
Homeschoolers Love the GOP (Except That Moderate Mormon)


In one of those "hey, homeschooling is a thing now!" articles, but with topical politics, Reuters suggests "Homeschoolers emerge as Republican foot soldiers" and that they could make a difference in the outcome of the February Iowa Caucus -- if they can make up their minds which GOPer to support.

Though Iowa was very late in legalizing homeschooling (1991), now 6 percent of students -- double the national average -- undoubtedly spend several days each month telling clerks and cops no, we aren't skipping.

Says Reuters:

After decades on the margins of political life, homeschoolers have become some of the most valued Republican foot soldiers in Iowa, where a few thousand activists can wield an outsize influence in the first nominating contest in the 2012 presidential election.

Four years ago, homeschoolers helped push Mike Huckabee to a surprise victory in the Iowa caucuses over Mitt Romney's better-funded, better organized campaign.

This time around, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum proudly point out that they homeschooled their own children, while Ron Paul touts himself as a "homeschooling champion" on his campaign Web site. Rick Perry proclaimed an official "homeschool week" as governor of Texas, and Herman Cain joined other candidates at a homeschool conference earlier this year.

Though they usually lean towards the less libertarian, more socially conservative GOP candidates, they seem to be opposed to the "lesser of two evils" method of Democracy. Which discounts former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney for some:  

"Why would I want to vote for somebody who might be the antithesis of everything I believe as a Christian, just because he's not as bad as the other guy?" [homeschool mom Barb] Heki said. "That doesn't make any sense."

So not so less keen on the Mormon flip-flopper, even if he gets the nomination and even though he has apparently expressed support of homeschooling and school choice. Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson's overtly socially liberal stance on drugs, abortion, and the border would probably prevent him from being a consideration to most of these folks as well. 

The rest here. The Washington Post in 2007 on the Mike Huckabee homeschooler bump. Bonus, in 2002 Gallup seemed weirdly upset about people's responses to why they homeschooled.

Reason on homeschooling. 

[Photo by Reuters.]