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Juneteenth Celebrates a Great American Achievement
The emerging culture war over the holiday is misguided. In reality, Juneteenth celebrates one of the greatest triumphs of America and its founding principles.
Today is Juneteenth, the holiday commemorating the abolition of slavery in 1865 - established as an official federal holiday in 2021. You might think that commemorating an event like the abolition of slavery would be uncontroversial. But, like almost everything else these days, Juneteenth has gotten swept up in the left-right culture war. A recent University of Massachusetts poll found that 69%of Democrats, but only 13% of Republicans and 32% of independents supported making it a federal holiday. The ideological divide mirrors the partisan one (77% of self-described liberals express support, 40% of moderates, and only 14% of conservatives).
There are various possible non-ideological reasons why people might oppose the establishment of this federal holiday. For example, some might believe there were too many federal holidays already. In addition, a large minority of respondents (39%), simply don't know what Juneteenth is; if you don't know what the holiday celebrates, you might quite reasonably refrain from expressing support until you know more. Some of those who don't know the right answer about what Juneteenth commemorates actually endorsed wrong answers (14%) as opposed to simply saying they don't know (25%). Members of the former group, too, may have reasons for opposing the holiday that have little to do with left-right ideological divisions.
But the stark partisan and ideological divide in support for Juneteenth suggests that much of the opposition is based on fears - expressed in 2021 by Republican critics of the establishment of the holiday - that it represents a form of left-wing identity politics, an attack on America, or a repudiation of July 4.
Nothing can be further from the truth. In reality, Juneteenth celebrates one of America's greatest achievements. And the way that achievement came about is an indictment of bigotry and racial identity politics, both left and right.
In 2021, I wrote a post about the meaning of the then-newly instituted federal holiday that covers these points in more detail, and I think remains relevant today. I reprint it with some modifications below:
Juneteenth commemorates the abolition of slavery in 1865. Some conservatives who opposed its establishment as a national holiday argue it might somehow detract from Independence Day on July 4, or promote left-wing identity politics. For their part, some on the left may view it as a condemnation of America's history of slavery and racism, or even a celebration of black nationalism.
In reality, however, the abolition of slavery was the greatest achievement of the universal principles underlying the American Revolution, and a rebuke to ethnic nationalism and separatism. Slavery was America's worst injustice, and its abolition is obviously worthy of celebration.
Abolition was only achieved thanks to a multiracial movement that emphasized the universality of the right to liberty, and the moral arbitrariness of distinctions based on race.

It is no accident that the antislavery movement was also accompanied by what historian Kate Masur calls "America's First Civil Rights Movement," which sought equal rights for blacks that went beyond simply abolishing slavery.
As Masur and other scholars have documented, both black and white abolitionists routinely cited the universalist principles of the Founding in making the case for abolition and racial equality, even as many of them also criticized the Founders (and later generations of white Americans) for their hypocritical failure to fully live up to their own principles. From early on, critics of the American Revolution denounced the contradiction between its professed ideals and the reality of widespread slavery. "How is it," Samuel Johnson famously wrote, "that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?"
While the hypocrisy and contradictions were very real, so too is the fact that Revolution and Founding made abolition possible, in part by giving a boost to universalistic Enlightenment liberalism on both sides of the Atlantic. Among other things, it inspired the First Emancipation in the US (the abolition of slavery in the North that became the first large-scale emancipation of slaves in modern history). Without the First Emancipation, we could not have achieved the second and greater one.
For all their failings, the Revolution and Founding paved the way for abolition. That happened in large part because they were the first large-scale effort to establish a polity based on universal liberal principles rather than ties of race, ethnicity, or culture.
Those principles are at the root of most of America's achievements, of which the abolition of slavery was among the most important. They are also what enabled America, at its best, to offer freedom and opportunity to people from a wide range of racial and ethnic backgrounds from all over the world.
Abraham Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation whose belated enforcement Juneteenth celebrates - put it best in his famous speech on the Declaration of Independence and its implications for slavery:
I think the authors of that notable instrument intended to include all men, but they did not mean to declare all men equal in all respects…. They did not mean to assert the obvious untruth, that all were then actually enjoying that equality, or yet, that they were about to confer it immediately upon them…
They meant simply to declare the right, so that the enforcement of it might follow as fast as circumstances should permit.
They meant to set up a standard maxim for free society which should be familiar to all: constantly looked to, constantly labored for, and even, though never perfectly attained, constantly approximated, and thereby constantly spreading and deepening its influence and augmenting the happiness and value of life to all people, of all colors, every where.
The success of the antislavery movement's appeal to liberal universalism has been a model for later expansions of freedom, as well - including equal rights for women, the Civil Rights Movement of the twentieth century, and the struggle for same-sex marriage. It is a model that advocates of migration rights would do well to emulate today.
The work of fully living up to the ideals of the Founding wasn't completed in Lincoln's time, and it remains seriously incomplete even now. But Juneteenth commemorates perhaps our greatest step in the right direction. And it reminds us that further progress towards liberty and equal rights depends on emphasizing the same principles that made abolition possible.
UPDATE: Some commentators on Twitter and elsewhere point out that slavery was not fully abolished on June 19, 1865, which was merely the date when Union troops reached Galveston, Texas, and announced the implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation in one of the last parts of the former Confederacy where it had not yet been implemented. Slavery in the US was not fully banned until the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment in December 1865. I am well aware of this. But the Juneteenth holiday is nonetheless is meant to commemorate the end of slavery as a whole, and that is in fact how it has been understood for many decades, long before it became a federal holiday.
July 19 is the traditional date for commemoration of abolition, even if it is not the anniversary of the day on which the last vestiges of slavery were actually banned. Similarly, we celebrate Independence Day on July 4, even though July 2, 1776 was the date when the Continental Congress actually voted for independence.
If people want to move the celebration of abolition to some other appropriate date, such as the day of ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, I don't object. But that's not what most objections to Juneteenth have been about.
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Slavery remained legal in Kentucky and Delaware until the ratification of 13A in December 1865.
Because the Emancipation only applied to the states in Rebellion, would have been hard to keep the "Union" together if you're just going to confiscate people's property. And even as a Southerner, I like Abraham Lincoln, who did an amazing job and is being recognized more and more I notice. With Charity toward none, and Malice towards all, wait, that's not right.
Straight from the "Great Railsplitter's Pen"
"I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free. ... [S]uch persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States. ... And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God."
I see you've joined David Behar and Jonathan Affleck in the Insane People Who Regularly Reply to Themselves Club. Hope you continue to follow their path.
“Abraham Lincoln, who did an amazing job” He did an amazing job of destroying the Constitution. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus. Imprisoned thousands of journalists who were critical of him or the war. Ordered the largest mass execution of Native Americans. Orchestrated the unconstitutional secession of West Virginia. 600,000+ unnecessary deaths so he could save face. That’s your hero, bro.
Freed slaves. Kind of more important than any of the temporary measures you name, and the WV thing was not "unconstitutional."
Which is not a particularly relevant fact re: the holiday and what it celebrates.
Garbage. If you're going to pick a day to celebrate slavery being abolished in a country, then pick a day on which slavery actually was abolished. How is it not relevant that slavery continued to be legally practiced in the US until much later that year?
That is, in fact, the primary informed objection to "Juneteenth", that it has only local historical significance, and that if you're going to celebrate the abolition of slavery, you should do it on December 6th.
What's the argument for June 19th? That June didn't have any big holidays?
What an utterly, profoundly ridiculous thing to get mad about.
It is profoundly ridiculous to deny that the date something actually happened on is relevant to when you should celebrate it.
Juneteenth, the annual holiday celebrating aggressive historical ignorance.
