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Divided Sixth Circuit Panel Refuses to Stay Injunction Against Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors
The panel rejects the argument that the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act allows the federal government to require vaccination for nearly one-fifth of the American workforce.
This afternoon a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit rejected the Biden Administration's request for a stay of a lower court injunction barring enforcement of a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for employees of federal contractors in Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Judge Bush wrote for the court in Commonwealth of Kentucky v. Biden, joined by Judge Suhrheinrich. Judge Cole (who recently announced his intent to take senior status upon the confirmation of his successor) dissented.
Here is how Judge Bush summarizes his opinion:
In 1949, Congress passed a statute called the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act ("Property Act") to facilitate the "economical and efficient" purchase of goods and services on behalf of the federal government. See 40 U.S.C. § 101. The Property Act serves an uncontroversial purpose; who doesn't want the government to be more "economical and efficient"? Yet that laudable legislative-branch prescription, in place for the last seventy years, has recently been re-envisioned by the executive. In November 2021, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force, under the supposed auspices of the Act, issued a "Guidance" mandating that the employees of federal contractors in "covered contract[s]" with the federal government become fully vaccinated against COVID-19. That directive sweeps in at least one-fifth of our nation's workforce, possibly more. And so an act establishing an efficient "system of property management," S. Rep. 1413 at 1 (1948), was transformed into a novel font of federal authority to regulate the private health decisions of millions of Americans.
In response, three states (Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee) and two Ohio sheriffs' offices filed suit. They collectively alleged that nothing in the Property Act authorizes the contractor mandate, that the contractor mandate violates various other federal statutes, and that its intrusion upon traditional state prerogatives raises serious constitutional concerns under federalism principles and the Tenth Amendment. The district court agreed. It enjoined enforcement of the contractor mandate throughout Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. It also denied the subsequent motion of the federal-government defendants to stay the injunction pending appeal. The government now comes to us with the same request. But because the government has established none of the showings required to obtain a stay, we DENY such relief.
As I noted here, I think the argument that the Biden Administration is stretching the federal government's authority over federal contractors has a fair amount of force. The problem is that most of the caselaw construing the federal Property Act has adopted a very expansive and permissive interpretation of the executive branch's authority. The relevant decisions are all from other lower courts, so it is not controlling, but I am not sure they are as easily distinguished as Judge Bush suggests. I might be more inclined to say that D.C. Circuit decisions such as Kahn and Chao are simply wrong, insofar as they enable the executive branch to transform a procurement law into a powerful lever for regulating large portions of the national economy. (Of note, in the Chao case -- in which the federal government ordered federal contractors to inform their workers of their rights not to join unions or pay dues -- it was conservatives who championed a broad reading of the Property Act, and liberals who dissented.)
Judge Cole dissented from the panel decision, rejecting both the majority's interpretation of the Property Act, as well as the panel's conclusion that the state plaintiffs had standing to bring these claims. His brief dissent begins:
I disagree with the majority's conclusion that both the states and the sheriffs' offices have standing. I also disagree with the conclusion that the President "re-envisioned" the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act ("Property Act") to take the actions contemplated by Executive Order No. 14042. Maj. Op. 2. I recognize that the Eleventh Circuit recently declined to stay the national injunction imposed by Georgia v. Biden, --- F. Supp. 3d ---, No. 1:21-CV-163, 2021 WL 5779939, (S.D. Ga. Dec. 7, 2021). See Georgia v. Biden, No. 21-14269, slip op. at 1 (11th Cir. Dec. 17, 2021). Even still, I find that the government has made a "strong showing" in this case that it will prevail on the merits and has established that it will suffer irreparable harm without a stay. See Nken v. Holder, 556 U.S. 418, 426 (2009). For these reasons, I dissent.
Kentucky v. Biden is one of several pending challenges to the federal contractor mandate (which is not to be confused with the CMS mandate for Medicare and Medicaid providers or the OSHA vaccine-or-test ETS, both of which will be considered by the Supreme Court on Friday). In this case, the lower court only issued an injunction in the plaintiff states. In one of the parallel cases, however, a district court entered a nationwide injunction against the vaccine requirement for federal contractors, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit refused to stay that order, but ordered expedited briefing on the merits.
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Courts do their job when they strike down vaccine mandates.
Glad to know our courts decide that the Constitution is not really needed if the executive decides there is an emergency. No chance that ends poorly.
Judge Bush is still writing shit-rate 'own the libs' blog posts for a wingnut audience, although they now begin "for the court" . . .
Open wide, hicklib, so you can get progress shoved down your throat. Behave and we'll make sure not to ram it up your ass sideways.
Powerless, delusional, defeated, disaffected, blustering right-wingers are among my favorite culture war casualties.
Translation: you are an expert taking it up the ass without Crisco. No surprises there.
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
Reality check: The "Covid vaccines" are not vaccines, they do not in any way cut the Covid infection rate, which is what we expect any actual vaccine to do.
There is no public health justification for a Covid "vaccine" mandate, or for Covid "vaccine" passports.
The main effect of the shots is that they make the infection less serious. Which is nice for an infected person who got the shot. But it's lousy for all the people who get infected because some person wo got the shot, and then Covid, is asymptomatic, so continues going out where he / she can infect other people.
If SCOTUS has any understanding of science at all, they will ban every single Covid mandate / passport requirement in the US
I just hope the attorneys in the case of the good sense to point out the total failure of the vaccines to prevent infection
Note: if you don't want to catch Covid, only hank out with the unvaccinated and healthy. Because they're far less likely to have Covid yet be asymptomatic
I had read that study long ago. It is rather pitiful in its short-sightedness covering only a very short period of time. It fundamental plot figure ! shows a linear best fits that is very strongly pulled by 6 data points, one of which is Israel. In fact the aggressive vaccination program in Israel lead to a very steady decline in the number of infections from 1000 per 1M at the start of 2021 less than 10 per 1 M just before the Delta surge in Israel in mid-September to mid-October. At that point the efficacy of the vaccine was waning as Israeli scientists have reproted in several papers. A aggressive booster campaign was launched which has driven the infections to about 70 per 1 M per day before the recent Omicron wave. The rate remains well bellow the rate in January 2021. During that period of infection prevention the Alpha, Beta and Gamma variants were essentially nowhere to be seen.
Peer review does not make a paper correct.especially when such short time periods are studied.
All the data is available, Don. Pick a month. Graph Covid infection rates vs Covid "vaccination" rates. Do it at the Country level, do it at the US State level. Do it any time from Sept on.
When you find a time period where there's a nice inverse linear relationship between infection rates and shot rates, let us know.
But until you've got that, you've got nothing
Very simple YOU go to OWID. YOu pick a country You plot vaccine % versus reproduction rate and you will see that I have the facts and you have squat.
I've done this for 99 countries around the world covering 1 year of vaccinations and 2 years of pandemics.
That's already been done. We;ve seen teh results. The results say that you have squat.
You've got a lot of complaints about the paper I posted. What you don't have is a single graph showing that they're wrong
But let's cut to the chase, Don:
That paper came out the end of September. PubMed lists 3 "responses" to the paper.
Not one of those "responses" tried to to apply any sort of similar protocol over a longer time period to prove the paper wrong.
Then there's this paper:
COVID-19 Incidence and hospitalization during the delta surge were inversely related to vaccination coverage among the most populous U.S. Counties
What did they do? They looked at teh 112 most populous counties in teh US.
Why 112? They don't say
What happens if you take it out to 150?
They don't say
"We measured COVID-19 incidence as the number of confirmed cases per 100,000 population during the 14-day period ending August 12, 2021"
The paper came out in November. Why are they looking at August, instead of Sept, Oct, or Nov?
They don't say. Despite the fact that all of those would be more representative of the current situation.
