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Kamala Harris is a Far Lesser Evil than Donald Trump
Why I'm voting for Harris in the 2024 election.

In this post I am going to explain why Kamala Harris is a far lesser evil than Donald Trump, and therefore, I plan to vote for her. Both candidates have serious flaws. But Trump's record of trying to overthrow constitutional democracy after he lost the 2020 election creates a strong presumption against him. In addition, he is worse on key policy issues, most notably, trade, immigration, federal spending, and maintaining the Western alliance in the face of threats from authoritarian powers.
This outweighs Kamala Harris's significant weaknesses on some other issues, especially because Trump is more likely to be able to implement his worst policies through unilateral executive action, while Harris's worst ideas require hard-to-secure new legislation. Arguments that Trump is superior on deregulation and issues related to the judiciary are greatly overblown, and nowhere near enough to offset his awfulness elsewhere.
It would be foolish to expect this piece to have any meaningful impact on the outcome of the election. I am no Taylor Swift, and my endorsement has little, if any, political value. But I hope readers might find it of value as an exercise in how to assess issues and weigh them against each other.
When it comes to public policy and choosing candidates, my priorities are promoting freedom and human happiness. Thus, I give greatest weight to those issues with the biggest impact on them. People with relatively similar values are likely to find my assessment of greater relevance than those with very different ones.
Elsewhere, I have defended the idea of voting for a lesser evil, which means the least-bad candidate among those with a realistic chance of winning the election. Check out my earlier writings on that subject if you want to know why I'm not going to vote for a third party candidate, even though Libertarian Party nominee Chase Oliver is far superior to both Harris and Trump on most issues (with the important exception of national security policy). The other third party candidates - RFK, Jr. (where he remains on the ballot), Jill Stein, Cornel West, etc. - all both have zero chance of winning and are absolutely terrible on policy.
The Presumption Against Trump
Before getting into policy issues, it is important to emphasize that Trump's efforts to undermine the Constitution and overturn the results of the 2020 election by force and fraud create a strong presumption against him. If such behavior is left unpunished and instead rewarded with another term in office, it creates an obvious incentive for both Trump and other politicians to engage in similar - and perhaps even worse - skullduggery in the future. If future presidents can view acceptance of election results and peaceful transition of power as optional, that poses a serious threat to the entire system of constitutional democracy.
This danger is exacerbated by Trump's repeated promises to use the power of government to persecute his political enemies. Even if he doesn't launch another insurrection or coup, Trump could severely undermine basic norms of liberal democratic government, and his past track record indicates he has every intention of trying to do so. His authoritarian tendencies are so blatant that even many of his former cabinet members and advisers - such as Gen. John Kelly (Trump's former chief of staff) warn against them, and have refused to support him for a second term.
Libertarian political philosopher Michael Huemer cogently argues this danger is so great that it renders normal policy issues irrelevant, even though he is also no fan of the political left, which he regards as the biggest long-term threat to liberty. I wouldn't go quite that far. A sufficiently great superiority on other issues might still justify backing Trump over Harris.
But Trump's track record of trying to overthrow constitutional democracy at least creates a very strong presumption against him, one that can only be overcome by truly overwhelming advantages elsewhere. As we shall see, not only is there no such overwhelming advantage, but Trump's policy agenda is actually much worse than Harris's.
Why Trump's Policy Agenda is More Dangerous than Harris's
Trump proposes truly horrible policies on trade, immigration, and national security. And he has a good chance of being able to carry out this agenda through unilateral executive action.
On trade, Trump plans to impose 10% or higher across-the-board tariffs on virtually all imports. This would inflict immense damage on the US economy (reducing GDP by 0.8% even without considering the impact of retaliation by trade partners), cost the average family $1350 to $3900 per year (again, even without accounting for retaliation), destroy more jobs than it would create, trigger a massive mutually destructive trade war, and severely damage US relations with our allies, thereby weakening our position relative to authoritarian adversaries like Russia and China. Moreover, under current judicial precedent, Trump could likely implement this policy without any new legislation, and courts would probably do little or nothing to curb it. Even if Trump implemented "only," say, half of this tariff agenda (e.g. - 5% tariffs instead of 10%), it would still be a terrible disaster.
The story on immigration is similar. Trump plans to adopt mass deportation and also massively cut legal immigration (probably even more than he did in his first term, when he slashed legal migration far more than the illegal kind). Elsewhere, I have explained why reducing immigration restrictions should be a high-priority issue for anyone who cares about freedom and human happiness. Trump's agenda would move us in the wrong direction on a truly massive scale.
Trump's policies would consign millions of would-be immigrants to lives of poverty and oppression, for no better reason than that they were born in the wrong place. Libertarians who condemn socialism should oppose barring migrants fleeing repression by socialist regimes like those of Cuba and Venezuela.
Current US citizens would also suffer great harm from Trump's mass deportations and cuts to legal migration would disruption markets, increase prices and cause shortages. Deportation destroys more American jobs than it creates. In addition, cutting migration would also exacerbate the federal government's already dire fiscal situation. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the increased immigration since 2021 will reduce deficits by almost $1 trillion over the next decade.
The impact on civil liberties would also be great. Large-scale deportation routinely results in detention and deportation of US citizens, due to poor due process protections. This problem is likely to be exacerbated by the enormous scale of Trump's plans.
Executive power over immigration is somewhat more constrained than that over trade. Some of Trump's most extreme plans might be struck down by the courts. Others may also be impeded by liberal sanctuary jurisdictions (though red states and localities might actually help Trump). But Trump could still do great harm here. Congress has delegated broad discretion to presidents on immigration policy, and courts are generally more deferential to the executive on immigration issues than elsewhere. That unjustified double standard is unlikely to change soon. As Cato Institute immigration policy expert Alex Nowrasteh emphasizes, the president has particularly sweeping discretion over legal migration, and little stands in the way of Trump's plans to radically cut it.
Harris has plenty of awful policies of her own, such as price controls and rent control - (though she has scaled back the price control plan). But virtually all the worst ones require new legislation that will be hard to get through a closely divided Congress, especially since Republicans are highly likely to regain control of the Senate.
Like Biden before her, Harris would likely try to push through some harmful regulatory and spending policies through executive action. But the courts are much tougher on executive power grabs outside the fields of trade and immigration. For example, last year, the Supreme Court struck down Biden's massive student loan forgiveness plan, and lower courts (including Democratic-appointed judges) have invalidated the administration's most recent efforts to resuscitate the idea. Recent Supreme Court decisions cutting back on judicial deference to administrative agencies are likely to make major power grabs still harder to pull off.
A Harris administration would surely still succeed in enacting some terrible regulations. But nothing with the enormous impact of Trump's tariff and immigration policies.
Government spending is another major area where Trump is likely to be worse. Both Harris and Trump are both awful on spending issues, with neither willing to do much to address the looming fiscal crisis facing the nation. But Trump's policy agenda would grow the deficit significantly more than Harris's. Amazingly, deficit spending increased much more during Trump's first term in office than during Biden's term, even without factoring in the Covid crisis.
Congress bears at least as much responsibility for these trends as presidents do. But here, there is a crucial dynamic that makes Harris less dangerous. Over the last several decades, congressional Republicans are happy to spend like drunken sailors when there is a Republican in the White House, but then stress fiscal restraint when there is a Democratic president. Congressional Democrats mostly support high spending regardless of who is in the Oval Office.
As fiscal policy analyst Brian Riedl, of the conservative Manhattan Institute puts it, "[f]or deficit hawks, a Democratic president and GOP Congress has been the best bet. During those later parts of the Clinton and Obama admins, the GOP Congress would become deficit hawks and box in the president. On the flip side, GOP presidents and Democratic Congresses have teamed up to expand deficits, such as under Bush and later Trump years. Full Democratic or GOP control have been the most expensive disasters." Thus, a Harris victory combined with the GOP controlling at least one house of Congress (a likely scenario given the state of the Senate), is our best bet for fiscal restraint. In addition, as already noted, Trump's immigration polices would further balloon the deficit, because immigrants contribute much more to the public fisc than they take out.
Some argue Trump will be constrained by opposition from the "deep state" federal bureaucracy, while those officials would do more to help Harris. But groups like the Heritage Foundation are working to ensure that a second Trump administration would be able to pack federal agencies with pre-screened loyalists, thereby greatly weakening this constraint. Moreover, the federal employees who staff agencies dealing with issues on which Trump's policies are likely to cause the most harm -trade and immigration - are often actually supportive of his policies. For example, the Border Patrol union has endorsed Trump.
Trump won't be able to completely bend the federal bureaucracy to his will. But a second Trump administration would feature far more MAGA loyalists and fewer "adults in the room" than the first.
Security and Defense Policy
Foreign and defense policy is an area where presidents have especially broad discretion. And here, Trump's agenda is truly awful. It would gravely weaken the Western alliance at a time of rising threats from authoritarian powers such as Russia and China. Starting a massive trade war with our allies, as Trump proposes to do, would seriously damage relations. Trump has repeatedly called into question our obligations under NATO, a crucial cornerstone of our alliance system. That, too, is likely to poison relations with key allies, and embolden our enemies.
Trump also advocates ending all or most US aid to Ukraine, and VP nominee J.D. Vance is even more unequivocal on that score. In addition to the enormous moral and humanitarian stakes (a Russian victory would result in further mass murder and oppression), the Ukraine war is the central front in the global confrontation between liberal democracy and authoritarian nationalism. Effectively letting Putin win would be a huge boost for the latter, and encourage further aggression. Conservatives who claim helping Ukraine is a diversion from countering China in the Pacific should remember that our Asian allies—including Taiwan—believe helping Ukraine is in their strategic interest. They know countering Russia also weakens China (for whom Russia is a key ally), and that showing resolve in Ukraine helps deter China, as well.
Pro-Israel conservatives could argue that Trump's weaknesses on Ukraine are paralleled by the Democrats' dubious stance on Israel. But any such comparison is off-base. Biden and Harris have sometimes urged excessive restraint on the Israelis. But they have nonetheless continued to provide extensive assistance, enough to allow Israel to not only continue to fight, but wipe out most of the leadership of Hamas and Hezbollah. Ultimately, Democratic policies impose only modest constraints on the Israelis' ability to fight. Don't take my word for it; take that of the far-leftists who bitterly denounce Biden and Harris on that score.
By contrast, Trump's approach to Ukraine would far more severely undermine its ability to resist. Moreover, if we have to choose between the two, Ukraine's fight deserves higher priority, because many more lives are at stake (due to the larger scale of the war), Russia is a more important enemy of the West than Iran and its proxies, and Ukraine needs outside assistance more, because it faces a much stronger adversary.
Deregulation and Judicial Reform
Libertarians and pro-market conservatives who support Trump often cite regulation and the Democrats' supposed threat to the judiciary as key reasons. Both arguments are largely wrong, or at least overblown.
Trump actually expanded regulation more than he contracted it during his first term (and that's without considering the impact of his trade and immigration policies). A second Trump term is likely to be worse, as more of it will be staffed by MAGA "national conservatives," who support government intervention in the economy as much or more than leftists do. VP nominee J.D. Vance is a leading figure among such anti-market conservatives, and he would likely have considerable influence over regulatory policy in a second Trump administration (as Trump himself is notoriously inattentive to policy details). Trump is still likely to be less bad than Harris on some regulatory issues; but nowhere near enough to outweigh the impact of his awful trade and immigration policies.
The supposed Democratic threat to the judiciary is similarly overblown. Elsewhere, I have analyzed the main judicial reforms proposed by Biden and endorsed by Harris: term limits for Supreme Court justices, a Supreme Court ethics code, and a constitutional amendment stripping the president of all or most immunity from criminal prosecution. The first and third pose no meaningful threat to judicial independence.
Term limits for SCOTUS justices are actually a good idea with broad cross-ideological support , but one that would be problematic (and unconstitutional) if enacted by statute rather than constitutional amendment. Still, any such statutory term limit is unlikely to be enacted in a closely divided Congress, especially if (as is highly likely) Republicans control the Senate.
Some congressional Democrats advocate court-packing, a much more dangerous idea. But Harris has not endorsed that plan, Democrats remain internally divided on it, and it is even more unlikely to get through Congress than statutory term limits.
People concerned about the future of judicial review should also recall that Trump refused to accept judicial decisions against his challenges to the 2020 election, and resorted to force and fraud to reverse them. J.D. Vance has likewise advocated defying such rulings. To put it mildly, such attitudes are at least as great a threat to the judiciary - and the rule of law, generally - as anything Harris is likely to do.
Similar points apply to the argument that Trump would appoint better judges than Harris. From a libertarian and originalist point of view, conservative judge are indeed, on average, better than liberal ones, on such issues as property rights, racial preferences, and deference to administrative agencies. But they are often weak in precisely those areas where a Trump administration is most likely to cause harm: immigration and trade. Moreover, a second Trump administration might well appoint more MAGA types to the judiciary, and fewer traditional conservative jurists. Trumpists are angry at the latter for judicial rulings limiting some of Trump's initiatives in his first term, and especially for rejecting his election challenges. Ultimately, whatever advantage Trump might have here is nowhere near great enough to outweigh his awfulness on other fronts.
In sum, we face two bad options in this election. But for people who care about freedom, liberal democratic institutions, and the strength of the Western alliance, one is clearly far worse than the other.
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Let the cognitive dissonance begin...
What "cognitive dissonance"?
We all knew how Ilya would vote even before he wrote 20 posts on Colorado's effort to keep Trump off the ballot, and another 5 posts on why the Supreme Court was wrong for not letting them, by a 9-0 vote.
His top two issues are open borders and emminent domain, and Trump is hardly a paragon when it comes to emminent domain.
Not a word from Ilya the Lesser on free speech.
I'll bite. Look, I get that people project their own wishes and desires on political candidates, but I have no friggin' clue why people think Trump is in favor of any kind of free speech, other than "Free speech for those that agree with me, no speech for those that don't."
I have concerns about both sides when it comes to free speech, but Trump is certainly not someone I look to when it comes to principled defense of the First Amendment.
It's not so much why we think Trump is a champion of free speech, (He isn't.) as that we have plenty of reason to think Harris and Walz are anti-champions of free speech.
Okay. I'll ask why you think Harris and Walz are "anti-champions of free speech." Be specific. And compare to the other candidate.
I am genuinely curious. Because while I don't think any of the candidates is great on free speech, I think Trump is obviously the "less-great" candidate.
The full quote is this (again, from 2022).
"Yeah. Years ago it was the little things, telling people to vote the day after the election. And, you know, we kind of brushed them off. Now we know it’s intimidation at the ballot box. It’s undermining the idea that mail-in ballots aren’t legal. I think we need to push back on this. There’s no guarantee of free speech on misinformation or or hate speech, and especially around our democracy. Tell the truth where the voting places are, who can vote, who’s able to be there? And I, you know, watching some states continue to weaken the protections around the ballot, I think, is what’s inspiring us to to lean into this."
This was in the context of elections. Now, intentionally deceiving people about elections ... is in fact a crime, and unprotected by the First Amendment.
Look, I get it's exciting to pass around viral clips. But could you apply the same level of scrutiny to the people you support? As I said, I'm asking for ACTUAL POLICIES, not "gotcha" clips taken out of context.
Are you forgetting Biden's Ministry of Disinformation, which raised such a hullabaloo that it was rescinded with great lamentations?
And have you forgotten that Harris has several times she would change nothing Biden has done?
So she's going to continue not to have a Ministry of Disinformation? Great. That's way better than what Trump has promised on the matter, namely, to rescind the licenses of broadcasters who cross him.
Have you forgotten Heels Up's involvement in Black Lives Matter?
THAT wasn't an "insurrection"?!?
This is doubly stupid, since the Disinformation Governance Board (not "Ministry of Disinformation") had no power to do anything. It was just a way for different government agencies to coordinate.
"There’s no guarantee of free speech on misinformation or or hate speech,"
You don't see a problem with that line?
I see it, as I usually do, as a question of where that line is to be drawn rather than whether it exists.
If a snake oil salesman says, "drinking my milkshakes, which I sell for only $100 each, will cure your cancer," that is actionable misinformation that is not protected by the First Amendment.
If the grocer sells me three and a half quarts of milk, and falsely tells me it's a full gallon, that is actionable misinformation that is not protected by the First Amendment.
If my broker, who is getting kickbacks from a particular company, falsely tells me that their stock has gone up for the last five quarters, when in fact it's gone down for the last five quarters, that is actionable misinformation that is not protected by the First Amendment.
Political speech is a little dicier because it's political speech, but there is still an outer limit. If Candidate A runs TV ads that falsely say that Candidate B molests children and donates money to terrorist groups, does Candidate B have a claim for defamation, even though it's political speech? I would say so. And unless you think that all manner of fraud should be protected, then you agree that that line exists. The question is where to draw it.
The problem here is, you're not differentiating between "misinformation" and "lies". The critical element here, as you put in all your examples, is the liar knows the statement is false.
"Misinformation" is often statements that the speaker believes to be true, but other people feel is false.
To use your examples:
If a herbal suppliment company says, “drinking my drugs, which I sell for only $100 each, will cure your cancer,” and they believe it...then that is protected.
If the grocer sells me three and a half quarts of "organic" Milk and they believe it to be true, even if you think those cows only got 25% of their diet from pasture, that's protected.
If my broker, tells me that their stock is a golden buy that can't miss, that's protected.
The problem with "misinformation" as a standard is that it allows the government to deem what is true and what is not, and censor information based on that.
Honestly believing misinformation to be true may spare someone from a criminal conviction, but depending on the circumstances the government is still within its right to enjoin its publication, and it won't protect the speaker from civil liability.
A criminal prosecution for fraud requires that the speaker know that what he's saying is a lie. If the grocer says that this container of milk contains a full gallon, that is a claim that is objectively either true or false -- it either does or does not. And if a regulator measures it and determines that it's only three quarts, but he believed the claim to be true, he's not going to jail for fraud. He may, however, face civil penalties and he is certainly going to be ordered to correctly label the product, because he is legally obligated to ensure honest labeling.
That's different from saying "this is a great stock" which is mostly a statement of opinion. Unless discovery turns up an internal email saying that the stock is a turkey but tell the customers it's great anyway since we're getting a kickback from the company; at that point we are again dealing with something the speaker objectively knew to be false, and had a duty to be truthful about.
And that's what I think Tim Walz was talking about. Opinion is protected. Things that are arguably true are protected. Things which the speaker subjectively believes to be true are protected from criminal liability, though may result in civil penalties or a cease and desist order if the speaker has a duty to find out what the truth is before publishing it. What's not protected is objective and knowing falsehoods, and even those are protected some of the time.
All of this strikes me as a reasonable position. Sure, speakers have rights, but so do consumers. And it's candidly no coincidence that the party that mostly traffics in lies and disinformation is the one most eager to protect lies and disinformation.
"Honestly believing misinformation to be true may spare someone from a criminal conviction, but depending on the circumstances the government is still within its right to enjoin its publication, "
That's a dangerous road to go down. Because who defines what is true....
Let's give you an example. During the second Iraq war and weapons of mass destruction. Many many people posted and printed the publication that "There were no weapons of mass destruction found" or some version of this (There were no WMDs in Iraq, etc).
What if the government said "This statement is false" and pre-emptively simply eliminated any publication to that effect. (There are arguments that there were small numbers of chemical warheads in Iraq, but that's not really the point). The point is, the government could simply say "This statement about being no WMDs is false, we will not permit its publication, this statement is misinformation"
What does that do to our system of government? Is that a society you want to live in? Where the government defines what is true and what is false, what can be printed...and what can't be?
No more dangerous than having no checks whatsoever on professional hucksters. Is that a society you want to live in? Are you really saying that the people behind the Nigerian prince scam should enjoy legal immunity if ever they should be caught?
As for who decides, again, we are talking about objectively provable facts. Who decides that Queen Victoria did not paint the Mona Lisa? Or that Bonnie Prince Charlie is not the current senator from Vermont?
As for your weapons of mass destruction, remember, I said anything arguably true remains protected; it's only knowing and intentional falsehoods that are not. For a long time it was not clear if there were WMDs in Iraq. In order for the government to enjoin publication, it would have to prove the negative, which it would not have been able to do.
Do you, or do you not, believe in objective facts? And if so, what exactly is your objection to having an outer limit on how much damage deliberate falsehood is permitted to do? Should we abolish defamation as a cause of action? How about perjury; why shouldn't that be protected speech in your world?
My system isn't perfect; yours is the law of the jungle.
"Honestly believing misinformation to be true may spare someone from a criminal conviction, but depending on the circumstances the government is still within its right to enjoin its publication,"
"As for your weapons of mass destruction, remember, I said anything arguably true remains protected; it’s only knowing and intentional falsehoods that are not. "
You've got to pick one Krychek. Can the government stop the publication of unintentional "falsehoods" as you pose in your first statement? Or can't it as you pose in your second statement.
Which is it? You can't have both simultaneously be true.
What part of "depending on the circumstances" flew right past you?
But, to the extent you may interpret Walz as only referring to crimes, his comment was actually much broader. We don’t have to play any context games with Walz. What he says is appalling IN CONTEXT. “There’s no guarantee of free speech on misinformation or or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.” Uh, yeah, yeah there is, that’s why they call it free speech you buffoon. And President Trump is the authoritarian?
As opposed to Trump saying he is going to arrest those who oppose him? Yeah. Real freedom speech fan you got there, Ed.
Hell of a paraphrase. Got a quote?
Trump has made more than 100 threats to prosecute or punish perceived enemies
How much did you pay for the rock you've been living under all these months?
So he would use the military, if necessary, against people who (in his judgement, I guess, since he rejects any other authority) are the "enemy within", or "radical left lunatics", which apparently includes Adam Schiff, and even your link says
but thinks that
Even this laughable sanewashing doesn't make Trump look good.
I was disappointed there weren’t an actual hundred quotes in the article.
The closest one was:
In one recent interview, Trump said that if “radical left lunatics” disrupt the election, “it should be very easily handled by — if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.”
Even there NPR paraphrased part of the quote (a common tactic) to make it look worse, since the original was about dealing with election violence.
All of the quotes were in reference to some crime, not just political opposition.
Your complaint is that Donald Trump's obvious crimes are not actually crimes, so why should anyone believe that what Donald Trump says are crimes are actually crimes?
Telling that NPR says "disrupt the election" and you say no, it was about election violence. Especially when the MAGAmites were the ones doing the election disruption and the violence on January 6th, which you claim is just lawfare and unfair persecution.
Yep, loki13 wants real policies, real actions, not just campaign mutterings. The least bernard11 can do is accommodate him.
Trump turns the full force of the government on perceived political enemies (from 2019)
Do you live under the same rock as mulched?
I'm so sorry to hear about Peter Stzrok. That dude was totally honest, ethical, and above board and in no way deserved to be investigated. /s
- He and his girlfriend did get a nice settlement from the very appreciative biden administration.
Sheer vindictiveness to fire McCabe the day before he would get his pension. Amazing the number of former Trump administration members who say Trump is a fascist and engaged in deplorable behavior in office. You can try to whine that he was betrayed by bad people, but his track record of hiring so many bad people should be enough to disqualify him from another term. But you're looking past his proven record as a rapist, felon, fraudster and senility, so I expect you'll find a way to excuse his track record of incompetence as well.
Strzok was apparently honest and above board in his work; the complaint is that he privately expressed opinions you don't like and those were revealed in an invasion of privacy that ended up costing the government a huge amount of money, but somehow you completely dismiss JD Vance's private opinions of Trump (which were not revealed by improper government action).
You think Trump would be worse than the "misinformation" and "disinformation" censorship under Biden? What do you think he'd do that's worse?
In 2019, Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN’s Jake Tapper that social media companies “are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and it has to stop.”
And then...
"Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently admitted that senior Biden administration officials “repeatedly pressured” Facebook to “censor” COVID-19 content, including “humor and satire,” during the pandemic. "
And he also specifically declined to censor politician "harrassing tweets" because the American people needed to see what their politocians are saying, and he caught hell for that.
Indeed, as pressure to censor "harrassing tweets" in general ramped up, the outrage over declining to censor politicians using "harrassing" as the argument, made me wonder if political tweets weren't just swept up in the wider whirlwind, but may have been the driving force behind the censor-harrassment-in-general all along.
And then come the camps!
Loki — I will take that farther. I suspect folks who expect Trump to turn out a defender of the 2A might be frustrated.
Authoritarians sit on precarious perches. They rightly expect to reap a security advantage in taking guns from citizens.
At the first sign of armed civil resistance, I think Trump in office would crack down on private gun ownership nationwide. Why would anyone suppose Trump would let people hostile to him keep guns? Do today’s gun advocates expect Trump to scrupulously identify them, person by person, as his defenders, and make exceptions? By that time half the gun advocates might already hate Trump anyway. Trump is not a trusting soul.
It's funny 'cause they forgot that the bump stock ban was his executive order.
Guns are definitely one of the issues he just doesn't care about personally.
Politics are ahistorical now. See, Covid distancing is all Biden (even though that was Trump). And the bump stock, even though that was a Trump EO, is also Biden, because it was struck down during Biden’s term.
It’s so tiring.
How can you begin to debate policies when you can't even have facts?
Very few of the elite care about gun rights, even if they play lip service to caring.
But he's better than the Democrats, who won't even admit that it's an individual right.
So to be clear, you’re supporting the guy that’s actually taken gun control action over the woman that hasn’t because you think he’s willing to pander to you and say the magic words?
Edit: Wait a second, I thought I muted you 'cause you're way too obsessed with my sex life. Well, muting you again.
Ah, no, that was verochkax.
I'm reluctant to accuse someone of sock-puppeting, but suffice to say both you and Verochkax have been sufficiently vulgar to be muted, each on their own terms.
It’s all the voltage guy.
Voltage guy? I think I missed him.
You can't miss him until he goes away. The name changes but the tune is the same.
The "Voltage!" thing is explained here, when the troll was BravoCharlieDelta:
The Democrat judges have done plenty of the work for them.
But he’s better than the Democrats, who won’t even admit that it’s an individual right.
Both Kamala and Tim have talked way more about their support for 2A than Trump has in this election.
Trump just wants people to stop assassinating him. He's worried about your guns all right.
Yeah, they "talk" about their support for the 2A all the time. But they oppose concealed carry for non-elite, they support bans on "assault weapons," which basically means any semi-automatic, and they support repealing PLCAA, which means using civil litigation to bankrupt gun makers. They don't support the 2A any more than P. Diddy "supports" women.
Randal 10 hours ago
"Both Kamala and Tim have talked way more about their support for 2A than Trump has in this election."
of course she has talked about her support for 2A - Thats to hide her true support for gun control - Just of few of her prior statements
At a September 2019 campaign event, Harris told reporters that confiscating commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms was “a good idea.” Elaborating on her support for a compulsory “buyback” program, Harris added, “We have to work out the details -- there are a lot of details -- but I do…We have to take those guns off the streets.”
(Sahil Kapur, Kamala Harris Supports Mandatory Buyback of Assault Weapons, Bloomberg, September 6, 2019)
On the September 16, 2019 episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” Harris reiterated her support for gun confiscation. During a question-and-answer session, an audience member asked Harris “Do you believe in the mandatory buyback of quote-unquote assault weapons and whether or not you do, how does that idea not go against fundamentally the Second Amendment?”
The candidate responded, “I do believe that we need to do buybacks.” Making clear that she believes Americans’ Second Amendment rights are for sale, Harris added “A buyback program is a good idea. Now we need to do it the right way. And part of that has to be, you know, buy back and give people their value, the financial value.”
(The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, NBC, September 16, 2019, Watch the Video)
On October 2, 2019, Harris called for gun confiscation during an MSNBC “gun safety forum.” During the event, Harris had the following exchange with MSNBC anchor Craig Melvin.
Uh huh.
