How Did Immigration Politics Get So Toxic?
Changing migration patterns, outdated policy tools, and growing presidential power made it inevitable.

In April 1980, two candidates were leading the race for the Republican presidential nomination—Ronald Reagan, who went on to win the election, and George H.W. Bush, who became his vice president. They participated in a presidential forum that month in Houston, and the very first question from the border-state audience touched on the topic of illegal immigration.
"Do you think the children of illegal aliens should be allowed to attend the Texas public schools free," asked the questioner, "or do you think that their parents should pay for their education?"
The problem of illegal immigration "has to be solved," Bush replied. But because "we have kind of made illegal some kinds of labor that I'd like to see legal," he continued, "we are creating a whole society of really honorable, decent, family-loving people that are in violation of the law."
"Why don't we work out some recognition of our mutual problems [with Mexico], make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and then, while they're working and earning here, they pay taxes here?" Reagan pitched. "And when they want to go back, they can go back. And they can cross. And open the border both ways by understanding their problems."
Compare that exchange to the current state of America's border politics. The Republican Party's official platform calls for the deportation of "millions" of illegal migrants and the implementation of "strict vetting" to "keep foreign Christian-hating Communists, Marxists, and Socialists out of America." It refers to an ongoing "migrant invasion" that must be stopped, including through means as drastic as stationing troops along the southern border.
Democrats, never consistent doves on the border, have also warmed to more restrictionist policies in the lead-up to the 2024 election. They rallied behind a bill that would have significantly restricted access to the asylum process and given the president the power to "shut down" the border when crossings hit a certain number. Before dropping out of the race, President Joe Biden touted executive actions he took to button up the border—a stark contrast to his more humane-sounding promises as the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.
Many of the loudest voices in the conversation defend their volume by saying the border has never been this chaotic, insecure, or porous. It's true that border apprehensions (arrests of migrants crossing into the country illegally) are shattering records. It's also true that asylum courts are severely backlogged, cities and states are struggling to accommodate newcomers, and the media paint the borderlands as a region in crisis. It's easy to simply blame the most recent president for whatever is going wrong at the border.
But none of that fully explains why the U.S. is so bad at handling this issue at this specific moment, and why it seems like border politics have never been more toxic.
Border management and border rhetoric have hit crisis levels because the nation's policy tools were designed to handle completely different migration patterns than we see today. Congress hasn't meaningfully updated the nation's immigration system in more than 40 years. During that time, border crossers have shifted from being mostly single adult Mexican male laborers to a patchwork of children, adults, and families coming from more than 150 countries for a variety of reasons. The situation has changed dramatically, but politicians keep using 1980s tools to address 2020s problems without considering why they're not working.
Border crackdowns feel like an easy solution to something that touches so many complex policy issues, from drug overdoses to national security to economic worries. It's no wonder that the 2024 presidential election has increasingly turned into a referendum on who has the most hawkish bona fides. But as voters and politicians become more and more inflexible in their views on what can and should happen at the border, the situation there—and the debate around it—will only get worse.
A Different Era
In the years following Bush and Reagan's 1980 exchange, unauthorized migration along the U.S.-Mexico border grew more common and visible. By the middle of the decade, apprehensions there exceeded 1 million every year.
The first of two modern eras of unauthorized migration was underway. According to a January paper by the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute (MPI), this period extended from the 1980s to the early 2010s, and "the border security approach that emerged during this period reflected the characteristics of migrants crossing the border at the time."
Back then, "the Southwest border was a question of Mexican migrants coming from a contiguous country, typically single young males looking to work in the United States and looking to avoid being arrested or being apprehended by the Border Patrol," says Doris Meissner, a senior fellow at the MPI who served as commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) under President Bill Clinton. "Up until probably 2014, 97 to 98 percent of crossings at the southwest border were from Mexico."
By 1984, Reagan agreed that "our borders are out of control." The perception of violence and disorder in the border region in the '70s and '80s led Congress and the executive branch to reconsider how the U.S. should handle border enforcement and the country's unauthorized migrant population, culminating in the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA).
Like many of today's border bills, the IRCA focused primarily on illegal immigration. Unlike many of today's border bills, it was a bipartisan compromise. It punished U.S. employers for hiring undocumented immigrants and it increased Border Patrol staffing, but it also legalized nearly 2.7 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. It passed the House 238–173 and the Senate 63–24. Support and opposition didn't fall cleanly along partisan lines: Sens. Chuck Grassley (R–Iowa) and Mitch McConnell (R–Ky.) backed the bill, but then-Reps. Barbara Boxer (D–Calif.) and Harry Reid (D–Nev.) didn't.
The law's effects were mixed. The hiring provisions proved difficult to enforce and the border security measures weren't funded until years later. Broadly taken to be a one-time measure, the amnesty was especially controversial: "The five-year gap between the qualifying date and the date of the law's enactment left many settled immigrants in the country without status, and critics charged that the law increased the incentive for people to migrate in hopes of future amnesties," the MPI noted in 2011.
"Thus," says the more recent MPI report, "the act ultimately came to generate political controversy for granting immigration benefits to large numbers of people who had entered the United States illegally, while not achieving the 'border control' it promised."
Border talk got tougher in the 1990s. "All Americans," Clinton argued in his 1995 State of the Union address, "are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country." The administration, he continued, had "moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens."
Those talking points sound just like the ones we hear today, but this was all happening against the backdrop of a more manageable migration pattern: By and large, young single men were coming from Mexico to look for work in the United States. That made enforcement pretty straightforward in the government's eyes. Throughout the 1990s, the U.S. and Mexico began to collaborate more on border security. The Clinton administration surged personnel and resources to the border, spent billions on migrant detection and removal efforts, and ushered in a 1996 law that created the modern deportation apparatus. That law passed both chambers of Congress by wide margins.
"The '96 bill was mostly a partisan bill, that in its final form dealt only with illegal immigration," says National Foundation for American Policy Executive Director Stuart Anderson, who served as executive associate commissioner for policy and planning and counselor to the commissioner at the INS under President George W. Bush. "Supporters of that bill had tried to also cut legal immigration, but there had been a strong pushback and a coalition…prevented the cuts in legal immigration."
Border enforcement began to change dramatically in the new millennium. In FY 2000, border apprehensions hit a then-historic high of 1.6 million. In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks of 2001, Bush temporarily closed U.S. borders. The investigations that followed the attacks revealed gaps in the government's border management apparatus and raised questions about who, exactly, was crossing the border. "Border security," says the MPI, "became a key focus of the domestic policy response to 9/11."
That response produced many tools and practices that politicians now see as essential pieces of border management. "It became impossible to have a liberalizing immigration legislation go through Congress," says Anderson. "Everything became focused on more anti-terrorism and more security." Lawmakers laid the groundwork for the Border Patrol staff and budget to become huge. The Bush administration deployed the National Guard to the border. Federal agencies began to use militaristic surveillance tools, including drones and aerostats (tethered airships), to monitor the borderlands.
In 2006, the Secure Fence Act authorized and partially funded the construction of border fencing. It also set a standard that continues to distort expectations for border management: It defined "operational control" of the border as "the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States."
The bill was unlike today's efforts in two key ways. First, it had strong bipartisan support. It passed the Senate 80–19, with 25 Democratic senators—including Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton—voting yes. Second, it passed with that Mexico-focused enforcement goal in mind.
Both factors help explain why lawmakers were willing to tackle immigration reform at the same time. Those reform efforts "reflected a centrist consensus around addressing three main elements of the immigration enterprise: further growth of border security resources, a path to citizenship for unauthorized migrants already in the country, and the establishment of a guest worker program for Mexican seasonal workers," according to the MPI. A reform bill introduced by Sens. John McCain (R–Ariz.) and Ted Kennedy (D–Mass.) died; so did one from Sens. John Cornyn (R–Texas) and Jon Kyl (R–Ariz.).
The government never fully stopped migration during the first era of border enforcement, but it developed partially effective tactics. Most border crossers were single adults from Mexico without asylum claims to adjudicate, so it was easy simply to send them home.
That all began to change in the 2010s.
Changing Flows, Changing Narratives
In 2014, Meissner notes, the number of Central Americans started to overtake the number of Mexicans. While the border was once an issue of "single males trying to work in the United States," she continues, in the 2010s migrants were "more likely unaccompanied minors and family groups and people seeking asylum." That meant they were looking for "a Border Patrol agent so that they could file a claim for relief in the United States."
In other words, we moved from a period when border crossers were predominantly people trying to avoid detection to one where most were actively trying to encounter authorities. Border crossings weren't necessarily up, but arriving migrants were suddenly coming from a larger number of countries and presenting claims for humanitarian protection, which required different legal and logistical approaches than the prior migration waves. In the MPI's framework, this was the second—and current—era of modern border enforcement.
"How could the U.S. border security enterprise, by then the most advanced and well-resourced in the world, face such deep difficulties with these migrants, the vast majority of whom were not seeking to evade apprehension?" asks the MPI. "The answer resides in the profound mismatch that has developed between the border apparatus the United States had built and this new form of mass migration."
Rampant violence, gang activity, and political instability drove migrants to leave the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala en masse. In just three months in summer 2014, the Obama administration apprehended more than 40,000 unaccompanied children and adults traveling with kids. Many came to the U.S. to seek asylum or other protections based on persecution or other negative conditions back home.
Migrants can make an asylum claim only on U.S. soil or at a port of entry, and they need to pass a "credible fear" test before their case can progress to an immigration court. (The "vast majority" of Central American migrants who came to the U.S. since 2014 have "met the standard," notes the MPI.) While applicants wait for their asylum cases to be adjudicated, they're generally released into the country and allowed to attend school and find jobs.
Immigration courts were already extremely backlogged before the 2014 migrant wave, but wait times became years longer as thousands of new cases joined the queue. This meant asylum seekers could spend ages building lives in the U.S. without knowing if they could stay.
Meanwhile, members of Congress were giving up on the most recent meaningful effort to overhaul the nation's immigration system. The bipartisan bill produced in 2013 by the "Gang of Eight"—four Republican and four Democratic senators—was ambitious, offering a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants, expanding employment-verification measures, building out work visa programs, and bolstering border security.
It's hard to say which was more representative of the long-gone mood—a quote from one of the bill's sponsors that proclaimed 2013 "the year of immigration reform," or the fact that the senator who said it was the South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham.