It does commemorate the completion of the Emancipation Proclamation since these were the last slaves in the former Confederacy. So in a sense it's the real end of the Civil War.
Seriously, you're celebrating your own ignorance and arrogance.
thats not very kind or gentle
Brett I absolutely schooled you on this last year and you’re still being ignorant.
Juneteenth developed organically across black communities in the South and spread from there. The fact that you a think that you know better than the freed people and their descendants how to celebrate is a testament to your stunning arrogance and ignorance as well as your obvious contemptuous of the people who created it over time.
For once in your life can you please for the love of god admit that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about?
You absolutely schooled me about slavery not having continued to exist in the US until December? I don't recall you doing that.
I don't freaking CARE if historical ignorance 'organically developed', even if I were to humor the claim it was organic. Slavery was abolished in the US in December that year, not June.
Yes. Including you making a demonstrably false claim rebutted by video evidence.
"I don’t freaking CARE if historical ignorance ‘organically developed’
"Slavery was abolished in the US in December that year, not June."
Jesus was likely born in Spring but you don't stop celebrating Christmas.
Facts don't care about your feelings bro. And the simple fact is black Americans also know dates. This particular holiday seemed like a suitable one and developed over time.
even if I were to humor the claim it was organic."
AH yes The great almighty Brett Belmore might humor historical facts for once. Thank you for you graciousness oh mighty one.
"Jesus was likely born in Spring but you don’t stop celebrating Christmas. "
Now, there you have a decent argument. Better than insisting that slavery was abolished in June, anyway.
No one is insisting that, dumbass. They're just pointing out that the holiday to commemorate emancipation developed organically and Juneteenth emerged as the most popular of a number of different commemoration dates.
LTG - your getting pissed off because you were not aware of historical facts.
Neither Brett nor I made any comment about the evolution of how Juneteenth became a celebrated holiday nor did either of complain about it being a holiday worth celebrating.
We only correctly pointed out that june 19th, 1865 was not the end of legalized slavery in the US.
Brett: "I don’t freaking CARE if historical ignorance ‘organically developed’, even if I were to humor the claim it was organic. Slavery was abolished in the US in December that year, not June."
Scroll up.
LawTalkingGuy 50 mins ago
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Brett: “I don’t freaking CARE if historical ignorance ‘organically developed’, even if I were to humor the claim it was organic. Slavery was abolished in the US in December that year, not June.”
Scroll up.
LGT - What? scroll up to discover that 13A was ratified in December of 1865 as Brett correctly stated
Read the comment. He’s calling Juneteenth “historically ignorant” and saying he doesn’t care how it developed and won’t even humor an explanation of its history.
LTG - LawTalkingGuy 9 mins ago
Flag Comment Mute User
"Read the comment. He’s calling Juneteenth “historically ignorant”"
LTG - care to tell us where brett made that comment - The word ignorant is not in one of his posts
Secondly you are conflating bretts statement as to when slavery actually ended in the US with Juneteenth. Two separate topics
Jesus likely never existed, but: why do we celebrate Independence Day on July 4? We didn’t become independent that day. We should be celebrating September 3, when the Treaty of Paris was signed. Or July 2, when the continental congress actually approved the resolution. Why are people historically ignorant that way?
'if historical ignorance'
You are being historically ignorant.
In nige's world - making a factually correct statement is "historical ignorance"
Are you going to reply to every comment and display your irritable pedant syndrome? To quote Shatner, get a life.
Brett is the one being a pedant. And you're here with the rest of us, so physician heal thyself.
Wook, mommie, brett is being naughty! It wasn't me. It was him! He's a bad, bad boy, mommie!
Lol. You suck.
Pretty sad that you had to make a second account to defend your terrible ideas, Brett.
Are you similarly outraged concerning the modern timing (and provenance) of Christmas?
Presidents' Day?
Christmas Eve?
Independence Day?
Birther-class, on the spectrum conservatives might want to sit this one out.
