Culture Warrior in Chief
The modern presidency is a divider, not a uniter. It has become far too powerful to be anything else.

"We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue," President Joe Biden implored in his inaugural address, a speech that used the word unity no fewer than 11 times: "Unity is the path forward."
It's a familiar tune, one we were hearing from presidents long before it started to feel like the country was coming apart. "A kinder, gentler nation" was George H.W. Bush's formulation. "I'm a uniter, not a divider," the rendering of his feckless son. Barack Obama wouldn't just stop the oceans' rise; through the sheer power of presidential happy-talk, he'd kumbaya us into "one America," beyond red and blue. Given the way things have been heading lately, you can't blame Biden for sounding a bit desperate about it.
Donald Trump, who threw out the old playbook on his path to the presidency, takes a different approach: "We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country!" "The seal is now broken.""2024 is our final battle."
That's really not helping, but neither would it put us on the glide path to national unity if Trump suddenly mellowed his tone. The former president's apocalyptic rhetoric and rageaholic antics aren't what made the presidency itself a central fault line of American polarization. It's the fact that the president, increasingly, has the power to reshape vast swathes of American life. The modern presidency, by its very nature, is a divider, not a uniter. It has become far too powerful to be anything else.
Over the past several decades, as our politics took on a quasi-religious fervor, we've been running a dangerous experiment: concentrating vast new powers in the executive branch, making "the most powerful office in the world" even more powerful. Fundamental questions of governance that used to be left to Congress, the states, or the people are now settled, winner-take-all, by whichever party manages to seize the presidency.
Worse still, recent presidents have deployed their enhanced powers to impose forced settlements on highly contested, morally charged issues on which Americans should be free to disagree. In the age of identity politics, the modern president has become our culture warrior in chief. Unless and until he's disarmed, we'll have "uncivil war" and American carnage from here to the post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Culture Wars Past
Culture war has become our go-to umbrella term for practically every dispute in American politics that involves deeply held moral values. The phrase came into common currency three decades ago, thanks to an influential 1991 book, Culture Wars: The Struggle To Define America, by University of Virginiasociologist James Davison Hunter—and to Pat Buchanan's infamous"culture war" speech at the Republican National Convention the next year.
But while some of the flashpoint issues of the time still persist today (the abortion fight we will always have with us, it seems), others—"blasphemous" art, "family values," creationism in the classroom, naughty lyrics from hair-metal bands—now seem almost quaint.
The culture wars of the late 20th century were tied up with the rise of the Christian Right. The battle lines were religious vs. secular—"orthodox" vs. "progressive," in Hunter's formulation. Buchanan's 1992 convention speech shocked the pundit class by describing the struggle as "a religious war going on in this country."
Yet this particular Thirty Years' War wasn't terribly bloody. The stakes often seemed more symbolic than real. A lot of the fights were literallyabout symbols—desecration of sacred objects: burning the American flag, or, in the controversy over Andres Serrano's Piss Christ, dunking a crucifix in urine, calling it art, and getting the federal government to write you a check for it.
Most significantly, it wasn't fought with the weapons of presidential power. Executive orders and administrative diktat were rarely deployed to settle culture-war fights.
Lip Service Is All You'll Ever Get from Me
Presidents weighed in, to be sure, but it was largely performative. They—or their lieutenants—used the bully pulpit to signal support for teaching "the biblical account of creation" in public schools or to bang on about lax values in popular culture. In a much-noted 1992 speech, then–Vice President Dan Quayle lit into a sitcom character, Candice Bergen's Murphy Brown, for "mocking the importance of fathers by bearing a child alone and calling it just another lifestyle choice." But culture-war jawboning rarely cashed out into observable policy change.
Another favorite tactic was backing long-shot constitutional amendments. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan called on Congress to passan amendment protecting "the simple freedom of our citizens to offer prayer in our public schools and institutions," pronouncing himself "confident that such an amendment will be quickly adopted." It never came to a vote, and the effort was abandoned after the Democrats took back the Senate in 1986.
Three years later, when the Supreme Court held that flag-burning was protected speech, President George H.W. Bush promptly demanded a constitutional amendment prohibiting flag desecration: "The law books are full of restrictions on free speech. And we ought to have this be one of them." He got enthusiastic support from the then-chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Joe Biden, who drafted a bill carrying penalties of up to a year in prison for defacing or burning the American flag. That too was struck down by the Supreme Court, and Bush's constitutional amendment never made it across the goal line.
Executive orders played a minor role at best. For instance, at a United Nations conference in Mexico City in 1984, Reagan announced a new rule requiring U.S. foreign aid recipients to certify they wouldn't perform or promote abortion as a method of family planning. Two days after being sworn in, the next Democratic president, Bill Clinton, overturned the so-called Mexico City Policy via executive order. Subsequent Republican presidents turned it back on and Democrats turned it off again, the requirement winking in and out of existence each time the office changed parties. The issue was important enough to activists that each new president dutifully flipped the switch in their first days on the job, without meaningfully affecting any American's rights.
But as presidential power has grown, the consequences of a shift in party control of the White House have grown far more sweeping.
The Imperial Administrative Presidency
As a future Supreme Court justice, Elena Kagan, noted in a 2001 Harvard Law Review article, "Presidential Administration," modern presidents have accrued significant power over regulatory policy, "making the regulatory activity of the executive branch agencies more and more an extension of the President's own policy and political agenda." The process began when bright lawyers in the Reagan administration saw increased presidential authority as a way to ride herd on the regulators and lower burdens on business. But what goes down can come back up, and rise to new heights: As Kagan noted, the president's administrative authority works just as well to push "a distinctly activist and pro-regulatory agenda."
The original constitutional design required broad consensus for broad policy changes, but as law professors John O. McGinnis and Michael B. Rappaport warned in an important 2021 article in the Ohio State Law Journal,"Presidential Polarization," presidents now "can adopt such changes unilaterally….Domestically, Congress's delegation of policy decisions to the executive branch allows the President's administration to create the most important regulations of our economic and social life. The result is relatively extreme regulations that can shift radically between administrations of different parties."
Presidents have become our primary policy makers. Whenever the presidency changes parties, McGinnis and Rappaport note, "rules affecting almost every aspect of American life will pivot 180 degrees." The shift from Obama to Trump, for example, carried with it reversals on net neutrality rules, fuel economy limits on new vehicles, and which immigrants can come to the United States, as well as new rules governing free speech disputes and sexual assault claims on college campuses across the country.
What's more, legal changes made by presidential decree may be locked in for as long as the president's party holds the office—even when there's majority support in Congress to overturn them. Attempts to rein in presidential lawmaking must themselves run the gauntlet of the ordinary legislative process, subject to presidential signature or veto. The default setting of American government has shifted toward presidential unilateralism. The president now enjoys broad power to do as he pleases unless and until Congress can assemble a veto-proof supermajority to stop him.
In all the discussion of polarization, McGinnis and Rappaport note, "one important factor…has gone largely undiscussed: the deformation of our federal governing structure." The drift toward one-man rule both intensifies partisan fury and makes it more dangerous.
Racial Preferences With the Stroke of a Pen
In the first week of his presidential administration, Biden unleashed unilateral edicts at such a blazing death-metal pace that even the New York Times editorial board got nervous, imploring him to "Ease Up on the Executive Actions, Joe." (It took him until week two to remember to reverse the Mexico City Policy on foreign aid for abortion.) By the 100-day mark, Biden had already issued more executive orders than Obama managed in his entire first year.
Few issues divide Americans more than race; one of Biden's first acts as president was to issue an executive order guaranteed to divide us further. On his first day in office, the president issued an Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity that makes rooting out "systemic racism" a central organizing principle for the federal government.
This isn't the old-fashioned notion of racism as individual prejudice based on skin color. It's an invisible, insidious force that reveals itself in statistical disparities, as Biden had earlier explained at a campaign-trail event hosted by the Rev. Al Sharpton. It's behind higher poverty rates for black Americans, "undervalued" houses, and "car insurance [that] costs more." "Most of us whites…don't even consciously acknowledge it," Biden added, "but it's been built into every aspect of our system."
Under the Biden order, 90-odd federal agencies were tasked with developing "Equity Action Plans" to level those differences. To fulfill that mandate, the Biden Department of Health and Human Services announced in 2021 that it would pay higher Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors who "implement an antiracism plan," on the grounds that "systemic racism is the root cause for differences in health outcomes."
Under the theory that where there are racial disparities, there is racism, the administration has mounted a frontal assault on equality before the law. In 2021, for example, the Biden administration began handing out emergency COVID-19 relief funds—debt relief for farmers, grants to restaurants—on an explicitly racial basis. That principle even extended to lifesaving drugs. Minority status alone could move you to the front of the line for COVID antivirals in states following guidelines from Biden's Food and Drug Administration.
In December, the president used his first veto to defend a government data-collection mandate that requires lenders to gather and report information on small-business loans, including the race, gender, and sexual preference of the business owners. The president's veto message insists the regulation is a "transparency" measure, enabling "oversight of abusive and predatory lenders." But in the context of other policies, one could be forgiven for suspecting that the ultimate goal is a racial- and gender identity–based spoils system that delivers benefits to citizens according to their rankings on some kind of intersectionality scorecard.
Commander in Chief of the Girls' Bathroom
When it comes to transgender issues, most Americans are for tolerance and fair treatment. But they're deeply divided on issues like allowing biological males to use girls' restrooms. The president calls such sentiments "hysterical," "prejudiced," and "ugly," but those who share them are unlikely to be harangued into believing that traditional bathroom rules are the new Jim Crow.
Here again the country is getting forced settlements through unilateral edict and administrative order. Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination "on the basis of sex" in any program receiving federal financial assistance. In an administrative rule that's about to be finalized, Biden interprets that authority to let him make national rules about which kid gets to use which bathroom in practically every public K-12 school or college in America.
When it comes to girls' sports, the administration has hedged its bets somewhat, likely because nearly 70 percent of Americans now say only biological females should be allowed to compete in women's sports. But the rule Biden's Education Department has draftedwill prohibit the categorical bans most Americans support in any educational institution receiving federal tax dollars: the vast majority of colleges, universities, and K-12 schools.
On trans health care, they're steering a bolder course. The president's June 2022 Executive Order on Advancing Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Individuals proposes sending the Federal Trade Commission after doctors practicing "conversion therapy," which is defined broadly enough ("efforts to suppress or change an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression") that it could include psychologists who do not immediately fork over puberty blockers. Biden's Department of Health and Human Services is moving to implement a rule that requires doctors and hospitals to provide "gender-affirming care," including for minors: puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and "top" and "bottom" surgeries. Private insurers—and the taxpayer, via Medicaid—would be required to foot the bill.