— Donald J. Trump
At least when Harris was anti-assault-weapons, she wanted to give you your money back. Try harder.
Trump was being honest
Kamala isnt
A key point being elided here is that Trump didn't pursue the bump stock ban until the NRA ('s former leadership) told him, 'Go ahead, we're overdue to throw more of our members under the bus.'
While Harris would view pissing the NRA off as a plus.
As all of the MAGA responses to this comment show - the lie they're telling is, "Kamala and Biden have done worse."
But they don't really believe this. They know they're just reiterating falsely-characterized talking points that have been served up to them by right-wing outrage media. Trying to engage with the MAGA commenters here is like trying to engage directly with a Russian troll farm.
The truth of the matter is that these MAGA supporters all actually are looking forward to silencing dissenting voices. When Trump tries to put Schiff in jail, they'll say "good." They'll be up and down the comments here explaining to us why what Schiff has said is genuinely illegal and worthy of criminal prosecution.
We will try to remind them of all the "political prosecution" arguments they're making to ignore Trump's crimes now, but in doing so we'll have forgotten that these people are not principled. They are not committed to democracy. They, like Trump, Vance, and the rest of that corrupt camp, want to seize power and turn it against fellow Americans. They are lying to us now about their motivations. But their actions are clear.
Schiff knew the Russian collusion documents were hoaxes originating from Russian intelligence and paid for by the Clinton campaign. And yet he continued to push then in order to throw a duly elected president out of office. If that doesn't deserve a prison sentence, I don't know what does.
Let's all stop pretending that all the ops against Trump are on the up-and-up. Let's also stop pretending that Biden did not corruptly accept money for favors from Chinese and Ukrainian entities.
Some of these people should go to jail.
Don't blow your load already, Popeye.
Loki13, glad to hear from you. Hope your mango trees came through the storms Ok.
I do not disagree with your overall assessment of the candidates and I don't think Brett is wrong, either; VP Harris is currently in office (so naturally, heightened scrutiny) and the Biden admin has a track record.
I was surprised that Ilya the Lesser never mentioned free speech, considering its importance.
Hey- just saw this. Thanks for the kind words!
Yeah, mango trees are good.
Anyway, IMO Trump is worse on the First Amendment based on his record and his statements when viewed in totality. And I don't think it's particularly close. I'm open to reasonable conversations on the issue, but I really care about the FA, so I pay attention to that.
I am not surprised that the post doesn't go into that. Normally, we don't think about Presidential candidates and the Bill of Rights simply because that's a court issue. I guess we live in strange times.
Trump may have talked a lot about censorship, but did not accomplish any censorship. It was the biden administration that was successful at actual censorship.
What the Biden administration was accused of doing was pressuring moderators at social media companies to take down disinformation and misinformation relating to COVID and the COVID response.
Trump punished a couple of individuals for speaking out against him, pressed the IRS and DOJ to investigate prominent political adversaries, obstructed the antitrust review of a major media merger due to their editorial tolerance of his critics - and was president when a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff you attribute to Biden actually began.
But if you want to see what censorship looks, in a degrading democracy, you need look no further than the decisions by the WaPo and LA Times not to endorse either presidential candidate. In both cases, the ed boards were prepared to endorse Kamala; in both cases, their single owners blocked the endorsements. The reason for this stems from the owners' concern that unnecessarily antagonizing Trump would jeopardize their other business concerns. Meanwhile, over on Twitter, you have someone with ample government contracts and business interests before the government openly endorsing and cultivating ties with Trump, while managing the platform in a manner that serves Trump's interest. You see Facebook backing off on its moderation of political content, as well.
This is how censorship starts in ostensibly free media environments. Owners of media companies begin to self-censor. No one requires them to say anything, or punishes them for criticism. The owners just decide, for themselves, that there are some messages they don't need to put out there. As they do this, the few media outlets that don't self-censor become more notable, and easier to target.
We could lose our free media very quickly in this country, especially as media consolidation continues and old business models die out. Actually putting critics in jail will only come later, after it becomes impossible to disagree with doing so.
Bottom line was the biden administration was very active suppressing accurate information under the guise of misinformation. Quite a bit of so called misinformation turned out to be true.
in summary -you are attempting to justify censorship you like
Uh, I think you're the one attempting to justify censorship that you like, given your apparent lack of concern about Trump's much more serious violations.
Bottom line was the biden administration was very active suppressing accurate information under the guise of misinformation. Quite a bit of so called misinformation turned out to be true.
This is just a straight-up lie.
I guess we live in strange times.
Truer words, never spoken. 🙂
What Trump successes do his voters support? Surrendering to the Taliban? Operation Warp Speed and making Fauci a household name?? Adding $8 trillion to the debt for 2.5% GDP growth?? Spikes in fentanyl deaths and violent crime??
Shorter Ilya: because he's a delusional, America hating marxist looking to destroy the country by any means necessary.
Yes. Funny that Somin talks so much about trade and immigration, as those are two issues where Harris has been trying to copy Trump's positions.
She had him at “open borders.”
Uh, Biden is finally making progress on the border after Trump failed to secure the border.
I swear you Talmudians are the worst gas lighters. Worse than the Statist bootlickers like Gaslight0.
Fentanyl deaths and violent crime spiked in 2020.
2 years after the Dem's took the House and undermined President Trump's tough-on-Chinas policies.
Yep, because Trump’s a pussy just like how Bush pussed out and let Bawney Fwank tank the economy.
fentanyl only became a problem when the government decided to treat the pharma industry as a piggy bank and claim they were the real problem with the opioid over use which ended up restricting people who truly needing them from gaining relief and in turn sent them look elsewhere and then it just cascaded
I agree with that in part…I know an 18 year old that died from fentanyl and he wasn’t seeking opioids he was poisoned. So the CDC needs to break down fentanyl deaths between pain med seekers and accidental poisonings. Generally the perfectly healthy college student that dies is a poisoning and not a person that got hooked on opioids from a workplace accident.
"I swear you Talmudians are the worst gas lighters. Worse than the Statist bootlickers like Gaslight0."
JHBHBE, has anything another commenter has said on these threads led you to question your own sanity, memory, or powers of reasoning? Or do you just like throwing around "gas lighter" [sic] as an epithet du jour?
Gaslighting is a noun, or sometimes a transitive verb. If no one is being gaslighted, then no one is gaslighting.
If Jesus is who I think he is, then yes, he actually has admitted to being psychologically damaged by the facts expressed on this blog. Which yes, implies that he's brainwashed.
I don't know about that. For someone to be gaslighted requires some level of introspection -- the essence is that the gaslighter's target questions his own mental state. Being brainwashed is something else.
JHBHBE seems to spout bile and bullshit for its own sake.
Think about it. What would it take for someone to question their own mental state when repeatedly presented with facts and evidence? Remember, he doesn't know he's brainwashed. He still thinks Trump is a Great Man rather than a Cult Leader.
Ex-cult-members talk all the time about how psychologically painful it is for them to accept reason and leave the cult. It's indistinguishable from being gaslighted, from the perspective of the cult member.
You might want to look at this chart:
It's true Biden has done a recent 180 on the border, but it was a last minute Hail Mary because this issue was clobbering Democrats in the polls.
Truly amazing how many democrats politicians are full blown pro border control in the last 2-3 months.
Democrats have always been anti-illegal-immigration. Biden was working on it his whole presidency. The Supreme Court struck down his first executive order securing the border. He got a bipartisan bill, but Trump famoulsy scuttled it. So he did another executive order... which is sure to also be struck down.
Trump also failed to secure the border. It takes Congress.
Border crossings are now lower than they were when Biden became president. Yes, you read that right. Biden / Harris have done a better job getting the border under control than Trump did.
Not that I expect you to care. You don't really care about the facts, you just want the feelz.
Drunk blogging at 4 AM. Amazing.
She’s probably not a bad fuck, even at 60, my man Willie ‘hit the” Brown don’t fuck no minor league Strange
We all know your position on this is over-determined by immigration policy. But I was still rather disappointed that you could not even be bothered to mention Harris' hostility to the 1st and 2nd amendments. Or her vow to pursue her policies by executive action if Congress didn't pass legislation to her liking within 100 days.
Kamala Harris at war with the Constitution
Walz is no better.
Brett, Brett, Brett...your conditional love of this country begins and ends with that object on your hip. There's lots of things I cannot walk around with like cobras, an image of Muhammed, swastikas, nuclear codes or child porn. But just because I cannot bear cobras don't mean I have to vote for the pro-cobra candidate who also happens to call my country a failed shithole. I have - what they call - perspective
And your conditional love of this country begins and ends with that natural object between your legs, but only when you can shove it into another man's arse and wriggle it around in excrement.
Ah...a new person here with crude, childish comments. Good luck, Lenny
I'm just accurately describing the act you champion every day as a "human right." It's not crude, it's what you consider "love."
Yet another one. Muted.
He’s probably been pulling the lever for the Dems for years trump or no trump. Probably even over open border Repubs. But the 11th hour polling trajectory has been driving leftoids extra crazy and theres been a surge of cope videos and articles these past few days. Cut them some slack. They’re just working through their inner demons now.
her vow to pursue her policies by executive action if Congress didn’t pass legislation to her liking within 100 days.
1. There is nothing wrong with pursuing policies by legitimate executive orders.
2. Predictably, you can't imagine Trump issuing executive orders. FYI, he signed 220 of them.
the key point is legitimate Executive orders
TLDR I’m voting for harris because my entire universe revolves around open borders (for others) and importing millions but I’ll just waste mine and everybody else’s time pretending to care about a few other things.
A major reason people comment on his threads is to attack his “open borders” approach, which might help explain why he lists her as the “lesser evil” because she does not agree.
Harris supports the tough border bill supported by a conservative senator, which Trump helped to block. President Biden’s policy has been too strict under the author’s lights.
I appreciate the analysis though do not think Harris is an “evil,” lesser or otherwise. Then, I’m not the same ideology as the author.
Bogus "tough bill", which allowed, but did not require, action on the border if border crossings stayed higher than 5,000 a day for seven consecutive days, or 8,500 in one day.
Let's see, 5,000 a day, that's 150K in a month, a level not reached even in the single worst month of the Trump administration. So, implicitly, the bill normalized higher levels of illegal immigration than we'd ever seen before Biden took office.
What's tough about that?
And, again, actually exercising the enhanced powers was optional. So you'd scarcely expect them to actually be exercised in a Harris administration, outside of an election year.
Fentanyl deaths and violent crime spiked in 2020 because the border was never secure…the law abiding migrants were the people deterred by Trump’s policies.
You seem to have selectively chosen which numbers you want to argue about.
You also conveniently ignored the rest of the bill that Trump ordered blocked, so that he can now campaign on promising to do the things the bill he blocked would've done.
It's a good thing that nobody around here thinks you even pretend to be honest.
What are those other things that counter balance normalizing 150k illegals a month?
When you cram a lot of things into a bill, you have to accept that it's going to get opposed by people who dislike parts of it. We're not all obligated to only pay attention to a bill's upsides, and ignore its downsides.
But the part you are complaining about, according to you, doesn't actually do anything. So you would only support a bill that did everything you want?
If there were good parts of the bill, which you implicitly acknowledge, it's a pretty weak argument that Trump was right to torpedo it because it only did some of the things that needed to be done (in your estimation) but not all the things. A classic case of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. At least, that's the argument you've made so far.
Didn't Trump openly say the reason he thought the GOP needed to kill the bill was to avoid giving Biden a political win?
Brett's somewhat inchoate objections are weak cover for the fact that this wasn't really about substance.
Yes, he did. Now they claim it's not why the GOP killed the bill. But he asked what he asked and they did what he asked.
But Brett will never miss an opportunity to brown his nose with Trump's shit.
"a conservative senator"
See the problem?
If I could vote, it would be for Trump because Ilya refused to use the "Read More" feature
Don't worry you may get to vote for Harris several times this election whether you know it or not.
This guy gets it.
"Write Less" would also work ...
With all due Respect,
1: Cums-a-lot has the same chances (Electorally) as JFK leaving Dealey Plaza 2: the lesser of 2 Evils is still Evil, I’ll take the one who isn’t for returning me to Water and CO2 3: “45/47” has gotten more than 150,000,000 votes for POTUS, how many did Cums-a-lot get in 2020? This year?
Do you think cumming a lot is a bad thing??
He hates it all over his face. Unlike Kamala.
I like women that like that. You guys are limpdicks.
Well, you'd surely love your mom.
You have no clue who I am…so that was JD Vance’s skanky mom that gave you herpes! 😉
My goodness, so many delusions in so little space. Please, sir, seek professional help quickly. Your professed beliefs in utter fantasies are unhealthy and need care from someone who can heal you.
I appreciate the post, but at this point I think most people (and probably just about everyone posting here) is divided into two camps-
One that would vote for Trump if he publicly said, "Yeah, I love Hitler, and I want to get rid of anyone who opposes me. Also, I killed a guy and 20 orphans on Fifth Avenue today. How you like dem apples?"
And the other that has absolutely no idea why anyone could possibly vote for Trump. Even if Zombie Ted Bundy was the Democratic candidate.
Given that, it's going to be a long, long, long time until the election.
Relativity? Time dilation?
I wish I could hibernate like a bear.
I actually forbore recommending lengthy naps.
Also, bears notoriously wake up grumpy.
I have an idea why people want to vote for Trump. I'm not alone. We are rather upset at the reasons. But we are aware of them.
I don't think I resemble this remark.
I mean, I do understand why people would vote for Trump. To start with, I would guess that the largest share of Trump supporters are what was called "rationally ignorant" around here a while back. That is to say, people that either don't have time to keep up with politics, or are located such that it doesn't matter much†. So if you're one of those "rationally ignorant", you probably aren't going to go further then -D or -R. You might have some vague notion of specific policies/plans/etc, but you just aren't paying attention at that level, and why should you?
And I do think that covers most voters. Tragic but understandably true.
For the remainder of Trump voters, it'll be a mix of wealthy folks that were promised tax breaks, culture warriors worried about god/gun/gays, sexists/racists that don't think a woman/Black should lead‡, folks that are delusional about Republicans being better for the economy, he'll be better with foreign issues and so-on.
