The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
Why the Texas Social Media Law is a Menace to Freedom of Speech
The law forces social media firms to host and promote speech they oppose, and would set a dangerous precedent if upheld by the courts.

In December, federal district court Judge Robert Pitman ruled against HB 20, Texas' sweeping new social media law that bars social media firms from engaging in almost any moderation of the content that can appear on their sites. Not only are they forbidden to completely exclude content they disapprove of; they are also not allowed to treat it differently on the site (such as by flagging it as possibly unreliable "misinformation" or reducing its prominence relative to other speech on the same platform).
Last week, the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a 2-1 ruling imposing a stay on the injunction against enforcement of the law issued by the trial court. The Fifth Circuit ruling is purely procedural, and is not accompanied by any opinion explaining the court's reasoning. So it's hard to say whether the stay is based on purely technical procedural considerations, or signals that the majority believes the law is actually constitutional.
On Friday, the tech firms challenging the law asked the Supreme Court to lift the Fifth Circuit's stay, in a brief drafted by a virtual Who's Who of prominent conservative appellate lawyers, including "super-lawyer" Paul Clement (former Bush administration Solicitor General), and former Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller.
I will not try to assess the purely procedural issues involved in the fight over the stay. But I completely agree with the brief's discussion of the substantive free speech question. HB 20 is blatantly unconstitutional because it compels speech, forbids the exercise of editorial discretion by social media firms, and is meant to target firms the Texas state government believes are hostile to "conservative" speech specifically.
HB 20 is an extreme version of proposals to treat social media firms as "common carriers" who have a legal duty to accept all or virtually all would-be customers. I criticized such proposals in detail here. Most of the points I make are relevant to the present case:
Let's start with first principles. Eugene Volokh asks "Whose rules should govern how Americans speak with other Americans?"…..
Th[e] answer is that each American should be able to decide for himself, with extremely rare exceptions. But each person should also be able to decide what kinds of speech are permitted on their property. And that applies to media corporations no less than individuals. Thus, I should be able to advocate virtually any viewpoint I want. But Fox News and the New York Times should be equally free to refuse to broadcast or publish my views.
Both the right to free expression and the right to refuse a platform to speech you disapprove of are vital elements of freedom of speech. If Fox were forced to broadcast left-wing views they object to and the Times had to give space to right-wing ones its editors would prefer to avoid, it would be an obvious violation of their rights. Moreover, in the long run, such policies would actually reduce the quantity and quality of expression overall, as people would be less likely to establish TV stations and newspapers in the first place, if the cost of doing so was being forced to give a platform to your adversaries' views….
Thus, there should be a very strong presumption against forcing people to provide platforms for views they object to. Can proposals for common carrier regulation of social media overcome that objection? The answer should be a firm "no."
The standard rationale for common carrier regulation is that the the firms in question have some kind of monopoly power….
The reality is very much otherwise. Recent survey data compiled by the Pew Research Foundation finds that many more Americans get news by means other than social media than use the latter. For example, 68% of Americans indicated they regularly get news from media websites and apps, 68% from television, and only 53% from social media sites. Among the overwhelming majority (about 96% of the total sample) who use more than one type of media to get news, 35% preferred TV, 26% preferred news websites and apps, and only 11% said they preferred social media. The same study also found that, on average, Americans trust news from social media sources less than that from television and news websites.
What is true of news is also true of opinion and commentary about political and social issues in the news…..
To the extent we are specifically concerned with access for conservative viewpoints, there are large right of center players in both TV media and online news and opinion. These include such major outlets as Fox News, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the Washington Times, the New York Post, and others.
In sum, social media sites have nothing approaching a monopoly over the market for political information generally, or even over its distribution online.
One measure of Big Tech social media's inability to control political discourse is their utter failure to prevent the rise of widespread attacks on Big Tech itself! Real monopolists worthy of the name should be able to at least suppress speech that directly threatens their own interests.
Moreover, as I explained in a January [2021] op ed in USA Today (itself one of the many alternatives to social media!), the big social media sites don't even command a true monopoly over social media, narrowly defined. Rival sites with different (and often much looser) moderation rules can and do compete with them….. If they aren't as popular as Facebook and Twitter, it's not because of lack of competition, but because fewer consumers like them. Facebook and Twitter themselves challenged previous, supposedly dominant incumbents. If they annoy enough consumers, or if someone develops a more appealing competing platform, today's supposedly unassailable "giants" will suffer the same fate…..
Other rationales for imposing common carrier rules on social media firms are even weaker than the monopoly theory….. [this part of my piece critiques analogies between social media and phone lines and mail delivery services].
