Civil Liberties

Probation Officer Shoots and Kills 2-Year-Old Jack Russell Terrier, Said He Gave Dog Verbal Command to Get Back

300 pound man in fear of his life because of a 12 pound dog


shot by a p.o. something
family photo

Antoine Jones, a probation officer with the Albany Probation Office in Georgia, went to the home of Cherrie Shelton to check in on her son and ended up shooting her 12-pound Jack Russell terrier, Patches, killing him. Shelton apparently called the Albany Police Department on the officer, which means he gave a statement to police. The local Fox affiliate reports:

According to the report filed with the Albany Police Department, Officer Antoine Jones stands at 6 feet tall and weighs nearly 300 pounds. The responding officer quoted Jones in the report saying, "He stated that he gave the dog verbal commands to get back but the dog continued to come towards him in an aggressive manner so he fired one shot at the dog using his duty weapon."

Shelton says she can't understand why a man of his size would react that way to such a little dog and wants to know why he didn't make a kicking motion or stomp his foot to show that he didn't want Patches near him.

Shelton says Jones told her he shot the dog because he feared for his life. The Probation Officer defended its employees actions. Via the Fox affiliate:

On Oct. 7th, two Albany Probation Officers were conducting a field visit. During this time, an Albany Probation Officer was involved in an incident that required him to use use of force against an aggressive canine during a field visit. An incident report was filed and it was determined that the Probation Officer responded appropriately. 

No report on whether police will file charges or whether Shelton will sue.

Puppycides are not isolated incidents.