
Federal Workers Feel the Recession, Get Only 2 Percent Across-the-Board Raises


Citing the current economic recession—and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks eight years ago—President Obama says he will use emergency powers to cut the programmed across-the-board January increase in federal employees' pay from 2.4 percent to 2.0 percent, according to a letter he sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Monday.

More here. So does that count as a 20 percent cut in your raise or a 17 percent cut, depending on your version of government math?

Or is it just a 2 percent raise in an economy with unemployment jacking to 10 percent, on top of an average 3.9 percent raise back in last January?

Question: What sort of raise are readers here expecting at year's end? And do any of you work for a company that hasn't balanced its books in years and is looking at a 10-year projected deficit of $9 trillion?