The potential imminent takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk - who promises to greatly reduce content moderation - is a further sign that the market is fully capable of generating competition for platforms with restrictive moderation of policies.
I also explained why, if courts accept the HB 20 or "common carrier" approach to regulating social media, it would set a dangerous precedent for government control over other media:
In addition to banning content moderation rules that many consumers like, common carrier restrictions also create serious slippery slope risks. If the monopoly rationale for imposing common carrier rules on social media platforms is accepted, it could just as easily justify the imposition of similar requirements on many types of traditional media.
Even if Twitter and Facebook don't actually monopolize the market for political information, it's certainly true they reach various potential audiences that are difficult or impossible to reach in other ways. But, if that justifies forcing them to abjure restrictions on content, the same theory would rationalize imposing the same requirements on other types of media. Fox News, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and a variety of other major broadcast and print media outlets also reach large audiences that can't always be easily reached in other ways. By that rationale, they too can be forced to be common carriers!
Perhaps the problem is not that social media giants monopolize any audience in some economic sense, but that they have too much influence over political discourse relative to some egalitarian baseline. Why should Mark Zuckerberg's views have any more clout than those of the average American? But we can make exactly the same argument for the owners and editors of Fox News, the New York Times, and any other outlet with a large audience. They too have vastly more influence over public discourse than the average American does. And it's not clear that they are any more worthy of their influence than Zuckerberg is.
Giving government a free hand to impose common carrier restrictions on any website or media outlet that "monopolizes" a particular audience or otherwise has "too much" influence is a power that can and will be abused. Call it "common carrier creep!"
The party in power will have obvious incentives to use it to neuter media that oppose them. Even if conservatives are comfortable with giving such discretion to GOP politicians, are they equally at ease with giving it to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or Elizabeth Warren? How about the bureaucrats Democratic presidents are likely to appoint to federal regulatory agencies tasked with implementing such common carrier regulations (and deciding which firms should be subject to them)?
Liberal advocates of social media regulation (of whom Warren is a prominent example) should ask themselves whether they would be willing to entrust such regulatory authority to the likes of Donald Trump or Josh Hawley. Given the chance, those guys would be happy to make social media great again - under their definition of greatness, of course.
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Now do cakes wishing Congratulations to a wedding you find objectionable.
If you advertise you sell wedding cakes you have to sell wedding cakes to all couples…it’s a false advertising issue.
No it isn't. That is not what was advertised. And acc. to you, if the baker added a disclaimer "except cakes with messages I disagree with" then that is the end of false advertising.
Yes it is—our society defines marriage and in order for commerce to flow smoothly that is the definition everyone must use. He doesn’t have to advertise he makes wedding cakes but once he does he must bake wedding cakes for all lawful customers. Obviously if he’s too booked up he can pass but he can’t not bake a cake because he has his own special definition of a civil institution.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
You want a return to the Green Book in which Black tourists in the South had to have a special directory of businesses that would serve them because a business with a sign that said “restaurant” didn’t necessarily mean a Black could eat there. In 2022 if a business advertises they bake wedding cakes then a gay couple can make wedding plans based on businesses that advertise they are in the wedding business.
I would love a return to private property rights and letting the free market handle it.
Dude, if you haven't been here long then yes, there are a LOT of people here who would love nothing more to be racist/sexist/whatever-ist as can be.
These people don't want equality. They want the ability to be the bigoted POSs they truly are without having to face consequences for it.
In a free county, they should be allowed to. And to use their labor and their property as they see fit. On the other hand, in a "progressive" totalitarian nightmare, the government gets to tell you what to think, whom to serve in your restaurant, etc.
How so? I am free think what I want and to use my labor and my property as I like. So are you. Perfect equality and non-aggression. What we have now is the opposite. And you love it! Says a lot about you...
What is it with the right and thinking being criticized for being shitty is the same as being censored for it?
What is it with the right and thinking being criticized for being shitty is the same as being censored for it?
Yet another example of your pathological dishonesty. Nobody said anything about being protected from criticism. The context is about government actions. That was even explicitly spelled out in the post you responded lying sack of shit.
Sorry about your inability to read raspberrydinners' comment.
Thoughts and prayers you get better soon!
Sorry about your inability to read raspberrydinners' comment.
Thoughts and prayers you get better soon!
Atta' boy. Defend your dishonest with even more dishonesty. You weren't responding to raspberrydinner's comment. And even if you were, him/her making a claim (and that's all it was) about unnamed people wanting to avoid "facing consequences" for something is not an instance of someone saying/suggesting they wish to avoid criticism for something.
So, as're not only a lying piece of shit, you're thoroughly inept at it.
Well, that goes without saying, but he really doesn't know what he's talking about in this context, in that in gay marriage was not even recognized in Colorado at the time when the Masterpiece Cakeshop situation arose (2012).
