Mother Convicted of "Unlawful Posting of a Message" for Website Sharply Criticizing Woman Who Accused Mother's Son of Rape

The Michigan Court of Appeals just upheld the conviction, under a statute that requires showing of purpose to (among other things) "harass[]" or "molest[]," and reason to know that third parties would send the target unwanted and "harass[ing]" or "molest[ing]" messages. The statute doesn't require any showing that the accusations were false.

|The Volokh Conspiracy |

Challengers Have Standing to Challenge Connecticut "Harassment" Ban for Lawyers

The Second Circuit holds that the challengers sufficiently alleged that the ban is broad enough to cover their constitutionally protected speech (including speech that may offend some based on gender identity, race, religion, and more); the court didn't reach the question whether the ban actually violates the First Amendment, which the trial court will now have to take up.

|The Volokh Conspiracy |


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