After a False Accusation, Police and Child Services Forced a Family Apart for 7 Months
Adam Lowther, a Navy veteran and nuclear deterrence expert, lost his job and spent $300,000 fighting the allegations.

Adam Lowther was a busy man, traveling constantly for his work as director of the Air Force's Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies. But on the afternoon of August 30, 2017, he called his wife, Jessica, with good news: He would be home in time to take their two children—ages 4 and 7—to tae kwon do practice.
Little did Adam know that he was about to be forcibly separated from his children for half a year, and would spend more than $300,000 in legal bills trying to reunite his family after it was torn apart by the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) on the basis of a false sexual abuse accusation. Now Adam and his wife are suing the police and child services officials for violating their rights, misleading other authorities about the merits of the case against them, and traumatizing their children.
They are suing, not just in hopes that they might recover some of their financial losses, but also to bring about institutional change. The experience has opened up the Lowthers' eyes to the inequities of the criminal justice system—and they don't want anyone to go through what they did.
"We never thought this kind of thing could ever happen," Adam told Reason. "We assumed that law enforcement was competent and we assumed that they obeyed the law. That was a wrong assumption, but that was our assumption."
In the middle of that August 30 phone call with her husband, Jessica heard a knock at the front door of their Albuquerque home. It was the police. They told her they had come to perform a welfare check on the kids.
"I'm sorry, a welfare check?" asked Jessica, according to a court transcript of the encounter. "I don't understand."
Bernalillo County Sheriff's Deputies Catherine Smalls and Brian Thornton explained that someone from one of the kids' schools had called the authorities to report abuse. Jessica was baffled. She asked the officers if they were sure they had the right house. They were sure. She asked them to wait outside until Adam arrived at home. They agreed, but ordered Jessica not to shut the front door.
"I'm telling you, we take this stuff very seriously," said Smalls.
As if to illustrate this point, Thornton told Jessica that "if this was my investigation, you would be in the back of a cop car right now. You're obstructing our duty to check on the well-being of a child."
But it was not yet the county sheriff's investigation—it was CYFD's investigation. An agent from the department would be interviewing Becca, the Lowther's 4-year-old daughter, about abuse that she had allegedly reported to a teacher at school, according to the cops.
"I assume we're not going to tae kwon do tonight?" asked Jessica.
"I… yeah," said Smalls. "Pretty much assume that."
Adam grew up in Houston, Texas. He was an Eagle Scout and enlisted in the military when he turned 18. Later, he attended Arizona State University (ASU), eventually earning a Ph.D. in International Relations. In 2008, he joined the Air Force Research Institute. In 2015, he became director of the Air Force's Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies, a position that required top secret security clearance. He is also the author of several books on national security topics.
Jessica and Adam met at ASU through an organization for Conservative Baptist students. "We've been together since 1997," Adam says. "Married over 20 years."
The Lowthers eventually settled in Albuquerque. In their third year there, as summer 2015 drew to a close, daughter Becca was a few days shy of her fifth birthday, and thus could not enroll in the local public school her brother attended. Instead, Adam and Jessica sent her to a private school, Calvary Christian Academy.
In the middle of her second week at the school, her kindergarten teacher, a woman named Betty DuBoise, called the authorities to report that Becca had claimed her father and brother sexually assaulted her. (Throughout this article, I refer to the two children using the pseudonyms "Becca" and "Charlie.") The Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) showed up at the Lowther residence within the hour. They told Jessica that Becca had been "very descriptive" about what had happened, but did not specify the exact nature of the complaint. When Jessica pressed them for more information, they rebuffed her, and said they would not give further details until after a therapist had interviewed Becca. Jessica asked if this therapist was on their way over to the house. No, the officers revealed. Becca would be taken to the therapist.
"You're going to take her away?" Jessica asked.
It was at this point that Smalls and Thornton decided there was "no reasoning" with Jessica, and asked her to step aside or be detained. Given no other choice, she let the officers inside to check on the kids. Jessica tried to explain to Becca what was going on, but Smalls stopped her because "that could be seen as coaching her."
Outside, Adam had been arrested when he arrived on site and placed in the back of a cop car. He told the officers that they couldn't enter his home without a warrant, but they said they didn't need one, citing a New Mexico statute that authorizes the police to take children into protective custody if the authorities have a reasonable belief that the kids are in danger.
Of course, the police also made clear that they always assume the kids are in danger, if that's what was reported.
"When we investigate things like this, whether it's an anonymous call or [whatever], we have to take these cases involving children at their word and at their absolute worst," the officers told the Lowthers.
In this case, the officers chose to rely heavily on the word of Becca's teacher, Betty DuBoise, who had known the child for eight days. What DuBoise had told the cops, the Lowthers would later learn, was that she had overheard Becca ask another student if he had a penis—a word the Lowthers claim she did not and could not have known. DuBoise then pulled Becca aside and questioned her: It was at this point, according to the teacher, that Becca claimed her father had touched her inappropriately and penetrated her with his finger. Her brother also touched her, DuBoise claimed.
In her short time as Becca's teacher, DuBoise had questioned the Lowthers about their daughter's habit of sticking her hand down her pants, according to Adam. They promised to talk to Becca about this, but saw it as normal behavior for a child her age, and evidently did not show the matter as much seriousness as DuBoise expected.
More than a year later, Deputy District Attorney Leila Hood of the Albuquerque Special Victims Unit would issue a letter to Bernalillo County investigators detailing her numerous reasons for declining to prosecute Adam—issues with DuBoise's statements chief among them. But the night of his arrest, the authorities simply presumed everything they had been told must be true.
"They made no effort to verify anything that the teacher had said," says Adam.
The police kept him in the backseat of a hot car for hours before finally taking him to the station around 10:30 p.m. Since Adam was under arrest and Jessica was "detained," the children were technically without guardians, and the state took them into protective custody. Adam would not see them again until March.
Within three days, the media had gotten a hold of the story. The Albuquerque Journal ran with the headline, "Nuke Expert at Kirtland Accused of Raping 4-Year-Old Girl." Adam's mugshot accompanied the article.
He was released after a week in jail, but couldn't return home. He also lost his job and security clearance.
"Adverse publicity created by the local news media coverage concerning your charges and allegations has had an adverse effect upon the Department of the Air Force," wrote Adam's boss, a general. "Your alleged off-duty criminal misconduct and subsequent publicity cannot be tolerated in your position which requires utmost trust and integrity during the development of Nuclear Deterrence Studies."
Meanwhile, for the Lowther's 7-year-old son, Charlie, protective custody was anything but. After all, he too stood accused of sexual abuse. The police took both children to All Faiths, a private organization that acts as a safehouse for local law enforcement. Detectives interviewed Becca for over an hour. They also interviewed Charlie for 45 minutes about abuse he may have either suffered or perpetrated. Note that at this point, Charlie was in state custody—the very authorities legally responsible for his well-being were also interrogating him about whether he should be considered a suspect in a criminal investigation.
Becca was also forced to undergo not one but two separate sexual abuse examinations. To say that these were incredibly intrusive would be an understatement: Nurses examined, and even photographed, her anus.
"My daughter was forced through several invasive exams of her private parts," says Adam. "She is petrified of doctors to this day."
The children were then sent to foster care for 48 hours. Afterward, CYFD allowed Jessica to get them back, but only under the supervision of her own parents, who were required to move into the Lowther residence and serve as "safety monitors."
