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Cato Amicus Brief in the Texas and Florida Social Media Cases
The brief urges the Supreme Court to reverse its badly misguided precedent in Pruneyard v. Robins.

The Cato Institute recently filed a Supreme Court amicus brief in Moody v. NetChoice and NetChoice v. Paxton, cases challenging Florida and Texas state laws barring major social media firms from using most types of content moderation. Although I serve as the B. Kenneth Simon Chair in Constitutional Studies at Cato (in addition to my primary job as a law professor at George Mason University), I was not involved in writing this brief. But I very much agree with the points made by my colleagues Thomas Berry and Anastasia Boden. They urge the Court to, if necessary, overrule its badly misguided 1980 decision in Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins. Here is their summary of the brief:
Two years ago, Texas passed a law declaring that large social media services are "common carriers" subject to onerous regulations dictating what speech they must disseminate. The law prohibits services from removing, demonetizing, or blocking a user or a piece of content based on the viewpoint expressed. Services found to violate this requirement face liability for each piece of content they remove.
The law was soon challenged by NetChoice and CCIA, two internet trade associations whose members operate a variety of websites covered by the law. Although a federal district court held that the law violated the First Amendment, a panel of the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reversed that decision by a 2–1 vote. The panel held that the law does not inflict a First Amendment injury because the websites "are free to say whatever they want to distance themselves from the speech they host" and thus would not be falsely identified as endorsing the speech they are forced to disseminate.
Meanwhile, Florida passed a similar law around the same time as Texas's, which was also challenged by NetChoice and CCIA. In that case, the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit struck down key portions of the law as violating the First Amendment rights of the websites.
The Supreme Court has granted review of both cases, and now Cato has filed a joint amicus brief supporting NetChoice and CCIA in both cases. There are many reasons why the laws violate the First Amendment, but our brief focuses on just one aspect of the Fifth Circuit's decision: its reliance on PruneYard Shopping Center v. Robins (1980), a flawed Supreme Court decision that should be overruled.
In PruneYard, the Supreme Court held that California could force a private shopping center to host political pamphleteers on its property. The Court held that there was no First Amendment injury to the shopping center because passersby would not likely believe that the shopping center endorsed the speakers it was forced to host. But as our brief explains, there are many reasons why compelling a private entity to disseminate speech inflicts an injury. The false appearance of endorsement is one possible relevant injury, but not the only one. Supreme Court decisions before and after PruneYard have recognized this fact, making PruneYard an outlier in First Amendment doctrine.
For example, in Wooley v. Maynard (1977), the Supreme Court held that New Hampshire could not force drivers to display the state motto "Live Free or Die" on their license plates. It did so despite the fact that drivers were highly unlikely to believe that other drivers endorsed the (required) license plates on their cars. Rather, the Court recognized that a driver was injured simply by being forced "to participate in the dissemination of an ideological message by displaying it on his private property." And before and after PruneYard, the Supreme Court has held in several cases that it is a First Amendment injury to be forced to fund the private speech of others. Here too, the harm is not in any false appearance of endorsement, but simply in the compelled support of speech.
Our brief urges the Court to overrule PruneYard and fully endorse the more comprehensive view of compelled speech that underlies both Wooley and many compelled‐funding cases. Americans have a First Amendment right not only to refrain from speaking but also to refrain from printing, funding, disseminating, staging, selling, or otherwise facilitating or supporting the speech of others. We have these rights for many reasons, not just because we (sometimes) want to avoid associating ourselves as supporters and adopters of that speech. We also may want to simply avoid spreading ideas we don't think are worth spreading.
As our brief explains, the Supreme Court does not need to overrule PruneYard for NetChoice and CCIA to win these cases, but it should overrule PruneYard sooner or later. At the very least, the Court should note PruneYard's outlier status in First Amendment doctrine and decline to extend it to these novel circumstances. The Court should reverse the Fifth Circuit and affirm the Eleventh Circuit, striking down the Texas and Florida laws as First Amendment violations.
In addition to being a badly flawed First Amendment precedent, Pruneyard is also a terrible Takings Clause precedent, for reasons outlined in two articles by Prof. Gregory Sisk (see here and here). That aspect of Pruneyard isn't before the Court in the Texas and Florida social media cases. But the justices should overrule it when and if they get the chance. In my view, the Texas and Florida laws do in fact violate the Takings Clause as well as the First Amendment. But the plaintiffs in the two cases have not pursued that issue.
I have written about the stakes in these cases in greater detail here and here.
For those keeping score, I am one of the relatively few people who simultaneously support the Fifth Circuit's recent decision to bar the White House and other federal officials from coercing social media firms to take down content they deem "misinformation" and oppose that same courts' decision (with a different panel) upholding the Texas social media law. And I have held the same views on these cases regardless of who owns Twitter/X. I didn't like many of the content moderation policies of pre-Musk Twitter, and I like Musk's own policies even less. But the owners of a site should have the right to determine which speech they want to host, and which they don't. If Musk (or any owner) wants to kick me off his site because he doesn't like my views, he should be free to do so - even if it's for a stupid reason.
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I think the issues here are at bottom property issues, not First Amendment issues.
I think the fundamental question is, “whose property is the content users put on social media sites?”
If the content starts out the user’s property, then I think that government, state or federal, has every right to impose limits on the kinds of contracts the social media companies – whether you call them carriers or publishers – can impose on their users in order to protect users, as consumers, from terms of use that government can rationally consider contracts of adhesion that unfairly (in government’s view) simply appropriate user content, letting the service simply delete or alter it, as a condition of using the service. Similary, government can impose privacy constraints prohibiting sending things to advertisers without user consent. If it’s the user’s content to begin with, then government can require social media companies to provide some other consideration than just using the service in order to get that permission. Government can do this as part of its broad power to regulate contracts and prohinit ones they deem adhesive, subject only to rational basis.
The fact social media companies are involved just doesn’t change this. Social media companies simply assert that “their” content is being regulated. But whether it’s really “their” content to begin with or not is as I see it the fundamental question. If terms of use make it “their” content, government can simpl prohibit terms of use it deems adhesive, just as it can prohibit any other contractual terms it deems adhesive. So I think users can be protected from having their accounts and content simply deleted, or sent where they don’t want it sent, whether or not the social media company has to send it where they want it sent. Even if it can refuse carriage, the law can clarify the social media company has to keep the content intact and return it, and can’t disclose it witjout consent.
On the refusing carriage question, I understand that publishers and common carriers get different constitutional treatment with respect to having rights to refuse carriage/publication. When a social media company is acting in a common carrier capacity, it can be regulated as one. So when does that happen?
As I see it, whether any business is acting in a common carrier capacity or not depends solely on its effect on society, which involves a factual inquiry. Its wishes, its business model, how it makes its money, none of these things should have the slightest bit of relevance on the inquiry a court should undertake.
Some commentators have vigorously argued that because social media companies’ business models are (they say) analogous to a publisher’s, they should be treated like publishers. Totally irrelevant. The relevant question is, do users use social media companies in a manner analogous to the way they use well-established common carriers like telegraphs, telephones, mail, email, conference calls, multiple-reply email, etc.? If they do, then whether this use was ever even contemplated by social media companies, whether it is part of their business model, whether it makes them any money, none of this has any relevance.
A town can require the owner of the town’s only wharf to take all ships that want to dock. It doesn’t matter in the slightest if some enterprising owners (or more likely, their lawyers) devise a business model whereby the business makes no money at all from the wharfing aspect, it is really an entertainment business involving (say) cruise ships and it is the entertainment, not the wharfing, that is the business’ core. Tough turkey. You operate the town’s only wharf, the town can say you have to take all ships. You say but we can’t make any money that way under our business model? Tough turkey. It’s just not the government’s problem. Every business is responsible for coming up with a way they can make money within the legal framework they have to deal with. And if they can’t and go out of business, then again, not the government’s problem.
I see social media companies as being in exactly the same boat as the wharf owner with the clever lawyers who say we’re not really in the wharfing business. The inquiry is solely about whether you control the modern equivalent of the town’s only wharf. It’s a purely objective inquiry. It applies even if you got that control accidentally, completely unintentionally. It has nothing whatsoever to do with what business you think you’re in, how you make your money, what you intended or set out to do, what you yourself think you’re doing. None of that matters in the slightest.
The wharf is public property.
Facebook is not.
Don’t waste sentences if you do not understand that.
Direct regulation: Wrong (and I agree!)
Indirect regulation: Threaten to wipe section 230, crushing the business model and potentially causing hundreds of billions in stock value loss from each of the trillion dollar club, unless they censor in ways the politicians want: a-ok!
The good Rev. Arthur Kirkland: The whole system is out of order!
Here’s an example case, picked at random out of many, where common carrier rules are applied to a privately owned wharf. And of course, historical rail lines, current airlines, telephone companies, and numerous other kinds of well-established common carriers are all privately owned too.
Nice try though. That sneer at the end was quite the touch. Did you come up with it yourself?
Are you arguing for Facebook to be treated as a common carrier or against? I can't tell.
Insofar as you and I payed for the DARPA network that became the Internet,it must be a common carrier.I know, I know that Feds give billions to help Amazon with its trillions avoid all social costs but it was your money that got Amazon started. REally, we need Sunday mail delivery because Amazon wants it? Really.
And who pays for this:
"Amazon’s estimated plastic packaging waste, in the form of air pillows alone, would circle the Earth more than 600 times.