I obviously don't agree with most of those positions, either the objective of the position or that Trump is the best person for it, but I can understand that other people hold different views.
That said, I'm in a comment section where I'm regularly subjected to weirdos coarsely speculating about my sex life, so I obviously have a higher tolerance for listening/reading to people I don't agree with than some readers here.
†If you're in a "Solid D" or "Solid R" state according to 538" then yeah, your vote for president isn't going to matter much. You still should go vote for various reasons, but there's no reason to be dramatic about it.
‡Hopefully a very small share, but let's not pretend they don't exist.
I mean, I know some of the reasons why people would vote for Trump. But I just don't understand why people are willfully blinding themselves to ... well, all of it! I mean, anyone else that had done and said 1% of what Trump has done would have disqualified themselves from running for dogcatcher, let alone President.
I also don't understand why people are so eager to keep feeding themselves the same incorrect information, over and over again (most of them would be easily checked). At a certain point, don't you have to question your sources? Or do you really just want to only be fed things that you hope are true?
(That last one is starting to be "both sides" problem. I swear, if you see any video or link that says someone "dunked" on someone else, or blah blah here is the evidence that THE PERSON YOU DON'T LIKE is doing THE EXACT THING YOU HATE, ya gotta stop. Please.)
"I mean, anyone else that had done and said 1% of what Trump has done would have disqualified themselves from running for dogcatcher, let alone President."
That would have been a reasonable statement in 2016. Now? On ballots from coast-to-coast, you'll find Republicans that have been emulating him. It's not always a winner, but it's also obviously not a dis-qualifier.
As to the rest... well, that brings us back to "rational ignorance".
People vote for Trump because his presidency 2017-2020 was much better than Biden's. We had peace and prosperity, except for covid.
Harris is one of the most incompetent candidates we have ever had. She cannot answer a single question.
For a college professor, Somin's analysis is pitiful. He is just a Marxist America hater. There is no substance to anything he says.
Yes, except for killing a million Americans and trashing the economy, he had a great president. And, other than inflation and the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, Biden had a great presidency.
See how easy it is, when you are stupid enough to ignore that biggest issues in a given 4-year period.
Except for the gunshot, the performance of "Our American Cousin" was a rousing success.
You mean Trump killed 1m people due to his release covid among the masses?
there was virtually nothing any president could have done better of could have done worse to have had any significant difference on the outcome, with the exception of the development the vaccine which as you know was completed before the 2020 election with a strong rollout beginning in late Dec 2020
Total BS. The US had a much higher covid death rate than peer countries. If not one could have done better how did everyone else do better?
Except Biden "killed" twice as many Americans as Trump did despite Trump. developing the Vaccine for him:
Covid deats by year (CDC):
2020: 384k
2021: 462k
2022: 244k
That comes up to 726k to 384k.
Blue-collar voters like Trump because they believe Trump stands up for them against what they believe are the smug, eductaed elite from both parties. The resentment has some justification because blue-collar workers have had their wages stagnate compared to well-educated white-collar workers. But, it’s not justfied because the so-called elites aren’t the issue. It’s instead the inevitable forces of globalizaton and automation.
Trump’s policies of tariffs and limiting immigration therefore resonate with these voters. Sadly, those policies won’t work for most and likely hurt us all in the long run. And even more sadly, these voters are being duped by Trump (he doesn’t give a shit about them) to the point they love him even if he shoots someone on 5th Avenue. I give credit to Trump for his charisma which has charmed these folks.
And finally the worst sad truth is there are likely no effective policy prescriptions for blue-collar America. If there were, the elites would have already implemented them.
So why did the Biden-Harris administration continue the Trump tariffs, and why is Harris now promising to build Trump's border wall?
I believe that Harris is willing to do additional construction of the border wall, as part of comprehensive immigration reform. Almost like, in any bipartisan mammoth bill, there will be (or, at least, definitely should be) some compromise.
I think the Biden tariffs are limited to China because of their anti-competitive dumping. Trump wants tariffs across the board.
The wall isn't the main issue because Trump wants to reduce legal immigration as well as deport 10+ milion unauthorized people.
Bullshit. Automation, to some degree, yes, but globalization is a copout.
Unfettered trade with the third world is what caused the forces of globalization to have such devasting impacts on our blue collar people, along with mass third world immigration designed to push wages down.
Well, globalization isn’t the end of the story. The US plays a particular global role, being the market of last resort / reserve currency. Which hurts manufacturing. But it also means we get cheap, cheap stuff from the rest of the world (among other benefits like low interest rates). What good’s an extra couple grand a year going to do when the only thing you can use it for is higher mortgage payments and Elon’s crappy Teslas? No more iPhones or PlayStations for you.
I hate to break it to you, but globalization and mass importation of Chinese made crap only keeps the prices of goods low. Services, such as housing, insurance, day care, medical care, education and everything else are through the roof.
Being able to buy a 6th flat screen TV for cheap does not benefit the middle class.
Services, such as housing, insurance, day care, medical care, education and everything else are through the roof.
But that has nothing to do with globalization. Kamala actually has plans to fix those things. Trump wants to deport all the immigrants, which will make all those things worse. (Immigrants are like domestic cheap Chinese goods and services.)
Think how much more housing will cost when it's being built by lazy, whiney, unionized Americans.
No she doesn't. Her plans are to subsidize those things, which just makes them cost more. Look at the history of the last 40 years.
Lenny - good point - though very few leftist have any grasp of micro or macro economics.
And you do? What do you think tariffs and deportation will do to the problem?
Except the whole "smug, educated elite" are also condescending assholes who feel they know better and should dictate every detail down to those poor undeserving masses.
And those masses don't like that attitude. Not at all.
And there's a third group, which compromises probably 45% of America.
A large chunk of people simply don't believe the "traditional" media.
And they probably have good reason for it.
I’m guessing Ilya doesn’t vote in a “Battleground” State (unlike Frankie, who is registered in FL and GA(I own homes in both, spend about the same time in both, can’t cast 1/2 a ballot……)
So his mental masturbation is purely academic, but you know who DOES live in a “Battleground” State? The great Marshall Matheres AKA “Eminem” the guy who told Moby, “You 36 yr old bald headed Fag, blow me, nobody listens to Techno!”
“45” didn’t ask me, and most MI voters probably don’t even know who their Senators are, but he should do a spot with Marshall’s own lyrics
“I just settled all my lawsuits Fuck You Debbie!!!!!” (See, One of Michigan’s Senators is “Debbie” Stabentoe)
It’s difficult to know where to begin to criticize this rather lengthy display of political cluelessness. Among the many spectacularly unimpressive highlights, the casual dismissal of Iran should be noted. A country whose terror proxies have sparked a ME war and which threatens to destroy Israel with a nuclear weapon. Some more rational people, well those who would rather Israel not be destroyed in a nuclear war, might tend to object to the Biden Harris appeasement and enrichment of the terror state. Give her four more years if you want to see the ME really smoldering. And a party to the administration that gave us the disastrous Afghan withdrawal, together with the loss of millions of dollars worth of military equipment and a key base close to China (who now occupies it to the best of my knowledge) should be trusted with future national security policy. Concerning China? Uh, no. Too much more to address adequately in a single comment, but a lawyer concerned with constitutional rights should frankly be ashamed to empower the very people abusing their executive power to target political opponents.
Trump surrendered to the Taliban…and yet you still strongly support him. And Trump could have taken out Iran and encouraged Netanyahu to decimate Hamas and yet he didn’t. The reality is you are an idiot and so are most people that vote in American elections.
You have it backwards. Biden surrendered to the Taliban.
Uh no, the Doha Agreement is a historical fact.
Why bother? You have trolls who manage to spot all of Biden's failures, while simultaneously are unable to see any of Trump's failures . . . except for the ones which they still blame Biden for. They are either willfully ignorant, or so stupid that they are unable to see facts. If you wanna waste your time, of course that's okay. But in terms of actually getting any of the usual suspects to see reality? . . . hell, you might as well try and catch the wind.
I actually support the Doha Agreement…but Trump supporters clearly don’t.
You're mad that Biden followed through on Trump's commitments on Afghan withdrawal?
That's like the TEA party folk that protested Obama over Bush's final tax rates.
The right wing echo chamber has convinced its voters that gasoline is still expensive even though everyone can see the price of gasoline every day! Republicans are better at politics than Democrats which the Tea Party movement was the same thing protesting against Obama for the failures of the Bush administration. I remember Chris Mathews even asked a Tea Party supporter if they supported the Bush wars and they said that we’d always been at war and so they didn’t think much about them.
I don't think Trump would've left the Taliban $80B of high grade weaponry and supplies and cash. Only an idiot Democrat would, and then only a doubly idiot Democrat would blame that on Trump.
And then a triple idiot Democrat would follow up that gift with millions more in foreign aid.
Trump bragged about that. Plus when he withdrew from Syria he destroyed our own munitions and then 4 soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack.
Trump bragged about leaving the Taliban $80B in advanced arms and weaponry?
How could that be when that happened after he left office?
>Plus when he withdrew from Syria he destroyed our own munitions and then 4 soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack.
Woah. I didn't know that. As we see now, having US bases all over the Middle East has absolutely eliminated all terrorist attacks. I wish he knew that axiom and left that base in Syria!
Trump surrendered to the Taliban a full year before leaving office. Correct, Bush/Cheney eliminated terrorism and so 10/7 never happened…and it only cost $5 trillion!! Totes worth it!! 😉
Trump's plan required the Taliban to live up to certain agreements. They didn't do so.
Nope, Trump withdrew troops without the conditions being met. Zalmay Khalizad testified under oath to all of this and so the Afghanistan from February 2020 to Sept 2021 is the rare event we know exactly what happened without partisan spin.
Oh, Ilya - there you go again, showing us all why you're the Jim Cramer of Volokh.
>But Trump's record of trying to overthrow constitutional democracy after he lost the 2020 election creates a strong presumption against him.
That lie discredits and undermines your entire post. No one but other deranged True Believers are going to get past that filter.
That's right. Only a moron or a liar would say that Trump tried to overthrow constitutional democracy.
Or that he's "dangerous."
Harris and Biden are dangerous. Trump may be a buffoon, but not dangerous.
You don’t think it’s dangerous to have a buffoon president?
Just for example, he's obviously going to give Ukraine to Putin. You think Putin's just going to say "Thank you, I'm done now, had my fill, time to turn my attention to my terrible country" or is he going to say, "Hey Trump, you couldn't possibly care if I take Moldova now too, right? And how about the Baltics, they're not real NATO allies after all. And Poland... article five's not intended to be self-executing, am I right? Also, you're so cool and I've got this real-estate deal in Moscow with your name on it."
I don't care about the Ukraine at all. If it gets taken over by Russia, fine, and if it doesn't, that's fine as well. I don't see either outcome as implicating any major U.S. interests.
That's because you're retarded. Now vote for Trump like a good little retard.
I already voted for him. Better than the cackling half-African your party is running.
And I already switched your vote to Harris using my Venezuelan space laser.
This election is not about issues. People who disagree on the most basic things should still unite behind Harris.
I’m a liberal and I completely understand why Harris is modifying her positions and courting Republicans.
This election is about something more important. To give just one example, imagine Trump contemplating a nuclear strike and this time there’s no John Kelly around to talk him out of it.
Trump brought more peace to the world than any President since WW2, meanwhile, your party has become allies with Cheney's, Bush's and Boltons and has seen us closer to WW3 than we've been in a generation in just 3 short years.
But yeah, you fear Trump's war-mongering.
You people live in an alternate universe.
Uh, Biden has reduced combat deaths to pretty much zero while greatly reducing our overseas military footprint. So Republicans are still the party of war and sacrificing American troops to help Muslims while Democrats are still the party of peace and prosperity.
Who is Dick Cheney & John Bolton voting for? The party of "Peace and Prosperity"? That's a pretty big about face for them, huh?
Cheney bent the knee to Kamala!! And you respected Cheney once!! Lolololol!!
Yes, it is funny how the war-mongers are all lining up against Trump. Some people want foreign wars forever.
Do you not consider Yemeni to be full humans? Because when Trump was president he assisted Saudi Arabia in slaughtering tens of thousands of Yemeni. Trump’s actions even caused blowback in the Manda Bay…does OANN not cover this news??
No. America First.
A lot more Americans died in combat under Trump than under Biden…but you seem to care more about Ukrainians dying than American soldiers.
The Ukrainians died under Biden. No, I do not agree with that war.
So? They died to make America safer unlike every American combat death in the GWOT. The Americans that died in the GWOT made Americans less safe.
No, those Ukrainian deaths did not help America or Europe. It is a foolish war.
No, Russia’s military has definitely been degraded and Putin definitely invaded a sovereign nation in Europe. The 7000 American troops that died in the GWOT made America less safe because Saddam and the Taliban posed zero threat to America and NATO partners.
I'm voting for X, and I don't understand how anyone could possibly disagree with me think pieces are exhausting. From both sides.
What I would like, for once, is people who put these things out to actually address how they reconcile their longstanding principles which the person they are supporting is hostile to.
Somin, but also the likes of Liz Cheney. It's okay not be proud of the candidate you're supporting, if they're the least bad option. I just don't get the cheerleading, like this is the greatest thing since sliced bread, I'm not the least bit conflicted...
Cheney did address exactly what you're talking about. Maybe pay attention.
It has the dynamics of a game in which all fun slipped away many, many years ago. The game has very few rules, and they call for neither honesty nor respectfulness. Winning is all that's left.
Winning is all that's left.
That doesn’t even make sense. In what way is Liz Cheney winning?
Winning might be all that's left for you, but that's a personal problem. Well, I guess it's a problem for America too.
Consider putting America ahead of your desire to win at all costs.
Everybody chooses their own definition of what it means to "win." You sound like the fool who thinks there can be only one right way.
Your protest is senseless.
Winning is all that's left.
You're the one who brought it up. So what's your definition of winning?
