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No Constitutional Right to Opt out of Sexual-Minority-Themed Curriculum Elements at Public Elementary School
A federal court rejects challengers' Free Exercise Clause and parental rights claims.
From Mahmood v. McKnight (D. Md.), the quick factual summary (the opinion is long, so, as usual, I've had to excerpt heavily):
In this lawsuit, parents whose elementary-aged children attend Montgomery County Public Schools ("MCPS") seek the ability to opt their children out of reading and discussion of books with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer characters because the books' messages contradict their sincerely held religious beliefs about marriage, human sexuality, and gender. Last school year, MCPS incorporated into its English language arts curriculum a collection of storybooks featuring LGBTQ characters (the "storybooks" or "books") in an effort to reflect the diversity of the school community.
Initially, parents could opt their children out of reading and instruction involving the books, as they could with other parts of the curriculum. In March of this year, the defendants—the Montgomery County Board of Education, the MCPS superintendent, and the elected board members (collectively, the "School Board")—announced that parents no longer would receive advance notice of when the storybooks would be read or be able opt their children out. Following the announcement, three families of diverse faiths filed suit against the School Board ….
This didn't unconstitutionally burden the parents' or students' Free Exercise Clause rights, the court held:
In their declarations, the parents claim a sacred obligation to teach their children their faiths and their religious views on family structure, gender, and human sexuality. Mahmoud and Barakat state their faith prohibits prying into others' private lives and discourages public disclosure of sexual behavior. They state it would violate their religious beliefs and the beliefs of their children if their children "were asked to discuss romantic relationships or sexuality with schoolteachers or classmates." They also state "[i]ntentionally exposing" their children to contrary instruction would conflict with their religious obligations.
The Romans state their child loves his teachers and implicitly trusts them, so "[h]aving them teach principles about sexuality or gender identity that conflict with [their] religious beliefs significantly interferes with [their] ability to form his religious faith and religious outlook on life and is spiritually and emotionally harmful to his well-being." The Persaks state "exposing" their children to viewpoints that contradict their beliefs "conflicts" with their religious duties and "undermines [their] efforts to raise [their] children in accordance with [their] faith …." Finally, Morrison, a board member of Kids First, states her religious obligations are "pressured" by the books because "it is practically impossible for [her and her husband] to contradict" contrary instruction due to her child's learning disability, which prevents her from understanding their disagreement with the books and differentiating their instruction from her teachers' instruction. Morrison also states she has no realistic alternative to public school for her child's education.
The Court begins with the asserted burden on the children's religious exercise. The plaintiffs contend not allowing opt-outs from the storybooks exerts "behavioral pressure" on the children to "modify their religious beliefs and behavior." The pressure comes from the books' calls to action and introspection and the inevitable teacher-led discussion, which advance the School Board's express goal to normalize an inclusive environment. In essence, the plaintiffs argue that by being forced to read and discuss the storybooks, their children will be pressured to change their religious views on human sexuality, gender, and marriage….
The plaintiffs have not identified any case recognizing a free exercise violation based on indoctrination. The closest any court has come to doing so appears to be Tatel v. Mount Lebanon School District (W.D. Penn. 2022). In Tatel, the court denied a motion to dismiss a free exercise claim brought by parents who challenged a public-school teacher's non- curricular instruction on transgender topics. The parents alleged the teacher had engaged in a year-long course of instruction to first graders on gender dysphoria, including books, videos, discussions, and private counseling. She also had "instructed the children in her first-grade class that their parents might be wrong about their children's gender," told one student that he could dress like a different gender, said she would never lie to them (suggesting their parents would), and encouraged her students "not to tell their parents about her instruction." Such instruction was "contrary to the District's published curriculum," though administrators allegedly had adopted a de facto policy allowing the teacher to continue her activities. The Tatel Court's basis for finding a burden on the parents' religious exercise is not clear, but … the court noted that the teacher "did attempt to indoctrinate" the children by telling them their parents "may be wrong and her teachings about gender identity were right." Later, in summarizing its reason for finding a viable free exercise claim, the court stated the teacher had impermissibly "advocated her own agenda and beliefs about gender identity" in the classroom despite the parents' objections. The teacher allegedly engaged in a consistent, multi-pronged, year-long effort to convince her first-grade students to believe her views on gender and, in some cases, to change their gender identities. She told her students she would never lie to them, and she encouraged them not to discuss her instruction with their parents. The students were not just exposed to ideas. They were being pressured by their teacher to change their religious views on gender identity.