According to a Center for American Progress analysis of the regulation, "a surgeon may be in violation for denying a transgender man a medically necessary hysterectomy because it is part of a gender-affirming care plan if the surgeon would otherwise provide that service to a cisgender woman." One has to wonder about the selection effects of such a rule: Is it a good idea to limit the future pool of gynecological surgeons to people who will cut the uterus out of a healthy teenager? Even if it was, is making those sorts of calls what we hire presidents to do?
A Federal Bookmobile Czar
Maybe so, in the president's view—it seems that there's no social issue too narrow or local not to cry out for intervention by the culture warrior in chief. Lately, Biden has been hell-bent on making a federal case out of how local school districts curate their grammar-school library shelves.
The president has made the fight against so-called "book bans" a key part of his reelection bid. In the video ad launching his 2024 campaign, the president rhapsodizes about "freedom": "There's nothing more important, nothing more sacred." But "around the country, MAGA extremists are lining up to take on those bedrock freedoms"—even "banning books," the president laments as the camera cuts to a stack of titles with Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird at the top. "Banning books in schools!" Biden wailed at a campaign event later that summer, "I mean, this the United States of America, for God's sake. The United States of America!" Ray Bradbury weeps.
Actually, we're a far cry from Fahrenheit 451. It's not Atticus Finch in the dock either, unless you count such notorious MAGA strongholds as Los Angeles and Seattle, where To Kill a Mockingbird has been pulled from the curriculum for its insensitive "white savior" storyline. What the president's calling "book bans" usually involves local taxpayers deciding that Maia Kobabe's graphic memoir Gender Queer may be too graphic for fourth-graders, or opting to pass on Juno Dawson's This Book Is Gay, which includes advice on mutual masturbation—"something they don't teach you in school"—and using Grindr to find sex partners.
Reports of a nationwide wave of book-banning Babbittry have been overhyped by activist groups like PEN America, which defines the term "ban" broadly enough to include "any action taken against a book" that leads to "restricted" or "diminished" access for any period of time. Moved from the middle-school library to the high-school shelves? "Banned." Removed from a recommended reading list but still on the library shelves? "Banned."
Do "concerned parents," or red-state politicians claiming to speak for them, ever go overboard and make nuisances of themselves? Sure: This is a big, crazy country with over 13,000 school districts. And PEN America documents some serious cases of legislative overreach, like a 2022 Missouri law making it a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail, for librarians to provide "explicit sexual material" to students.
Decisions about what goes on school library shelves should be made at the local level, not forcibly dictated from the state house. Still less should those decisions be dictated from Washington, D.C.
That's not stopping the Biden administration from bringing the full force of the federal government down on local school districts that aren't keen on cartoon porn. "We're taking on these civil rights violations, because that's what they are," Biden told the crowd at the White House Pride Celebration in June. He announced the appointment of a "coordinator" in the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights, tasked with fighting the alleged bans.
The administration's legal theory, as explained by the president, is that "book bans may violate the federal civil rights laws when they target LGBTQ students or students of color and create hostile classroom environments." They took that theory for a successful test drive last year, when they threw the proverbial book at a suburban Atlanta school district for removing All Boys Aren't Blue from its library shelves. The offending tome contains some pretty spicy descriptions of underage cousin-incest—some of which you may even have heard if you caughtthe viral video of Sen. John Kennedy (R–La.) reading them aloud in a deadpan Southern drawl at a 2023 congressional hearing: "He asked me to turn over while he slipped a condom on himself. This was my ass….He got on top and slowly inserted himself into me. It was the worst pain I think I have ever felt in my life. Eventually, I felt a mix of pleasure with the pain."
After it removed that book, the Forsyth County Schools found itself subject to a federal civil rights investigation into whether it had created a "racially and sexually hostile environment for students." The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) conceded the district wasn't engaged in an anti-gay book purge: It had "limited its book screening process to sexually explicit material." Nonetheless, OCR was troubled by "negative comments about diversity and inclusion" from parents at a school board meeting. As reported in the local press, those comments included statements like, "Do you think it's healthy for 8‑year-olds to be exposed to books which encourage transgenderism, sexualization, and masturbation?"
To get the feds off their back, Forsyth County had to agree toa number of humiliating terms. OCR required the district to publicly post notice of its fealty to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) thought ("the District strives to provide a global perspective and promote diversity" in its school libraries), circulate information on how aggrieved students can file federal civil rights complaints, and conduct a district-wide harassment audit. As the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression notes, OCR's strong-arm tactics succeeded here despite the fact that "there is no legal authority that [says] failure to 'promote diversity' violates federal anti-discrimination law. If OCR thinks it can require schools to affirmatively 'promote diversity'—a term left undefined—what else does the agency think it can get away with?"
We'll find out as Biden's new school library czar gets to work.
Culture War on the Conan Principle
Strap in, because it's about to get worse. The increasingly influential "national conservatives" have nothing but scorn for those who want to limit government power and force the feds to mind their own business. Their aim is to seize power and wield it against their cultural enemies, waging war on the Conan Principle: Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their transwomen.
Trump is coming down that escalator again, on a mission of vengeance. He'll take OCR off the "book ban" beat—and instead sic them on teachers who cover critical race theory, transgender issues, or "other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content." They'll face "severe consequences" under federal civil rights law.
As recently as 1996, the Republican Party platform acknowledged that "the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula" and called for abolishing the Department of Education. Now their standard-bearer wants to use $79 billion in federal education funds to work his will on thousands of local school districts. The federal government has no constitutional authority to set qualifications for teachers either, but Trump promises to "create a new credentialing body to certify teachers who embrace patriotic values and the American way of life."
On transgender issues, Trump promises another 180-degree turn. What Biden deems "gender-affirming care," Trump calls "child sexual mutilation"; he promises to use federal health care dollars to dictate the proper treatments for gender dysphoria from the White House. He'll have the Justice Department investigate pharmaceutical companies that make puberty blockers, and he'll push for a law "prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states." Maybe he'll discover that there's already a federal female genital mutilation law and encourage some creative prosecutions.
Is This Any Way To Run a Country?
Alexander Hamilton supposed that "energy in the executive" would lead to "steady administration of the laws." But there are no permanent victories in politics, so that energy can mean whipsawing between radically different policies based on the vagaries of the Electoral College. Puberty blockers and drag queen story hours go from compulsory to forbidden every four to eight years, depending on which political party wins the presidency. At some point you have to ask yourself: Is this any way to run a country?
It's not just stupid; it's dangerous. About 60 percent to 70 percent of Democrats and Republicans now view their political opponents as "a serious threat to the United States and its people," while 42 percent say the other team is "not just worse for politics—they are downright evil." As McGinnis and Rappaport note: "The imperial administrative presidency raises the stakes of any presidential election, making each side fear that the other will enjoy largely unchecked and substantial power in many areas of policy."
Partisans have long declared that next November's is the "most important election in history." We used to take that with the requisite grain of salt. In 2000, only 45 percent of Americans told pollsters it really mattered who won that year's presidential election. It went up from there: 63 percent in 2012, 74 percent in 2016, 83 percent in 2020.
Maybe Americans think it matters because, increasingly, it matters. If everything from what books go on school library shelves to who gets to use the girls' locker room becomes a matter of presidential policy, good luck convincing people to put an electoral loss in perspective. Every election becomes a Flight 93 election: Charge the cockpit, do or die.
We should be heading in the opposite direction: limiting the damage presidents can do, lowering the stakes of presidential elections, and reining in the president's ability to make law with the stroke of a pen.
One hopes that Americans will rediscover the "better angels of our nature," put politics in perspective, and rediscover what unites us. Pending that moral awakening, our more pressing need is for structural reforms that limit the harm we might do to each other amid the fog of partisan war. Chief among those is reining in the powers of the culture warrior in chief.
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"We must end this uncivil war" by having the stupid poopy-heads that make up the Enemy Side surrender abjectly to Our Side. Or, more seriously, we're in 'house divided' territory, and it cannot end until one side or the other is defenestrated from the Overton Window.
The presidency being so powerful is a symptom of the Cold Civil War, rather than a cause.
No, the Presidency being so powerful is a symptom of government, because all governments grow more powerful over time. That is the quintessential nature of bureaucracies, and (1) that's all government is, a sea of bureaucracies, and (2) government has no market competition to rein it in.
^BINGO^. Exactly why the USA is a Constitutional Republic and NOT a democracy.
Correction: was a republic.
And it can be again. Just get rid of the democrats and their collaborators.
Or just impeach them all on overt acts of treason against the very definition of the USA as it should be. If people want to keep the USA away from the [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s] I do believe at this point a massive impeachment (Constitutional Upholding) of D.C. is required.
Perhaps The Convention of States should consider the ability for State-Level impeachment on Constitutional grounds. After all; The State's use to elect representation in D.C. and perhaps that's where the Nazis got their treasonous invite from.
Jews, not Nazis are committing a holocaust in Gaza.
This video demonstrates how they carried it out.
It is the best compilation of evidence to date that October 7 was an inside job coordinated by Israel.
You probably think 9/11 was an inside job as well, Nazi.
The presidency being so powerful is a symptom of Congress delegating their lawmaking power to the executive branch, of which the president is the head.
Which is, in part, to hide the ideological intent of an authoritrarian bill by giving the bureaucracy the authority to define the final policy. Again, this was done to great extent by legislation like the ACA. Once it becomes apparent what the policy is to be, it is outside the normal forums of political debate.
Which is, in part, to hide the ideological intent of an authoritrarian bill by giving the bureaucracy the authority to define the final policy.
I wouldn't go that far. I think it's so they can throw up their hands and say "Wasn't my fault, I didn't write the rules" when the bureaucracy creates thousands of pages of regulation with the power of law based upon vague legislation. I'm not even sure if they really care what the final policy looks like, just that they had a hand in creating it.
Remember that power is an end, not a means.
And yet in this very thread you demand nobody fight back. Lol.
Youre the victim throwing up his hands yelling oh well. Guess we are stuck.
Or it's just a simple matter of Congress and/or the Executive making UN-Constitutional law.
How much power would either have if they were required to actually honor their OATH of OFFICE?
Good think Biden pushed for OPM to institute a rule making it even harder to make the bureaucracy accountable.
A large part of this is giving more sections of the economy over to government control because of Left Wing policies like the ACA, which puts bureaucrat noses into everyone's personal business. The Culture War was never something that was outside of politics, and the Left has always been the aggressors.
Fucking this^
And now it's "your turn".
"The Culture War was never something that was outside of politics, and the Left has always been the aggressors."
The religious right created the culture war and is the most vigorous and earnest perpetrators of it. The idea that morality (and a specific, minority version of morality at that) should be driving our laws is baked into fundamentalist religious beliefs.
When personal liberty and codified moral values collide, those who side with liberty are the good guys and those that side with a specific code of morality are the bad guys.
If you can't justify your position without claiming it's the "moral" thing (according to some), your position is invalid.
Congress, no matter what side was in charge, has willingly given their powers to the presidency because, as Uncle Ben said, with great power comes great responsibility. The other side of that is true as well, with less power comes less responsibility. Since none of the Congress critters want to be held responsible for anything they've given up power so the president is the one holding the bag. These days everything gets blamed on presidents for exactly that reason.
The pretense is telling in its sweeping generalization, especially given that the center-right is pushing the same line:
“We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue…Unity is the path forward.”
First off, as Biden demonstrated in the ensuing months, he had absolutely no belief in this, other than anyone resisting the left-wing agenda of his administration is an “ultra MAGA extremist.” But what’s particularly notable is how the modern left keeps pushing this “unity” line–corporations have been pushing it in conjunction with the BLM shit, such as Larry Fink blatantly saying that “behavior will be forced,” and other shitlib political figures like Ireland’s Hazel Chu and Leo Varadkar have explicitly said that “unity” needs to be prioritized above everything else, by government force if necessary.
So where does this come from? Well, let’s hear from the originator himself:
“This democratic method of resolving contradictions among the people was epitomized in 1942 in the formula “unity, criticism, unity”. To elaborate, it means starting from the desire for unity, resolving contradictions through criticism or struggle and arriving at a new unity on a new basis. In our experience this is the correct method of resolving contradictions among the people.”
So this whole appeal to “unity” is nothing more than a neo-Maoist project, pushed by the same people trying to turn the west into a communist utopia. It’s why they and the center-right get so worked up about a country that isn’t along with western progressive/Whig ideology, or the people who don’t give the left everything they want:
“Speaker Johnson is Putin’s best ally, or second best ally after Trump, because the Speaker doesn’t do anything without Trump’s consent, tacit or otherwise. His stonewalling military aid speaks for itself, because MAGA Mike is giving Russian dictator what he wants.”
Paul Montagu (d52d7d) — 4/7/2024 @ 10:12 am
Resisting these people in the west is resisting the "right side of history" and the inevitable triumph of communism, and that's something they can't countenance.
Thanks for admitting you are on the wrong side of history. You keep ending up on that side. Why do you think it will be any different this time?
The British lost the American revolution.
The southern traitors lost the civil war. They eventually ended up on the wrong side of the Civil Rights movement. That’s your side!
Don’t you ever get sick of losing? I know Real Americans like me are sick of the trouble you cause.
Fascists such as yourself always claim to be on the right side even through the use of force. Ironic you didnt get the ties to Mao. You’d join the Red Guard willingly.
You’re not a ‘real American’. You’re a Marxist dupe.
History doesn't have a side. And that invitation remains open if you're really that intent on trying to follow through.
The southern traitors lost the civil war. They eventually ended up on the wrong side of the Civil Rights movement. That’s your side!
The Optimates thought the same thing about the Gracchi Brothers and Caesar, right up until they got liquidated by Antony and Augustus.
No I think I’ll pass on that invitation, but thanks for the offer.
KARtikeya is being dishonest. The apology was not sincere.
How was it not sincere? I can admit many of my comments were over the line, but still disagree with people.
I went too far with one commenter on here and I regret it. However, I can still point out that he belongs to an evil organization.
Truthfulness: Are you a Latter-day Saint?
Which side was the wrong side?
As far as I can tell ur both on the same side.
Socialists lost the Revolution and Democrats lost the Civil War.
"We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue," President Joe Biden implored in his inaugural address, a speech that used the word unity no fewer than 11 times: "Unity is the path forward."
We should understand Joe as a uniter as long as we understand his vision of united means Republicans, Democrats, and others all agree Republicans want to return blacks to slavery. Let's not give Joe too much credit though, it's not like he came up with this himself. Effectively everyone on the left believes this.
While the left literally turns everyone into Slaves of the State (i.e. wealth distribution). The BS bedtime fantasy stories are just purposeful distraction to the UN-Constitutional [Na]tional So[zi]al[ism] Empire building going on.
10 yard penalty for incomprehensible political gibberish.
What about his comment was unclear?
Usually, its the part that follows "TJJ2000"...
He comes across as Frank's less-funny, drunken cousin.
Unity always means giving in to Democrat’s demands for more democrat power and moving further towards Marxism.
Fuck ‘unity’. As long as one sided are totalitarian Marxists, we’re not divided nearly enough.
Right. When we’re unifying around a “Christian” ideal, any “Christian” ideal like ‘men aren’t women’ or ‘lying and stealing is bad’, “Christian Nationalism” is an evil that will… uh… undo all of Western Civilization (yeah! That’s the ticket!).
But when it comes to the Good Samaritans in Congress and even the WH determining who should get censored online and who shouldn’t, well the bigots who got censored and the deplorables who support them should just build their own separate but equal internet.
One of the best ways to kick a leftards stupidity is to ask why their party can't just start their own contractual socialist club (?insurance?) with all those entitlements they want from like minded morons without Gov-Guns involvement.
Turns out the very root of their motivation is to STEAL what they and their like-minded leftards don't want to EARN themselves by using 'Gov-Guns' to Force Un-like minds into slavery submission.
The left; Still the party of slavery. Like a leopard can't change it's spots.
To ALL of those EVIL people and sheeple who do NOT BLEEVE in The Sacred Theory of The Stolen Erections, AND who adamantly REFUSE to worshit Saint Babbitt... There will be Hell to pay! Team Red will GET you, sooner or later!!!
The Sad Saga of the Stolen Erections
And lo, it came to pass, that Tim the Enchanter blew upon His Magic Flute, and led me to a secret cave (the Cave of Caerbannog), whereupon mystic runes carved into the very living rock foretold of a day to come.
This sad, sad day has now manifested itself, just as foretold. The Promised One had been delivered to us, and was to fertilize His Queen, Spermy-Stormy Daniels, in an amazing scene; a glaze of Vaseline. Their offspring were to be called Strumpets… Which is a concatenation of Stormy and Trump. They were to number in the millions… About 332 million; enough for all residents of the USA to be issued one Strumpet per each resident, to sit on his or her right shoulder, and make sure that each resident stayed WAAAY Righteous. Each Strumpet was to progressively exert more and more Righteousness Control over each resident, by covering them in Strumpet Vines.
Sad to say, the Bad Bider-Grunch stole Trumpsmas AND Trump’s Erections! The stolen erections prevented the birth of the 332 million Strumpets, in the world’s WORST mass murder (genocide) so far! Even Saint Babbitt could NOT save the Strumpets!
This is the Sad Tale of the Demise of the USA!
Tear down excessive government and not each other. That would be a great start.
This is a Remarkably Blessed Remark! Hark! Mark and re-mark this passage!!!
The two (excessively large Government Almighty and tribalistic culture wars) go hand in hand! If Government Almighty has far less power, there will be far fewer power-scraps to scrap and fight about!
Put those knives AWAY, people! Cutlery is for culinary endeavors, NOT for culture wars!
Ironically the very politicians fighting to reduce government power are the ones most often attacked by media and even "libertarian" opinion sites.
Vengeance ain't gonna wreak itself.
Excessive government is at the heart of Leftist ideology. It is difficult to compromise on a fundmental belief one side.
^Exactly. +10000000 Perfectly stated.
Be fair. What we see as excessive government is seen as just a warm up by totally-not communist-socialist-one giant officially managed society and economy Democrats.
As society experienced increased freedom in the 1960's a backlash from the Christo-fascists and Aborto-freaks became inevitable.
I recall the forced school prayer wars. Now the Federalist Society is hellbent on rolling back our hard-won liberties.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Yet; 13-years later Republicans (NOT Democrats) wrote Roe v. Wade.
According to Hank it was a cut and paste from the Libertarian party platform.
‘Party planks stolen by looter kleptocracy’ or some such bullshit.
One has to wonder about the selection effects of such a rule: Is it a good idea to limit the future pool of gynecological surgeons to people who will cut the uterus out of a healthy teenager? Even if it was, is making those sorts of calls what we hire presidents to do?
This is a nice appeal to normals. But if you want to understand what's happening you need to ask a different question: Is it a good idea to make political reliability the top requirement for influential, lucrative, and prestigious careers.
When you ask the right question it's immediately apparent why this is happening because those who drive these policies enthusiastically respond "yes". We allowed them to create exactly this requirement throughout academia and media, and now they believe they are powerful enough to enforce it throughout our economic system.
All I hear when I read questions like this is that we really should’ve slit the throats of everyone that asked for amnesty.
Because, honestly, I oppose the whole political “send a message” thing, but it seems like that’s the only way the people who survived would’ve gotten the message. I mean, I'm fully aware that this is calling for an insane Pinochet situation but I don't see a way to make a cognitive difference otherwise and even if you did, like sheep or goldfish, in a couple weeks they probably wouldn't even remember it.
Seriously, how do you live through 2019-2021 and then ask a question that retarded, with premises so false amnesty was begged publicly over them, in 2024? Other than obliteration, what else would possibly make these people stop and think “Oh yeah, maybe these occupations and/or industries have been captured.” before saying shit this stupid?
Once the left allows my liberties, we can be unified. So long as they attempt to run my life; they can expect push-back and worse.
Leave me alone.
But not submitting to the Vision and conforming to the Plan is fascist!
That's what they keep telling us.
"But there are no permanent victories in politics, so that energy can mean whipsawing between radically different policies based on the vagaries of the Electoral College."
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Bernard, I have served eleven governments in the past thirty years. If I had believed in all their policies, I would have been passionately committed to keeping out of the Common Market, and passionately committed to going into it. I would have been utterly convinced of the rightness of nationalising steel. And of denationalising it and renationalising it. On capital punishment, I'd have been a fervent retentionist and an ardent abolishionist. I would've been a Keynesian and a Friedmanite, a grammar school preserver and destroyer, a nationalisation freak and a privatisation maniac; but above all, I would have been a stark, staring, raving schizophrenic.