In short, if:
1: Support for the Covid "vaccine" was based on science, not politics / religious zealotry / tribal zealotry
2: The Covid "vaccines" actually cut the infection rates for Delta / Omicron / pretty much anything past the original strain
Then there were be a dozen papers out there looking at all 68 countries and 2947 counties, showing that if you used a more recent / longer time period than the first paper, you'd get different results
Because the data's all available, and the analysis is not complicated. Any competent grad student in the field could do it in a week. One would expect that a dozen plus classes had grad students doing the research as a project to present at the end of the semester.
But for some reason no one's publishing those papers.
I wonder why?
As I said, YOU do the research and run statistics. EXCEL is plenty adequate.
In addition I gave you a specific example of prevention of infection and I pointed out a specific flaw in the paper.
I'll also give you another hint when you do your homework.
Do not expect to see a strong effect in preventing spread until vaccinations reach about 50% of the population.
I have made many graphs of Ro graphs for many countries. I can easily pick out 1 month periods that show any behavior I want. A one month period shows nothing. Looking at countries or counties with low vaccination rate shows nothing. Why, because there are still too many easy targets for the virus
Now you work on it diligently or believe whatever you want in ignorance.
Don Nico, approximately 60% of the US population over 5 years of age has received 2 shots. That is CDC data.
Can you explain why there is no strong effect preventing spread since vaccinations are over 50% of the population? I look at the data too (esp from Israel). How would you explain it?
The many mutations of Omicron that are not on the receptor binding domain of the spike protein, make is relatively easy for this variant to evade the immune system's detection. Consequently, it is more more infectious and the vaccines much less effective. To add to that, fraction of asymptomic infections is like ly significantly higher which leads to more interactions among the vaccinated who mistakenly think that they are safe.
I spent five hours today making plots of the reproduction number of the virus versus vaccination rate in 50 countries in several regions of the world. A linear fit shows minimal effect of vaccines reducing Ro. But they do appear to reduce the case fatality rate strongly probably due to infections being dominated by Omicron.
As for Israel, The rapid booster program has slowed the spread of the virus, but has not limited it. (I cut off my data source on Jan.4)
"I spent five hours today making plots of the reproduction number of the virus versus vaccination rate in 50 countries in several regions of the world. A linear fit shows minimal effect of vaccines reducing Ro. But they do appear to reduce the case fatality rate strongly probably due to infections being dominated by Omicron."
Cool, so we're in complete agreement as to what's going on:
the shots provide not public health benefit (slowed spread), they just provide a decrease in severity for those infected.
You don't get to issue a "vaccine mandate" in that case, and SCOTUS should nuke every single mandate .
Or if a "for your own good" mandate is allowed, then I guess States and the Feds are allowed to impose a "condom mandate" on gay men (stop the spread of AIDS), with lose of job for any gay male who has sex without a condom.
Catching an STD will be considered proof of failure to wear a condom
You got any months past August that show that behavior? if so, by all means please post a Google Doc with your spreadsheet of data and graph, and I'll take a look.
It's currently irrelevant what protection the Covid shots provide against the original CCP variant of the virus, because that's not what we're currently dealing with.
What we're currently dealing with is Delta and Xi / Omicron. And for them, the shots don't slow down spread.
The justification for any "Covid Vaccine mandate", right now, is that it will slow down spread of the virus, right now.
And it won't
"That paper came out the end of September. PubMed lists 3 "responses" to the paper. Not one of those "responses" tried to to apply any sort of similar protocol over a longer time period to prove the paper wrong."
So what? They persons had not run the data themselves, so they had other comments/concerns.
But you do it. I have.
See my response below
I'll finish with a tale of two papers:
First paper:
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
Paper published 30 Sept, 2021
Date range: 2 weeks ending Sept 3 (looked at most recent week, did comparisons against previous week)
Second paper:
COVID-19 Incidence and hospitalization during the delta surge were inversely related to vaccination coverage among the most populous U.S. Counties
Paper published 30 Nov, 2021
Date range: 2 weeks ending Aug 12
Two very different results. But also two very different approaches
The first paper basically got the latest data they could, for every country / county they could, ran their protocol against it, and published
Second one, written as a response to the first one, Got earlier data than the first, despite being published two months later.
Got data from a very arbitrary "112 most populous counties", rather than from all counties available / all nations available
Onlu covered two weeks. Not a month, just two weeks.
As a "challenge" to the previous paper, that's not a big improvement. Esp since they went from 2947 counties / data points to 112 counties, 224 data points.
(Why 112? Why not 150, or 200, or even 100?)
Given a choice and not knowing the results, I'd go with the first paper, every time. Because the second one looks like they spent a month+ running every combination of dates and counties they could think of, to try to get their pre-determined answer
Whereas the first one looks like they set up a protocol, got the latest data, analyzed it, and the wrote the paper based on their discovered, rather than pre-determined, results
You're very clearly cherry picking papers you agree with and ignoring everything else, including the CDC's consensus view.
You're not playing with science, you're playing with confirmation bias.
My observation is that cherry-picking is a two-way street, Sarcastr0.
Do you see me citing individual papers? Do you see me contradicting the CDC digest of current science?
No. I'm not doing anything like what Greg J is doing.
"Do you see me citing individual papers?"
No, Sarcastr0, we don't see you doing that. Which is too bad, because doing that is what you need to do to provide anything of value to the debate.
Here's your pro tip for the day:
You can not legitimately accuse someone of cherry picking papers, when you can't offer a paper that contradicts the person's claims.
Because the way we know I'm cherry picking is by showing things I should have picked, but didn't.
Um, no.
I grabbed a paper that said what I thought was true.
I then looked at every single paper that PubMed links to that paper, to find any valid disagreement.
I found 3 papers that said "you did it wrong", but none of them tried to "do it right". So they're garbage.
I found one paper that claimed to "do it right". But it's BS
2 weeks from August, despite doing it in November. Only 112 counties. No justification for why 112, not 111, 113, or all of them (realistically, getting it for thousands of them is very little more difficult than for 112, so anyone doing that is, and should be, looked at with suspicion).
If you have a paper, stop whining about my choice and provide yours. If you have a look at the data that disproves the paper I quoted, provide it.
I kicked this off with a paper saying my view is correct, and the mandates are utterly illegitimate.
Until you all provide a paper, or a Google doc with graph, that isn't cherry picked crap from August, and that shows a strong inverse linear correlation between vaccination rate and infection rate, my position is solid, and I'm done
He admits it, without even realizing what he just admitted.
Really? You're really that stupid David?
You really couldn't read the next sentence?
I then looked at every single paper that PubMed links to that paper, to find any valid disagreement.
What part of that sentence do you not understand? I found something I liked, then I looked for things that might disprove the thing I liked.
If I couldn't have found something I liked, that would indicate my ideas were probably flawed.
If the thing I liked had solid criticisms against it, then that would again be a problem
But I found it, and I found no worthwhile attacks against it, so I considered my position strengthened.
What do you do, shake a magic 8 ball?
"I found 3 papers that said "you did it wrong", but none of them tried to "do it right". So they're garbage."
Garbage? on what expertise do you make that judgement. Not critic is required to redo the work independently just because s/he finds an obvious error.
" Only 112 counties. No justification for why 112, not 111, 113, or all of them (realistically, getting it for thousands of them is very little more difficult than for 112, so anyone doing that is, and should be, looked at with suspicion)"
First even Worldometer only tracks 250 (or so countries)>
If it is so easy, you do it yourself.
But more seriously, there are plenty of reasons to cut off the list at around 100 countries, the first of which is that they conatin 98% of the cases.
When you decide to try your hand at serious science let me know, I'll be glad to help you.
But let me conclude with a words of thank. Your post got me to analyze and plot Ro versus % vaccinations and the CFR versus % vaccinations for the supplementary appendix to the requested revision to my scientific paper on COVID-19 epidemiology..
Garbage? on what expertise do you make that judgement. Not critic is required to redo the work independently just because s/he finds an obvious error.
