Steve Chapman is a columnist and editorial writer for the Chicago Tribune.
Obama's Auto Fairy Tale
Obama is reluctant to shoulder responsibility for the overall state of the economy, but doesn't mind taking credit for every car sold since 2009.
Obama is reluctant to shoulder responsibility for the overall state of the economy, but doesn't mind taking credit for every car sold since 2009.
Because modern players are bigger and faster, they may be inflicting even worse brain damage on each other.
If there is any issue you can be sure will come up during a presidential election campaign, it's gasoline prices.
Why is it important to attach work mandates to welfare checks?
We don't know whether Obama or Romney will come out on top in the election. But it's a safe bet that civil liberties will not.
If foreign-born students have done everything to qualify for higher education, why shouldn't they be allowed to pursue it on the same terms as their peers?
It's easy to improve health care if cost is no object. It's easy to reduce costs if you can tolerate worse health outcomes.
Bloomberg enthusiastically favors breastfeeding infants. But he is not content to simply express his view for your consideration.
If you see an economy burdened by bureaucrats, suffocating controls and arbitrary delays, you can assume it will grow slowly or not at all.
He sees us beset by formidable foes whom we can deter only by endlessly flaunting our willingness to go to war.
The urge to find a cure is powerful. As a rule, though, those that emerge are sugar pills.
By presenting himself to the nation's premier civil rights group, Romney signaled his aversion to bigotry.
What reason is there to believe another 11 years would achieve what the past 11 didn't?
Nuclear proliferation is always said to be on the verge of suddenly accelerating, and somehow it never does.
Advocates of limited government should count all the ways in which our side won.
When the Supreme Court ventures into the subject of corporate political spending, it has a way of fogging the minds of its critics.
Anyone who acquires a firearm, we are told, is inviting a bloody death by suicide.
Inflation-phobes resemble someone stranded in the desert without water who spends his time frantically searching for a life preserver.
Who is most likely to turn in a firearm for a $100 reward? Someone with 1) a cheap gun and 2) no criminal propensity.
Any attempt at celebrating the administration's budget record amounts to climbing the fence into the lion enclosure at the zoo.
We've come a long way in religious tolerance. Or maybe not.
A difference in pay does not prove discrimination.
The Massachusetts Senate candidate is not the only person who got into Harvard under false pretenses.
Sometimes leadership lies in knowing what not to do-and then not doing it.
Tensions and disagreements may be inevitable, but military clashes and all-out war are not.
China has gone from Mao to 'money worship.'
The worst eventuality is one that will likely never happen.
There is something to be said for a president who takes even a mild stand and nudges the nation toward greater freedom and equality.
The center, contrary to what you might conclude, is not vanishing.
Looking at recent history, you would conclude not that the Constitution allows the president to make war, but that it requires him to do so.
Until 1977, there was no country that criminalized the practice of bribery abroad.
The prospective Republican nominee will have a tough time living up to recent standards.
Many Americans won't learn the most rudimentary facts about the people running for office and the policy issues they will have to address.
For the moment, the Obama administration is not beating the war drums. But how long it until it does?
It would be nice if every worker were worth $9.80 an hour. But not all workers are.
To pillory or punish judges for doing their job undermines the legitimacy not just of the court but of our entire constitutional system.
As the nonreligious proliferate, the GOP may find it has foreclosed any chance of winning their votes.
His detractors forget that even if he were a crazed leftist, Obama has limited powers.
Even communists eventually have to make peace with reality.
In this campaign, Republicans are doing all they can to disassociate themselves from the Bush years.
Clearly the party has undergone a transformation since the days of Ronald Reagan.
Rick Santorum and Barack Obama both have a soft spot for the manufacturing sector.
The practice of eliminating people because of their sex or significant defects isn't the worst of it.
Even football fans know the difference between a hard tackle and aggravated assault.
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