At least Trump is honest in his desire to stir up hatred, resentment, animosity, vengefulness, divisiveness and all the other things the others stirred up while they were preaching unity.
Too bad you aren't as honest.
I disagree when your buddies tell me what I think, and that makes me the dishonest one. You got me. Fucking idiot.
You disagreeing isn’t what makes you dishonest. You disagreeing with anything Trump does makes you dishonest. It’s a rare ray of sunshine from you to admit Trump is the honest one.
Unlike your palls in D.C. who dis-honestly are trying to conquer the USA for their [Na]tional So[zi]alist empire under the disguise of being 'united' for 'democracy' instead of 'united' for the F'en USA (defined by the US Constitution).
Oh yeah. Everything Trump says is Truth. Anyone who disagrees with the Truth is a liar, because everyone knows that what He says is Truth. After all, He is the nation’s Savior. I’m so sorry. Did I miss communion at the Church of Trump? I need to go ask Saint Babbitt for forgiveness.
Amusing sarc resorts to a strawman after getting called out for his use of leftist narratives.
^Point & Case. Not a single subject of debate. Entirely a WHO not WHAT comment.
If you knew anything at all about Marxism, communism, fascism, and radical leftism, you’d understand that the candidate and his defending parrots who throw those terms around are willfully ignorant of what the terms actually mean. The way they use them they’re just labels with historical connotations that stir up hatred against anyone who doesn't support Trump. It’s the politics of emotion. Reason is unwelcome.
Youre still attempting to pretend you understand the terms after being thoroughly humiliated here, showing your ignorance?
Almost as laughably ignorant as your definition of a free market or your definition of populist.
You have fully embraced the false terms of the liberal narrative while accusing those who actually have read the primary sources as ignorant.
Fucking laughable.
That's funny. Even Trotsky didn't faze him.
It was an amazing display of intentional ignorance.
In all the years I didn't have Jesse on mute, every single thing he said to or about me was a lie. Very single sentence, without exception. He never even slipped up and accidentally said something truthful. That takes talent. Or pathology.
I won't read his posts because I'm tempted to respond to his lies.
Any attempt to respond must begin by refuting all the lies he uses as premises. By then the response is half a page and whatever the topic was is forgotten because now the topic is me. At that point he wins by making the conversation about me instead of whatever the topic may have been.
Best to relegate the master baiter to grey boxes.
This is especially amusing as the link is to sarcs own comments on the terms.
I also enjoy him calling word for word posts a lie. It is amazing delusions. Lol.
Hey Drunky, Jesse has never lied. You must be shitfaced already.
I’m curious how you think we use them incorrectly (I don’t think I’ve used them any differently than any possible Trump supporters here).
Not quite phrased correctly... its not 'as honest' ... it should read
"Too bad you arent honest." Unless he can cite his mind and heart reading credentials his statement of Trumps desire should be taken as the BS that is obviously is.
At least sarc is honest with his ignorance in blaming Trump for unique things based on liberal narratives.
Just ignore Hillary basket of deplorable. Just ignore Obama cling to guns and bibles. Ignore Bidens red speech. Ignore the MAGA and Trump cultists the media abd sarcasmic use. Ignore the burning and rioting in major cities by the left.
Trump is uniquely bad. CNN would never lie to sarc.
sarc hates that the right now treats the left as the left has always treated the right. How dare they fight back!
"They did it first so it's ok!"
And sarc proves the accusation.
Sarc: “The Jews should have lain down and taken it because fighting back is wrong”
Reasonable people recognize you can’t compromise with people unwilling to compromise. Note sarc’s philosophy though. He won’t criticize Dems for fighting, only Reps. PLUS when Reps do compromise, with Bush’s NCLB or Medicare D for example sarc criticizes them for that too. This is the contradiction which shows sarc is only here to attack the right.
When did "sinking down to their level" stop being an insult and become a badge of honor for the political right to wear with pride?
Sarc’s eternal mission is to convince everyone else to lay down and accept whatever the left wants.
No thanks. My philosophy is different: win. Allowing the left to control our institutions and use the resulting disproportionate power to make everyone else’s lives worse is not admirable. Hiding behind childish platitudes isn’t even an argument.
No thanks. My philosophy is different: win.
Lying, cheating, stealing, spreading Big Lies, defaming people and organizations, breaking laws, making false accusations, and otherwise being complete and total scumbags, is all justified if it means winning.
Know who else said the end justifies the means?
Did you just justify submission by using a lot of leftist narratives?
Not only am I doing none of those things, that’s not what you’re objecting to. You object to accurately describing the lefts program in order to effectively oppose it. Then you lie about what others are doing to justify attacking them. If you actually opposed lying and scummy behavior you would not engage in it yourself, nor would you have a problem opposing the lefts engaging in it. But you do engage in it, and you protect the lefts engaging in it with your whataboutism.
Not only am I doing none of those things, that’s not what you’re objecting to.
You defend Trump and his supporters, which means you support all of those things. And I am objecting to those things. Though unlike you I object no matter who does it.
You object to accurately describing the lefts program in order to effectively oppose it.
When you call this country’s political left Marxists and fascists, all you’re doing is proving that you don’t know what those words mean.
If you actually opposed lying and scummy behavior you would not engage in it yourself
I’m only accused of lying when I contradict what others say about me. It’s kind of funny that you call me a liar when I call people out for lying.
nor would you have a problem opposing the lefts engaging in it.
I expect the left to do those things. Complaining about them engaging in that activity is like complaining about dogs eating their own shit. The political right is supposed to take the high ground and be better than the left. Instead they're eating their own shit.
That’s what I’m complaining about.
I honestly can't tell if you're malicious or delusional at this point. Either one, you wrap it in ignorance to justify your actions.
You defend Trump and his supporters,
Wrong, I criticize those who use double standards to support the left.
which means you support all of those things.
Interesting, when people do this to you you claim they are putting words in your mouth. Should we focus on the fact that this is a lie or that you whine when people do to you what you do to others?
When you call this country’s political left Marxists and fascists,
Again you're the first person to whine that people aren't responding to your words, but you feel free to make this up. There is no standard you claim should be upheld that you don't routinely violate. That's because you aren't self-aware enough to recognize the in-group / out-group distinction and apply it to your own judgements.
I’m only accused of lying when I contradict what others say about me. It’s kind of funny that you call me a liar when I call people out for lying.
This comment isn't about you lying, it's about you not caring that the left lies which shows again that you only apply any standard to the right. But since you bring it up you lied when you claimed I refer to the left as Marxists and fascists. But again, you don't care that you lie which is the point.
The political right is supposed to take the high ground and be better than the left.
Wrong, the political right is supposed to effectively oppose the left and advance policies that result in a better society. Your facile arguments frame any opposition to the left as illegitimate, a stance that can only be supported by those who don't want the left's agenda opposed.
Well said.
Indeed. Very well said.
Or in short, Sarc is a disingenuous shitbag, and shills for the left.
Trump didn't "sinking down to their level".
Is it Hillary and Biden who are still going through ringers of a witch-hunt?
He’s managed to sink way beyond their level, and taken many of his followers with him.
First president in history to actively oppose the peaceful transition of power that was part of why the term “American Exceptionalism” was coined. Gore and Hillary whined and cried for a little while, but then accepted the results. Trump and his minions still haven’t accepted it. Now we’re not as exceptional as we once were. All thanks to one man.
Never questioning election results when [D] wins is USA "exceptionalism"??? UR a F'En joke.
Peaceful transition of power was one of the things that made this nation exceptional. I say "was" because, thanks to people like you, those days are gone.
Remember that peaceful transition of power when Trump got elected?
Yeah. Me neither. BS'er. I do remember literally YEARS of prosecution hearings about 'facebook' ads though and cities turning into war-zones. Remember all those YEARS of investigation into Trumps un-deniable claims? Yeah; don't remember those either. Heck not even a single explanation to China IPs logged into voting machines exist to the day.
Remember when Hillary’s supporters thought they’d forcefully stop the election results from being certified? Remember when she slandered and libeled a company that made voting machines? Remember when she tried to get a battleground state’s Secretary of State to rig the counts?
Me neither.
Remember when Hillary’s supporters thought they’d forcefully stop the election results from being certified?
YES… By trying to prove ‘facebook’ ads cheated the election and multiple times trying to impeach the election result winner.
Remember when she slandered and libeled a company
YES… Facebook Ads.
Remember when she tried to get a battleground state’s Secretary of State to rig the counts?
YES… See entry #1
Remember that day Biden’s election had the same process of investigative inquiry?? Yeah; me neither.
Facebook? Oh please. The only people who believed that shit were even dumber than the people who defend Trump.
“dumber than the people who defend Trump” … Now you’re getting it.
Trump made many mistakes especially the Cares Act but he wasn't nearly as dumb as the [Na]tional So[zi]alist treasonous empire-building party. In fact adding in the Tax-Cuts, the Green-Energy BS cuts, the push for School Choice, the De-Regulation Committee all in all one of the best presidents of the last century (yes; embarrassingly so) but not untrue.
I do like sarc saying turning the powers of federal government on the incoming president is peaceful. That organizing a campaign to have electors change their votes isn't the same as protesting the House on J6. That lawsuits against W on 2000 and 2004 were fine but aghast when Trump petitions the courts.
And then going with the leftist claims of insurrection that were always bullshit to justify it. Now he applauds democrats using the DoJ to criminalize political opponents. Defends shooting of unarmed women justifying it as the cop couldn't see well (yes he has made this argument multiple times and knows I can link it)
It is just amazing.
No bitch, because of people like YOU. And your fellow travelers here, the pedophile, and the morbidly obese pedophile.
You are the enemy within.
Wait, Biden was assassinated and Trump has been occupying the White House these last 4 years?
Oh that’s right, power WAS peacefully transferred and he did leave the White House on the appointed day at the determined time.
(I say this mockingly because the certification, as was even argued by columnist here, is basically ceremonial.)
Really you dishonest cunt? You don't remember Hilary's "faithless elector" scheme? You don't remember the Rusdia Collusion narrative she ginned up? You don't remember the protests against his inauguration? You don't remember Gore's suit to change the 2000 election? Lay off the booze if any of that is true, or just stop lying you leftist shill.
In reality all of them opposed the transition as much as they could. Gore executed an illegal counting plan and had to be stopped by the Supreme Court and sarc describes this as crying a bit.
