First World Problems
Asian-American communities are full of stark divisions—including splits over whether to see themselves as "Asian Americans" in the first place.

The Loneliest Americans, by Jay Caspian King, Penguin Random House, 272 pages, $27
Jay Caspian Kang's life story is both extraordinary and somewhat normal for families like his.
His parents' family had roots in North Korea, although they fled to the South in the leadup and aftermath of what is known in America as the "Korean War." Upon getting married, his father and mother moved to the U.S. They arrived with relatively humble means, yet his parents enjoyed significant social mobility and their children flourished in the U.S. too. Although his path was far from straightforward, Kang ultimately attained a B.A. from an elite liberal arts college (Bowdoin) and an MFA from an Ivy League university (Columbia). He published a well-regarded novel. He worked as a reporter and/or editor for ESPN, The New Yorker, Vice, and elsewhere before joining The New York Times, where his columns are consistently great.
His latest book, The Loneliest Americans, draws on his own family's story and his reporting over the years to explore what it means to be Asian in America today. It deftly situates his own life and work within the broader journey of Asians in America, from the mid-1800s through the present. The book was inspired by the birth of his daughter, whose mother is non-Asian. Thinking about how his child would come to navigate her hyphenated identity led Kang to reflect on his own struggles with these questions, and on the struggles of his peers, and on those of the generations that came before.
A New Identity
"Asian American" as an identity was born in Berkeley in 1968. The term was coined by the Asian American Political Alliance (AAPA), which sought to forge a new pan-ethnic coalition, modeled on the black power movement (and the nascent Chicano movement), to address challenges that different Asian groups held in common.
Through the 1960s, one thing most of the largest Asian groups in America shared was an intimate connection to U.S. military intervention abroad, from the
Large numbers of Asians became Americans in the wake of these conflicts by marrying one of the U.S. soldiers occupying their home country. Family unification policies eventually allowed parents, siblings, and other relatives of military spouses to come over as well. These migrants ended up living, and building rich community ties, on or near military bases. Other Asians directly served in the military themselves throughout U.S. history, with many attaining naturalized citizenship in exchange for fighting on America's behalf.
Consequently, from the late 1800s through the mid-1960s, Asian America had a particularly intense, ambivalent, and complicated relationship to the United States and its war machine.
Beyond the invasions and occupations abroad, the U.S. has a long and shameful history of domestic oppression, exploitation, exclusion, and violence against Asians. In many respects, Chinatowns and Japantowns are living monuments to this history. (As Kang notes, Koreatowns were a bit different. They were established later, as a positive project, to carve out an ethnic enclave for Korean Americans that rivaled or exceeded the Chinatowns and Japantowns that were flourishing in many U.S. cities at the time.)
The AAPA constructed an "Asian American" identity around this common history, organizing students of Asian ancestry to resist discrimination at home and military adventurism abroad. But from the outset of the project, there were tensions along the lines of ethnicity and class. And before long, even the common threads of war and domestic oppression would grow more tenuous.
Kang details how immigration was tightly restricted during the period that American oppression, violence, and exclusion of Asians was most pronounced. At the time the U.S. began to open up again, the most egregious hostility and restrictions had been done away with. Indeed, one reason the laws could be liberalized is because the public had grown less hostile towards immigration in general, and to Asian Americans in particular, in the period following World War II.
Despite this liberalization, when the 1965 Hart-Cellar Act relaxed U.S. immigration restrictions, the White House downplayed its likely impact. President Lyndon Johnson insisted that the legislation wasn't that big of a deal and that it wouldn't change the fabric of U.S. society much in the long run. He was wrong.

Today, immigrants' share of the total U.S. population is approaching levels not seen in more than a century. Asian migrants have been key drivers of that growth. Through the 1970s and '80s, a plurality of all U.S. immigrants hailed from Asia. Asian migrants were briefly outpaced by immigrants from Latin America in the '90s and early '00s, but since 2008 a plurality of new migrants to the United States have been Asian once again. Since 1965, Asian Americans have risen from less than one-half of one percent of the U.S. population to more than 6 percent (according to 2020 U.S. Census estimates). The total number of Asians in America today is roughly 20 times what it was when Hart-Celler was signed into law.
Consequently, for most Asian Americans, their family history in the U.S. begins after 1965. In Kang's verbiage, they are children of Hart-Celler.
These post-Hart-Celler waves of migrants generally had no direct connection to the worst of America's mistreatment of Asians. Neither they nor their parents nor their grandparents nor any direct ancestor experienced internment, legal exclusion, or the most vicious strains of racism and racialized violence against Asians in America.
Moreover, after the fall of Saigon in 1975, U.S. military operations largely pivoted away from East Asia, growing increasingly focused on the Middle East and North Africa instead. Immigration patterns also shifted away from Asian countries where the U.S. had waged major conflicts. In recent decades, Chinese and Indian immigrants have come over in much higher numbers than migrants from other Asian countries, with these two groups now amounting to nearly half (45 percent) of the contemporary Asian-American population. As a function of these changes, the imprint of the United States military and its campaigns abroad—both the scars and the ties—have grown markedly less pronounced within America's Asian population as well.
For the children of Hart-Celler, America largely represented freedom, opportunity, and hope. For all its flaws, America was less corrupt, nepotistic, and parochial than the countries they hailed from. There were fewer barriers to mobility. There was more stability and opportunity. Many from ethnic or religious minority subgroups faced markedly less persecution in the U.S. than they did in their countries of origin. The post-1965 immigrants flocked to the U.S. because they believed in the American dream, and their children often embody the realization of that dream, even if they come to hold a more jaundiced view of the U.S. than their parents.
Luxury Beliefs
Generally speaking, Asian migrants have been able to build comfortable lives in America and to see their children flourish here. According to several conventional metrics of success, Asian Americans have managed not just to match whites on average but to exceed them. But not all Asian Americans have been able to flourish the same way. Asians are the most socioeconomically polarized racial and ethnic bloc in the U.S., with particularly stark divisions along the lines of national origin.
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Taiwanese, Thai, Malaysian, Sri Lankan, Indonesian, Pakistani, and Indian Americans all enjoy educational attainment rates and average household incomes that are significantly higher than overall U.S. averages. Vietnamese Americans are roughly at level with the U.S. averages on these measures. Bangladeshi, Hmong, Cambodian, Burmese, Bhutanese, and Laotian Americans, however, have much smaller and less-established populations in the U.S. Consequently, they do not have the same access to ethnically oriented networks and infrastructures to help them, and they often migrate to the U.S. with lower levels of pre-existing "cultural capital" than other Asian subgroups as well. These populations tend to have household incomes and/ or rates of educational attainment that fall significantly below the U.S. average—and as a result, they tend to be absent from most discussions about Asian America. That discourse, Kang argues, is fundamentally by and for elites.
Since most contemporary Asian Americans have no direct connection to America's history of violence, marginalization, and oppression, they tend instead to learn about it in college: in their classes, through participation in affinity groups, through engagement with peers and consumption of "woke" media. The "Asian American" identity was born in college, and remains tied heavily to institutions of higher learning.
As Kang notes, being imbibed into the history of violence and exclusion against Asians in the U.S. at the same time one is pursuing professional credentials tends to have somewhat contradictory effects. It alienates Asian-American elite aspirants from America's preferred self-narratives even as it helps them "see" themselves more clearly in U.S., to feel like they have a voice and a place here, to understand the deep and longstanding role people "like them" have played in American society. It enhances Asian Americans' sense of precarity and victimhood even as it helps them fit in better among the elites they hope to join.
Indeed, Kang argues, one reason college-educated Asian Americans gravitate toward this discourse is because they come to recognize that upward mobility in the knowledge economy is largely contingent on pleasing white liberal gatekeepers—on mirroring their values and fitting into their worldviews. Leaning into "woke" identitarian discourse is recognized as a reliable means of demonstrating that one has the educational pedigree and moral character to belong among the Harvard, Google, New York Times, and McKinsey & Co. crowd. Conspicuously lamenting various forms of systemic disadvantage can serve as both a signal and a reinforcer of one's (actual or aspirational) elite status.
For instance, Asian Americans affiliated with prestigious knowledge-economy institutions tend to express strong support for race-based affirmative action (which, as practiced at elite colleges and universities, is widely perceived to disadvantage Asian applicants relative to people of other backgrounds). Likewise, although Asian Americans rely heavily on standardized testing to gain admittance to elite educational institutions, many of those who have successfully gained admission into those institutions express openness to abolishing standardized testing henceforth in the name of racial justice.
The social psychologist Rob Henderson has defined positions like these as "luxury beliefs." For those who have already managed to get into their desired school, the persistence of affirmative action or the elimination of standardized testing would not adversely affect them. After all, they've already gained admittance. Indeed, the elimination of standardized testing may even help their children reproduce their class position. College essays (typically relied upon more heavily in lieu of standardized tests) tend to track parental socioeconomic status even more closely than SAT scores do. New immigrants hoping to break into elite institutions for the first time would find it far more difficult to outcompete the children of established Asian-American elites on admissions essays than on standardized tests. For incumbent Asian elites, then, an embrace of fashionable professional-managerial class ideas on affirmative action and testing costs them nothing and provides a range of benefits—from helping them fit in with liberal white peers to helping restrict and weaken competition from future cohorts of elite aspirants.
However, things look much different for first-generation Asian migrants hoping that their children will achieve mobility in the U.S. Or for those who went to college, but couldn't get into the schools they wanted; who got a good job, but not the kind of job they hoped for. Or for those who imagine they might have attained had they made it into their target school—whose families are proud, but not the way they would have been if their child was an alumnus of Harvard, Princeton, or MIT. Among populations like these, Kang highlights, the widespread embrace of affirmative action, the elimination of standardized testing, etc. among already-successful Asians is often met with resentment.
It Gets Lonely Near the Summit
It is a particular subset of Asians in America that struggles with a hyphenated identity. Older, first-generation immigrants and those who are less educated and/or less affluent tend to understand themselves either as Americans who happen to be of (say) Korean ancestry or as Koreans who happen to live in America. They don't wrestle over conjunctions like "Korean-American" and the contradictions contained therein. A pan-ethnic "Asian-American" identity that puts Koreans under the same umbrella as Mongolians, Indians, and Indonesians is even less meaningful or useful to them.
The notion that all these groups, plus Hispanics and black people in all their internal diversity, could be integrated into an even broader group, "people of color," juxtaposed against whites, would seem even more absurd. First, because many migrants want themselves and their children to actually get along with whites and to be assimilated into the mainstream. Second, because in many communities where Asian Americans cluster, there are deep and longstanding tensions between people of Asian ancestry, Hispanics, and African Americans.
Kang provides an insightful survey of the persistent tensions and occasional solidarity between Asians and other minority groups in Chapters 3 and 6. He goes on to argue that, although hyphenated identities, race-making narratives and pan-ethnic appeals have little resonance for many Asians in America, they nonetheless feel urgent and deeply meaningful for younger Asian immigrants, second- and third-generation migrants, and current and aspiring professionals. Kang calls Asians in these latter categories "the loneliest Americans."
They feel like an "other" in the U.S. but would often be out of place in the countries their families hail from as well. They don't feel "white" and don't aspire to become "white." Yet although they are proud of their ethnic background, they also seek to transcend it. They strive aggressively to attain prestigious credentials and jobs, and often to move into predominantly white neighborhoods. Yet they simultaneously feel intense guilt, shame, and vertigo associated with social mobility, and with integration into elite institutions and predominantly white social circles. They face problems on the basis of their race and ethnicity, but they also recognize that their challenges may seem relatively trivial to others. For instance:
- They and their children generally attend especially great K-12 schools, but are regularly bullied, shunned, or exoticized therein. Although Asians tend to experience far less bullying overall than other racial or ethnic groups, they are among the most likely to be targeted for harassment specifically on the basis of their race and ethnicity.
- On average, Asian Americans possess the highest levels of educational attainment in America. But the most prestigious schools have de facto caps on Asian admissions in order to attain a sufficiently "diverse" student body, so Asians have to perform at a higher level than people of other backgrounds to have any shot at attending the very best institutions. Moreover, although the vast majority of young people from most Asian ethnic groups do go to college somewhere, those who wash out at high school tend to be significantly worse off than whites who possess similar levels of education.
- Those who attain a college degree tend to end up with good jobs. But Asians often face various forms of microaggressions in the workplace, and are often excluded from the positions at the very top of their organizations (a phenomenon called the "bamboo ceiling").
- Despite being overrepresented within professional circles, Asian Americans tend to be significantly underrepresented in U.S. television, film, and literature. And they are often depicted in unfortunate ways when they are rendered visible. Asians also tend to be significantly underrepresented in local, state, and national elected offices.
- Asian Americans face racialized animus, albeit not to the same degree as other racial and ethnic groups. (A recent NBER study found that Asian Americans have been able to attain such extraordinary success relative to other minority populations in large part because, after WWII, they stopped being directly oppressed the way other racial and ethnic minorities continued to be.) Asians experience hate incidents, but significantly less often than other racial and ethnic groups—and these usually involve words, vandalism, and social shunning rather than direct physical violence. When direct physical violence does occur, Asian-American professionals are expected to conform with the prevailing practice of making a big deal about the race and ethnicity of the perpetrator when they happen to be white but making absolutely no mention of the race of the aggressor should they be non-white. In the wake of those attacks, they are expected to offer up sentiments of racial solidarity—even as many of those they seek solidarity with continue to view Asians as "privileged" minorities with problems less pressing than their own.
This is a key source of the "loneliness" Kang describes: Because Asian Americans are generally doing better than other racial and ethnic minority groups, and often better than the typical white American for that matter, it is difficult to get people to care much about their problems and their struggles. Insofar as they have internalized the prevailing ethos of the professional-managerial class, they often feel a bit of guilt or shame themselves for focusing on challenges Asians face in the U.S.
Many Asian Americans, particularly males, are growing hostile toward this state of affairs. Chapter 7 explores the rise of "radical" Asian movements blossoming in the United States, which tend to be heavily focused on preserving the means of social mobility for Asian migrants, pushing through the bamboo ceiling, asserting Asians' rightful place in American culture and politics, and challenging adverse sexual dynamics among Asian men and women (where the latter are fetishized and heavily pursued by non-Asian men, while the former are often depicted and treated as non-sexual entities).
These movements tend to draw on a wild mélange of black nationalist ideology, "redpill" manosphere writings, and "woke" symbolic politics. Although they define themselves in opposition to the mainstream liberalism of most other Asian-American professionals (who are perceived to have sold out in a Sisyphean bid to gain acceptance among liberal whites), Kang astutely observes that the "radicals" are not as far removed from their adversaries as they seem to believe.
For instance, mainstream Asian elites often identify as "people of color" and express solidarity with others who do the same. Yet these alliances typically amount to little more than a multicultural elite engaging in negotiations and competition with white peers for more representation in The New York Times, Hollywood productions, the C-Suite, and the Ivy League. The "radicals" likewise remain centered overwhelmingly on professional-managerial class concerns: elite schools, bamboo ceilings, and so on. The people who take part tend to be highly educated and relatively affluent, just like their mainstream peers. They may "demand" rather than request respect and recognition—more in principle than in practice to date—but they remain just as preoccupied with the "white gaze." (They seek respect and recognition from whom?) And they obsess about their position relative to whites with respect to the dating market, media and political representation, etc.
In the same way that much postcolonial literature ultimately remains fixated on "the West" and produces roughly the same image of power relations that orientalist scholarship did, the "radical" Asian movement presents itself as an alternative to professional-managerial Asian politics but is probably better understood as a variation of the same.
Working-class, older, and first-generation Asians, for their part, have been shifting toward the GOP recently (both during the Trump years and after). In other words, the growing political divide between knowledge-economy professionals and everyone else seems to be playing out within Asian-American circles just like it is in the public writ large. The "loneliest Americans"—who tend to be deeply enmeshed in the symbolic professions and consolidated in knowledge economy hubs—could find themselves even more isolated down the line.
Kang is persistent in trying to draw readers' attention to the class dynamics at play in these discussions of racial and ethnic identity. For this reason and many others, his book provides an outstanding entry point for understanding where we are as a country today, how we got here, and where things might be headed. The book is technically "about" people of Asian ancestry, but the story of Asians in America is in many respects a story about America writ large.
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Speaking of first world problems, Justin Trudeau has suspended civil liberties in Canada, and is targeting peaceful protesters and anyone who supports them. Not because those supporters committed a crime, but because they supported the political opposition to Trudeau’s government.
Trudeau has weaponized and commanded the private sector to do the government’s bidding. The goal is not just to crush political dissent, it’s to crush the opposition’s spirit by depriving them of their livelihoods, ability to survive financially, and even taking their pets.
Justin Trudeau commanding private businesses unilaterally and without legal consequence to freeze the assets of his political opposition and their supporters is actual textbook fascism.
We see it also happening in the US already. Big tech corporations do the Democrats’ bidding in silencing critics through deplatforming, censoring content from publication or social media sharing, deplatforming websites from hosting companies, the cloud and app stores. Funding platforms like GoFundMe are pressured to suspend fundraising and deprive the beneficiary of the donations, and payment processors and banks are pressured to cut off deplorables. Removing the political opposition from the modern financial and technology systems is what Justin Trudeau is doing, and it’s the dream of the political progressives in the U.S.
Fascism’s already happening in the US, though not with the brazenness of Trudeau. The Biden administration gives cover to and enourages every one of the actions listed in the preceding paragraph by declaring political opposition domestic terrorists (even parents at school boards), and by broadly blurring the distinction between policial dissent and terrorism. Social media platforms openly are solicited by the Biden administration to crack down on dissent.
When fascism comes to America, it will look like here in Justin Trudeau’s Canada.
To be fair in America it will look more like Italian fascism. Democrats already sit at the top of boards of major companies and banks and have already started closing accounts and giving records to government for those they seem insurrection like. Lynch at the top of JP Morgan as an example. Gofundme, social media, television and news.
Americans tend to prefer a corporate fascism. To avoid issues with constitutional rights. Canada allows for direct government censure as they can suspend 1a with government broadcast licensing and such.
In California there's a new state law that at least one board member must be in a protected class:
It doesn't say they have to be Democrats, but the odds are ever in their favor.
[JOIN NOW] I am making a real GOOD MONEY ($200 to $300 / hr.) online from my laptop. Last month I got cheek of nearly 50,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go office, Its home online job. ggh You become independent after joining this job. I really thanks to my friend who refer me this:-
If Koreans qualify, the progressive intent of the law might back-fire.
Korean Board Member offices aren't just top floor, they're rooftop. With excellent sight lines.
I see what you did there.
I mean, it's California. You want to put your workers where they can best exercise their skills. Sometimes that includes their skill at riot suppression.
That was most recently an Elizabeth Warren idea [though hers was mandating that a board member be labor] along with nationalizing businesses that do more than a billion in revenue. In effect, mandating who can/must be on corporate boards IS nationalizing the company, because when the government starts making decisions about who runs the company, it's just a derivation of fascism.
Just one more reason for any business owner to avoid C-corp if at all possible, though it will only be a matter of time till the leftists force all businesses to be run via government proxy.
Y'know, it would be an absolute tragedy if Lizzie Warren choked to death on a horse cock. Terrible.
That’s not happening. - chemjeff
Imagine a child of Tamil and Sioux heritage. Is he an American Indian or Indian American?
Indigenous American South Asian?
“When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”?
This will always be the go-to quote on fascism in America.
When fascism came to America it called itself “anti-fascism.”
And wrapped in a Rainbow flag and carrying a iPhone.
Nah, they actually still use the same flag as they did back in the 1930's when they were the militant arm of the German Communist Party. They just mirror imaged it.
But literally wearing a black shirt.
It's all about selecting the right name for the shit you want to shovel. If you name it something that sounds good, it gives the parrots something to hang their hat on.
HERE is how fascism comes to AmeriKKKa!!!
Trump’s Big Lie and Hitler’s: Is this how America’s slide into totalitarianism begins?
The above is mostly strictly factual, with very little editorializing. When I post it, the FACTS never get refuted… I only get called names. But what do you expect from morally, ethically, spiritually, and intellectually bankrupt Trumpturds?
Totalitarians want to turn GOP into GOD (Grand Old Dicktatorshit).
No matter how many times you say this, the fact of the matter is that it is not fascism.
And it completely ignores over 100 years of the government exerting enormous control over the economy while leaving the means of production in private hands. You know, actual definition fascism.
So which FACTS in the cited article are you refuting? The article does NOT claim that we are CURRENTLY in fascism; it indicates that IF Der TrumpfenFuhrer's Big Lie holds sway long enough for Der TrumpfenFuhrer to get "elected" (by His "election" through "find MEEEE some more votes", etc.) again, then we damned well MAY find ourselves under fascism! Didn't read the link, did you?
WHEN is Der TrumpfenFuhrer's taking BACK His Big Lie?
I read it the first time you posted it. Salon is fucking retarded, and you’re even more so for continuing to spam their bullshit article.
I am saying that we have had literal no shit, textbook fascism since FDR. Places like salon continue to push the Big Lie that fascism is a child of the right when it is, and always has been, a child of the left.
What’s even worse, is that you are continuing to focus on Trump two years after the election instead of the actual tyranny being pushed by the people that won the election. But you keep on being you lil buddy.
WHEN is Der TrumpfenFuhrer's taking BACK His Big Lie?
Or at least, PROMISE us that he will NOT run again? (Maybe he'll be in jail soon. That would work as well.)
PS, a WAY salient aspect of fascism is one-party rule... Real democracy is outlawed, by outlawing all other than the fascist party. One-party rule... You know, that which Der TrumpfenFuhrer (and His cult-of-personality followers) aspire to... A 1-party "R" state.
Der TrumpfenFuhrer ***IS*** responsible for agitating for democracy to be replaced by mobocracy!
A list of the times Trump has said he won’t accept the election results or leave office if he loses
Essential heart and core of the LIE by Trump: “ANY election results not confirming MEEE as Your Emperor, MUST be fraudulent!”
September 13 rally: “The Democrats are trying to rig this election because that’s the only way they’re going to win,” he said.
Trump’s constant re-telling and supporting the Big Lie (any election not electing Trump is “stolen”) set up the environment for this (insurrection riot) to happen. He shares the blame. Boys will be boys? Insurrectionists will be insurrectionists, trumpanzees gone apeshit will be trumpanzees gone apeshit, so let’s forgive and forget? Poor Trump was misunderstood? Does that sound good and right and true?
It really should immediately make us think of Krystallnacht. Hitler and the NAZIs set up for this by constantly blaming Jews for all things bad. Jew-haters will be Jew-haters, so let’s forgive and forget? Poor Hitler was misunderstood? Does that sound good and right and true?
Yet it always ends up coming from secular progressives. Funny that.
It is the rallying cry of leftists, especially soros funded ones, to hide their own actions shtike. See jeff yesterday.
Hey look a pedo
Not sure if I would say FDR was some kind of super religious nutter, but he definitely wrapped his fascism up in the flag.
Leftist projection goes way back...
Lol. Now we know why Reason pushed neoliberalism yesterday. Jacobi editor explains Trudeau isnt on the left but a neoliberal.
Luke Savage
One of the structuring delusions of right wing politics today is the idea that neoliberal centrists like Justin Trudeau constitute "the left"
He's not wrong. Trudeau isn't on the traditional left, nor is he remotely liberal.
Stream of consciousness babbling here, but the best description I can think of for the World Economic Forum Global Leadership Fellows allumni like Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern and Boris Johnston are a neo-aristocracy.
It's an older, more primitive political model that they've adopted.
They're really l'Ancien Régime in a lefty skin suit.
Plus there are a lot of lefties like Russell Brand, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, etc. that realize that the new monster calling itself the left, actually isn't.
Today's "conservatives" are actually more like the old liberals and left were too.
I guess the appellations have become meaningless. Maybe aristocrat and proletariat are the only apt descriptions nowadays.
They’re definitely trying to transform the middle class of the west, Americans in particular, into serfs.
Neoliberal, like neoconservative, is a euphemism for neofeudal
“ It's an older, more primitive political model that they've adopted. They're really l'Ancien Régime in a lefty skin suit.”
