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Steve Sanders on Full Faith and Credit and the Respect for Marriage Act
A prominent academic expert on both same-sex marriage and full faith and credit weighs in.
In my last post, I covered some potential federalism issues raised by the Respect for Marriage Act, which seems to protect same-sex marriage in the event the Supreme Court overrules Obergefell v. Hodges. Among other things, I cited the work of Prof. Steve Sanders of Indiana University, a leading academic expert on same-sex marriage and the Full Faith and Credit Clause.
After reading my post, Steve indicated he largely agreed with my analysis, and sent me the following comment, which he has authorized me to reprint here. I have reprinted Steve's comment unaltered, except for a couple clarifications I have put in brackets. Steve's piece is in the blockquote. Everything else in the post is my own writing. Here is Steve's comment:
The conventional scholarly wisdom is that the Article IV Full Faith and Credit Clause doesn't, on its own, compel interstate recognition of marriages, because at the end of the day, a state's definition of marriage is just an expression of statutory policy, and the Supreme Court has long said that FF&C does not mean states are obligated to defer to the policy ideas of other states. I have pushed back on that conventional wisdom, as you noted [in my original post]. But what's key is that the FF&CC also contains a grant of power to Congress to prescribe by statute the "effect" of one state's "acts" in other states.
Is there some cost to federalism in the Respect for Marriage Act? Sure. But the FF&CC was intended as a unifying device, not a states-rights provision. And as a policy matter, the cost is far outweighed by the chaos and injustice that would be caused by allowing one state to nullify another state's existing legal marriage. Aside from the appalling human costs, there are federalism implications to that as well. The Respect for Marriage Act basically says, "You are required to give effect to a legal relationship validly created under another state's law. This is one country, one where people move around all the time. You can't treat their marriage license like a worthless piece of foreign currency."
In his famous article on the Full Faith and Credit Clause, Justice [Robert] Jackson argued that "[w]here there is a choice," the Clause should be used to "meet the needs of an expanding national society for a modern system of administering, inexpensively and expeditiously, a more certain justice." Doing so was important to "certainty and order."
In another related area of family law, child custody, federal law passed pursuant to the FF&CC already imposes certain requirements and restrictions on states to prevent "parental kidnapping" and relitigation of custody in another state.
It's often forgotten that the federal DOMA [the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act], in addition to forbidding federal recognition of same-sex marriages, also included the following section: "No State, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession, or tribe respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relationship."
That was basically the mirror image of the new provision in the Respect for Marriage Act. DOMA purported to allow states to deny recognition; the new law requires them to give recognition. I don't think anyone seriously questioned Congress's power in DOMA to prescribe the "effect" of full faith and credit in this way, but it never became an issue because it was basically superfluous. It was generally accepted that states already had the inherent power to deny recognition to marriages of which they disapproved.
One thing that's a little unclear is whether this language is intended to protect parent-child relationships that arise through SSM. If two women are married, one gives birth and the other is the second legal parent, is the non-biological mother's parental status protected by this law? Arguably it's a "right or claim arising from" the marriage, so I hope that's the understanding courts would give it, but the new law could be more clear.
I think Steve's points above are well-taken. While states may not be required to recognize out of state marriages by virtue of the FFC Clause taken alone, there is a much stronger case that Congress can use its powers under the Clause to require them to do so. If it cannot, that would - as Steve notes - also call into doubt existing federal statutes requiring states to defer to other states' child custody laws, lest they open the door to "kidnapping" and repeated relitigation of custody issues.
I think Steve is also right that Section 3 of the Respect for Marriage Act is less clear on the issue of whether states are required to recognize the parental rights of same-sex couples married out of state. Probably the best interpretation of the Act is that they are (also for the reason Steve says). But it's an issue that might end up getting litigated if the Act gets enacted in its current form.
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That's exactly what I said on the last thread.
