
Reason Morning Links: Pols Spend Trillions, Police Behave Badly, and Andy Richter Saves the Universe


- The House approves the president's $3.6 trillion budget.

- Mark Sanford gives in and accepts South Carolina's cut of the stimulus package.

- Rod Blagojevich is indicted. With Ted Stevens un-indicted, Alaska Republicans demand a do-over election. And in New York's latest election, we have…a tie.

- How police at the G20 protests "wilfully criminalised and alienated 4,000 innocent people."

- The truth about online sexual predators.

- A "social experiment" with UFOs. (Update: Hoaxsters to face charges.)

- Spain's underground economy blooms.

- The rise of hyperlocal news sites.

- Finally, in honor of Andy Richter's pending return to talk-show sidekickdom, here's one of my favorite bits from his tenure on the Conan O'Brien show. The first half of the clip is entertaining but typical late-night fare. And then, about five minutes in, things take a left turn:

What the hell, it's Friday -- watch this one too: