The Pentagon Keeps Losing Equipment and Buying Stuff It Doesn't Need
How the U.S. military busts its budget on wasteful, careless, and unnecessary 'self-licking ice cream cones.'

Keeping track of inventory is hard for any large organization. Workers misplace items, administrators fill out the wrong paperwork, and things just go missing. But losing $85 million in inventory? That's a job for the U.S. military.
In 2023, the Government Accountability Office revealed that a government contractor had lost 2 million spare parts for the F-35 fighter jet, together worth tens of millions of dollars, since 2018. The Department of Defense followed up on only 20,000 of those parts. Military officials don't know how many F-35 spare parts exist in total, paid for by American taxpayers but spread out at contractor warehouses around the world.
The F-35 spare parts debacle is just one part of a budget-busting pattern of inventory failures. In 2018, the U.S. Navy found a warehouse in Jacksonville, Florida, full of parts for the F-14 Tomcat, the now-obsolete fighter jet made famous in Top Gun, and for the P-8 Poseidon and P-3 Orion, two submarine-hunting aircraft. The parts were worth $126 million. Had Navy auditors not found them, taxpayers might have ended up paying twice for the same part.
"Not only did we not know that the parts existed, we didn't even know the warehouse existed," then–Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly told reporters the following year. "When they brought those parts into the inventory system, within a couple of weeks there were like $20 million in requisitions on those parts for aircraft that were down because we didn't know we had the parts of the inventory."
The 1985 aircraft carrier scandal continued this pattern of failure to keep track of valuable materiel. After a group of smugglers was caught stealing F-14 parts to sell to Iran, the Pentagon ran an audit on the spare parts stored on aircraft carriers. Auditors found the Navy had lost track of $394 million in parts between 1984 and 1985. Not to worry! It turns out only about $7 million in parts had been stolen by the gunrunners, and the remaining $387 million were misidentified or misplaced.
Some of these losses are simple bureaucratic inefficiency. "It's a good example of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing," says Scott Amey, a lawyer for the nonprofit Project on Government Oversight. In other cases, the government and contractors don't seem to even want to keep good track of their inventory. "Sometimes it's easier to just buy something, especially near the end of the fiscal year in August or September, to drive the budget up than to use something that you already have," Amey adds.

Military Spending as a Stand-Alone Strategy
In addition to losing or misplacing expensive parts, the Army has been letting them go bad, according to a March 2024 report by the Pentagon's Office of Inspector General. When inspectors visited warehouses for tanks and other armored vehicles in 2022 and 2023, they found $1.31 billion of equipment in "critical" condition. Tank treads were strewn about on the grass. Transmissions were sitting outside in the humid air. A group of engines was visibly rusted, and a manager was "unsure whether any of the engines were in a condition that they could still be repaired."
"This world in arms is not spending money alone," then–President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously said in 1953. "It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children." Some of that sweat doesn't even turn into usable guns, warships, and rockets. Much of it flows into the pockets of military contractors, who overcharge and underdeliver. Or it disappears into thin air, left to rot in a warehouse until it is unceremoniously disposed of. Sometimes Congress even forces the armed services to keep maintaining gear they don't want.
Between dysfunctional bureaucracy and bad incentives, a lot of military spending is simply wasted.
"We have a defense budget that is disconnected from a coherent grand strategy," says Dan Caldwell, a public policy adviser at Defense Priorities, a nonprofit that advocates a more restrained military policy. "A lot of policymakers and a lot of individuals in the national security think tank community think that a topline spending number—whether it's a total spending number or a percentage of GDP—they think that in and of itself is a strategy."
Whether or not the United States needs more military power, you can't count on getting that power just by throwing more money into the Pentagon. Manufacturers are facing bottlenecks in the production of key munitions, which are being burned up in Ukraine and the Middle East faster than they can be replaced. These bottlenecks are related to shortages of labor and physical resources that money can't solve.
Pouring more cash into the military budget may be like pumping water into a clogged pipe. Instead of getting through, the fluid leaks out of places it shouldn't. While the U.S. military runs short of weapons it would actually need to win a war, the Pentagon has found itself buying things it doesn't need.
The Defense Department has infamously failed every single audit Congress has ever mandated for it. Nobody even knows where all of the money is going. All the while, officials continue to insist they're making progress. "We keep getting better and better at it," deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh said at a 2023 news conference, after the sixth failed audit.
The Afghanistan Spending Quagmire
Perhaps the most infamous cases of waste occurred in Afghanistan, where the United States spent 20 years trying to prop up a friendly Afghan government only to have Taliban rebels sweep the capital in a lightning-quick August 2021 offensive. Although the U.S. military extracted all of its own gear, it left $7.12 billion of American-provided equipment with the doomed Afghan army; it soon fell into the Taliban's hands. Images of Taliban fighters riding around with captured vehicles became a symbol of American failure.
But even before the Taliban takeover, the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a watchdog created in 2008, had spent years documenting the incompetence and disorganization of the war effort. In February 2021, as U.S. forces were working on pulling out of the country, SIGAR released a damning summary of its findings.
Out of the $7.8 billion in U.S.-funded "capital assets" that SIGAR reviewed, $2.4 billion were either abandoned, misused, or falling apart. The majority of these projects had been funded by the Defense Department, with smaller contributions from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the State Department, and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a government agency that encourages American investment in developing countries.
In other words, even if the United States had won the war, a huge portion of the money spent on the war would not have made any difference for victory.
For example, the military spent $25 million for a new headquarters in Helmand, Afghanistan—and kept construction going even after U.S. troops were leaving the province.
In 2009, then-President Barack Obama announced a surge of troops across Afghanistan, including 11,000 Marines sent to Helmand. Although the surge was supposed to be a temporary measure, with the Marines scheduled to leave Helmand in July 2011, "the military quietly assumed troop strengths would be maintained for five years and had master plans for 10," ProPublica later reported.
Pentagon planners designed a state-of-the-art headquarters for U.S. forces in Helmand, nicknamed "64k" because it was 64,000 square feet. The completion date was set for January 2012, after the Marines were supposed to leave.
Commanders on the ground realized what a waste 64k would be. Two Army generals and a Marine general all requested permission to stop construction, arguing the current plywood headquarters in Helmand was just fine. They were rebuffed by Maj. Gen. Peter Vangjel, then the deputy commander of Army forces in the Middle East and Central Asia. He wasn't thinking of military needs—just the military budget. Congress had budgeted money for 64k, and getting permission to do something else with the cash would require congressional approval, so "reprogramming it for a later year is not prudent," Vangjel wrote in a memo, later published in a SIGAR report.
The military broke ground for 64k in May 2011, only a few months before the troops were scheduled to leave. Construction continued, over budget and behind schedule, as the Marine base emptied out. In April 2013, the building was completed—and the Marines decided not to use it. When SIGAR inspectors visited a few months later, they found a fancy, empty building. The furniture still had plastic wrap all over it.
"They did end up building a great building. It just wasn't the right size and scope," says a federal oversight official familiar with the project, who spoke to Reason on condition of anonymity.
The 64k building became a symbol of the war's economic wastefulness. "A number of generals came up to me the last time I was in Afghanistan and said 'Please, look at this,'" said SIGAR head John F. Sopko in a 2013 interview with C-SPAN. "This is indicative of the problem of military construction. Once it starts, it never stops."
The worst return on investment came from aircraft. The Defense Department purchased 20 used Italian transport planes for the Afghan army in 2008, at a cost of $549 million. Soon after, Afghan air crews discovered severe issues with the aircrafts' maintenance and performance. The U.S. military flew four of the planes back to Europe and sold the remaining 16 for scrap in Afghanistan, earning back just $40,257.
The problems with this deal should have been obvious from the beginning. Alenia, the company that sold the used planes, claimed to have warehouses full of spare parts, but no one was able to verify the contents, an official told SIGAR. The planes themselves had nasty-looking corrosion—or "exfoliation," as the Air Force put it—on their wings.
An official from the State Department told the military to "run as far away from Alenia as you possibly can," according to a SIGAR follow-up report. The military went ahead with the contract anyway. The problem, again, was the use-it-or-lose-it nature of the military budget. The fiscal year was ending in September 2008, and any funds for the planes that weren't spent would expire. "Due to the compressed time schedule to get the contract awarded, a lot of details were 'taken on faith'" from Alenia, an official later told SIGAR.
One of the Air Force officials involved in the debacle later went on to work for Alenia, which SIGAR called a "clear conflict of interest." (The FBI worked with SIGAR and other agencies to investigate Alenia and the Air Force official. The Justice Department declined to prosecute the case.) The Defense Department denied SIGAR's conclusions, claiming the planes were rushed to meet "an urgent operational requirement" for the Afghan army.
Another problem with military spending in Afghanistan was a tendency to ignore local needs. "A lot of times, it was not taking the local context into account," the federal oversight official says. "You hear what you want to hear, not necessarily what was said."
The Little Crappy Ship
Like foreign military advisers foisting equipment on Afghan troops the Afghans neither needed nor could use, Congress has pushed the U.S. military to take on more equipment than it asks for. For the past several years, the Navy has asked for funds for a certain number of ships—and Congress has budgeted an even larger number. In March 2024, the Senate Appropriations Committee bragged that it gave the Navy $732 million more in shipbuilding money than it requested.
Littoral combat ships have been a particular fiasco. In the early 2000s, the Navy promised to create small, fast-moving warships that could easily be retrofitted for different kinds of missions in coastal waters. Admiral Vernon Clark, the spiritual father of the project, compared his vision to a space fighter from Star Wars "that's got R2-D2 in it." Instead, the final results were nicknamed the "Little Crappy Ship."
Originally estimated to cost $220 million each, the ships ended up costing half a billion dollars apiece—and couldn't even sail right. The gears on the engine transmission were flawed, causing ships to stall in the water. (One of them, the USS Milwaukee, broke down on its way out of the shipyard in 2015.) Lockheed Martin, the ship's manufacturer, spent years haggling over the cost of overhauling the transmission.
Nor was the littoral combat ship very good at fighting. Putting it more delicately, a Pentagon report said the ships would be "challenged in a contested environment."
The Navy spent 15 years and $700 million trying to build a minisubmarine that could be towed behind the littoral combat ship to find naval mines, then abandoned the project. Similarly, the littoral combat ship was supposed to have a towed sonar probe to find submarines, but the ship's engines were so loud it drowned out the sonar signals. That technology, too, was shelved.
Instead of a ship that could have its weapons swapped out like Lego bricks at a moment's notice, as the admirals had imagined, the Navy ended up with a ship that wasn't very good at anything. It decided to cut its losses. In 2017, the Pentagon requested funding for just one more littoral combat ship, after which the shipyards would be closed down. The Navy would begin developing a new frigate, the Constellation class, instead.
But there was too much contractor money—and too many contractor jobs—tied up in the Little Crappy Ship. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D–Wis.) wrote a letter to President Donald Trump protesting that 1,850 shipyard workers in Wisconsin risked being laid off. She emphasized her and Trump's "shared goals" to "revitalize American manufacturing, strengthen the defense industrial base, and preserve American jobs, especially in the Midwest."
Those concerns swayed the Trump administration, which edited the Navy budget to add a second $500 million ship. "Maintaining the industrial base was really the sole consideration," a source told Defense News. It didn't matter whether the money was buying usable equipment. What mattered was the factories kept running.
"That's like saying you need to keep eating junk food so maybe one day you can eat vegetables. It's an absurd argument," argues Caldwell of Defense Priorities. "The people that work in shipyards, and the capacity, the tools, the equipment—there is high demand for all that stuff. If they weren't building the LCS, there would still be work for them to do."
In 2020, the Navy signed a contract with Fincantieri Marinette Marine, the manufacturer of the littoral combat ship, for a new Constellation-class frigate. Then the military brass started trying to retire the littoral combat ship, a decade ahead of schedule. Keeping the ships would have made the whole project even more wasteful. The Navy estimated in 2022 it would cost $4.3 billion to bring littoral combat ships up to speed, not counting the cost of a new antisubmarine system.
Admiral John Gumbleton asked reporters to think about the opportunity cost, since the resources for maintaining littoral combat ships could have gone into the new frigates. "We need a capable lethal-ready Navy more than we need a larger Navy that's less capable, less lethal, and less ready," then–Chief of Naval Operations Michael Gilday told a congressional committee.
Again, members of Congress from shipbuilding states wouldn't have that. Rep. John Rutherford (R–Fla.) took calls from military contractors and meetings with Florida officials, then introduced an amendment forbidding the Navy from retiring any littoral combat ships early. After a bit of haggling, Congress reluctantly allowed the Navy to decommission four littoral combat ships out of the nine that were originally chosen for early retirement.
The USS Milwaukee was retired in September 2023, fewer than 10 years after its failed maiden voyage. It had deployed twice to patrol the Caribbean Sea. The Navy held a small ceremony to celebrate the Milwaukee's achievements over its life span: Seizing $30 million of "suspected cocaine" and arresting three suspected smugglers. That same month, the USS Little Rock was decommissioned after less than six years of service. That ship had seized $127 million of cocaine.
"Every problem with our defense budget ultimately flows from the fact that we are trying to pursue an American grand strategy of primacy in a world where we are facing increasing constraints," says Caldwell. "That ultimately leads us to try and build weapon systems like the [littoral combat ship] that try to either do too much or too little and are not suited to the real threats that we face."
He adds that the military contractors are the primary "political constituency in parts of the country," leading to a "self-licking ice cream cone."
In other words, one reason the United States government won't give up trying to dominate the entire world is because cutting military contractor jobs is just bad politics. American politicians use preparations for war as a jobs program. Those goals have forced the military to act as jack of all trades, master of none. Those bad political incentives are hurting genuine military readiness.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "Materiel Loss."
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War is a racket. But government is what makes it so. Everything the government does is a racket.
Just so. Too bad there's not a serious third party that opposes government waste. See: the number of serious, well researched articles like this that appear on Reason vs the number of pro-drug or anti-border or anti-cop fluff pieces.
Don't worry. They'll have plenty of articles blaming the minority of the controlling Congress trying to cut spending.
Be fair. On the D.C. party circuit, it might be OK for cos-libertarians to sound edgy and rant about borders, drug wars, and law enforcement, but challenging the MIC is not cool.
For Reason writers, libertarianism was a way to announce they were different—a contrarian, but that they were socially progressive and totally cool with the way sex and drugs work for America’s upper-middle-class elite.
But over the last twenty years, the DC elite have shifted into full-blown authoritarianism, openly abandoning once universally safe positions like free speech and free markets.
So how do they handle it? By conveniently ignoring the blatant violations of libertarian principles their social circles endorse and sticking to the handful that they still are okay with.
Take the Twitter Files, for example. They exposed that the CIA, FBI, and White House weren’t just urging Twitter to censor millions of Americans—they actually had their own employees stationed inside Twitter to ensure compliance.
This was one of the gravest mass violation of citizens' constitutional rights in American history, rivaled only by the far more legitimate War Powers Act of 1941. Yet, Reason writers offered little more than passing mentions in a few Roundups and Robby’s half-hearted articles.
Contrast this with their response to the J6 psy op. In the months after, Sullum alone cranked out over 120 articles railing against the protesters and Trump’s audacity, and the rest of the team wasn’t far behind. But when it came to the totalitarian silencing of millions of Americans? Crickets.
And just last week, Mark Zuckerberg told us that the White House called Facebook daily, dictating what to censor and threatening the company if they refused to comply.
This isn’t just a scandal; it’s a catastrophic assault on free speech—far worse than Watergate—and it again affects millions. But do any of you believe Reason’s writers will tackle it with the same fervor they devoted to J6?
Full agreement. But for me, the lack of an immediate and virulent response to the COVID lockdowns and the government's school/business closures was the end of the American LP (at least the LP as representedby Reason).
That was the moment this ideology was built for, and its first real chance to move from a 1 - 5% party to a 10 - 20% party that swings every election. Instead Reason sided firmly with the team government, team left, team Fauci, etc., telling us how Republicans like DeSantis were going to kill grandma and to "trust the Science."
That they changed their tune later is meaningless to me. You either have principles of freedom or you don't, and Reason does not.
"...That was the moment this ideology was built for, and its first real chance to move from a 1 - 5% party to a 10 - 20% party that swings every election. Instead Reason sided firmly with the team government, team left, team Fauci, etc., telling us how Republicans like DeSantis were going to kill grandma and to "trust the Science."...
This is when IJ lost my donation also; 'we're interested in more long-term issues...', as if the disaster visited on CA by Newsom isn't a continuing, long-term, issue.
He should have been sued instantly for claiming 'emergency powers'.
And one consequence of not writing about those principles is that their articles were indistinguishable from thousands of other articles and posts published every day. Principles is what used to separate the Libertarian Party and Reason from everybody else.
It's sort of like Saab ditching the key-in-console when GM bought them; they became indistinguishable from every other GM brand. Or Ford dropping their blue oval trademark. Or HP ditching their lab equipment. Once you decide to abandon what made you special, you aren't special any more, and the big boys you try to compete with have far more experience.