^ +1000
“ I guess the appellations have become meaningless. Maybe aristocrat and proletariat are the only apt descriptions nowadays.”
LORD do I miss just being plain old bourgeois!!!!
I mean, the Jacobins can claim Trudeau is "center" but shark-bait lefties are shark-bait nonetheless.
I mean, I'm about as far from a scripture quoting Christian as it's possible to get without being actively on some other team, but that whole "and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" thing is starting to look like it might have something to it.
Though probably more from a "Hey, this Atlas Shrugged novel is full of great ideas!" chicken versus egg origin.
"Wait wait wait. So what if we required everyone to have a particular number in order to do business, and we could turn it off?!? Brilliant, amirite?"
Check out Mein Kampf ~ A. Hitler.
I know, I know... to read it would be tantamount to growing a toothbrush mustache, but it's eye-opening. If you don't have long, go straight to the Propaganda chapter. It reads like a leftist playbook.
There is pretty good scholarly evidence that 666 was code for Caesar Nero, or the Caesar in general. When looked at from that viewpoint, these theories say Revelations was really warning about the assimilation and destruction of Christianity in the Roman empire.
And so, this isn't really that far off. The Roman Empire at the time basically required you to follow the Roman Pantheon in order to survive. Many contracts were sealed under the auspices of priests, and being in public office required you to carry out multiple religious duties.
If Revelations was a warning against the Roman Empire persecuting Christians and using the full power of the government to "incentivize" them to give up their faith, then what the Governments are doing today to "incentivize" people to give up freedoms is pretty similar.
Sure, I don't think it's literally Revelations come true, it's more just the whole idea of the government being able to just freeze and starve you to death without even touching you because nobody anywhere will do business with you thing. Like, fuck, William Gibson talked about this back in 1984 when he had future cyberpunks using real cash still for basically this exact reason.
This was *not* the part of C'punk 2020 I wanted! Why did I just get the shitty dystopia and not the nifty medical tech?
Why did I just get the shitty dystopia and not the nifty medical tech?
In answer to the latter, Fauci. Of all the cool GOF research we could've been doing in Asia, we got the coof from China.
"Big tech corporations do the Democrats’ bidding in silencing critics through deplatforming, censoring content from publication or social media sharing, deplatforming websites from hosting companies, the cloud and app stores."
Whiny bitch and the same old lies!!! Hey whiny bitch MARXIST... Pony up the money for 51% of the shares of FacePoooo, and THEN You can legitimately boss FacePoooo around!
Hey whining crybaby… I pay (PAY! With MY money! I OWN!) for my own web site at Go-Daddy. I say some VERY sarcastic and un-politically-correct, intolerant things about cults like Scientology there (and Government Almighty as well). I am QUITE sure that a LOT of “tolerant” liberal-type folks at Google etc. would NOT be happy with the types of things I wrote! Yet, if you do a search-string “Scienfoology”, Google will take you STRAIGHT to MY web site, top hit! #1!
Your whining and crying is (just about ) UTTERLY without basis!
WHERE is your respect for property rights?! I learned to respect the property rights of others, before I was in the 1st grade! Didn’t your Momma raise you right?
I guess you missed the part where all of those “private actions” are in front of the backdrop of “lovely business you’ve got there, shame if anything were to happen to it”.
Just threats, never implemented. The bum under the bridge says he is gonna hold his breath till Government Almighty takes over my web site, and I am stupid enough to surrender control of my web site to the power-greedy bum? Whose fault is THAT? WHEN did Government Almighty actually ever DO this? WHICH "Big Tech" company got taken over?
PLUS, we ALL set up our own "echo chambers", to include conservatives! Parler bans liberals... ... Your ready for Government Almighty to take over Parler to rectify this injustice? You believe in the "rule of law, and not of men"... Right? Right? RIGHT? (Or do you believe only in right-ISM?)
Oh, the mob didn’t burn the business down because the owner did them thst one little favor. Well no problem then.
Your "fix" is for Government Almighty to take over your supposed "enemy" (leftist) media, for being biased, right? While leaving the likes of "Parler" unmolested? That's your "fix", isn't it?
Let Government Almighty own or run or micro-manage it all, all day long... Geezum, WHAT could go wrong here?
We can pussy-grab the enemy, freely, all day long, and they will NEVER think of pussy-grabbing us right back!!!
I haven’t said a goddamn thing about what I think the right policy prescription should be. This may surprise you, but it’s possible to see and point out what’s going on without knowing what the best thing to do about it is.
Never mind that what other people are calling for is the repeal of a regulation, so LESS government control. And repealing it would apply to EVERYBODY. But thanks for proving it’s just advanced TDS that drives your every position.
I'm sorry I confused you with the HORDES of anti-Section-230 pussy-grabbers around here!
I for one, firmly support S-230 as it is written! If we put this up for a re-write, it is 99.9999999% sure to be replaced by something far worse, in today's hyper-partisan slug-fest!
If we’re going to re-write S230, we’d be well advised to ask “what are we supposedly fixing”? I used to think that FacePooo must be TERRIBLE about shutting down conservatives! As much as these “victims” yammer all day about it! Turns out that FacePoooo doesn’t shut them down until they are WAAAAY into the red zone… ‘Cause all of the outrage-posters attract like-minded folks to FacePoooo, and generate revenue for FacePooo!
The below opened my eyes about all that… Facebook Has a Superuser-Supremacy Problem …. Most public activity on the platform comes from a tiny, hyperactive group of abusive users. Facebook relies on them to decide what everyone sees.
Poor Mr. Kang. Reason can't even spell his name right.
First of all, there is no such thing as 'Asian.' The Chinese have lots of bad things to say about Japanese, no one cares about Filipinos, the Koreans don't get along with most others, and what are Indians? The Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans would not consider them to be really Asian.
The ethnic group with the highest income in the US are Japanese Americans. Intermarriage between third generation Asians of any sort with white Americans is high, and most whites consider most Asians to be a sort of white anyway, and certainly the children of mixed marriage are treated so.
If losing heritage is a tragedy, how many grandchildren of Polish immigrants speak Polish? The same for all immigrants, including Mexican.
This whole book is about creating another class of victims.
If they learned to drive they'd be white amirite?
That's never going to happen. (The learning to drive part.)
I sure miss the days of when we were trying to look past race and skin color.
I have some bad news for you; King died.
MLK died physically from a bullet, but died spiritually from CRT.
When you "have a dream", add WOKE, it becomes a lucid nightmare.
They feel like an "other" in the U.S. but would often be out of place in the countries their families hail from as well. They don't feel "white" and don't aspire to become "white." Yet although they are proud of their ethnic background, they also seek to transcend it. They strive aggressively to attain prestigious credentials and jobs, and often to move into predominantly white neighborhoods. Yet they simultaneously feel intense guilt, shame, and vertigo associated with social mobility, and with integration into elite institutions and predominantly white social circles. They face problems on the basis of their race and ethnicity, but they also recognize that their challenges may seem relatively trivial to others.
So what I'm getting from this is that lefties are not only neurotic themselves, they actively induce neuroses in others.
Simultaneous feelings of superiority and inferiority are the zen of progressives.
Since most contemporary Asian Americans have no direct connection to America's history of violence, marginalization, and oppression
Redacted from public schools by conservatives.
Japanese internment was ordered by a Democrat.
I don't think anyone could call FDR a conservative.
Gabriel Kolko, COME ON DOWN!!
Democrats also filibustered against the civil rights act.
Conservatives did.
Party labels mean nothing with the massive amount of party switching that occurred.
Wow. You always cry about the big lie yet you still push the Nixon southern strategy lie. Biden is on tape praising a grand wizard. There was no switch. The south remained firmly democrat until the mid 90s. When the older dems died off.
You are so damn ignorant.
Not unlike the 60 year old convict who claims that, "I'm not that person anymore" to disassociate himself from past crimes. You still still did it buddy.
Dems will always be the party of slavery, Jim Crowe and American fascism and communism.
You missing 30 years of history when you say they switched. Only 1 of the democrats that filibustered switched parties.
"massive amount of party switching that occurred"
One southern Democrat switched parties.
The rest, including those who filibustered the ’64 CRA, stayed Democrats until they were out of office. Most remained Democrats until they died. There was no switch. The record of who was in Congress proves that.
This is a lie perpetrated by Democrats, the party of slavery, of Jim Crow, of the Black Codes, of the KKK, of segregation, the party of redlining, of destroying the black family, of creating ghettoes.
It's not like the dems are pushing for segregated schools today.
*checks crt practices
Ohhhh not a good look for the party of racism
Hey, at least they have the virtue of consistency!
The massive amount of Strom Thurmond.
Congratulations, you’re still the gold standard for most idiotic, historically illiterate motherfucker on this board.
At least shrike and Tony try to defend their stupidity. Sarc/jeff/Mike just double down and mute people when they are proven to be idiots.
A little needed history lesson for you.
I grew up in Georgia. We elected many prominent conservatives like Lester Maddox, Richard Russell, Herman Talmadge ,and Larry McDonald. They were all Democrats.
There was no one more conservative than Larry McDonald:
The American Conservative Union gave him a perfect score of 100 every year he was in the House of Representatives, except in 1978, when he scored a 95.[10] He also scored "perfect or near perfect ratings" on the congressional scorecards of the National Right to Life Committee, Gun Owners of America, and the American Security Council.[11] McDonald was referred to by The New American as "the leading anti-Communist in Congress".[11]
McDonald admired Senator Joseph McCarthy[12] and was a member of the Joseph McCarthy Foundation. He considered communism an international conspiracy. An admirer of Austrian economics and a member of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, he advocated tight monetary policy in the late 1970s against stagflation, and advocated returning to the gold standard.[13]
McDonald called the welfare state a "disaster"[14] and favored phasing control of the Great Society programs over to the states.[15] He also favored cuts to foreign aid, which he said "you could take a chainsaw to".[15] McDonald co-sponsored a resolution "expressing the sense of the Congress that homosexual acts and the class of individuals who advocate such conduct shall never receive special consideration or a protected status under law".[
Is McDonald representative of Democrats? Serious question.
Yes. He was considered a blue dog democrat. Socially democrat but against inflated spending during massive inflation.
So he wasn't economically an idiot. But why are you using an economic choice when defending a social lie?
The left has always been the party of the KKK even to this day. They are literally still advocating for segregation dummy with CRT.
McDonald Socially democrat?
You obviously have dead areas in your brain.
Trying to redefine his politics despite the fact that he was a Democrat is really pathetic.
This is like someone insisting Bush wasn't a Republican because the average party member is embarrassed by Iraq nowadays.
Wow, I just can't believe how fucking stupid your comment is - that McDonald was a Blue Dog Dem.
Did you not notice the Wikipedia part? Only three paragraphs.
McDonald - 100% anti-choice/abortion, 100% opposed to any gay rights issue, 100% rating from the American Conservative Union.
Did you not read how the South didnt turn to the gop until the 90s dummy? That they continued to vote on democrats who voted against civil rights?
He was a blue dog democrat. Full stop. He was a Democrat.
Your entire theory of attributing anything wrong to conservatives in spite of overwhelming evidence against it is akin to fanatical Christians who blame the devil for everything.
We have voting records. Democrats remained southern party winners until the 90s. Do you deny this despite all evidence??
Do you deny today's democrats are still advocating segragation??
You are truly a special type of ignorant person shrike.
Weren't you just bitching about using Wikipedia as a source last week?
The best part is shrike is trying to use modern day definitions of social democrat instead of contemporary to win the point. He is an idiot.
All of your sources are activist groups. Wikipedia is no exception
He just throws shit.
And sarc/sqrsly is there to catch it and eat it like a good lil puppy.
Have you not heard of the CRT movement by conservatives?
The political right is eliminating US history from public schools that pertain to slavery/racism.
Now I went to public schools in Georgia and we were taught CRT under a different name - Manifest Destiny. Specifically we were taught that us White Anglo-Saxon Protestants were the rightful conquerors of the USA.
I was like - Hell YEAH!
No they aren't. You can read the actual legislation. Find one that outlaws discussing slavery or FDRs internment camps.