But a few days later, CYFD again took custody of the children. At a September 5 hearing, Jessica's father had told a social worker that he did not believe Adam was guilty. The social worker promptly reported this to Maria Morales, who was the investigator for CYFD, and Jacob Wootton, the detective assigned to Adam's criminal case. Morales swore an affidavit alleging that Jessica was an unfit mother. Jessica lost custody again, this time for two full months. Becca and Charlie were separated—not just from their parents, but also each other.
It was a rough time for the family. Adam had to live with an elderly couple he knew from church. The children were in foster care. Charlie had a particularly difficult time, and met with his school counselor on 55 separate occasions—even threatening to kill himself. Jessica was home alone with the family dog, who passed away in late October.
Finally, on November 7, the children's court judge decided to return custody to Jessica. Wootton was furious, and confronted the judge in his quarters, where he fumed that returning custody to Jessica would ruin his criminal case against Adam. The exchange was overheard by Adam's attorney, Marc Lowery.
"I could hear a commotion coming from the judge's chambers," says Lowery. "I heard loud voices and when I looked in I saw the detective talking with the judge. They were arguing about the case."
The judge was unmoved by Wootton's ranting, and restored Jessica's custody anyway. Wootton's next move was to arrest Jessica. He did so the second she set foot outside the courthouse.
"This was malicious," says Adam. "I'm not sure what lengths there were to which [Wootton] would not go to get what he wanted."
In a criminal complaint filed against Jessica on the afternoon of November 7, Wootton claimed that Becca had told DuBoise—who was still her teacher, as mandated by CYFD—that during one of the supervised visits between mother and daughter, "mommy whispers in my ear not to say anything, to be quiet." DuBoise made this report on October 19, three weeks before Wootton arrested Jessica for it. The charge against her was "bribery or intimidation of a witness."
The cops took Jessica to jail, strip-searched her, and forced her to take a pregnancy test before releasing her on personal recognizance. Thankfully, the district attorney decided not to press charges, and Jessica finally got the kids back.
Adam's reunion took longer—much longer. Months later, in March 2018, the court allowed Adam to have supervised visits with his children. The criminal case against Adam had by then collapsed: Though the detectives had repeatedly threatened to go to a grand jury, they never did so, and thus actual criminal charges never materialized. In April, the court-mandated therapist opined that Adam was not a threat to the kids, and his custody was restored the next month. On May 31, the Lowthers sold their home and moved to Texas, understandably eager to put as many miles between them and the Albuquerque authorities as possible.
On September 14, 2018, the Lowthers filed a lawsuit alleging that BCSO, CYFD, Wootton, Morales, and three other specific agents of law enforcement had violated the family's rights and harmed the children.
The suit raised important questions about whether child services was acting in the children's interests, or in service of a dubious criminal investigation.
"Immediately after the removal and late into the night, the children were subjected to hours of forensic interviews," the Lowthers write in the suit. "The forensic interviews and physical examinations were conducted without a warrant or court oversight. CYFD, who was the guardian of the children, acted with indifference to the trauma caused by the forensic interviews and examinations. Indeed, the removal decision was made in furtherance of the criminal investigation—not to keep the children safe from harm. This itself was contrary to the children's interests and violative of their constitutional rights."
The lawsuit also made the noteworthy claim that DuBoise had "a history of legal troubles, including convictions for shoplifting and several lawsuits for failure to pay bad debts, which bears on her credibility." A copy of a private investigator's report confirming these allegations was obtained by Reason.
When reached for comment, Calvary Christian Academy's principal declined to answer any questions about DuBoise. According to Adam, she no longer works for the school, and her own attorney has had trouble getting in touch with her.
BCSO did not respond to a request for comment. A spokesperson for CYFD declined to comment, citing pending litigation.
The Albuquerque Journal, which had previously published Adam's mugshot under the "Nuke Expert Accused of Raping 4-Year-Old Girl" headline, covered the lawsuit more even-handedly in a subsequent article, "Lawsuit Says Sexual Assault Charge Is Groundless." This may have prompted District Attorney Raul Torrez to review the case, and on October 18, his deputy—Leila Hood, of the special victims unit—wrote a letter detailing the myriad reasons why the office declined to prosecute Adam. The letter was addressed to Jacob Wootton.
In Hood's opinion, Becca's statements to investigators during her safehouse interview conflicted with what she had allegedly told DuBoise. Hood quoted one of the doctors who had interviewed Becca: "She does not know the difference between truth and lie. She likely does not understand the concept of a deliberate lie, she feels no compunction to tell the truth because she is not cognitively developed enough to comprehend the difference." Hood also noted that investigators had fed Becca false information, calling the entire enterprise into question. In the district attorney's opinion, her father having benignly assisted her with toilet-related issues was a plausible explanation for whatever story she may or may not have told DuBoise.
Hood also had an issue with DuBoise's credibility, or at the very least her blind faith in Becca's stories. In the middle of Wootton's effort to stop Jessica from regaining custody, DuBoise had signed an affidavit that Becca had claimed her father was attending church with her, in violation of a court order. But this was impossible: Adam was wearing an ankle monitor, and Becca was under the supervision of a social worker while at church.
A polygraph examination administered by the Bernalillo Sheriff's Department also lent credence to Adam. The department had initially interpreted the test to mean that Adam's answers were "deceptive," but the district attorney conducted an independent analysis: Bernalillo had misunderstood the results, which were "favorable to the alleged perpetrator," according to Hood.
In filing their lawsuit, the Lowthers hope to recoup some of the estimated $300,000 they lost defending themselves. They also hope to discourage the authorities from handling child abuse cases in such a manner.
"I can only imagine how bad it is for other families," said Adam. "We want this to stop."
Indeed, while the Lowthers were financially well equipped to handle legal troubles of this nature, they still ended up having to borrow money. Other families who routinely deal with child services and law enforcement are often in even more precarious positions. Diane Redleaf, an attorney who represents families in child services disputes, told Reason's Lenore Skenazy that most of her clients are impoverished, and many are immigrants or racial minorities. Half of all black kids in the U.S. will receive a visit from child services, according to one study by the American Journal of Public Health. The state's coercive power to separate children from their parents is most often experienced by those with scant ability to fight back.
This is something that resonates with the Lowthers. Adam and Jessica are conservatives, but their experience with the criminal justice system significantly altered their thinking.
"Prior to this, I would never have called myself a supporter of Black Lives Matter," said Adam. "My view of law enforcement has completely changed."
UPDATE: This article initially described Adam as a veteran of the Air Force. He worked for the Air Force, but is a veteran of the Navy.
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The authorities involved in this case acted disgracefully.
Really sucks what happened to these people, but.....if you're going to blindly serve the 'evil empire' that is the American government, I say that this incident was a much needed wake up call. The pigs in this country are 100% out of control and need to be stopped, with extreme prejudice (and maybe also the same level of brutality that they have no qualms about using).
I think its unfair to say the father was "blindly serving". He worked for the Airforce which is part of the federal government and has nothing to do with the local/state CPS. And I think most people including libertarians think the government maintaining the military is a proper role.
Anyone identifying as a government employee is, i.e., feeding from the public trough, is an enemy of liberty.
You say this as if it was unique to the American government(s). It isn't. This is how the authorities ALWAYS act, unless kept under tight control. This is why calls to grant the State more authority are ALWAYS suspect.
I'm an American, guess I should preface with that: our military is one hundred years more advanced than any other and we meddle in the affairs of the rest of the world, often to everyone's yeah, 'evil empire.' Not like the Feds are any less corrupt than state officials.
Yeah, who were we to get in Hitler's face? He was just trying to make a buck!
Wow. What an asshole thing to say.
"She deserved it; did you see what she was wearing?!"
What does what your wrote related to this discussion ?
when you refer top law enforcement as pigs you betray your own sense of small mindedness bigotry which most progressives are guilty of. Most law enforcement are hard working folks whose job is to "serve and protect". I don't like it when they cross the line and lose their way and as a result they need accountability. They are after all like all of us subject to bias, pettiness and need restraint. In most cases it is the faceless bureaucrat empowered and embolden with powers beyond their mental awareness that is the real problem. This case is a perfect example. Whether it is CPS, EPA, IRS it is the fact these people are distanced significantly from accountability and as such are allowed to grow drunk with power they should not have. It is true of most government agencies whether local or federal. Don't get me wrong the FBI, ATF, CIA while law enforcement/ national security in nature are also a real problem because of a lack of oversight and accountability.
You're naive at best. One day though I'm certain that you, like millions of our fellow Americans be they leftists or conservatives before you, *will* experience the long arm of the pigs. The odds of remaining free are not in your favor!
CPS dirty secret is they do NOT want the kids from the bad families. They will forever be a burden. They want good kids from good families! CPS can toot their horn about what a wonderful job they well the kids do. Too many poor kids are screwed up by drug abuser parents....and CPS looks the other way. Now SMART attractive kids from a doctor??? CPS is all excited. There are many wild stories in Montana of kids being kidnapped by CPS workers...who lie in their files to justify what they did!! Often..CPS...targets Christians and adoptive parents!!
The United States needs more immigration.
Well Jeff was saying even illegals who were child predators should be allowed in... so kinda sorta related?
Because they'll rape the children that Americans won't?
Great point.
Never let any government people onto your property without a warrant.
Once the child services comes knocking...send them packing for a warrant. Meanwhile ship your kids off to family members, out-of-state (if possible).
There is no "welfare check" exception to the 4th Amendment.
There is no “welfare check” exception to the 4th Amendment.
Yeah, good luck with that. Exigent Circumstances have been ruled a valid carve-out of the 4th by the Supreme Court.
Yes...CPS milks the exigent circumstances clause.
WMany of them are left wing LGBT militants who love inflicting pain on innocent religious families!! I wouldnt be surprised if this DuBoise has a history of false allegations...and family trauma of her own! Most CPS workers in Montana do.
This is terrible legal advice. NEVER physically obstruct an officer, even if they are conducting a warrentless search. ALWAYS say "I do not consent to this search" several times.
Let the courts sort out the 4th amendment violations, if there are any. If the search was unlawful, then any evidence gathered during that search will be suppressed. If you physically obstruct the officer by even breathing on them, you will be arrested for assault of a police officer and be in a much worse circumstance.
Legal advice sounds like this: Always file your appeals on time.
Always stand up for your rights. There is no guarantee that a law enforcement officer wont hurt you even you pussy out and cower in fear like TripK would have you do.
I always stand up for my rights and even the dumbest police officer immediately realizes that you are not someone that they can just run over and get away with it. It preferable to have a video record app on your phone that streams straight to a website. This way anything stupid the officer does is recorded and cannot be deleted off your phone.
I dont stop for drivers license/DUI checkpoints. I don't let police search without a warrant. I don't talk to police unless I need something from them. If I am detained by police, I keep asking if I am free to go and what the reason for the detention is.
Several people could be killed by the police and/or incarcerated by following this advice. I really have to push back on that. I highly doubt you have ever had officers show up at your home claiming probable cause to search. I understand you're standing up for your rights, but those rights actually do not include physically obstructing an officer. It can get you seriously injured, killed and imprisoned. I'm not saying its right, I'm saying you're better off defending your rights by asserting them verbally ONLY.
Several people have been killed by police/incarcerated by following every command the police gave.
Your rights aren't determined by the state. You are a Sovereign (until you die, that is).
I can appreciate the theoretical argument you are making. Libertarians love to live in the theoretical. I'm talking about the real world.
In the real world, it's better to live to trial rather than let the police officer kill you. He'll get away with it.
In the real world, you have rights. In the real world, if you lie down and don't protect your rights, the state will stomp all over them. In the real world, that's how you get 1984.
I noticed a couple of comments below between you and mad.casual fantasizing that you’d do some kind of John Wick-esq judgement on these cops if they ever did anything like this to you, etc.
I don’t know you guys or what you’d do. So maybe you are willing to put your pride and rights above the welfare of your children by getting yourselves killed in a firefight which would forever associate your children’s names with what the media would portray as a murderous father and ensure that your kids stay in a state run foster system for the rest of their childhoods. I don’t know, maybe you’d do that.
I’m really just commenting for other lurkers here. Stay alive, don’t consent to searches by verbally stating so, attempt to video record interactions with police, petition the judge to suppress evidence from the warrentless search with a pretrial motion. It’s an injustice, yes. But it’s better than a firefight that will doom you and hurt your kids even more.
"So maybe you are willing to put your pride and rights above the welfare of your children"
Pride's got nothing to do with it. I have a job to do.
"getting yourselves killed in a firefight"
I'm not the one likely to die.
"ensure that your kids stay in a state run foster system for the rest of their childhoods"
They are gonna be there if I don't. Worst case scenario, I do what I'm required to do and there are negative consequences that only Utilitarians care about.
"But it’s better than a firefight that will doom you and hurt your kids even more."
That's "begging the question".
The police have the power to make the decision here. They can try to take my kids and die or leave. It's really up to them. I will do what I'm required to, and if I die, then so be it!
"I’m not the one likely to die."
I just realized I'm talking with someone that is disconnected from reality. Any lurkers that happen to be reading this -- take this into account if you plan on following ace_m82's advice when it comes to warrantless searches. That is, unless you are more interested in protecting your rights at the exact moment they are violated than you are in making sure your kids are put back in your custody. The better strategy, if you want your kids back, is to verbally enforce your rights, have evidence suppressed after the fact. If you don't care about getting your kids back, physically block the police and see how well that turns out for you.
"I just realized I’m talking with someone that is disconnected from reality."
Having a different paradigm of "Human Action" (shoutout to Mises) is not the same thing as being disconnected from reality. I'm not a Utilitarian. I have a job to do. I'm not allowed to fail. If it kills me, then so be it. Meanwhile, I'll do the best I can, and allowing the government to do it, even for a little while, is as good as giving up on it.
"unless you are more interested in protecting your rights at the exact moment they are violated than you are in making sure your kids are put back in your custody"
False choice. They never leave my custody, or they are returned VERY quickly after they a kidnapped (by the State). Or I die and it's not my problem anymore.
"If you don’t care about getting your kids back, physically block the police and see how well that turns out for you."
I'm not going to physically block them. The lead is. Lead is quite effective. The certainty of lead blocking someone is a near perfect deterrent to kidnapping.
I think we have a fundamental disconnect that is irreconcilable. I truly do think that you honestly love your family and would do anything to protect them. I also believe that you would go so far in that mission that you would end up causing your family to be hurt even worse (at the hands of the government). That last sentence is something we will probably disagree on until the end of time, and I can respect that.
"I also believe that you would go so far in that mission that you would end up causing your family to be hurt even worse (at the hands of the government)."
That may indeed be true. But remember, I am in no way a Utilitarian, and I don't give a damn what the consequences are when I have a righteous job to do. Also note, I am in no way responsible for the evils that governmental actors do. They will have to answer to their Creator for that. If I die doing the right thing, regardless of what else I may think will happen.
Man, I've got to proof read these things better. Sorry about the poor grammar.
