
Watch Stossel Tonight! Damon Root on FDR Myths! Nick Gillespie on Dirty Campaigning Through the Centuries!


I'll be on tonight's episode of John Stossel's eponymous show on Fox Business, discussing attack ads and dirty campaigning through the centuries. Are we really at a low point when it comes to going negative? Or are we in a glorious age of freewheeling political discourse in which more people than ever are participating?

Reason's Damon Root will also appear, talking about how many "truths" about the Depression and FDR are in fact myths, including the ideas of Hoover as a small-government zealot and FDR as a friend to African Americans.

Stossel airs on Fox Business at 10PM ET. For more info on the show, go here.

A few weeks ago, Stossel dedicated his entire hour to an exploration of the themes in Matt Welch and my new book, The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong With America. Check out the whole show now.

And while you're programming your VCRs (do they even exist anymore?), check out this classic Reason.tv spot on Attack Ads, Circa 1800: