Death of an Authoritarian
Plus: The editors field a question from a Gen Z libertarian.
Cyber intrusions, arson, bombings, and other mayhem feature in the conflict between West and East.
Nominated stories include journalism on messy nutrition research, pickleball, government theft, homelessness, and more.
While sanctions fail to change Iran's policies, they inflict severe hardships on civilians and rally support for the regime.
Plus: A listener asks the editors to steel man the case for the Jones Act, an antiquated law that regulates maritime commerce in U.S. waters.
House Speaker Mike Johnson worked with President Biden to push through a $95 billion foreign military aid package—most of which goes to the American military-industrial complex.
Plus: Skirting New York residency requirements, undisclosed AI use in documentaries, prison commissary markups, and more...
Elica Le Bon, an attorney and Iranian-American activist, talks about Iran's recent strike on Israel on the latest episode of Just Asking Questions.
Many of the Washington hawks calling for war with Iran had sworn up and down that more pressure was not a path to war.
Plus: A listener asks the editors for examples of tasks the government does well (yikes).
Plus: Trump's trial, MMA fighter trots out Mises, the forgotten canceling of Brendan Eich, and more...
Washington quietly funded Israeli-Iranian proxy wars for years. Now American men and women are directly involved.
President Biden said that we will “do all we can to protect Israel’s security” after Israel killed an Iranian general.
Instead of freeing Americans from censorship, the TikTok bill would tighten the U.S. government's control over social media.
Iran’s leaders wanted to show the world a high voter turnout. Instead, people stayed home for the "sham" elections.
One in five national governments tried to intimidate or kill exiles in recent years.
Hackers have unmasked some of the tactics Beijing and Tehran use to silence their opponents.
Plus: Trump vows a costlier trade war, Elon Musk's brain implant, and more...
Plus: A listener asks if libertarians are too obsessed with economic growth.
The U.S. base on the Jordanian-Syrian border has long been "strategic baggage."
Plus: Workplace wellness programs, obnoxious awards shows, "love gov" update, and more...
Plus: A listener asks the editors if there are any bad laws that might discourage people from having kids.
All of the unfinished U.S. conflicts in the Middle East are coming together into one big crisis for Biden.
Plus: Biden staffers can't grow a pair, AI ancestor worship, Taiwanese elections, and more...
Plus: Nuking the Hamptons, upcharging the autists, tearing down the statues, and more...
Plus: Gay fallout, Lithuanian badasses, Epstein buddies, Haley chutzpah, and more...
Plus: Inheritance taxes, lady gadgets, a stabbing in South Korea, and more...
Plus: Chinese migrants, socialized medicine kills, NYC can't handle preteen bullies, and more...
Our troops are just sitting there with targets on their backs. Why?
Sen. Tim Scott: "You actually have to cut off the head of the snake, and the head of the snake is Iran and not simply their proxies."
Biden will reportedly freeze Iran's ransom deal while the U.S. tries to find 14 missing Americans in Gaza.
Following reports that the Iranian government aided in Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, the governor plans to expand restrictions on business with Iran.
No place is truly safe for dissidents when governments see no limits to their authority.
While the lethal effects of Iran’s booze ban are widely recognized, politicians ignore similar consequences from U.S. drug laws.
The economic historian and Magatte Wade, Alex Gladstein, Mohamad Machine-Chian, Tony Woodlief, and Tom Palmer are challenging authoritarians everywhere.
Bolton says the Bush administration's biggest error in Iraq was failing to invade Iran too. That's madness.
There’s no vital U.S. interest served by this indefinite advise-and-assist mission in the region.
DeSantis' foreign policy seems to be defined by a simple rule: Whatever Democrats do is wrong, but whatever Republicans do is right.
"My artwork is unapologetic," said the artist. "Sometimes it can be very political. Sometimes it can be very controversial."
And their team wanted nothing to do with politics.
Both teams are better than they were in 1998, but the political situation between the two countries has not improved.
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