If the criticisms of the paper were valid, then they could have shown that extending the time period forward another week+ would give different answers.
If they can't extend the time period and get different results, then their criticisms are mental wanking.
If the data was not all freely publicly available, or if the analysis required massive compute resources, then they could justify producing a "these are potential flaws with your analysis, but we're not going to actually try to demonstrate that you're wrong" letter.
But the data's freely available, and as you demonstrated above, doing the analysis is not that difficult.
So, in that case, a "response" that doesn't show that using different reasonable parameters will actually get you a different result is garbage
" Only 112 counties. No justification for why 112, not 111, 113, or all of them (realistically, getting it for thousands of them is very little more difficult than for 112, so anyone doing that is, and should be, looked at with suspicion)"
First even Worldometer only tracks 250 (or so countries)
Counties, as in sub divisions of US States. Not countries, and is different nations.
The paper being responded to had data for 2947 counties.
Which is a bit more than 112
But more seriously, there are plenty of reasons to cut off the list at around 100 countries, the first of which is that they conatin 98% of the cases.
From the paper: the 112 most populous counties in the United States, comprising 44 percent of the country's total population.
44% is a bit less than 98%, no?
" that shows a strong inverse linear correlation between vaccination rate and infection rate, my position is solid, and I'm done"
There are what are know in epidemiology as confounding factors. The emergence of a mild, immune evasive variant is exactly such a factor. Most the the significant mutations in omicron are outside of the receptor binding domain of the spike protein which the generation 1 vaccines were designed to get the immune system to recognize.
So if you are serious about the biological science of this virus, you are not done. You are only at the beginning, no matter how smug you feel.
"Most the the significant mutations in omicron are outside of the receptor binding domain of the spike protein which the generation 1 vaccines were designed to get the immune system to recognize."
Cool. So, the purpose of my post is "there's no justification for mandates for people to get the generation 1 "vaccines", because they do not work against the current VOC."
It appears that we're in complete agreement on that. Glad to hear it
You're very clearly cherry picking papers you agree with and ignoring everything else, including the CDC's consensus view.
1: Point me to the paper I'm missing
2: The "CDC's consensus view" is utter crap, and no one with a functioning brain pays attention to anything they put out.
Any credibility they had was nuked out of existence when they pushed that crap KY "study" to "prove" that the shots provided better protection that natural immunity
For anyone with a short attention span who's forgotten that, the "Omicron's now about 70%! Oops, oh wait, Omicron was actually below 30%" games should have nuked them again.
This "appeal to (garbage) authority" seems to be a pattern of yours. To the extent that you actually want to engage in honest debate (and you do seem to want that), I encourage you to reconsider using it. You think there's a valid argument in a decision we're trashing. Don't say "read the opinion, it covered that." We (or at least I) did read the opinion, and we think the argument is garbage.
If you want to pull out the specific thing you think is correct, do that, and I'll respond. Be it an argument from Roberts and the lefties, or a paper that supports your view.
But if it ever worked, "trust the experts" doesn't work any more. Because most of them are politicized, incompetent, or both
If I had a blog (ostensibly an academic blog) and so many of my readers that blog attracted resembled Greg J, I would be circumspect and humiliated.
The Volokh Conspirators apparently see it differently. I sense that is why operate at the disrespected fringe of legal academia and modern America.
If you had a brain, you'd be humiliated at the stupidity of what you write
Don - No doubt, the Israeli vax program reduced the infection rates.
Though it should be noted that the Israeli waves are reasonably consistent with what would be expected based on the Hopes simpson curve and Israel's latitude. I would expect that the shorter/more milder Israel wave were a combination of both factors with the vax contribution being the primary factor, but certainly not the sole factor (probably in the range of 60-70%)
Unfortunately, one cannot post a graphic. The Israeli situation is very illustrative.
The dissent says the government will suffer "irreparable harm" (one of the required showings for a stay) if it is not immediately allowed to force all government contractors to be vaccinated.
I can't immediately recall a more risible statement in a judicial opinion.