The LP and Reason used to be special because they had principles. I never expected any LP candidate to win, but I wanted the big boys kept aware of its principles. It will be interesting to see if they have recovered any next time around.
'Instead Reason sided firmly with the team government, team left, team Fauci, etc., telling us how Republicans like DeSantis were going to kill grandma and to "trust the Science."'
And this is where Team Reason also revealed their lack of balls. Some guy once said something about choosing between freedom and safety. Reason staff, whether coddled products of modern American nanny culture or not, and whether really afraid of getting sick or not, outed themselves by blindly, eagerly parroting the official COVID narratives. Some libertarians with balls might have at least questioned the Big Brother approach, if not the actual health risks claimed to justify Big Brother.
I live in the boonies, 45 minutes from supermarkets, but the closer local markets have most of what I need. I mostly ignored the pandemic, never got the shots, and only pulled a fuzzy cloth mask out of my pocket when store clerks told me to.
What did surprise me was some neighbors who went full retard -- wiping down mail and packages and everything they bought, making gallons of hand sanitizer, getting every shot and booster. They were scared to death every time they went into town, parking in the back of lots away from everybody else.
I guess some people are just prone to panicking. And maybe if I lived in a city and one out of ten people were panicking, maybe I'd think they must have a reason and panic too.
I still occasionally see a mask in public in my little blue town, most recently at the small independent market that fancies itself a Whole Foods imitator (really good independent butcher and baker are the draws for us).
Obviously, humans are on spectrums of sensitivity, vulnerability, and, well, balls. But humans are also susceptible to tribal trends, and to habit. Over the past few decades progressives have been taught that weakness is a virtue. I fear that too many on the left shifted their comfort zones to nanny Big Sister levels, and will never fully recover.
The problem is, all you all have is just anger and outrage. You don't have an alternative vision for what the government *should* do during a global pandemic. You just don't like what the government did do.
It is easy to Monday-morning-quarterback the whole thing, it is a lot harder to come up with an actual vision or plan. Let's see you try that for once.
And no, "the government does nothing" was never a realistic option. Reminder: *every single governor*, both Republican and Democrat, issued some type of authoritarian state-wide mandate related to COVID.
"You don't have an alternative vision for what the government *should* do during a global pandemic. You just don't like what the government did do."
This is Chemjeff in a nutshell. You can't oppose rampant fascism and violations against your civil rights based on rumors and phony inflated figures unless you have a plan.
Jeff, the government doing NOTHING would have been the best response to Covid. 1000 times better than what they did and probably would've resulted in less death, but you're so innately authoritarian you can't wrap your head around that fact.
Jeff, the government doing NOTHING would have been the best response to Covid.
Okay then, well what if the disease had been something like a more transmissible version of Ebola instead? You know, a disease with a 50% mortality rate. Would government action be justified then?
"But but but,", you say, "you are shifting the goalposts! We aren't talking about Ebola, we are talking about COVID which is barely the sniffles!" Actually, that is my point all along - stop it with the outrage theater and instead let's have a serious discussion about what the government ought to do in times of crisis like a global pandemic.
If you think that the government was not justified in doing anything with respect to COVID, but would be justified for a disease like Ebola because it is more deadly - then we are largely in agreement with the overall idea that government does have *some* role to play, we just might disagree on where to draw the line.
But, if you really do think that the government shouldn't do anything even if the disease is as deadly as Ebola, then you are not 'standing on principle', you are instead standing on stupidity. If your ideology countenances that the government should stand by and do nothing while ~50% of the population dies, then your ideology is not worth having. It is like the extreme pacifist who does nothing in self-defense while criminals rape his wife. That is not principled, that is just dumb. Moreover, you would be describing anarchism, not libertarianism. The two are not the same, and criticizing Reason for being insufficiently anarchist is not a fair criticism.
So which is it?
Every thing they did end up doing was totally ineffective, and some things ended up being harmful.
So in the future, they should do less.
"Okay then, well what if the disease had been something like a more transmissible version of Ebola instead?"
It wasn't, and your false dilemmas and whatif scenarios are meaningless.
In reality, nothing they did was right, and everything they did caused harm and some ethereal possibility that didn't happen was no excuse.
You would have everyone in chains on the off-chance you might "save" them.
Right, so you want to continue with your outrage theater and avoid the serious discussion. This tracks for the modern MAGA movement. No ideas, only outrage and anger.
You’re sputtering in rage. Amd what do hypotheticals have to do with this?
You’re just angry that you’re wrong (again, as always).
""This is Chemjeff in a nutshell. You can't oppose rampant fascism and violations against your civil rights based on rumors and phony inflated figures unless you have a plan.""
And saying this to people who do not have the job of making the plan.
Came late to say, well said Wizzle. I could handle the TDS, however absurd, but Covid was the end for me.
they actually had their own employees stationed inside Twitter to ensure compliance.
Is that so. I don't recall reading this part. Where is your evidence for this claim?
“I don’t recall reading this part.”
Really? It’s been in all the reporting on this and I haven’t even been particularly interested in it. I’ve seen it referenced/linked here several times, as I’m sure you have.
Why do you suppose you lie like this? What is wrong with you?
I'm not lying. I don't recall reading the part which claimed that the US government had government employees stationed within Twitter HQ. Do you have a reference?
It’s been in all the reporting on this
Well that may explain a few things. I did not read the right-wing reporting on the Twitter Files, I'm talking about the actual Twitter Files themselves.
Yes, its called the Twitter files. It was also in testimony before congress.
The only reason you don't know about it is because ActBlue didn't give you talking points.
Could you point out where in the Twitter Files this claim is made?
I'll even make it easy for you, here's a link to all of them:
That isn't a link to all of them. That ends in 2023, most of the discoveries of active agents can be found in 2024.
For example: May 23, 2024 Twitter Files: CIA
"The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the most famous of the 18 US government agencies that comprise the Intelligence Community (IC) of the United States of America. Unlike the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the law strictly prohibits CIA employees or contractors from spying upon or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil.
But now, a new Twitter Files investigation reveals that a member of the Board of Trustees of the CIA’s mission-driven venture capital firm and ostensibly “former” IC and CIA analysts were involved in a 2021-2022 effort to take over Twitter’s content management system."
And the DHS outright copped to it: Public-Private Partnership on Malign Foreign Influence - Observations &
I'm a little hesitant to point out where the Twitter file journalists first noticed FBI agents in your link, because it would be good for you to read all of them and stop trying to sealion us on this.
Start with Part 7 and go to post 29. There are earlier allusions, but this is where Shellenberger notices that "there were so many former FBI employees — "Bu alumni" — working at Twitter that they had created their own private Slack channel and a crib sheet to onboard new FBI arrivals."
32. "By mid-Sept, 2020, Chan & Roth had set up an encrypted messaging network so employees from FBI & Twitter could communicate.
They also agree to create a “virtual war room” for “all the [Internet] industry plus FBI and ODNI” [Office of the Director of National Intelligence]."
List of agents working as employees at Twitter
And here is how the FBI paid them: FBI paid Twitter millions in taxpayer dollars for ‘staff time’
I have to go make supper for the SO right now, but there's still tons left to post including the latest revelations in 2024.
So don't you worry, Jeff. I'm going to follow you around with new links all week.
Goddamn Jeffy, you’re such a disingenuous shitweasel. Of course you’re lying.
None of your links have evidence that CURRENT government employees were working at Twitter. All of your references are for FORMER government employees.
I suppose you must be referring to James A. Baker, who was Deputy Counsel at Twitter but was formerly an FBI lawyer. As far as I can tell, Baker quit the FBI in 2018, and was hired by Twitter in June 2020. So he was not on the government payroll while he was working at Twitter.
Is there someone else that you all are referring to?
Never dismiss as incompetence that which can be explained as malfeasance.
Grey's Law: Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
Skeptic's Law: assume humans start with greed, lust, and hatred for The Other until proven otherwise.
Hmm. I wonder where the Pentagon can send everything they ordered and paid for and don't need - and no one will say boo that it gets 'lost' and unaccounted for?
"They did end up building a great building. It just wasn't the right size and scope," says a federal oversight official familiar with the project, who spoke to Reason on condition of anonymity.
Reminds me of the gigantic US Embassy built in Baghdad by the Bushpigs. They had plans to lord over the Middle East from it.
What became of it?
The embassy opened in January 2009 following a series of construction delays. It replaced the previous embassy, which opened July 1, 2004 in Baghdad's Green Zone in a former Palace of Saddam Hussein.[3] The embassy complex cost US$750 million to build and reached a peak staffing of 16,000 employees and contractors in 2012.[4] The U.S. thereafter embarked on a major personnel reduction that reduced the total staffing to 11,500 in January 2013 and to 5,500 by 2014.[5] Total headcount was reduced to 486 by late 2019 and 349 by mid-2020.[6]
On 31 December 2019, the embassy was attacked by supporters of Popular Mobilization Forces militia in response to airstrikes in Iraq and Syria conducted by United States Air Force the previous Sunday.[7] The embassy was also repeatedly attacked by Iranian-aligned Iraqi Shiite militias and Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps following President Trump's order for a drone strike assassination against Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in Baghdad Airport on 3 January 2020.
Donnie let ISIS set up shop there.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Fuck off Sevo - you George W Bush loving asshole.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a TDS-addled lying pile of lefty shit.
The only Bushpig here is Buttplug.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a TDS-addled lying pile of lefty shit.
You’re the fucking neocon, Kiddie Raper.
It almost doesn't even count as trolling anymore, it's so lazy.
Reminder. You're on the same team as the bush pigs.
I'm no Bible-Beating, Big Gov warmonger, you idiot. That is your Republican Party that Dubya still belongs to.
You're on the same team as both cheneys, kristol, and all the other bush pigs dumdum.
He didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left him.
Ironically putting him in the exact same grouping as...Trump. A politician he hates because he doesn't go along with the Democrat party of today.
In essence he's trapped in 2001 and can't escape.
I he prefers to trapped in a room full of kindergarteners.
turd, the TDS-addled ass-wipe of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Fuck off pedo.
So a good deal of the problem is congress and contractors and presidents screwing up exits from Afghanistan. OK, fine.
But you overlooked that we have the gayest, most diverse military in the world.
But you overlooked that we have the gayest, most diverse military in the world.
As the article should, because none of the issues raised have anything to do with diversity. Hell, perhaps many of the people whining about diversity in the military are doing so to deflect from the real problems referred to in this article.
"...As the article should, because none of the issues raised have anything to do with diversity..."
This from the steaming pile of TDS-addled shit who changes the subject top Trump just below.
Get reamed with a barb-wire-wrapped broomstick, and then make the world a better place: Fuck off and die, asshole.
Uh, no chance that our politicians and delusional military leaders focused on diversity are also deflecting from real problems?
Conceivable, as well, just as you agree with the possibility I raised.
You get that what grouchy people post in Reason comments does not detract from military readiness as much as official service DEI initiatives, right?
Hey shrike. Spending on DEI and offering surgeries for transition that pull soldiers out of combat readiness is in fact a waste of money. But keep defending the indefensible.
Actually the diversity shit is also a huge waste of money and training time. When I was in, 1995-2005, we wasted huge amounts of limited training time on this bullshit. It's even worse today. My son is an Abrams crewman. He's been in two years, he's spent more time on diversity training than he's spent training and firing the main gun (he's an assistant gunner now). The best diversity training there is is time in the field (well combat is even better but suboptimal for other obvious reasons). Depending on others of a diverse background is the best way to get over your prejudices and nothing beats field problems. There's a hierarchy of needs in the military. Mission first. Mission always comes first, it's the most important thing. Team second. Your team is the second most important thing, your life depends on it (literally, even in peacetime, the military is a dangerous and deadly occupation, even for Rear echelon types). Your needs come a very distant third.
Putting people together, give them a defined mission, place them under stress and make them depend upon each other, that's the way to build a team, not focusing on differences. Diversity training (or equal opportunity,/Care of others as it was called in my day) is actually counterproductive, and most officers and NCOs knew this when I was in (and talking to some of my friends who are now senior NCOs and officers still in, still do). It wastes time better spent for real training. It creates friction in the team. It takes away from the mission. And it refocuses attention from mission and team, onto the individual, the exact opposite of what you're trained in the rest of your time in. Unfortunately, the politicians and the political senior officers (the ones who care more about their careers than about their mission, which tend to inhabit the Pentagon) require this waste of time and money which actually hurts readiness, hurts teamwork, and actually creates more problems than it solves.
We had that in Navy Boot Camp in the early 80's. I came from an area where there were few minorities. When My Company formed up, us white guys were in the minority. I'd never met a Filipino until then. By the 6th week I didn't see a Filipino or a Black, I saw Santos, Hernandez, Willie and Ray. That went on for the five years that I was in. I taught two of the Filipinos how to read, in the restroom after lights out. Willie, our Recruit Chief Petty Officer was a distance runner. If it wasn't for him teaching me how to set a pace, I wouldn't have gotten through Boot Camp and later Aircrew and SAR school. I found out later on that the main idea of Navy Boot Camp was to get you used to living in a confined space with a bunch of people and learning to rely on each other.
"Depending on others of a diverse background is the best way to get over your prejudices and nothing beats field problems."
But that only works when others, no matter what they look like, accept everyone else AND the priorities of the actual mission. If they think they can define the mission to prioritize divisive ideology, then those people will not be dependable. And they will poison everyone else.
Which is my point. DEI or, as in my day, Care of Others/EO training is counterproductive and harmful. We usually had more interpersonal conflict for the weeks following these trainings than baseline, most walked around on eggshells while the asshat buddy fuckers and barracks lawyers used to to their advantage. It just cost conflict. 'No, I'm not having us unpack, re-inventory and functionally repack the Conex for the third time this year because I'm a white male using my privilege. Trust me, I don't want to do it anymore than you, but I'm the assistant bio-med NCOIC and have signed for this shit, and first sergeant said it needed to get done (again) even though we did it right the last time and no one's been in them since then, but as we're moving to the field, sergeant major said it needed done, so first sergeant told me to get it done, and now we're here doing it again, suck it up.'
Or what I actually would have said, 'at ease that shit private, we're doing this because shit rolls downhill in the Army and we're at the bottom of the fucking hill.'
Or 'wt ease that shit, we're doing this because I got ordered to do this. Don't like it take it up with Top, he's an understanding guy.'
Greco-Roman armies: "Hold my wine."
Yeah, but is a corps of Tops and Bottoms really that diverse?
A society that embraces pedastery has reached a level of "diversity" today's woke can only dream about.
So the GOP really are the party of diversity.
So SRG really is a lying pile of TDS-addled shit. Fuck off and die, asshole.
This checks out.
Given the range of people who voted for Trump, and the lack of group identity talk in the GOP, yes.
Leftists like shrike don't mean diversity of thought silly.
Musk, vivek, rfk, tulsi...
They don't count.
The republicans aren’t the ones that want to call child rapists ‘minor attracted person’. Nor do they seek to redesignate pedophilia as a sexual orientation, instead of a personality disorder (which it is).
That’s you, and your fellow travelers.
"Greco-Roman armies: "Hold my wine."
The Greeks and Romans were like the Afghanis today with their Bacha Bazi. They liked to fuck effeminate boys but frowned very heavily on adult male sexual relationships.
In fact a Roman patrician was legally permitted to kill his adult son if he let himself get buggered.
And just like with the Afghanis, the pederasty was born out of a deep cultural contempt for women. Particularly among the Athenians.
The Sengoku period Japanese are another example. A male-centric society with a contempt for women outside of breeding, who took to fucking boys.
I suspect that some (many?) men are always fucking boys, and what varies is merely the degree of acceptance and institutionalization of it at a given place and time. It makes sense that the place of women in a society would be a factor in that.
Co-leader of Germany’s far-right AfD calls for mass deportations
Alice Weidel promises “repatriations on a large scale” in speech to party faithful
The word was coined by right-wing Austrian ideologue Martin Sellner, who defines “remigration” as forcibly removing immigrants who break the law or “refuse to integrate”, regardless of their citizenship status — an idea that critics say is akin to ethnic cleansing.
Fascinating. Open Society says this is democracy in process. Let it play out by voters. Yet Open Society also supports other libertarian ideals involving the free movement of labor.
Alice Weidel is formerly one of those Goldman Sachs "globalists" to boot.
turd, the TDS-addled ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Open Society supports the free movement into welfare states to help bankrupt countries, similar to marxism.
Note they provide primarily legal support and transport support for the migrants they move around the world, not providing the housing or welfare costs. Soros even funds protestors to demand even more welfare for migrants.
We told you to quit lying.
What lie shrike?
I like how you and sarc think that is an effective counter.
Is it part of the dumb leftist school training?
From his own words he talks about western worlds funding other shit holes.
Similarly, a European plan must be accompanied by a global response, under the authority of the United Nations and involving its member states. This would distribute the burden of the Syrian crisis over a larger number of states, while also establishing global standards for dealing with the problems of forced migration more generally.
Here are the six components of a comprehensive plan.
First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly – a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit.
