
Meet, Heckle Tim Cavanaugh at UCLA Tonight


Reason.com managing editor Tim Cavanaugh will participate in an Occupy Wall Street panel discussion tonight on the campus of UCLA. 


Occupy Wall Street Panel Discussion

Moderator: Joyce Appleby, professor emerita, UCLA.

Pro-Occupy: Christopher Hicks, Student Labor Action Project national coordinator at Jobs with Justice. 

Anti-Occupy: Tim Cavanaugh, managing editor, Reason.com

7:00pm (Pacific) 

Thursday November 17

Bunche 1209B
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 

The event is open to the public. 

Schedule is for opening statements, four he-said/he-said questions, closing statements and audience Q&A. 

Please come by to watch Cavanaugh take the unpopular "anti" position, and say hello before or after the talk.