Yes, I fully understand with your position and only agree with parts of it. No need to apologize for grammar, I'm not the type to harp on grammar or try to falsely throw the logic of an argument into doubt.
Cheers indeed, Ace. If only more people could reasonably disagree and have an adult discussion (even a heated one) without calling each other "manipulative", "soulless" or "shyster".
Correction: "I’m not the type to harp on grammar in an attempt to falsely throw the logic of an argument into doubt."
in a firefight which would forever associate your children’s names with what the media would portray as a murderous father
First, you didn't read what I wrote below. When seizing your kids police tend to use superior numbers and surprise somewhat appropriately. A firefight you're going to lose with assets in play is a bad tactical move, not even very good as a suicide IMHO, less favorable than surrender or retreat (for me and with this enemy anyway). As seen in Texas (not to fault the deceased) you end up with yourself and your wife dead only having injured a couple cops.
Second, without Google/the internet, name David Koresh's 3 kids. Name the surviving children of Randy Weaver. If you have any idea who Richard Kuklinsky is, name one of his kids. Hell, I'll give you an easy one: (again without google or the internet) guess the *number* of Jim Jones' children to survive Jonestown. Even easier, guess the number of Jones' children in total. The kids may suffer some psychological trauma from losing their father, but, as with many of the other decisions, that choice was made with explicit disregard for my input. At some point, people are literally left with no good choice.
You're pretty shameless and manipulative. Your legal advice may be sound, but I suspect the Devil wouldn't make any wagers with you for your soul.
"Your legal advice may be sound"
At least you recognize the only thing I'm trying to get across - sound legal advice. I'll take the baseless ad-hominem attacks as your Tony-esq style of conceding the point.
"When seizing your kids police tend to use superior numbers and surprise somewhat appropriately."
Superior numbers isn't superior firepower. If they don't announce themselves, God help them! If they do, then it's not a surprise.
"A firefight you’re going to lose"
I'm not going to lose, or more specifically, they won't win.
"you end up with yourself and your wife dead only having injured a couple cops"
I hope none of them die. But only injuring a few is either a training or capability issue.
I don't care about naming those children, as if I knew their name, that would be WORSE, in that they'd be that famous. I'm just trying to mind my own business.
"You’re pretty shameless and manipulative."
Shameless? Yes, I'll shamelessly do my job. How the heck am I manipulating anyone? Any reader is free to do as they like. I won't send men with guns after them unless they aggress against me. If they want to submit to the tyranny, the "may their chains rest lightly upon them".
"I suspect the Devil wouldn’t make any wagers with you for your soul."
He lost that battle a long time ago. My soul is secure. Hence the reason I'm happy to do my job and am not really all that afraid to die to do it.
Sorry, I'm stupid right now (lack of sleep?) and thought you were talking to me. My bad. I'll shut up now.
I don't think you're stupid, Ace, but you might be a little crazy.
"you might be a little crazy"
I volunteered for a combat job in the Marine Corps during a time of war. I don't think I'm a "little" crazy...
Lol, you do remind me of a couple of Marine friends that I have. Crazy as hell.
I'm going to preface my comment with the following:
I am a big fan of both Senator Rand Paul and President Donald Trump.
That said.
Libertarians love to live in the theoretical. I’m talking about the real world.
I've seen that friction between Senator Paul and President Trump. Senator Paul values the Constitution above politics. He has refused both Obama and Trump. President Trump made a promise to protect America and he is delivering on it. Both are good men who disagree with each other.
And of course I'd add that many more people have been killed by NOT following police orders to the letter, in the moment.
Those rights DO extend to physically obstructing the pig, and Indiana has codified this. The pigs were outraged of course, but they got over it in a couple of years.
Get yourself a doorbell camera, and keep a pump action shotgun racked on the inside edge of the door. When interacting with the vermin, keep your hand on the gun so that if they shove the door in, the gun will stay in your hand. Practice this many times. As soon as only one of them crosses the threshold with ANYTHING - their hand, poke their nose in, etc. shoot to kill. All of them. Case law says you should skate.
I had no idea that Indiana had that codified in law! That’s wild (and AWESOME!!)
Unfortunately most states don’t have that codified in law to the best of my knowledge. I wish they did!
Happened after a ISC ruling that a Hoosier should just roll over and appeal the rights violation/crime. "Yeah, right" they said. Much outrage. Lots of calls and bitching to legislators. Took around a year. SC judge still on the bench, tho. They serve 10 year terms there. Doubt he gets reappointed.
It's really much simpler than that. If anyone knocks on your door simply refuse to answer it. If someone breaks into your home, defend yourself. (Use proper gun control...)
Yeah, sure you do, Russian bot troll.
This is terrible legal advice.
Yeah, in the grey area where officers of the law show up on your property there exists many shades of advice that necessarily fluctuate between legal, political, and tactical.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6 is not legal advice and I voluntarily shirk the burden of advising on whether or not it's better to be judged by 12 than to be one of the 6 to carry a family member.
I'm not going to argue about semantics. I stand by the idea that defending your rights verbally is always the way to go. If your rights are violated, you will be better positioned to defend them if you are both (1) alive and (2) not being charged with assaulting an officer.
If your rights are violated, you will be better positioned to defend them if you are both (1) alive and (2) not being charged with assaulting an officer.
You seem to be either selectively oblivious or completely ignorant of the fact that police can and do violate people's right to live absent any other violation of the law.
No. I am very aware it happens every day. I'm saying that its a bad idea to physically obstruct officers unless you want to get shot or be stuck with a charge that WILL stick. I don't see how advising people to physically obstruct officers is going to help people.
Our efforts are best used to reform the criminal justice system, get rid of qualified immunity and make cops criminally and civilly liable for damages when they've violated those rights.
That "or" should be an "and". "I’m saying that its a bad idea to physically obstruct officers unless you want to get shot AND be stuck with a charge that WILL stick."
That “or” should be an “and”. “I’m saying that its a bad idea to physically obstruct officers unless you want to get shot AND be stuck with a charge that WILL stick.”
Try a lot of people post mortem? What crimes did they end up convicting Chris Dorner, Eric Garner, Philando Castille, and Freddie Gray?
If they're going to come for you to kill you or come for your kids even if society at large may not recognize it, regard for the law drops off sharply.
When I said “get shot” I wasn’t implying that you’d die, but I think that’s a failure of communication on my part.
I get the argument that unjust laws cause a decrease in regard for the law. I was just trying to say that people that value getting their kids back/protecting their childhood more than being principled and uncompromising in their rights probably shouldn’t take the route of physically obstructing an officer. I suppose you could close the door, but if the cop stops that from happening or forces their way in, don’t try to stop them if you care more about your kids than you do enforcing your rights immediately and in the moment.
I’m not sure if I said something hostile to trigger you into launching into insults at me, but just know that I don’t think you’re anything bad, just a little heated. We just disagree and were having a discussion, it’s okay.
Yes good advice...unfortunately it may be difficult in an emotionally charged circumstance like this. I can't imagine not confronting an over zealous police force barging into my home accusing me or my loved ones of something that just didn't happen. I think of the couple here in Houston murdered by cops over a phony drug bust. Cops need oversight. Teachers need oversight. Bureaucrats with too much power need to be reminded they are not gods and that is best done by slapping severe penalties on them when they make big mistakes.
So true!! If you want a POWERFUL story about left wing militants destroying a wonderful Christian !
The very existence of 'Chile Services' (or whatever title is used locally) invites this kind of cluster-grope. Yes, tragically, some chilled will be abused by family members. But detecting such abuse is a matter requiring subtlety and tact, qualities that government - ALL government, throughout history - is lacking.
I hope "Chile Services" was an intentional New Mexican joke.
Lord Acton said it best "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men..." one addition is that bad men are not always great men. Bureaucrats drunk on power are never great just bad. Time to break out the tar and feathers.
"When we investigate things like this, whether it's an anonymous call or [whatever], we have to take these cases involving children at their word and at their absolute worst," the officers told the Lowthers.
"Hello, Officer. Yes, I'd like to report a child sex abuse ring at the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department. Practically everyone there is involved, and I believe some people at your station are as well. *** click ***"
Rich has been arrested for filing a false police report. We won't be hearing from Rich for awhile....
IS it false?
The New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department investigated it, and found that the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department was falsely accused.
That state does have the word "Mexican" in it and self-investigations are standard operational procedure for all Mexican agencies. Without this procedure Mexican agencies wouldn't be innocent 100% of the time.
As false as that damn teacher's, but nothing criminal happened to her.
Nothing happens to false accusers. They just go about their lives like nothing happened.
Has DuBoise been arrested yet?
She’s on the lamb according to the article. It could be a matter of time.
Don't hold your breath. False accusers are never prosecuted. They just go on about their lives like nothing happened.
This isn't unique to child services either. My ex-sister in law (who I describe below) was cheating on my brother. She had her lover confront my brother when he got home from work on the front yard. She then called the cops and told them she was afraid for her life. The police showed up, interviewed all involved (she just happened to have had her bags packed and waiting by the door before she called). The cops concluded that there was no abuse but offered both the chance to stay at a crisis center. My brother naively declined. She took them up. The crisis center was at a nearby town. They, the crisis center, then called the police in that town and reported my brother as an abuser of both her and their children. The second police department then sought an arrest warrant (bypassing the original police department, in whose jurisdiction it occurred). The judge denied it but did grant her a temporary restraining order but at the hearing for the longer restraining order he slapped one on both and ordered her not to leave the county. Despite this the crisis center smuggled her out (I use that word deliberately, they bought her a bus ticket and lied to the original police department, county deputies and State patrol, as well as my family that she hadn't left the state). I called them (as they told me I could) to check on the kids. I lived in Anchorage, they were in North Idaho. The crisis center social worker told me that they always take the first persons word and never do an investigation. Even after I pointed out that the police department had cleared my brother and actually felt he was the one being abused, she stated it didn't matter they don't care. I asked about the presumption of innocence, she said they didn't have to follow that. I stated yes they did because they received tax payer funds and were (at that time) allowed to assist in the investigation in an official role. She hung up on me and called her police department to state I was threatening her and that she, the social worker, needed a restraining order. The Post Falls (this is where the crisis center was) police department called the Anchorage Police Department to report me. Then the Post falls PD called me and read me the riot act and threatened me with legal action. I asked what jurisdiction they had? The officer became irate, I asked to speak to his lieutenant. The Lieutenant then informed me that I was wrong and the Coeur d'Alene PD was making a case against my brother. The CDA PD denied this and it erupted in a turf battle between the two. Anchorage PD also got involved and was upset with the PFPD for contacting me and threatening me. Eventually, it came out what the crisis center had done but they were never charged with contempt despite ignoring a court order. However, the CDA PD delisted them as a trusted resource.
Jesus man, that really sucks that you went through all of that. You sound like a really good brother. The system needs some serious reform.
A lot of these crisis centers are staffed by man hating lesbian feminists through VAWA funds.
Man hating feminist lesbians are in fact at the heart of the problem in many areas of life. They'll generally try to screw men over anytime they can just on principle, facts be damned.
"I asked about the presumption of innocence, she said they didn’t have to follow that. I stated yes they did because they received tax payer funds and were (at that time) allowed to assist in the investigation in an official role."
Sorry, but this is not correct. The "presumption of innocence" standard applies to the courts alone.
Wrong, EPA argued that and the Supreme court slapped them down hard.
In fact the presumption of innocence is supposed to be applied throughout the investigatory process.
Later, he attended Arizona State University (ASU)
First mistake.
Why is that?
In filing their lawsuit, the Lowthers hope to recoup some of the estimated $300,000 they lost defending themselves.
Fuck, I hope they get 100 times that amount. Put a stop to this kind of BS for good in that town. Thanks Reason for making us aware of this atrocity - fuck you police detective scum bag asshole - your ass belongs in jail you fuck wad.
While I agree with you they need to get compensation, it's pretty important to realize that all of this - the bogus prosecution all the way through the payment of any possible compensation is going to come from the taxpayer.
We need this to come out of the pockets of the government employees if there is ever to be any hope for this sort of thing to change.
Yeah, even a $300 million settlement won't get anyone fired.
It'll probably get them a paid vacati...errr...I mean, "suspension."
The taxpayers allowed this to happen, they should foot the bill.
If you don't like what's happening, you have a chance every November to put a stop to it.
Exactly. I was just going to say this.
Given all of the conservatives who believe the cops can do no wrong and the leftists who believe government can do no wrong, this will never change.
The money just comes out of other tax payers pockets. How is that justice?
How about those who file charges, or make other legal allegations, automatically suffer the expected penalities if the charges and allegations prove false?
Duboise should be sent to the absolute worst womens prison in the world; hell just send her to Somalia.
You misspelled "sell her on the auction block in Somalia."
I am an avid supporter of this policy. I think that those who file false allegations should be made to pay half of the cost of the defense (with the other half being paid by the officers and prosecutors), and the false accuser should be made to serve 1/4 to 1/2 of the sentence that the accused would have faced if he/she/it were guilty.
the false accuser should be made to serve 1/4 to 1/2 of the sentence that the accused would have faced if he/she/it were guilty.
Nope. Full sentence.
"...her father having benignly assisted her with toilet-related issues was a plausible explanation for whatever story she may or may not have told DuBoise."
Holy fuck; I was a very "hands on" type of father to my daughters [now well into their adulthood, and very well adjusted by the way], and routinely changed their diapers, bathed them, and even applied diaper rash cream to their "parts." Never did I ever think it could lead to "Daddy touched me" and the subsequent hell these people endured "for the children."
Home school, home school, home school.
DuBoise should be executed. This is essentially swatting on a whole new level.
Normally, I would be opposed to the death penalty on other grounds. In this case, I have to object because it would be letting DuBoise off too easy.
You don't even know which method is going to be applied.
No, Dubois should be severely reprimanded and never be near children again.
Wootten on the other hand, clearly betrayed the public's trust, undermined the actions of multiple branches intended to limit his power (I don't understand how he wasn't charged with contempt of court by arresting the woman the moment she regained custody), and has no remorse.
I agree, abuse of legal authority should carry the death penalty. Attacking the foundation of society is far worse than mere murder.
It's called "blue privilege."
I'm sorry it took this horrific event for you to learn your assumptions were incorrect. Thank god for vicarious learning for the rest of us.
Because FYTW.
Am I the only one who wonders if the women who started this might have been a spy or some one who hate the military. Making false accusation on a person with top level security clearance, looks like an easy way to cause some disruption in a high security department.
If I was the Feds I would be checking the accusers and prosecutors out to if they are working China or some one else.
Maybe they are, and maybe that's why DuBoise is so hard to get hold of these days.
According to the article, she hadn't been the girl's teacher for but a few days, so I doubt she knew anything that deep.
A little internet sleuthing shows that Betty was a kindergarten teacher at another Christian school in Montrose, Colorado at one time, so it's more likely that she's a stereotypical fundie tightass who thought she was doing something righteous.