It is fair to point out that there is a certain randomness in our selection of dates for certain holidays, but perhaps Juneteenth as a celebration of the end of slavery can be distinguished.
Not being Christian, I cannot speak to Christmas or Easter. I'm not sure why you selected Christmas Eve instead of Christmas, and, in any event, Easter is not a federal holiday. Neither is "President's Day" (no matter where you put or don't put the apostrophe), and I do get annoyed that people are unaware of that fact. The federal holiday is George Washington's Birthday. The "Monday holiday" rule is also a bit annoying, but federal workers are a non-trivial voting block and apparently have a lot of sway in some circles.
I can see arguments that we should celebrate our independence when the British surrendered, but the decision to seek independence was non-trivial and that's how our tradition has developed. (I understand some think that the declaration was made the day before, but that may be nit-picking, like my annoyance with Monday holidays.) Thanksgiving is a fall harvest holiday, so the exact date is not as important.
In the case of Juneteenth, the actual abolition of slavery is almost six months away. That is, it's not even close. So I think a distinction can be made *if* the point of Juneteenth is to celebrate the end of slavery in America.
In any event, I think the initial post would have been better if it at least acknowledged that argument.
As you've been told before, the argument for June 19th is that that's when black people themselves celebrated the end of slavery. Stop whitesplaining why they're wrong. You just look even more Dunning Krugerish than usual.
Sort of Ironic that the Dobb's Decision came out the same week as Juneteenth, Jay-Hay may be a Vengeful God, but he's got a sense of humor.
Just correcting a common misrepresentation of historical fact.
If you knew anything about history you’d know why Juneteenth is a highly appropriate day to celebrate the end of slavery.
In Texas, and nowhere else.
Why do you get to decide that? No seriously Brett what gives YOU the right to decide how to celebrate the end of slavery in the south in the years after the civil war? What gives YOU the special insight that gets to say that black Americans leaving the south and looking to maintain cultural traditions elsewhere in the country can’t celebrate Juneteenth?
No seriously Brett, explain what Godlike powers have given you the ability to say that generations of black Americans are celebrating their own independence wrong?
Hey, LTG.
He once made an A in Thermodynamics. What else do you need?
"Why do you get to decide that?"
What "decide"? It's objective, historical fact.
And it is objective historical fact is that of many different emancipation days that were celebrated across the South (including Juneteenth), Juneteenth emerged as the most widespread celebration such that Milwaukee has been having Juneteenth celebrations for over 50 years.
I don’t think you know what history is. Juneteenth has a history. Pretending it doesn’t is wilful ignorance.
Nige - follow the topic
Brett is not disputing the history of Juneteenth. He is only correcting the time when slavery ended in the US.
You are displaying both willful historical ignorance and a willful deception to hide your willful historical ignorance
Do you consider it to be objective historical fact that Obama was born in Hawaii?
If so, what changed?
If not, why not?
No, Brett. I heard of it in Maryland like 10 years ago.
From my friends who are black.
You seem to have a pretty narrow aperture you're working from.
Some of Sarcastr0's best friends are black.
LTG - lets ignore actual history. Large populations of slaves through out the south were effectively freed as union armies took control of the areas in the southern states. Slaves in the states under rebellion were fully freed in the April / May 1865 time frame and in Texas officially freed on June 19th 1865.
Read about the history of Juneteenth itself, dude. That's what everyone is ignoring. The commemoration has its own history that's tied in with the efforts to establish black political communities and public memory.
LTG - you are getting extremely triggered when no one has disputed the history of how Juneteenth became a celebration.
Whether Juneteenth is the correct day to celebrate the end of slavery in the US is not relevant to correcting the common misrepresentation of historical fact.
You think people are making assumptions about history based on a holiday?
Are you pissed off about President's Day? Or Thanksgiving?
Getting mad that holidays are not 'the correct day' is baffling.
Who said anything negative about the holiday - other than correcting a common misconception.
Are you getting triggered because - you are only marginally informed on the subject matter
People are pissed as hell this holiday exists all over this thread.
You're trying to run interference for them but they're not really hiding it so your job is impossible and you look like a grumpy pedant.
Sacastro - you are accusing others of being pissed that the holiday exists without basis for that accusation.
Not very intellectually honest on your part
Holidays: all about meticulous devotion to exact history.
I hesitate to speculate where your hostility is coming from, but it's not accuracy.
"I hesitate to speculate where your hostility is coming from"
Oh. You know where it's from.
H/T Andrew Lawrence
Kindler/Gentler Frank here
Would like to wish everyone a happy "Juneteenth" and lets all get behind our Commander in Chief, Sleepy, I mean President Biden, and wish him great success in his final year and a half in Orifice!!!!
No mention of the vivid, enduring bigotry -- the racism, in this context -- among many or most of those conservatives?
This must be the white, male, "often libertarian" blog. The one that flatters bigots and cultivates right-wing bigots as an audience.
But if we had the holiday in December like Brett wants, it would be drowned out by Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's, As it is, it's midway between Memorial Day and Independence day, which seems a nice coincidence.
"In addition, a large minority of respondents (39%), simply don't know what Juneteenth is"
Maybe because of the stupid fucking name "Juneteeth." Sounds like it was made up by a twat.
Yes. The newly freed slaves were Twats. Definitely a normal thing to say and think.
Zero evidence that the name is from the period. Dictionary shows it first recorded in the 1930s or 1940s. Google Ngram viewer shows the same and that it didn't really grab hold until the 21st century. So it was invented by modern twats being particularly twatty. Sounds like you fall into that camp.
Should have called it “Emancipation Day” so people actually know what it’s about.
Well many holidays were called emancipation day. There were a lot of them initially. Juneteenth spread beyond Texas and a lot of people took it up North. After a dip in popularity it became more prominent during the Civil Rights movement.
Also your dictionary is wrong. Merriam Webster and OED trace the first reference to Juneteenth to 1890, in the Galveston Daily News on May 22, 1890, which was a reprint of a black-owned paper called the Beaumont Recorder. It refers to the "coming Juneteenth" celebrations which suggest that the term was in use at least prior to 1890.
Sounds like you're a lot more upset about slaves being emancipated.
Man, you are super triggered by this holiday. You okay?
I am mildly amazed that even Somin would omit any mention of the primary reason for objecting to June 19th: Historical literacy.
Surely he's aware that slavery wasn't actually abolished on that day, and that many, perhaps most, opponents of the holiday point this out. And it wasn't even worth mentioning?
Sadly, I'm only mildly amazed, at this point.
And I’m amazed that you are absolutely incapable of grasping the concept that mediocre white guys with a poor understanding of history don’t actually know how to commemorate the end of slavery better than the freedom people and their descendants.
It’s stunning levels of arrogance and idiocy.
If you're going to discuss why people object to something, discuss why they object to it, don't ostentatiously pretend that you don't have a clue.
And you've got incredible nerve complaining of ignorance of history on the part of the people who get the history RIGHT.
Simply put, as LTG and Kirkland suggest, the dates of holidays are chosen for symbolic reasons, rather than pinpoint historical accuracy.
You raising hell about Juneteenth is like me raising hell about Christmas being December 25, for several reasons.
Christmas wasn't selected to be a holiday because of the skin color of the people who celebrate it most.
It literally was.
You literally don't know what literally means.
Oh, now I see why you're triggered by the holiday.
'discuss why they object to it,'
Easy - historical ignorance.
Come on. You know this "holiday" was selected just because there was no federal holiday in June and they had to dig deep to find some obscure event in June that would be focused on blacks.
You come on.
Juneteenth is right before July 04 - if it were about date placement, it's an awful choice.
Just like MLK was selected even though NYD is a few weeks before. They were looking for a "black" holiday in a month without a federal holiday, and this is what they grabbed out of the bag.
I can’t speak to MLK day particularly, but as a general matter this is obviously untrue.
It doesn’t work functionally, and if there is some fetish for a monthly holiday, we have plenty of other gaps.
No, this is not the "primary reason" for objecting to Juneteenth, nor is it yours. No one is saying, "No, let's put the federal holiday on December 6th, instead."
People who know what Juneteenth represents and object to it do so because it runs contrary to Confederacy enthusiasm and centers the Black experience as part of the American experience. That is clearly what is motivating your pointless pedantry here.
I think it's also about the fact that Blacks organically chose it. Brett isn't going to come out in favor of slavery, but he doesn't like the idea of what he sees as left wing Black activism resulting in a federal holiday. (He probably doesn't like Labor Day very much either.)
But yeah, it's just ridiculously irrational and rooted in racism and hatred for the Left. I mean, President's Day is an abomination in terms of historical accuracy, but somehow we survive that one.
The arrogance of accusing others of historical ignorance when being so proudly historically ignorant.
The concept is excellent - celebrating a *biracial* army liberating the slaves - or in some cases making it easier for them to liberate themselves.
The liberation of the slaves is worthy of a holiday, not simply for the descendants of those liberated but for those who are thankful that this cancer, this contradiction of Founding ideas, was removed from the body politic.
Next step: Stop demagogues and ideologues from hijacking the holiday. Let's take this guy:
"If we believe our own rhetoric about liberty and equality, the answer is that we subscribe to the values of the Civil War rather than the Revolution. We believe in the Constitution that was forced on the defeated South in Reconstruction, not the one ratified by 13 states in the Founding. And Juneteenth expresses our values far better than does the Fourth of July."
Annette Gordon-Reed, in contrast, has this to say:
"...both holidays should be used to reflect upon the common value that Juneteenth and the Fourth have come to express: the recognition of the equal humanity and dignity of people the world over."
The very fact that we're having this debate is depressing. I recently watched a *very bad* movie entitled An American Carol, from 2008, which had an over-the-top portrayal of a leftist villain. How over-the-top was it? It was so over-the-top, it had the villain trying to abolish the Fourth of July. (Spoiler: The villain ultimately repented).
Now life imitates (bad) art.
Now if he'd just been saying, "For God's sake, why aren't we celebrating this on July 2nd?", you'd have something that was comparable.
The answer would be to go read up on the history to find out.
So a proclamation by a single yankee general in a single state calls for a national holiday?
How about freeing all americans from decades of federal debt?
There is an action worthy of congressional action.
We ought to have *a* day to celebrate the end of slavery. Why not a holiday which has actually been observed by at least some Americans before the government gave permission?
The antislavery holiday could be the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation (the preliminary one, because the second one was New Years, which is already taken). But then people would object, "aktually, the Proclamation didn't free a single slave" etc.
Whereas the Northern armies *did* free slaves. And if we're going to celebrate some date when emancipation became a reality, why not this date which some are already observing?
Don't kill off this holiday on the launching pad.
There’s an emerging culture war coming over Juneteenth? Why? People who want to participate do so and those that don’t don’t. And everyone respects each other’s choice and gets along and that’s the end of it. Easy peasy.
It’s been a Thing in Texas for much longer than it’s been a national thing and what I describe above is how we’ve always handled it.
Everyone just grow up and leave each other be. There - I fixed the culture war.
Well, of course it's been a thing in Texas. It's the date slavery was abolished in Texas. Very significant day, in Texas. The question is why on Earth anybody OUTSIDE Texas would want to celebrate that day.
“ The question is why on Earth anybody OUTSIDE Texas would want to celebrate that day.”
Like do you want to post a PO Box so I can ship you some books and articles explaining this in detail?
You know you're losing when you have to type IN ALL CAPS like an angry widdle boy stomping his widdle feetsie weetsies.
Brett is the child who refuses to accept things here. And yeah I'm "losing" in the comments section here. But in the real world my view is backed up by historians and the well documented history of this holiday.
You're showing yourself to be a loser by replying to every comment and TYPING IN ALL CAPS when you get TRIGGERED wike the widdle bitty boy you are.
Yeah, You're right. I do get triggered by ignorant assholes like you and Brett and will call them out. Shitty people putting out shitty history makes me mad. So what?
Besides, it's better than doing a mock baby voice like some 1980s movie bully with a severe personality disorder.
Not very kind or gentle. Recommend you read "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
Brett, it’s none of your goddam business what someone else does on June 19th. If you don’t want to observe it, then don’t. Leave everyone else alone.
I thought your side was the Party of Freedom.
People outside of Texas will celebrate it because they want to. WTF difference does it make to you?
Spoiler alert: nobody except racists is asking that question.
I’d prefer both holidays get celebrated, though I fear we’ll ultimately get a segregated holiday season, where blacks celebrate Juneteenth and the non-blacks celebrate the 4th.
As a lesser evil, I’d like to see the capitalists exploit the two holidays, so that the celebratory consumer holiday season which is the 4th can get expanded to each holiday. If that happens, the sales campaigns will try to get people of *all* races to celebrate *both* holidays, for reasons of good old American commerce.
Good taste may be a casualty ("Free yourself from high prices!"), but it would be better than inventing a new sources of national division.
I’d prefer both holidays get celebrated, though I fear we’ll ultimately get a segregated holiday season, where blacks celebrate Juneteenth and the non-blacks celebrate the 4th.
Tbf, that would be pretty much on-brand.
"People who want to participate do so and those that don’t don’t. And everyone respects each other’s choice and gets along and that’s the end of it. Easy peasy."
I wish!
Except that's not the way things in the real world work anymore.
First, you must publicly and loudly accept and applaud the holiday.
Then you must quickly embrace it and integrate it into your company/organization as a paid holiday. Create a budget for the celebration, reaching out to local communities for validation.
Finally, you must target anyone not celebrating, at what you consider an appropriate level, to be cancelled with protests and attacks on social media.
Except in Chicago, where Juneteenth is celebrated by multiple drive by mass shootings at celebration gatherings. One in Willow Springs had 20 shot with one dead and several still in the ICU.
Happy "Juneteenth".
you must publicly and loudly accept and applaud the holiday.
Do tell.
It's conservatives who attack people who won't say "Merry Christmas", whether they are themselves non-Christian or simply sensitive to others who might not be Christian. (But it doesn't seem to have worked, and liberals aren't like that, so I expect the "War on Juneteenth" freakouts won't even start.)
Every accusation is a confession, part one zillionth.
No, this is #4,288,633 on the Why Our Politics is Trivial Bullshit list.
A holiday that is perfect for a celebrate it or ignore it decision and the political types gotta spend the day telling each other why they’re wrong about it.
Oh yes, those great principles that underlay the American Revolution so much that one of the reasons for rebelling in the first place was the exact opposite: to stop the British from abolishing slavery in the colonies. (Which it ultimately did in the 1820s.)
I'm not sure that this guy should be the authoritative voice on why the American Revolution was actually about ending slavery...
And here we go.
Reason itself told us the true story of Lord Dunmore the slaver:
There was plenty of discontent in the colonies before the Somerset decision.
And so on.
Lincoln acknowledged (perhaps a bit too modestly) that he’d been led by events in the Civil War, driving him to the point of declaring emancipation rather than his peacetime ideal of limiting slavery and waiting for emancipation to happen gradually.
He even evolved in wartime to a greater recognition of equality. When he talked about enfranchising at least *some* black people, John Wilkes Booth redoubled his determination to commit assassination.
Yes, Lincoln linked antislavery to the Declaration. He knew what time it was.
Both the Declaration of Independence and Lincoln's statements during the Civil War should be recognised for what they are: war propaganda, not a statement of anyone's sincerely held beliefs.
China will be able to pluck this country like ripe fruit.
Oh God. It’s someone with an understanding of American history so poor that they fall for the 1619 bullshit. Martin, you’re embarrassing yourself.
to stop the British from abolishing slavery in the colonies. (Which it ultimately did in the 1820s
The Slavery Abolition Act wasn't passed by Parliament until 1833, and even then abolition wasn't immediate, but was rather a phased-in implementation. Also, "the Territories in the Possession of the East India Company", Ceylon and Saint Helena were exempted altogether.
Somersett's Case was decided in 1772.
No; that's ahistorical nonsense.
It wasn’t the only reason, but there are some convincing docs it was an important reason for some.
One word. Bullshit.
Almost half of the colonies were free states by 1800. In 1794 Congress passed the Slave Trade Act prohibiting the use of US ships in the slave trade.
All of that happened decades before England did anything related to slavery in their colonies. To suggest that something England was doing as to slavery contributed to our revolution is simply racial grievance narrative bullshit. Unfortunately for you that type of narrative draws you in like a fish to a worm on a hook.
We all like our myths, but come on - the American Revolution was not unalloyed by southern desire to perpetuate slavery. It's in the Constitution off the break. is a good example.
A contemporary: "The Inhabitants of this Colony are deeply alarmed at this infernal Scheme. It seems to quicken all in Revolution to overpower him at any Risk."
The 1619 project is absolutely incorrect, but that doesn't mean you get to turn around and deny it was an element.
The colonies at the time of the revolution were 50 years ahead of the British as to beginning to deal with slavery.
Yes there were negotiations around slavery internal to the colonies during the period. But to say that it was part of the decision to revolt against the King is obviously incorrect by inspection. If imminent emancipation was a threat and was even a small factor in the decision the anti-slavery colonies could have waited for a better sequence - let the crown wipe out slavery, then revolt. They didn’t because it wasn’t.
This is all just revisionist horse patooie because the only way to be cool a the left is to never admit that America did anything right ever. So you’re cool, but you’re also just flat out wrong.
I'm sure that is why all the slaves were lining up around the block to volunteer to fight in the Revolutionary Army. O wait, no, they were fighting on the British side instead.
He’s usually so arrogant and certain in his comments about the US and turns out his understanding of our history is nonsensical
A poll showing some disagreement over the creation of yet another federal holiday now constitutes a "culture war"?
If you can't come up with anything real to write about it's OK to just take the day off rather than manufacturing nonsense like this.
In Texas, we've been celebrating Juneteenth forever. And, yes, it is a holiday EVERYONE should celebrate as commemorating a great milestone in our country's history. So, what does the federal government tell us about this holiday?
The government tells us it's an "African American" holiday. So, what should everyone else do? Probably safest to do nothing, lest you be slammed for "cultural appropriation".
So, the main answer to Somin's query about why some people would oppose the holiday, is crappy marketing. Or, if you're goal is balkanization and tribalism, then, I guess, it's great marketing.
Hmm...looks like the race-turbators are trying to hijack the holiday.
Are we setting up a segregated holiday season?
Yet in principle it shouldn't be this way.
The fact that the declaration of the federal holiday was a pandering reaction to the George Floyd riots of 2020 also dampens enthusiasm for it.
Yes, John Cornyn, that well-known panderer to BLM.
Remembrance for freeing the slaves is Memorial Day, when hundreds of thousands of citizens died in the Civil War for this cause. The slaves did not completely know what was happening, so they believed it was sometime between the 13th and 19th of June that they were freed, therefore - Juneteenth. The iron chains of slavery were eventually replaced with the bureaucratic chains of welfare, destroying the nuclear family just as much as a slave auction. Would there have been a Civil War if people of that era could see the future?