Adequate financing is critical. The EU should provide €15,000 ($16,800) per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing, health care, and education costs – and to make accepting refugees more appealing to member states.
"What lie shrike?
I like how you and sarc think that is an effective counter.
Is it part of the dumb leftist school training?"
This is the preschool version of Alinsky. Or so he thinks.
turd, the ass-wipe of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
And I hope she succeeds. All of the current eurotrash immigration policies can be laid at the feet of Angela Merkel. It's only fitting that a German corrects that.
"Yet Open Society also supports other libertarian ideals involving the free movement of labor."
Importing millions of welfare leeches to replace non-compliant populations isn't the free movement of labor, pedo.
But fear not, under Triump, the defence budget will be cut significantly and be managed with far greater efficiency, right? Trump won't let the military-industrial complex or pork-barrel politics derail his plans, for sure?
But fear not, some slimy pile of TDS-addled shit like SRG will immediately change the subject to Trump.
Fuck off and die, asshole.
In his his first term trump held back on signing a ton of cost pluse contracts, say that they are a bad deal for the tax payer. He's right. I work in the mic, and the major contractors don't like trump because he doesn't play the game of pentagon revolving door
Facts are irrelevant to slimy piles of TDS-addled shit like SRG.
Also, facts are racist.
"But fear not, under Triump, the defence budget will be cut significantly and be managed with far greater efficiency, right? Trump won't let the military-industrial complex or pork-barrel politics derail his plans, for sure?"
That's the plan, Diet Shrike.
And I'm sure that you're going to be angry when it actually happens.
Acquiring Panama and Greenland in order to bolster national security is certain to increase the defense budget. And there's no plan, really. What we are offered instead is merely 'concepts of a plan.' And anger is probably the most rational response.
We already have a base in Greenland.
One isn't enough. Check out how many bases are in Okinawa, an island a small fraction the size of Greenland. Check out UK, Germany, or any other NATO nation if you are curious.
Trump isn't going to acquire either.
Russia's been on camping trips in the Canadian arctic and Greenland recently, and China has been setting up shop in the Panama Canal.
He's letting Russia and China know that they are both in America's sphere of influence.
More importantly (for Trump) he's giving the Democratic Party controlled press a distraction to rage about, while quietly pressing ahead with his more controversial appointments.
"Trump isn't going to acquire either."
He'll increase the budget in any case, if his first term in office is indicative of his priorities. Fear mongering over the threat of Russia and China is the perfect excuse to expand the military and enrich contractors.
"More importantly (for Trump) he's giving the Democratic Party controlled press a distraction to rage about"
Why would the Democrats rage about an expanded military? You don't appear to have thought this through.
"He'll increase the budget in any case"
That crystal ball of yours has been batting zero so far. Don't worry, one day you'll get one right. Even a stopped clock...
"Why would the Democrats rage about an expanded military?
Rage about Trump's appointments, you dope. Hegseth, Patel, etc. It's clearly there in black and white. And I said the the Democratic Party controlled press would, not the Democrats themselves.
With the media focused on Greenland shenanigans, insults to Governor Trudeau, and speculations on the canal, it's taking up all the oxygen and they're too busy to give Trump's choices the Kavanagh treatment.
"That crystal ball of yours has been batting zero so far. "
Mixed metaphor. Try again.
There's no crystal ball. I'm going on Trump's record in his first term. He increased the military budget every chance he had. Check it out yourself if you doubt me. Biden has also increased the military budget, and so has every other president I can recall.
"it's taking up all the oxygen and they're too busy to give Trump's choices the Kavanagh treatment."
I disagree. The press is not too busy to look into the background of Trump's prospective appointees. Trump knows this and relies on the press to vet his choices, saving him the time and trouble of doing the work himself. He's spoken appreciatively of the press for this reason. Take his initial choice of head of the department of justice, for example. Once the press pointed out the man was a rapist and drug user, Trump withdrew his support. Had the press been concerned solely with his comments on Panama etc, Trump probably would have continued to promote his first choice.
"Mixed metaphor. Try again."
No. I like it exactly how it is and it does a fine job of getting the point across.
"Once the press pointed out the man was a rapist and drug user,"
It is a lie that Gaetz is a rapist and I know that you know that. Really scummy of you to pretend otherwise.
As for using drugs when he was younger he has always been up front about that; and I don't give a shit because just like 70% of the population, I tried drugs when I was younger. Weed, mushrooms and MDMA. Haven't done any of them in decades now and neither has Gaetz.
And the press had nothing to do with him withdrawing. The old GOPer's who he criticized for insider trading made it clear that they wouldn't approve him.
"It is a lie that Gaetz is a rapist and I know that you know that. "
You only know about his sexual escapades and drug abuse because that's what the press has written.
"The old GOPer's who he criticized for insider trading made it clear that they wouldn't approve him."
Clearly they were reading the same press coverage Trump was. As I mentioned, Trump has spoken glowingly about the role of the press in vetting potential cabinet members, saving him the bother of doing the research, letting him spend more time and energy on the things important to him. And it's not only Trump who relies on the press for information about the outside world. The old GOPers are also taking advantage of their efforts.
Have you checked on Trump's record of increasing military budgets while he was president as I advised? I take it by your avoidance of the topic that you have and discovered the soundness of my predictions, and foolishness of whatever it was you've managed to convince yourself regarding Trump's record of signing off on increasing military budgets regardless of what happens with Greenland, Panama or anywhere else. Biden also increased the military budget, as well as sending billions to Ukraine and Israel.
Trump not only increased the military budget of the US, but cajoled NATO partners to increase theirs. This despite the fact that their military adventurism led to millions of refugees from Northern Africa and Western Asia to flood their countries, and more money to the military was in no way an solution to the myriad problems and disruptions such a flood would cause. Given your fear and contempt of refugees, i would have thought that you would realize the impotence of Trump's prescriptions. Again, it appears you haven't thought this through.
They are just utterly dishonest. They only complain during a GOP Congress and attack those trying to make cuts. Ignoring dems using the fillinuster or deep state actors ignoring directions to cut budgets.
And I'm sure that you're going to be angry when it actually happens.
Your certainty is misplaced. There are many things I would give Trump credit for if he managed them. I just don't believe he will but time will tell.
I am equally sure that should Trump fail to deliver, you will defend his failure and blame others for it.
'Some of these losses are simple bureaucratic inefficiency.'
Sure, some are. But, just to be contrary (and snarky), could it ever be more efficient to buy more parts than spending the money necessary to maintain a perfect inventory system?
By analogy: let's imagine you once bought a box of wine glasses (just for you, Reasonistas). Then you moved apartments (twice), had a boy/girl/other friend come and go, and put some things into a rental storage unit. Now you want to host a big party and can only find seven glasses. Should you ransack your house, go through all the boxes in the storage unit (and basement), call your ex, and waste a week looking? Do you bemoan not spending a full day each month keeping up your personal possession inventory spreadsheet? Or do you just make a quick trip to Walmart, er, Target, um, Ikea?, ok, Williams and Sonoma and buy another box? Was that "wasteful"?
Spare engines are just a tad different.
An entire warehouse is more than just a tad different. It's an entire warehouse of tads different.
Sorta. But scaling up a $25 purchase for a struggling Reason writer to the US military is a $500 million goof.
Perfect inventory system? Never found one in the hundreds of inventory audits I did in my career in private industry and with CPA firms. Always a discrepancy between the shelves and the records, even with 100% barcoded items in locked inventory cages.
And that's with organizations where profit-making was an incentive.
I can't imagine how difficult it is to keep accurate records in a bureaucracy where there are no consequences if you don't keep accurate records.
My problem is how the fuck is this shit not inventoried? Because, it feels like about 75% of my time in was spent on inventorying. And signature accountability was a huge deal. My guess is this isn't a first line leader problem. It isn't a unit problem. It isn't a service problem, it's a civilian contractor and or civilian employee problem. First thing you do when you get to a new unit is they inventory your gear (and any soldier whose been in longer than a minute likely owns extra gear, even issued shit they've picked up at Army Surplus or on-line that you actually use in the field). You inventory before you go to the field, you inventory when you get back from the field. You inventory when you get a new squad leader platoon sergeant, first sergeant, sergeant major and or section leader. You inventory when your squad leader, platoon sergeant, first sergeant and or sergeant major can't think of anything else to keep you out of trouble. You inventory if someone unlocked the Conex or locker or whatever to take out a piece of equipment for training and then returned it. Or just opened it to show it to the new platoon leader (whose fresh out of the academy or ROTC) and then closed it and locked it. And then after every one of these inventories, you also have quarterly or bi annually scheduled inventories you have to do, even if you just inventoried it the week before because you just got back from the field.