It's getting what you want (whatever that may be). The point in this context is that there is a greatly diminished relevance of respectfulness, of compromise, of understanding, or even honesty or decency. The stakes are perceived to be so high, the play so fundamentally acrimonious, that winning (i.e. your preferred candidate prevailing) has become the only potential benefit of the game. Goodwill among people left the field long ago.
Read comments here that are paraded as arguments, and yet often begin with blatant insults (and sometime include little more). It's Team D vs Team R, and for all but a few, a win for one's team is the only remaining good that can come of this contest. It's a game with no fun in it; the conclusion is all that matters.
Go away.
We don't need this.
Don't read it.
Your time is your own.
What I would like, for once, is people who put these things out to actually address how they reconcile their longstanding principles which the person they are supporting is hostile to.
I think the answer you're going to get is "the lesser evil." That's the argument in the OP, after all.
And why not? Hardly anyone is going to agree with everything their preferred candidate wants to do. There are, realistically, only two to choose from, not a range.
The best of the bad outcomes that this election has to offer would be Harris in the Oval Office, with a solid Republican majority in the Senate. That'd deprive Harris of the ability to name ultra-progressives to posts like the FTC chair; and, although she'd undoubtedly continue Biden's push to foist student loans off on the taxpayer through executive orders, we can hope that the Supreme Court would stop her.
Given that, if I lived in a state like Arizona, where both the electoral votes and a Senate seat were in play, I'd offer my progressive neighbors a bargain: If one of you will agree to hold your nose and vote for the Republican Senatorial candidate, I'll vote for Harris. If, as you say, keeping Trump out of the Oval Office is the #1 priority in this election, you should be willing to accept a Repubican Senator—yes, even a creature like Kari Lake; I don't like her either, but voting for her is the price of averting Supreme Court packing and the abolition of the filibuster.
You think you could, while actively asking someone to vote for Kari Lake, not sound like a crazy dishonest person?
Is there anything that Harris can competently do? Does she even have one sincerely-held position, except for promoting more abortions?
And if your scenario comes true, and the GOP Senate blocks every single Harris appointment to the judiciary, the left would be screaming about them being obstructionist. But God forbid we don't want more evil leftists on the judiciary. The kind of judges who will read the 2nd Amendment out of the Constitution, while coming up with new rights to kill babies and bugger dudes in the arse.
Sorry Egg, but the filibuster is even more likely to vanish under a Republican Senate than under a Democratic one. And court-packing isn't on the table. You're believing too many of your Fuhrer's lies.
I agree that Kamala in the WH and a Republican Senate - assuming that we're talking about a Senate oriented towards compromise picks for judges and officials rather than obstructing every choice, no matter how moderate - is probably the best way to serve both sides here. For MAGA, it would moderate Kamala's most extreme promises and keep her governing down the middle; for the left, it would avoid the utter catastrophe of a Trump/Vance WH backed by a rubber-stamp Senate.
Kari Lake, though. She has no business in the Senate. And you're getting the MT and WV seats already. Justice will probably be fine; I'm concerned that Sheehy is another Thiel plant (like Vance and Masters) but he may be okay. Let's focus on electing serious people to Congress, not media-playing buffoons like MTG, Gaetz, Boebert, etc., etc.
Fine. Let's try and elevate the discussion.
Two boll weevils grew up in the deep South.
One went to Hollywood and became a famous actor.
The other stayed behind in the cotton fields and never amounted to much.
The second one became known as the lesser of two weevils.
But the one that stayed behind eventually found an old motorcycle and started riding it and doing stunts on the farm like jumping over cotton bails…he became known as Weevil Knievil!
Weevils wobble, but they don't fall down.
"I wouldn't send a knight out on a dog like this."
What an amazing non-endorsement! What an indictment of our political parties! The best we can say is that one candidate is less dangerous.
Most people here lived through the worst presidency in American history—Bush/Cheney. Now that Trump has positively transformed the GOP both major parties are working class parties and there really isn’t much daylight between the two on most major issues. Trump supported gun control measures and Kamala supports border security and both are anti-China and pro fracking. Basically Trump supports a 37% top rate and Kamala supports a 39.6% top income tax rate…that’s the big difference.
The Cheneys have now crossed over, and are now supporting Harris. So that tells you something.
Uh, Biden/Harris are more anti-war than Trump. Trump escalated Afghanistan before surrendering and he helped Saudi Arabia escalate Yemen.
You realize that Biden/Harris are now directly bombing Yemen instead of relying on Saudi Arabia as a proxy?
Biden/Harris did not show any interest in resolving the Ukraine situation. I don't understand how you can say they are more anti-war.
The Ukraine War has been great for America. Russia’s military is degraded and we have taken Russia’s European natural gas market share.
If you like your Bush/Cheney neo-con foreign policy, you can have your Bush/Cheney neo-con foreign policy. Just vote blue
Trump escalated Afghanistan and helped Saudi Arabia escalate Yemen…Liz Cheney supported Trump until January 6.
"Trump's record of trying to overthrow constitutional democracy after he lost the 2020 election creates a strong presumption against him."
Lmao. Imagine believing the news media.
Imagine ignoring reality.
How did he try to overthrow constitutional democracy?
It's called "insurrection." Look it up!
Which insurrection was that?
The imaginary one he was never actually charged with.
Do you think Trump tired to steal the election and block the peaceful transfer of power in 2020?
No. Trump fully cooperated with Biden's transition team, and we have a peaceful transfer of power on Jan. 20, 2021.
You didn't answer the part about attempting to steal the election. Attempting to steal an election is an attempt to block the peaceful transfer of power.
January 6th was not a peaceful day, nor a day of love.
Trump blocked funding for Biden's transition team, and more importantly blocked access to executive branch agencies that would allow that team to prepare for Biden's administration. All of this in the midst of a once-in-a-century pandemic, when delay in plans to distribute the newly developed vaccines would obviously kill more people.
By contrast, the Clinton administration in 2000 gave intelligence briefings to Bush and Gore while the Florida issues were being considered; nevertheless, transition issues were partially blamed for the Bush administration's disastrous failure on 9/11.
we have a peaceful transfer of power on Jan. 20, 2021.
Just not on certain other days. It's not peaceful unless it's peaceful on every day. Lie #1.
Trump fully cooperated with Biden’s transition team
Really very blatant lie #2.
The imaginary one he was never actually charged with.
Does that mean JonBenét is actually still alive!? O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
You're psychotic.
A reminder about the Minnesota Bail Fund.
No wonder the Teamsters love her /sarc
It’s so easy to hate the idea of voting for either of them.
Tax/economy: Both terrible for different reasons.
Government spending: both terrible. Trump might bring it down a little, but just because he wants to get rid of a lot of the liberal-leaning federal workforce. Harris is likely to increase spending more than Trump would.
Government debt: both terrible. Harris’ implied promise to increase taxes on the wealthy might marginally slow deficit increases, but not enough to really matter, especially if she is able to enact even half her spending promises.
Trade: Trump’s tariffs are really bad, but he’s likely exaggerating this to create negotiating leverage. Harris’s trade policy is unknown.
Immigration: both extreme in opposite directions.
Judicial appointments and S. Ct.: I’ll give the nod here to Trump bc Harris has not ruled out court packing and due to the number of federal judges appointed under Obama and Biden. The likelihood of a Republican Senate does lean towards Harris however, as that would temper any radical appointments or restructuring, at least during the first two years.
Foreign policy: depends on whether you favor paying for the war in Ukraine or trying to end it. Due to the small but non-zero chance of nuclear war, my strong preference is to end the war (and I generally prefer peace and not having hundreds of thousands more people killed). Trump is stronger on Iran and China. Harris will not take a hard position on Israel/Gaza, but you have to wonder what her real position is (if she has one). Trump gets points for not having any wars during his term and effectively fighting ISIS. He loses points for Afghanistan, but not as many as Biden/Harris lose for the pull-out. I think the worry about pulling out of NATO is overblown – Trump is right that the European allies have been significantly delinquent in their defense spending commitments.
First amendment: Trump neutral; Harris is terrible.
Second amendment: Trump neutral or slightly negative; Harris is terrible.
Character: Harris is neutral (maybe, hard to tell, but she hasn’t impressed); Trump is atrocious.
Democracy: Harris is bad – her “appointment” as the Dem nominee makes a mockery of the entire primary process; Trump is terrible – see J6.
Abortion: entirely depends on your views on abortion and federalism; I believe it’s properly a state issue (and I live in a state with close to unrestricted access to abortion), so I give Trump points here. Many will disagree.
Trans issues: again, depends on your views, but the men in sports/locker rooms is just too absurd.
Filibuster: both Harris and Trump have stated at times they’d be willing to end it.
Deregulation: Trump is probably better, but not by as much as you’d think.
Lawfare/going after political opponents: Trump says a lot of awful stuff, but he did not pressure DOJ to go after H. Clinton last time around. Democrats have been terrible (not just Trump; Elon Musk mystery regulatory problems; working with British labour party to kill Twitter; putting Tulsi Gabbard on a terror watch list; over-prosecuting the nonviolent J6 offenders). Despite legacy media rhetoric, this category is a clear winner for Trump (which is so depressing).
Election security: voter id is wildly popular, and it’s frankly racist to say in 2024 that minorities are somehow unable to get voter id. Not a big issue for me because election fraud and non-citizens voting is rare, but it is not zero, and Harris loses points just because the fight against voter id makes no sense logically and just plays into conservatives arguments that Democrats favor fraud.
Competence: Can’t say I find either to be competent. The Harris campaign has been incredibly disappointing and the inability to answer simple questions is mind-boggling. Has she ever actually tried a major case as first-chair prosecutor or argued an appeal? Trump is too old and wasn’t exactly competent already the first time around.
The recent Democratic attacks on the first amendment (not that Republicans have been first amendment champions) and ending the Ukraine war are big issues for me, which currently has me leaning towards Trump. But I’d really like to hear Harris give authentic cogent answers and explanations of her positions. For example, she was clearly in favor of fracking and Medicare for all, but now is not – and there is no explanation leaving us to assume that she just found those positions to no longer be politically beneficial. In light of all Trump’s baggage, maybe that seems like nitpicking, but I just can’t get over that she was selected, not elected, and seems like such an hollow-suit ready to do as instructed. She needs to find a way to counter that impression.
You raise some good points, but you are not going to get any cogent answers out of Harris. Maybe the people running the Biden White House will continue under Harris.
"Due to the small but non-zero chance of nuclear war, my strong preference is to end the war (and I generally prefer peace and not having hundreds of thousands more people killed)."
Let me explain to you the reality of what happens if the West stops supplying Ukraine and helping with their defense:
Putin takes the whole fucking country, and then proceeds to ethnically cleanse the rest of Ukraine as he's done in the occupied areas Russia currently controls. He is then going to take Moldova and Georgia, and possibly others.
If you don't want 'hundreds of thousands dead,' then giving Putin what he wants is even dumber than the appeasement leading up to WWII. You're supposed to learn from stupid decisions in history, not repeat them.
I also don’t understand their “threat of nukes” argument…so if Putin says he wants France or he will nuke France…should we just give him France?? Because if avoiding nuclear war is the goal then Putin can simply threaten nukes and take over the world.
Ukraine has always been in the Russian sphere of influence. Unlike Nato countries, there is no treaty obligation to defend Ukraine. Unlike Taiwan or Japan, there is no vital US interest in Ukraine. Risking nuclear war over Ukraine is like Russia risking nuclear war over Cuba - stupid and not worth it.
Arming Ukraine to assist in their defense is one thing, talking about Ukraine joining NATO or giving them missiles to shoot into the heart of Russia - that's a risk too far.
And in response to a previous comment you made - Russia's economy is not seriously suffering and while they are depleted now, the additional resources they are putting into arms and drones will likely make them stronger in the long run.
We are energy dominant because of Putin’s asinine invasion of Ukraine—that makes us stronger. Russia didn’t have to invade Ukraine to stop exporting natural gas to Europe…so Russia is obviously weaker because they have fewer trade partners now.
The reason Putin is waging war in Ukraine is that Ukraine escaped the USSR. Decades ago. Screw "spheres of influence" as an excuse for letting an authoritarian kleptocracy conquer a relatively free country.
No, that is not what will happen. That is just crazy warmonger propaganda. Putin has agreed to peace deals before, and there is every reason to believe he would again.
Nobody’s stopping Putin from cutting a deal to end the war. If Trump wins there is a good chance Trump will surrender for Ukraine like he surrendered to the Taliban so it makes sense for Putin to wait a few more weeks before making a decision.
And every reason to believe he'd break those deals, like he did before.
What’s stopping Russia from going into Moldova and Georgia now? Fear of more US sanctions?
What happens if the war continues as its going? Russia will win the war, it will just take a few more years and hundreds of thousands more dead. If there is a peace deal to be had (and there was, but the US and British nixed it), it should be fully explored and not dismissed as the Biden/Harris admin has done.
To not even attempt to negotiate an end to the war . . .
"What’s stopping Russia from going into Moldova and Georgia now?"
That they're over-extended even in Ukraine, which is why they're needing to buy troops from other Axis of Evil countries, like North Korea. Face it: If they didn't have nukes, they'd be a 2nd world country at best.
Since "second world" originally described the Soviet Union and other non-capitalist countries competing with the first world countries (capitalist, essentially) for influence over third world countries (poor developing countries), Russia started off there. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, second world has come to mean either former communist countries or countries somewhere in the middle between developed and undeveloped, where Russia still fits. The terms "first world" and "second world" aren't much used anymore, but "third world" is still used for the poorest and least developed countries.
I was responding to the following: "Putin takes the whole fucking country, and then proceeds to ethnically cleanse the rest of Ukraine as he’s done in the occupied areas Russia currently controls. He is then going to take Moldova and Georgia, and possibly others."
Your response: "they're over-extended even in Ukraine"
Of course, it is difficult for both to be true that Russia will take the entirety of Ukraine and steamroll through Georgia, Moldova and possibly others, but they are now over-extended.
