Former Virginia Governor Is a Man of Convictions, Brits and Rand Paul Get Hawkish, Cops on the Defensive Over Military Gear: P.M. Links
Gage Skidmore Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife were found guilty of multiple counts of public corruption. Hey all the cool officials were doing it.
- Well, somebody has a strategy. Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, says he needs no permission from Syria's government to strike ISIL within that country's borders.
- And Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) agrees that ISIL needs more of a whupping than President Obama has been willing to hand out, though only with congressional authorization.
- You may not have heard this yet, but Joan Rivers is dead. The after-market parts are likely to be with us for a while, however.
- The White House has another shot at keeping alive tax subsidies for health plans purchased on the federal Obamacare exchange, as the the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit grants a rehearing on the case.
- Putin may insist that everybody has it wrong, but Ukrainian and Russian troops tell of battling each other in bloody combat.
- At least some local police departments are getting defensive about all of those military toys they've accumulated.
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