The Gang of Eight's bill passed the Senate by a margin of 68–32, with 14 Republicans joining all 52 Democrats in voting yes. But then–House Speaker John Boehner (R–Ohio) refused to take it up in his chamber. "Border security and interior enforcement must come first," congressional Republicans wrote in a January 2014 statement, pushing for a "step-by-step, common-sense approach" instead of "a single, massive piece of legislation." Sen. Chuck Schumer (D–N.Y.), one of the Gang of Eight, rejected the idea that Democrats would support piecemeal bills that didn't offer a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
The room for compromise began to shrink. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R–Va.) lost his primary race in 2014, and his willingness to embrace immigration reform had been one point of attack for his Tea Party opponent. "Having a compromise position doesn't necessarily benefit someone politically if they're in a district or state where their only risk is that someone can attack them for being a compromiser or not being harsh enough on immigration," says Anderson. "The polarization has made compromise less likely." In mirror-image political obituaries, NBC called Cantor "a casualty of immigration reform" and Politico said Cantor's loss "kill[ed] immigration reform."
By the time Obama left office, border apprehensions were hovering around two-decade lows. But two things were clear: The border apparatus was faltering and political interest in fixing it was waning.
'A Dumping Ground for Everybody Else's Problems'
Border discourse was already falling apart at the seams, but the rise of Donald Trump ripped it apart completely.
To a huge extent, Trump's political stardom was powered by the perception he helped create of a chaotic southern border. "The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems," he warned in his June 2015 presidential announcement speech before offering his infamous assessment of border crossers: "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
"That difference in 'Is immigration, if we can manage it effectively, a good thing for the country or is immigration a threat to the country'—that was a very important dividing line," Meissner notes.
"Whether his anti-immigration rhetoric, etc., was the reason he won is debatable," Anderson adds. But "it certainly led to people feeling that it was fine to engage in that rhetoric, and that maybe it even makes you more successful."
Once Trump became president, he did things at the border that others had long rejected because they weren't practical or legal. His administration ran with the ideas that the border was best ruled with an iron fist and that it could be tamed through brute force. The most visible example of that was the "big, beautiful wall" he promised on the campaign trail, which rested on the harebrained idea that it would be possible to fully barricade the rugged and hazardous 2,000-mile border between the U.S. and Mexico. The most tragic example, though, was the cruel policy to deter migration by forcibly separating thousands of children from their parents at the border.
Congressional inaction on immigration helped create this situation. "I think the fact that there hasn't been legislation has made more presidents turn to using executive authority," Anderson says. "It makes sense that voters end up turning to see presidents being responsible for more things."
Unauthorized border crossings were low early in Trump's presidency, but they began to rise again in late 2017. Like the 2014 wave, these newcomers didn't fit into the demographics that the existing border management tools had been designed for. Unaccompanied children and families arrived, as did "caravans" of thousands of people at a time. The challenge pushed the administration only further toward old-school methods. It "sought to reinstate mass prosecution as a response to unauthorized migration," a tactic used and abandoned decades prior, reports the MPI. The result was the "zero-tolerance" program, "in which all adults caught crossing the border illegally would be criminally prosecuted."
Zero tolerance and family separations didn't change why Central Americans were fleeing, and they continued to arrive at the border. "Paradoxically," the MPI observes, by 2019, "the most border-security-focused administration in history was facing record numbers of border apprehensions."
The Trump administration shifted the goalposts yet again in 2020. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it started denying migrants the opportunity to apply for asylum at the border, instead expelling them to Mexico or their home countries. It carried out those expulsions by relying on a provision of public health law—Section 265 of Title 42—that had been seldom used until that point. Though the public justification for the order was that migrants risked spreading COVID-19, reporting on the administration's policy discussions has made it clear that the Title 42 order was implemented for political reasons, not medical ones. Millions of migrants were expelled under the order, which remained in place under Biden until 2022. Repeat border crossings spiked.
The basic expectations of what a president could and should do at the border had shifted. The bipartisan middle on the issue was fading away, as compromise became more of a political liability. Now, during times of high crossings, the general public could point to a time when the president simply "shut down the border" and it seemed to have worked.
'What a Paralyzed Place'
Given all his bluster, it's easy to forget that Trump oversaw his fair share of border chaos. The number of migrants who snuck into the country illegally without getting caught by the Border Patrol increased every year of his term, according to a Cato Institute analysis. "Sometimes you see people believe that you can just sort of 'close the border,'" says Anderson, "and politicians kind of lead to that notion by saying things implying that it's just a matter of political will. Well, Trump certainly had a lot of political will, yet illegal entry, if you measure apprehensions, actually doubled from FY 2016 to FY 2019."
The obvious lesson from the Trump years is that even the most hardcore enforcement can only go so far in the modern era. This has not been Biden's takeaway.
Biden maintained much of Trump's legacy at the border as crossings rose. He kept the pandemic-era Title 42 order in place well after it was proven ineffective. He allowed border wall construction to continue in South Texas. He revived many aspects of his predecessor's "transit ban," which barred migrants from applying for asylum in the U.S. if they didn't do so in another country before reaching the border.
A major mistake the Biden administration made was not "explaining to people from the beginning that this was a refugee crisis across the region," says Anderson. "It basically said, 'We're going to be judged completely on the numbers.'" Administration officials, members of Congress, and the general public have graded Biden's performance on the border against the persistent, unrealistic standards set decades prior and reawakened during the Trump years. It's no wonder he went for the outdated playbook.
Earlier this year, Sens. Chris Murphy (D–Conn.), James Lankford (R–Okla.), and Kyrsten Sinema (I–Ariz.) introduced a bipartisan border bill, the most ambitious compromise effort since the Gang of Eight's failed 2013 legislation. It was tough on migrants, aiming to raise the standard for who qualified for asylum and to provide an authority for the Department of Homeland Security to "shut down" the border if crossings reached a certain level.
When the Senate vote came, it was Democrats who rallied around the bill, in part because they wanted to gain some credibility on border security in an election year. And it was Republicans who killed it, heeding House Speaker Mike Johnson (R–La.), who promised that the bill would "be dead on arrival" in his chamber, and Trump, who called on Congress to reject the bill if it wasn't "perfect."
"That's really an example of…what a paralyzed place we're in," says Meissner. "It's the first time in 11 years that there has been a truly bipartisan effort to enact legislation and it foundered within hours of its being introduced. Over politics."
The no voters argued that Biden had the tools to close the border without Congress' help. Biden seemingly proved their point in June when he unveiled sweeping asylum restrictions at the Mexican border, including a measure similar to the bipartisan bill's border shutdown authority. It was Trumpian logic: Do something tough at the border regardless of the legality or sensibility. Biden's order rests on legal justifications that were rebuked when Trump used them to try to back up several immigration actions, and it's already being challenged in court.
There's a reason why "border czar Kamala Harris" has caught on as shorthand for criticizing the vice president's record now that she's the Democratic nominee for president. The phrase is rooted in the idea that we know what needs to be done to address the border and that certain politicians just lack the willpower to use the tools available to them. It's also rooted in the view that a small group of people have become the primary decision makers on the border. (Harris, for her part, has bought into this.)
That's correct, but it shouldn't be the case. As Congress fails to update the nation's border management tools, it's largely been up to the executive branch to handle things. It's filling a vacuum that shouldn't be there. Predictably, this has deepened the perception among presidents and voters that the border can and should be ruled by fiat, and it has given members of Congress cover for failing to do their jobs.
The situation is getting even more complicated: Last year, for the first time ever, more than half of people crossing the border illegally came from countries other than Mexico and the Northern Triangle. Until lawmakers adjust to this reality, the border will be a chaotic place—and politicians will be able to misrepresent and weaponize it.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "How Did Border Politics Get So Toxic?."
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It got so toxic because one party stopped hiding the fact they want to destroy this country in pursuit of power and the rest of us had the unmitigated gall to notice.
"Why so toxic?"
Ya, gee, I dunno, one party spent T's entire presidency not only saying the wall and immigration policy was racist and a horrible idea, they stopped him at every turn from doing anything they could, and then when they got in charge they opened the border to a level that is unprecedented, and when the consequences of that started hitting cities they told us "shut up, dont believe your lying eyes, bigot" and now they are scrambling to get back to the level of immigration T had, and build the wall they prevented him from building, and beefing up border security they said was a dumb idea and racist to attempt to clean up their own mess.
Maybe that's fucking why.
I did sleep in the morning, so maybe I missed the part where 'Reason' rebranded as a parody site of anything reasonable. This article is some next-level AOC fantaslyand bullshit.
The US isn’t a melting pot anymore.
The woke cancel culture makes truth toxic.
The US Supreme Court made it worse by erroneously stating that lies are protected speech.
Lies are protected and truth is toxic. What could possibly go wrong?
Here’s an example
The metaphor of the “melting pot “ was thrown away in the 80s in favor of the “salad bowl “
Because racism.
Fondue also went out of fashion in the late 70s. Coincidence?
I think not. Who doesn't love melted cheese? The fondue never died it was driven underground by malevolent actors.
The question was, “why has immigration become a toxic subject?”.
There are two components to culture, behaviour (physical) and religion (spiritual).
The first is bound by the truth, reality, that we can prove with logic and science and all agree on. We make good laws with justice.
The second isn’t because it deals with what cannot be proven as truth. It remains unknown.
In culture, diversity brings division. This division when carried from the spiritual to our physical behaviour can be toxic. For example, when one “god” says make noise all night, while another “god” says sleep. Applied like this, a “salad bowl” doesn’t work in a culture.
There are two solutions to this.
Cultures maintain a homogeneous religion, reducing diversity and division getting along with each other but risking conflict and war with other cultures.
Recognize accept and separate the physical and spiritual aspects of culture. This means in agreeing on the rules for behaviour acting rightly not wrongly based on the truth, reality, which all rational people must recognize accept and share in peace. Leave . And leave the spiritual for the unknown, to remain where that belongs in our thoughts and imagination. To help guide us to discern new truths with correctly applied logic and science that we can all share in peace.
The first, where belief defines truth, leads to perpetual conflict and war, genocide.
The second, where belief requires nothing more than faith, allows us to get along in peace.
Our spiritual beliefs can be a salad bowl as long as our physical actions are in harmony, a melting pot.
The “toxicity” around immigration, is caused by the fact that we don’t all recognize this logic as truth. Yet.
Imagine what reason would think of 1995 Bill Clinton’s view of immigration.
Importing 10.5 million “undocumented” people and promptly overwhelming healthcare, sanitation infrastructure and housing might have something to do with it.
Fun magic tricks like packing 20,000 Haitians in a town of only 40,000 might also be a factor.
Then handing foreign scofflaws enormous allowances, free housing, free healthcare and free travel out of taxpayers pockets, could be yet another reason.
And then calling everyone who notices “racist” may be yet another.
The democrat party needs to be dealt with before it’s too late.
You are a racist for noticing that American citizens got $750 for a disaster from FEMA but illegal aliens are getting about $10,000 in benefits and a free plane ride anywhere in the US they want.
This article is a good summary of what I have seen happen in my lifetime as people moved from see immigrants as a beneficial to being a menace. But this is only perception, and we know that immigrants continue to benefit this country. That the economic recovery after the failed Trump administration is in part due to immigrant labor and spending. Like with so many things Congress fails the people by its unwillingness to address problem as they are today, instead relying on legislation passed so many years ago. Rather than updating laws to reflect the current situation we politicians instead suggest we go back in time to a period when the laws worked because they often reflected the situation at the time they were past. Times move forward and people need to do the same.
Stupidity. Parody takes some intellectual ability, and that steaming pile of lefty shit has none.
FOAD, m4e.
Poorly written parody.
Oh, so The Onion.
the Onion is the Jimmy Kimmel of parody...
better to use Babylon Bee in any parody or satire reference
"Poorly written" applies to The Onion.
I hear tell they were mildly amusing in 02.
Even they can't keep up with the reality of Clown World.
"better to use Babylon Bee in any parody or satire reference"
How exactly did devout Christians become the edgy comedians and meme masters of the 21st century?
This timeline is just the craziest.
The Left Can't Meme.
Because to be funny or edgy you have to risk offending someone.
“we know that immigrants continue to benefit this country”
No. [WE] don’t know that.
What [WE] do know is 51% are on welfare and 75%+ end up voting for the MORE-Welfare pleeeeaaaasssseee [Na]tional So[zi]alist party.
It must be the 25% estimated to read at grade level in California that M4E is promoting. All at a 500% increase in school costs as ELL programs.
Nonsense, unless an immigrant has achieved citizenship, which many do they cannot vote. I would also challenge your welfare number, where did you pull that from.
I’ve posted it here many many times parody.
Yes, and we’ve already pointed out, repeatedly, that the methodology FAIR uses is flawed. You have no answer.
You're flawed... What you have no answer.
Calling it names doesn't make it go away.
Oh. You did. When? I've seen idiots make the claim. Please enlighten us.
Guess you showed me. Convincing rebuttal.
"Yes, and we’ve already pointed out, repeatedly, that the methodology FAIR uses is flawed"
1. I've never seen that, and
2. How so?
" they cannot vote"
They're not SUPPOSED to be able to vote. Doesn't mean they don't, because very time anyone suggests maybe something like validating citizenship for voter registrations, people like you lose their collective shit.
This is how you can tell he is parody. DOJ literally sued Virginia yesterday for removing non citizen voters from voter rolls, following a 2006 law.
“unless an immigrant has achieved citizenship”
That is where the 75% record comes from.
There wouldn’t be a treasonous Democratic [Na]tional So[zi]alist lead in this nation were it not for all the immigration.
They "cannot" murder, according to your logic.
Laken Riley and A.J. Wise are unavailable for comment.
In Oregon it has now been established that over 1600 people who have not proven their citizenship have been registered to vote. That has grown from initial reports of 300 a little over a month ago. It seems that when we actually look at the voter rolls we find a lot more of noncitizens registered to vote. Of course that is why the Democrats oppose even looking at the voters rolls.
Wasn't that due to a government mistake, automatically registering everyone at the DMV to vote?
A quick time-line (from memory)
2014 Democrat controlled legislature and governor pass law to give illegal aliens drivers licenses.
2016 voter initiative overturns by almost a 3-1 margin the drivers licenses for illegal aliens
2019 Democrat controlled legislature and governor overrule the voters and pass special licenses for illegal aliens. For some reason they include the automatic sign up of the persons who apply for these special drivers licenses to register to vote. Awful convenient mistake.
By ‘mistake’ do you mean the democrats planned it exactly this way from the beginning?
I didn't think about that. That could be it.
The fact the DoJ is suing Virginia who simply wants to clean up voter rolls from illegal immigrants should be a clue. 2006 law. Yet DoJ is trying to stop it.
These "errors" seem to also be occurring in most states.
My admittedly basic understanding of the situation is that the Feds are claiming Virginia is in violation of a law which prohibits changes in procedures within 90 days of an election. Is this an unusual or unique case, or part of the normal pre-election bullshittery?
The law being enforced was passed in Virginia in 2006. Try again.
The EO issued was done 91 days before the election. So try again twice.
Funny how every last "mistake" all line up th same way and are protected by the people demanding nobody look exactly where the "misake" was uncovered.
they cannot vote
That must be why the DOJ are suing states who remove illegals from voter rolls, and why the blue governors are busy making it illegal to verify identity at the polling stations.
The "51% on welfare" statistic is extremely misleading. Here is where it comes from, just so everyone is aware how awful it is:
It is extremely misleading in two important ways:
1. It counts welfare usage on a per-household basis, and not on a per capita basis. What this means is, if even one person in a household is using even one welfare program, the ENTIRE household is counted as "being on welfare". So this study deliberately overstates the problem.
2. It includes school lunch programs as "welfare", and if the child of immigrant parents - who very often is a US citizen - receives a school lunch, then the entire household is counted as an "immigrant household on welfare". So mom and dad could be hardworking parents who have jobs and pay taxes, but if their child - a US citizen - receives a free school lunch, the entire household is counted as if EVERYONE in the household is just lounging around collecting a welfare check.
Even using their data, as biased as it is, if you look at the percentage of immigrant households using programs that we would all colloquially consider "welfare", like food stamps, WIC, TANF, subsidized housing, etc., those percentages are in the 5%-20% range. It is still too high, but it is not this outrageously large number like 51%.
Trying to cherry-pick? The same standards were used native versus immigrant. Native at 30%; Immigrant at 51%.
The employed rate of the entire nation sits at 64% leaving 36% UN-employed. The stated conclusion matches the employment base.
335M @ 77.9% = 261M adults with 168M employed = 64%
So if immigrant parents, who have jobs, pay taxes, and are not on welfare, send their child – who is a US citizen – to school, and the child receives a school lunch, do you think it is appropriate to treat the ENTIRE household as if EVERYBODY was “on welfare”? Furthermore, even though the only person in this household receiving any welfare benefit at all is a US citizen, do you think it is appropriate to count this instance as an example of "immigrants on welfare"?
Such a weak ass argument Lying Jeffy.
Eliminate all govt welfare and let them figure it out just like personally responsible libertarians already do. The taxpayer coerced money to fund said public schooling is also welfare.
School Lunch Welfare programs; YES. It is welfare-requested by the parents.
Your arguments make no case at all. The divide is 30% to 51%.
Try focusing on the 25% who aren’t welfare leaches and actually want to live in a USA instead of trying to say they all are when 75% of them just want to “conquer and consume” USA wealth and destroy it like the very nation they ran-away from.
Not all immigration is bad; Just 75% of it currently happening.
So let me see if I understand you correctly.
If immigrant parents, who have jobs, pay taxes, and don't receive welfare, if their child, a US citizen, gets a school lunch, then not only do you consider them ALL to be welfare leeches, no different than unemployed losers collecting welfare checks and sitting around watching TV all day, but you regard them as purposefully coming here to "conquer and consume" the USA and destroy it from within. All of that from a school lunch.
When you treat kids who just want lunch at school, as no different than an invading army conquering a nation, then I think you are overdoing it by just a bit.
I will bet $20 you don’t understand him correctly.
I bet you he does, but Lying Jeffy loves to lie. It's his absolute favoritist thing.
You’re right. Should have stated within the context of his comment (though that was alluded too). Maybe I owe you a Hasselhoff poster.
Two Hasselhoff posters.
Either way, MAPdo Jeffy doesn’t care. He’s here promote open borders at all cost. And any other neo Marxist narrative put forth by his democrat masters.
You're at your retardedist when telling other people what they said.
You don’t understand anything correctly. Nor do you wish to. Everything from you is to promote open borders at any cost.
Is a $35T debt and 80%+ THEFT of Gov-Guns ‘overdoing it’?
Excusing one ‘lunch’ isn’t the disaster. Excusing 100-MILLION Lunches, Retirement, Medical, Housing, etc, etc, etc *is* the disaster. Literally turning a nations Gov-Guns criminal against its own citizens for the lazy self-entitled ‘armed-theft’ mentality.
One lunch excuse, two lunch excuses, etc, etc, etc… It just grows and grows and grows.
Jeff wants to hear more about this two lunches you mentioned.
Pre lunch, lunch, post lunch, backup lunch.
I know this comments section is a couple days old, and no one will likely see this, but something really stands out to me regarding chemjeff's argument:
Why are you assuming the bulk of that number is hardworking immigrant families who receive just one welfare program, the free school lunches? If the family is self sufficient, but still getting free lunches, that's fraud. If they aren't self-sufficient, and are receiving free school lunches, they are probably on more than just one welfare program.
Instead chemjeff throws out this trope of the hardworking immigrant family that just needs the tiniest bit of help, free school lunches, as though that is what's accounting for a lot or most of the 51%.
School Lunch Welfare programs; YES. It is welfare-requested by the parents.
In that case I'm on welfare. I live in a blue state. All students get free lunch in our school district. We never requested anything and didn't qualify for free lunch before they changed to the "all students" policy.
So according to the statisticians at CIS, you AND your entire family are "on welfare" and are treated no different than if your entire household were lounging around collecting welfare checks and watching TV all day. That is the fundamental dishonesty in their study.
And, according to TJJ here, it also means you and your entire household are anti-American subversives who want to destroy the nation.
They are because the school district gets its funding from coerced tax money. Unless their net taxes through the funding mechanism (possibly property taxes) exceed the +/- $18,000/student per year as well as covers the other govt services they receive that are funded by said taxes then it is welfare. Rapey teachers, DEI curricula, meetings about trans bathrooms and sportsball participation, carbon belching school buses, safe space coordinators, etc are expensive.
The CIS study did not regard public education to be 'welfare'. They regarded the school lunch program to be 'welfare'.
The CIS can go play with a bear in a trunk.
Public screwals are funded by taking tax money from productive people (or landowners) and transferring that to people that are not paying their share for the service. Welfare.
He’s also a citizen and not an illegal border jumper. But the you place no value on citizenship and are against the constitution and our republic.
Therefore you are a treasonous subversive who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I live in a blue state (Democrats) = are anti-American subversives who want to destroy the nation
Now; You're getting it.
'Guns' don't make sh*t.
25% of current immigration should still be welcomed though.
Those who support a real USA.
Those that know there is a difference between EARNING and Gov-Gun STEALING.
…not the 75% with a “conquer and consume” Communist/Socialist mentality that created the very hellh*le they ran-away from.
Welfare is when you get something you didn’t pay for. We pay taxes for these endless programs. But a liar and neo Marxist like you won’t make that distinction.
That is some serious selective nuance to avoid the reality that illegals are getting lots o’ freebies that they shouldn’t be getting.
Goddamn, you suck.
So you think this 5-20 % should be deported?
Jeff didn't even agree with deporting illegals immigrants convicted of rape or murder.
He is an open borders Marxist.
He used to pretend to be against welfare, but he doesn't even do that anymore.
lol another strawman. I dare you to provide any source for that claim.
So you do want that 5-20% deported? Right? Or are you dodging my question? Please answer to clarify your position. Don’t be a weasel and dodge the question again. The reason to report was not dependent on the quantity but the cost to taxpayers.
You did say it. Multiple times. We’ve all seen that.
Jeffy is also on board for allowing known child rapists from foreign countries unlimited acres to the US, and our children through the grooming programs in our government schools that he champions.
Immigrant kids should not be eating school lunches. They should be working in the mines. Kids these days. I used to work 27 hours a day in the mines. Never had lunch. Or breakfast. Or dinner more than twice a week. Which I had to catch myself.
...and yet you still couldn't afford your own F'En lunch?
You'll have to explain that kind of "economics" to me.
Unless of course you lived in a [Na]tional So[zi]alist Empire.
Where all your days work was Gov-Gun STOLEN from you for those lazy self-entitled *special* people living off your labors.
EXACTLY; What the USA should've NEVER became precisely because of ^THAT^ right there. 'Guns' don't make sh*t. Used in that manner they are entirely a criminal-gang and a completely net-negative to the wealth of everyone in the nation.
The only human asset Gov-Guns can provide is to ensuring Liberty and Justice for all. Gangland politics is criminal.
Immigrants tend to be beneficial. Illegals, which are the problem, do not. And once again, Fiona is conflating illegal border jumpers with legal immigrants.
She has to, as her arguments are bullshit and cannot be advanced without lies and deception.
That's mostly bullshit. Illegals tend to be in their 20's and maybe 30's. Legal migrants are mostly family-sponsored. Since it takes a decade or three for the paperwork to clear, those migrant tend to be older than even the average American. Like in their 50's. They may not have worked long enough to qualify for SS or Medicare - but they arrive almost when retirement begins. So they are completely useless economically.
"So they are completely useless economically."
Yes; I think we've established that part.
Thanks for agreeing.
Everything you say is mostly bullshit. What I said is accurate.
Immigrants did and still do benefit the country. However, in the current milieu that benefit is overwhelmed in the aggregate by political exploitation at public cost
Even CATO no longer tries to pretend they are a net benefit overall. They've retreated back to effects on GDP which include government spending.
“Immigrants did and still do benefit the country.”
Legal immigrants absolutely do. The country was built by the brightest and most driven leaving their homelands to come to the land of opportunity.
But the Democrats, global homogenists and deep staters scouring the barrios for petty thugs and shipping them north on the promises of free stuff, isn’t exactly the same thing.
I would still move legal immigration away from family visa lottery to skills based like Canada used to be. Northern European countries require financial investments and a job.
The country was built by the brightest and most driven leaving their homelands to come to the land of opportunity.
lol, they certainly weren't regarded as "the brightest and most driven" at the time. They were mainly regarded just like migrants of today are regarded by your team, as a bunch of nation-destroying filth and vermin who need to be stopped. That is why immigration laws got stricter and stricter from the 1880's onwards.
When the nation matriculated from manual labor to more skilled labor during the industrial revolution, warm bodies became less desirable. Importing layabouts wasn’t a goal until recently. That was also at a time with fewer forcibly funded safety nets that provided less incentive for non net productive people to visit. Immigrants tended to build communities then, not bilk them. Now if you are a non productive visitor, some view you as a victim of xenophobia and racist scapegoating.
lol cool story bro. That isn’t what actually happened though.
Restrictive immigration laws were not primarily motivated by economic or labor concerns. They were primarily motivated by a view that the “wrong type” of immigrants were coming to America. Immigrants from western and northern Europe were fine, more or less, but immigrants from the shithole countries of the day, like Italy or Poland or Russia, they were the filth and vermin that had to be kept out. Oh, and pretty much all of Asia too. They had to be kept out as well.
In other words, it was a mirror of the same debate we are having today, with only the names of the originating nations changed.
Cool story fat bro
That is why there aren’t any Polish or Italian communities in the US. Little Italy locations are astroturf. Chicago, Wisconsin, and elsewhere having Polish sausage is just a 21st Century marketing scheme.
There was the exclusion of Chinese. Reminds me of when Great Society author FDR locked up a bunch of Japanese Americans.
The laws specifically talked about barring convicts, stupid people, crazy people, and those that would be siphoning public funds from being allowed in. Scapegoat xenophobia!
He thinks were all as maleducated as he is.
If everyone would just be a post modernist like he would you could event your own emotion based logical construction like him while ignoring facts.
You moron, the restrictive immigration laws did not appear until AFTER large numbers of Italian and Eastern European immigrants had arrived.
The laws, absent of those targeting Chinese, had restrictions regarding being dumb, being mental, being a felon, or likely having to rely on the state to fund their activities.
There were some culture clashes broadly due to differing religions with groups such as Irish, Poles, and Italians (Protestant v Catholic) but not formal prohibitions as you are alleging.
Italians into the US per Duquesne Univ:
1881 -1890: 244k
1891-1900: 514k
1901-1910: 2,329k
1911-1920: 1,566k
1922-1930: 419k
Wow. Those late 1800s immigration laws really shutoff the spigot of Maria and Tony coming stateside.
No, it isn’t. And we weren’t giving border jumpers debit cards loaded with thousands of dollars per month. Everything you support is completely lawless. Your Democrat fellow travelers belong in prison for all this, and so do you.
“lol, they certainly weren’t regarded as “the brightest and most driven” at the time.”
They sure as fuck were, Lying Jeffy, and this held true until your Democratic party decided to replace the electorate a dozen years ago.
“They were mainly regarded just like migrants of today are regarded by your team, as a bunch of nation-destroying filth and vermin who need to be stopped.”
Look at you lie your fucking ass off and rewrite history. The German and Scandinavian migration into the Midwest was one of the biggest in American history (until right fucking now, anyway), and nobody called them “nation-destroying filth”. The Italian’s were the second biggest and were broadly welcomed as well.
Only when they moved into already packed cities like New York and Chicago, did people get upset, because infrastructure and public services collapsed. Just like you monsters are forcing now.
The same held true of the Irish. Broadly welcomed where the infrastructure could handle them, people got pissed off where the infrastructure couldn’t.
As for the Asian exclusion laws, want to make a guess who was all for them?
Why do you constantly lie about everything, Jeffy?
He has to lie, as all his positions are discredited and indefensible. He also has a lot to hide. Which is why he never ever reveals any details about himself. Like Shrike, he’s probably all NAMBLA’d up.
Many immigrants who failed here also returned to their home countries. We didn't fund their life failure like Jeff demands we do now.
^THIS^ +100000000000 Perfectly stated.
I’m sure our tax dollars are funding Pedo Jeffy’s failures too.
Washington was a high-ranking military officer in the British military. Hamilton was a quite wealthy individual. Franklin was known to be a genius.
Who, EXACTLY, were the "nation-destroying filth and vermin"?
Immigration became toxic because a large part of the establishment WANTS a broken immigration system. They want migrants to be played off against lower skilled Americans in order to screw them. They want migrants to be illegal in order to undermine any laws re workplaces. They want to make sure there is never any discussion of reform because the broken system works for them.
The racist underside of conflict over migration is always there. And when you have a large number of migrants, a system that is broken, and no discussion allowed; the discussion will turn into hatred of the migrant rather than hatred of the system.
“Racist”, said the Jew hater.
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be J(ew)Free."
What makes you think every immigrant can't be white?
You're the one being racist peddling such BS.
The 1920's version of the KKK was mostly hostile to Catholics (immigrants), blacks (migrating north), and Jews (immigrants). It was restricted to native-born Protestants and mostly appealed in the North and Midwest - to R's. A 100 year old version of the replacement theory. You and your ilks great granddaddies.
JFree, "The party that ended slavery was the party of the KKK."
Seek mental help.
I suspect you know the history of why Rothbard created paleo to DIRECTLY appeal to the KKK. The same reason immigration/xenophobia has become the same racist dog whistle that all you paleos can hear. It is the same reason you all adhere to Trump’s dingleberries.
You’re a moronic neo Marxist new hater. Nothing you say has any value. Nor do you have any value.
Constantly ignoring the costs is not really beneficial in coming up with a policy you're not going to hate.
Tons of illegals are not beneficial to an economy. At all. Nor are giving millions legal status for no reason.
Rapes. Murders. Gangs. DAs in California treating them better than citizens. Welfare for illegals. Kicking citizens out to give housing for free. Free expensive hotels. Free food. Free flights. Free healthcare. Free in state tuition. Free legal representation.
Combine with illegals bragging about their free shit online. Asshole activists demanding even more. Then leftist retards like sarc calling you racist for complaining.
Note. Very few complain about LEGAL immigrants. The few cases are those told by their companies to train up their foreign replacements despite the law saying those visas are not to replace citizen workers.
The Haitian workers in Ohio are there legally and some politicians are making plenty of complaints. Do politicians like this even know the difference between the documented and undocumented?
30k Haitians were brought in to supplement around 400 jobs, getting federal funding for their housing that kicked low income citizens out. Benefiting the political class who is receiving the federal funds for housing.
TPS is TEMPORARY, and status can change at any time. They are not through normal legal visa systems. In fact the broad use of TPS and long term nature has been questioned by judges.
But if you want I'll add lack of integration by immigrants. With immigrants in NYC even demanding citizens learn the 100+ languages of immigrants instead of immigrants learning English.
30k Haitians were brought in to supplement around 400 jobs
The only people who "brought" Haitians in were private employment recruitment companies.
The government did not "import" anyone.
getting federal funding for their housing that kicked low income citizens out
Even if true, you should be applauding this, right? Because it's easier to take welfare away from people who don't vote, like Haitian refugees, than from people who do vote, like American citizens, right? It's also easier to make the case against welfare when you can claim that it's "those people" getting it.
I mean, you claim to want to end all welfare, and yet you are upset when this happens. Why?
But if you want I’ll add lack of integration by immigrants. With immigrants in NYC even demanding citizens learn the 100+ languages of immigrants instead of immigrants learning English.
The US does not have an official language. You know this, right?
Jeffy's article goes on to disprove it's own headline and Lying Jeffy's narrative. Always read Jeff's links folks. Always.
No government program placed 15,000 Haitians in Springfield. They came because they wanted to. For them, Springfield is a land of opportunity.
Hahahahahaha... OH WOW!
Unlike many others, they didn't dream of Hollywood, or New York. Not even the cowboy country they saw in the movies. No, Chemjeff's "refugees" dreamed of one day making it to Springfield, Ohio.
Totally weren't shipped there by the DHS.
“No one wants to leave their native country,” said Dady Fanfan, a Haitian real estate agent who came to Springfield in 2020. “But a lot of bad things are happening right now because of the gangsters.”
If you don't want to leave, fucking fix it!
There were 20,000 of you. A majority adult males! That's enough for serious business.
The Tonton Macoute were a tenth of that size! The Haitian Army during the Papa Doc era had a max 15,000 soldiers!
"The population grew rapidly. Rocking Horse Community Health Center data from 2018 showed only three Creole-speaking pediatric patients received services from the center over the entire year. In 2022, that number grew to more than 400"
From zero to 400, and then two years later 20,000. Nope. Totally natural immigration pattern. No government scheme there.
Katie Kersh, senior attorney at Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, which provides legal assistance to immigrants in Springfield, said they saw two major waves of Haitian immigrants to Springfield in recent years. The first was in 2021, the year Haiti’s president was assassinated.
The second was in 2023.
Again, totally natural migration. 19,600 people just suddenly decided that New York, Chicago, Austin, LA and Miami wouldn't do. No, they heard there were 400 of their fellow countrymen holed up in a town barely twice their size in Ohio.
Totally weren't shipped there by the DHS and you're a transphobic double racist for even thinking that.
In July of this year Rue said the team has revealed the possibility “there were companies that knew they were going to make an effort to bring in individuals who were crossing the border based on federal regulations that they could do that.”
“I’m upset at the fact we didn’t get a chance to have an infrastructure in place if there were going to be 20,000 more people from 2020 to 2025. We didn’t get to do that,” he said
Quelle sapristi!
Notice also the lack of discussions on the federal funds attached to the Haitians. Many stories showing the political class making money for federal rents. Basically taxpayers subsidizing the employment, which was minimal.
Jeff is just a dishonest Marxist shit weasel.
Huffpo Marx
Nickname accepted.
There are now seven Marx brothers:
1 Groucho
2 Harpo
3 Chico
4 Gummo
5 Zeppo
6 & 7 HuffPo
Is Gummy Marx better then?
I also like the Brewster triplets reference:
Chunky Brewster
Drunky Brewster
MAPedo Spunky Brewster
I think Chumby wins this one.
"Legally" is sure doing a lot of work there. Mussolini and Hitler both became dictators legally. Every edict they issued was legal. Lenin may not have become dictator legally, but once he was in, Stalin became dictator legally.
Are you sure you want to use that word?
It's almost like Moddles actually believes the stuff that Fiona says.
As I've pointed out before, Temporary Protected Status is available ONLY to people who entered the country illegally. Deportation or prosecution for illegally entering is exactly what they are being temporarily protected FROM.
None of which was legal. Democrats just do whatever they want.
They are not there through any legal process. The Harris administration just let them in anyway, and since they’ve corrupted the DoJ, there is no one to stop them.
The 'Welcome Springfield' initiative in 2014 is what started that towns immigrant influx. Even back then - a local article points to potential problems with the specifics, local opposition, and conflating national and local issues.
"The Haitian workers in Ohio are there legally"
Given "legal status" with literally zero vetting of them whatsoever just because Biden said so. There was no work involved by them in coming here...just went online and used an app and were immediately given status. Which is BS on steroids.
Trump will undo this.
Toxic illegal aliens walz on in through a virtually non-existent border thanks to Border Czar Kamala. The illegals then do some rapings, do some killings, and demand their free $150B a year. Team Blue set this up as such for the potential plantation system.
Eliminate all forms of government funded welfare then have a simple border crossing vetting process: Are you a murderer? Are you a rapist? Are you a trafficker? Are you some other type of felon?
If “No” across the board then “Yes” across the border.
No. With that system we would be overwhelmed by hundreds of millions of immigrants from every shithole country in the world. And the "vetting" wouldn't work in many cases, because the record keeping in their countries is non-existent or can't be trusted, or because their countries are hostile and would not provide us with good information. We need to be much more selective than that, and limit the numbers admitted.
They don’t become citizens that way. They can visit. They don’t get any govt handouts (nor does anyone else). The ones that choose not to pay for their own food, transportation, housing, healthcare, schooling, etc won’t be visiting.
I'll note that blue states tend to now allow illegals to vote and CA is making voter ID illegal.
I’ll note that without a free ride, few will feel compelled to visit (or stay) and those that do will be ones we want. Cali is deep blue and will likely remain that way until the Union dissolves. It is one of the reasons for the electoral college.
"Changing migration patterns, outdated policy tools, and growing presidential power made it inevitable."
Deliberately conflating legal immigration and illegal border crossings while congress refuses to address either made it inevitable.
Um... Because the Democrats figured out their ?free?-pony for a vote just wasn't cutting it with US patriots so they needed a voting pool that could be bought with ?free?-ponies?
And their 'armed-theft' promises have given them the popular vote ever since.
Laken Reilly is unavailable for comment.
Jeffy and Mod probably laughed when they heard about illegals killing her.
Jeff was hoping she got raped by more than just 1.
And that she was a pre teen.
Gaslighting and villainizing concerned citizens while simultaneously actively flooding the country with foreigners during a massive economic downturn is part of the equation.
Also, after Dems boasted for years about how "demographics is destiny", noting that they seem to be trying to change the electorate significantly is now, somehow, racist.
He revived many aspects of his predecessor's "transit ban," which barred migrants from applying for asylum in the U.S. if they didn't do so in another country before reaching the border.
I've been told by our radical chemist that this didn't happen.
See Europe's experience with rapefugees.
They said sorry!!!! They have cultural differences!!!! The victim had been drinking!!! - jeff
The victims' families have the duty to take the fight to the rapefugees' communities!
They only jacked off!
Those European governments are correct to jail people that complain about the rapefugees. Never mind those rapes, dangerous rhetoric is the serious issue of the day.
Mean words from white people are much worse than fists, penises, and knives wielded by brown people.
- Every Race Grifter, er, Scholar
Progressives worldwide bend over backwards to excuse inexcusable behaviors.
‘A female psychiatrist testifying on behalf of the defendants argued that their alleged gang rape was a “means of releasing frustration and anger” stemming from their “migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness,”
Imagine if the victims' male relatives expressed their frustration and anger against rapefugee communities.
Not the same! You must have flunked Critical Theory class.
Whitey made them do it.
Putting aside the obvious conclusion that that argument makes them less than adult human beings who can be expected to have self control over their emotional impulses and behave like civilized men, it also suggests that they should be spared from the psychic pain of social cultural homelessness by being sent back to their socio-cultural homes.
Q. How Did Immigration Politics Get So Toxic?
A. The government got involved.
A1. They brought in political refugees for permanent settlement, who only wanted to be somewhere else, as opposed to immigrants who wanted to be here, or real refugees who wanted to go back home as soon as some emergency was over, such as an earthquake or hurricane.
A2. They paid welfare to both refugees and immigrants. Without that, immigrants would have to have jobs before they entered the country, or have family and friends to host them while they learned the language and culture and found jobs.
And so on. The answer is always government. If you look further, you are intentionally overlooking government because you like telling everyone else what to do because you think you are smarter than everybody else.
Annnnnd here is where I stopped reading.
More "humane sounding"? Is that all that matters, that something sounded humane, regardless of whether it actually was?
If I had my druthers, immigration would be left entirely to individuals. Border control would be up to those owning that land, and it wouldn't be government. Charity for refugees would be non-government. Government wouldn't fly in hundreds of thousands of people who don't speak the language and have no family or friends here to sponsor them.
Do you think all land should be privatized?
No. Do you?
He must, since he is dedicated without reservation to libertarian principles.
That may fall under anarchy. Little l libertarians support limited government that provides a select amount of services. No forms of welfare comes from that government.
No. Anarchy leads to gangs, and that's how we got governments.
No anarchy (lack of govt) and no govt. Are we consulting Schrödinger here?
You'd have to have a single set of libertarian principles for that to mean anything.
That's a nice vague question. Try a little clarity if you want an answer.
No, but I think all Marxists should be executed. Marxists like you.
I'll agree to that, but only if we can hang Klaus Schwab by his ankles in the public square and allow the citizens to use him as a piñata.
Sounds good to me. Throw in the Soros family along with Schwab and you’ve got a deal.
Your terms are acceptable.
Even with sponsored immigration, an agreement that states the sponsors are responsible for all costs born by the nation, the government does not go after sponsors in regards to costs. In fact those programs have been shown to be highly fraudulent.
So the only solution to your ask is to end all welfare.
Yes. Next question.
Because Team Red realized it is a great way to generate votes and power. They are a convenient scapegoat for all the nation's problems.
Rising crime? Illegals.
Rising welfare costs? Illegals.
Rising government spending? Illegals.
Rising housing costs? Illegals.
Rising energy costs? Illegals.
You lost your pet cat? Illegals. Particularly the Haitians.
From the Republican politician's point of view, it costs them nothing to just blame everything on the illegals. The illegals can't and won't vote for Republicans so they won't lose any potential votes by villainizing them. And the voters they are courting, for the most part their only knowledge of illegals is what they read in the news (in which the Team Red media bubble does a good job of controlling their narrative about illegals, feeding them only negative stories). So when Republican politicians portray them as nothing but murderous scum, it sounds believable to them.
Plus, by blaming everything on illegals, the Republican politicians never have to come up with serious answers or policies to the very important problems facing this nation. For example, the last time they tried to do something serious about entitlements, they got shellacked at the polls for it. So they learned from that lesson: they will not be rewarded for being serious, but they will be rewarded by cheap demagogic appeals.
What does not work:
"We have to do something about spending, it's wrecking the long term prospects of the nation, here is a serious proposal about entitlements"
What works:
"We have to do something about spending, it's wrecking the long term prospects of the nation, IT'S THE ILLEGALS' FAULT, kick them out and then everything will be fine"
The only way this will end is if voters stop rewarding Republican politicians for their demagoguery. And the only way this will happen, is when voters, particularly Republican voters, realize that illegal immigrants, just like all migrants throughout all time, are just people. They are not particularly awful, nor are they particularly saintly. They are just people. The overwhelming majority of them are not terrible people, they come here for better opportunities for themselves and their families, because their opportunities back home are so awful. Furthermore, many asylum seekers really are facing violence and oppression, both from the government and from warlords and gangs, and are not just coming for jobs. They have to be viewed as human beings. Not as scapegoats or as comic book villains. Just ordinary people, like everyone else.
But this isn't going to happen anytime soon, Team Red benefits too much from the issue.
That’s usually how it works.
People who do illegal things continue to do illegal things.
Do you think your sympathy for illegal acts is going to fix everything?
There is a reason legal immigration is in place even if it's broken and not vetting immigration properly at a 25% Want-a-USA to 75% Want a [Na]tional So[zi]alist Empire ratio.
Do not forget that he exposed himself as on the side of the rapefugees.
I am on the side of fair standards of justice for all people, including refugees. Are you?
You are on the side if rapefugees.
No, you’re not. You are squarely on the side of rapists, child molesters, open borders Marxists like Soros who is probably paying you, child groomers, radical democrat traitors, and totalitarians in general. You only care about open borders and are just fine with Marxist democrat hegemony to get it.
You support everything evil, and are evil.
How does 'fair standards' = an invasion of [Na]tional So[zi]alist minds running from their own-induced consequences?
I'd say the 'fair standard' is being responsible and LIVING with the h*llhole of a nation they themselves voted for.
Nothing demonstrated that more-so the CA'S lost population. They voted themselves into a h*llhole of a State then run-off to another state and just keeps supporting their h*llhole ideas.
The "conquer and consume" mentality.
No-one has to EARN anything; it's all just how much they can STEAL/conquer and consume.
Harris's Tax policy proposal without the deceitful BS propaganda.
"Let's go STEAL all the ?rich?/wealth from the USA; They can afford it."
It wasn't that long ago such selfish, greedy and criminal attitudes appalled the entire nation. Now it's just the status-quo from Democrats.
The cites.
I am in favor of fair standards of justice for all people, regardless.
You, however, are very clearly in favor of a two-tier system of justice: one in which your team escapes culpability for crimes with endless justifications and excuses, and the other one, in which 'justice' is determined by how much the accused are hated and how sympathetic the victim is.
What crimes has Team Jesse - Tall & Well Groomed Cop Lookalike committed?
I made the obese shit weasel so upset he didn't eat for a full 5 minutes. Cruel and unusual punishment.
I could hear, “Groom river, wider than a mile…” playing in the background.
Right, because they break the immigration law it means they are bad people, because only bad people break laws.
This is a stupidly reductionist way to view law and crime. By this measure, a jaywalker is morally no different than a murderer. After all, they both broke the law, therefore they are both bad people, right?
It also implicitly assumes that the law itself is just. If a person breaks an unjust law, does that make the person a bad person?
Can we please try to have a little bit of nuance when discussing immigration and crime?
For the last 8 years the Democrats have proudly declared that " nobody is above the law." Is there an exception for immigration law?
"Nobody is above the law" is a fine standard, but that standard implicitly assumes that the law is a just law. I don't regard the pothead smoking pot at home to be a 'bad person' just because it's illegal to smoke pot in some areas. Do you?
So what is unjust about the border laws of the United States?
They are a convoluted mess that ultimately boil down to a demand that people must have permission from the government in order to express their freedom of association.
Here is a thought experiment for you: Suppose Alice and Bob own adjacent parcels of land, and Alice invites Bob onto her property. Both Alice and Bob should be free to choose, or not to choose, to associate with each other if they wish, without any government permission slip, right?
So, imagine the exact same scenario, but now there is an international border separating their two parcels of land. Why does this border now mean that Alice and Bob have to go to a third party, the government, to request permission to visit each other?
They shouldn't. Peaceful migrants should not require government permission to cross borders in order to freely associate with people on the other side.
This fundamental idea is what immigration law ought to be based on.
So you’re against sovereign borders. Which means you’re against our constitutional republic and are an open borders neo Marxist traitor.
We already knew that.
All you have said is that you don't like the current laws on the books. Does a nation have a right to control immigration into it's borders or not? If it does what is unjust about US immigration laws? If it doesn't have a right to control immigration into it's borders how is it still a nation?
LMAO.... "freedom of association"
Never-mind that it is the *US* Constitution not the Mexico Constitution that instills that principle. (i.e. Foreigners aren't granted US Constitutional immunities and privileges 14A)
Welcome to the 1840s Telegraph that made possible "association" without invading other people's land borders.
I will point out again. Jeffs view of open borders is the same as and
Jeff is a Marxist.
Since Jesse's view of capitalism is the same as those who favor child labor in coal mines, I guess that means Jesse favors exploiting children to work in coal mines.
That is the "Jesse logic" at work today.
I doubt you've even read those two articles or even know what Marxism is.
Fundamentally, I favor freer immigration because it better respects the rights and liberties of all people, both citizens and migrants. Not because it might help the 'working class' or some such.
"Jeffy logic" is taking what Jesse has to say and lying about it.
Notice Jeff didn’t dispute how he differs at all from those articles. Instead he claims I want child coal workers while he promotes modern day indentured servitude from illegal immigrants.
And even with that attack he shows his lack of being libertarian. Child labor was decreasing prior to federal labor laws on children. Reason has even written about this. What Jeff wants though is control of society to his whims.
Notice Jeff didn’t dispute how he differs at all from those articles.
Except for this part:
Fundamentally, I favor freer immigration because it better respects the rights and liberties of all people, both citizens and migrants. Not because it might help the ‘working class’ or some such.
Those articles discuss wanting open borders because they desire a universal solidarity of the working class, and borders divides the working class and pits one national working class against another. I frankly don't give a shit about that. I am not interested in a universal solidarity about anything. That is a big reason why I am a libertarian: because the whole of humanity is never going to all agree on hardly anything, the power to make decisions should be devolved as far as possible, most desirably to the individual, because only the individual knows best how to live his/her own life. Coercive collectivist movements, like Marxism, like your team's social conservatism, like liberal progressivism, all want to coerce compliance to some arbitrary standard of morality and culture. And I disagree with that.
Child labor was decreasing prior to federal labor laws on children.
lol you really are stupid. It is entirely consistent to be opposed to child labor while also not favoring making it illegal via a federal law.
By the way, what is your view on child labor? Should it be legal or illegal?
What Jeff wants though is control of society to his whims.
That is you. That is your team. Your team is trying very hard to create an American society that is 'pure' and free of the vermin, filth and scum who 'hate America'.
That’s all bullshit, just like you, Fatfuck.
Lol. “…a little bit of nuance…”
Sure, as long as it’s selective. We should definitely NOT be nuanced for example, about the fact that the US allows more legal immigration than any other country in the world.
Just give us a number, Jeff. How many is too many?
They have to be viewed as human beings. Not as scapegoats or as comic book villains. Just ordinary people, like everyone else.
Illegals and asylum seekers being human has zero bearing on whether or not they should be here.
That is why they shouldn’t have access to a single penny from government. Currently, they are taking 15 trillion of those per year.
Jeffs only argument is a bullshit appeal to emotion. He is not intelligent.
No, that is your team, when your team pushes every negative story it can find about migrants behaving badly, LIE about migrants in order to make them out to be worse than they are, and use fear and emotional manipulation to drive voters to the polls.
That is the Team Red strategy in a nutshell and you are completely fine with it because you think you benefit from it.
No, all you. The rest of us believe in sovereign borders and not committing national suicide through open borders. But you hate America, the constitution, and the fact that you’re stopped from sexualizing and raping children. So much so that you were just as apoplectic when Florida put a law in place to ban sexual talk in the classroom for KIDS UNDER 9.
Because grooming must start in kindergarten, right Pedo Jeffy?
Jeff is the type of authoritarian Marxist who believes freedom os freedom from want. He has no issues forcing others to pay for charity of whomever he wants. He would never donate his own time or money to the cause however, so you are forced to do it.
He once actually argued welfare wouldn't be needed if people would "voluntarily" donate to charity at the same amount he demands from welfare. He made the same argument in defense of vaccine mandates.
Jesse is a right-wing authoritarian Republican who demands forced compliance with HIS view of morality and culture. Sure, he's totally in favor of letting people just 'live and let live', as long as they adhere to the Team Red List of Approved Ways to Live. To wit:
The public school curriculum must cater to HIS and HIS TEAM'S view of what is proper. That is non-negotiable, only their view is THE morally correct and acceptable view. So it is not enough that these 'questionable books' be available to some children, they must not be made available to ANY children. And who would object? The Team Red way is just self-evidently obviously right, it does not require any explanation. If you object it can only mean that you are a groomer who wants to have sex with children. That is the only possible reason.
Men and women must conform to Jesse's and Team Red's definition of gender roles. Transgenderism is fake. In fact, the entire concept of gender is fake. Men are men and do manly things, women are women and do womanly things. Period, end of story. It's basic biology, folks! Or rather, it's Team Red's definition of proper gender roles that they declare to be self-evidently right and correct, to the extent that if you disagree with Team Red's view of gender roles, you must disagree with *biology itself*. And only woman-hating misogynists would do that.
On issue after issue, particularly the social issues, Team Red demands compliance and submission, and Jesse happily serves as their handmaiden (sorry, hand-gentleman). They've turned into self-absorbed narcissistic assholes who cannot tolerate even being in the same room as people who disagree with them. If God forbid there is another civil war, it will be Team Red that starts it.
If God forbid there is another civil war, it will be Team Red that starts it.
Who cares who starts CW2?
All that matters is the outcome.
They always turn to thr MSNBC talking points. Like clock work.
MoStLy PeAcEfUl protests where there were murders then two separate occasions of Act Blue donors attempting to assassinate the Team Red candidate with a bystander being murdered at one of those. It isn’t an “if” things will get kinetic, they already have and by Team Blue Greedo shot first.
There would be no concern about civil war if not for you democrats. We would hav en one of these problems if not for you. So go ahead and kill hurlers with your unchecked gluttony, but leave Americans alone. Especially the children.
He once actually argued welfare wouldn’t be needed if people would “voluntarily” donate to charity at the same amount he demands from welfare.
I never said anything about "the same amount". But the essence of the statement is self-evidently true and very libertarian: if private charity could provide for feeding all the hungry people, there would be no need for a government program to try to accomplish the same thing. How is this at all controversial?
The problem that you and your team have, is that you want to end the welfare state, but you refuse to recognize that the welfare state exists for a reason. It exists because it really does provide support to needy people. And you are not going to get anything like majority support for ending the welfare state if the voters believe that ending it means people will starve.
So while I also want to end the welfare state, I don't want to go about it stupidly. It is up to all of us, by our individual actions, to replace and supplant the help that the welfare state provides. Only when people are comfortable with an alternative formulation that works, will we see the welfare state erode away.
You and your team, on the other hand, apparently want to end the welfare state, don't give a shit about the people that it currently helps, and thinks that a winning strategy for convincing voters to end the welfare state is to portray recipients as lazy freeloading horrible people who don't deserve shit and who are stealing from you. This is a pathological and offensive strategy, but that is what you all are determined to do.
Non citizens have not right to be here, and don’t deserve a penny of our money anymore than we deserve a penny of theirs. Case closed.
All you care about is open borders, no matter what. That makes you an enemy and a threat to all Americans.
The uni party found they could both take sides and it is in no one's interest on either side to solve. Why Trump is so bad.
Totally Not a Democrat Shill, folks
Well. He isn't. He is Marxist. Openly so. Thinks his thin veneer masks it. But he is for welfare, open borders, identitarianism, globalist controls, etc.
He’s probably also ON welfare, just lie Sarc. Who must still be sleeping it off.
I have no doubt. The dumbass used yo argue 2+2=5. Then denormalized data to prove the larger population actually used more total welfare. The retard claims to understand statistics but doesn't understand why you normalize disparate populations. He is a fucking idiot.
Prelunch, lunch, post lunch, backup lunch = 5 lunches that govt must provide?
I’m by ‘lunch’ do you mean 55 gallon drums of Ben & Jerry’s? At least in Jeffy’s case.
Now tell us all the grave ills and existential crises that Team Blue blames on white males/MAGA/(insert your favorite "far" right bogey man).
Oh, Team Blue isn't above cheap appeals to demagoguery either. But this article is about immigration.
Both teams are fundamentally unserious about solving the nation's problems, and use cheap tricks like these in order to avoid being serious.
We're not going to get serious leadership on these issues while these two teams are in charge.
One team wants legal immigration, which benefits its citizens, along with control of our sovereign borders. Your team (democrats), wants a porous border, chaos, massive illegal border jumper fueled crime, massive inflation, and total control of all speech.
You are the enemy within, Pedo Jeffy,
Chemjeff makes some valid points. Mostly in this section:
"Rising crime? Illegals.
Rising welfare costs? Illegals.
Rising government spending? Illegals.
Rising housing costs? Illegals.
Rising energy costs? Illegals.
You lost your pet cat? Illegals. Particularly the Haitians."
That fat bitch finally got something right.
So, uh, what of those claims are, you know, WRONG?
Putting your head in a hole in the ground is not a strategy and it is not a statement underscored by reality.
You blame your "foes" for exaggerating the ills of illegals while you completely dismiss all of them.
Do not
Starting reading, then skimmed in vain for the explanation of how this has become such a partisan issue, which 50 years ago it wasn't: that the Democrats are now exploiting immigration, legal or illegal, to give them a short term advantage. again legal or illegal, in elections. They don't care how the generation born in the USA will vote, only how fast they can get people just arrived onto the voter rolls legally or illegally, and they'll bribe them with benefits to settle here. This phenomenon has transformed immigration from a benign process into a political takeover.
" that the Democrats are now exploiting immigration, legal or illegal, to give them a short term advantage. again legal or illegal, in elections"
Why aren't the Republicans doing the same? They presumably want to exploit the short term advantages and win elections just as much as the Democrats.
Because they'd have to adopt policies inimical to too much of their rank and file.
You mean they prefer to pander to the bigotry of their base as it stands rather than trying to expand their base? Such a strategy hasn't seemed to work too well, and they've only themselves to blame. A century ago, Republicans garnered the majority of America's black voters. Now, it's maybe 10% as Republicans let Democrats build up support for themselves.
Wow. Because too many of their base understand that the primary good of a government is that government is the primary means by which a people protects their own rights and if a government doesn’t actually protect the rights of its own people, it has wholly violated its purpose and can therefore be removed.
"Because too many of their base understand that the primary good of a government "
You think Joe Biden gives a shit about your rights? Governments are bad. They make bad problems worse. It's the party that has to be supported. A party that stands for something. If what the party stands for is inimicable to the interests of blacks or immigrants, this gives an opening to the opposition. That seems only natural in a two party system.
Republicans actually have some principles. A foreign concept to a democrat creature, such as yourself.
that the Democrats are now exploiting immigration, legal or illegal, to give them a short term advantage. again legal or illegal, in elections.
Where is the evidence for this?
They’re genetically leftist. Duh. Just like homos.
You’re just a boring retard, Drunky Brewster.
Democrats let illegals in, give them free money and then work to give illegally give them voting privileges?
Can YOU explain why CA is trying to outlaw Voter ID?
Or why so many states are allowing non-citizens to vote?
Feel free to explain those away.
MAGA founding father Obama.
CLAIM: Barack Obama said, “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”
But this was when demographics was destiny before they realized it wasn't then switched to importing more voters.
“How is this at all controversial?”; Jeff, above ^
Well Jeff, how about it? How is obamas mega MAGA super mean hostility to illegals at all controversial? Was he wrong?
How many, Jeff? Just give us a number.
How did it become so toxic?
I suspect it has something to do with America's string of military catastrophes in the past couple of decades. With the public's realization that the nation could no longer win over the enemy without, we turned our attention to the enemy within.
I suspect you are full of shit.
I also suspect he’s an idiot, and a Marxist.
Xenophobia is the new antisemitism. It’s not that hard. It’s human nature to find a scapegoat to blame for everything, and then destroy it. And human nature has not changed in the last hundred years. Historians will not look fondly upon Trump and his defenders. No, not one bit.
An emotional lie from a weasel. Having a working border is none of the above.
So xenophobic that we naturalize over one million foreigners each year through legal channels?
Seriously, fuck off you drunk leftist bitch.
If xenophobia was the new anti-Semitism, there'd be a rampantly vocal group of xenophobes in the Democrat coalition.
Because they certainly have that for anti-semitism.
Very few people are irrationally afraid of foreigners. Most people just have issues with not putting a limit on the number of immigrants allowed in per year, not screening them adequately for criminal background and intent, and handing out too much taxpayer funded welfare to support them, rather than requiring would-be immigrants to demonstrate that they have arranged gainful employment and can be self-supporting once they arrive. Even Trump wanted to put a “big, beautiful door” in his border wall, for the legal immigrants.
Gaslighting shills like Fiona conflate an illegal invasion of undesirables with orderly legal immigration while disregarding all the negatives and cling to an only-positive dogma, while Progressives facilitate the invasion of illegals thru taxpayer funded NGOs and openly brag about and celebrate replacing native born Americans and our culture then decry anyone who believes them as racist conspiracy nuts.
Succinct summation.
Shorter version: Borders bad!
OUR borders bad. Everyone else's are OK. Mind your Critical Theory.
Yeah, we spend many millions more for Ukraine's borders than we do for our own it seems.
I'd love to see the freak-out if the USA implemented the same border and immigration policies as places like Mexico, or even Canada. God forbid, Switzerland.
Next up, we can see how the Left reacts when we propose the same sort of voting safeguards and policies they have in every single other civilized country . . .
Israelis are immigrating into Lebanon.
More like 1950s tools. These migrants are exploiting the hell out of our asylum laws. These laws were designed for a small trickle escaping persecution in Nazi Germany or the Iron Curtain. Asylum was never meant to be a major source of immigration into this country. The laws simply weren’t designed for all of the third world to pack up and move here. The Obama administration added domestic violence as a reason for asylum, which means virtually all the women in Latin America would be eligible.
In Europe it’s so bad they are actually paying migrants to go home! We need to rewrite the UN Refugee convention, or withdraw from it and asylum should be ad hoc laws passed for limited duration, for limited countries. And even then, one should be allowed to apply if they have passed through a safe country without applying there. There should also be penalties for lying on your asylum application. Right now migrants have nothing to lose by doing so.
"Asylum was never meant to be a major source of immigration into this country. "
Be thankful that it's not a major source of emigration from this country.
"The Obama administration added domestic violence as a reason for asylum, which means virtually all the women in Latin America would be eligible. "
Sounds like something a Christian would do. All along I thought Obama was a typical woman hating Muslim Marxist.
Be thankful that it’s not a major source of emigration from this country.
Oh, if only.
Careful what you wish for.
Get out.
Being generous with other people's money isn't particularly virtuous.
Um, it got toxic when you called everyone who said we might want to slow it down just a smidge and put a limiting principle on our welfare system a racist.
“How is this at all controversial?” ^
"How Did Immigration Politics Get So Toxic?"
Could it be the fault of billionaires who pay shameless hacks to promote an import-cheap-labor agenda that's wildly unpopular among people who aren't Fred Koch's offspring?
“How Did Immigration Politics Get So Toxic?”
Look in the mirror Fiona.
the deportation of "millions" of illegal migrants and the implementation of "strict vetting" to "keep foreign Christian-hating Communists, Marxists, and Socialists out of America."
I don't know why anyone would disagree with either of those things. And Fiona makes no argument why either are bad. None.
Border management and border rhetoric have hit crisis levels because the nation's policy tools were designed to handle completely different migration patterns than we see today.
The "migration patterns" *eyeroll* are completely different because Democrats got on a bullhorn and said, "Our doors are wide open, here's a bunch of free money, we'll find you a place to live and get you a car, we'll send your kids to school, you can have unlimited free healthcare, you can break all our laws with impunity, you need not make even a single iota of effort to assimilate to us socially/culturally (we kinda hate American culture anyway), and we won't even look at your criminal history when you get here. Or after. In fact, go ahead and rape some kids and kill some co-eds, our guys in the media will run defense for you."
Deny it. I double-dog dare you.
And they did this with the unsubtle undertone that normal average Americans - male and female, black or white, Christian or atheist - were leaving them in droves as the Democrats became more radically left on things like gays, abortion, drugs, welfare, and climate hysteria; and now they're desperate for a new voter base that is completely dependent upon them and/or will sow chaos that they can exploit.
There is no blaming Trump for any of this Fiona. This was planned and executed by Democrats, and made especially easy when they had a bowl of tapioca pudding as a proxy President for the last four years.
" that normal average Americans – male and female, black or white, Christian or atheist – were leaving them in droves as the Democrats became more radically left"
Is that a good thing for Republicans or a bad thing?
Immigrants used to come to work towards a better life. But now you see them on television demanding better welfare.
"But now you see them on television demanding better welfare."
Immigrants? Don't you mean illegal immigrants?
"Illegal immigrants" is an oxymoron. If they came here illegally, they didn't immigrate.
Then 'legal immigrants' is a redundancy, isn't it? If all immigrants are legal by definition, why the 'legal' modification? You don't seem to have thought this through.
Indeed it is. Though, it serves an actual purpose. In fact, if you meet most legal immigrants, they'll define themselves as "having immigrated legally." They'll go out of their way, and out of the common vernacular, to do so.
They do this because it's a pretty important distinction in America now. They know how much illegals are despised by normal Americans, and how close to vigilantism normal Americans are to dealing with illegals. So they go WELL out of their way to establish their legitimacy.
When the illegals outweigh the legals, it becomes important for the legals to distinguish themselves as legitimate. Against those who are undeniably not.
America hates illegal aliens. (And if you don't, then maybe question your citizenship.) This nation wants them rounded up and thrown into a cell until they can be booted out of this country with a steel-toed boot. But it has always welcomed legal immigrants. Problem for the border jumpers is that the left is trying to blur that line. And nobody's buying it.
Legal immigrants won't let them. And good on them for it.
I'm disappointed AT. I've come to know you as an intelligent, compassionate commenter. Yet here you are parroting the boilerplate drivel of lesser intellects. My advice stands: think for yourself, I beg you.
Oh man, I disappointed you? Gosh, how will I get to sleep tonight?
Dude, come on. Name one thing I said there that was false.
You did. Not my problem. You need to think for yourself rather than parroting the talking points of others less capable than yourself.
"Name one thing I said there that was false."
You should re-read your comments and tell me what was false. That would show me you are truly thinking for yourself.
You made the accusation, mtrue - burden of proof is on you. Interesting that you would go that route - complete with the presumption that I should care about showing you anything - instead of just pointing out the alleged falsities.
Guess they weren't actually there, huh? I mean, if they were, you would have just copy/pasted them. But, you didn't. Shocker.
I knew you couldn’t identify anything. You’re so full of shit.
And you possess among the weakest intellects of any commenter here.
Still remember the first time trueman made an imbecilic claim regarding WWII era Ukrainians, and I asked for a cite; trueman doesn't provide cites, sniff.
Fuck trueman with a barb-wire-wrapped broomstick.
What makes immigrants legal?
When fuck Joe Biden says they are?
Soon they will be demanding your home.
They have the federal government doing the dirty work for them.
I will direct them to places like Florida, where they can quickly construct their own makeshift homes from the wreckage of the recent hurricanes. If you're expecting America's fat, lazy, entitled and celebrity worshipping assholes to do this, think again. It takes the special combination of resourcefulness, ingenuity and desperation that only the immigrant now possesses.
"...If you’re expecting America’s fat, lazy, entitled and celebrity worshipping assholes to do this, think again..."
We're expecting imbecilic, smug, piles of TDS-addled shits like you to post lies like this.
FOAD, asswipe.
The reason "immigration" is such a toxic issue is because we (the U.S.A.) can't solve even simple problems, much less complex ones. The "crisis at the border" is entirely the fault of our own dumb-asses. The path forward is to secure the border (which can be done without violence) and a fairly quick path to legal status for those "illegals" who have been here, are not causing trouble, and can be vetted.
"can’t solve even simple problems"
The fact that the world's ambitious, resourceful and courageous people still see the prospect of pulling up stakes and moving to the US as a risk worth taking is hardly a problem. We're lucky to be plagued by such problems.
California might not seem so rosy once they get there and see how it is governed.
Well, apparently they’re not “ambitious, resourceful and courageous” enough to “solve even simple problems” in their homelands. Quitters.
Good thing we have righteous white saviors like you, m.
Haha. What a doosh.
In 1986 there was an agreement where in exchange for border enforcement amnesty would be granted to most of the illegal aliens in the USA at the time . Well the amnesty was granted (to well above the estimated number of illegal aliens) but the border security never came. Any future agreement would need the border security to come first ( for several years btw) before any legalization ( not necessarily citizenship btw). Nothing less than that should even be considered.
Democrat filth will never agree to any border security. Just one of many reasons there should no longer be a democrat party.
Oh they will agree to add border security to a bill. They just won't actually follow through on the deal. They will demand amnesty first and then find excuses to not do anything with regard to border security or the border "security" will be to hire more border patrol agents to process the illegal aliens into the country faster.
Yes, it’s the same playbook from 1986. A promise from a democrat is worthless.
It got so toxic when that goddamn Mayorkas opened the flood gates and allowed tens of millions of thirdworlders into America without so much as a nod and a wink as to who is and who isn't a criminal.
Small town being flooded with illegal aliens. Springfield, Ohio anyone? N.Y. City, L.A. and everywhere in between where this rotten administration can inflict upon tax paying Americans.
The results of which are becoming all to clear. The has been Democrat party is flooding red states and cities in order to garner the votes of these illegal aliens to remain in power forever. The Democrats care nothing about the people who built those towns, pay the taxes and live there. They don't care. AT ALL.
They don't care how many young women are raped and murdered. They don't care how many Americans die from fentanyl. They don't care how badly towns and cities are being strained into near bankruptcy in order to house and feed tens of thousands of ILLEGAL ALIENS the Obiden administration flew in under cover of night to prevent people from witnessing what they were doing.
Those guilty of this outrage need to be punished.
They don't care about you! They don't care AT ALL!
The fact is that immigrants have more gumption, ambition, and courage than the fat, lazy, entitled Americans they are replacing. If the Democrats are smart enough to realize this, more power to them. If the Republicans have decided to throw their lot in with America's resentful underachievers, it might work for a while, but it's a bad strategy in the long run.
You mean they’re better than YOU. Me and mine work plenty hard and do the heavy lifting defending this country. You just leech off your betters. As that is what being democrat is all about.
This topic seems to make you hysterical. I advise you to avoid it. Think about things that make you happy instead.
All topics appear to make you an idiot. As you ARE an idiot. And you attempting to destroy my country is indeed irritating. So perhaps you should just step off, while you can.
If the immigrants are really ambitious, they will start businesses and become Republicans. The plan may backfire on the Dimocrats in the long run.
There won’t be a constitutional republic left in the long run.
"Different migration patterns" -- you mean, like Dementia Joe and Kneepad Kamala saying "come on in, the door is open and here's some free money, free housing, and free anything else you need"?
You forgot, "here's a plane ticket to get here."
How Did Immigration Politics Get So Toxic?
Fuck you you dishonest fucking cunt. It got this way because of your deceptive rhetoric, willful dishonesty, feigned ignorance, and insanely immoral superiority complex. You had one job, report the news truthfully and accurately. You deliberately failed.
No appropriate amount of deserved hate can be heaped upon you. Their are homeless, drug-addicted derelicts who would benefit society more than you by drawing your salary.
The economy is bloeing past predictions:
Better revise that last jobs report downward again.
Lies, broken promises, and neglect by the pro effective open borders advocates?
A worthless, incompetent 'border czar'.
How did the politics of immigration become so toxic?
One side decided to stop enforcing the immigration laws so they could import more voters.
"How Did Immigration Politics Get So Toxic?"
Unfortunately, leakin' Joe became POTUS, and it's not only immigration which became "toxic".
Hair-sniffin' became uncool? Say it ain't so, Joe!
And when they want to go back, they can go back. And they can cross. And open the border both ways by understanding their problems."
Compare that exchange to the current state of America's border politics.
I'm shocked Fiona both defines "toxic" as "any view I oppose" and omits any reference to the open borders crowd framing anyone who supports any limit on immigration as racist while ostensibly trying to explain how the issue became toxic. She's completely incapable of understanding the issue from any POV but her own extremism. This is why editors normally assign pieces to people capable of using reason to describe the issues.
The "open borders crowd" is a straw-man fiction you racists erected as part of the toxic policy situation you are now imposing on the few reasonable people left in America. I don't know anyone who thinks our borders should be "open." First you made all but a few immigrants "illegal" and then you complained that there were too many "illegals" coming in. By declaring our visitors to be illegal you made it impossible for them to live normal peaceable lives and earn good livings, subject to the whim of the moment to the Federales swooping down and rounding them up for deportation, then complained that some of them committed crimes to support your idiotic immigration position. Go peddle it to each other! The rest of us see right through your nasty toxicity!
People want solutions! Well, I'm very sorry but there is no solution to voter stupidity. There are plenty of political demagogues out there who would love to get elected to the good life by pushing the buttons of the suckers who are still being born every minute.
Mysterious drone breeches over Langly Air Force Base for the past 17 days as officials have no idea who and where.
Maybe it’s because there are tens of thousands of unvetted, military age young Chinese men that were allowed to sneak into the country. Some of those have already been arrested for spying.
Good work Joe and Mayorkass, bowing to your Chinese bosses and BTW: F**** the both of you!
The answer to the headline's question is much simpler than you think.
Trump took the Bill Clinton position on immigration and the democrat establishment lost their minds.
Pretty much the same happened a Century ago with the Irish and the Italians coming here in large groups. The reaction of Americans was similar, virulently negative. But then a half-century later, an Irish President. People really need to calm down. Because of the Irish and Italian experiences we know everything will be okay in the long run.
Except the US wasn’t supporting a holocaust in Ireland.
Because a nation without borders is not a nation. This Biblical concept seems to be lost on the gang at Reason. 'Reasonable' immigration looks like immigration and not invasion.
I know a bit about borders. I spent a year on the fence line at Guantanamo Bay. In that case the 'nation' of Cuba was trying to keep its people in with barbed wire, minefields and guard towers. We, on the other hand, routinely fished fence jumpers out of their minefields and barbed wire and sometimes out of the shark infested waters of Guantanamo Bay and put them on a C-9 for Miami and freedom.
But in our particular situation today I watch military age males from the PRC, Venezuela, Columbia and God knows where else streaming in to my community here in Arizona. No one seems to have a memory of 9/11.
Immigration policy cannot be a suicide pact with your enemies. That is what we have. Semper Fidelis from a former subscriber.