And God forbid you lose anything.
Any idea how much black marketeering goes on? I've lived near overseas bases and found shops in town that traffic in food diverted from military bases. Large blocks of cheddar cheese were a favorite of mine. It's corrupt, of course and the shops had something of a shady reputation, but it was small potatoes compared to the scale of corruption you can read about in Iraq post 2003.
Again, almost all that shit is handled by contractors and DoD civilians.
Easy. Ever go TAD to Supply? An hour of watching how the civilians who run Supply work and all of your questions would be answered. I did it and that was in 1985, I can only imagine how bad it is now. Remember all of the screw offs who said that they were only there for their "five point preference" to get a Government job? Well many of them got it.
It was largely a rhetorical question, because almost any veteran will tell you nine tenths of the problems are the contractors and DoD civilians.
Mayor Bass wanted to cut 50M more from the fire budget a week before the fires started.
On top of not allowing departments and agencies to clear dry brush, Newsome cut 100M from fire services last year.
Wonder why they needed all this money. Surely not to fund their virtue signaling for illegals.
Trains with track no one uses and nothing to run on the tracks.
New zen koan: if a train never travels down rails that are never built does a progressive still get a hard-on?
SF dug a 4-story hole in the ground, for the terminus of moonbeam's choo-choo, which will likely never get there, which hole disturbed the soil around the Millenium Tower friction pilings, allowing it to tilt.
Yes, there are lawsuits in various levels of progress.
"If a train never gets to that hole in the ground, do proggies still get a boner?"
Which white guy do you think Disney will get to play Bass when they make a movie about the LA fires?
Al Franken?
In blackface?
Just unbelievable.
It is wrong to say group-based child abuse is predominantly committed by Pakistani men, the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) has said.
They even admit the abuse is disproportionate to the percent of Pakistanis in country.
So, in this specific category, there is a disproportionate representation to the number of Pakistanis in the population. However, this only relates to a very defined, and small section of the overall child abuse data.
They represent 13% of cases despite being a small overall percent of demographics.
Likewise the police and government don't attempt to hide and threaten arrest for other groups abusing children.
They have learned zero lessons.
In Britain, isn't there only a 'case' if they prosecute?
Another good point.
The state of our journalists. How a radio host easily tricked a journalist to report a negative "fact checked story" negative of Elon Musk. All it took was a few emails to the journalist.
But rocket man bad, mkay?
To be fair Fortune Magazine wanted to be fooled and has suffered no negative repercussions for phony stories in the past.
Fortune, like The Economist and Scientific American, was at one time a factual magazine.
"...Images of Taliban fighters riding around with *Biden-donated* vehicles became a symbol of American failure..."
Fixed, especially for turd.
After the wonderful job he did with the CA economy when he was economic czar, imagine what he'll do now!:
"News about Gov. Newsom Says He's Organizing A 'Marshal Plan' to reimagine L.A 2.0 after wildfires"
Dateline Jan 24, 2019:
"Gov. Newsom, while campaigning, promised 3.5 million new units of housing for the state, calling it a “Marshall Plan for affordable housing,” in reference to the U.S. Government’s investment in post-WWII Europe."
Seems like Gov Hairgel really likes Marshal.
Marshall Law in CA is more probable.
No mention at all of how much money - let alone efficacy - is being pissed away on DEI, LGBT pedo, and wokeness training?
That because the program funding is likely a rounding error in the budget.
Not as bad as wasting money on pedo-Papist chaplains.
Glass houses AT. You constantly defend a Hitler youth member who personally protected pedos.
We need to be deporting white trash, Roman vermin like you. You have repeatedly shown your allegiance is to your pedo church and not your country.
You’re on the losing side you god damn cracker. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Oooohhhh, look at that. A Kar by any other name.
Cowards delete their history and resurface under a new name, Kar. But, I know why you did. The feds were on to you for your child porn and prostitution, weren't they. You sicko groomer pinko trash.
It’s the same account you stupid fucking country bumpkin. I’m not hiding anything.
You deflect with your baseless accusations because you have no defense for the fact you have repeatedly defended a Hitler Youth member who personally protected pedos. You choose to belong to your church.
You are so god damn fucking stupid, yet so arrogant. Why do you Bible humpers assume people reject your god/church because of some character flaw or trauma? I could ask you why you reject Mohammed? Why do you not accept Jesus had Joseph Smith restore his church on earth? Why do you not accept that your church is the Whore of Babylon and only members of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster go to heaven? Is it because you were raped as an alter boy or something?
Keep in mind you believe a cracker Transubstantiates into a guy who has been dead for two millennia!
Get it through you thick, lead paint addled, boomer fucking head: YOU ARE THE PEDO ENABLER YOU GODDAMN HICK! NOT THR GAYS!
If anyone gets tied to a truck hitch it will be you.
I’m not hiding anything.
Then why change your name?
You choose to belong to your church.
Yes, the Church created by Jesus Christ Himself. Not one created by the Pope.
We believe in Christ. The Church looks to the pontiff for guidance. Sometimes he's wrong. Humans frequently are. (You're a daily example of that.)
Why do you Bible humpers assume people reject your god/church because of some character flaw or trauma?
Because humans are sinful - flawed - by nature and what you describe there is quite literally the ultimate sin. There isn't a single one worse than that. (In fact, fun fact, the 10 Commandments are actually written in hierarchy.)
Whatever is keeping you from God is, by definition, a character flaw (whether borne of trauma or otherwise). Even ignorance. This is why, if you've ever read Dante, even virtuous pagans such as Homer and Saladin were found in the First Layer of Hell (Limbo).
It's also where the unbaptized go. Because there is no road to Heaven that doesn't go through Christ. If you don't get that, or outright reject it - I mean, what other word would you choose than "flaw?"
Flawed is the human soul's default state.
I could ask you why you reject Mohammed? Why do you not accept Jesus had Joseph Smith restore his church on earth?
Matthew 7:15-20
Incorrect. Nowhere in the Catholic faith is such a thing encouraged or supported.
In LGBT pedo (and Islamic) circles, however, they seek to normalize it.
Which is why normal society will not put up with you for much longer.
“ In LGBT pedo (and Islamic) circles, however, they seek to normalize it.”
Though shall not bear false witness!
It’s not a character flaw to have the intelligence to know a guy didn’t die and magically come back to life 2000 years ago. It’s not a character flaw to know a cracker doesn’t magically turn into that guy!
It’s called faith because you accept it without proof. You wanna belong to a church that chooses Hitler youth pedo enablers to lead it’s church, that’s your business. However, when you start posting your bigotry, ignorance, and hypocrisy on here you’re god damn fucking right I’m going to point it out.
I will never forget or forgive what you backwards, inbred, Bible humping hicks did to MY COUNTRY.
Thankfully you’ll be dead soon and find out your god doesn’t exist.
Obama was right about you god damn white trash hicks. You cling to your god and your guns and try to force your evil values on everyone.
We REAL AMERICANS are god damn fucking sick of it.
If there is a hell then Joseph Ratzinger is surely burning in it. And you will too!
“ Which is why normal society will not put up with you for much longer.”
You’re the one who needs to be worried you god damn fucking white trash hick.
Though shall not bear false witness!
I spoke the truth.
It’s not a character flaw to have the intelligence to know a guy didn’t die and magically come back to life 2000 years ago.
Yes it is. You think you know better. You think you are the supreme arbiter. You believe yourself to be the highest authority. As such, simple things like humility, and penitence, and repentance are completely lost on you. It's what lays the ground for your amorality and, in your case, leads you to LGBT Pedo. Believing with total certainty that it's OK to groom and rape kids, and that you'll never have to answer for it.
It's hubris. Pride. The devil's favorite sin.
And you will have to answer for it. Twice.
I will never forget or forgive what you backwards, inbred, Bible humping hicks did to MY COUNTRY.
It's not your country. You rejected it. You explicitly rejected it. You explicitly reject it right this minute.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people."
You are intentionally, and proudly, neither.
And the good people of this nation will not suffer your ilk for much longer.
You cling to your god and your guns and try to force your evil values on everyone.
$20 says you can't identify said "evil values" and explain why they're evil. Not without making a fool of yourself.
You’re the one who needs to be worried you god damn fucking white trash hick.
And no we don't. We already won, Kar. The battle between Good and Evil is over. Good won. The last 2000 years of your type are just people who insist on going down with the Evil ship.
“ Yes it is. You think you know better. You think you are the supreme arbiter. You believe yourself to be the highest authority. As such, simple things like humility, and penitence, and repentance are completely lost on you.”
What makes you an authority?