The commentariat on this blog is like having a couple of hundred law professors ready to weigh in on any topic at any time: a 1000 opinions and 999 that are wrong.
If marriage is a right, according to Obergefeld, why must people obtain a license to exercise that right?
In fact, marriage is an institution, a practice, a tradition and a rite but not a right. The fact that it has been codified into law is a relatively recent practice in the history of mankind. Obviously, it has been recognized by the law and canonical traditions and laws but only in the 19th century did it become an act for which one has to be licensed.
If we truly wish to move forward on this issue, it would be my suggestion that there ought to be a “wall of separation” between marriage and state.
For tax and certain other purposes, a marriage could be recorded by the states but licensing and approval should not be a function of the states.
Various states have considered legislation to make this happen. Who knows why it has not passed. County clerks not wanting to lose their powers within their fiefdom? Loss of revenue to government? Loss of control?
Rather than worry about the passage of a law to counter the remote possibility of a case coming before the court that might lead to Obergefeld being overturned, it would be my suggestion each state abolish marriage licensing altogether. Have the state act solely as a recorder of the act and treat it as a contractual arrangement between consenting parties.
The “license” is a recording instrument. There are all kind of ways to be legally married without one. Common law marriage is just one example. I’m sure you can find a minister nearby who will marry you without a license.
And unfortunately there are other rights you have to get a license to avail yourself of. We’ve talked about guns to the point of nausea. Broadcast licenses are another.
You wanna say gays can’t marry because you think it’s creepy? Well then you need to strip away all of the tax and financial and legal advantages that married couples get. Otherwise you’ve got a serious equal protection problem.
Many states do not recognize common law marriage. And what are the rest of the "all kind of ways"?
Let's put it this way: Marriage Licenses are Shall Issue.
I have read the arguments of Profs. Somin and Sanders and believe they are correct. Congress can, under the clear text of the Full Faith and Credit Clause, force states to recognize a marriage it would otherwise not recognize.
But Congress should tread lightly when infringing on the traditionally state domain of family law. The 1907 case of Haddock v. Haddock 201 U.S. 562, is perhaps illustrative. Husband and wife had been married in New York in 1868. In 1899, wife brought suit in New York state court for legal separation and alimony, claiming husband had abandoned her and not supported her. She obtained personal service on the husband. Husband answered that a Connecticut court had granted him a divorce decree in 1881, and this decree was dispositive of the case. The Connecticut divorce decree had been obtained without personal service on the wife.
The question before the Court was whether New York was bound to recognize the Connecticut divorce. The Court held it was not, acknowledging the somewhat anomalous situation that if in New York, the couple were married, but in Connecticut, they were divorced. And presumably, other states might view them as either married or divorced, depending on the policy preferences of that state.
That was basically the mirror image of the new provision in the Respect for Marriage Act. DOMA purported to allow states to deny recognition; the new law requires them to give recognition.
DOMA allows states to deny recognition (thereby allowing them to confer recognition if they prefer.)
The new law requires them to confer recognition, (thereby forbidding them from denying recognition if they prefer.)
The one offers states a choice, the other eliminates the choice. Wherefore is this described as a "mirror" ? Are we at a carnival ?
What is the practical content of "full faith and credit" ?
eg if State A allows property to be passed from spouse to spouse without recognising a gain for state tax, but State B does not, is State B required to give a State B tax exemption to a couple married in State A, on the same basis as if State A's laws applied to the tax on property transfers ? Or does full faith and credit simply require that a State A "married couple" be given the same treatment as a State B married couple gets ?
Is the full faith a one way street ? ie if State B treats you better if you are unmarried, but you are married under State A's laws and not under State B's, do you get the worse State B treatment in State B as a result of full faith and credit given to your State A marriage ? Or can you waive State B's recognition of your State A marriage and get the better State B unmarried treatment ?
I want to encourage you to keep doing what you're doing and to keep getting better. awesome article exhibit of sorrows