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Help Labor by Breaking Down Barriers to Mobility
Labor Day is the right time to remember that we can make workers vastly better off by empowering more of them to vote with their feet.
On Labor Day last year, I wrote a post explaining how breaking down barriers to labor mobility can help many millions of workers around the world. Virtually everything in that post is just as relevant today. So I am reprinting it with only minor modifications:
Today is Labor Day. As usual, there is much discussion of what can be done to help workers. But few focus on the one type of reform that is likely to help more poor and disadvantaged workers than virtually anything else: increasing labor mobility. In the United States and around the world, far too many workers are trapped in places where it is difficult or impossible for them to ever escape poverty. They could better their lot if allowed to "vote with their feet" by moving to locations where there are better job opportunities. That would also be an enormous boon to the rest of society.
Internationally, the biggest barriers condemning millions to lives of poverty and oppression are immigration restrictions. Economists estimate that eliminating legal barriers to migration throughout the world would roughly double world GDP - in other words, making the world twice as productive as it is now. A person who has the misfortune of being born in Cuba or Venezuela, Zimbabwe or Afghanistan, is likely condemned to lifelong poverty, no matter how talented or hardworking he or she may be. If he is allowed to move to a freer society with better economic institutions, he can almost immediately double or triple his income and productivity. And that doesn't consider the possibility of improving his job skills, which is also likely to be more feasible in his new home than in his country of origin.
The vast new wealth created by breaking down migration barriers would obviously benefit migrants themselves. But it also creates enormous advantages for receiving-country natives, as well. They benefit from cheaper and better products, increased innovation, and the establishment of new businesses (which immigrants create at higher rates than natives). Immigrants also contribute disproportionately to scientific and medical innovation, such as the MRNA Covid-19 vaccines, that have already saved many thousands of lives around the world.
Similar, though admittedly less extreme, barriers to labor mobility also harm workers within the United States. Exclusionary zoning prevents many millions of Americans - particularly the poor and working class - from moving to areas where they could find better job opportunities and thereby increase their wages and standard of living. Recent evidence suggests that the problem is even worse than scholars previously thought. Occupational licensing further exacerbates the problem, by making it difficult for workers in many industries to move from one state to another.
Breaking down barriers to labor mobility is an oft-ignored common interest of poor minorities (most of whom are Democrats), and the increasingly Republican white working class. Both groups could benefit from increased opportunity to move to places where there are more and better jobs available.
As with lowering immigration restrictions, breaking down domestic barriers to labor mobility would create enormous benefits for society as a whole, as well as the migrants themselves. Economists estimate that cutting back on exclusionary zoning would greatly increase economic growth. Like international migrants, domestic ones can be more productive and innovative if given the opportunity to move to places where they can make better use of their talents.
Many proposals to help workers have a zero-sum quality. They involve attempts to forcibly redistribute wealth from employers, investors, consumers, or some combination of all three. Breaking down barriers to labor mobility, by contrast, creates massive benefits for both workers and society as a whole.
Some on the left point out that, if investors are allowed to move capital freely, workers should be equally free to move, as well. It is indeed true that, thanks to government policies restricting labor mobility, investment capital is generally more mobile than labor. It is also true that the restrictions on labor mobility are deeply unjust. In many cases, they trap people in poverty simply because of arbitrary circumstances of birth, much as racial segregation and feudalism once did. The inequality between labor and capital, and the parallels with segregation and feudalism should lead progressives to put a higher priority on increasing labor mobility.
At the same time, it is worth recognizing, that investors and employers, as a class, are likely to benefit from increased labor mobility, too. Increased productivity and innovation create new investment opportunities. The biggest enemies of both workers and capitalists are not each other, but the combination of nationalists and NIMBYs who erect barriers to freedom of movement, thereby needlessly impoverishing labor and capital alike. Despite conventional wisdom to the contrary, even current homeowners often have much to gain from curbing exclusionary zoning policies that block the construction of housing needed by workers seeking to move to the region.
On the right, conservatives who value meritocracy and reject racial and ethnic preferences, would do well to recognize that few policies are so anti-meritocratic as barriers to mobility. The case for ending them also has much in common with the case for color-blind government policies, more generally.
Obviously, there are those who argue against increasing labor mobility, either on the grounds that existing communities have an inherent right to exclude newcomers, or because allowing them to come would have various negative side-effects. I address these types of arguments here, and in much greater detail in Chapters 5 and 6 of my book Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom. As I explain in those earlier publications, nearly all such objections are wrong, overblown, or can be ameliorated by "keyhole solutions" that are less draconian than exclusion. In addition, the vast new wealth created by breaking down barriers to mobility can itself be used to help address any potential negative effects. In the book, I also push back against claims that mobility should be restricted for the benefit of those "left behind" in migrants' communities of origin.
Workers of the world, unite to demand more freedom of movement!
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"When all you've got is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail."
The last thing the fans of this white, male, faux libertarian, right-wing blog can stand is some genuinely libertarian content.
Well, that and any criticism of racism, misogyny, gay-bashing, xenophobia, or superstition.
Carry on, clingers.
Revvie Boy. You need to foot vote to Venezuela for your own welfare.
Hi, Ilya, you Ivy indoctrinated, Beltway rent seeking, servant of the Chinese Commie aim to destroy our nation.
Hey, dipshit, bring 100000 Indian law profs to the DC area. They would love to work for $25000. They are making $7 an hour, you jerk. Have them all foot vote to take your worthless, garbage job indoctrinating intelligent, ethical young people into your fake, garbage, toxic legal doctrines. We will will house them at your house, with with overflow on your street.