His invocation of "false advertising" is downright bizarre. No one in the baker case even raised that, and false advertising is easily avoided if you just disclose whatever conditions you want in the advertising. If some baker decides he does not want to make chocolate cake, and says so, there is no false advertising.
It may be bizarre, but I actually see it commonly among advocates of such laws: merely by dint of running a business, one is "advertising" that one will sell all goods and services one offers to anyone. (That is, they're not even talking about actual ads; they have the weird idea that merely operating the business is an implicit advertisement.)
I've also seen the equally ridiculous argument that "When you apply for a business license, you are required to serve everyone," as though there is a general "business license" outside of tax or occupancy requirements.
As far as I know none of the bakers at issue have refused to sell wedding cakes, generic wedding cakes that are off the shelf items.
What they've refused to do is participate in custom design and execution of wedding cakes where they are a creative participant, same with the florist from Arlene's flowers.
And if you doubt designing and decorating a custom cake is an artistic endeavor then I will point you to the half dozen or so reality TV shows devoted to custom cake design and execution competition.
Prof. Volokh is of the opinion that a plain wedding cake, even a custom one, is not artistic, and hence does not implicate Free Speech consideration. He does agree that a cake which is ordered with a message does.
I don't agree with the first part, as in our culture, a wedding cake is a symbol of celebrating a wedding, so it is symbolic speech.
Such custom wedding cakes are essentially edible art pieces and art is generally protected by the first amendment.
In my experience the more artistic ones skimp on the "edible" part of that. I suppose fondant isn't technically toxic, but it isn't particularly appetizing, if you ask me.
I am a stronger 1A supporter than almost all here (especially Lathrop!), but even I don't agree with this. That simply defines "symbolic speech" too broadly. Anything one does can be said to convey a message, but that doesn't convert every aspect of life into speech. Choosing to drive an SUV says something about your views on lifestyle, on the environment, etc. But that does not mean that the 1A would prevent the government from banning SUVs.
Maybe there is a substantive due process right to freedom of commercial association that prevents a state government from requiring nondiscrimination in cake sales. Maybe there's a 13th amendment right that protects against that. Maybe there's a free exercise right that does so. Whatever. But it's not an infringement on speech to require the sales of plain cakes on a non-discriminatory basis.
I go for the 13th amendment argument, personally. I agree with you that selling a plain cake is not plausibly an act of speech.
The baker's position that he would sell a premade cake to the couple undermines the argument that a wedding cake is a symbol of a celebrating a wedding. Yes, he did not know it would be used at a wedding when he made it. However, he did when he sold it.
An actual wedding cake takes considerably more time and effort to make than a generic cake that is made routinely.
If it not artistic, then the people who want them are free to make it themselves.
The baker categorically refused to make any cake for the gay couple, which includes an exact replica of a generic cake.
Okay. The Supreme Court already weighed in on that one, right?
Not fully. The only holding was that the state commission promulgating that stupidly opened their mouth and revealed their anti-religious bigotry, so they lost. Next time, they will be smarter.
Anti-religious bigotry = bad!
Ant-LGBTQ bigotry = civil right?
Well, you believe the opposite so...
I think we can all agree government discrimination is the most serious type of discrimination.
People have the right to decide for instance they only want to marry someone of the same race, but it is settled that the government can't make that decision for them.
In a few years time, the left will be calling for mandatory orgies where families need to let the neighborhood groomer into their homes to butt ream their children.
It may be "settled" today, but the whole idea of "progress" (as in "progressive") is to unsettle things. Today, I am pretty sure it's illegal to advertise for a roommate "of the same race." The way things are going, it wouldn't surprise me if, in a couple of years, it's illegal to post a personal ad saying you're looking for someone ""of the same race." Brave new world of non-discrimination!
the whole idea of "progress" (as in "progressive") is to unsettle things
The rejection of all change as unsettling is not something Burke would have much liked.
And your speculation is just nutpicking. Plenty of leftists are that silly, but I don't think they have a seat in Congress, or the courts.
Yeah, that decision all but came out and said, "Next time don't openly announce your religious animus, idiots!" I hate rulings that nominally seem to uphold rights, but are really just instructions on how to get away with infringing them.
So they get another chance with 303 Creative v. Elenis, no? Seems weird to constantly talk about this example when the Court seems to be trying to steer in exactly the direction you want.
Hey - did you consider weighing in on the actual OP, Bored Lawyer? What do you think of the 5th's decision here?
Easy mode. A law that required bakers to accept and create any message at all, without discretion, would clearly violate 1A as compelled speech. Obviously, this would be a different analysis than a law forbidding bakers to discriminate against members of a protected class, but that's an entirely different hypo. I suspect you want to equate these two scenarios, but they aren't comparable.
Paul Clement?
The guy that lost the ACA case and the DOMA case?
Ech, guess I'll just get ready for the Texas-takeover of Twitter then.
You do realize that upholding the individual mandate allowed Republicans to get an extra $300 billion in tax cuts?? And Roberts was going to rule it was unconstitutional but severable in which case the ACA would still exist. At least my obsession with Bush is topical as things like Afghanistan and our debt and even the Texas blackout and even the Rangers new ballpark are products of George W Bush.
So, Roberts' alternative to the Penaltax was just as bad? Because, IIRC, they'd considered a severability clause in the ACA, and decided against it.
I suppose if playing a game of constitutional chicken with the Court gets your law upheld, it wasn't a stupid thing to do.
The dude's most famous cases in the last fifteen years were both ones where he epicly lost, so I think him being a losing loser that loses a lot is topical.
That said, I thought I recognized a name and had to google it to make sure I was right on which asshole it was. Kinda feels like setting the bar low for an "obsession", but to each their own.
Those aren't his most famous cases; those are just random cases that you happen to have heard of. He has handled over 100 cases before SCOTUS, and has an excellent track record. Not to mention his record in other appellate courts.
Is speech posted on a web platform attributable to the web platform or not? Isn't the argument for their immunity from legal liability from posts on their sites that the speech is not, in fact, theirs?
They claim they can't be held responsible for what users post, yet also claim the right to pick and choose what they post. That's what a publisher does. But Section 230 says they're not to be treated as publishers for liability purposes. They shouldn't be allowed to have it both ways.
That's not the legal test. It violates the First Amendment for a state to require a newspaper to publish an editorial or a response to one, even if it is made clear that the views there are those of the contributor and not the newspaper itself. Miami Herald Pub. Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241 (1974).
Whoosh! That point went right over your head. But a newspaper is a publisher. That's the difference.
Rohan, what difference? Some folks (maybe not you) insist Facebook and Twitter are not publishers. Or they claim alternatively that an author's contribution is the only legitimate target for liability in a libel suit—perhaps on a supposition that a publisher has no power to inflict damage separable from the author's. Or they believe that a person posting on Twitter (or some other social medium) is his own publisher.
All three of those suppositions are wrong as a matter of fact. Section 230 is thus a law contrary to fact.
Unsurprisingly, that turns into utopians folks who back Section 230 and its consequences, or who seek to modify Section 230 to fine tune it. They are well-meaning, just as congress was well-meaning when it passed the law. However, no one would suppose that great benefit to the nation would follow from a law announcing the validity of perpetual motion machines. The premises of Section 230 that I denied in my first paragraph above are not merely subject to critique; they are subject to disproof.
I oppose Section 230, and have done that since about 30 minutes after first reading the law (It did not come to my attention until two or three years after it passed.) The reason to oppose Section 230 is not that it is wrong as a matter of policy. I do not oppose Section 230 as a matter of policy. I oppose it because it cannot work, no matter what the policy.
Passage of Section 230 made today's mess in internet publishing—and the consequent degradation of the public life of the nation—entirely predictable. I can say that legitimately because I have been predicting exactly this mess, in most of its details, on this forum for quite a few years. I predicted publishing giantism, with monopolistic tendencies for advertising sales. I predicted a surge to pressure government to regulate press freedom. I predicted a practical default toward near impunity for libel. I predicted a flood-tide of swill, to displace better-quality public discourse. I predicted a massive loss of national news gathering capacity, which internet publishing would not replace. I predicted that the basis of advertising sales would shift from curated mass audiences to tailored content targeted individually, and that that process would degrade significantly the reliability of available journalism.
I did not get it all right. I at first failed to predict foreign political interference. I missed the peril of actually-insane popular delusions, like the 2020 election Big Lie, or QAnon, or the legitimization of replacement theory among a notable segment of the population. But those came along too, and here we are.
If you have any specific questions about why Section 230 is not good policy, or not even mere bad policy, but instead a law resting on a delusional foundation so unsound that it can never deliver the promises sought for it, please ask. I will try to explain.
Wrong again. Despite — or maybe because of? — your background, you don't understand what a publisher is. Or, alternatively, you don't understand what Facebook and Twitter are. With respect to user content, they are distributors, not publishers.
I've explained this to him 100 times, but it doesn't stick. Still, I guess it's worth it for any other readers.
Anyway, Stephen is provably wrong. All the consequences he attributes to section 230 were already apparent on the Internet prior to it passing. If anything, section 230 tempered them.
Sure Randal.
But just to be sure, read the list of different harmful Section 230 effects I predicted above—and the ones I missed predicting—and show specific pre-1996 examples of:
• Publishing giantism on the internet;
• Monopolistic tendencies for advertising sales;
• Massive pressure on government to censor private publishing;
• A practical default toward publisher impunity for libel;
• Anything like today's flood-tide of internet swill;
• Massive loss of national news gathering capacity;
• Successful business models to replace lost news gathering;
• QAnon, as an effectual political movement;
• The stolen election lie, believed by tens of millions;
• Legitimization of replacement theory;
• Long-time 1A press freedom advocates offering demands for laws to declare publishers be regulated as public utilities.
With each specific pre-1996 internet example you offer, be sure to explain how without repeal of publisher liability for libel it could scale up to match present practice. An obvious problem with an argument which asserts, "The seeds of that were planted long ago," is that it does nothing to refute my charge that Section 230 was a potent fertilizer, without which those seeds could not thrive.
No need to reply an imaginary 100 times. I will be plenty surprised to get even one substantive reply.
If it was so obvious that these baleful results were inherent in the internet itself, why did all the denials I got just assert they would never happen.
While you are at it, tell me whether you think publishing activity can multiply the damage done by an author's libel.
Giantism: Usenet / IRC / Yahoo / AOL
Monopolistic advertising: there wasn't much internet advertising in 1996 (or for a while after) for lack of infrastructure... but it's always been monopolistic, even outside of section 230 contexts, for technical reasons
Pressure on gov't to censor: Usenet / IRC
Practical default toward impunity: Usenet / IRC
Flood of swill: Usenet / IRC
Loss of news-gathering capacity: you were wrong on this one
QAnon / big lie / replacement theory: You obviously didn't predict these in 1996. But similar phenomena were happening already:
In one example, taken from (a group devoted to a popular Canadian rock band), the President of
the "Southern Defense Initiative Corporation" argues that all "Southern Patriots" should boycott the hotel chain
Holiday Inn. The reason? Holiday Inn has "responded to pressure from the malcontent NAACP" by removing
state flags with Confederate symbols. The Usenet participant charges that Holiday Inn and the NAACP "label
Southerners who resorted to self-defense as racists, bigots, and oppressors"; therefore, Southern Patriots should
sleep in their cars if they have to, "never in a Holiday Inn." No real proof is offered in support of the outrageous
and misdirected claims. Usenet has provided a forum for an individual to disparage a hotel chain and the
NAACP, with racist charges that are irrelevant to the particular newsgroup's focus.
Finally, 1A advocates arguing for public utility status:
The way Usenet and IRC avoided liability was by declining to moderate content at all. That would still be the dominant model if it weren't for section 230.
Publishing activity can certainly magnify an author's libel. But so can resharing. It's hard to distinguish between content "going viral" vs. "trending." And even if you could, does that get us anywhere?
That CNET link isn't really on point. Here's a paper discussing these issues from an early 90s perspective that includes some common-carrier advocacy.
It's worth noting, by the way, that Tornillo argued in defense of the Florida law that the Miami Herald was effectively a news monopoly in its market, and that this justified the law. SCOTUS flatly rejected that argument as insufficient to interfere with the paper's first amendment rights.
Yes, that is literally the entire point of Section 230.
Platforms should not be afraid that by doing things like taking down child porn in the general case, or the "Bible Chat" website taking down posts by Satanists in a more specific case, that they therefore should be liable for speech made by others on their platform. This is why we're able to have the modern Internet: Youtube and Facebook and the comments section on Reason wouldn't be possible without it. It's a feature, not a bug.
That's nonsensical. No website would be afraid to take down child porn if Section 230 did not exist. In fact, Section 230 only protects them from not taking it down.
Libel law and the internet can coexist without the blanket immunity given to web platforms (and no one else). For example, sec. 581 of the Restatement (Second) of Torts states, "one who only delivers or transmits defamatory matter published by a
third person is subject to liability if, but only if, he knows or has reason to know of its defamatory character."
But once made aware of its defamatory character, why should a web platform not be required to remove it, as a newspaper would be required to print a retraction?
Because a "web platform" has no reasonable way to assess whether one of billions of posts on its site is actually defamatory. Either it would have to take down every post that someone claimed was defamatory or not take down anything. The latter is not a viable business model for a mainstream site.
Note that your question is about wisdom of § 230, which has nothing to do with this case, which is about the constitutionality of the Texas law.
Either it would have to take down every post that someone claimed was defamatory or not take down anything.
Another nah. Review of the small fraction of complaints which actually did garner take-down demands would show those comments largely mirrored the others, which were not complained of. Almost all of them would disclose at a glance that they were opinion, rather than legally dangerous false allegations of fact.
Joe Keyboard is not an enterprising news gatherer. Almost everything Joe Keyboard publishes is opinion. Noticing that, and leaving complained-of opinion comments undisturbed is far less onerous than internet fans suppose.
It is amazing how much you think you understand without actually understanding any of it. This is not how the actual practice of law works. And I don't want to hear some stupid anecdote about how you ignorantly did stuff in Idaho in rebuttal.
Either it would have to take down every post that someone claimed was defamatory or not take down anything.
Nah. A web platform could instead treat as a limit on the size of its business the number of contributions it could afford to edit prior to publishing them. Just like any other publisher. To the extent that resulted in size-reduction among platforms, it would open the door to competition and diversity among private publishers. Others would enter the market, once size-reduction among the giants curbed their out-of-control network effect advantage in advertising sales.
There is zero public policy advantage to a law which encourages giantism among web platforms. The giantism is a secondary effect of Section 230, but a primary effect of almost all the complaints—from every point on the political spectrum—about the web platforms.
"That's nonsensical. No website would be afraid to take down child porn if Section 230 did not exist. In fact, Section 230 only protects them from not taking it down."
See, this is why most of the conversations around platform liability are so stupid. Most of the people writing about it have no clue what they're talking about. Section 230 makes it clear that by virtue of removing/moderating/censoring some content, that platforms do not become liable for the rest of the content. It was passed in direct response to Stratton Oakmont v. Prodigy wherein Prodigy was held liable for a random poster's libel against Stratton Oakmont because they filtered for indecent content in their forums. Congress thought this was a bad situation (there's a reason why this is part of the Communications Decency Act), and passed Section 230 to make it so platforms wouldn't incur liability by removing "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable" content.
Literally the whole point of the law is to allow the platforms to avoid liability for taking some content down and leaving some up. There's some debate over whether Congress intended for the scope of what platforms to be allowed to take down to be as broad as the courts have interpreted it, but there's no doubt about what the general purpose of the law is.
jb, the general purpose of the law was to empower access to anonymous, world-wide, unedited, liability-free internet publishing for everyone. Even as a hypothesis, it was utterly novel. As intended practice it was pure experiment. That generous purpose proved impossible to achieve in practice—too many baleful unintended consequences.
Before those consequences became evident, Section 230 advocates could be forgiven their generous impulse. Now, with the consequences known, continued advocacy for Section 230 must be judged destructively utopian. Too many of its results move public policy practice away from reliance on healthy profusion and diversity among private publishers. That is the only safe haven for press freedom ever found. Section 230 internet publishing shows no sign of delivering an alternative.
Wrong. Anonymous, world-wide, unedited, liability-free Internet publishing for everyone existed long before section 230. The best examples are Usenet and IRC. They were also gigantic, relative to the size of the Internet at the time.
Section 230 just means that we can also have anonymous, worldwide, minimally edited, liability-free Internet publishing for everyone. Which basically everyone agrees is better.
Nope. You have it exactly backwards, because you really don't understand the facts or law or history. The purpose of the law was to encourage ICSs to moderate.
Wrong. Prodigy got found liable for a defamatory post that it didn't take down because it did take down child porn. The judge figured that if you can take down the porn, you can take down the libel too. That's why Congress passed section 230.
In a similar case, CompuServe was not found liable for defamation since it didn't moderate anything. The lesson at the time was, if you want to avoid liability for user posts, don't take down the child porn!
But newspapers are not on the same legal footing as web platforms. No one disputes the obvious fact that a newspaper is a publisher which is potentially liable for anything it prints, even if it makes clear the views are not its own but those of a contributor. As, such, they should be able to pick and choose what they print, free from government compulsion.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act says, "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider." Again, web platforms want to be treated as publishers or not as publishers, depending on the circumstance, and I don't think they should be able to do that.
Web platforms (some but not all) are "publishers" more in the way the neighborhood bulletin board is a "publisher." The neighbors get to decide what is in scope and what is out-of-bounds and as long as you stick to those rules, you can pin whatever you want to the board.
There's no reason to force a new media and community resource into the mold of outdated technologies and business models like paper printing and publication. Web content can be its own thing with its own rules and still be fair.
Internet newspapers are.
By "circumstance" I suppose you mean whether they are 1) required to host versus 2) liable if they do host. You may not like the legal determinations as a matter of constitutional law or policy (and I'm not sure I do either), but it is not irrational to conclude 1) they are a First Amendment publisher that cannot be required to host per Somin's arguments, and 2) they nonetheless gain statutory protection from liability for third-party content they host because (unlike newspapers) they cannot know all of what is published.
But if they take it upon themselves to censor stuff, then anything they fail to censor is, by default, approved.
Congress disagrees and has a rational basis for doing so (the content is too voluminous to judge and therefore a lack of censorship isn't an approval).
A law barring Facebook and Google and others from government computers and networks (and contracting and whatever other access the government may restrict, throughout the state) if they interfere with communications of any candidate on the ballot would be a lot easier to defend.
I hope they’re not picking losing tactics on purpose.
I don't think Facebook or Google would care that much if an employer banned social media sites from their corporate network. The employees might not like it, but probably 90%+ of them have cell phones anyway. Banning all of Texas's public employees from logging into "Google," however, would have a *lot* of unintended consequences for Texas. Sure, you could get by with Bing (barely), but Google Analytics is harder to avoid along with a considerable string of other useful web tools, not to mention any other website hosted on a Google cloud platform.
But if any state is going to try to build their own ideological firewall like China's, it's probably going to be Texas... unless Florida beats them to it.
Are you still on this same stupid argument? Facebook and Google aren't on government computers/networks in the first place. What this would operationally mean is a law barring government employees from accessing Facebook and Google on their work devices. Which would really not be a big deal to these companies (but barring government employees from using Google would be a big deal and a really stupid idea for the employees.)
You are wrong about it not being a big deal to the companies.
When no one at any school or public university in a state like Texas can access any Facebook or Instagram or Whatsapp content, Facebook will notice.
Same for Google, but Google is in many, many different businesses in addition to just a search web site. All android phones, for example. The day they’re all banned from anything relating to some red state governments is the day they realize censorship is no longer affordable.
Employees can do what they’re told.
Yes, there are probably at least 4 students who don't own smartphones.
Nationalizing ISPs to own the libs.
Mostly the same people who freaked out about Net Neutrality.
We all died when that was repealed, remember?
That’s a bluff that can be called.
Most people who use cellphones connect to WiFi. It can be blocked on government WiFi.
Maybe you are right and Facebook would say they don’t care. I’m guessing they’d care.
And lots of schools use Facebook to coordinate events with students and parents.
You don't need a law for that. Hell, you don't even need Facebook/Google/whoever's cooperation for that.
All you need is to talk to your IT department and say "block this site".
But some random person blocking a site doesn’t create an incentive. The entire state of Texas blocking Facebook and making it against the law for local governments and schools to engage with Facebook or do business with Meta creates an incentive.
Facebook and Google need an incentive to avoid interfering with communications between candidates and voters.
The law Texas passed isn’t accomplishing that right now.
The argument about possible competitors ignores the fact that Gab and Parler had their hosting and access to app stores cancelled because they wouldn't impose censorship of content in the way Amazon, Apple, and Google demanded. It's unpersausive to suggest competition as a remedy when everyone can see that competition is being suppressed by dominate infrastructure companies.
However, antidiscrimination laws targeting app stores and hosting services is likely to be a more legally defensible option. If this law is struck down I would hope Texas will try that strategy.
Gab and Parler moderate content too.
Um no, that's horseshit.
Anyone can throw some servers together. You don't have to use a cloud service. Is it harder? Sure. But if you truly value your "free speech" platform then it's on you.
You have no right to use someone else's property if you're breaking their TOS that have nothing to do with protected classes, etc.
Most people recognize the megacorporations who increasingly monopolize the flow of information on the internet are an infinitely greater "menace" to freedom of speech than this law. It is no surprise, of course, to see Prof. Somin leap to their defense.
It is not, because Prof. Somin has principles, and also he doesn't make up shit about "monopolizing the flow of information."
His principles are "Anything that is bad for the West, white people, and straight people is good."
BigTech needs to be regulated as public utilities.
So did Lenin, Mao, and Pol Pot.
And Hitler loved dogs!!!!!
This is a baby's first debate club argument that'd get you a gentle lesson in fallacies and sophistry.
Social media sites are digital town squares. It makes no sense to argue that the speech taking place in a town square is the town square’s own speech.
Your opinion is easily refuted:
No, they're not.
I really like your username. Your arguments, however, suck. Social media sites are private.
"But Fox News and the New York Times should be equally free to refuse to broadcast or publish my views."
It seems more like telling Comcast to carry the PBS channel than Fox News being forced to squeeze your opinions in.
I think Baker in his cyber law podcast post above is probably right:
" In my view some of the provisions are constitutional and others are a stretch; but Judge Pitman's refusal to do a serious severability analysis means that all of them will get a try-out over the next few weeks."