Point is that Gore stopped after that ruling. He respected the Court's decision and that was the end of it.
Trump has never stopped and he never will. He has no respect for the courts, for the electoral process, nor for rule of law. He has actually said that he will behave like a dictator to get things done.
That's what you are defending.
“He has no respect for the courts” … That’s Biden to a T.
Something, something about Student Loan forgiveness being UN-Constitutional but Biden does it anyways. Unlike how Trump didn’t after being rejected by SCOTUS.
You’re literally blaming ALL of what the left has done on Trump. And BTW; Trump wasn’t in D.C. on J6 and there was no coup to steal D.C. It was a protest against qualifying an election were rules were voided by E.O. and all-statistics of voting had been violated. Mail-in voting’s very standard of legitimacy was that results matched in-person.
Course you don't care. It's not about WHAT but WHO.
Trump left on Jan 20th like every other fucking president dumbass.
And unlike Obama, didn't utilize the state to create false investigations into Biden day 1.
You are so partisan and broken at this point. You'll use any lie or narrative to justify the lefts actions.
And BTW; Trump wasn’t in D.C. on J6
Truman wasn't in Japan on August 6, so he couldn't have had anything to do with the bomb.
Point is that Gore stopped after that ruling. He respected the Court’s decision and that was the end of it.
Let's see if I understand. Since Gore's corrupt recount actually began while Trump's was effectively opposed sooner Gore's corruption was actually less. I think this needs work.
In reality both abused the election process to the utmost of their ability, and the fact that only the SC sopped Gore's effort to overturn the election should be a scandal. The only reason it isn't is that (1) the left-media controls the narrative and frames this as a technical issue rather than corruption, and (2) people like yourself aren't perceptive enough to evaluate events outside the media frame they accept.
Trump wasn’t in D.C. on J6
lol, he led a rally in DC that morning and then went back to the White House
Hey Marshal:
After SCOTUS issued its ruling, did Gore press on and try to get the election to go his way regardless? Did Gore call the Florida Secretary of State and demand that she "find the votes" needed for him to win? Did Gore consult with a bunch of crackpots who told him that he could have the military seize the voting machines? Did Gore do what Trump wanted Pence to do - refuse to certify Florida's electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2001? Did Gore organize a rally on Jan. 6, 2001 in which he urged his followers to march to Congress to "fight like hell" (but "peacefully and patriotically", of course - wink wink)? Did Gore run for the nomination 4 years later on a grievance platform of "I was robbed last time around"?
Hey jeffey: did the Supreme Court rule against Trump? So why was Trump supposed to yield before all his appeals had been exhausted.
Gore did meet with a crackpot team of corrupt election officials and left wing activists to develop their plan to subvert election counting rules by ( for example) counting votes differently in Gore supporting counties than in others and by counting votes for other Dem officials as votes for Gore. It’s strange left wingers persist in asserting plans discussed but not executed are worse that plans discussed and executed, but that’s what we get from people like yourself who work backward from the conclusion that Dems are better rather than forward from the facts.
It’s also weird leftists are capable of recognizing Trump’s winking support of a protest but still deny Dems supported violence in the Floyd riots. Sometimes it seems every judgement threw make is made according to completely different standards of evidence depending on who is being criticized.
Did Gore call the Florida Secretary of State and demand that she “find the votes” needed for him to win?
Well if he had do you think Atlanta would've come back with 7,000 votes skipped on first count?
This is the new narrative (witch-hunt) of the left... Prosecute the claimant instead of investigate the claim.
Trump left on Jan 20th you retarded fuck. Hillary and the left still state 2016 was stolen for fucks sake.
This can't be intentional ignorance. This is willful blindness to defend the left.
Hey Marshal, yes Trump did lose at SCOTUS.
By Jan. 6, all of his judicial options had been foreclosed.
And you ignored all my questions, that means you know the answer to all of them is "No, Gore did not do any of those things." Yes Gore tried to conduct a shady recount. He was wrong for doing that. No one here is calling Gore a saint. But he is nonetheless a better man than Trump. When SCOTUS ruled against Gore, HE STOPPED. He said "I accept the finality of the outcome". I'm quite sure he felt cheated and that he "rightfully won". But for the good of the country, he didn't drag the country through the spectacle that Trump has dragged the country through with his four-year-long grievance campaign, not to mention the violence of Jan. 6.
No matter how much pettifoggery and goalpost shifting and whataboutisms that you can come up with, the fact of the matter is, Trump is behaving very badly with his 'stolen election' crap and he should stop.
Well if he had do you think Atlanta would’ve come back with 7,000 votes skipped on first count?
You are an idiot. All of the recounts in Georgia happened before Trump's infamous phone call.
Wrong on both accounts.
- The re-count occurred precisely because of Trumps insistence.
- The SCOTUS rejecting a case =/= losing a case.
And you ignored all my questions, that means you know the answer to all of them is “No, Gore did not do any of those things.
Which would be relevant if only things Trump has done can be considered wrong. This is indicative of your thought process.
But for the good of the country, he didn’t drag the country through the spectacle that Trump has dragged the country through with his four-year-long grievance campaign, not to mention the violence of Jan. 6.
What nonsense. Gore gave up because he didn't have anything else to gain, not for "the good of the country". But this again shows your zeal to characterize Dem actions in the best light possible.
On the other hand Dems did begin Trump's inauguration with a riot and corrupted our media and law enforcement institutions in support of a politically driven hoax, was that for the good of the country too?
Lol. Another idiotic leftist narrative.
How much MSNBC do you watch?
What violence happened on Jan 20th 2021 Sarc? And when did Trump prosecute a political rival?
Fuck off you lying marxist cunt. Utilizing the courts to address grievances with the execution of the law is not "resisting the peaceful transition of power" nor is the protest of such grievances by supporters. If that is the standard then Democrats have met it for every presidential election in my lifetime but you refuse to criticize them ever.
Sarc, when did being a bitch and allowing people to run over you become noble? Youre demanding people to lose to the overbearing assault on norms, defend state abuses against their enemies, and think this is the noble pursuit.
Your solution leads to less freedoms retard. This is why people call you a leftist. You demand people to submit.
And he ALWAYS gives cover to democrats and ALWAYS condemns republicans. But he’s totally neutral.
TBF, he doesn’t claim to be neutral, just not a leftist.
FWIW, I don’t think he’s leftist. He just hates Republicans/Conservatives with such a passion it clouds everything else.
In this situation the left is like Hamas, attacking others to push an agenda. Sarc is like the Palestinian leftist demanding nobody else push back and blaming them if they do.
Sorry bitch, Americans are hitting back now, and it isn’t going to go well for you and your fellow travelers. Especially since they’re all even bigger pussies than you are.
How do you propose that we beat “shit leftists”? Because whatever people who love liberty have been doing for my entire life hasn’t stopped them from expanding the federal government and its involvement in our lives.
Now do any anti-racist, Neo-socialist, or mouthpiece on MSNBC.
Fuck off with that noise you leftist POS. Funny how you lying Leftist cunts see any form of resistance to your totalitarian anti-human ravings as hate speech and every reaction to your provocations as the "cause" of harm. DIAF you Maoist twat.
The new movie 'Civil War' is appropriate regarding this article.
(The seceding states) are in revolt against a blowhard president with a tendency for rhetorical hyperbole (Nick Offerman) who has given himself a third term, broken the constitution, disbanded the FBI and ordered air strikes against his own citizens.
should be a warning this election year.
I was going to see it, but the nearest theater that’s playing it is an hour drive away. I’m not going to spend 120 minutes driving to see a 109 minute movie. Wait until it’s on Prime or whatever.
Nobody asked what your plans for the day were.
Like anyone cares. Anyway, we all know any welfare money he would spend on a movie ticket is going to pay for bottom shelf liquor.
turd, the TDS-addled ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
“should be a warning this election year.”
Lol. Yeah, and after the airstrikes orange man might put blacks “back in chains”. Just like he did the first time he was president.
You idiots clutch your pearls over the dumbest shit.
I thought that was Mitch Romney.
Yeah, that’s the sort of thing Biden’s people would have him do.
"We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country!"
This is the statement you pick as an example of divisiveness? Sheesh, if we can't root out this already-extremely-divisive fringe, how can we unite on anything?
That statement is a great example of misusing words with clear meanings to label dissenters and stir up the useful idiots.
I disagree. That is yet another honest evaluation of everything that is wrong with this nation. The very reason there is so much power in the presidency is the UN-Constitutional government built by 'democracy' of communist, marxist, fascist and radical left thugs fanboys.
Only if you redefine the meaning of words like Marxist, fascist and radical left to mean disagreement with Trump. If you go by what the words actually mean then he, as well as his followers who parrot and defend him, look like complete idiots to anyone who is remotely literate.
So you intentionally misuse the words while proclaiming it was Trump who misused them? Weird projection.
I have repeatedly heard our two greatest capitalists (Buffett and Soros) called "socialists" by you conservatives.
Your side doesn't know what those words mean.
Your side doesn’t know what those words mean.
They don't care. The words are just labels to stir up hatred. Nothing more.
Dude. The left had an entirely (openly admitting) army of social justice warriors. Heck most left politicians openly admit to being socialists. Who the F are you two trying to kid?
Social justice has its own meaning. And it isn’t socialism. I expect children to throw around words without knowing what they mean. You’re not a child, so you have no excuse.
Social justice is institutionalized injustice meant to make people more equal. Socialism is an economic system where the means of production are owned by the state. Social programs are wealth distribution systems paid for by taxing a market economy. They’ve got nothing to do with each other other than containing the word “social.”
Yes. The left pushes fascist policies which were created to save socialism. You have been given these definitions countless times with primary sources.
The very shit CRT and dme led regulations push is fascism. But you continue to deny this.
The big lie you and shrike attempt to make here is pushing the narrative that the motivation for fascism and socialism are not based on the same based theories of equality and equal outcomes. Because youre both leftist morons.
..."but, but, but, but ... That's (D)ifferent!" /s
"Recognizing that different words have different meanings is leftist." /TJ
Conversations like this, where Trump defenders defend their willful ignorance, are why the empty heads on MSNBC say his followers are uneducated rubes. You're proving them to be correct. It's embarrassing.
And when the self-projection gets pegged then there’s always personal attacks (prejudices) and MSNBC.
But ‘unity’? Yeah; that’s what leftards really want?
Your entire team is a cliche of contradiction.
