An El Paso Christian Charity Is Caught Up in Texas' Border Fight Against the Feds
Annunciation House feeds, shelters, and clothes immigrants. State officials say it's "systemic criminal conduct."
Annunciation House feeds, shelters, and clothes immigrants. State officials say it's "systemic criminal conduct."
The court indicates the law would be constitutional so long as it does not claim to declare a federal law "invalid."
I cover both liberal immigration sanctuaries and conservative gun sanctuaries, and the more general principles behind them.
The ruling has significant shortcomings and may be overruled on appeal. The Biden Administration's position in this litigation is wrong for much the same reasons as the Trump Administration was wrong to target immigration sanctuaries.
GOP governors' ploy highlights the value of giving states the power to issue their own migration visas. It can simultaneously ease labor shortages, reduce disorder at the border, enable more migrants to escape poverty and oppression, and help restore the original meaning of the Constitution.
Political scientist David Leal explains why conservatives should reject efforts to compel states and localities to help enforce federal laws these jurisdictions oppose.
Conservative states seeking to protect gun rights are copying the tactics used by liberal immigration sanctuaries.
Montana's new law refusing to help enforce federal gun restrictions is similar to liberal "sanctuary cities'" refusal to assist in federal immigration enforcement. Both are protected by Constitution.
Conservative judges have stymied Trump in his election challenges - and many other cases where his positions went against their legal principles. But a populist/nationalist GOP could gradually change the nature of conservative jurisprudence.
The ruling is yet another setback for the administration, though legal battles over sanctuary jurisdictions will continue.
The constitutional showdown over federalism and immigration approaches SCOTUS.
California has largely prevailed in the lower courts, and the administration's petition focuses on the part of the law with the strongest backing from Supreme Court federalism precedent. It's a case the administration deserves to lose.
Federal judges rule state cannot be forced to assist immigration officials.
The ruling, written by a Republican-appointed judge, is an important victory for federalism.
The suspect's previous DUI arrests didn't even put him on ICE's radar.
The ruling is just the start of what may be a prolonged legal battle over immigration and federalism.
The feds may commandeer local police into administering neither federal gun control nor federal immigration policy.
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