Shikha Dalmia was a senior analyst at Reason Foundation.
Two Cheers for American Tolerance
The Ground Zero mosque controversy shows that America manages its hatreds better than others
The Ground Zero mosque controversy shows that America manages its hatreds better than others
Now that Harry Reid has abandoned cap-and-trade, the movement has no ideas left.
Why China needs democracy to consolidate its environmental gains.
States can't write their own immigration laws
How the state's harsh new law undermines American exceptionalism
The affirmative-action plan to eliminate caste discrimination was supposed to last 10 years. Instead it has become a permanent, and divisive, fact of life.
The leading proposal will curtail liberties without making life better for immigrants.
What critics of the president's health care plan can learn from Gandhi's methods of nonviolent resistance
Launching an optional war against the American health care system will sink the Democratic Party
Republicans should seize the moment and nudge the country toward a more rational health care system.
Understanding the Senate's plan to ban undocumented aliens from buying health coverage
If the health care bill passes, prepare for a state of chronic political warfare
Sell out its poor to cozy up to rich countries
Jagdish Bhagwati on the trouble with protectionism, how to deal with climate change, and why NAFTA was bad for free trade.
More broken promises from the candidate of change
Obama's cozy relationship with Big Medicine will hurt patients
Why other Western countries offer no panacea for American woes
Union bosses will be the only winners under the Employee Free Choice Act
Why poor countries won't commit to binding emissions cuts
The president's health care lies might be injurious to your health
Why Medicare-style insurance will kill our health care system
Countries with universal health coverage are economically worse off than the U.S.
The "most ethical" administration turns its back on principle to pay off the teachers' unions
India's Prime Minister has been warning Western nations against protectionism, but he should also direct that advice to his own countrymen
By avoiding bankruptcy, GM only risks trading union demands for federal tyranny
America's real immigration problem will soon be returning emigres.
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