“ It's what lays the ground for your amorality and, in your case, leads you to LGBT Pedo. Believing with total certainty that it's OK to groom and rape kids, and that you'll never have to answer for it.”
There you go bearing false witness again. Please cite where I have said it’s ok to groom and rape kids? I have been calling out religious sex abuse on here for years. That includes the thousands of confirmed cases in your church!
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people."
It certainly wasn’t made for papists! The founders were mostly Episcopalian. They made America a secular country.
“$20 says you can't identify said "evil values" and explain why they're evil. Not without making a fool of yourself.”
You have advocated killing all Iranians, killing LGTBQ people who are harming no one. I would say that’s pretty evil. Also the thousands of children your church has abused.
You can’t help but making a fool of yourself. I’m sure other Catholics are embarrassed by you.
I have met some Catholics that were wonderful people. Accepting of all people and incredibly charitable.
However, most Catholics I have encountered are holier than thou types like you. They cheated, lied, stole all while looking down on honest hard working folks simply for not being Christian. In their twisted minds they were in the right because they confessed every now and then to their priest. You give off that vibe, but worse. You are also an unrepentant, arrogant bigot.
How is it not hubris on your part to deny the Jewish god? Or the Muslim god? Or Ahura Mazda? Or the Lutheran God? What evidence do you have that your god is the correct god?
I have told you multiple god damn times I will watch my language if you stop your bigotry and hatred. Until then you can stick your cross up your god damn ass you fucking miserable god damn bigot. Jesus fucking Christ you are a backwards rube.
What makes you an authority?
I'm not. I told you who the Authority is.
Please cite where I have said it’s ok to groom and rape kids?
Not once have you ever denounced LGBT Pedo. You support them in literally any context. You're either one of them, or an enabler. Neither is tolerable.
It certainly wasn’t made for papists!
Good thing I'm not a papist.
The founders were mostly Episcopalian. They made America a secular country.
lol, tell me you know nothing whatsoever about American History without telling me you know nothing whatsoever about American History.
Put on the nose, Kar.
You have advocated killing all Iranians, killing LGTBQ people who are harming no one.
I've advocated no such thing. Just warned of a very certain outcome for them both.
Both can still be saved. Neither want to be.
Kinda like you. Terrorist, pedophile, you. All the same thing.
I’m sure other Catholics are embarrassed by you.
See, that's an appeal to Pride. As a Satanist pedophile, of course you would go that route. You sickos are nothing if not predictable.
You go with that because it's all you know. The following knowledge is beyond you, and even when I put it into words, you still will fail to understand it: I don't answer to "other Catholics." And they don't answer to me. We all acknowledge that we're imperfect beings called to grace.
We don't condemn each other for that. We try to better each other. If by nothing more than a smile and the simple grace of offering peace.
And we answer to God. The God you deny.
I have met some Catholics that were wonderful people.
"I have black friends," says the racist.
However, most Catholics I have encountered are holier than thou types like you.
It's not "holier." Again, this is you only seeing the world through your myopic lens of Pride.
It has nothing to do with me being more "holy" than you. I simply choose to obey the most important Commandment that you insist on (pridefully) defying. That you see and understand that as something more "holy" than what you do is really just the Big Man Upstairs clubbing you over the head on the subject.
I mean, come on man. Your regarding of me as "holier than thou" is an admission of your own failings.
How is it not hubris on your part to deny the Jewish god? Or the Muslim god? Or Ahura Mazda? Or the Lutheran God?
Do you even know what you're talking about at this point?
What evidence do you have that your god is the correct god?
Ahh, now there's the penultimate question, isn't it. It's the question that fuels your rebellion and your embracing of sin.
I hate to be so dismissive, but I'm going to give you the best answer I can: read the Bible. Cover to cover. That is the Word of God. Attend Church - and make sure it's a Catholic one. That is the celebration of the Lord. You can do so in any nation, in any culture, in any language - every Catholic Mass is the same no matter where you go.
The evidence that I have, unconvincing as it may be, is the clear understanding of Order that God intended for this world.
As an agent of Chaos and Destruction, who has so openly committed himself to serving the other guy, you may lack a frame of reference.
Until then you can stick your cross up your god damn ass you fucking miserable god damn bigot. Jesus fucking Christ you are a backwards rube.
“Not once have you ever denounced LGBT Pedo. You support them in literally any context. You're either one of them, or an enabler. Neither is tolerable.”
Abusing kids is wrong! LGTB people are not pedos! You haven’t denounced your Hitler youth, pedo protecting pope?
There is a well documented record of the institutional abuse of children in your church, it’s common fucking knowledge. That why it’s so absurd that you label anyone who doesn’t despise LGTB people like you a pedo.
You are a papist!
“ lol, tell me you know nothing whatsoever about American History without telling me you know nothing whatsoever about American History.”
Then please provide evidence that I’m wrong? You won’t because you will just make a bigger fool of yourself when you realize I’m correct.
“ Kinda like you. Terrorist, pedophile, you. All the same thing.”
There you go blatantly bearing false witness again! Please cite evidence I am any of those things.
You’re the racist you white trash hick. It’s obvious!
What evidence do you have for your god AT?
Until then you can shove your god damn Bible and bigotry up your fucking ass.
Abusing kids is wrong!
And yet you're an enabler of the LGBT Pedo.
There is a well documented record of the institutional abuse of children in your church, it’s common fucking knowledge.
And it's condemned. Unlike with your pedophile crew.
You are a papist!
Putting an exclamation mark after it won't make it any more true.
Then please provide evidence that I’m wrong?
Read literally anything that came out of Colonial America. Start with the Federalist Papers.
If anything, they were Protestants. They were distrustful of a Church that meddled too much into politics, as Catholicism did at the time. But you know what? They still let Charles Carroll sign the Declaration, didn't they. Who, incidentally, also put his entire estate on the line when he did so. And he was the only one who did so. (Everyone always remembers 'ol Hancock for his flourish. They rarely remember Carroll for his truly "go big or go home" signing.)
American History is awesome. You should spend five minutes of your life learning the basics.
There you go blatantly bearing false witness again! Please cite evidence I am any of those things.
Right here, right now - swear on whatever you think gives your word worth, and openly denounce Islam, LGBT, and Satan as the evils they are.
You won't.
Until then you can shove your god damn Bible and bigotry up your fucking ass.
“And yet you're an enabler of the LGBT Pedo.”
lgtb=\= pedo you braindead bigot. I have pointed that out repeatedly. It’s pointless to argue with you.
“And it's condemned. Unlike with your pedophile crew.”
Yet it keeps happening! It keeps being covered up! Your church continues to fight against reforms and safeguards to prevent abuse and help victims. Your pedo church can say whatever it wants, but that facts show it refuses to address its abuse problem.
Please show any evidence that LGTB people are anything but horrified by abuse.
You also have refused to condemn your hitler Youth, pedo enabling pope Joseph Ratzinger.
“I hate to be so dismissive, but I'm going to give you the best answer I can: read the Bible. Cover to cover. That is the Word of God. Attend Church - and make sure it's a Catholic one. That is the celebration of the Lord. You can do so in any nation, in any culture, in any language - every Catholic Mass is the same no matter where you go.“
The Bible was written by men. It contains some historical people and events, but is largely fictional. The gospels contradict each other. The earth isn’t 6000 years old. There was no great flood. There is no evidence outside scripture the Israelites were ever enslaved in Egypt. There was no massacre of the innocents. I could go on and on.
Your fucking god can’t even get his story straight for crying out loud.
What evidence do you have the Bible is anymore true than the Koran? Or Vedic scriptures of India?
“ American History is awesome. You should spend five minutes of your life learning the basics.”
Cite where in the federalist papers they say we are a religious nation? Let alone a papisr nation. Or that the founders weren’t mostly Episcopalian?
If you Bible humpers keep trying to force your evil on everyone you will give REAL AMERICANS like me no choice but to eliminate you.
Fuck your god damn make believe fucking god. Fuck your Papist Virgin Mary in her god damn asshole, and most importantly fuck yoy AT you freedom hating, bigoted cretin.
You need to accept you are inferior and just keep your uneducated mouth shut.
I have pointed that out repeatedly.
I know, it's weird. It's not like it makes you any less wrong.
Yet it keeps happening! It keeps being covered up!
If it's "covered up" then how do you know it "keeps happening?"
Please show any evidence that LGTB people are anything but horrified by abuse.
Well, for one, they keep doing it and enabling it and waving a flag for it.
You also have refused to condemn your hitler Youth, pedo enabling pope Joseph Ratzinger.
Why would I?
Also, has it occurred to you that he's not the Pope?
The Bible was written by men.
No, the Bible was written by God.
Cite where in the federalist papers they say we are a religious nation?