What they outlaw is the teaching of race and sexual orientation defining the characteristics of someone's morals or beliefs. The laws literally outlaw teaching kids they are racist because of their skin color. That they have no chance in society based on their skin color.
Again your ignorance is stunning.
Cite one law that disallows teaching of history. Not an opinion piece on a law, the actual words dumbfuck.
You think dildo is intelligent enough to read and understand actual legislation?
CRT is reworked Nazi Racial Theory. Parents not wanting their children indoctrinated with scientific racism isn't the same thing as not teaching history, you fraud.
You know there's a difference so why are you lying about it?
CRT = postmodern nazism
You know there's a difference so why are you lying about it?
Because it got a dozen responses and distracted people?
"Now I went to public schools in Georgia and we were taught CRT under a different name - Manifest Destiny."
Wow! Just how fucking old are you? Either you're lying or you're at least 110.
He’s lying.
Were you taught that Manifest Destiny was true, or that people in the 19th century believed it?
I think you missed part of the lesson.
Andrew Jackson was the first president to really expound on the concept, speaking on "extending the area of freedom", and he typified the conflation of America's potential greatness, the nation's budding sense of Romantic self-identity, and its expansion.
Now I wonder which political party Jackson created?
America universities are discriminating against Asians.
Are universities run by conservatives?
Hahahahahahahahaha. Goddamn that is some amazing fucking projection.
Just wow.
That never happened.
Good morning Mr. Buttplug! Can we expect another full day of #DefendBidenAtAllCosts from you? Got any rig count updates?
Need more information on the spittin tobaccy economy.
I've moved on to the fake Durham scandal.
Lol. You were still pushing the alpha server bank conspiracy last month.
So there wasn’t an indictment a week ago?
LOL yeah — Durham hasn't uncovered any bombshells like Robert Mueller did. Remember the Mueller Report? Remember how it vindicated those of us who went all-in with #TrumpRussia?
the character string "-American" is an indicator of someone who does not approve of the basic premise of America.
Yup, and I am starting to feel the same way about people who fly “American” flags with blue, or red, or rainbow stripes in front of their homes instead of red, white, and blue American flags.
I haven't seen those. What I see a lot of around here is the American Flag with a horizontal blue stripe in the middle. Cop suckers.
Cops can't all be praised for shooting unarmed protestors. But maybe one day you can praise a few more. How about those mountains riding over the disabled woman. Another one for you to praise.
Don’t fear the revolt!
All our times have come
Here, but now they’re gone
Seasons don’t fear the revolt
Nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain
(We can be like they are)
Come on, baby
(Don’t fear the revolt)
Baby, take my hand
(Don’t fear the revolt)
We’ll be able to fly
Baby, I’m your man
La, la la, la la
La, la la, la la
Valentine is done
Here but now they’re gone
Horst Wessel and Ashli Babbs
Are together in eternity
(Horst Wessel and Ashli Babbitt)
Hopefully Saint Babbitt, in the Great Beyond the Beyond, is looking benevolently down upon the neglectful Reason writers, and, in Her Mercy, She will forgive them!
In the meantime, perhaps we faithful Reasonoid commenters can make up for the shortcomings of the Reason writers! Here, below, I give you a sample of GREAT, True Devotion to Saint Babbitt, as written by a Devout And Respectful fellow Reasonoid commenter!
Poor Babbitt. An innocent tourist shot by a cop for no reason while peacefully milling about the Capital. It’s the worst police shooting that ever happened. Ever. Compared to choking people, suffocating them, beating them to death with fists, this is the absolute most egregious action by police to have ever happened in the known history of the universe.
But She will remain in our thoughts. Before long we’ll erect a statue in Her honor. Saint Babbitt. May She look after peaceful tourists everywhere.
He's still whining and crying and bitching and moaning about Babbitt's "execution"?
Well yeah, Der JesseBahnFuhrer will NEVER stop crying about THAT!
I'm sure he was accusing me of something I never said nor did, in this case Saint Babbitt related. I've seen new people say to me "Well based upon what JesseAZ says, you must lying." My response is "You going to believe what I actually say, or what some troll who shits on every post of mine says?" It boggles my mind that people are that stupid.
Threats, never implemented. The bum under the bridge says he is gonna hold his breath till Government Almighty takes over my web site, and I am stupid enough to surrender control of my web site to the bum? Whose fault is THAT? WHEN did Government Almighty actually ever DO this? WHICH "Big Tech" company got taken over?
PLUS, we ALL set up our own "echo chambers", to include conservatives! Parler bans liberals... ... Your ready for Government Almighty to take over Parler to rectify this injustice? You believe in the "rule of law, and not of men"... Right? Right? RIGHT? (Or do you believe only in right-ISM?)
Shit! Sorry, totally misplaced comment!
"The Big Lie, repeated often enough, becomes the TRUTH!"
Trumpturds (like JesseBahnFuhrer) are simply falling into the footsteps of Der TrumpfenFuhrer, and every last lousy, Big-Lying dicktatorshit before Der TrumpfenFuhrer's big fat lying asshole ass well!!!
The thing I don't get is that I have never said the things he accuses me of, yet people believe him. I guess you're right. If he drops the same turds on all my posts then stupids will believe him. No matter. Someone who believes his lying ass is probably best ignored anyway.
It is amazing watching you rationalize your unprincipled discussions here with lie after lie. Lol.
You are so pathetic.
Lol. And my point is proven. The only cops you love are those shooting unarmed protestors. Saint babbitt huh? What happened to your principles? Her death was just fine because conservatives pointed out how wrong it was.
Tell us why you aren't a leftist again.
Two wrongs never make a right! However, given my druthers, I'd rather have some BLM rioters steal my sneakers and my TV, even burn down a few buildings, than to have Trumpanzees gone apeshit steal my DEMOCRACY! Democracy might never come back, but we can always make more sneakers, buildings, and TVs.
JesseBahnFuhrer is OK with the demise of democracy, 'cause it will allow pussy-grabbing the libs, and the libs will NEVER think of pussy-grabbing right back!
100 cops wounded 4 suicides
MarxistJesseBahnFuhrer, WHEN is the last time that Hillarypanzees ran amok, demanding that democracy be replaced by mobocracy? “Both sides”, right? Just like the NAZIs were every bit as much victims as the Jews? Four traumatized cops dead by suicide after Trumpanzees ran amok; 100 cops injured.
I am reluctant to totally blame suicides on those who victimized them… Suicides are also SELF-victimization! But nuance requires us to examine ALL circumstances!
Most of all, WHERE are the “lawn odor” Rethuglicans on this one?!?! BLM rioters?!?! “When the looting starts, the shooting starts!” says Der TrumpfenFuhrer! When the anti-democracy hissy fits start, the Trumptatorshit is right there, cheering them on!
"Kill him with his own gun:" Cops describe being attacked by Capitol rioters
As a "lawn odor" Back-the-Blue luster after the "R"-party dictatorshit, ALL THINGS (to include even the tiniest modicum of respect for LEOs, even respect for the very lives of LEOs), EvilBahnFuhrer says, MUST give WAY! POWAH for the R-Party dictatorshit, as led by EvilBahnFuhrer, above ALL else, dammit!
That’s what I meant. I just suck at description.
You just suck.
Your post was actually clear, sarc’s just a drunken idiot.
And you also just suck.
Not only that, but it isn't descriptive. Chris Rock was born in South Carolina, and he's an African-American. Charlize Theron was born in South Africa, yet she is not.
Elon Musk for some strange, unknown reason isn't "African" either! I think he should get some preferential treatment!
This guy went to ivy league schools and works for the New York Times. I am not really interested in his problems.
Excellent essay. The tensions between "actual" Asians alluded to in one of the comments is the only major omission, in the eyes of this old white guy.
I cannot say that I noticed a strong pan-Asian unity in the years I spent in Hawaii as a kid...
I worked with a Chinese immigrant early in my career. At work, he openly and earnestly asserted that his daughter not marry a Laotian because Laotian men beat their wives. Most racist thing I've ever heard and I grew up in time and place where racial epithets were used exceedingly liberally by today's standards.
-Application for Privileged Oppressed Group status, under laws of the Federal Bureau of Social Justice-
Please answer the following questions for your group:
1. Do your people consistently under-perform dominant groups, not including sports, pop culture, and representation in consumer advertising?
2. Did any of your people or their direct ancestors serve as, or feel like, a slave, specifically the old-timey Southern plantation slavery?
3. Do your people place more emphasis on opposition to ethics attributed to dominant cultures than on personal and family success?
4. Speaking of families, do most of your people reject the oppressive model of a coherent family with two parents?
5. Finally, can all of your people claim to have voted 100% Democratic for at least the past 4 presidential election cycles?
If you cannot answer "Yes" to all five questions, your application will be denied.
Not being descended from slaves is not disqualifying, as long as you look like people who were. Even if your own ancestors owned slaves.
First court ruling enslaving a former indentured servant:
"In one of the earliest freedom suits, Casor argued that he was an indentured servant who had been forced by Anthony Johnson, a free black, to serve past his term; he was freed and went to work for Robert Parker as an indentured servant. Johnson sued Parker for Casor's services. In ordering Casor returned to his master, Johnson, for life, the court both declared Casor a slave and sustained the right of free blacks to own slaves."
I was thinking more like VP Harris.
Long thread with many cites:
These people are super weird. The epilogue to our human saga?
This headline from The Atlantic is troubling.
Mask mandates actually do need to make sense.
Have people lost their minds?
Have people lost their minds?
This is one for Reason to tackle—they HAVE been known to link to that publication on occasion…
If a private university taking federal funds subtracted 100 points from the SAT scores of some other minority group, there wouldn't be much of a discussion about how racist it is.
Bill Maher on Sarah Palin vs the New York Times:
The judge dismissed her libel lawsuit as frivolous because he knew that she never actually read a newspaper.
Remember when she said she could see Russia from her house?
Shrike does.
Her actual quote (which is funnier):
"As Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where – where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border."
Oh, shit. That is hilarious. Putin's giant hot-air balloon head looking at Alaska.
To be bipartisan Democratic Rep Cynthia McKinney was every bit as stupid.
You don’t know the phrase “rears his head”? That’s even more embarrassing.
God damnit guys. I go skiing for a weekend and you all fucking let SPB back into the house to pick fights with you? There is one thing to do when he posts anything. Pick some copy-pasta like the following and post it:
SPB, a few years back you posted kiddy porn to this site, and your initial handle was banned. Rather than follow the will of Reason’s staff, you resurrected that identity and continue to post here. A decent person would realize how abhorrent this behavior is, burn the SPB identity and return under some new handle. While that wouldn’t change your despicable appetites, it would at least respect a community’s wishes to not mix with pedophiles. But since you have no shame, the only thing I and others can do is point out your past behavior rather than converse with you.
I hear ya, and usually do that. But it’s fun and easy to bait him into saying some super stupid shit, so sometimes I indulge.
I mean, a Putin head hot air balloon? Lots of future mock worthy material there.
Same. On all his socks including QA.
Hold on, how is that dumb?
At their closest point, the distance between the United States and Russia is less than 4 kilometres.
And were does she refer to your idea of Putin? If we're taking it literally he could be on a plane or in a boat.
You guys needed to invent a phony quote to mock because there was nothing wrong with the original.
No no. He literally sent his giant head in balloon form to Alaska!
That nutty broad actually thought Russia was a threat.
The people who rioted in Kenosha after police shot Jacob Blake - a rapist in the process of violating his victim’s restraining while reaching for a knife - are the same folks applauding the Ottawa Police for horse-trampling an elderly disabled protester.
Unlike the left, others can meme.
Poor Dee. What pattern?
Wow sbp got an entire article dedicated to him!
It's always kiddie porn with these guys. Are they trying to legitimize the Pizzagate stuff?
I've noticed that. Lot of pedophilia among the radical left. A lot.
Facebook just had an employee with child porn too.
That's why they are trying to normalize pedophilia.
exactly this. Have said the same multiple times.
Its almost like since pizzagate happened, they feel emboldened to blatantly do it because its essentially a meme, but man, the amount of people associated with the left, esp at high levels, coming out found to have child porn or be actively molesting children is somehow worse than pizzagate.
OSF (aka Soros) is facilitating the cp distribution.