Here, the plaintiffs have not shown that the no-opt-out policy likely will result in the indoctrination of their children…. [T]he storybooks are still a small subset of many books used in the MCPS English language arts curriculum; they are not a "constant stream of like materials." Moreover, … the School Board "imposes no requirement that the student[s] agree with or affirm" the books' views on the topics and threatens no punishment if they refuse to do so. To the contrary, it consistently has stated, "No child, or adult, who does not agree with or understand another student's gender identity or expression of their sexual identity is asked to change how they feel about it." ECF 1-5; ECF 43, ¶ 30; ECF 55-3, at 2 (suggesting teachers to respond to student religious objections by saying, "I understand that is what you believe, but not everyone believes that" and "we don't have to understand a person's identity to treat them with respect and kindness"). Even if one or two of the suggested answers to possible student questions in the School Board's guidance could be interpreted to promote a particular view as correct, they are not required answers, and they are outliers among the suggested answers that do not promote a particular view. And some MCPS educators have expressed concerns about the more assertive suggested answers, suggesting those responses are less likely to be used in the classroom. On the current record, the plaintiffs have not shown that MCPS's use of the storybooks crosses the line from permissible influence to potentially impermissible indoctrination. Therefore, … the Court need not decide whether indoctrination burdens religious exercise.
The plaintiffs contend the Morrisons' daughter, at least, has a viable indoctrination claim. Their daughter has Down Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorder. She is enrolled in the Learning for Independence Program, has an IEP, and qualifies for the full-time, one-on-one assistance of a paraeducator. Morrison states her daughter's learning disability prevents the child from understanding or differentiating instructions from her teachers and her parents and renders her unable to understand how or why her parents disagree with the ideas presented in the storybooks. As a result, Morrison states, it is practically impossible for Morrison and her husband to contradict instruction the child receives at school that conflicts with the family's religious beliefs….
[But] the Morrisons have not shown the use of the storybooks will result in their daughter's indoctrination. She may be uniquely vulnerable to indoctrination due to her neurodivergence, but on the current record, the Morrisons still have not established that indoctrination is likely to occur. The evidence suggests that, generally, MCPS teachers will occasionally read one of the handful of books, lead discussions and ask questions about the characters, and respond to questions and comments in ways that encourage tolerance for different views and lifestyles. That is not indoctrination. That the Morrisons' child cannot distinguish between what her parents and teachers instruct does not convert the teachers' instruction into indoctrination—nothing suggests she will be pressured to affirm or agree with the views presented in the storybooks. Moreover, the Morrisons have not offered evidence about how the books will be incorporated into the Learning for Independence Program or whether the Morrisons have requested a modification to their daughter's IEP to accommodate her disability as it relates to the storybooks. Based on the evidence before the Court, the Morrisons are likely to succeed on an indoctrination claim.
Separate from any indoctrination claim, Mahmoud and Barakat contend their son would be forced to violate Islam's prohibition of "prying into others' private lives" and its discouragement of "public disclosure of sexual behavior" if his teacher were to ask him to discuss "romantic relationships or sexuality." Forcing a child to discuss topics that his religion proh[i]bits him from discussing goes beyond the mere exposure to ideas that conflict with religious beliefs. But nothing in the current record suggests the child will be required to share such private information. Based on the evidence of how teachers will use the books, it appears discussion will focus on the characters, not on the students. While some instructional guidance seems to encourage student introspection, none encourages students to share their personal experiences or to discuss their or their families' romantic relationships, gender identities, or sexuality. Additionally, Mahmoud and Barakat have not established the likelihood that prohibited conversations will occur. They do not allege they have told their son's teachers that his religion does not allow him to discuss prohibited topics with others or that his teachers, when on notice that he cannot discuss these topics, will pressure him to do so. Thus, the Court cannot conclude the child is likely to be coerced into violating his beliefs in the manner identified by his parents.
The sine qua non of a free exercise claim is coercion, and the plaintiffs have not shown the no-opt-out policy likely will result in the indoctrination of their children or otherwise coerce their children to violate or change their religious beliefs. "Public schools are not obliged to shield individual students from ideas which potentially are religiously offensive, particularly when the school imposes no requirement that the student" violate his or her faith during classroom instruction.
The parents' burden arguments, too, fall short. The parents assert that their children's exposure to the storybooks, including discussion about the characters, storyline, and themes, will substantially interfere with their sacred obligations to raise their children in their faiths…. [Bur under various precedents from other circuits], the parents' inability to opt their children out of reading and discussion of the storybooks does not coerce them into violating their religious beliefs. The parents still may instruct their children on their religious beliefs regarding sexuality, marriage, and gender, and each family may place contrary views in its religious context. No government action prevents the parents from freely discussing the topics raised in the storybooks with their children or teaching their children as they wish. The no-opt-out policy does not prevent the parents from exercising their religious obligations or coerce them into forgoing their religious beliefs.
{The Morrisons, too, do not face any coercion to violate their sacred duty to raise their child in their faith. Morrison states they cannot contextualize contrary ideas for their disabled daughter because her disability prevents her from understanding the difference between what her parents say and what her teachers say. But the no-opt-out policy does not prevent the Morrisons from taking the action required by their religion—trying to teach their daughter their beliefs.}
The plaintiffs further argue … that, even if they remain free to teach their beliefs to their children, their religious exercise is nonetheless burdened because the storybooks impede their efforts to instill their religious beliefs in their children. In other words, they argue instruction that uses the storybooks will make it less likely they will accomplish their religious obligations to raise their children in their faiths. Yet, they cite no case that has recognized a free exercise claim based on government action that reduces the likelihood of meeting a sacred obligation. Such a finding would seem to contravene the Supreme Court's guidance that the Free Exercise Clause cannot be used to "require the Government itself to behave in ways that the individual believes will further his or her spiritual development or that of his or her family." It is not enough for a plaintiff to identify "the incidental effects of government programs, which may make it more difficult to practice certain religions but which have no tendency to coerce individuals into acting contrary to their religious beliefs[.]" "The crucial word in the constitutional text is 'prohibit': 'For the Free Exercise Clause is written in terms of what the government cannot do to the individual, not in terms of what the individual can exact from the government.'" With or without an opt-out right, the parents remain free to pursue their sacred obligations to instruct their children in their faiths. Even if their children's exposure to religiously offensive ideas makes the parents' efforts less likely to succeed, that does not amount to a government-imposed burden on their religious exercise.
The plaintiffs next argue that the no-opt-out policy is a form of indirect coercion …. They contend the policy pressures them to choose between the benefits of a public education and exercising their religious rights. Indirect coercion, as discussed above, is substantial pressure short of an express command to modify one's behavior or to violate one's beliefs. Such pressure may come from conditions on receiving public benefits, which courts have found are analogous to fines.
Certainly, public education is a valuable public benefit. And many families cannot afford to send their children to private schools. But the benefit of a public education in this case is not conditioned on any activity or abstention that violates the parents' religious beliefs. The no-opt-out policy does not pressure the parents to refrain from teaching their faiths, to engage in conduct that would violate their religious beliefs, or to change their religious beliefs. The policy may pressure them to discuss the topics raised by the storybooks with their children, but those discussions are anticipated, not prohibited, by the parents' faiths. The parents are not pressured into violating their religious beliefs in order to obtain the benefits of a public education.
Third, the plaintiffs argue the Supreme Court's decision in Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972) compels the conclusion that the no-opt-out policy interferes with their rights to direct the religious upbringing of their children and teach their religious views on topics central to their faiths. They claim the reading and discussion of the storybooks will interfere with this right by encouraging their children to think about and question their sexuality and gender identity, to focus prematurely on romantic relationships, and to disregard religious teachings….
[But] Yoder is sui generis. The Supreme Court itself said as much, anticipating few groups could match the Amish parents' claims. The outcome in that case turned on the Court's findings that the Amish parents' religious beliefs required them to live apart from the modern world and that their children's continued enrollment in school would destroy their religious way of life. Thus, the statutory requirement that they send their children to school on pain of criminal punishment coerced them to violate their religious beliefs. The plaintiffs here do not and cannot make a similar claim.
"[A] violation of the Free Exercise Clause is predicated on coercion," either direct or indirect. The plaintiffs have not shown the no-opt-out policy likely coerces them to violate their religious beliefs. Regardless of the wisdom of affording opt-outs in these circumstances, the weight of existing authority is clear. The plaintiffs' free exercise claims are not likely to succeed on the merits.
The court also rejected the parents' parental rights claims. The Supreme Court has held that parental rights secure parents' rights to send their children to a private school (though not the funding for doing so), but court here concluded—to my knowledge, consistently with past lower court cases—that they don't include the right to send children to a public school but opt out of particular topics in that public school.
Defendants were represented by many lawyers at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP.
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Maybe parents need to bring child abuse suits against teachers who talk about sex with minors and tell or ask the kids to keep it secret from their parents?
I'd say that the moment the teacher so much as suggests to a minor that they shouldn't tell their parents about something going on a the school, they've crossed the line. Regardless of what they're trying to keep secret.
Well you see, the Democrats in the State get to project a "halo of safety" around the child against some future harms or mind crimes that the parents may or may not commit in the future.
It's a pretty neat trick.
Brett, that's been official Mass DESE policy for at least a decade now -- and furthermore, the school is not permitted to tell the parents that the child changes gender at school.
I keep trying to remind people that this stuff didn't just drop out of the sky -- the attacks on parental authority go back decades...
That’s because it is an old and well-established principle in child protection you ignorant buffoon - if the child says don't tell their parents, don't tell their parents.
Nige-bot yet to realize robots are built, not born.
Not at all. There are many minors (teens) who are coming out as LGBT, and if they tell their parents, then they risk abuse and possible homelessness. They need safe adults to talk to, and teachers can be good for that.
Yeah right, Coach Jim-Bob-Bubba-Bobby-Ray-Jimmy-Dean Dammit, I’m sounding like the Reverend Sandusky, the “Health (i.e. Foo-bawl Coach) Education” teacher, is gonna talk to girls about their sexual development… Seriously, I spent 11.5 out of 12 yrs in Pubic Screw-els and I get it with the women, but what normal Male volunteers to be around children all day… you’re right Pervo’s, like me, I’d last one week as a HS teacher, barely survived with 2 daughters and all their hot friends around all the time…
Perhaps some DA's need to prosecute these teachers as violating obscenity laws. I know I am not permitted to discuss sex with random kids and tell them to not tell their parents. And I do not have any desire to do so.
These freaks WANT to do that and should be locked up and placed away from society. Also, time for parents to take over school boards and clean house on teachers. And admins as well.
They work for us. Time to remind them who the damned boss is.
Seems quite right, if the facts are as the court relates. You can oppose the curriculum but the remedy is political. And it looks like the school was careful to stay on the right side of the ‘presenting information’ vs. ‘indoctrination’ line in creating its policy, so no one’s religious beliefs are being violated.
What I wonder about are the parents who inevitably will tell their children that their teachers are evil and should not be obeyed.
Yes, there are parents who would drag their children into stuff like this, and who would teach their children the most vile of slurs and encourage their use in school.
So Johnny says "faggot", teacher freaks out, and things get interesting....
Yes, there are parents who would drag their children into stuff like this, and who would teach their children the most vile of slurs and encourage their use in school.
Actually, parents will realize their kid getting in trouble for using slurs won't really do much for the anti-gay cause and won't do this clear fantasy you have that will happen rarely, if ever.
Nah. I taught both of my sons that if a teacher ever tells you not to tell your parents something, accuse them of trying to talk about sex with them. Be loud and shout it.
How often did they end up making fake accusations?
Not many parents admit to instructing their children to lie. Fewer boast about it. Your children will reject your teaching and become worthwhile citizens or embrace your thinking and become deplorable misfits.
Nothing like Ed's dumbass scenario, yours is still dumb, but also much less likely to come up.
Unless of course, the political winds leads to a conservative agenda, then it's "racist" and a violation of Equal Protection, ammirite?
Seriously, folks. Only the government’s schools are allowed to indoctrinate your children, and they don’t have to tell you they’re doing it.
The question I ask is the converse -- a state or district mandates the teaching of a book that says that, say, trannies are mentally ill and dangerous and whatever.
What then?
And at what point do the truancy laws become unconstitutional?
I don't think it was mandated, but that was pretty much the teaching I got in pubic screw-els.
As a matter of law, this is correct.
If you religion teaches you geocentrism, you cannot argue that the curriculum "indoctrinate" or "burdens" your child because it happens to not be in accord with your personal religious beliefs. The solution must be political.
As an aside, religious teaching should be at home. If you want something more palatable for your child, then send them to a private school.
While as a matter of law, the decision may be correct.
However, it is entirely inappropriate for elementary school age children.
Takes a really sick mind to think it is age appropriate
"Pride Puppy! chronicles a family’s visit to a 'Pride Day' parade and their search for a runaway puppy, using the letters of the alphabet to illustrate what a child might see at a pride parade."
The existence of a pride parade is not horrible information.
"Uncle Bobby’s Wedding tells the story of a girl who is worried that her soon to-be-married uncle will not spend time with her anymore, but her uncle’s boyfriend befriends her and wins her trust."
Again, the existence of gay marriage (which is legal) is not terrible information, or the existence of a sick mind.
I don't see how this is somehow "sick," other than not wanting to acknowledge that gay people exist. Given that some of the children in the classroom may have gay parents, it is not more objectionable than a book that happens to have a straight character, or a black character, or a Muslim character.
I agree. Acknowledging that queer folks exist, are not scary, and should be treated with respect and kindness like anyone else should be is not the same as indoctrinating kids with talk of ‘gender-fluidity,’ ‘intersectionality,’ and ‘oppressor-victim dynamics.’ From what I can see the school’s approach seems responsible.
almost sounds like the philosophy a certain Jewish Carpenter espoused, could be a First Amendment Ish-yew!
The disgusting right-wing bigots this site courts as a target audience disagree
What if your pseudo religion teaches you that a man can live his entire life as a man and then one starry night that man can wish upon a star and it will *poof* magically transform that man into a beautiful authentic real woman? Shouldn't that be left at the home?
Right. If mere exposure to ideas which contradict your religious beliefs is a burden on your religious exercise, then just about anything can count as a burden. The Court has held for there to be a burden there must be coercion that you engage (or refrain) in conduct your religious beliefs proscribe (or require).
Also note, then even if there was such coercion, and thus a burden on religious exercise, we would then move to the analysis of whether the law was neutral and of general applicability. The judge did not have to reach that step in this case since there was no burden in the first place.
This isn't 'contradict your religious belief,' though, unless you religiously believe that gay people don't exist, get married or have parades. None of it has anything to do with sex, of course, that's why they work so hard to conflate the existence of gay people with explicit sex. It's the same as saying a man and a woman are married is like straight pornography.
Gay peoples exist, like pediophiles, rapists, and murderers sometimes all in the same person.
So, they can circumvent the statutory right to opt out of teaching "related to family life and human sexuality objectives" by simply injecting the material into random unrelated classes, instead of keeping it just in the sex ed class?
I'm pretty sure that's not what the legislature had in mind.
You’re “pretty sure” of a lot things.
The problem is that you’re basically never correct.
the problem is that Brett is basically correct most everytime and leftists think inappropriate actions are good.
Only if you accept a hatefully wrong premise.
Which pretty much sums up all statists, who hate everybody, including themselves.
Still mad it stopped being ok to hate gay people, eh?
As clear as usual.
Only if you want it to be.
Yeah, that's my Problem #1 with this decision. There's a statute here for this kind of thing.
Problem #2 is the indoctrination analysis boils down to "I like the material, so it's not indoctrinating".
All that said... you exercise this constitutional right as a parent by pulling your kid from the school.
If there is such a statutory right, why didn't plaintiffs so argue in state court?
Life does that, since gay people exist in life, and school is generally geared towards teaching about life. It doesn't matter what your religious beliefs are, gay people exist. You can learn that, along with lots of other stuff, at school, and learn to hate them like God intended at home.
If you're teaching an English literature class but you have to excise any material that touches on family life or human sexuality I don't think that's going to leave much beyond 'see spot run.'
If they had to go out of their way to insert the material, refraining couldn't have been all that hard.
So is the line you want to draw around 'new material?'
It's pretty simple here: They've been running a school system until just a year or two ago that was well beyond "see spot run", without this stuff. It's not something you have to go to extremes to avoid, rather, it's something they had to go out of their way to add. Demonstrably: They DID go out of their way to deliberately add it!
Whether or not you think they SHOULD so go out of their way, the argument that not including it would produce a threadbare curriculum is utterly bogus.
I don't get it. What defines, "go out of their way?" You seem to suppose there was some established, "way," for them to go in, and it was your way. Did they always have to see it like you do, or is that something you have just added now?
I can’t help but notice an utter lack of actual implementable standards in your post.
You show how far they have gone by adding the existence of gay people to the curriculum, mostly by noting it was intentional and complaining how you never had schools include gay people existing before this.
That looks a lot like if it is a change from what you learned back in the day it is bad.
I love this asinine nonsense "You don't want to admit gays exist".
I don't want elementary school kids to be taught about anal sex, nor do I want middle schoolers taught how to use Grindr.
Now, the state can limit it or...well, there are always far less pleasant ways to make one's views noticed.
Then what are you complaining about?
Is the OP about anal sex? I missed that part.
there are always far less pleasant ways to make one’s views noticed.
Threats are always a sign someone thinks they have a strong argument.
So what if I wrote a brief comment instead of a 50 page essay? Do you have any more sensible complaint? I addressed what I meant to address: The inanity of claiming that the school has to either include this content, or be limited to Dick and Jane.
Obviously it's possible to deliver a fairly comprehensive curriculum without this particular content: They were doing just that until a couple years ago!
There are all sorts of things that genuinely exist, for better or for worse, that don't have to be included in elementary school curriculums in order to properly educate students.
It doesn't take 50 pages to write something with some kind of objective line. 'These people are bad, and all their changes are bad' is barely thinking; its just knee-jerking.
No one is saying the school has to include this content, but it's pretty normal that they did in this day and age. It's so normal you have basically no consistent argument that it's illegitimate.
It's some pretty moved and easy goalposts to go to: 'we can't cover everything in reality so why not leave out gay people.' That's way different than the question at bar, and even as a policy matter is unsupported.
"Yoder is sui generis"
Supreme Court justices hate this one weird trick to ignore them!
"send them to a private school"
The government do what they can and the poor suffer what they must.
What will the private school teach them? There's no such thing as gay people? That's not going to do them much good in life, even less if they turn out to be gay themselves. Private schools sound bad.
Maybe something useful, like readin, ritin', rithmatic, science, speaking a foreign language, like they do in Chy-Na!, Japan, Germany, so they could have a chance at something better than brewing Latte's at Starbucks, sorry we aren't all Nige-bots with a Microprocessor instead of a brain.
It's a violation of the universally recognized human rights of the parent to outright ban them from being able to choose the education of their children.
Slippery slope indeed.
They are not outright banned. They can use private schools, or in may places, home-schooling. What they cannot do is use the threat of lawsuits to enforce picking-and-choosing a subset of public instruction.
What's strange is the way the chattering classes across the political spectrum, from the Obamanauts to the Conspirators, lament the decline of civic life and community, and then make the public square so distasteful to so many of their fellow citizens. I can't make out if they are stupid or hypocritical.
I'm sorry for hurting your feelings by merely referring to statements in the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
My bad.
What’s strange is the way the chattering classes across the political spectrum, from the Obamanauts to the Conspirators, lament the decline of civic life and community, and then make the public square so distasteful to so many of their fellow citizens. I can’t make out if they are stupid or hypocritical.
It has been a long-term goal of conservatives to make the public square distasteful to those unlike them. Do you think your tastes should determine what is allowed?
Or that only "real Americans" opinions should matter?
That seems to be your belief...
Evil, they are evil.
Whoa. What should be done with these evil people?
Can they pay for the Private/Home Schooling with the money the Pubic Screw-el gets for their child who's not attending? maybe even a little more as there are always non-compensated costs? Of course not, because your pubic Screwels would go the way of Pubic Toilets, maybe you use one in a dire emergency.....
Superstitious, gay-bashing, conservative bigots have rights, too . . . but not the right to require mainstream America to provide snowflake-level protection to those obsolete, disgusting beliefs from any and all reality-based challenge.
I guessed Coach Sandusky would have that view.
Hey, other than flying the occasional 757 into buildings, and wanting to drive my people into the sea, Moose-lums are just as smart and want the best for their kids, just like white peoples.
I only have time to quickly skim the opinion. Two things stand out to me:
(1) The Court mentions Maryland law as part of the claim, but then makes no attempt to analyze whether it applies. That should be the first line of analysis under the doctrine of Constitutional avoidance.
Granted, this is a federal court, and it appears to be a novel question of state law. She should have stayed the case and allowed that claim to be pressed in state court.
(2) The comments of the Board members quoted at pp. 19-21 reflect hostility to the parents' religious views, likening them to white supremacy and hate. That likely runs afoul of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 584 U.S. ___ (2018).
1) The plaintiffs should have sued in state court if a Maryland statute was violated.
2) Hostility towards religion comes in only after it is established that religious exercise is burdened to determine whether the law (as applied) is neutral and generally applicable. The judge held mere exposure to ideas does not burden religious exercise, so the hostility is not relevant (assuming for the sake of argument there is hostility).
(1) It is commonplace to bring state claims in federal court as pendent claims. Where the legal issues are novel, the Supreme Court has instructed to let those claims go to state court.
(2) Read the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision. If the Board's policy was adopted through hostility to religion, it violates the Constitution.
Masterpiece held that the laws are not neutral because of hostility. Again, you don’t reach that point if religious exercise is not burdened in the first place.
It's improper animus Josh.
That's still only relevant if religious exercise is burdened in the first place.
Teaching your children in secret an unnatural, unbiological, and unbiblical view of human sex isn't a burden on your religious exercise?
Superstition-driven nonsense has no place in public schools. Some of you credulous, obsolete clingers seem determined to continue to learn that the hard way.
What do the data say about long term physical, mental, and social outcomes of these lifestyles the schools are teaching children?
Identitarian-driven nonsense has no place in public schools. It's always nice to see the King Clinger post his hateful nonsense.
How does that prevent you from exercising your religion?
"How does that prevent you from exercising your religion?"
The same way that if all public schools started teaching evangelical doctrines it wouldn't prevent you from exercising your own religion.
What is the doctrine here?
You simply reiterate your wrong position. Masterpiece Cakeshop says otherwise:
The quoted section and Lukumi are all about neutrality which triggers strict scrutiny if the law (or it’s application) burdens religious exercise and is not neutral. As the Masterpiece Court said (my emphasis):
When the law does not burden religious exercise in the first place, there is no exercise of religion, and therefore nothing to adjudicate.
Let’s say I am wrong. Then when a school board requires kids to learn the alphabet, while making fun of religious kids because they are slower learners thanks to their stupid religious teachings, the alphabet requirement would then violate the Free Exercise Clause. To be sure, the board is acting recklessly and might even be subject to civil suits for defamation or emotional distress. But there is no way the requirement violates the Free Exercise Clause because no one’s religious exercise is burdened (assuming no one’s religion forbids learning the alphabet).
No josh, that's not an argument. It's a stack of nonsense. Its clear you don't understand the material.
It's actually entirely correct.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you won't mind being immediately muted forever.
Reiterating wrong positions and repeating hateful diatribe is all the left-wing clingers do here.
They are not here to learn. They are all here to hector.
Yiu are certainly not here to engage!
Nice tribal signaling though.
I'm not familiar with this area of law but I think your take has to be right. Animus without injury can't support a claim for discrimination. If I draft a law increasing the speed limit from 55 to 60 mph and my sole reason for doing so is my black-hearted hatred against snake handlers, that’s irrelevant because the law doesn’t burden them.
No. You're missing the context of Masterpiece Cakeshop. The people expressing the hostility in that case were adjudicators. People are entitled to unbiased adjudication
"The existence of a pride parade is not horrible information. "
Somebody has never seen one!
Remember when C-span used to show those uncensored, Hey Now!
And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.
So I assume math class is now unconstitutional too?
Sorry, forgot the source: 1 Kings 7:23
Do you think you are the first to think of that?
He can't give the exact value of pi, either, so I guess he must be one of those ignorant religious nuts, too.
What do you mean by "either"? Clearly any proper Christian must believe that pi is *exactly* three, and resist any government indoctrination that attempts to convince them otherwise.
Not at all, I thought it was a pretty obvious point to make. But given how much dumb sh*t had already been said in this thread when I opened it, it appeared that I nonetheless needed to make it.
I love strident antitheism as much as anyone, but I don’t think there’s anything in that passage to be fairly read to mean it’s talking about a perfect circle or exact measurements.
So it appears that this was an intentional move by the School Board to not only embed these themes into the broader curriculum, but to specifically forbid parents from being able to opt out.
Regardless of the legal merits or demerits of this suit, the School Board has shown that it is not trying to work with parents, it is trying to subvert and supplant them.
As difficult as this is, the solution is to pull your children from school until the School Board relents. They cannot be trusted. If they are willing to so clearly subvert parents' wishes in this one area, you can be sure they will soon be doing even worse in others.
Anyone who is untrustworthy with small things is also untrustworthy with large ones.
That does seem to be the end game: Anybody who actually wants to control their children's upbringing needs to leave the public schools, because they ARE going to indoctrinate your kid into whatever is current fad in educational circles, whether you like it or not. They're absolutely determined to.
They are even making some early noise about banning homeschooling and forcing you to send your children to government schools.
So your endgame is to get kids out of public schools using anti-gay satanic-panic hysteria.
Maybe public schools should avoid this stuff.
Any other aspect of life you’d like them to avoid to appease your irrelevant sensibilities? The existence of trees? Clouds? Hair?
Where were these hayseeds when "under God" was jammed into the Pledge of Allegiance by a bunch of indoctrination-minded, gullible assholes?
The Reverend Sandusky, experienced in/and convicted for jamming his “Pledge of Allegiance” into multiple gullible assholes.
Yes, the increased criminality of Afro-Amuricans compared to the other races, I can teach that myself. (with maybe a little contribution from John Derbyshire)
The bigotry is always simmering just below the surface at this white, male, right-wing blog . . . until it predictably and regularly emerges, sometimes int he strangest contexts.
Racism, gay-bashing, antisemitism, Islamophobia, hatred of immigrants, misogyny . . . all of that and more is a signature feature of this blog. Some people will claim it a coincidence, or that the bigotry does not soak this blog, and that the proprietor's regular use of racial slurs and bizarre, Tourette-like focus on transgender-gay-lesbian-drag queen-Muslim-white grievance topics is also just coincidence. Those people are liars and.or dopes.
Just recently as we crept towards June the CDC started issuing health warnings against STDs and the Pride Pox.
I guess the CDC will have to start issuing them for when the new kindergarten school years start ramping up in August/September.
Montgomery County,
putting the "Pubic" in Pubic Screw-els,
lived there for a few years during residency training, mostly Insufferable Bureaucrats who couldn't pour piss from a boot without written instructions, you reap what you sow.
TLDR: Court says that if parents want to teach their children bigotry, they do it at hope because the public schools won't help.
Religion = bigotry. My goodness what a horrible asshole you are.
Bigotry cloaked in religion is still bigotry.
Superstition-based gay-bashing, for example, is just disgusting bigotry.
Old-timey, religious misogyny is also just deplorable bigotry.
Ignorance wrapped in religion -- rejecting the theory of evolution to flatter dogma and fairy tales, for example -- is also just ignorance.
Carry on, bigoted and bitter clingers. Until replacement.
Religion = bigotry
Not what Molly said, bevis.
The public school system in America is fundamentally broken ... and, most likely, the government really should have no role in public education in the first place.
If you want any measure of control over your childrens' indoctrination, send them to a private school.
or a district with a significant Asian population, where they care about the screw-dents actually learning something.
Given how little support the Asian community seemed to have provided for Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, I'm not sure that this is a panacea.
Your answer to problems in schools are rooted in childish superstition and disgusting bigotry?
Boy, are you going to hate the next few decades of American progress.
Coach Sandusky, you might want to get one of those "TBI" helmets...(and some Namenda)
I was complimenting the Yellow Peril for their emphasis on Ed-jew-ma-cation, pulled both my daughters out of Hebrew Screw-el, sent them to my local Pubic High Screw-el, that just happens to be majority Slant Eyes,
and much cheaper (i.e. Free)
The next few decades? I just try to get to the next month, and I'm only 61,
Well you'll still be securely ensconced at
until 2042 at the earliest,
These bigots are your fans, Volokh Conspirators, and your blog's target audience.
One of you launches the racial slurs that attract these assholes, but the rest of you are complicit.
Man who holds views way outside the mainstream tries to support them via other views also not commonly held.
Bold strategy, let’s see how well it works.
Hate to encourage more Yankee migration to Jaw Jaw, but this Screw-el is free, and both my daughters got full Scholarships to Georgia Tech
"Even if their children's exposure to religiously offensive ideas makes the parents' efforts less likely to succeed, that does not amount to a government-imposed burden on their religious exercise."
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Applying the HEAVY THUMB of government is exactly what the free exercise clause was inserted to prevent.
Their position is that so long as the government's official set of beliefs doesn't include a deity, they're not violating the establishment clause, no matter how much it otherwise resembles a religion.
'no matter how much it otherwise resembles a religion.'
You can't make things you don't like into actual religions through either the celeverest or the dumbest analogising. It always, as the adage goes, ends up saying more about you than them.
Sex, “family life” education and clones such as “Social and Emotional Learning” have one primary goal: to undermine parental authority in order to make children manipulable by any number of adult bad actors - sexual or political predators. My kids were in elementary school in the 80s and it was obvious then when my daughter came home to tell us, her parents that rules were not to be made by us, but by family meeting in which they, the children have equal rights to set them.
Schools are failing at their primary job- teaching academic skills that prepare students to lead productive lives. Standardized test results keep declining for all demographics, colleges complain that students are not prepared to do college level work and employers complain new hires lack basic skills. Why would we allow schools to expand their role into social issues? Oh yes, results in that area are not measurable…
‘Sex, “family life” education and clones such as “Social and Emotional Learning” have one primary goal: to undermine parental authority in order to make children manipulable by any number of adult bad actors – sexual or political predators.’
It’s the literal opposite, as anyone who grew up as part of a generation whose sex education was sketchy at best and who later found out exactly how many young people of the same or previous generations were abused by authority figures, mostly family members, often because they had neither the knowledge nor the resources to protect themselves nor to seek protection, should be aware.
If you think schools are failing to teach basic acadmic skills perhaps it would be more productive to first query exactly what sort of resources are being allocated to the failing schools rather than casually maligning them with an utterly revolting slur.
Provide us these stats of the significant amount of incestual abuse going on.
Know who has a major problem with sexual abusing kids? School teachers. But THEY are the ones you trust because they will indoctrinate as you want them to.
I do not because I knew plenty of education majors in college and a dumber set of morons do not exist on Earth.
Out of curiosity --- how many kids you got?
Not really responsive to anything I said - the stats on familial abuse are hardly that difficult to find. Sexual abuse scandals cut through every profession that involves contact with children. It seems like a couple of Christian pastors are charged with abuse every week. If you were concerned with child protection, you would find out what child protection experts have to say, not make it a casualty of your latest prejudice and exercise in culture war scapegoating.
"Not really responsive to anything I said "
I don't believe you.
Your core premise is false and you, as expected, cannot back up your claims.
"the stats on familial abuse are hardly that difficult to find."
Yet...they remain not here. Bizarre.
"It seems like a couple of Christian pastors are charged with abuse every week."
Every week? Feel free to back that up.
"If you were concerned with child protection, you would find out what child protection experts have to say, not make it a casualty of your latest prejudice and exercise in culture war scapegoating."
Define "Child protection experts".
‘Yet…they remain not here.’
And your interest in this subject hasn’t prompted you to do even the most basic search. Unsurprising really.
Your entire response can be summed up as: ‘I know fuck-all about this and since knowing things would be an impediment I’ll stay ignorant and blame you.’
About 90% of children who are victims of abuse know their abuser. 12,13 Only 10% of sexually abused children are abused by a stranger. 12 Approximately 30% of children who are sexually abused are abused by family members. 12, 13 The younger the victim, the more likely it is that the abuser is a family member. Of those molesting a child under six, 50% were family members. Family members also accounted for 23% of those abusing children ages 12 to 17.’
(You may not find those figures ‘significant’ – not much I can do about that.)
I’m genuinely not sure what you need defining about the last one.
Parental authority is a thing, but holding onto it with paranoid entitlement is not a great way to be.
If you still carry a grudge from 50 years ago about their playing with democracy as elementary schoolers, I hope you’ve maintained a good relationship with your kids through the years despite this defensiveness an jumping to satanic-panic level fictional sex abuse nonsense.
So...employers (taxpayers) have no right to tell their employees (schools) what they do or do not want?
Man, I'm going to LOVE the eventual defunding of all education. Screw the lot of em.
Our remaining education-disdaining right-wing misfits can’t be replaced quickly enough.
damikesc, what makes you suppose taxpayers in Montgomery County, MD would agree with you on any of this? I graduated from High School there six decades ago. You would have been an outlier there even at that time.
Montgomery County stopped being governed as a rural backwater sometime in the mid 50s. Before that the schools featured a more southern take. But they desegregated when I was in third grade—to the notable dissatisfaction of some faculty and administrators—and never looked back.
Since then, Montgomery County has reliably been one of the DC area's most progressive suburbs, encompassing Chevy Chase, Tacoma Park, Bethesda, Silver Spring, Rockville, and Potomac. Jamie Raskin represents them in Congress. I have little doubt that Montgomery County wants for its schools what you say they shouldn't. And of course, serving a high percentage of wealthy professional suburbanites, continuing academic excellence has been an easy lift for the Montgomery County schools.
I realize that recent changes in Establishment Clause jurisprudence may make this question moot, but how is it that non-believing students have a First Amendment right not to be exposed to even the most subtle religious iconography when a school wants to hold its graduation ceremony in a church, but believing students can be forced to be exposed to a much greater extent to something which is in profound opposition to their religious beliefs?