I've seen this happen at secular public schools far more than independent ones. Mind you they're fundies too, of a different stripe.
Fundie feminists.
I'd concur that secular fundies are just as bad, if not worse, than their religious counterparts simply because they have no underlying system of morality at all other than whatever fashionable intellectual movement of the moment that they've adopted (see: fourth-wave feminism, 350 different genders, words are violence, etc.), and see actual moral foundations as a weapon to use against their opponents.
At this point I'll take bible thumpers over leftist zealots any day of the week. They can be judgey, but at least are usually decent people and not completely detached from.reality.
Other families who routinely deal with child services and law enforcement are often in even more precarious positions.
With the deep pockets of the state, I'm surprised anyone wiggles out of its teeth.
So a perfect excuse for not changing diapers. The paternalistic state always serves the patriarchy.
This is a feminist matriarchy more than anything.
I don't have kids yet, but from how I love my dog, let me tell you this:
If you come to take my kids from me, I won't let you. If you force the issue, I will kill you, and anyone dumb enough to help you.
I sincerely believe I have a mandate from God himself to raise these kids properly and watch over them. I am not going to let you screw them up. I will die before I do. And if you kill me, then "my watch has ended".
If you come to take my kids from me, I won’t let you. If you force the issue, I will kill you, and anyone dumb enough to help you.
A firefight over custody of the dog risks the dog's survival.
However, once they've removed the dogs, they should be aware that it becomes a minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day balancing act between regaining custody of my dogs and making any John Wick fantasies I may've had come true.
August to March without seeing my kids in such a contested custody situation? I'm pretty sure I'd have left my last will and testament to my children with the attorney around New Year's.
"A firefight over custody of the dog risks the dog’s survival."
If you asked her, she'd rather die with me than live without me. She might be dumb, but that's certain.
And it's not a question of regaining "custody" of my dog and John Wick fantasy. I was a Marine, I know 2 things very well, it's better to stop them before they get the dog (defense is easier), and failing that, it's hard to kill what you can't see...
If you asked her, she’d rather die with me than live without me. She might be dumb, but that’s certain.
OK, once you start talking about children, you don't get to entirely make this decision for them. With the dog, there are going to be members on the force who served in the armed forces, likely several. Some might even be of the moral persuasion to execute the dog and take you alive. Is that the desired outcome?
it’s better to stop them before they get the dog (defense is easier)
Except, in this story, they were waiting on the porch when you showed up and already had the dog(s) in custody before you got there.
it’s hard to kill what you can’t see…
Sure, and once seen from the front porch, time, effort, and patience are required to become unseen again. I've heard Marines are resolute to the point of being stupid, I've also heard they know how to get a job done. Dead, incapacitated, and/or imprisoned with the dog dead or in custody doesn't sound like getting the job done to me.
"OK, once you start talking about children, you don’t get to entirely make this decision for them."
Depending on their age, I do. If they are older, yeah, sure, they can go if they want.
"Some might even be of the moral persuasion to execute the dog and take you alive."
If you execute my golden retriever, I will kill you, crush your car, burn your house down, and dig up your corpse and give you a Viking funeral. On land.
"Except, in this story, they were waiting on the porch when you showed up and already had the dog(s) in custody before you got there."
Granted. Sometimes you have to be on offense.
"once seen from the front porch, time, effort, and patience are required to become unseen again. I’ve heard Marines are resolute to the point of being stupid, I’ve also heard they know how to get a job done."
Yes, one thing the Marines taught me was to say "Yes, Sir" with a straight face to complete BS until the idiot leaves. I wouldn't suggest learning the skill, it severely ages you (true story). Then the ghillie suit comes into its own.
Understand that if they come for you, your dog will die. Pigs love shooting dogs.
Not if my dog shoots back. I have the right to arm bears. 🙂
Under the law people are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. We all want children protected, but abandoning this precept makes children less safe, not more.
We all want children protected, but abandoning this precept makes children less safe, not more.
It makes *everyone* less safe.
Once they tell me I won't ever see my kids again. The only reasonable life purpose I could see is making sure similar doesn't happen to anyone else by any means necessary.
I'm honestly surprised that more of these cases don't end like this.
For innocent fathers in this fucked up position, I’d guess they don’t go John Wick because they think “well, if I shoot up a CPS office, I’ll be putting my kids in even more pain since they’ll be answering questions about their ‘mass shooter, convicted child abusing’ father for the rest of their lives.”
You assume because he got off the questions about his sex abuse accusations went away? That, even if they win their suit, the next time they attend a sporting event there's going to be questions about whether or not the Lowthers should rise for the national anthem? That mindless automatons who willingly perpetrate Kafka-esque storylines on people don't ever deserve anything more than an administrative reproach or, at worst, a loss of employment? Why would he shoot up an entire CPS office? The whole office presumably wasn't involved. I know I said John Wick, but I wasn't literally talking about putting on a suit and tie and climbing into a fastback Mustang. Who says everyone has to die?
You really are a soulless shyster.
Well, no. I was trying to get across that he probably wouldn't want to add "mass murderer" to the list.
"You really are a soulless shyster."
Your ad-hominem attacks remind me of Tony. You act exactly like him.
Your ad-hominem attacks remind me of Tony. You act exactly like him.
Tony strives for smug or cleverness maybe even insightful on occasion.
I'm not advertising a mass killing, quite the opposite. Cold, calculated, methodical. You'll notice that when cops show up to arrest Eric Garner or pull over Philando Castille, they're all about going home at the end of the day. When they're going to take someone's kids away, they're willing to do so by any means necessary. I'm not advocating wanton slaughter of officers as others on here do openly, but admit that it will take some pretty dramatic action to make them think more about themselves when they go out on any particular DCFS call.
And you’re striving for what? Being a jerk to people because they have different opinions and dare to discuss them with you?
I’m honestly surprised that more of these cases don’t end like this.
I think one reason they don't is that much of CPS's attention is focused on homes headed by single mothers whose baby daddies don't really give a shit about where their kids are.
Yup. Single mothers are incompetent at raising children, abuse kids more often than men, and too cowardly to actually stand up for themselves on the off chance they're actually doing a decent job.
What happens to parents who don't have $300,000 to spend on attorney fees?
They accept guilty pleas and are currently (1) incarcerated and (2) on the sex offender registry for life, or both.
And, assuming they followed your suggestions above, this is your preferred or a least an acceptable outcome.
Absolutely not, we need to severely restrict CPS' authority or eliminate these offices altogether. Just because I'd advise not getting yourself killed or stuck with longer sentences behind bars by physically obstructing officers does not mean that I'm advising that CPS or the police are okay, or that the status-quo is okay.
You're going out of your way to misinterpret my statements in the least favorable light. It is something I'm used to seeing progressives do, however.
At least you recognize the only thing I’m trying to get across – sound legal advice.
Absolutely not, we need to severely restrict CPS’ authority or eliminate these offices altogether.
So did you have more to say? That it will/should take some extreme and possibly extra-legal action to eliminate these offices or did you just come here to dole out sound legal advice?
Because it seems like you're handing out legal advice when it's expedient and moral advice and/or facts when it suits you.
Moral advice? I don’t think I’ve been handing out moral advice - opposing CPS is a public police position.
I can take a public policy position in one thread while also giving people sound advice in another, or do so in the same thread if I want. Why are you even focusing on this? If it’s because I used the word “only” when I shouldn’t have, I apologize. Can we stay on topic now?
Why are you so hostile?
*“Policy” position
How do you know they actually have $300K? That's just what the attorneys charged them; it's likely they'll be paying that note off for years unless a jury forces Bernalillo County to cough up the amount that will cover it.
Keep in mind this guy lost his job and his security clearance, so the financial losses go way beyond what his lawyer cost him.
"Prior to this, I would never have called myself a supporter of Black Lives Matter," said Adam. "My view of law enforcement has completely changed."
Cops earning the hate 1 encounter at a time. Perhaps the solution is to speed this process up so more people like Adam can get enlightened.
One hypothetical way would be for everyone to anonymously call the child abuse hotline in your state and make as many outrageous claims about people with children as one can. Start with your shitlist 1st.
Start with cops and social service bureaucrats.
What I do not understand is The arrest of Jessica.
To do this immediately after she won the court case, especially after the detective had an ex-parte argument with the judge, should have been immediately dismissed and Wootten charged with contempt of court, harassment, and false imprisonment
Unless there are serious deficiencies in reporting, Wootten specifically deserves to sped serious time behind bars.
Nah, it's all good; anyone can go into a judge's chambers after losing a case and shout at the judge. Go ahead, try it!
Sounds like he's got dirt on the judge.
""When we investigate things like this, whether it's an anonymous call or [whatever], we have to take these cases involving children at their word and at their absolute worst," the officers told the Lowthers.
Ah, the old "worst 1st" tact in order to maximize authority and obliteration of rights under a pretense. What happened to George Carlin's "Cop didn't see it, I didn't do it."
Nice to "know" (SCOTUS protected ignorant fuck cop as source) an anonymous call carries as much weight as an identified person who presumably has a greater chance of accountability.
Remember, do not open the door as you will have a crack problem. See cop did not want door closed. Why? Loss of authority to re-enter?
Sources are heavily protected so not sure how it was revealed to the family. No affidavit signed by an accuser? A parent cannot act as legal counsel for their child to offer legal advise so the child can escape their captors?
I'm no lawyer but an anonymous call should not suffice for exigent circumstances as it makes a mockery of the 4th amendment especially where there is no concern of imminent death. Cops could simply have calls placed to create the circumstances necessary to enter without a warrant.
The poor get false allegations reported to child services more than anyone and with greater frequency then you would think. False calls are used as retribution for any perceived slight or wrong and typically come from low-class and low-life poor people looking to spread misery. Child services will show up with cop in the middle of the night to roust the family. The outcome is always a gamble. Sick shit.
It used to be said, "a liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet." Perhaps a conservative is a libertarian who hasn't been arrested yet.
Get busted for stupid shit as a teenager definitely balanced out my views. As I've got older, and less dumb, I've become more pro cop than I used to be... I think I have a well balanced opinion.
Not all cops are bad, most are decent. But there are plenty of bad ones, or even good ones who make horrible decisions. They should get their asses kicked when it happens. Fired, jail time, etc depending on the situation.
Either extreme opinion has to ignore a lot of evidence that contradicts their opinion.
Now this was an appalling story. Jesus.
Of course the pseudo science of a polygraph test was used. When it wasn't to their advantage, the state pigs lied. Ironic.
The cops will do whatever they want to do. The "results" of a polygraph are irrelevant. It's somewhat like "drug sniffing" dogs. They're not trained to actually find drugs (wrong more than 50% of the time per several studies), they're trained to "alert" on cue. Those who administer polygraphs on behalf of the police are pretty much the same.
[…] man, Adam Lowther, is now suing police and family services for the money that he and his family paid to reunite, and for the pain […]
[…] man, Adam Lowther, is now suing police and family services for the money that he and his family paid to reunite, and for the pain […]
[…] man, Adam Lowther, is now suing police and family services for the money that he and his family paid to reunite, and for the pain […]
[…] Read the entire article at Reason. […]
CPS is either to militant or not militant enough. Idaho refuses to even open an investigation unless an adult makes the complaint. The children's word is not good enough. My ex sister in law and her new husband are extremely abusive, but we're given automatic custody when my brother died. They twice kicked out onto the street her oldest (who was 16, my brother's stepson) and my brother's middle son. The refused to allow my oldest nephew (he was my brother's stepson but we consider him family because my brother was the only father he ever had) back into the house until the police forced them too. My Mother was able to adopt my other nephew, but that took an extremely long process, and one that my ex-sister in law fought despite her having kicked him out (she wouldn't even sign paperwork to allow the school to transfer the records to his new school until his old school called the cops). BTW, her husband had already been convicted of child abuse for choking my nephew (she kicked him out because he bit her husband when he tried to put him in a choke hold again). Since then my other nephew has ran away twice because of abuse but CPS refuses to investigate, in fact they threatened to arrest my mother because he fled to their house the first time. Despite the long history of abuse and neglect, the police department and CPS pet her continue to have custody and have threatened my mother and father with prosecution.
CPS is either to militant or not militant enough.
Chicago's CPS will open cases like this and then fail to take custody and the child winds up dead or missing. I somehow suspect Idaho's CPS budget would fit into Chicago's CPS budget multiple times over.
Those kids are too old and close to independence. CPS wants cute little kids that they can auction off to new families since they, CPS gets paid for every kid they steal and adopt away.
Yeah, it does seem like they go to either extreme, and never anything sensible a normal person would approve of. I've know several cases where abusive people kept kids. Never knew anybody good who got railroaded, but it happens plenty.
Citizen militias need to be a thing again.
This is precisely what the founders feared, and tried to codify means to defend against in the fundamental principle of this nation.
Fuck progressives.
No family in this country deserves to exist. Parents just let strangers come abduct their kids at gunpoint. The cops could have killed the kids in front of them, and the parents probably would have filmed it. I say take all the kids away. We are a nation of unfit parents.
Yeah, these are the spicy takes I come to HnR for.
I could not even function. I have no idea how you don't hunt these people down. What a bunch of monsters.
OT - I'm writing song lyrics, and I'm looking for something that rhymes with "big dipper."
Stripper? Day-tripper?
Wig flipper?
including the note from my fourth grade teacher, who thanked me for taking care of our classroom guinea pig (Chipper) over Christmas break.
…including the note from my fourth grade teacher, who thanked me for taking care of our classroom guinea pig (Chipper) over Christmas break.
So sad to hear that.A family getting separate is very sad thing just because of misunderstanding of someone. Kids should not be separated from family. After all mother and father are the one who always love their child and will care them forever. Mother and father are always best for children
I agree with you. However it always amazes me anytime another Mom wants a frivolous divorce, nobody dare breath a word to her about how it is best for the kids to have a father.
It's sexist to quote statistics about how shitty a job single moms do, everybody knows that!
A recovery-of-damages suit isn't enough--every state-employed thug involved in this travesty needs serious prison time.
Pretty much every government official named in this article deserves to get necked in the Old Town ABQ square.
I just love the last sentence of this article as I can very much relate to it. Be very careful of "law enforcement". If you are a good and loving father, "law enforcement" is not there to help you. They exist to GET YOU.
The fact that you are paranoid, does not prove that NO ONE is out to get you.
[…] Don’t you? Yeah, you do. Don’t lie. […]
We have had our children removed from us twice. My wife is Asian and our two boys have what is a common condition called a Mongolian Spot, which are birth marks that look like a bruise that is in the latter stages of healing. This happened while I was in the military and stationed in Germany. A child care provider saw the birth mark and reported this. I was deployed at the time to Operation Desert Storm and I was notified by command that my wife was being investigated for child abuse. It took military doctors over a month to determine the supposed "bruises" were not healing and were actually birth marks that are COMMON.