When shrike said he donates to OSF we all assumed he meant money.
OK. The bets on, books are open:
5:1 odds on if you brought in 1000 people individually, showed them the photo, and asked "Child pornographer or BLM organizer?" you get 1000/1000 'Child pornographer' answers.
Parley that bet at 10:1 odds that if it comes up 995/1000 or higher, you would have to go through the evidence step-by-step, explaining it to the other <5 people that he, in fact, was a child pornographer before they would change their vote.
Parley *that* bet at 20:1 odds that even after laying out the evidence, at least one doesn't believe you.
"Calgary is on fyre"
My city is too. Trudeau's horse charge incited Canadians yesterday.
And it was such a stupid mistake. Up until that point he was probably going to survive all this.
Nah, he'll survive. As one Canadian journalist said, "Trudeau doesn't have nine lives, he has one hundred and nine lives."
Multiple black face scandals, real, old school financial corruption getting payola directly into his pockets for no-bid contracts.
Aga Khan Scandal
SNC-Lavalin affair
WE Charity controversy
Blackface Scandal
I mean, Jesus, how far is Trudeau's cock down the throat of the state media in Canada to survive this shit? He survives because there's no 4th estate to challenge him.
Eh, you’re probably right. Although anecdotally, in the last day I’ve had several people that don’t usually follow this stuff close ask “have you seen what they’re doing to people in Canada? That’s crazy”.
Actual video coverage of this tyranny is getting really hard to ignore.
I'm digging the #BlackfaceHitler that's trending on Twitter right now, though.
I guess that running over an old First Nations woman and her walker is strangely bad optics, somehow...
Then again, as we saw with Ashli Babbit, there's undoubtedly no shortage of people who are convinced that she deserved it.
"running over an old First Nations woman and her walker is strangely bad optics"
You won't believe how many blue checks are blaming the old First Nations woman for "spooking the horses" or "being where she shouldn't".
Also she's now a white supremacist somehow.
Well, naturally.
Also, I suspect that Blue Check just misspelled "smirked the horses". Since we know that smirking is a sign of white supremacy.
Fuck, the mobility scooter was even red, just like a god damned MAGA hat. See? All the pieces are coming together now.
"Nah, he'll survive"
Absolutely, because the Canadian media is 100% in the same globohomo pocket that he is.
Trudeau is a World Economic Forum Fellow" and, with the exception of CBC, all of Canada's major media companies are owned by World Economic Forum Corporate Partners. The CBC is owned by the government.
(And no Shrike, it's not a conspiracy theory when the people involved are telling you all about it. That's the World Economic Forum website itself that I linked to.)
So unless Trudeau pees in Schwab's cornflakes, the media aren't going to start telling the truth, and people with low political awareness will keep voting for whoever the press says is cool.
It’s beyond Canadian media‘a ability to control though:
He might still survive, but this story got way past the narrative. Like I said above, people I know that don’t pay attention to this stuff normally expressed shock to me about it. This might be like all the parents seeing their kids being taught CRT on their laptops during remote learning.
He could have just given in and repealed all the restrictions, like pretty much 99% of North America is doing right now.
Epstein associate Jean-Luc Brunel found dead in his prison cell:
In case you needed even more proof that Hildog is running for president again in '24!
Jean-Luc Brunel didn't kill himself.
Let's just look at the surveillance video.
Mysteriously the video system went down. Heads will roll. Nah.
2020 through 2022 leading causes of deaths
1. Covid
2 having dirt on the Clinton's
Is there a Clinton vaccine?
Cut out your tongue?
I think you got those out of order.
It turns out nobody actually had Covid. There was just a *big* leak at the Clinton Foundation.
And since the hammer on Alec Baldwin's pulled and dropped all by itself, the question is did Halyna Hutchins have COVID?
Alec Baldwin's *gun*
Reminder they worship evil
I can’t view it without changing my settings
What's going on in Canada is a direct threat to Americans.
What's going on in Ukraine is a direct threat to the Biden family income.
The police tried to get into the Iconic Cafe, a small business that commited the crime of serving coffee to the truckers, to arrest the owners. They were scared off by a citizen live streamer, for now
I'm on the scene and will there when the police come back.
We need a complete and total shutdown of all schools until we can figure out what’s going on
You're right, kids shouldn't learn about safe sexual practices in schools. They should get all their knowledge about sex from untrusted sources on the Internet.
That time Jeffy admitted he shoves bananas up his ass.
Here's a screen shot of a grade 9 sex ed textbook where Jeff learned that banana trick.
I finally understand. Jeff had shitty parents.
Maybe no father at all.
Because parents somehow aren't a thing.
They should get all their knowledge about sex from untrusted sources on the Internet.
You say this like the screenshot doesn't have a hallmark 'closed caption' and settings 'gear' icon in the corner.
Shutting down all of the schools would be a good first step regardless. Sell off the buildings and let entrepreneurs rebuild a higher quality, more cost effective education system, with fewer administrators.
Only androids pronounce it "Hawaii".
But I thought fences were bad!
They're not bad, they just don't work. Except when you need to keep people out. Oh wait.
Regime media attempting to stigmatize freedom, a thread ???? 1/
It really is sickening.
My elderly aunt falls for all that stuff, just because she reads it in news sources that used to be generally regarded as trustworthy 25 years ago.
"How can they be lying? They'd get sued?"
My hometown has a very large Japanese population. Most of them of my parents' age were in Manzanar. Many had their farms confiscated during the war, and they had to buy them back. But all of them, ALL OF THEM, call themselves Americans.
Doesn't mean they forget about their treatment, just that they didn't make it the central part of their lives. They didn't come to America to be Japanese, they could have stayed in Japan for that. They came to America to be American. It's not about patriotism of worshiping a flag or voting for Trump. It was about stuff deeper than that.
This whole "Asian Identity" thing is new to me. It didn't exist in my hometown. It didn't exist when I went to college. One girl I went to school with is now deeply into it, and making up shit about how all the racism she faced growing up. It's bullshit. Maybe in some cities, but not in my hometown. She's claiming it because she's a Leftist Edgelord, and being a victim is how you get points to validate your existence in modern Leftism. But as a group the Japanese-Americans were the richest people in my area.
Remind us again how you chose to move to a community with no minorities and you wish more would just move in?
I still don’t understand how, with everyone opposed to illegal immigration being racist, as brandyfuck claimed the other day, she can now say Asian people she grew up around can’t cry racism because they don’t suffer it.
Do they have a special skill to avoid all those racist people about? Or does she think all those racist people think Asians are white?
It’s all very confusing to me, tbh.
This "came out of nowhere" like CRT came out of nowhere. It has been bubbling under the surface for years until it came to the surface.
You are witnessing the stratification of the United States, caused directly by marxists who spent decades on their long march through the institutions. The "dirty secret" of Asians is that, like Irish, Italians and Pols, they have assimilated into America. Up through the 90's and early 2000's, millions of hispanics and blacks were also assimilating.
But the Marxists can't have that. America never had the strong classist stratifications that drove marxist appeal in Europe. And so they needed to foster racial divisions in the United States. And so the grievance factory for Blacks, Hispanics- and now Asians- was designed specifically to convince people that they are victims and that this is the source of their power.
This is just the natural progression of dis-integration of the United States. We are being driven apart by people who thrive on our division. Because that is how their marxist revolution will come about.
So, functionally, the best possible thing we could do to disrupt the Marxist's plans is educate all the hispanics and blacks and get them to build a viable and wealthy entrepreneur class?
I love the idea of using capitalism to directly destroy Marxists!
"So, functionally, the best possible thing we could do to disrupt the Marxist's plans is educate all the hispanics and blacks and get them to build a viable and wealthy entrepreneur class?"
Absolutely. This was always the strike against marxism in the US. In Europe, it truly was the case that if you were born in the wrong class, your chances of breaking out of the working class were unlikely. The reason Brits are so hung up on accents is that it was a way of determining your class.
But in the United States, as Marxism was taking shape, it contrasted with dozens of "Rags to Riches" stories. John Rockefeller was born of a migrant family. Henry Ford was an immigrant farmer's son. The turn of the century America is rife with these stories, and they were a direct counterpoint to the stories of Europe.
Unfortunately we are creating a classist system here in the United States that makes these stories less likely in the future.
Yeah, the neofeudalists really suck. :-/
Most Mexican immigrants are extremely entrepreneurial. As a Latino boss once told me, get a few bucks together and buy a cart to sell churros, and now you're your own businessman. Carts have mostly gone away, but the taco truck is still a thing. Maybe this is why L.A. is doing their best to ban them.
I'll take one Mexican immigrant, legal or otherwise, over a dozen white college kids who were pampered by their liberal parents.
“Most Mexican immigrants are extremely entrepreneurial.”
That’s quite a claim. Surely such a claim could be backed up by more than the existence of food trucks?
Where are all of these "Marxists"? The only actual Marxists I have ever seen are tenured professors hiding in the ivory tower of some university.
Now, are you referring to Marxist ideas of class solidarity? Well sure, that is a real thing, but it is an idea that is held by a large number of people, including right-wingers nowadays, not just people who think the state should own the means of production, aka actual Marxists.
All true Marxists have notarized identity cards.
Jeff, taking a page from the CRT playbook:
1. Marxism isn't happening.
2. Okay, it's happening, but ONLY in colleges. <------- Jeff is here
3. Okay, fine. Marxism is happening but it's a good thing. <-------- Jeff is beginning his slow transition here.
4. We've always been at war with Eastasia.
CRT traces its lineage directly to Marxism. It is trading classes for races.
Have you ever attended Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training? Do you not know what Equity is? I'll give you a hint:
That image could just as easily be titled "from each according to his ability; to each according to his need". It is the manifestation of Marxism.
Indeed we know that those "elusive" marxists include the founders of BLM. So it seems pretty clear to me that they are all over.
Funny on so many levels. One kid doesn't even have a line in the water but "Equal inputs", the next kid can clearly reach over the wall but can't cast as far but, again, "Equal inputs" the older gentleman who had to take the time to grow taller and strong enough to cast further and is bringing those virtues to bear on the endeavor isn't contributing equally. But requiring more crates and magically casting further while standing on them is somehow equal. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for the rest of his life, or forget all that bullshit and give a kid a couple of palettes.
Overall, whomever produced this graphic has never taken children fishing. In that regard, equity means no one eats because the guy who can cast the furthest and reel in the biggest fish winds up tying knots, baiting hooks, and untangling lines.
I doubt Lying Jeffy hasn’t ever had the video of the BLM founder admitting they were Marxists linked to him.
I even doubt he didn’t watch that video the first time or two it was linked to him, but can’t anymore.
He’s paid to say Marxists aren’t Marxists.
Huh, the communist party of Canada came out against the use of the Emergency Powers act because it might interfere with an organized labor protest.
Umm, while I appreciate the sentiments of the Communist Party of Canada, if this isn't an organized labor protest, I don't know what is.
Oh, not THAT kind of organized labor.
Communists forgot for a minute that they're supposed to be all about the workers....
The protest stopped being about the truckers a while ago.
It turned into a general right-wing protest against COVID restrictions, using truckers and trucks as props.
The trucker protest WAS a protest against COVID restrictions and mandates. So what in holy fuck are you talking about?
Oh jesus christ I just fell out of my chair laughing.
Hang on... hang on... gimme a minute. Oh fuck, it didn't even take a minute.
You misunderstood us when we said the trucker protest was a Russian plot!
Canadian Security Intelligence Service fucked up and announced that there were no outside actors working with the protests, so that narrative got shot to hell for them.
So the only source Trudeau and his cabinet are listing for their allegations now is the government's own CBC News, and the CBC is listing their only cite as... wait for it... Trudeau and his cabinet.
Canada has a Public Safety Minister?
Well, here is the thing. Chemjeff wants to appear reasonable so he is saying it was "originally noble". But his evidence doesn't say that. No, the article he posted says that, " the Freedom Convoy has had connections to the Canadian far-right from the beginning,"
So while Chemjeff wants us to not sympathize with these protestors, he is also carrying water for the people who say they aren't even legitimate protestors to begin with- just some right-wing agitprop.
It has become really sad to see Chemjeff drop to this level.
Chemjeff 2020: I'll probably resist mandates.
Chemjeff Today: People who resist mandates are just right wingers.
Consider that. Back in 2020, people resisting mandates were largely on the right. He knew it back then. But he still insisted he would resist mandates. The only thing that has changed is that 1) the mandates are now more than a possibility, and 2) he has the opportunity to prove that he is as principled as he claimed.
And surprise, the politics of the people protesting are more important to him than the actual principles.
No, Overt, you are trying to conflate two different issues. That I oppose mandates does not necessarily oblige me to find common cause with everyone else who also opposes mandates. The enemy of my enemy is NOT necessarily my friend and I'm not under any obligation to endorse them because they might happen to agree with me on one issue.
So once again you try to find this gotcha moment where none exists.
And in the context of this specific discussion, it is about right-wingers co-opting the issue in order to further their own goals, using the truckers as mere props. Tell me, what is Tamara Lich's connection to the trucking industry, precisely? How about James Bauder's? They are both leaders of the "Freedom Convoy".
Don’t you think it would be liberating to start telling the goddamn truth for once?
I am telling the truth. Sorry not sorry that the truth does not conform to your stereotype.
No you fucking aren't.
Do you get off on this? Is telling obvious lies your fetish?
"That I oppose mandates does not necessarily oblige me to find common cause with everyone else who also opposes mandates."
Actually, yes it does. Because RESISTING MANDATES IS A COMMON CAUSE. Guess what? If you were an ACLU Lawyer resisting crack downs on Free Speech back in 1978, you supported a common cause with Nazis.
I have yet to see you oppose mandates, let alone resist them. All you do is bitch and moan that the people who actually *are* resisting, opposing or otherwise protesting mandates are the wrong type of people.
Simply put, you would rather "resist" deplorables than resist mandates. It is transparently obvious.
"Tell me, what is Tamara Lich's connection to the trucking industry, precisely? How about James Bauder's? They are both leaders of the "Freedom Convoy"."
They are both activists who believe that COVID restrictions are morally wrong and ought to be resisted. Like the Truckers. Have you seen the many, many interviews with truckers who all say that they are resisting more than just a specific mandate on them?
Would it shock you to learn that Rosa Parks was not the first activist arrested for failing to follow the racist orders of a bus driver? But because of her clean record and peaceful disobedience, she was USEFUL to the broader Civil Rights movement. Her specific cause was co-opted to further the goals of a national movement.
Again, a federal government has enacted war powers to freeze the bank accounts of these Truckers that you seem to agree with. But all you want to do is point at icky deplorables. It is shameless and obvious what you are trying to do. Everybody sees it.
Definition of resist (Entry 1 of 2)
intransitive verb
: to exert force in opposition
Sorry, didn't see the "common cause" part in there.
If you were an ACLU Lawyer resisting crack downs on Free Speech back in 1978, you supported a common cause with Nazis.
That is ridiculous, and is exactly the type of bullshit argument that the left-wing 'cancel culture' morons make. "If you support free speech for Nazis, then you support Nazis!" No, it means you support free speech, not Nazism. I can't believe you would fall into the same trap just because you hate me that much.
Simply put, you would rather "resist" deplorables than resist mandates. It is transparently obvious.
Actually, more or less, yes. I think the vaccine mandates are well-intentioned, but misguided by their use of force to try to accomplish the worthy goal of universal vaccination. On the other hand, I find that most of the everyday arguments made against the mandates do not come from a place of principle, but instead, as noted above, arise from an objection to being judged for making a different choice. They don't object to mandates *in principle*, they just object to other people being all judgey on them when they make what is widely perceived to be a stupid decision. They want the decision to get vaccinated, vs. the decision to not get vaccinated, to be regarded as two equally reasonable choices, no different really than the decision to have tacos vs. burgers for lunch. That is not a principled objection. That is narcissism, using words like 'freedom' as rationalizations for that narcissism.
As I keep saying, in Libertopia, social problems do not simply vanish, they are instead privatized. All of the social problems that we see today - homelessness, hunger, poverty, worldwide global pandemics from a novel virus - will still exist, but the obligation to take action to confront them will instead rest with each individual instead of with some government agency. And individuals like you and me will have to be the ones to take that obligation upon ourselves to do something about it. THAT is radical individualism - the concept that individual action can address social problems in the absence of a coercive state agency forcing people to do so. But that spirit of cooperation among individuals to tackle social problems does not arise out of nothingness. It has to be cultivated and nurtured among the public. And supporting narcissism disguised as 'freedom' does not serve that goal.
So, that is a very long answer to your question.
If you support free speech for Nazi’s you do, IN FACT, have common cause with Nazi’s. On that specific issue.
If you support criminal justice reform, you have common cause with Black supremacist. On that specific issue.
The fact is that YOU are the one on the side of the left, because you are refusing to hear or support something based on the politics of the group opposing the mandates. And you admit it in your next paragraph.
The only principle you have to support is bodily autonomy from the government. That’s all the reason anyone should need to give you. IF you were actually a principled libertarian. Or an actual individualist.
No, societal problems don’t disappear in Libertopia, but nagging people, shunning them, or threatening to use force against them because they don’t do what YOU think is in societies best interest just breeds discontent and makes you a fucking collectivist.
" "If you support free speech for Nazis, then you support Nazis!" No, it means you support free speech, not Nazism. I can't believe you would fall into the same trap just because you hate me that much."
Lol. Let's see...The ACLU didn't spend their every waking hour condemning Nazis. They didn't get on the radio and TV on every opportunity to explain how deplorable the Nazis were. They defended free speech, including literally REPRESENTING THOSE NAZIS IN COURT. *You* are the one who is so obsessed with the identity of those you say you agree with. Not me. That is on you.
" On the other hand, I find that most of the everyday arguments made against the mandates do not come from a place of principle, but instead, as noted above, arise from an objection to being judged for making a different choice."
This is an unbelievable slander from you. I have given you a moral, principled explanation for resisting mandates (Lockdown, mask and vaccination) since the beginning of this pandemic. For you to characterize that as an "objection to being judged" is a fucking insult. It is the worst insult because, as you know, I am vaccinated.
Truckers are majority vaccinated- including those in the protest. Many of the spokespeople of these movements are vaccinated. You ignore that I am vaccinated. You ignore all this and demean our arguments to "objection to being judged"- when in fact MANY OF US have made exactly the same choice as you.
It is time for you to take a moment of introspection and actually consider that maybe you are the one who is afraid he is wrong in his personal choices. But you won't, because you will never acknowledge what I wrote above- that vaccinated people are protesting these mandates. That would make a liar out of the line I quoted.
"As I keep saying, in Libertopia, social problems do not simply vanish, they are instead privatized."
Yes you keep saying, but you never read or respond to my responses. "social problems" have always existed, and there is no indication that in a coercive government, or in a free society they will disappear. There will always be poor. There will always be sick. There will always be natural disasters and disease.
Your Orwellian attempt to redefine the term, "Individualist" is just that- Orwellian. It is an attempt to say "If we just redefine it to mean a bunch of people doing what I think is best in a collective effort, then it will work!" It is incoherent, sloppy thinking.
"But that spirit of cooperation among individuals to tackle social problems does not arise out of nothingness."
You wouldn't know cooperation if it bit you in the nose. You think badgering people and carrying water for authoritarians will somehow create a spirit of cooperation?
I have given you a moral, principled explanation for resisting mandates (Lockdown, mask and vaccination) since the beginning of this pandemic.
You are the exception, not the rule. Look at the examples cited in your own article. Their primary objection is to being judged. Their objections to the mandates is less about the coercion and more about the climate of moral condemnation. That is from your own article. They are not libertarians on the matter. They are self-absorbed, demanding the 'liberty' to be free from judgment based on their choices. And I cannot support that. No libertarian worth/ his/her salt should support that.
I reserve the right to mock, judge, and shame those whom I believe are making poor choices. Don't you? Do you really want to make *every* choice morally equivalent to each other? The decision to drink and drive, vs. the decision to not drink and drive, those should be free from judgment and considered morally equivalent? In Libertopia, drinking and driving would be legal of course. So how are free citizens supposed to persuade others not to drink and drive? Logical arguments can work, but peer pressure and moral judgment can also work. I reserve the right to use any tool available to me - consistent with the NAP - to try to persuade people to make smarter choices. Yes that makes me a bit of a moral scold. In a libertarian order, we would ALL have to be moral scolds of one type or another. Because there is no coercive authority to impose its moral judgment on everyone.
"You are the exception, not the rule. Look at the examples cited in your own article. Their primary objection is to being judged."
First of all- everyone can see that you have shifted tactics, Chemjeff. You went from insisting that this was all some right wing conspiracy, to now saying that it's just people angry that they are being judged. Further, you picked one specific quote and elevated it as what "most" want. And in fact, the totality of the article is people protesting the arbitrary and capricious acts of the governments, not people judging them.
First Specific Example: Ivan, 46: ""We came to Canada to be free—not slaves." He is arguing on freedom grounds, not fear of criticism.
Second Specific Example: B.J. Dichter, is vaccinated. So he clearly isn't fearing criticism of his "wrong" choice.
Third example: Kamal Pannu, a Sikh Immigrant is not objecting because he fears criticism. He is objecting because his unvaccinated status means he cannot participate in society BECAUSE OF MANDATES keeping him out of grocery stores.
Peter 28, is unvaccinated and is angry that he can't work any more due to the mandates. This isn't about fearing criticism. It is that he cannot work.
Theo 24- Had a heart condition that made vaccination inadvisable. And so he was forced to mask up and shamed at work.
Lucas, his brother also had a medical condition advising against vaccination. He could not take necessary classes at school.
Mackenzie 24 was protesting the fact that she could serve at a bar, but not dine at the same bar. Again, not protesting being judged, but protesting REAL GOVERNMENT MANDATES.
Chris 40: The one example you found.
Matt Sim, 43: Says he is protesting because he has had COVID and thinks that the government is fomenting panic to make certain benefactors rich.
So you had 8 People all criticizing government mandates and one whose actual position is that they feel the government has overly politicized this issue. But once again you have snagged onto one small piece of evidence and hung your entire case on it. Why are you doing this?
Finally, let's talk about this statement:
"Do you really want to make *every* choice morally equivalent to each other?"
Let's be very clear here. I have *not* made every choice morally equivalent to another. *You* have.
You are saying that a healthy, 18 year old male declining to vaccinate is the same moral choice as a 50-year-old, immuno-suppressed father of 3 declining to vaccinate.
"The decision to drink and drive, vs. the decision to not drink and drive, those should be free from judgment and considered morally equivalent?"
Oh no you don't. We are not talking about engaging in an activity that has high likelihood of injuring others. I have no problem shaming people for ACTUALLY taking an action that is likely to violate the NAP.
It is, frankly, absurd that to this day you still equate being vaccinated with negligence when we know that Vaccination status does not cause or reduce your danger to others. It is bad enough that you still refuse to admit how wrong you were day in and day out as you insisted that vaccination would stop the spread and prevent infection. But even if you won't admit how wrong you were, the reality we live in today is one where it is common knowledge that Vaccination protects you, yourself and you alone.
So we aren't talking about shaming people for drunk driving. You are shaming people for making a different risk calculation for their own safety than yourself. You are arguing for shaming people who go biking on busy streets; for declining to exercise an hour a day; for refusing to wear a helmet as they walk down the street. You have picked a specific profile of risk that is acceptable, and you think that EVERYONE ought to choose it to protect themselves and no one else.
And yes, Chemjeff, this is completely incompatible with Libertopia. The point of Libertopia is that it is a free society where people recognize that there is no "right" decision or "wrong" decision as long as you don't violate the NAP. That might mean some people die young, and others live into their 90s. It might mean some people live hooked on opiates while others never eat meat. It requires zero shame, because there is no shame as long as you have not violated the NAP.
I don't know what society you want, but it ain't Libertopia. Its some miserable dystopia where moral scolds like yourself and Hannity scream at each other from some bully pulpit. It isn't "Live and let live", it is a world where people are constantly divided because they believe that "radical individualism" means everyone making the exact same choice as one another.
And Jeff joins the well intentioned authoritarian movement. A way to rationalize his own authoritarian beliefs as good.
