What the First Lady Saw
Why Hillary Clinton's Living History will be a deadening read
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Biological enhancement is the responsibility of every citizen, not just of philosophers and ethicists.
Why an increasing number of countries are turning to market-based pension plans
How nationalism, protectionism, and collectivism spawned a century of dictatorship and war.
Journalist Christopher Hitchens explains why he's no longer a socialist, why moral authoritarianism is on the rise, and what's wrong with anti-globalization protestors.
Cincinnati isn't just a town down on its luck. It's the future of the American city.
Why the Salvation Army and other religious groups shouldn't take federal money
In which our man in Washington hears Charlton Heston talk to himself and prays for relief from tax-funded religious charity.
ow the quest for "gender equity" is killing men's athletic programs
Women may lean toward the "Mommy State," but their politics are more complex than pundits recognize.
The Creative Destruction of Manhattan, 1900-1940, by Max Page, The Future Once Happened Here: New York, D.C., L.A., and the Fate of America's Big Cities, by Fred Siegel
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