During any of these investigations, counselors take the opportunity to educate your children on anal sex, intercourse, oral sex, and digital penetration. How can this be good? My boys both do not trust any medical professional to this day and have a deep resentment for law enforcement although they are law abiding citizens with no criminal record and now have careers of their own.
At the time, they felt very guilty and blamed themselves for the hell we went through.
I forgot to mention the second incident: After the investigation, the military put a flag in our children's medical records and school records. This resulted in our boys once again being taken for 11 hours when my oldest son stated I had guns in the house and that he was allowed to shoot them. Both true. Both perfectly legal. I had to prove my innocence by allowing them to search my home for guns that are not secure and my pose a safety hazard to children. All of my firearms are locked in my gun safe and I showed CPS this yet they wanted to inspect every nook and cranny of the house until they were satisfied.
I was in the army and my son drew a picture of me shooting at enemy insurgents. This was why they asked about guns in the house. Gotta love California! Did you know that they informed me that my son drawing a picture of a gun is grounds for suspension or expulsion? If you are a cop or a military member and your children are asked to do a report on what your parents do, if it includes a picture they draw, they have stepped over the line of zero tolerance.
Why do you military nut jobs need to use guns in your work anyway. After all, it's not the purpose of the military to hurt people and break things.
Pure clown world 🙁
[…] has a horrifying and harrowing report from Robby Soave detailing the months-long saga of corruption and abuse that a family suffered at […]
[…] has a horrifying and harrowing report from Robby Soave detailing the months-long saga of corruption and abuse that a family suffered at […]
[…] has a horrifying and harrowing report from Robby Soave detailing the months-long saga of corruption and abuse that a family suffered at […]
[…] has a horrifying and harrowing report from Robby Soave detailing the months-long saga of corruption and abuse that a family suffered at […]
Great reporting. Well done, Reason.
[…] Adam Lowther was a busy man, traveling constantly for his work as director of the Air Force’s Advanced Nuclear Deterrence Studies. But on the afternoon of August 30, 2017, he called his wife, Jessica, with good news: He would be home in time to take their two children—ages 4 and 7—to tae kwon do practice. Little did Adam know that he was about to be forcibly separated from his children for half a year, and would spend more than $300,000 in legal bills trying to reunite his family after it was torn apart by the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) on the basis of a false sexual abuse accusation. Now Adam and his wife are suing the police and child services officials for violating their rights, misleading other authorities about the merits of the case against them, and traumatizing their children. “We never thought this kind of thing could ever happen,” Adam told Reason. “We assumed that law enforcement was competent and we assumed that they obeyed the law. That was a wrong assumption, but that was our assumption.” Reason Magazine article by Robby Soave 4/25/19 […]
[…] has a horrifying and harrowing report from Robby Soave detailing the months-long saga of corruption and abuse that a family suffered at […]
The Satanic Ritual Abuse delusion may have been busted, but there are still lots of stupid and highly credulous teachers, social workers and cops out there who really think that children never make up stories, misdescribe or misremember events.
I heard of many such cases here in Missouri. It only takes a anonymous phone call. But why aren't illegal aliens who risk the lives of their children by sneaking them into the country held to the same standards and laws. Rather they are praised, applauded, and given a free pass.
[…] After a False Accusation, Police and Child Services Forced a Family Apart for 7 Months […]
I think one of the reasons why things like this happen how we give government agencies carte blanches or benefit of the doubt in their operation depending on who's being protected or prosecuted.
Why won't judges, politicians and cops give a former Navy man the benefit of the doubt, but go out of their way to warn illegals when ICE sweeps their neighborhood? A judge in Boston actually conspired with court security to let a twice deported man escape.
We can't separate migrant families who clearly put their kids' lives in danger, but child protective services can allow the cops arrest parents and ship kids to foster homes, all based on a single tip?
They make up their own standards and rules serve an agenda. The Jussie Smollet case and Russian probe are proof of that.
Well, perhaps if you began examining your deeply racist assumptions which give people working for Uncle Sam's military machine more rights than those who are fleeing its murderous effects, you might begin to understand the world a little better.
BLM generally supports left wing authoritarians; they are not your friends. BLM is concerned not generally with police abuse of power, but a specific and largely erroneous claim of systemic racism.
BLM supports which authoritarians? BLM is deeply concerned with police abuses of their vast powers over poor, black people. And the USA has been riddled with systemic racism against black people since it was founded. I count myself lucky to be white and living in England.
Various progressives.
Slavery was brought to North America by the British empire. The USA as a nation has been trying to deal with the aftermath of that horrendous crime ever since, as best as we could.
You mean you count yourself lucky to be an ignorant, impoverished serf living in the sad leftovers of a racist, imperialist empire?
"We assumed that law enforcement was competent and we assumed that they obeyed the law"
Oh, the happy bubbles that wealthy white people live in. It would have taken this man only five minutes reading of a site such as the Real News Network or The Root to have destroyed that assumption. He had no excuse for believing it - ever.
[…] A family is seeking justice after an out of control investigation led to a family being separated for several months. [Link] […]
[…] at Reason, Robby Soave reports a horrifying story out of Albuquerque. A kindergarten teacher alleged one of her students—pseudonymously “Becca,” age […]
[…] at Reason, Robby Soave reports a horrifying story out of Albuquerque. A kindergarten teacher alleged one of her students—pseudonymously “Becca,” age 4— had been […]
The "authorities" cited in this story should indeed be subject to a lawsuit. They deserved to be stripped of all of their assets, which should go to compensate their victims.
That, however, is not nearly enough. They should be criminally prosecuted, and sentenced to lengthy prison terms.
My roomate's half of-sister makes $77/hr on the internet. She has been without artwork for 7 months however very last month her pay have grow to be $14333 in truth walking at the internet for some hours. test This Out...
[…] Posted on April 29, 2019 by npsadmin Share this...FacebookTwitterPinterestRedditStumbleUpon After a False Accusation, Police and Child Services Forced a Family Apart for 7 Months […]
[…] Related: “After a False Accusation, Police and Child Services Forced a Family Apart for 7 Months.”… […]
[…] Related: “After a False Accusation, Police and Child Services Forced a Family Apart for 7 Months.”… […]
[…] Related: “After a False Accusation, Police and Child Services Forced a Family Apart for 7 Months.”… […]
[…] Related: “After a False Accusation, Police and Child Services Forced a Family Apart for 7 Months.”… […]
[…] Related: “After a False Accusation, Police and Child Services Forced a Family Apart for 7 Months.”… […]
Women + power = bad things.
great story
I usually never stoop to arguing with the ignorant online, but we niw field a railgun and a laser weapon on a couple of ships; the Chibese made a huge fucking deal about a diesel aircraft carrier they JUST BUILT a couple of years ago. That figure, 100 years, is just an estimate I heard on some documentary; granted, it was given by some military 'expert', so take that for what it is....but I'm willing to bet that guys knows more than you.... so I guess I'm smoking a big, fat bowl of facts, maybe later I'll chop up a couple of lines of truth to wash that down.
Small factual corrections for you: The Chinese fielded ASBMs first, and fielded a railgun at sea first. The US is still testing the railgun on land. They are also building a modern Navy and Air Force faster than the US can keep up. Their "dumb" weapons in the South China Sea have threatened to bottle the whole place up tight if they decide to become aggressive. They have finally moved away from "Centralized Control" of field actions to "Mission Orders", which closes the decision-action time advantage that we used to have. There is a lot of technological advantage in the US military, but public studies have shown the advantage to be significantly eroded. 100 years advantage is a very poor estimate by whomever wrote it (if it was written within the last 20 years).