
Hookers and Blow Will Not Be Part of Obama's Jobs Package


From ABC News:

As President Obama prepares to formally announce ideas on Tuesday for a new jobs bill, one thing that won't be on the list to spur job growth: legalizing prostitution, gambling, drugs and non-violent crime.

Prompted by a rather bizarre question from a Sophomore at Lehigh Carbon Community College who wanted to know – based on his criminology course studies – if the President has considered legalizing prostitution, some drugs, and releasing non-violent offenders to stimulate the economy, the President answered with an unequivocal no.

"I appreciate the boldness of your question," Mr. Obama said during his Allentown, PA jobs town hall, "That will not be my job strategy."

Instead, the president (who's written candidly about his own drug use) held a summit in which he bravely called for new ideas, but which was mostly designed to allow people to talk… and talk and talk and talk. TNR offers a brief history of the summit approach to problem solving, but I think in this specific case it could use a name: So how about we call it the Jabber Jobs Strategy—job creation through endless blather.