Conspiracy Theories
A Sixth Opinion
A panel of political appointees will give Gulf War Syndrome the presidential seal.
Gulf Lore Syndrome
Why are the Gulf War vets getting sick? You won't find out by reading The New York Times and USA Today.
Raiding the Vipers' Nest
The BATF claims "Team Viper" was a radical militia group bent on committing terrorist acts. But where is the evidence?
All the President's Fault
The only way Hillary Clinton can avoid lawsuits over Travelgate is to blame her husband.
Hearing Impairment
Democrats used congressional hearings to put on a show when they were in charge. Now it's the Republicans' turn.
What Causes AIDS?: The Debate Continues
Responses to our June cover story, and a rebuttal by Charles A. Thomas Jr., Kary B. Mullis, and Phillip E. Johnson
America's Rising Sun
The doomsayers ignore unique strengths that could spark a resurgence in our third century of independence.
Meet Laird Wilcox
Part-time Commie, part-time Klansman, full-time observer of the far-out
Shooting Down the Conspiracy Theory
The House Assassinations Committee and the Warren Commission are both wrong. There is no need to invoke a conspiracy to explain what happened in Dealey Plaza. A historian—and eyewitness—recreates the events of November 22, 1963.
African Deception
A small German firm is launching rockets from Zaire. The world-wide campaign to discredit it is a fraud. Why it was done reveals some bizarre realities of international power politics.
UFOs, Bent Spoons, and Alternate Realities
Can the scientific outlook survive in an increasingly pseudo-scientific age?