And I did not suggest removing all support - I suggested pushing for peace. Russia is not going to give back Crimea or the Donbas (at least the portions they currently hold). Continued fighting will result in continued deaths but not a better position for Ukraine. Escalation increases risk of a nuclear response. As in most of these situations, a diplomatic solution is the only real solution.
If you disagree - tell me how this war ends in a satisfactory manner.
The US could have taken the same attitude toward the Soviet Union, which survived through decades of the Cold War; but the relentless pressure eventually caused its collapse. No reason to screw up that success now by giving them back their former satellites so easily.
You’re right. Never back down. That’s why we should still be in Afghanistan, right? And Vietnam for that matter. And why did we ever let China push us out of North Korea – damn, Truman was a terrible President for firing MacArthur. History clearly tells us that once we defeated the Germans, we should have kept marching right on through to Moscow.
So mobilize NATO and get boots on the ground – we can’t back down at any cost. Because without new troops, Ukraine is not likely to hold on, even with NATO weapons and supplies.
Or, maybe, we could at least attempt to find a peaceful resolution.
"If there is a peace deal to be had (and there was, but the US and British nixed it), it should be fully explored and not dismissed as the Biden/Harris admin has done."
I'm sorry, I did not realize you were a gullible fool.
Since you seem to believe Putin's deliberate misinformation, I will choose my words more directly next time to ensure I can cut through the stupid.
Peace has never been Putin's goal. His ambassador's remarks about peace has been designed to stop the West from aiding Ukraine so he can win. While he's been crowing about peace, he's also been committing war crimes as a first-order strategy and demanding things such as Ukraine only being allowed to have a pro-Russian government.
Pay attention to when these calls for 'peace' happen, and what the demands actually are. Maybe actually read what the experts have to say on the conflict, that way you might not come back ignorantly repeating Putin's propaganda.
Oh – you called me stupid and a fool. Suddenly your words are filled with additional gravitas and your logic cuts through like a knife due to the choice of perjoratives you’ve thrown at me. Ouch, I’m cut deeply.
Seriously though, it wasn’t Russia that admitted the Minsk accords was just to buy time for Ukraine to arm itself. And I guess you'd say Boris Johnson's role in the peace discussions was just moral support.
I can’t tell if Russia was negotiating in good faith or bad faith. Neither could the US officials involved ( (“We didn’t know if Putin was serious,” said the former senior U.S. official. “We couldn’t tell, on either side of the fence, whether these people who were talking were empowered.”).
But somehow, you can read Putin’s mind and you know that Putin never wants peace. It would be great if you’d teach the rest of us your wonderful mind-reading skills that even the top level US diplomats can’t match.
And because of your wonderful mind reading ability, I now concede you’re 100% right – make no effort for peace, don’t try to negotiate any resolution, just keep the war right on rolling on forever. Great!
Wow. They couldn't tell in the first weeks of the invasion whether he actually wanted peace.
Is it still 2022, or does it only look that way from inside your own asshole? Maybe time has moved forward and provided a very clear picture of Putin's words versus Putin's actions.
You had to ask the question why Putin doesn't just invade other countries right now. That indicates you are ignorant of the entire situation and your opinions are formed out of imagination and stupidity.
Re: Minsk accords: Show your source on that, lol. Not that it even matters, because at that point Russia had literally invaded Ukraine already, which was a violation of the Budapest memorandum. So even if the Minsk agreement claim you allude to is actually true (which by my research it is not unless you believe quora posts and Chinese news), that is in response to Ukraine's sovereign integrity already being violated and the clear need to defend itself from further aggression.
As I said previously: go read what the experts have to say on the matter. The Institute for the Study of War has put out a daily briefing on the conflict every day since it began. The least you could do before opining on a subject is to ensure that you have some basic level of knowledge of if. Right now you're fucking clueless, and want to repeat mistakes history has already maligned.
Beyond that, you lay the blame at the feet of Biden/Harris, which is a giant neon sign that you're a dipshit, because the only party responsible for the lack of peace in the Russian-Ukraine war, is Vladimir Putin having ordered his army to invade and commit war crimes with impunity.
"To not even attempt to negotiate an end to the war . . . "
Fuck off with your lies, and next time try arguing about something of which you aren't utterly clueless.
Hey, what gives. I already conceded your massive intelligence advantage over me. Unlike you, I can’t read minds. I really appreciate you explaining to me how Putin never wanted peace and every indication of peace is just a lie. That you have completely failed to back that up with any citation or fact whatsoever just further increases my awe of your amazing insights. To pull all that shit out of your ass is a wonderful skill. And then the way you pepper that shit with insults, because there's no better way to get your point across than to say anyone who disagrees is an idiot (a lesson from middle school that I had completely forgotten).
So again, I agree you’re 100% right – no one should make any effort for peace, no one should try to negotiate any resolution, and we should just accept endless war, deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, and risk of nuclear escalation. Because if we try to negotiate a peace, we might not succeed and that would look bad. Thank you for clarifying all of this for me.
I checked both the Democratic platform and the Harris website, and can’t find any indication that Harris opposes voter ID.
In 2021, Joe Manchin attempted to put together a compromise voter legislation bill, which included a voter ID requirement. Stacy Abrams that this provision couldn’t be used to suppress Democratic votes because the bill required states to accept commonly available forms of ID. Abrams’ endorsement of the bill effectively killed support for the bill among Republicans. (That’s according to Senator Roy Blunt, who said that, “When Stacey Abrams immediately endorsed Senator Manchin's proposal, it became the Stacey Abrams substitute, not the Joe Manchin substitute.”)
It seems likely that voter ID requirements no longer work. First, enough effort has been put into voter registration drives that most people end up getting registered anyway. Secondly, but more crucially, Trump attracted a lot of low propensity voters. That means that voter suppression, unless carefully targeted, will likely cost Republicans more votes that Democrats.
BET interview - she made clear that she was against any voter id requirement.
The supposed compromise legislation had voter id as one point in a 27-point proposed compromise. Although I generally would have supported the compromise, it's far from reasonable to say that Republicans don't support voter id because they disagreed with some of the other 26 items.
The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act was just up this year, had some bipartisan support, but Democrats refused to bring it to a vote in the Senate. It was much cleaner than the Manchin compromise.
Harris was recently interviewed on BET, so you might want to consider that when you link to a clip from July 2021, and simply identify it as a BET interview without giving the date, you create the impression that you are linking to a clip of Harris being interviewed during the current Presidential campaign, even if you didn’t intending to imply that.
Harris said, “Of course people have to prove who they are, but not in a way that makes it almost impossible to prove who they are.” That cannot be reasonably described as being against any voter ID requirement. It simply indicates an opposition to voter ID requirements that are intended to tilt the playing field. And as I indicated in my previous response, that’s no longer a major concern for Democrats, which is why you had to search back to 2021 to find an example of Harris being concerned about it. That’s not to say that Democrats wouldn’t fight a voter ID law that accepted gun licenses but not drivers licenses as a valid form of ID, but rather that anything that Republicans can pass off as plausibly neutral, probably is.
With regard to the Manchin bill, Manchin attempted to construct a compromise package that would offer something to everyone. A big thing that he offered Republicans was the voter ID provision. Then Stacy Abrams said that the bill wouldn’t enable voter suppression, and Republicans lost interest in the bill because it convinced them that one of the things they had asked for, voter ID, wasn’t actually useful.
I did not mean to imply that Republicans politicians no longer supported voter ID. They may know that it’s not important, but some of their constituents believe it is, so they will vote for it in a stand-alone bill. What they don’t seem likely to do is to offer to trade anything significant in exchange for it.
Because 2021 was so long ago, no one could possibly be expected to still have the same views today as they had way back then.
Spin it how you want - she does not support voter id. As I mentioned, this is not a top issue for me, but it is a position that I find difficult to understand.
"r" likes the very consistent position that it's OK for JD Vance to change his 2020 opinion of Trump but not for Kamala Harris to change her 2019 opinions on policy questions. Maybe the commenter who called him stupid and a fool was onto something, or maybe he's a troll for Russia.
First, when did Harris change her position on this? If you could show me any instance after 2021 where she has been in favor of voter id, that’s a fair issue.
But to the best of my knowledge, Harris has not changed her position on this issue and remains against voter id.
Second, when did I ever defend JD Vance’s change in his position?Vance’s explanation has always been suspect and not very persuasive. However, I appreciate that he at least addressed the issue and provided an explanation (however unsatisfactory). Harris has had a very difficult time even addressing her changes in policy positions. Anderson Cooper was feeding her softballs at the CNN town hall trying to elicit some explanation for her support of an immigration bill with border wall funding (the answer was obvious – it’s a compromise bill) but Harris weirdly refused to provide any answer at all.
And thank you for suggesting that I’m stupid and a fool. That shows me that you are not a serious person, have no respect for anyone that disagrees with you, and there is no possibility of having a civilized discussion with you. I continue to be surprised that so many people on both sides think they are being persuasive by hurling insults. Makes me think I’m wasting my time trying to communicate with a bunch of sixth graders.
> Trump says a lot of awful stuff, but he did not pressure DOJ to go after H. Clinton last time around.
Yes he did. He didn’t even try to hide it.
In contrast, your concerns about Biden are purely speculative.
- Elon Musk may have “regulatory problems,” but so do lots of of other people. Are these all political?
- I’m guessing that you cannot name a single thing that the Biden Administration did to kill Twitter, but you assume there must be something.
- Somebody was put on the terrorist watch list while Biden was President. I suspect that people were put on the watch list under Trump as well.
- “Over-prosecuting” is not speculative (though it is subjective), but if you are claiming that Biden, rather than career prosecutors, are making the charging decisions, that is baseless speculation.
Do you remember the Durham investigation? Durham interacted regularly with Barr until Barr made Durham a special prosecutor. And on June 1, 2022, Bill Barr was interviewed by Jesse Watters about the Sussman acquittal:
Here Barr admits that “part of the operation” was to peddle a narrative being advanced by Trump. He says that the obtaining convictions was also a goal, but he’s also indicating he believes that that putting Sussman and Danchenko on trial will advance that narrative even if the jury rejects the narrative and acquits the defendants. He doesn’t say whether he held those views at the time he was involved in the investigation, but do you really want to hand your hat on that? You worry about over-prosecution in the J6 cases, but don’t blink an eye when Durham, lacking proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, puts two defendants on trial anyway, and Barr goes right up to the edge of admitting this was politically motivated?
And remember Comey and McCabe and Priestep are Bush Republicans. And so is Rosenstein who appointed Mueller who is another Bush Republican. So it never even made to go after Democrats because they didn’t treat Trump unfairly…Bush Republicans treated Trump unfairly and Republicans in Congress were voting Lizard Cheney into leadership through January 2021!?!
You are mainly complaining about some tweets. Biden-Harris really did prosecute Trump, and a lot of other political enemies.
The Durham prosecutions really happened.
Biden-Harris didn’t prosecute Trump. The Justice Department is doing so with no input from Biden or Harris, and once Trump announced he was running for President, Garland appointed a Special Prosecutor in order to provide an additional level of assurance prosecutions were insulated from politics.
In contrast, Trump pressured the Justice Department, both in public and in private, to prosecute Trump’s opponents. You assert that this pressure is acceptable because some of the communications were on Twitter. That defense certainly gets points for originality. “Sure, your honor, my client repeatedly called his former girlfriend threatening to kill her, but he also posted repeated threats against her on Twitter. In fact, if you look at this long thread where he described in gruesome detail his plans for dismembering her dead body, you will see that the vast majority of threats against her were made on Twitter. So we’re all good, right?”
Somehow I doubt that a judge would buy that defense, but it was generous of you to post it here for the benefit of any attorney who wants to give it a shot.
The Durham investigation was blatant Trump directed lawfare. And Lindsey Graham and Ron Johnson are huge supporters of Ukraine and always manipulate Trump to do their bidding. You are clueless.
I just can’t get over that she was selected, not elected...
She was elected by millions of people in 2020, for the precise role of taking over for Biden should it become necessary, which it did. That's why it had to be her.
Anyway, unless you're a Democratic primary voter, which it doesn't sound like you are, it's not really your concern. The parties can pick their candidates however they want.
Will you feel the same way if Trump wins and dies in office and is replaced by Vance?
When did Joe Biden die? He was forced out in a soft coup - it was ugly and disgusting.
Yes. Given Trump's age and diminished mental state, anyone voting for Trump is voting for Vance to take over from Trump; if Trump were to win it would mean that voters chose Vance for the specific role of taking over for Trump.
That Vance is a dishonest opportunist who will say anything to advance himself should add some concern over voting for Trump now, even and maybe especially for Trump cultists who can't trust what Vance would do if he became President. While I disagree with essentially every position Mike Pence advocated, he was at least a conventional Republican (who does not think the 2020 election was stolen and was not willing to commit crimes to change its outcome), with a longer track record, and he would probably have governed as you would expect. (Pence was clearly chosen in 2016 to add appeal to voters that the Republican ticket needed; the choice of Vance is much harder to understand.)
Maybe the Republican base is tired of the RINOs of the world that sit back and complain but don't actually do anything to stop the Democrats?
Look at the difference between America in 1950 and America today.
70 years ago, we had no civil rights laws, no abortion, no gay marriage, sodomy was illegal in every state, anti-miscegenation laws, women and blacks knew their proper places in the food chain, the border was effectively closed, we had a Congress that investigated and purged commies, and a host of others
We were a better nation back then.
It's amusing how the biggest pieces of shit around here all hide behind fake names because you're all pussies.
Tell us who you really are if you're so proud of your beliefs. Be a man.
You mean like the authors of the Federalist Papers?
The authors of the Federalist Papers were already prominent public figures who had risked their lives in supporting independence. They chose anonymity because contemporaries who were Bumble-level clowns would have used their identities to discredit their arguments, not because they feared their political opponents.
Actually, I was a Democratic primary voter. And I do feel betrayed by the selection of a candidate by a group of "elites." And anyone arguing that Joe Biden just "decided" not to run should be ignored on anything else they say. Everyone knows he was forced out and the gaslighting on this is not going to help.
