In some vase, don’t think it was unintended.
Voluntaryism - if you were morbidly obese due to the many poor individual lifestyle choices you have made and were frightened by the cough, then stay home.
The cultural consensus here was jeff should have stopped eating twinkies instead of forcing us to protect him.
Given the poor efficacy of face diapers and the jab, those virtue signaling activities wouldn’t have appreciably better protected him but added risk to those indulging. Seems more like trying to drag folks down into an unhealthy state than an individualist leveling up.
Hitler thought he was engaged in a noble cause too. Both deserve the same fate.
Collins should move to Argentina?
The skiing in Bariloche isn't that great this time of year.
I thought it was Brazil. Or at least his clones.
Saving lives had nothing to do with it.
It was all about thinking this was the excuse for the fascists to come out in the open.
The proper response is to sharply curtail "emergency powers"; but not a single republican has introduced federal legislation to limit the scope or duration of edicts.
It was all about thinking this was the excuse for the fascists to come out in the open
This is correct. The shit the pols pulled is akin to war crimes. The hypocrisy of ignoring their own edicts (French Laundry) and the hundreds of examples where staff wore masks but the elites did not.
We need short trials and slow executions.
Emergency edicts should be capped at a maximum of 0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 0 hours, and 0 seconds.
At best they should be able to say ‘you’re on your own’ in an emergency. For example, if you’re not an essential worker and you drive into a giant blizzard, nobody’s coming for you until it’s over. If you lie to speed up a rescue, you’re liable for the cost. Same principle as holding unprepared hikers liable for their rescue costs.
It started as a way to get Trump to not be re-elected.
All the fascist shit came later.
"If you're a public health person," he said, "you have this very narrow view of what the right decision is, and that is something that will save a life.
There is little evidence that the policies they forced on everybody saved any lives at all. When compared to places like Sweden that did not impliment those policies, they may have even caused more deaths than doing nothing. Collins needs to swing next to Fauci.
And that is absolutely not what a public health person needs to do. You aren't a fucking physician treating a patient. Something that will save the life of a sick person may well do unreasonable harm to a healthy person. The first job of a "public health person" needs to be to make sure public health policies are legal and constitutional and don't do more harm than good.
They intentionally executed people by shoving ventilators down their throats based on the theory that it would allow "health care professionals" to deal with younger patients who were about to overwhelm the system, something that never happened.
Never forget, folks: This is what "all life is precious" means in practice, and Francis Collins is cited by religionists as a proof that religion and science can somehow co-exist in the same mind and person and both can equally guide a society.
With the response to COVID-19, a kernel of truth about the dangers of the virus was coupled with government police state power and enforced with all the dogmatism and fervor of a Crusade or Jihad..
The end result is we here on the raggedy edge with a censored Internet, an inflation-tainted economy filled with businesses short on help yet glutted with people who don't want to work, and pathological behavior both indoors and in the streets.
Good job with mapping the Human Genome, Francis, but you screwed the pooch bad here on COVID-19.
Sit there in the docket next to Fauci and Cuomo and Emperor Xi. The COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Trial is going to take a while.
Very Knowledgable...
the goal was to "save lives, period, whatever it costs," because "we're not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable."
That's not what the democrats say when that life is a baby.
Or it’s time to send boys off to war.
Or when an unarmed woman is civilly trespassing in the temple.
I suspect the cop had been fantasizing about shooting a white woman for a long time.
He is the real victim in all this.
BTW, many of us here and others AT THE TIME were clear that the tin-pot-dictator wannabe approach was wrong:
At least we're all cool now.
"the interventions they believed were necessary to curtail COVID-19 transmission"
Rejected! They did NOT believe those interventions would or even could "curtail" viral transmission before, during or after the pandemic. Decades of policy making and planning by the world's experts in virology were nearly unanimous - and the scientific and historical evidence it was based upon - clearly and unequivocally recommended avoiding major social and economic dislocations by focusing on protecting the most vulnerable from exposure. He's either an idiot or covering his ass now trying to repair his legacy. This is why scientists should stick to science and politicians should follow the zen principle of least action.
Even the Great Barrington Declaration came about six months too late. All of the writers of and signatories to that statement knew that the lockdowns six months before violated basic principles and years of planning for just such an eventuality, but they said nothing. The only possible explanation for that is professional cowardice and I do not and will not forgive them for that.
Do you have any evidence that they engaged in cowardice? The censorship and tyranny started in the 2 weeks we were purportedly being asked to voluntarily flatten the curve. I personally was gobsmacked with the insanity unfolding and assumed, incorrectly, that cooler heads would prevail. With even "libertarians", like Reason writers bought in it was difficult to even hear contrarian voices let alone a path to rebel. The writers and signatories of the declaration had to find one another, document their evidence and create an organization and a compelling response all at great risk to their careers. They are heroes to me.
I had that evidence at the time. I would have to go back again to re-do the research. The best I can do now is to point to previous Reason articles at the time arguing against the lockdowns which mentioned the WHO and CDC plans and recommendations up to that point. IIRC Bhattacharya was one of the participants in the various position papers during the decade leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic recommending against draconian lockdowns.
However, here's an article he co-authored from 2010:
The area under the curve is the same, regardless of its shape.
That's what 'flattening it out' was all about -- not preventing transmissions, but spacing them out.
When the natural 'end' of covid 2020 came with spring, they were then forced to switch to 'zero covid', but without actually saying it. NY had about a 1% positive rate all summer 2020. If you can't ease up restrictions in the middle of summer (when hospitals are at their least-stressed), when CAN you ease them? Trick question: The answer is after the election.
That guy’s a gaslighting liar. He’s the one who waved his eyeglasses around on Lex Friedman’s podcast and said “These are gain of function”. As supposedly one of America’s top-level scientismists he damn well knows that ‘gain of function’ research in the context of virus research has a very specific meaning.
edit: And even if we accept his gaslighting lying, then if the Virus can’t see its way around because it has 20/200 vision, and then we give it a pair of fucking spectacles making it so it can do its job better, then fuck you, you made the virus more dangerous you gaslighting liar.
He is the "Former Director of the National Institute of Using Health as a Political Weapon" after all ... gaslighting is his super-power.
With Gain of Function approved eyeglasses.
What an utter jackass. Where was he in 20/21 when people saying this exact thing were being spit on, canceled, fired, censored, medical licenses revoked? Great Barrington Declaration was Oct 5 2020.
He's literally the one who wrote to Fauci saying the GBD needs a swift and brutal takedown.
These guys should be fired for being so wrong or tried for outright lies/suppression of criticism. Still, the CDC and NIH are largely advisory. The real criminals are the ones that implemented their policies and allowed them to usurp powers; Trump, Biden and most governors. They are the ones that are supposed to balance public health officials predictable prioritization of trying to stop a pandemic at all costs with other concerns like the economy, liberty and constitutional rights.
>>Collins ... confessed "public health people" made a "really unfortunate" mistake by ignoring the devastating side effects of the interventions they believed were necessary to curtail COVID-19 transmission.
is it a confession if he's still full of baloney?
In Japan he would have been expected to commit suicide by now.
It’s a bit late for a mea culpa, but I don’t know what’s worse, Collins saying that maybe he and his people went a bit too far when they knew they were never going to be affected by the lockdowns and other restrictions they forced on the rest of us, or that there are still way too many assholes out there who think Collins et al did the right thing, or had gone even further.
That latter is worse. If everyone had learned that these people are incompetent and worthless and that their interventions were extremely harmful then we could move on. As it is now, way too many people would get behind the same policies again in a similar situation.
way too many
Like maybe 85-95%. Like last time.
They're already fantasizing about Covid style lockdowns to fight climate change.
First, he knows that big government ultimately failed in its bid to subjugate the proles using scare tactics. Even though lockdowns happened and the damage has been done, the real damage is that now in retrospect a large number of Americans no longer trusts the CDC for health advice. The goal was, in fact, to destroy the social fabric in order to allow socialism to progress. The social fabric was damaged but it did not further the goals of the socialists.
And second, he knows his own personal and professional reputation went down the toilet and there's nothing he can ever do to repair his legacy.
He's an extremely religious person and he's very old. One can guess that the main reason he is making the statement now is that he will be meeting his maker soon, and he truly believes that he will be judged. If only that were true.
This is such transparent bullshit.
Pubmed has over 30,000 articles on Quality-Adjusted Life Years.
20,000 of them discuss valuations for QALYs in decision making.
It's but a mental dissociation disorder held largely by the left who likes to pretend "government" is a zero-input goose that lays golden eggs of unexplainable miracles and wealth.
Instead of addressing what it really is ... a monopoly of gun-force setup by societies to ensure Individual Liberty and Justice for all.
And why does this 'mental dissociation disorder' grow so rapidly? Criminal intentions. Trying to GET what one doesn't want to EARN and pretending they can without a slave.
Remember that day the US Constitution was amended for a [Na]tional Institute of Health?????
Yeah; me neither...
F'En [Na]tional So[zi]alists.
"Andrew Cuomo, then New York's governor, insisted that the goal was to 'save lives, period, whatever it costs,' because 'we're not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable.'"
And his position on abortion is . . . ?
Easy to explain… Did someone say ‘abortion’????
Everyone on the right move left and everyone on the left move right.
Did you say universal healthcare for all or just pregnancies?
The Covid-19 interventions were always more about curtailing Donald Trump's re-election prospects than they were about containing the disease. Now that almost the entirety of this country's (and much of the world's) public health infrastructure has pissed away their credibility on intervening in American domestic politics, they want a Mulligan.
Narrator’s voice
And in his right hand, Francis displayed the Christmas gift that Buttgieg gave him
Of note, to anyone reading this far down, I posted, twice, on how the "medical establishment" was guilty of the additional deaths caused by their reaction to the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, and both times the comment failed to register.
Let's see if this one does.
All this goes as well for the war on drugs, mandatory "education," wars in other countries, socialized medicine, and most other government projects,
Francis Collins has never had any right to be anywhere near an organization involved in science. He is a religious nut bag, and his entire career is a farce. What's unfortunate is that he wasn't put out to pasture 20 years ago. If there's any consolation in his mea culpa, it is that it will make it more difficult for the government to do this again.
Didn't he seem to spend much of his time at the outbreak in the US working with Fauci to spin the myth that the virus was natural from a bat or whatever in the wet market in the same city he funded gain of function on same virus?
He was on Lex and was just such a transparent liar. Even Lex after berated himself that he just sat there and let old Francais bs..