Until I hear you advocate that great idea, you need to STFU, you toxic agent of Soros. How much in payoffs are you taking from that Nazi retired Jew hunter, you vile traitor to our nation? Disclose your funding.
Recognize the Indian law degree. Add 3 months of Bar prep, and 90% of these excellent people will pass the Virginia bar exam.
These people will give them the questions ahead of time, and the curated answers.
Ilya needs to stop the lawyer gaslightin'. Let's have a real world experiment. Nothing is as persuasive as a fact. Bring in those law profs from India. Pass on the savings in costs to the tuition of working class students trying to become lawyers. Their spouses can serve as support staff, at minimum wage, which is a King's ransom in India. I include the Dean and his entire office. I bet they will have a better bar pass rate for the alumni because they will maintain discipline with corporal punishment.
Slapping, caning, kneeling. Cool.
I used to be on Facebook. I had a Facebook friend who was an Egyptian appellate lawyer (only 10% can be). For some reason, he loved me.
1L. He asks a question about government corruption. He is arrested, in prison without charges, for 6 months, and beaten whether he needed it or not. At the end, they say, we suggest you focus on your studies. You do not want to return here.
Cold calling is a joke compared to foreign law schools. They do not play. Bring those values here.
Is this legal in government facilities?
Sam Kinison agrees with Ilya.
If I decide on my own to move in search of a better opportunity, that may end as an empowering experience, or it may not. When someone else proposes to, "empower me to vote with my feet," I am being pushed around; I would be a fool to think otherwise.
People have always understood how to flee disasters. They have also always recognized when they were displaced for the convenience or advantage of others. The latter is among the least empowering experiences anyone can have.
Self-awareness is the first step!
Davey Boy, great comment, bruh.
There's already the Americans with Disabilities Act. What more do you want?
As a leper, I really want to get to the USA, USA, USA. For my 2 years of daily dapsone and rifampicin once per month. They have their act together. All lepers foot vote to the USA USA USA.
Nobody is moving to the US to get access to healthcare, unless they're already wealthy.
I'm all for increasing freedom of movement, but I suspect the real-world outcome these proposals will end up facilitating is that increasing homelessness, inaffordable housing, insecure employment and wages that massively lag inflation is just going to turn more and more people into migrant labour, with the not insignificant side effect that many of them will essentially lose their rights to vote due to various complications that go with regularly changing jurisdictions and having no fixed abode.
So long as there is a desire to provide basic necessities to all through welfare, open borders will soon bankrupt the system. Probably the only limit to immigration under an open system is the practical problem of how they get to the US. Maybe only 10 million a year could come, but 20 million is what we would likely see.
No problem, right Somin?
So the democratic southern "border" policy is a rousing success?
A Harvard professor sums it up:
"Put bluntly, immigration turns out to be just another income redistribution program."
The details of that redistribution scheme explain a lot about why support for immigration and opposition to it line up like they do.
Heh. With just Michael P's comment, I was able to predict exactly which Harvard professor you had to be referring to, because he's the only one who thinks this way.
Interesting how foot voting doesn’t apply to things like moving where abortion is legal. In that case, and for things like “Right to work” states, the laws have to be changed so people don’t have to move. Perhaps Ilya could write on this.
This labor day is a great time to start thinking about Thanksgiving.
Much blame is heaped on the immigrants who risk lives trying to get into the US looking for an easier life. However, the pilgrims also came to America, mostly looking for an easier life. Almost 1/2 of them died the first winter. Yet, we don't look on them as foolish, but courageous.
Shroom Boy, we need to learn from the Indians. They failed to control the illegales. See what happened to them.
The Indians actually did a very profitable trade with the pilgrims, until the pilgrim militia leader decided to raid the Indian camp.
Their immigration fully followed the laws at that time.
So at least one difference.
Professor Somin,
Perhaps you might want to comment on the recent New York Times article on housing in Connecticut. A Democratic-controlled legislature passed a law that creates a bypass process to local zoning laws for high-density housing with a setasides for affordable housing in municipalities with too low a proportion of affordable housing. Developers get an appeal to a special state tribunal to avoid local NIMBYism and the law limits the reasons development can be opposed.
This is not exactly a free market approach, and the bypass is limited. Nonetheless, it runs in the direction of what you’ve been proposing.
What’s interesting is the reversal of tradtional Democrat and Republican postions, and use of traditional Republican arguments in favor of greater regulation. Republicans are arguing the state should leave things to localities and not try to impose a one-size-fits-all solution.
According to the article, among other tactics localities are figuring out the minimum development necessary to get their proportion of affordable housing just above the theeshold where the law kicks in. They are also organizing to seek repeal.
"...the biggest barriers condemning millions to lives of poverty and oppression are immigration restrictions."
Not repressive socialist tyrants. Not mind numbing violence from the numerous civil and paramilitary groups. Not unrelenting religious fundamentalism. No, according to Ilya, it's not allowing the people who do these things and support others who do these things from moving to this country. Why, the mere act of crossing a border will miraculously turn them into enlightened, altruistic beings. Who are just expected to vote Dem.
Ilya is the perfect example of someone who is highly educated yet posses no wisdom. Basically, David Behar with degrees.
Putting Simon’s obsession with foot voting in context.
Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review
Well, blocking the FUCK out of you, asshole.
Go on...
Why don't you just move to a whiter country?
Considering the source, a compliment of the first order!