Jeff is not libertarian.
Finally, let's just unpack this a bit. Chemjeff, "Radical Individualist" that he is, tells us that the reason he doesn't push back against the government is that they are the only alternative to his utopian version of society where everyone does specifically what *he thinks is right* out of free choice. He calls everyone "choosing" to act collectively in the way he wants to be Radical Individualism. So let's look at all the definitional challenges Chemjeff had yesterday.
1) Chemjeff thinks "common cause" means agreeing with the motives of people you dislike, instead of "to work together with a person, group etc that you do not usually agree with, in order to achieve a shared aim". As a result he doesn't realize that the ACLU made common cause with Nazis in the 70s.
2) Chemjeff thinks "Ostensibly" means "actually" instead of "Purportedly, but perhaps not." That leads him to think the line, "Ostensibly these protests are about the trucker mandate" to mean "Actually they are about the trucker mandates" instead of "While they are purportedly about the mandate, perhaps they aren't"
3) Chemjeff thinks Radical Individualism means acting collectively...which you know makes it collectivism.
But to unpack it even deeper, Chemjeff doesn't even know why he is fighting any more. We know now for a fact that this Vaccine was never going to stop the virus. It was never going to stop transmission. The most it was going to do was protect the self against a serious case of COVID. And for some reason, you can only be a RADICAL INDIVIDUALIST if you decide that taking the vaccine is the best course of action for yourself.
Think on that. This has nothing to do with the safety of the public. Just the individual. A healthy male under the age of 30 has a higher likelihood of myocarditis from the vaccine than being hospitalized for covid. So there is absolutely no "public health" reason to force people to vaccinate. But Chemjeff just wants people making the same decision. Even if it gives them higher risk than actual protection.
Chemjeff's "Radical Individualism" is really just non-coercive, collectivist authoritarianism. Even if he doesn't want to coerce you, you are wrong to make decisions contrary to an authority- no matter how many times that authority has proven to be wrong, and no matter how little moral high ground that authority has. So he will excuse that authority for coercing you, because he will never accept a libertopia where people are free to be WRONG- whether it is really, actually wrong, or his confused "don't know the definitions of common words, but love me some CDC" wrong.
Collectivistjeff was always a liar, you just gave him way too much credence in the past
Isn't it past time for you to start your murder spree? What are you waiting for?
The trucker protest WAS a protest against COVID restrictions and mandates.
No, the original grievance was about a *specific rule* that would require truckers crossing the border to get vaccinated or get tested or quarantine. It was not about masks, it was not about vaccines in general, it was not about the whole panoply of COVID restrictions, just this one rule. But then right-wing leaders co-opted it and used it as a general protest against all of the COVID restrictions, whether or not they had any relation to this specific trucking industry grievance.
It is no different than how the Tea Party protests got co-opted by the Republican Party to serve their aims, rather than the specific Tea Party grievances. It just happened a lot faster this time, whereas with the Tea Party it happened over the course of years, not weeks.
I like that you’ve assigned yourself the spokesperson for these people while also judging their legitimacy.
It’s very revealing, like many of your recent positions, to anyone new to these boards what kind of “radical individualist” you are.
Keep going Jeffy, you’re doing great!
Where did you even get this bullshit? And don't you think it's sophistry to demand that a protest against authoritarian health mandates can only be about one particular authoritarian health mandate?
"No, the original grievance was about a *specific rule* that would require truckers crossing the border to get vaccinated or get tested or quarantine. "
You are absolutely 100% wrong about this.
Read it, rather than reading the leftist narrative factories that have you so obsessed with Bauder and Lich.
Oh by the way, Chemjeff, if you do decide to bust out of your bubble and read more about the actual motives of these truckers, and their supporters, you might read about Iconic Cafe. It is a small business in Ottawa that was supporting the truckers. They are now being persecuted by the police.
So, by your rules of acceptable support of the truckers, am I not allowed to support them? They aren't actually protesting the trucker vaccine mandate. They were supporting them...And so if I support them, I am also protesting against government crackdowns. Is that wrong?
I'm just trying to understand exactly what your calculus is of what is acceptable protest and support of protests.
Here's an article on Iconic Café harrassment.
Here's video of a gang of police officers announcing a surprise inspection to the café and demanding entrance.
What do you do when the law is overtly lawless?
A reporter is told her press badge doesn't count.
They are now being persecuted by the police.
I am quite sure that is their side of the story. It would be nice to know what the actual truth is, though.
Oh fuck off you fascist twat. If you'd watched the video it was crystal clear what was going on.
You've reached the point Jeff where you're going to have to either side with the protesters or openly embrace tyranny.
Because all this video and Trudeau's own statements don't give you a chance to pretend it's not happening anymore.
He’s already shown that he sides with the government and tyranny over the last two weeks.
YOUR OWN SOURCE confirms what I just said:
"Ostensibly, the truckers are against a new rule mandating that, when they re-enter Canada from the United States, they have to be vaccinated. "
And you complain about "narrative factories"? Your entire source is a giant cherry-picked hagiography. Evidently, you, like Diane, like so many other people who complain about "media bias", what you are really complaining about, is not that the media is biased, but that it is not biased enough *in your direction*. It is telling that so many people who complain about, say, CNN, immediately go running to "news" sources that are infinitely worse than CNN when it comes to bias. Why is that?
But I did find your story interesting nonetheless. The protestors evidently are less upset about the mandates per se, and more upset about the stigmatization associated with objecting to the mandates. Such as Peter:
“If you’re not vaccinated,” Peter said, “they treat you like garbage lying on the streets.”
Or Theo:
At work, they made him mask up constantly. He felt like he was being publicly shamed. So, he quit.
Or Chris:
“My father has spat in my face and disowned me as his son. Told me I’m not worth the family name because I will not vaccinate my children,” he said. “My mom and I have battled back and forth.”
I'm not sure what Peter or Theo or Chris expect Trudeau to do about any of this. Should Parliament pass a law forcing Chris's family to reconcile? They want the right to make their own choices - which I fully support - but then they also want to be immune from criticism for those choices. No one can force Chris's dad not to treat his son like that. No one can force people from not treating Peter like garbage if he refuses to get vaccinated, or from Theo feeling like he's being publicly shamed.
They don't just want the liberty to be free to do what they want, they also want their choices to be validated and confirmed by everyone else as normative. And I'm sorry I can't support that. There are such things as bad choices vs. good choices. And everyone else has their own liberty to praise the good choices or condemn the bad choices as they please. It is wrong for the government to mandate the vaccine, but it is also wrong for the government to mandate public acceptance, or lack thereof, of the vaccine.
Jeff, you are a stupid piece of shit. You really are.
Chris' father spit in his face BECAUSE of the manufactured moral outrage that governments made covid into. Nobody was ever "free to make their own choices," because people like Anthony Fauci, who is a government agent, went on TV on a daily basis and spewed government propaganda about what worthless, selfish, anti-science pieces of shit those people were, who just wanted to make their own choices. And you fucking opened wide and swallowed that load like a good little commie whore.
Go fuck yourself.
Well now. That is a very interesting theory of 'free will' that you have there.
According to Cronut's Theory of Free Will, when a government agent makes a pronouncement, that act alone deprives everyone of their agency. Chris's father had no choice but to spit on his son's face, because Dr. Anthony Fauci told him to. What was so special about Chris, though, that he was able to resist the temptations of Fauci? Hmm?
Don't get pedantic and try and redefine words and change contexts to suit your narrative, you pettifogging fuck.
You're so consistently dishonest. If I were you I would have eaten a bullet years ago out of shame and self-hatred.
Oh, you just don’t understand human nature and how people react to propaganda. That explains a lot.
"Ostensibly, the truckers are against a new rule mandating that, when they re-enter Canada from the United States, they have to be vaccinated. "
Wait....THAT is your evidence that the article confirms your view? What do you think "Ostensibly" means? (Hint: "apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually.")
That line is specifically saying, "While everyone is saying this is about a narrow trucker mandate, it is perhaps something more."
"The protestors evidently are less upset about the mandates per se, and more upset about the stigmatization associated with objecting to the mandates. Such as Peter:"
You are deliberately ignoring the fact that the article points out how many vaccinated are among the ranks. For crying out loud- when your narrative requires you to misunderstand the meaning of 'ostensibly' you should really stop for a moment and think about how far beyond controlled flight you've gotten.
But it doesn't matter. Reason doesn't agree with you. Pretty much the rest of the country doesn't agree with you at this point. You are basically marching lockstep with a majority of democrats, and acting as if this is logic. If you were really libertarian, you would be jumping for joy at the opportunity to push back ridiculous infringements of liberty. But because you have your tribe, you are going to keep doubling down here, even if that means making a mockery of meaning.
It is the opposite, actually. The protest defenders are throwing principle out the window and justifying everything that they are doing because in their view, the RIGHT type of people are protesting. It's THEIR TRIBE - the "working class", the forgotten man, etc. Not like those icky "professional protestors" of BLM. The protestors are blocking streets, harassing the residents of Ottawa, preventing certain business and commerce from occurring in the city. At what point does a protest go too far? What is the correct libertarian position on people blocking traffic on public roads? Huh? You and I both know that shutting down traffic for extended durations, such as for weeks and weeks and weeks, should not be tolerated by any stretch, regardless of the nature of the protestors. Yet here we are, we are supposed to overlook that because the "right people" are protesting.
The protestors are deliberately engaging in civil disobedience. By its very nature, civil disobedience is illegal. One of its purposes is to provoke an unjust reaction from the authorities and then use sympathy from the victims to garner support for their cause. It is emotional manipulation, pure and simple. The protestors want to try to claim that it is "tyranny" to try to remove an illegal encampment in the middle of the street that has been blocking traffic for a month. No, that is not tyranny. Anyone else doing the same thing can and should be removed regardless of who they are. The only possible claim to tyranny that I see here is the alleged freezing of bank accounts of protestors and protest supporters. (And I say "alleged" because at this point I take everything from right-wing sources with a huge grain of salt, so I'd like some independent verification of what is really happening on this score before I cast judgment on the matter.) Everything that I have seen from the Ottawa police has not been egregious or over-the-top. There was the one woman who may have been trampled by a horse, but again we don't really know what happened there, if it was intentional or accidental.
So just to be clear, this has been the evolution of Chemjeff's argument:
1) These truckers had a specific complaint about truck mandates, and they were co-opted by the Right Wing.
2) The article actually supports Chemjeff's argument because it says "Ostensibly" they are there for those mandates- because Chemjeff doesn't know the meaning of "Ostensibly".
3) The article doesn't actually prove anything because it "cherry-picks" around 10 different samples of what people (many of them truckers) are protesting.
4) But when Chemjeff cherry-picks ONE person who complains about the divisiveness of politics, that is proof that THE MAJORITY of the movement is just protesting criticism of their decisions. (Notice that this contradicts his original assertion of what the truckers were doing.)
5) Now this is actually about the DEFENDERS of the Protest. Not the protest itself, which was supposedly about mandates but then coopted, and actually originally about people disliking criticism of their choices.
6) And also, Chemjeff no longer wants to talk about the motives anyway. He wants to tell us that the Protests themselves are actually wrong. In the span of 24 Hours, he has retreated from "this protest is illegitimate right wing agitprop" to "well, forget about motives, the protest itself breaks the law".
I am not interested in debating whether people blocking the streets and shutting down businesses (as happened without complaint throughout 2020) justifies the government declaring wartime powers, and freezing the accounts of donors, and terrorizing the restaurants who dared serve them coffee. Because there is no debate. We can argue the principles about whether or not the government has the power to clear those people out of the streets. But if you are suggesting they ought to have the power to punish these people and their supporters with financial sanction without due process, then you are a partisan who will allow any injustice as long as it isn't your ox being gored.
But this isn't a surprise. Your argument has flipped and flopped all over since yesterday. Your claim that you would resist mandates fell to pieces the first time you were tested- in just about a year. People have seen again and again and again that you talk a big game about principles until supporting them means criticizing the left and (eww) taking up common cause with people you don't normally agree with. They have seen you drop these principles in a hot minute and immediately resort to the standard "these people aren't worth defending" nonsense.
