
One More Reason to Dislike Mass. AG Martha Coakley: Making it Harder For Independent Contractors to Just Do Their Jobs


The Daily Caller has a new contributor, Pussy Per Se, a Massachusetts-based stripper who tells a tale of workplace harassment of the very worst sort:

I built a good business. I was an independent contractor, working at half a dozen clubs, making good money. It was a perfect job for a single mom. I could arrange my schedule around my son's, and could babysit my granddaughter. I was available for in-school events. I might work a single club for weeks, or divide my time between two or three. Or I might take a break to go on a road trip with another dancer, reaping the benefit of being "new girls" at a distant club.

The legislature of Massachusetts, attorney general Martha Coakley, and some savvy lawyers have now put me out of business. It's not that they don't like what I do for a living — dancing naked on a stage and giving private dances in a back room. I can keep doing that. What they don't like is that I did all this as an independent contractor. That I was my own boss. Massachusetts much prefers that I work for somebody else. This came about because of a single verdict against a strip club in Chelsea, Mass., and it affects not only every stripper in the state, but could result in putting many small independent contractors, from painters to writers, out of business.

Read more here.

Reason on Martha Coakley here.