I didn't say we were a religious nation.
If you Bible humpers keep trying to force your evil on everyone you will give REAL AMERICANS like me no choice but to eliminate you.
You're all over the place, Kar. Would you please stop multitasking between your replies and your child pornography watching?
Also, stop the latter entirely. It's sick.
“‘You also have refused to condemn your hitler Youth, pedo enabling pope Joseph Ratzinger.’
Why would I?”
Anytime you post your bigotry I will cite this post you goddamn fucking pervert.
You don’t care two shits about kids, otherwise you would condemn your CONFIRMED HITLER YOUTH AND CONFIRMED PEDO ENABLER POPE! Those are fucking facts you miserable piece of god damn fucking shit!
You only make a stink because you’re an irredeemable, ignorant bigot. It’s not about kids, it’s only about hating people who are different than you.
There is no hell, but if there was there would be a special place in it for people like you who let children be hurt.
You goddamn fucking monster.
“ You're all over the place, Kar. Would you please stop multitasking between your replies and your child pornography watching?
Also, stop the latter entirely. It's sick.”
You have no argument so you just slander me you god damn pedo enabler.
Anytime you post your bigotry I will cite this post you goddamn fucking pervert.
To what end? To keep flogging a straw man?
Those are fucking facts you miserable piece of god damn fucking shit!
Language. And no they're not.
It’s not about kids, it’s only about hating people who are different than you.
No, it's about LGBT Pedo. They're not "different from me." They are broken souls, and their brokenness invariably leads them to literal evil.
You are the perfect example of this. All your "tolerance" and "acceptance" does is encourage them; embolden them. Hey Kar, is this you?
The LGBT Pedo and its enablers like you literally cannot help it. It all invariably leads to raping children, and you wave their flag in support of it. Your attempts to contrast that with the Church are laughable at best.
They have a fringe minority at work that expresses shame at the deed. You and your LGBT Pedo allies are proud of your child rape.
You have no argument so you just slander me
It's not slander when it's true.
Losing parts to America's most advanced fighter seems like a bigger national security issue than TikTok. Pretty sure reverse engineering is a thing.
The problem is the Congress which depends on contractors and local military bases to keep them getting reelected. Lost, stolen and deteriorated parts are more money for contractors. This country spends millions on manned fighters and bombers in an age of drones and cruise missiles. Why? To have the best Airforce or to keep the money pipeline to contractors flowing? I think the later.
In addition to that the military officers who secure these expensive contracts end up making millions working for the very same companies as CEOs and such. They’ve got no incentive to be cost conscious. That would harm their post-service job prospects.
Looks like the Euro leftys will not go quietly into the night.
Former French European Commissioner Thierry Breton has essentially openly confessed that the West stole the Romanian election and stands ready to do it again in Germany if deemed necessary.
"We did it in Romania, and we will do it in Germany if necessary," a translation from the French of Breton's recent appearance in European media said. Early last month a top Romanian court simply annulled the first round of the country's presidential election in order to create what amounted to a 'do over' election.
The publication Romania Journal highlighted Breton's words as follows: "If, on the other hand, the Tesla and X boss breaks the law, especially in Germany, by supporting the 'extremist' AfD party, the former European Commissioner believes that it will be necessary for the authorities to act as in Romania, where the presidential elections were canceled, writes the website of the French television BFMTV, which recalls Călin Georgescu’s TikTok campaign.
There’s really only one way out of this for Europeans.
Nuke Brussels?
Who said that we beat the Soviet Union? They still live on in the EU.
I've been following that story. Even I admit this is probably "too local" for for Reason to cover, but yeah, these people are so emboldened that like Victoria Nuland, they just admit it now.
Both too local and, in the mode popularized by our "media" over the past two decades, too "conspiracy", i.e. any claims that the EU fucked around with a legit election in Romania can only be a right wing conspiracy.
Because white British establishment figures are too cowardly or compromised to fight for the raped working class girls, Arabs, Iranians and Pakistanis are the only ones doing it.
A great interview with Rajah Miah by Mahyar Tousi. They discuss the main reason Starmer doesn’t want a national inquiry into grooming gangs.
This amounts to a criminal conspiracy at multiple levels of UK government. Starmer and the rest are accessories to gang rape. I think politically Starmer is toast but that won't satisfy me. These dirtbags need to be imprisoned at hard labor. And rot in hell for eternity.
No, any claims that this is happening is a right wing conspiracy. See my comment above.
The FBI worked with SIGAR and other agencies to investigate Alenia and the Air Force official. The Justice Department declined to prosecute the case.
Let me guess, they stopped looking when they discovered 10% went to the big guy?
The Jacksonville Warehouse is legendary. In 1986 they had an auction to get rid of some things that they didn't need. One lot was 6 jet engine storage cannisters. The storage cannister were a cylinder that was lying on it's side with a frame around it for support. It was split in half with flanges that were bolted together.
A farmer bought the lot with the intent to separate the halves and use them for watering troughs for his cattle. When he opened the first one he was surprised to find a jet engine in there. All 6 had engines. Brand new ones for the F/A-18s that were just coming into service. The Navy paid a chunk of change to buy them back. As far as the Carriers go, in 1985 the Squadron I was in was assigned to the Forrestal. The Forrestal had been in the yards for the Service Life Extension Program (SLEP). We went out for a six week mini cruise in June and July 1985. I'd injured an ankle and couldn't work the flight deck so I was sent TAD to Supply. My job there was to help organize the aviation supply storerooms. We found parts in there from A-4's, F-8's, A-5's and other obsolete aircraft. Not just a few, but, many, many parts.
One problem with the military in general is that there is no way to get something back into the Supply System in the event of an error. We'd ordered a carton of canopy cleaner. A carton would last us almost a year. Due to an error, we got a pallet of canopy cleaner. 96 cartons of cleaner. When this was brought to the attentions of the civilians who ran supply, the reply was "sorry about your luck." We traded most of it away to other squadrons, but, when I got out in 1988 there was still 15 cartons in the Supply Room.
This is truly beautiful.
It looks like it could have been The Dor brothers, but yeah, that's too awesome for words. I have lately been changing my opinion on the value of AI. It's going to be one of the greatest meme tools ever invented.
True dat.
Brought a tear to my eye.
California in a nutshell.
Figured if you said something was beautiful it would be celebrating the misfortune of people you hate. I wasn't wrong.
The only misfortune being celebrated here is that of Newsom and Karen Bass, who both took actions beforehand that grossly handicapped the response and fully deserve to be sued for gross incompetence and willfully worsening the situation.
Despite being warned by hundreds of experts—thousands of times—they deliberately ignored these warnings and, at times, even exacerbated the problems to pander to the activists within their political base.
But you don't really care. You'd defend the devil if your enemies here said hurty words about him.
If the video only made fun of Bass and Newsom you'd have a point. But because your team has no filter, it goes even further than that, mocking the firefighters themselves, implying that they are crossdressing cowards too busy putting on makeup and afraid to fight the fire. That is insulting and demeaning to ordinary people, not to politicians.
It’s only ok to make fun of Newsom because he’s a white male.
You mean the fat lesbian fire chief DEI hire that said its more important that the firefighter looks like them, than is able to do the job. That said a trapped adult male wont get rescued because they shouldn't have let themselves get in that sort of situation?
The one that only wanted to hire transgender because there was already too many straight males? That one?
Fuck you, Jeff.
Again if you were mocking just the leaders and the politicians that would be one thing. But you all went too far and decided to mock the firefighters themselves. Fuck you.
implying that they are crossdressing cowards too busy putting on makeup and afraid to fight the fire.
Which, y'know, is what they're doing.
Hey, I know how we can fix all of this financial mismanagement at the Pentagon. Put this guy in charge of it!
You're a month late and I think the New Yorker is getting sued for that smear job.
Get back to me when he does file a lawsuit, where he would have to be specific about what he thinks the New Yorker lied about.
And why is this "a month late"? He's got confirmation hearings coming up this week, I think.
Huh. 'reason' finally gets something right -- even a stopped clock and all that. But has the military checked Afghanistan lately for the missing inventory?
The F-35 is a joke akin to Ford's ill fated Edsel. Only 11% of the entire fleet is operable at any one time.
The VT-22 Osprey is another boondoggle soaking the taxpayers for billions. Maintenance nightmares and questionable performance for both.
But hey, they are screaming successes at creating huge profits for companies such as Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon and their sub contractors.
Couple all that with a military that is unfit for anything but parades in their woke uniforms, won't be able to defend America when the time comes.
On the other hand, I would not allow any of my children to ever get near a military recruiter. No one should send their children off to fight wars for the juice.