By combining the e-commerce packaging data with findings from a recent study published in Science, Oceana estimates that up to 23.5 million pounds of Amazon’s plastic packaging waste entered and polluted the world’s waterways and oceans in 2020, "
Biden pockets millions,Bezos pockets billions and YOU pay for it all OF COURSE IT IS A COMMON CARRIER
You have this absurd habit of coming up with a ridiculous analogy and thinking that you're so clever that it's worth repeating over and over and over again, no matter how badly it mangles the facts and how many times it is refuted. (No, fetuses are not foreigners.) And that is not only not a "fundamental question," but not a question at all. Nothing at all in this debate has the slightest thing to do with ownership of content, which is not in fucking dispute.
Also, since we're talking about speech, citing hypotheticals about wharves — which do not have first amendment rights not to dock ships — is not in the least bit helpful. The government has no right to tell the only newspaper owner in town what to publish even if it has the right (modulo the fifth amendment) to tell the only wharf owner in town what ships to dock.
What causes you to "understand" that?
You know when they can’t think of anything to say but sneer and say everything you just said isn’t so, they’ve totally run out of rational arguments to make. It’s a tell. Quite a revealing one.
Are your “arguments” still 8 pounds for a course of 10? Is Abuse bundled in as a freebie or do you charge extra for it?
"It" is the platform, and that is private property. A user of that platform, whether it be Farcebook or Xitter, either agrees to the terms of use, or goes elsewhere with his/her/its content--which is also private property. However, owners of private property are free to sell it or licence it away to owners of private platforms--or not--and those who do so are subject to the terms and conditions of those platforms. If they disagree, they can take it somewhere else, or start their own platform under their own rules. That's essentially what Elon did, after all.
But declaring private property a "common carrier" in order to control it is a taking of private property. So yes, this is really more about the Fifth Amendment than the First (but, as the article notes, that issue is not before the Court).
And who delivers packages for Amazon on Sunday? USPS
Who gives millions to filthy rich Amazon to build a slave labor palace in their area, complete with tax abatements? IF this is done for and to and by the public , it is a common carrier. Same with the DARPA-based Internet.Who will build out the needed expansion in communications to support 5G - Yes, and who won't 🙂
As a policy argument, I don't find this line of reasoning particularly persuasive when the social media companies themselves really have no idea what the vast majority of their users are saying and the cost of hosting any individual message is infinitesimally small.
Plus, I don't see how the law don't easily satisfy intermediate scrutiny for content-neutral restrictions, which was the other grounds the Fifth Circuit based its holding on in NetChoice. The amicus doesn't seem to mention intermediate scrutiny.
These aren't content neutral and the laws do not advance a government interest.
Of course it’s a government interest. The government has an interest in protecting the interests of consumers in any consumer/service provider dispute, just as it also has an interest in protecting the interests of service providers.
Perhaps the First Amendment requires a compelling interest. But even if the government interest isn’t compelling enough to pass strict strutiny, it’s still there, and obviously so. Of course the government has an interest in consumer protection. It always does.
Look, you seem to be swallowing the industry position hook, line, and sinker, to the point of hurtling puerile insults that don’t become you on anyone who challenges that position.
Look, it’s embarrassing to have to parrot talking points like these. Is it really worth it? What are they paying you? What are they giving you to smoke?
You are right and David is off. Normal people see this immediatelty
But the owners of a site should have the right to determine which speech they want to host, and which they don't.
They should also have the right to ask the CDC about which speech aligns with the CDC's guidance and which doesn't, and decline to host speech that doesn't.
Telephone companies, letter carriers, many more in the speech-hosting business don’t have a right to determine whose speech they want to host either.
These laws don’t concern sites. They concern networks. A phone company isn’t a site just because you go to a particular web location to get started and pay your bills.
Alex Jones is back on Twitter.
Artie Ray Lee Wayne Jim-Bob Kirkland is still banned by the Volokh Conspiracy.
Viewpoint-based censorship, clinger-style.
Pruneyard has nothing to do with these cases.
Pruneyard surely wouldn’t apply to a delivery service that enters peoples houses and takes their books. Just because one is providing a service to people doesn’t give one a right to take their property. Pruneyard doesn’t apply, at all, when the service provider is on the user’s property. It only applies when the user is on the provider’s property.
And not even then. If Prunyard were reversed, that wouldn’t mean a letter carrier can simply take any message or parcel it wanted to on grounds it can simply declare a parcel an intruder any time it wants. Just because the letter is being carried on your property doesn’t make it your property.
Even for carriers that have a right to cancel service, the right to cancel service doesn’t mean they have the right to just throw people’s stuff out. Fundamentally, Prunyard is about rules for when you have a public business and others are on your property. It has nothing to do with what you are allowed to do with OTHER PEOPLE’S PROPERTY that happens to pass through yours in the course of business.
No, but the terms and conditions do. Are you suggesting that you and I cannot freely agree to the terms by which I allow you to use your property on my property? Why not?
Just the discussion on Climate Change on the Internet should convince you that it needs roping in.Biden wanted a Disinformation Governance Board and would have done everything that both sides oppose.