Steven Greenhut is western region director for the R Street Institute and was previously the Union-Tribune's California columnist. He is based in Sacramento.
Steven Greenhut
Latest from Steven Greenhut
The Latest Scam from California's Public-Sector Unions
Golden State lawmakers prepare to shovel more money to well-compensated government workers.
California's Failed Policies Are Driving Away Businesses and Residents
The Golden State needs to mend its ways before it's too late.
Unhappy Californians Still Embrace the Failed Status Quo
High taxes and a union-dominated discourse won't fix the Golden State
California Lawmakers Refuse to Accept Any Limits on Their Power
Only a return to constitutional principles can save the Golden State.
Police Unions Cross Line While Bullying Public Officials
California cops employ mafia-style tactics against their critics.
California Still Refuses to Face Fiscal Reality
What the Golden State can learn from the Badger State
Even in Bankruptcy, Unions Get Special Treatment
The pension-debt time bomb detonates in bankruptcy court.
Why Asset Forfeiture Abuse Is on the Rise
It's time to build a wall of separation between government power and the profit motive.
What the Anaheim Riots Can Teach Other American Cities
It's time to reform the police and cut bureaucratic red tape.
Anaheim Riots Spotlight Need for Broad Police Reform
The city's law enforcement culture values aggressiveness over community policing.
California Goes Bankrupt
One California city after another becomes insolvent as the state's economic crisis worsens.
California's Latest Misguided Attempt to Solve the Housing Crisis
The Golden State's bizarre new mortgage "solutions" won't fix the the problem.
Supreme Court Upholds Fairness in Union-Dues Case
The high court gets it right in Knox v. SEIU
California Lawmakers Push Back Against Police Secrecy
Even the police union-friendly California Senate says enough is enough.
California Ushers In a New Era of Bipartisan Plunder
The Golden State descends to a new low.
The Real Lesson from the Wisconsin Recall
When the issues were clear, voters were rational.
Why Real Progressives Should Support Scott Walker
The case for putting the public good before what's good for public employees
When Government Privileges Trump the Rights of Citizens
California creates a two-tiered system, with government workers on top.
Jerry Brown's Broken Budget
The California governor betrays his promise to deliver an "honest" budget.
How the Kelly Thomas Killing Sparked a Citizen Revolt
The bipartisan movement to reform a broken California city
How Big Government Makes Life Worse
Another day, another story of government waste, fraud, or abuse.
How Big Government Is Killing California
When you've lost the entrepreneurs, free-spirits, and dreamers, you've lost the Golden State.
Are We Sliding Toward a Police State?
Law enforcement officials should not behave like an invading army.
California's Public Transportation Sinkhole
Thanks to labor unions and big-government activists, transportation has become another form of social engineering.
America's Bipartisan Reefer Madness
Both Democrats and Republicans support the pointless federal crackdown on medical marijuana
California Schools Need Radical Reform, Not Tinkering
It's time to redesign the system from the ground up.
Socialism Won't Fix California's Struggling Public Utilities
Golden State activists want the government to take over the water companies.
How Budget Cutbacks Are Helping California Parks
The private sector stets up as the state government admits defeat.
California Refuses to Fix Public-Sector Pensions
Golden State lawmakers close their eyes and pretend the looming pension crisis doesn't exist.
Saving the Earth, One Fraud at a Time
The latest embarrassment for global warming activists
The Totalitarian Ethics of California's Public Sector Unions
The latest scam to keep pension reform off of the ballot
Pro-Union Activism at the California Justice Department
Did Attorney General Kamala Harris sabotage a voter initiative to please her public-sector union supporters?
Making State Officials More Accountable in California
Government policy should be driven by what's best for the public, not what's best for public employees.
The Well-Deserved Death of California's Redevelopment Scam
A big win for property rights in the Golden State.
Jerry Brown's Failed Vision for California
The governor should stop attacking his critics and start trying to fix California's broken economy.
Another Way California Wastes Taxpayer Dollars
Golden state lawmakers ignore real problems while spending precious time and money renaming highways.
A Victory for Property Rights in California
The California Supreme Court stands up against government abuse.
Rampant Corruption in California Redistricting
How left-wing activists stacked the deck in favor of Golden State Democrats
Scrooge-like predictions for the New Year
Mostly dour predictions, offered with the hope that I end up being wrong.
Fixing California's Broken Legislature
Why the Neighborhood Legislative Reform Act may be the Golden State's best hope for meaningful change
Jerry Brown's Disastrous Plan for California
The Golden State governor champions higher taxes when he should be cutting spending.
California's Public Pension Disaster
Why is the California Supreme Court inventing new rights for state retirees?
California's Dead End Republicans
What the immigration debate reveals about the future of the California GOP