"The protest stopped being about the truckers a while ago. It turned into a general right-wing protest against COVID restrictions, using truckers and trucks as props."
Holy shit this is some crazy fallacious reasoning from the Left, lately. "Look people, I don't want anyone claiming that this working-class protest is about workers. After all, if the right wing supports it, we don't even NEED to talk about what they are protesting. I mean it is the RIGHT WING!"
These stories are so obviously packed with misinformation, that I'm going to have to walk away from them lest I ruin my Sunday and be enraged. I mean, look at this cunty shit.
What was a protest against a work requirement has become something far bigger thanks to social media
Remember when twitter was celebrated by the media for helping expand and fuel the Arab Spring? Do you remember that? Anyone remember that? Anyone? ANYONE? I do. I do! I remember it very well, with great clarity, I remember it. Fuck off Wired.
What I love is that it is somehow nefarious that a protest about a specific issue catches fire and resonates within a greater issue. WTF is that even about?
Should we ring our hands that protests over George Floyd's murder were coopted by the likes of Reason regarding Qualified Immunity and the War on Drugs?
Is the entire Civil Rights establishment illegitimate merely because its protests went beyond the specific circumstances of Rosa Parks and her bus seat?
This is such stupid reasoning that in a sane world it would be seen as basic propaganda.
And by the way, Rosa Parks and her bus seat was a *dun dun duuuuuuun* planned event. it was not an organic, 'hey this old lady sat in the wrong seat 'cause she was fed up', it was an orchestrated event, but yet that didn't make the grievance less real. Planned and orchestrated though it was, it was illegal for her to sit in the front seat.
I don't think I've seen a more grass-roots protest in my lifetime. The only other protest that I'd cautiously say was this grass-roots would have been the WTO protests in Seattle. Oh, and those WTO protests were co-opted by EVERY cray-town leftist cause you could imagine. Dancing sea turtles, free Leonard Peltier, destroy capitalism, etc.
Oh and uhh, some right-wingy alt-righty construction and truckers showed up because our jerbs were going to foreign countries, but the press tried to ignore that part of the protest as best they could.
I don't think I've seen a more grass-roots protest in my lifetime.
Umm, BLM protests? The original Tea Party protests?
"Umm, BLM protests?"
Oh totally. Nothing's more grassroots than riots funded by Soros's Open Societies and managed by the Clinton Foundation. Billionaire grassroots for the win.
Oh, and apparently for a protest to be legit in the eyes of the corporate media, you have to burn the flag of your home country, not wave it. Once you're waving the flag... then we have a problem.
Far more wholesome than pancake breakfasts and bouncy castles for the kids.
Many of us see it as propaganda. Enough? I think we’ll find out soon.
The Canada trucker protest is, in effect, two protests. One run by a small group of people seemingly disowned by the wider Canadian trucking industry and another run by some of Facebook’s most successful operators. What was a protest against a work requirement has become something far bigger thanks to social media—and in particular thanks to America’s far right. “The narratives align globally,” says Amarasingam. “You have the anti-mandate, anti-lockdown, anti-quarantine component of the response to Covid that has had two years to grow and gel. That’s what the trucker movement is. It’s latched onto a broader angst and anxiety.”
How are they wrong here?
Is it not true that the Freedom Convoy has been heavily supported by the American right wing? People who have nothing to do with the specific issue of border-crossing truck transportation?
Wow. You really are dumb.
Hold on. Time for you to be clear.
Is the American "Rightwing" supporting or liking something, anything mean that whatever it is becomes anathema and evil to you?
If they like it you have to hate it?
Because that seems to be exactly what you're saying.
Yes, because Jeff is consumed by his hatred of anything he perceives as “right-wing”.
Trait of all leftists. See sarc cry out against "saint babbit" above. He finally found cops he doesn't rage against because a conservative was shot.
You know how some people around here like to think that the George Floyd protests, which started out as protests against police mistreatment, were co-opted by outside groups to push a more radical agenda instead? Well, think of this as the same type of idea.
Cite? You know, besides an opinion piece.
"outside groups to push a more radical agenda instead"
Okay. Who are these shadowy "outside groups" and what is the "more radical agenda" they're pushing.
You've alluded to them so you must have some idea.
The truckers have been remarkably consistent during their daily media conference since the convoy began thousands of miles and a month ago. And I haven't heard a single thing added to their demands, but you say they have.
So what is it, and who's co-opted them?
Who here has said that?
The protests were 100% planned and orchestrated by the same groups that have been organizing these kinds of protests for years.
Now many of the posters here might have pointed out that Antifa and BLM were globalist Marxist trash, but that’s not really accusing them of being outside groups.
"You know how some people around here like to think that the George Floyd protests, which started out as protests against police mistreatment, were co-opted by outside groups to push a more radical agenda instead? Well, think of this as the same type of idea."
I was just reviewing this thread this morning, and came across this gem.
It is really noteworthy that this is what passes for logic with Chemjeff. Let's just say people *were* complaining about the co-opting of the BLM movement.
1) Without citations of actual examples, we don't know what these people were complaining about. Turning a march about George Floyd into a broader discussion on police violence (since it is an actual example of police violence) is different than turning the march into an indictment of capitalism (which the incident was not an example of, and yet has been a plank of the BLM platform until recently).
2) On the other hand, taking a specific protest about one specific truck-vaccine mandate (and by the way, there is ample evidence that the original truckers opposed far more than this one mandate) and turning it into a broader discussion about COVID Abuses of Power in general is not a stretch. Because this mandate is specifically an example of government overreach in COVID policy.
3) And even if we were to say that it is wrong for a protest movement to grow past narrow examples of a broadly wrong set of policies, it merely makes Chemjeff a hypocrite. Since he has been supportive of these BLM marches for years, even though they grew far beyond demanding justice for Floyd, and instead far more.
That he thinks that what he posted is a good argument for his side just shows how blinded by partisan politics he really is. He will throw his own statements under the bus, and abandon all consistency just as long as he doesn't have to support the wrong type of people.
This is, of course, why our country is currently circling the drain. He would rather shout at deplorables than governments that declare they have the power to lock you in your home, dictate your fashion, and stick needles in your arm. Mind you- he said he would resist this when it was all theoretical- but now it is principals over principles.
Maybe he thinks it’s all theoretical still?
"It turned into a general right-wing protest against COVID restrictions, using truckers and trucks as props."
What the hell do you think the truckers were protesting, you stupid demagogic fuck?
Is this your new ActBlue talking point? Because it's dumber than hell and you should tell them to come up with something better.
The protest stopped being about the truckers a while ago.
Seriously, imagine being an aspiring to be a cartoonishly oblivious satire of a propagandist like J. Jonah Jameson and not even realizing it.
JJJ: Gossip! Rumors! Panic in the streets! [lower] If we're lucky.
Crazy scientist turns himself into some kind of a monster. Four mechanical arms welded right onto his body. Heh, a
guy named Otto Octavius winds up with eight limbstrucker protest against vaccination mandates turns into a vaccination mandate protest. What are the odds?...
PP: Spiderman wasn't trying to destroy the city, he was trying to save it. That's slander.
JJJ: It is not. I resent that! Slander is spoken. In print it's libel.
Bill Gates just said that the Omicron Virus was a better and more effective vaccine than the vaccines were. There are undoubtedly going to be Reuters fact-checks over this statements full of throat-clearing and tut-tutting and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious context-setting, but he said that.
Oh, and he prefixed it with "sadly".
John Campbell speaks on this.
He's not wrong.
Oh Media, you keep being you.
Notice that, just like Jeff, they never tell us who these outside groups they allude to actually are.
At best we get a "Russians".
Oh, by the way, here was the swastika flag based on witnesses who were on the ground. Trigger warning: Black man.
You mean like this swastika?
Nice picture. Did you watch the video of where the truckers took it away? I bet you did but you decided to play politruk here anyway.
Here's another fully masked agent provocateur with a Rebel Flag being told to fuck off by the protesters.
It never fails to amaze me the depths to which you guys will sink Jeff.
And he won’t respond. Wait, do I smell sewage down thread?
I don't respond to Mother's Lament anymore. He thinks I am a literal, no-shit Nazi. So he has zero incentive to engage in any good-faith discussion with me, for if he were to do so, it would be validating the arguments of, in his mind, a Nazi. So everything he spews, I assume to be bad-faith garbage. That is the river of sewage polluting this entire comment board. He is a troll with good grammar, that's all.
Collectivistjeff is 100% evil, and exactly who the book Ordinary Men is about
Wait, you can read? How do you fit the time in to read, in between your survivalist training and your time at the gun range?
You don't respond, you evil Nazi fuck, because, 1. you're a coward, and 2. you can't bullshit a Canadian in Canada who has been physically present at the protests and can easily prove that you're lying.
But you're right about me being here to condemn you because, together with Shrike, you're the commentariat's own little Goebbels.
I absolutely despise everything you've done here Jeff. You're a paid liar and a fascist who has absolutely no business talking about good faith.
I get the impression that Jeffy can't stand up for himself, except anonymously, and his burning shame fuels his rage at anyone who refuses to queue up and take whatever they are told like he has had to do his entire life. I suspect he was bullied a lot as a kid, because most of his propaganda is fixated on the state imposing 'politeness' on citizens.
He and sarc and White Mike don't want to hang out where people all agree with them. They don't stand out and get ignored as they do in every other aspect of their lives. They are driven to seek a place where they are reviled by the majority because then when they support each other, it feels like the camaraderie they can't get anywhere else.
This is most apparent when they call their critics 'mean girls'. As if there is any reason people can't come to the conclusion that they are full of shit completely independently.
As opposed to your totally not disingenuous takes on things?
I'm way more honest than ML, that is for sure.
You have no idea what honesty looks like. That is why your pants-shitting is so obvious to everybody but you.
He says you believe and push repacked nazi race theory, which you do.
FYI, here's a clip of Klaus Schwab, the Persian cat-stroking head of the World Economic Forum, bragging about how the WEF has "penetrated half of Trudeau's cabinet" (his words, not mine).
He goes on to brag how they've captured the cabinets of Argentina and France
Think about that, he could have said what he said a hundred different ways, and then let the Fox News hosts interpret it into whatever conspiracy theory they wanted, while getting cover from a Reuters fact-check. He could have said, "Oh, many of the cabinets of current governments in the g20 are former World Economic Form Young Leaders members. But no, he said "we have penetrated half the cabinets".
Justin Trudeau, President of France Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnston are all allumni of Schwab's Global Leadership program.
Libertarian coverage of the Freedom Convoy.
O/T: In a surprise twist, Fox News denounces the Freedom Convoy.
It’s the daily show, you dumbass.
Here’s Lying Jeffy unapologetically linking to blatant edited propaganda. All while thinking it makes him look smrt.
In a not-surprise twist, Chemjeff jumps in to further the tribe wars.
He admitted upthread that he hates the truckers solely because the "American right-wing" are keen on them.
It's a funny clip.
You were fooled.
Not as funny as you dying of a heart attack will be.
A missed opportunity to discuss Amy Chua’s excellent book on this very issue.
“The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in America”
I represent a number of people who just had their bank accounts frozen/credit cards cancelled. Many did not even have trucks in Ottawa. They have not even been charged with an offence. Their alleged crime is that they have views the Prime Minister disagrees with. 1/2
"Keep still babe. I promise it won't hurt, it's just a little prick!"
Emperor Xi is leading a stadium in singing the Chinese national anthem, while children skate around in circles in a representation of unity and togetherness--it's so distasteful it's almost funny. Mel Brooks anticipated this 40 years ago.
When I hear the words unity and togetherness I reach for my revolver. Apologies to Herman Goering, a Nazi so cynical it's almost endearing.
This time last year, the very concept of vaccine mandates- and certainly the idea that a government would freeze bank accounts if people spoke out against them - were laughed off as conspiracy theories.
"Conspiracy theory" is Jeff's word for spoilers.
"and certainly the idea that a government would freeze bank accounts if people spoke out against them"
China, the nation with the world's largest population, has been doing this sort of thing for years. They are the bellwether here, clearly where they go, others follow. They also have a social credit system, face payment for retail purchases, tightly controlled internet etc. In for a penny, in for a pound. Countries like Canada and the US are bound to follow their lead eventually.