The Volokh Conspiracy
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Harassment Restraining Orders and Res Judicata
From Klement v. Kofsman, decided March 30 by the Florida Court of Appeal (Chief Judge Mark Klingensmith, joined by Judges Martha Warner and Spencer Levine); note that Kofsman was the plaintiff here, and Klement was the defendant:
The parties were next door neighbors whose daughters attended the same daycare center and became friends. [Kofsman] alleged that acrimony developed between the two families due to some religiously bigoted [anti-Semitic] statements, leading Klement to refuse permission for her daughter to play with A.K. Klement purportedly told A.K. on at least five occasions that "my daughter doesn't want to play with you," causing the child to cry. This led to a text message exchange between Klement and [Kofsman]'s wife with the latter asking Klement to "please stop harassing my child, husband and me," and Klement in return calling her a "horrible person."
In another alleged incident, A.K. was having an outside playdate with another child in the neighborhood when Klement approached and instructed her daughter to give a gift to the other child. When A.K. attempted to say hello to Klement's daughter, Klement allegedly began screaming, "Stop approaching my children," and "I'll call the police if you say hi to my child."
During other episodes in this simmering conflict, [Kofsman]'s wife called the police a few times to report Klement. On one occasion, she called the police non-emergency line because Klement had placed a "please honk your horn for a birthday" sign in front of their homes. After eight hours of hearing horns honking about every fifteen minutes, [Kofsman]'s wife contacted the police, who sent an officer to the Klement home for a report about a disturbance to the neighborhood.
Another event involved [Kofsman]'s decision to hang a swing on a tree behind their house for A.K. Three days after hanging the swing, [Kofsman] found it had been removed. The neighborhood's homeowner's association informed [Kofsman] that it removed the swing because Klement had notified it that the swing was on her property. Eventually, [Kofsman] and his family rented out their townhouse and moved to a different location.
[Kofsman] then filed his first petition for an injunction, including these events and others as part of the petition and supporting testimony. After hearing evidence from both parties, the trial judge found that the incidents described did not meet the statutory requirements for an injunction:
[The Court]: [L]egally I don't find that there is an ongoing course of harassment according to the law…. I don't find that the incident … was, you know, meant to cause harm in any way, or was an act of—was a threat or was an act of intimidation. I don't doubt that it made your daughter feel bad, and I don't doubt that she was—you know, that to a four and five-year-old that this kind of thing is not traumatic. I don't doubt that…. I just don't think it qualifies under this statute.
Three months later, [Kofsman] filed a second petition for an injunction against Klement, explaining that his family was moving back to the house next door to the Klements, that A.K. would be going to the same school as Klement's daughter, and they felt they needed "a protective order in place to avoid further trauma and possible physical harm." This second petition contained the same allegations made in the first petition but added two new incidents in which [Kofsman] claimed he had been told by a neighbor that Klement had approached the neighbor and "was slandering [Kofsman and his wife] and saying [they] go around suing people everywhere."
The trial court held an evidentiary hearing presided over by a different judge than the one who ruled on the first petition. [Kofsman] represented himself at this hearing and focused his testimony on the events he personally witnessed and that had already been detailed at the previous hearing. However, he did not present evidence related to the two new incidents involving the neighbor….[T]he successor judge stated,
I don't think it ever makes a difference whether a person has applied for an injunction three, four or five times and didn't get it. What's important is, do you have the incidents, do you meet the statute, and I believe that at this point they have met the statute.
In making her oral pronouncement, the successor judge referenced many of the incidents between the two parties, including [Kofsman]'s allegations of anti-Semitic comments, Klement's interactions with A.K., and the removal of the tree swing. The successor judge granted an injunction for a six-month period, and Klement appealed.
No, said the appellate court:
"Res judicata is a judicial doctrine used to bar parties from relitigating claims previously decided by a final adjudication on the merits." … [But b]ecause the first judge had previously considered the incidents described again in the second hearing and found each of them insufficient to constitute qualifying acts of harassment or stalking under the applicable statute, the successor judge was barred by res judicata from reconsidering those same claims and deeming them qualifying incidents.
Mere disagreement with conclusions reached by a prior court does not avoid the preclusive effect of res judicata. Even if the successor judge personally felt the incidents described in the first petition did constitute stalking or harassment such that an injunction should have been entered, because those incidents had already been considered, the doctrine of res judicata prevented the successor judge from imposing any injunction based on any incident previously rejected as non-qualifying under the statute.
While res judicata barred the re-litigation of the same incidents presented at the first hearing, the two new incidents alleged in the second petition—that Klement complained to a mutual neighbor that [Kofsman] was litigious—would not have been barred by res judicata because they happened after the determination of [Kofsman]'s first petition.
However, [Kofsman] did not present evidence related to those new claims. Instead, [Kofsman] presented evidence at the second hearing regarding only the same incidents described and adjudicated in the first petition and did not suggest any change or difference in circumstances or facts. Although the two newly added claims presented in the second petition may not have been barred by res judicata, the successor judge's oral pronouncement made clear that she did not base her ruling on the two new incidents or on any previous finding regarding the existence of a qualifying incident.
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Way to weaponize your children.
Developments concerning the Volokh Conspiracy's Federalist Society friends continue to emerge, but Eugene Volokh still does not want to talk about any of that -- he prefers to wallow in this crap, which we are to believe he find much more interesting and important.
With silence this conspicuous, you'd think Jeffrey Bossert Clark and John Eastman were disgraced former judge Kozinski. or something.
Carry on, clingers. Un-American cowards have rights, too.
Rev. You are filled with hate. That must not feel good. You need to repent.
Professor Volokh is a law professor who researches and writes papers on certain specialized legal topics. When he is reseaeching a paper, he tends to post on evefy case that comes up within his subject.
He ahould be aware that this somewhat turns off many of his readers, myself included. Post after post on lower-court cases on the same old narrow specialized topic is not really what the proverbial educated general reader comes to see. He might want to consider separating specialized posts from general-topic posts and make it easy for general readers to skip his specialized research-topic posts.
But he doesn’t have to do this. He doesn’t have to structure his posts so as to maximize his audience’s interest and attention span. Repeatedly posting about umpteen minor cases on the topic he happens to researching to write a paper on at the moment may be something we general readers just have to put up with.
Y. Millions of people are subjected to failed legal procedures. So, the conduct of traffic court is far more important than sensational Depp v Heard. Your snob preferences are not real nor important.
This is a pretty weird wonky place any way you look at it. It is his blog. But it doesn't "turn me off" to be offered writing that doesn't interest me. Just like any other source. All of the bloggers here have always promoted & worked through their particular projects & passions in the space. There are a couple of those writers I have come to find out, that I don't think much of their opinions, or that they are indeed one note songs. And there are wonky deep dives that I am not willing to follow. You are here in the threads often. So it can't be too bad. This blog is an ongoing education for me. But it is just an odd group of ducks in a pond.
Aemon. You voted for Biden. I can tell because your entire Comment is personal insults.
DavidBelhar must have read the super-secret version of your comment, the one that isn’t there.
David, you really ought to see someone about the voices in your head.
There really is something wrong with you, what with your guilt-by-association McCarthyism on full display. People can be silent about lots of things without it having any meaning or significance.
You're really bad at trolling, because this simply isn't clever.
Eugene can make himself really useful. Include the total costs of these cases. That is the best explanation for them, money grubbing by lawyers.
Government should stick to protecting people from physical and financial damage. It should stay out of feelings. The clerk of court should be authorized to dismiss with prejudice claims that do not contain evidence of measurable physical or financial damage. There should be a heading in the claim: Measurable Damage.
The clerk may include with his dismissal with prejudice a reference or a handout on coping skills for hurt feelings. For example, walk around the block, listen to music, shun the person, yoga, mindfulness. These are far more effective than the real stress of litigation. People file cases to stress out the other party.
Filing such cases causes real damage in time consumption and money costs. The filing of such a case, devoid of measurable damage, justifies an intentional tort claim. Democrats are habitual lawfare warriors. Deter them with all costs from personal assets.
Failing to disclose all costs of all cases is a cover up by the lawyer profession of its rent seeking. Rent seeking is armed robbery. Men with guns collect taxes and money. That money is given to special interests that return nothing of value. The opposite of a rent is a profit. If government forcibly collects taxes and builds a road that is used by a lot of people, that is a profit, not a rent.
It strikes me that harassment can be cumulative, so that if prior events were insufficient, that doesn't mean that they can't be combined with later events that together do cross the threshhold. The prior events did actually happen; the judge just determined that they weren't enough standing alone for a harassment order. I don't see why they couldn't be considered as part of a later case.
But were the two subsequent incident enough to after the passage of 3 months time and involving third parties enough to time the balance?
I wonder if either or both parties were lawyers.
And that's a question of fact.
I'm not saying the movant should necessarily have won here. Just that I don't think that as a matter of law the earlier incidents should have been disregarded entirely.
I don't think they said the previous events could not be considered as part of a cumulative whole. They just pointed out that nothing had been added (since the new allegations had no evidence), so they remained insufficient.
The appeals court didn't say that the 'prior events combined with the later events' failed to cross the threshold. The later events were not presented and the second judge explicitly said she didn't consider them. The second judge's decision was based solely on the prior events. The appeals court is merely saying that you don't get a second bite at the apple for the same events.
My nearest neighbor is more than two miles by road away, from my front gate to my front door is more than 500 yards, and my land is surrounded by public forest land....
And that's the way I like it.
No brief for one side.
Five lawyers -- two from a large firm -- on the other.
The first-listed lawyer exhibits this result at his website's trophy case.