Course that is the general mentality of the 'armed-theft' criminal.
100M excuses why those 'icky' people's bank had to get robbed.
Sarc the only willful ignorance here is yours as you openly defend you left and their seeking control.
I posted the link the last time you proved your ignorance.
Youre projecting in defense of an authoritarian left.
The only projection I see is your insistence that I'm on a team. You attack the other team because you're defending your team, and you project that onto me. If you weren't so willfully ignorant you'd see I don't defend either side. But since you equate attacks with defense, then you're convinced I'm on the other team.
More willful ignorance on your part. Personally I think ignorance is something to be cured, not something to be proud of.
You willfully ignore comments like this one in order to continue to believe I'm defending the left.
That comment contradicts your prejudices, so you will wipe it from your memory if you read it at all.
Sarcasmic's non-team stance.
Reason article against Biden, "BOAF SIDEZ"
Reason article against Trump, "He's the devil and so are his followers"
You're only fooling yourself.
Reason article against Biden, “BOAF SIDEZ”
No, actually it’s “Look, this article doesn’t exist! How do I know? The Reason haters aren’t here hating!”
Then in the very next article they’ll claim Reason has never criticized Biden. And they know this to be true because they refuse to read articles when Reason does.
Reason article against Trump, “He’s the devil and so are his followers”
In many cases this is when I actually do say “Boaf sidez.” Not as a defense of the left, but as an (failed) attempt to shame the right for behaving like the people they hate.
Lol. Sarc admits he thread shits in any article critical of the left, claims he doesn't thread shit. Amazing.
You will never criticize the left in isolation sarc. You invoke Trump first in so many threads. You call the lefts bad actions as good intentioned.
Youre a fucking leftist.
Even in this thread you do it. Not one criticism or agreement of the lefts policies being authoritarian. Instead you demand nobody pushes back. Lol.
The irony of sarc claiming this given the link above.
His ignorance is legion.
He really shits up the comments, doesn’t he?
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a TDS-addled lying pile of lefty shit.
Both use political power to push regulations that personally benefit them. They buy political offices and candidates to do so.
Sorry you dont understand the terms. Fundamentally it is using state power to alter markets which both do.
I'll even give you one example for each .
Buffet owning rail transport for oil while paying politicians and activist groups to stop pipelines. Highly profitable for Buffet.
Soros paying green groups and dems to stop drilling on federal lands while buying up private land for energy extraction. Highly profitable for him.
Soros especially has also backed corporate censorship groups and critical racist theories. Literally buying local prosecution races to push his view of criminal law without changing laws.
These are all fascist behaviors as defined by actual fascism.
You're an ignorant liar.
Buffett's two largest energy positions are OXY and Kinder Morgan which both depend on pipelines. His rail position derives very little profit from slogging oil on railcars.
Soros likewise was a big energy investor.
I know how you wingnuts build lies to defame anyone who steps out of your little fascist circle.
Lol. The liar here is you shrike. You’ve been given the links dozens of times at this point. Like most leftists you will lie and deny the actual facts. And with soros you even attempted to switch the argument. He invests in PRIVATE while pushing for reduction on STATE lands to BENEFIT himself you retarded fuck. Literally using the state for his benefit.
Soros even has pushed for US in Ukraine and is involved in the minimum wage pushes in dem run states.
Your devotion to him is based on ignorance dumdum.
Buffett’s two largest energy positions are OXY and Kinder Morgan which both depend on pipelines.
If you own pipelines, you don’t want someone else to build more.
turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
No faggot, Jesse is telling the truth. You’re not. This is typical of you. Even your own links often prove you to be a liar.
Go back to your kiddie porn. No one is buying your bullshit here.
“Your devotion to him is based on ignorance dumdum.”
I’ll disagree with you on this.
It’s not based on ignorance. He knows full well what he’s doing and saying. And he knows full well what we’re all saying.
You fucking moron. Soros bought pipeline companies EPD and Magellan - and drillers Marathon and WTX.
5 Energy Stocks Billionaire George Soros Bought
Look at shrike switch the Buffet argument to Soros in an attempt to deflect and lie. Lol.
Did you think nobody would notice?
turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit, an asshole and a pederast besides.
Jesse, we all know how stupid he is. He definitely isn’t fooling anyone.
"Capitalist" means someone who favors rule by capital (actually by the owners or controllers of capital). Capitalists can very easily be socialists.
Too many people, even here, use the Marxist term "capitalism" to mean "free enterprise", which it is not.
How can someone favor rule by owners of capital as well as state ownership of the means of production? Seems contradictory to me. Unless you define "socialism" to mean social programs paid for by taxing a free market. But if you ask countries with robust social programs if they're socialist (take the Nordic countries for example), they'll tell you to get bent.
Simple. If the state owns the means of production, then the owners of the means of production rule. Clarence Carson pointed out that countries like the USSR were as capitalist as capitalism can get.
Ownership of property doesn't equate to political power. Though political power can be used to take ownership of property. I think you've got it backwards.
But the Marxists THINK it does, which is why they coined "capitalism".
Are you intentionally ignoring fascism as being the control of industry through government regulations? That was the entire point behind Mussolinis fascism. The facade of capitalist markets. The only difference between socialism and fascism is the toolkit. Once again. You've been given the primary sources.
It has to be intentional at this point.
Difference is an 'owner' isn't granted rule by 'Guns' beyond his own ownership boundary and therefore doesn't have that criminal ability to destroy others Liberty and Justice.
Socialism is using 'Guns' to claim ownership of everyone and everything instead of using 'Guns' to ensure everyone's Liberty and Justice.
Exactly how many times does humanity have to keep repeating the same political mistake of 'armed' criminals will save everyone game?
No "capitalist" does not mean "rule by capital". That smacks of Occupy Wall Street propaganda.
Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production is privately owned.
Why do you think Marxists coined that term? If it meant a system where the means of production are privately owned, why not call it “free enterprise” — unless the state controlled what those owners could do with it?
"Capitalist" is Occupy Wall Street propaganda! How have free enterprisers allowed themselves to be duped by Marxists into using their language for so long?
I don't let Marxists (or conservatives) alter word meanings.
Who defends use of state powers to advantage capital markets lol. Literally just above.
turd certainly is dishonest, but he’s got a heaping helping of stupid to go with his dishonesty. Stupid, lying, despicable steaming pile of lefty shit and proud of it!
They didn't alter it, they invented it. "Capitalism" is their coinage.
Shrike isn’t a free enterpriser.
turd lies. That's not a surprise to anyone who reads his constant stream of bullshit.
But it's becoming obvious that as Misek is too stupid to understand the concepts of "evidence" or "relevance", the concept of "honesty" is simply beyond turd's ken.
They’re cronyists. Capitalism isn’t when your pals in government guarantee your profits and slap down potential competitors. But I am see where a child molesting retard, such as your yourself, would be confused by that.
Crony Socialism ... The oxymoron of "Crony Capitalism" is where the BS lies but Roberta makes a point. Free Enterprise kind of kicks their BS in the head since they haven't coined Crony Free-Enterprise yet though rightfully speaking it's exactly what they infer when they tout their oxymoronic crony capitalism.
Soros technically isn’t a socialist. He just funds and promotes virtually every neo-Marxist cause so that he can sew the chaos necessary to allow his Theory of Reflexivity to work. So he can “move history” towards his globalist “open society” utopia. And maybe make a few gabillion in the process. Totally different, I know.
His sons probably just a socialist, though.
What words were misused?
All the ones not used with the current Leftist redefinition and spin. They hate it when history, meaning or reality intrudes on their delusional fantasies.
From the FT link above regarding 'Civil War':
And in arguably the most nightmarish sequence, with imagery that evokes atrocities in Ukraine, a terrifyingly nonchalant soldier (Jesse Plemons) coolly selects people for summary execution if he doesn’t deem them “the right kind of American”.
You just gave Sevo wood.
There you are again, buddying up to the pedophile. Maybe the morbidly obese pedophile will be along soon and you can suck him off while Pluggo fucks you.
turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
LOL, the projection in that quote can be seen from Pluto, written by people who think they are on "the right side of history."
Speaking of useful idiots. Look who just decided to drop a turd on all my posts. Did I say useful? Whoops.
I'm sorry that people who point out your fallacies causes you so much pain.
But youre here for intelligent discourse. Just look at your posts!
Wait, what? Are you saying that the “vermin” comment wasn’t about illegal aliens?
Well, that just can’t be true! I really, really wanna make it about something it’s not! So I will.
But that’s not divisive at all. Haha.
Do you *really* think Trump is referring to literal communists, literal Marxist, literal fascists, and literal "radical left thugs"? Or do you think Trump is instead referring to mainstream Americans who disagree with him?
What are you going to do with yourself when he wins ?
Defend using political offices to arrest him even harder.
If he sets himself on fire it will smell worse than a burning pile of tires. And probably burn longer.
His supporters are taking him literally.
Sarc demonstrates his ability to read minds.
Obviously; He knows the difference otherwise he'd be calling Thomas Massie, and the entire SCOTUS communists, Marxists and literal fascists who have many times gone against him.
Course *really* thinking in *reality* isn't a strong character strength of the left. Seems their strong character traits are self-projection, imagination and desire to take what they don't want to earn.
Fine, so how many literal "communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs" do you think there are in this country? MAYBE 5% if we are being generous? Why would Trump go on a tirade about such a small group of people who have no power in this country?
Fine, so how many literal “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs” do you think there are in this country?
What's the total number of employees on college campuses, national security agencies, the State Department, local governments and school boards in places like Loudon or Multnomah County, etc.?
There we go, proving my point - not literal communists etc., just people who disagree with Trump.
Why yes. "literal communists" disagree with Trump because Trump isn't a "literal communist". OMG! I mean like it just might make sense after all. /s
A large part of The Resistance under Trump were avowed communists working at the federal level to stymie Trump. They were open and vocal, but Jeff denies their existence. Professors. blm, and others are avowed Marxists. He denies they are. Antifa uses marxist strategy and propaganda. Again Jeff denies it.
Well said. Denialism should be added to the character strengths of leftards.
"Denialism, self-projection, imagination and desire to take what they don’t want to earn"
avowed communists working at the federal level
Zombie McCarthy called, he wants his narrative back.
There was no "large part" of federal employees who were "avowed communists". That is absurd. Again you want to conflate "people who disagree with Trump" with "communists and Marxists". Every time you all open your pieholes you make my point for me: when Trump rails against "communists and Marxists", he is not referring to literal "communists and Marxists", he is referring only to people who disagree with him. THAT is who he is calling "vermin".
Professors. blm, and others are avowed Marxists.
Some of them are, sure. That might be where most of the 5% are.
The admitted Marxists/activist professors in the 2006 Harvard/Stanford survey were in the low double digits percentiles if I remember correctly. At least in certain fields like social sciences.
That’s the ones admitting it. Many probably just eschewed the moniker because they’re not “vulgar marxists”. Or in doing their part to subvert the institution. Or they don’t consider themselves Marxist even though they ascribe to nearly every belief and assumption and will cater to it endlessly.
And that’s before the Wokepacolypse. You could probably double most of those figures at this point. And spread it to law and STEM and medical colleges.
I thought they were supposed to be "avowed"?
There we go, proving my point – not literal communists etc., just people who disagree with Trump.
::Deflects from the last 50-plus years and their results::
"MAYBE 5%"
DNC Platform.
"The bill has come due on the Trump Administration’s hollowing out of our public institutions"
"Democrats will forge a new social and economic contract with the American people" ... "promotes shared prosperity" .. "One that affirms housing is a right and not a privilege"
"We must guarantee health care not as a privilege for some, but as a right for every single American."
"And we will end the war on government" ... "denigrated public service" ... "left the American people on their own"
"Democrats believe in universal early childhood education"
"Make no mistake: President Trump’s abject ?failure? to respond ****forcefully*****" ... "his failure to lead"
"Trump Administration is arguing in court to invalidate the Affordable Care Act"
"He has" ... "failed to enact adequate support for public school systems, colleges, universities, and state and local governments to maintain public services and jobs"
"We must also expand funding so state and local public health departments can hire"
"Democrats believe the federal government should pick up 100
percent of the tab" ... "expand subsidies"
"Americans will be automatically enrolled in the public option at zero cost"
"Democrats believe [we] must follow the informed advice of scientists and public health experts"
"Democrats will act swiftly to set up a comprehensive, national public health surveillance program"
"Democrats believe we must reverse decades of underinvestment in America’s public health infrastructure"
... This line of communism and [WE] authoritarianism is endless ...
And I'm only on page 10.
76 Percent of Democrats Say They'd Vote for a Socialist for President, New Poll Shows
Just over three-quarters of Democratic voters said that they would vote to elect a socialist president, according to poll results from Gallup released Tuesday.
“Democrats believe in universal early childhood education”
So are you claiming that people who support "universal early childhood education" are literal communists and Marxists? This is a converse fallacy. Sure, literal communists and Marxists would support "universal early childhood education", but not everyone who supports "universal early childhood education" is a literal communist or Marxist.
...because of course ... "that's (D)ifferent!" /s
No, I'm pretty sure that Republicans who support "universal early childhood education" are probably not literal communists or Marxists either.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter which political party one identifies with; supporting communist agenda's with Gov-Gun forces is a communist.
...maybe what is causing the biggest contention and destroying this nation currently is all the (D)ifferenT-ces between what it is today and what it is suppose to be - a USA defined by a US Constitution that never granted the union government the power to establish 'universal toddler-indoctrination' camps.
How many Literal White Supremacists are we supposed to be worked up about?
Note how differently jeffey acts when the left engages in the same thing. They’ve been calling the right fascist and Nazis for decades, long enough that it is generally accepted as true on the left. When it comes up he parses the language to find some way to agree. But any similar characterization on the right is immediately and unequivocally condemned as disqualifying.
The result is even actions vastly more influential on the left are evaluated as more condemning to the right. This is the sort of double standards leftists have to use to protect their positions. A fair and balanced evaluation doesn’t support their worldview so every standard must be weakened or strengthened based on who is at fault.
And right on cue, you follow the Marshal script:
"Ignore what he wrote. Let me tell you what he REALLY thinks and why it's terrible."
Poor sarc.
If there were a name for this it would be The Jeffey Method:
chemjeff radical individualist 1 hour ago
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Mute User
avowed communists working at the federal level
Zombie McCarthy called, he wants his narrative back.
There was no “large part” of federal employees who were “avowed communists”. That is absurd. Again you want to conflate “people who disagree with Trump” with “communists and Marxists”. Every time you all open your pieholes you make my point for me: when Trump rails against “communists and Marxists”, he is not referring to literal “communists and Marxists”, he is referring only to people who disagree with him. THAT is who he is calling “vermin”.
But as we all understand, when jeffey asserts a standard it applies only to others, never to himself.
And there you do it again. Cries of "hypocrisy!" when you cannot argue the substance of the point. Perhaps you would like to tell us about all of the supposed "avowed communists" working in the federal government? No, you can't either.
This goes back to how to responded to sarcasmic above:
Note that you explicitly rejected the option of "taking the high ground". Because it's about winning at any cost, isn't it? If you can win by arguing the facts, you'll do that. But if you can "win" by calling people names and misdirecting away from topics that you don't want to discuss, you'll do that instead.
I have noticed this type of tactic a lot among you, ML, Jesse, and others. The point is not to have a conversation, the point is to "win". And to win, one must be on offense, not defense. And to be on offense, one must be the aggressor in the conversation - always advancing a claim (even if not true), never trying to defend one's own claim (because that would be defense); always attacking the opponent, never acknowledging a point that they make in good faith (because that would be 'playing nice' and playing nice doesn't lead to victory).
You're not ever going to acknowledge anything I say as being valid, even if it is, are you?
Note that you explicitly rejected the option of “taking the high ground”. Because it’s about winning at any cost, isn’t it?
Note how routinely jeffey puts words in others' mouths and remember that for the next time he rants about others doing it to him. He's simply incapable of applying any standard to himself or the left generally.
It's not about winning at any cost. The point is to reject artificial standards which prevent us from winning that even those who whine about them, like sarc and jeffey, don't really care about anyway. We know they don't care about them because they both violate these standards themselves and accept violations from the left. They only exist to criticize the right.
It's also very strange jeffey criticizes others for not wanting a conversation. It's an odd argument from someone whose only purpose here is attacking others, and who routinely and willfully misinterprets what others say in order to attack them. No conversation is possible with someone so lacking in intellectual integrity.
Note how Marshal ratifies my hypothesis about him even while pretending he is rejecting it. In this conversation, he lies about me and my motivation, and has completely given up on discussing the substance of the issue that HE raised in this discussion (the point about communists in the government). He thinks he can win by calling me names so he will do that. Always on offense, never trying to justify or prove his own claims.
The point is to reject artificial standards which prevent us from winning that even those who whine about them, like sarc and jeffey, don’t really care about anyway.
The point of having standards is not about whether other people care about them or agree with them. It is whether you think the standard is right or wrong FOR YOURSELF. For example, we have a standard against torture not because we think everyone else in the world is against torture (they're not), but because we think torture is morally wrong regardless of what others say.
So it does in fact appear that you will take an ends-justify-the-means approach to "winning".
Jeffey's been drunk too long since he has apparently convinced himself I brough communists into the conversation.
It is whether you think the standard is right or wrong FOR YOURSELF.
If this were true you would apply the standards to yourself that you apply to others. Yet we've seen that you literally never do this.
Jeffey’s been drunk too long since he has apparently convinced himself I brough communists into the conversation.
If this were true you would apply the standards to yourself that you apply to others. Yet we’ve seen that you literally never do this.
For a standard of personal behavior, it is not about what everyone else does or thinks is right, it is what YOU think is right. If YOU think it is wrong to call people names, then it is wrong FOR YOU regardless of whether I call people names or not. Yet you seem to be defining standards on a relative basis - it's only wrong for you if if you think it is also wrong for me. That is not a "standard".
This is pretty funny. The comment he's pointing to is me re-posting his comment where he tells us what Trump REALLY means after his whining that others do this to him.
So to sum up, he's pointing to his own comment as proof I brought communists into the conversation, not to mention that's abut the 50th comment in the thread.
In fairness though, he could be stoned.
For my sake, I will just say that I am not interested in "winning at any cost". I want to have a conversation and, mostly, I want to discover the truth. And the truth can only be discovered through facts, logic, reasoning and sound argumentation.
And the truth can only be discovered through facts, logic, reasoning and sound argumentation.
If this were true you would support applying consistent standards to all sides. Instead you deride any such expectation.
I do support applying consistent standards. But, like any flawed human being, I am not 100% perfect in this.
So, you could either accept this, or you could claim that I am lying and since I am not perfectly consistent, that means I have no standards at all.
So, which will it be?
In fact you're 0% in this. The key though is that you deride the need to apply consistent standards as "lame", showing you believe the principle is unimportant. Why are you now pretending you care after deriding the idea essentially forever? Do you feel like it's starting to hurt your credibility?
Plus of course you routinely make assertions that cannot be supported with consistent standards, but make no effort to revise them when this is pointed out.
This is different than being imperfect. The claim of imperfect is an effort to minimize your actions.
Jeff was doing this yesterday. It is clear to everyone who opposes unequal application of laws.
And hey, guess what Marshal. I don't approve of blanket condemnation of "the left" as “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs”, AND I don't approve of blanket condemnation of "the right" as a bunch of racist fascist Nazis, either.
But because you are following a script, you are now probably going to say "Oh, but you're just saying that NOW because you got called out on it! That's not what you REALLY believe! In reality, let me stuff words into chemjeff's mouth and tell you what he really believes...." But go ahead and find any instance of me in the past making a blanket condemnation of "the right" as a bunch of racist fascist Nazis. You can't because it doesn't exist.
I swear, I think some of you must be brainwashed by some right-wing source somewhere that has thoroughly convinced you of what is the "true essence" of everyone not on the right, so you feel totally free to ignore what they actually say and instead substitute your own caricature and impose it on them.
But because you are following a script, you are now probably going to say “Oh, but you’re just saying that NOW because you got called out on it! That’s not what you REALLY believe! In reality, let me stuff words into chemJeff
Isn’t it funny that he’s putting words in my mouth is the very same comment he’s whining about people doing that to him. Remember, standards are those things leftists apply to other people, never to themselves.
The hypocrisy is the point, it's part of the troll. I think he makes a point of doing it a least once in every thread.
Isn't it funny how you cannot address the substance of my point and just make a lame hypocrisy allegation?
That's because there was no substance to your post to address. I do like how you think proof of your own double standards is irrelevant though. Someone with intellectual integrity would care, but your calling it lame reinforces that you simply don't care. Anyone who wanted to demonstrate their conclusions were logically sound would care though.