Guy who wants us to cede Eastern Europe to Russia is a big Biden supporter.
What time is it in Moscow, comerad?
Keeping going, r, you are exploding many heads. It is amusing to watch.
(r)epublicans these days sure do like to confuse being "persuaded" with being "forced." Is it because they assume everyone else is like they are, namely, super easily conned and manipulated? Yes, yes it is.
This is the problem. They actually do think everyone is as corrupt as Trump, as easily manipulated as Trump, etc., because that's who they are.
They're not like us.
There’s too much here, but just a couple examples:
Trump might bring it down a little
Go look at Trump’s record on spending (pre-Covid or in its entirety) and tell us what makes you think Trump would bring down spending?
Foreign policy:
Others have explained the errors of your thinking, but it bears repeating: Your support for surrendering Ukraine to Russia is historically ignorant and will be a colossal mistake that Trump will make.
First amendment: Trump neutral;
Yes, the guy who talks about taking media companies’ FCC licenses and otherwise taking them off the air or punishing them is “neutral” on the First Amendment. Be serious.
And Harris is not only not terrible, she’s perfectly fine. What proposed policy that implicates the First Amendment is she bad about?
Democracy: Harris is bad – her “appointment” as the Dem nominee makes a mockery of the entire primary process;
She won the nomination according to the rules of the Democratic Party. Joe Biden left the race. It’s rather bizarre to ding Harris over “democracy” when she obtained the nomination through the process put in place by the Democratic Party. It’s almost like you are trying to make up reasons to find some equivalency between Trump and Harris.
ending the Ukraine war
The only two ways for the U.S. to “end the Ukraine war” is either step in directly (which nobody proposes) or stop supporting Ukraine making it impossible for them to defend against Russia’s invasion (in other words, essentially surrender unconditionally to Putin). You seem to favor the latter. It’s not clear why you support this given it rewards Putin’s aggression, makes it more likely Putin will invade another neighbor “in Russia’s sphere of influence”, and makes it more likely China will invade Taiwan. Meanwhile, the cost of continued support from the U.S. is relatively small compared to the gains in supporting a democracy against authoritarian aggression, degrading Russia’s military, and sending a message to the world that the U.S. will stand by the commitments it makes when defending democracies against tyranny.
The Harris “was selected” is a lame reason to vote against her. Joe Biden left the race after the primaries. The delegates voted for Harris pursuant to the rules. Even if you don’t like how the Democratic Party handled the situation (and what would you have them do, try to force Biden to continue in the race? Or hold new primary elections over the course of two weeks?), this seems like a person looking for a reason, any reason, not to vote for Harris.
Anyone that won't recognize that both these people and both these parties have huge flaws is just batting for their preferred team and not engaging in a productive debate.
Nobody said Harris didn't have flaws. She does.
Nobody said the Democratic party doesn't have flaws. It does.
Burn another straw man if you please.
That you think your analysis was, in any way, a rational, objective examination of their positions tells us you have a preferred team and aren't interested in productive debate.
And your non-response to my substantive response confirms that it is, in fact, you who have no interest in a productive debate.
This reminds me of the panels of "undecided" voters that the WaPo put together to watch the debates. It was clear that some, while describing themselves as "undecided," insisted on viewing the candidates' performance through filters that inclined them in one direction and not another - and this was most pronounced among the "Trump-leaning" voters.
There is too much here to debate point-by-point. But suffice it to say that many of your assumptions are based on false characterizations of what Kamala has done or said, and overly-charitable constructions of what Trump has done and said. I am not really sure why you bothered going through this exercise, since it seems like you've baked a conclusion into your premises.
Fuck off you marxist cunt. Did you have the same objections for every assault against "democracy" by Democrats over the last 30 years or were you only selectively outraged on behalf of Democrats...oops your bias is showing.
Somin would not be so bad if he were a Democrat partisan. No, he is way worse than that.
Yes, for those who limit themselves to the major-party candidates, this is a choice of evils, and the only interesting issue is which candidate is the lesser evil. Some say Trump, some say Harris.
Unserious people (you know, the type of people they accuse third-party supporters of being) will be indignant that their favorite major-party candidate is seen as evil, and will solemnly praise major-party candidates who talk about price controls or cat-eating.
Let me check the comments to see if the above analysis applies to commenters here…
Harris is objectively 500% better than Biden ever was.
People think Trump is evil based on things he says. People think Kamala is evil based on things Trump says. It's a little bit of a different situation between the two.
Well put.
Who was it that praised the Defund the Police movement?
Me. That was me.
No, we think Harris and Biden are evil based on the things they've actually done over the past 4 years. It's a lengthy list.
Things they've actually done, or things Trump's told you they've done?
No, things they've actually done. Like prosecuted political enemies, pressured social media companies and banks to not do business with gun companies, spread BS about COVID, lied about inflation, appointed black thug judges to the court like the ugly Patricia Giles and so much more.
Ignoring your random racist swipe against Patricia, neither Harris nor Biden did any of those things. Trump did, though.
"Harris is objectively 500% better than Biden ever was"
How can you say that? To the extent that she has opened her mouth in the last decade, she is essentially part of the AOC wingnuts.
Biden may be well past his prime, but he has been a centrist and open to compromise.
Harris cannot even answer a question, or tell a consistent story about any of her positions, except to promote more abortions.
Nobody believes this anymore Roger, you might as well stop. We all saw her pin Bret against the wall.
No need to believe me. Just watch her. Most incompetent candidate ever.
One who gives new meaning to the “Peter Principle” as a source for promotion.
“People think Kamala is evil based on things Trump says.”
Trump tricked people into thinking Harris was for price controls and a national debt?
What are her plans for refunding the debt – interest and principal?
“But Trump is for the national debt, too.”
Yeah, I didn’t vote for him.
If you want to talk debt — which btw I’ve never seen a politician who was anti-debt but whatever — let’s talk about debt. And tariffs.
Do you know what tariffs will do? Cause our trading partners to stop selling to us. That means they’ll have fewer dollars. And the dollars they do have will go to tariffs. With no more dollars, they won’t be able to buy treasuries. Interest rates on US bonds will skyrocket. But we’ll still have the same amout of debt, with no way to roll it over except at the new super-high rates.
Trump is promising us a debt crisis. Out of his own mouth. This isn’t some made-up attack ad, he’s very excited to get to work on this.
Trump has said he wants to eliminate the trade deficit. The trade deficit is what makes our debt possible.
What is the plan of Kamala Harris, deficit hawk, to pay down the principal and interest on the debt?
She would no more deal with the national debt than Trump would.
"I’ve never seen a politician who was anti-debt"
In response to your concern, the Libertarian and Constitution parties are anti-debt. Which leaves you no way out but to change the subject to how you disagree with their other stances. But the idea there are no anti-debt politicians is a nice story to tell yourself to justify not taking the issue seriously.
She would no more deal with the national debt than Trump would.
No, but she won’t provoke a debt crisis like Trump is planning to do.
I’m personally not looking for an anti-debt candidate. I wouldn’t mind cutting the deficit, but for the most part, the debt has been and continues to be a very good investment strategy. It’s cheap money that we’ve made very good use of for the most part. Where do you think all this military crap came from?
I am looking for an anti-debt-crisis candidate though. You can’t pretend Trump and Kamala are the same on this.
“Where do you think all this military crap came from?”
An excellent place to start cutting.
Team L has the definition of an Unserious candidate. So that is one third party out the window. Then there is Jill Stein and the Green Party, my political beliefs are incompatible with the Greens; second third party defenestrated.
Two third parties, defenestrated. We are left with write in, or maybe the Constitution Party. Not really appealing choices.
What is this, Prague? What's with "defenestrated"?
All one needs to know about this post is that Somin didn't use "read more".
As I said, the fact that Somin couldn't even be bothered to address the 1st and 2nd amendment elephants in the room is pretty disappointing. But his view of this matter IS over-determined by immigration, and everybody knows it.
He's a traitor, plain and simple.
She threw the border wide open and now you want to dry hump her leg. We get it.
And the left's apologists gaslight us and say that the people are not here illegally because they are told to claim asylum and then given court hearings in 2029. It's de facto open borders
They're here illegally because Trump scuttled the law that would actually enable the President to stop accepting asylum requests.
Biden's doing that anyway, and lo and behold, it's working. Illegal immigration is now down under Biden. Yes, it's lower now than when Biden took office.
So there go all your arguments that it was a bad bill. What's going to happen next is that the courts are going to find Biden's executive order to be illegal, just like his previous tough-on-immigration order, and illegal immigration will shoot right back up, no matter who's President. Only Congress can fix this problem.
Yeah, illegal immigration is only down if you exclude obviously illegitimate asylum requests
Wrong. It’s down in terms of recorded encounters, which is the metric everyone always uses, and includes obviously illegitimate asylum requests.
That was far too many words to say what everybody already knew, Ilya will vote for Kamala. Not 1 single person is surprised by this "revelation".
With Trump we are guaranteed the press and Congress will watch his every move but with Harris the press will simply be part of the Administration and nothing will be allowed to be questioned and if the Congress is controlled by the same party everything is at risk.
This is a good and well-reasoned piece and I hope it get the thought it deserves. Donald Trump was fired in 2020 for a reason, he failed at the Presidency. The best outcome this election is President Harris and Republican control of one house of Congress. The country is currently in good shape with regards to the economy and foreign relations. President Harris will likely keep things stable, and a Republican Senate will keep her to just that with no expansion of government spending. The fact is right now Harris is the best choice and she can be removed in four years if she fails. Giving Harris a try is better than giving a failure as second chance.
"The country is currently in good shape with regards to the economy and foreign relations."
Which country?
Republicans hate America.
That’s as may be, but what is this country you are speaking of which has a healthy economy and good foreign relations? Switzerland? Botswana?
Do you know of a country with a better economy or foreign relations? You should move there!
Ah, yes, abandon your country whenever it's in a bad state - what a patriotic course of action!
You don't know of one, that's why. You just want to hate on America. You're an immature child screaming I hate you mom!
"You just want to hate on America."
By addressing the vast national debt? If only the country got more "hate" like this.
You are one of those Thomas Paine called sunshine patriots. You love your country when its doing well, but when it’s in a bad state, you abandon it. Why don’t you fuck right off and move to a country which suits you better?
What’s happening here? Did you just forget that you’re the one who wrote the post you’re bitch-slapping? Disassociative identity, perhaps?
That's just how Margrave rolls.
In the posts I replied to, you said the USA was fine and insinuated that anyone who didn’t think so wasn’t a *real* patriot.
Bad move to bring up patriotism, because this sort of projection opened up the subject of your own, nonexistent, patriotism.
You, Randal, are only patriotic when you believe the USA is doing well. Once you realize it’s *not* doing well, your patriotism will vanish.
Indeed, you’ve already shown your lack of patriotism by your willful delusion about the state of the country, a delusion inspired not by love of country but by the needs of partisanship and ideology.
I only mention these things because you chose, in a fit of projection, to attack my own patriotism.
Are you in love with me?
The press have done the same job this election that they did in 2016. They have provided Trump endless reams of earned media, while ignoring or (at best) criticizing Kamala. The pattern has been truly nauseating.
It is true that most of the media I read attempts to be "critical" of Trump. But coverage that reiterates his campaign message of strength and decisive, if extreme, action - as today's front page NYTimes piece, describing an organized plan to draft in advance a number of executive orders that Trump can sign upon being inaugurated - just helps him. Meanwhile the front-page story for Kamala is: she's chasing white working-class voters, where she lags most. Yeah, ringing endorsement there.
Simplistic takes like yours just refuse to engage with reality. The media has been instrumental in, first, pushing Biden aside over concerns about his age, and second, in making Trump seem like a "normal" candidate. The fact that they try to be critical - yes, also true - just obscures that the fact that their criticism is built upon "sanewashing" his statements and plays into his campaign rhetoric.
In the first term, the media were beside themselves, with all the leaks, the scandals, the abrupt firings, the wild swings of Trump's temperament. Yes, hyper-focused on all of that. But that's just what Trump wanted. To be the center of the stage. Normalizing that behavior lowers our expectations and gives him greater influence.
This, this, and this.
They learned far too little from 2016.
I noticed it with Anderson Cooper especially with respect to the border. Trump failed to secure the border with crossings getting much worse in 2019. Border crossings always decline during recessions so at best Trump would get an incomplete for his primary issue he ran on…except fentanyl deaths and violent crime got much worse in 2020 and so because Trump says those are border issues then by Trump’s own standard he must get an F on the border. Cooper took the position that Trump had secured the border which is an insane characterization and asked Kamala questions from that angle.
And then the border wall was even worse—Bush and Obama built border wall and so what Trump wanted was an 1800 mile border wall even through Big Bend National Park. So no president has ever opposed more border wall, but Trump’s border wall is insane but Cooper took the incorrect position that Trump just wanted more wall which is no different than Obama and Bush. Anyway, fentanyl deaths spiked in 2020 so without starting there the discussion is pointless.
This, this, and this.
They learned far too little from 2016.
What, not nominate a woman who sounds like a bitchy mother-in-law who thinks she's entitled to power for simply being born? The media has practically bent over backwards to set Harris up for success and drag her over the finish line. That her campaign is on the decline is all due to her own shortcomings, not anything the media has failed to do.
I realize you shitlibs have short memories, but there's a reason Tulsi single-handedly killed her campaign in the second debate in 2019. It's because she's a shit candidate with no personality or brand. She can't get away with bullshitting like previous Dems could because she has none of Obama's charisma, none of Bill's ability to connect on a personal level, and none of Hillary's understanding or articulation of policy.
Running in a one-party state like California is a lot different from running in a highly polarized country.
What could the media have done to prove they *really* opposed Trump?
Try re-reading Simon's comment.
It looks just as silly on a second reading. Maybe I could smoke a bowl before reading it again, so it will make more sense?
(Note: I will not actually smoke a bowl.)
I think you already have smoked too many bowls. It in no way suggests that the media is in the bag for Trump.
I realize that it's hard for you to understand what I'm saying, because it doesn't slot easily into your preconceptions about media bias.
I am not saying that mainstream media outlets have understood that their coverage decisions just reinforced Trump's campaign messaging, and so actually helped him. I am saying that they have attempted to write critical coverage - while nursing separate grievances over Biden and Harris refusing to engage more frequently with them - but have inadvertently aided his campaign.
If they understood things a bit better, and they wanted to do what they could to hurt Trump's campaign, they would have spent much less time covering his various statements. They might occasionally report on another insane thing he said - without "sanewashing" it into a coherent policy take or editorializing that he seemed "forceful" even if incoherently so - but it wouldn't be this constant drumbeat, day after day, about Trump. (Today's front page in the NYTimes, again, emphasizes his strength: "If Donald J. Trump wins, he is ready to radically reshape American government from the moment he regains the White House." Think about how that statement reads, to the Trump voter or Trump-leaning voter. The piece is situated prominently alongside reporting on Israel's bombing of Iran, and a smaller headline about another poll.)
And if the media ignored him, you'd say it was overlooking the danger of the blah blah.
If the media ignored him, he wouldn't be a danger.
I suspect that with regard to the support of Israel and the movement toward one Jewish state, Trump is the lesser evil.
Having said that, I find both are so flawed that I will not vote for either of them.
This comment section will do nothing to change the public perception of lawyers.
Most of the people commenting here are not lawyers.
Ilya Somin continues to be a dumbass -- not exactly a surprise!
Astutely observed, Dweeb.
"This danger is exacerbated by Trump's repeated promises to use the power of government to persecute his political enemies."
Is he going to twice indict the leading opposition candidate for president the year before the election? Seems I recall Biden's DOJ doing something like that in 2023, perhaps I'm mistaken.
This "danger" is a hypocritical one.
Yes. If you are against using the DoJ to prosecute political enemies, you will vote for Trump. Trump just mentions the possibility of more prosecutions in order to wake people up to the problem.
Trump just mentions the possibility of more prosecutions in order to wake people up to the problem.
Sure. Never mind that he was only thwarted (on multiple occasions) from taking these steps during his term by the adults in the room. He has ensured there will be no adults in the room the second time around.
Meanwhile, he remains the only President involved in a fake electors scheme and who lied about holding government documents and then hiding them. He is the one that created the conundrum. Your solution is the rules don't apply to former presidents?
If Kamala tries to thwart the electoral process by organizing fraudulent slates of electors to send to Congress, in order to get herself elected president, or if upon leaving office she decides to take boxes and boxes of classified materials, leave them unsecured on her private property, resist returning and lie about those materials when asked to return them, and then shuffling them about as federal investigators attempt to re-take the materials by force - then, yes, Trump would be absolutely right to appoint an independent prosecutor to examine that evidence and decide whether to charge Kamala for violating the law.
Similarly, while he's at it, he might go ahead and appoint an independent prosecutor to determine whether Kushner or any of his kids had themselves engaged in corrupt dealings with foreign actors, either relating to the first Trump term or in connection with a second Trump term. Just like Biden did.
Oh and also? Maybe he could send the DOJ after any sitting Republican politicians who are widely believed to have committed crimes and corruptly holding on to office. Might start with Paxton.
Anyway, even if Trump were to do, at a bare minimum, what Biden has done, he has promised to go far further. He has not been shy about wanting to prosecute politicians who were at the center of investigating his ties to Russia in the 2016 election. I'm sure he'll also find suitable pretexts for any governors that successfully resist his mandates. Newsom? Whitmer? Are you sure your right-wing media sources haven't already started planting seeds in your little noggin?
Trump is a 1990s Democrat. His policies are pretty much the same as 90s Democrats.
The Democrats meanwhile – as far as the east is from the west, so far have they moved to the left. They are two parts unhinged and delusional, one part corporate neolib authoritarian war mongers. The one part is worse.
There’s not really a true “conservative” or small government option for most definitions, it would seem, except as a purely relative matter.
Trump is a 1990s Democrat.
No. He isn't.
He doesn't have a coherent ideology beyond self-interest. But what he peddles is not the agenda of 1990s Democrats.
They balanced the budget.
They were for more funding of education, not eliminating the Department of Education.
They made free trade agreements and campaigned on free trade accomplishments and continuing to keep markets open.
They believed in increasing the minimum wage.
They supported expanding and protecting women's health care.
And on immigration:
However, as we work to stop illegal immigration, we call on all Americans to avoid the temptation to use this issue to divide people from each other. We deplore those who use the need to stop illegal immigration as a pretext for discrimination. And we applaud the wisdom of Republicans like Mayor Giuliani and Senator Domenici who oppose the mean-spirited and short-sighted effort of Republicans in Congress to bar the children of illegal immigrants from schools -- it is wrong, and forcing children onto the streets is an invitation for them to join gangs and turn to crime. Democrats want to protect American jobs by increasing criminal and civil sanctions against employers who hire illegal workers, but Republicans continue to favor inflammatory rhetoric over real action.
1996. Still the same. Democrats talk about immigration with empathy and realism. Republicans just lean into inflammatory rhetoric and cruelty. Trump is exactly the type of politician 1990s Democrats were calling out on immigration.
But you're ML, who would you be if you didn't show up to lie? A decent person, maybe. But you wouldn't be the ML we've grown to know and loathe.
I will add auto manufacturing boomed in the 1990s. Textile manufacturing was hurt by NAFTA and it was based largely in the Carolinas…and the Carolinas have boomed since the 1990s while textile manufacturing has moved offshore. What most people blame on NAFTA actually happened in the 2000s after Bush finished negotiating China into the WTO. And a lot of the manufacturing jobs went to China because of the energy crisis we had from 2002-2009…so it wasn’t just cheap labor in China it was also cheap electricity China had.
When did Democrats balance the budget in the 90’s?
1998-2001. As you could have easily learned by submitting your question to teh Google instead of teh Volokh. First result (of many) is from Marketplace dot org:
Oh, what a shock that Ilya Somin advocates for Harris! I’m still picking myself up off the floor!
But to return to reality, I've long followed the Volokh Conspiracy and have a little game I play all by myself when reading it: I always make sure that I don't read the author's name until I’m finished, and then, before I look to see who wrote it, I ask myself: did Ilya write that?
I can always tell, for his opinions are so predictable. He cares about free immigration, and he cares about Ukraine. He dislikes Trump. He leans left.
Does he care that the Democrats have lost their minds, that they believe that girls can be boys just by wishing hard enough or vice versa, does he care that Democrats are fine with children are being mutilated, does he care that they care more about DEI than equality, does he care that they are fine with law breaking, does he care that they demonize maleness, does he care that they’re fighting every possible safeguard on our voting system, that they reject the 1st Amendment, that they've weaponized our justice system?
Nope. Not a bit does Ilya care about those silly things. After all, Ilya wants to put Trump in jail for daring to exercise his 1st Amendment right to speak and question any issue, even an election. Clearly HE, like the Democrats, doesn't believe in the 1st Amendment either.
What DOES Ilya care about then? Why, immigration. Oh, and Ukraine. Also, he dislikes Trump.
How then could he not choose the plodding Harris to vote for?
Seriously? Does Somin really think that Harris is better than Trump?
So Somin prefers that Harris can impose her agenda below!!!
Impose genital mutilations on children to cater to trans delusions - Harris yes, Trump No.
Throw open the borders and invite illegals to invade America - Harris yes, Trump no
Fly in illegals from foreign countries by plane in the millions - Harris yes, Trump no.
Censor free speech in schools/colleges - Harris yes, Trump no
Force schools to let men invade girls bathrooms - Harris yes, Trump no
Provide free genital mutilation surgeries to prisoners, convicts, murderers, rapists - Harris yes, Trump no
Punish parents/officials who do not toe the line on trans delusions - Harris yes, Trump no.
Allow rapists, murderers to invade female prisons by claiming to be women - Harris "Hell Yes", Trump "Not on my watch"
It looks like you have two issues and you can only lie about them. Weak sauce.
Yes, Somin and a majority of others prefer Harris.
The minute I saw the headlines I knew, this being Reason, that the reader comments would be a cesspool of the worst fascist and racist human sewage on earth. I guess all those refugees from VDARE and Stormfront had to go somewhere.
Yes, to marxists, anyone who resists their dumb political theology is a fascist.
For along time, I thought that Trump was the worse of two evils. Back in Dec 2016, I wrote my first article explaining that Trump suffered from two serious personality disorders and why no President should have those particular disorder.
While Harris is alarming inept, it is not clear that she would be better or worse than Trump. As Los Angeles political columnist for over 15 and an attorney for over 45 years, I think I can assess her abilities. The #1 skill which an attorney must posses is the ability to identify the issue. In layman's terms, "answer the question." I do not recall any attorneys or even student attys (I coached UCLA and CMC mock trials for over 10 years) who were as bad as Harris at addressing the issue. Still, she was not worse than Trump who personalizes everything and always decides what is best for me.
Then, the Obama Doctrine entered the picture with Biden's encouraging Russia to try to seize Ukraine and then slow walking at a time when Ukraine could have repelled the invasion in a few months to this prolonged war due to Biden's constantly stabbing Zelenskyy in the back because the woker Obama doctrine insists that everything be negotiated. When a madman enters your home and says your money or your life and you have your gun pointed at him and he has a knife, you shoot the SOB. Biden would unload his gun and say, "let's discuss it."
Biden has done even worse with Israel. Not only has he withheld important arms and equipment and then lied about it, he has been Hamas and Iran's ally in his constant series of Blood Libels against Israel. When Biden came to power, the Middle East was peaceful and we had made great strides towards The Saudis and the rest of the Arab countries joining the Abraham Accords to protect them from Iran -- Israel was part of the Abraham Accords to the extent they were getting started and Israel was going to continue to be crucial is supporting its Arab neighbors and stopping Iran from getting the Bomb. Iran was near bankrupt and could not even meet the terrorists' payroll.
Biden stopped the sanction and started funding Iran's nuclear program, especially by allowing it to sell tens of billions of dollars of oil to China. Biden's constant Blood Libels against Israel and other Jews plus his disclosure of confidential data to Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah has made the war much harder on Iran. The reason Biden did not know about the pager attack is that Israel had know that Biden's guy Hochstein had been giving confidential intel to Hezbollah. If Biden had known about the pagers, he wold have immediately alerted Hezbollah and within an hour none of Hezbollah would have been anywhere near a pager.
Biden as well as Obama have a deal with Iran to help them to get the bomb and to protect them from Israel. The fact that these secret deals were never approved by the Senate may constitute treason since Biden has been acting contrary to our treaties. The harm to the US is shown by the fact that now The Saudis have joined with Russia, Iran, China and North Korea because the Saudis know that when Biden will screw Israel and the American Jewish community, the Saudis cannot rely on the US.
Biden's treachery impacts Ukraine since now North Korea is sending troops to help Russia in Ukraine and it is likely North Korea has demanded more sophisticated weapons to use against South Korea. Taiwan is likewise moving closer to China seeing how the US betrays its allies.
The latest attack has been our enemies' attack on the dollar so that it is no longer the current which countries will use in addition to their own. The economic impact of even twenty nations using the Russia ruble will be devastating.
By her own words, Harris is 150% on board with this disastrous foreign policy. Harris cares about nothing except her own woke version of the world where the White US is evil. When she said that gigantic lie that Jews were committing genocide in Gaza, she also endangered American Jews who are already being attacked and murdered due to the hate which Biden has fomented against Israel and American Jews who support Israel.
America has a better chance of surviving the disasters which the Obama Doctrine and Joe Biden have bought upon us with Trump than it does with a Woke Harris. Why do you think Iran is trying to assassinate Trump and help Harris?
Biden as well as Obama have a deal with Iran to help them to get the bomb and to protect them from Israel. The fact that these secret deals were never approved by the Senate may constitute treason since Biden has been acting contrary to our treaties.
Tinfoil hat.
You do realize it is Trump that scrapped the deal to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon?
The rest of your blather is just as afactual. Trump is the one promising Putin he can have his way with Ukraine, including ethnic cleansing as he pleases. Go lie somewhere else.
And Douthat is a total moron and after the election I will cancel my NYTimes subscription (I just cancelled WaPo). But Douthat interviewed two idiot Trump administration lackeys and one said that part of Trump’s craziness that prevented Putin from invading Ukraine was that there was a 5% chance Trump would have sent in the Marines. So he is clearly a neocon that is pretending to be an America Firster because a 5% chance Trump would have sent in the Marines to help Ukraine disqualifies Trump from my perspective…but Trump supporters are so dumb they won’t see that is disqualifying.
Do you think Ariel Sharon is to blame for 9/11?? Israel has their own intelligence agency and army…it’s a completely different country than America.
Ukraine is also a different country and Putin’s invasion is even dumber than Bush’s invasion of Iraq because at least Iraq had oil that the global economy needed!?! Ukraine just has old people to feed and crappy land and remnants of Soviet factories. You can’t stop people from doing dumb things like Bush invading Iraq and Putin invading Ukraine.
"Man I disagree with disagrees with me". The horror, the horror.
The most important reason to vote for Trump is that Harris is so incredibly stupid, and has shown it repeatedly on camera, that she makes Joe, dementia and all, sound like Einstein. Do you really want this woman on the hotline with Putin during the nuclear showdown she intends to provoke?
Oddly, Biden lost a debate to Trump but Harris kicked Trump's butt. Trump continues to show his mental failings despite media sanewashing. So no idea when jdgalt1 thinks this was shown; just another flailing attempt to create a false narrative.
Kacklin' Kammy can't even do a press event without the questions being scripted.
I knew you had no love of fairness and justice
Has any major political person ever received the denigration that she deservedly received for doxing donors she didn't like
How Kamala Harris Earned Rebukes from ACLU and SCOTUS on Privacy
'The Breaches of Confidentiality Here Were Massive'
By Jerry Rogers
August 22, 2024
“The breaches of confidentiality here were massive,” explained the ACLU, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Human Rights Campaign, and other left-leaning nonprofits in a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Ilya, you are disgraceful