Deciding that severability is impossible is not refusing to do the analysis; it's just doing it in a way you don't like. I'm not going to listen to a podcast just to figure out what Baker's arguments are, but there's nothing obvious in Section 2 or Section 7 that can be severed and survive. Even a severability clause does not require that a court parse a statute word by word to try to find a raindrop of constitutionality in a sea of unconstitutionality. Especially when the state didn't bother to do such an analysis.
Why shouldn’t telephone companies be permitted to decide what sorts of speech will be permitted on their property? Mail carriers on theirs?
I’ve written about the libertarian paradise, a world where government is extremely limited, and there is completely liberty of contract. The only hitch is that everything except a few 10 by 10 foot public squares is owned by a single corporation. Everybody is freely allowed to a cept or reject the same deal: freely allow a microchip to be implanted in your head, and freely say and do absolutely everything you are told to say and do for your entire life (the microchip communicatess instructions), or you can perfectly freely be expelled from the corporation’s private property to a public square (as its right), the corporation will padlock the doors to its property behind you (as its right), and you can freely pace or sit or even lie down in the 10x10 public square until you starve to death, whereupon the government will cart off and dispose of your body.
Only a non-libertarian would be so foolish as to confuse the public square with a prison cell merely because the two look exactly identical any resemblance is pure coincidence. You aren’t being locked IN the cell. You are merely being locked OUT of other’s private property! You remain completely, perfectly, and totally free! And because you are completely free to choose either alternative, and the government is in no way coercing you in any respect, it is merely enforcing provate property rights, while you struggle to keep up with the pace of the microchip’s instructions, if you find yourself thinking anti-liberty thoughts that maybe private property eights aren’t everything in life and maybe you’d like some small amount of say in how you run your own life, if you start suffering from delusionsthat you don’t, you can remind yourself that you can set aside thesw delusions, you are indeed 100% truly and completely free.
Professor Somin’s position would lead us closer to this libertarian paradise. If public utilities were not subjected to common carrier restrictions, if mail and phone and yes internet companies weren’t obligated to serve all comers but only those who said and did what they were told allowed to have their messages communicated, the fact that it’s powerful private actors and not the government oppressing others wouldn’t make the slightest difference to anybody not a confirmed libertarian. In fact, we non-libertarians would think that it’s the libertarians who are being delusional by thinking people at the mercy of such oppressive powers and with so little ability to have any actual say in how they live their lives are in any way free in any real or meaningful sense.
ReaderY, do you suppose that private editing by private publishers (pre-internet) created the kind of public-square speech restriction nightmare you discuss? I do not think it worked that way at all. I think private publishing became regarded as an ornament to civilization, and a revolutionary (sometimes literally revolutionary) force-multiplier for private expression.
Professor Somin's position would lead us absolutely no closer to this dystopian hellhole. How exactly could one ever end up in a situation in which all property was owned by a single corporation? What kind of nonsensical thinking could lead one to conclude that such a situation could ever arise, even in theory?
President Trump signs an executive order cutting off federal funds from any college / university that discriminates against conservatives (punishes conservative speech, keeps conservative speakers off campus, etc.). "Mainstream" media says:
Critics Worry Trump’s Free Speech Order Could Limit Expression
I see that Alan Gura's org. has filed in support of the TX internet regulations (which are entirely performative, as they incorporate 230.) I guess he only cares about some amendments, as is true for most...
Wow, you're right. I was surprised and thought you were misreading something, but a bit of googling shows him going in on the ridiculous¹ "Common Carrier" argument.
And he adopts the absolutely awful argument by Texas, "Oh, they can still curate content; they just have to do it in a viewpoint neutral way." It's not that this is literally false; it's that the word "just" is doing so much work in that claim that it ought to sue for overtime pay. Yes, they "just" can't moderate based on viewpoint. Which means that if they allow people to say, "You know, I think Nazis are bad" they would have to allow people to say, "Yay, Nazis! The Holocaust was great (and it's just Jew propaganda)! And a new one would pretty awesome!"
¹Even if Prof. Volokh himself agrees with it.
But each person should also be able to decide what kinds of speech are permitted on their property.
Seriously? What part of Pruneyard and other such cases did you miss out on?
I note you don't even try to square up your diatribe with that reality.
Freedom of speech means I have teh right to speak, and you have the right to ignore me
Anyone on Twitter or Facebook, the Social Media platforms I'm familiar with, can trivially ignore anyone they want to ignore.
What you fascist pigs are so desperate to do is give the thugs you like the power to block people from listening to those they want to listen to.
Which is why everything you wrote is garbage
You do have the right to speak. And Twitter has the right to ignore you.
What does that have to do with anything? That's a Commerce Clause argument, this is a First Amendment issue. The Supreme Court held in Gitlow v. New York (1925) that the First Amendment restricts the states.
OK. Got it.