Well, Marshal, since I wrote:
I don’t approve of blanket condemnation of “the left” as “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs”, AND I don’t approve of blanket condemnation of “the right” as a bunch of racist fascist Nazis, either.
you could have acknowledged this and say "hey, you're right, you don't support blanket condemnation of either side." But you don't, because again you have to go on offense to "win", and you don't "win" by recognizing that the "enemy" has a valid point. You win by crushing your enemy and destroying them mercilessly, never acknowledging anything good about them.
Why would I acknowledge that when it's not relevant to my assertion?
Note how differently jeffey acts when the left engages in the same thing. They’ve been calling the right fascist and Nazis for decades, long enough that it is generally accepted as true on the left. When it comes up he parses the language to find some way to agree. But any similar characterization on the right is immediately and unequivocally condemned as disqualifying.
So why do you change what I assert in order to deny it? We should come up with a catchy phrase for that.
But if you had anything good about you I'd surely acknowledge it.
You're hopeless.
"And hey, guess what Marshal. I don’t approve of blanket condemnation of “the left” as “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs”, AND I don’t approve of blanket condemnation of “the right” as a bunch of racist fascist Nazis, either.
Not only do you approve, hardly a day goes by without you posting a screed that does exactly that. Yesterday you were going on about how evil people are for pointing out that one of the Trump judges has a daughter that works for the Democratic Party.
That is not an accurate representation of what happened yesterday. This appears to be your MO: just make shit up, repeat it a lot, and by sheer repetition the lie becomes truth.
I did not make a blanket condemnation of "the right" as racist fascist Nazis.
And I now expect, not only will not even bother to attempt to offer any sort of proof for your claim, you will just move on to the next outrageous assertion - maybe I am a super-duper-Nazi or something? - and try to get that codified as truth via repetition.
“That is not an accurate representation of what happened yesterday. This appears to be your MO: just make shit up”
“So let’s review:
Nelson Mandela: spent time in jail for fighting against a racist and oppressive system of apartheid
Donald Trump: demands the right to insult the judge’s daughter
And I suppose this is the time where the usual suspects claim “LOOK AT JEFF HE’S DEFENDING THE GAG ORDER’. No, I am mocking Trump for comparing himself to someone who was actually genuinely oppressed.”
It’s like you forget everything doesn’t just disappear from the internet the very next day.
Everyone here doesn’t call you “Lying Jeffy” for nothing.
You democrats are mindless goons, controlled by masters who are the actual Marxists.
Sure you fat bitch, just like antifa is ‘just an idea’. Instead of a Marxist front group for the more radical democrats, or how BLM is just a civil rights organization, instead of a Marxist revolutionary group. You know, like their founders say it is.
Fuck off Pedo Jeffy. No one is buying your lies.
The only way to reduce the power of the presidency is for Congress to stop delegating it.
The only way that will happen is if the supreme Court decides that it's unconstitutional to do.
And finally the only way that will happen is if a president appointed justices that will decide that way.
As you can see, there is only 1 point of entry in this loop. So no, nothing will change.
You’ll need a lot more than just one president’s worth of justices, being that they’re appointed for life. Even then the politics of the president are no guarantee of the politics of the justice. Take RBG for instance, who was appointed by Reagan.
Immediate reaction "there's no possible way this is true" and of course it isn't. RBG was appointed to the Supreme Court by Bill Clinton. If you're talking about earlier, she was nominated for the Court of Appeals by Jimmy Carter. She came there straight from academia.
You are right in the abstract, but yeah, as Think it Through pointed out, RBG was appointed by Clinton. I bet you were thinking of Sandra Day O'Connor. She was still mostly conservative, but she did convince Kennedy to uphold Roe in the Planned Parenthood v Casey case in the early 90s.
The justice line up we have now:
1 from George H.W. Bush
2 from George W. Bush
2 from Obama
3 from Trump
1 from Biden
You are correct that it is highly unlikely for one president to get the chance to make a majority on his own. But flipping the Court from a majority of one side to the other is definitely possible. Especially given how it really should have been 3 from Obama and 2 from Trump had the normal fashion of dealing with nominees had been followed. That is because a Trump nominee was confirmed literally a week before a presidential election. Whereas the GOP Senate refused to even hold hearings on an Obama nominee when the opening occurred 9 months before a presidential election.
Of course, none of that would matter if the Supreme Court hadn't become an openly partisan branch of government. I think that you might be able to make a case that one or two of the Justices aren't so partisan that it shows, and instead they have views on law or the constitution that mostly line up with one side or the other. And Roberts will sometimes put the reputation of the Court ahead of partisan goals. (And he mostly fails at it.) The rest clearly don't do much, if anything, to suppress their partisan biases when acting on cases.
You know who else was a big fan of 'unity' when it came to race?
The only 'unity' that should exist is living and being a part of a *real* USA (defined by a US Constitution). In which the basic fabric lies Individualism as-in Individual Liberty and Justice for all.
Both teams have done more than their fair share of destroying that Unity (US Constitution) but one team in-particular doesn't even acknowledge it's existence but instead is founded on [WE] mob RULES ideology of 'democracy'.
I may just be a stupid RINO facsist, but isn't gender "confirmation" surgery suppressing and or changing one's gender expression to match their gender identity?
Why is that not conversion therapy?
Since declaring one's self trans automatically makes you that sex, wouldn't a gay person coming out as trans be a conversion?
Could suggestions to effeminate gay men or butch lesbians that they may be trans be illegal?
Could suggestions to effeminate gay men or butch lesbians that they may be trans be illegal?
You're using logic, but it's the white supremacist patriarchy logic. Otherwise, the obvious answer would be "If they're made by a cis-het white (Christian) male, yeah. Duh."
Libertarians shouldn't care about this trannie nontroversy since the default position should be for the federal government to butt out of it.
Like with CRT it has been used as a cudgel by culture warriors on both sides.
Yes, trannie dancing is on the list of "natural rights" from the Holy Goddess of us all.
turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a TDS-addled lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
"it has been used as a cudgel by culture warriors on both sides"
Remember that day the Republican party started banging on the drums of LGBT, Sexual-Entitlements, Race-Entitlements and Class-Entitlements?
Yeah; me neither.
F'En Self-Projectors.
I recall when the GOP sold its soul to the Bible Beaters in 1980 because they thought they would never win another election unless they divided the country along cultural lines.
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”
― Barry Goldwater
I thought they did that to court the anti-abortion voters, which would help to explain why the GOP is falling apart since RvW was struck down. Now those single-issue voters are looking around and finding that the Republicans are a bunch of dickholes. Then again so are the Democrats.
Yeah, but you can't get more culture warrior-ry than abortion.
Add gay marriage, contraception, school prayer, race-baiting, etc and you have the modern GOP Culture War Handbook.
FORCED gay-marriage certificates/cakes, FORCED Commie-schools with Tans-Shows, and FORCED race-entitlements IS NOT the GOP handbook you self-projecting bafoons.
Don't forget that turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
HOW can we improve our culture or cure our culture wars and culture warts if we don't improve our underlying CULTURE?
In order to improve our culture around here, I bring ye THIS:
Ass Sung by Spermy Daniels, AKA Dolly Hard-On
Joe Lean, Joe Mean, Joe Lean, Joe Mean,
I’m beggin’ you, please don’t take His Elections!
Joe Lean, Joe Mean, Joe Lean, Joe Mean,
Please don’t crush My Man’s Erections!
Your polls are woke beyond compare,
You’re the VERY best at sniffing hair!
Labor unions flock to your door,
Your pork barrels, they all adore!
You tell them what they want to hear,
Bidin’ yer time, to throw My Man out on His ear!
My Man still grabs my pussy,
Along with many another hussy!
Don’t steal my Man’s erection!
Else He’ll sink into much dejection!
I am still His Special Queen,
Specially glazed in Vaseline!
Joe Lean, Joe Mean, Joe Lean, Joe Mean,
I’m beggin’ you, please don’t take His Elections!
Joe Lean, Joe Mean, Joe Lean, Joe Mean,
Please don’t crush My Man’s Erections!
You could have most ANY hair to sniff,
Yet you keep My Man from getting stiff!
My Man, He needs to be pussy-grabbing,
Yet you call His Lies; prevent confabbing!
Joe Lean, Joe Mean, leave My Man alone!
I’m the only, lonely one who needs His Bone!
You don’t know twat He means to me,
He stands on me and takes a pee!
Upon my ancient flower,
He gives a Golden Shower!
To Him, should go ALL Power!
Upon Him, I bestow a blow-job,
To Joe-Bob, He’ll send a snow-job!
Joe Lean, Joe Mean, Joe Lean, Joe Mean,
I’m beggin’ you, please don’t take His Elections!
Joe Lean, Joe Mean, Joe Lean, Joe Mean,
Please don’t crush My Man’s Erections!
HELP me get the word out!!!
That's right; If you can't deflect the blame just own it.
"HOW can" the "[WE]" mob "improve [our] culture".
I know, I know ... A Gov-Gun toting [Na]tional So[zi]alist Empire? /s
There is a reason the USA was founded on a LIMITED government.
Same thing happened when asset-forfeiture Comstock and "Articles of Immoral Use" laws were enacted. The Panic of 1873 promptly ruined the economy. Suffragettes multiplied along with Tammany votes as fanatical prohibitionists exerted power and formed parties when ditched. The Supreme court rewrote 15A to exclude women from voting let Southern Dems get away with murdering black republicans (where was such a thing) to curry favor, but Tilden still won, albeit briefly. The post-Panic Depression lasted 6 years.
The same debacle unfolded with the passage of Draconian Dry-Goods and "Implements of Indecency" statutes. Immediately, the Crash of 1873 pulverized the market. Suffragists swelled in numbers alongside Tammany's ballooning ballots as zealous dry crusaders flexed their political muscle and forged factions from the ashes of their defeats. The Supreme Court, in a deft rewriting of 15A, dismissed women's suffrage, allowing Southern Dems to obliterate black republicans (as rare as hen's teeth) to court favor, yet Tilden triumphed, if only for a fleeting moment. The ensuing economic gloom stretched six long years.
Barry Goldwater [R]
I agree with that statement. Yet it IS NOT the [R] party legislating CRT, Green-Energy and Butt-poking religious standards.
turd certainly is dishonest, but he’s got a heaping helping of stupid to go with his dishonesty. Stupid, lying, despicable steaming pile of lefty shit and oh, so proud of it!
Yes shrike. Libertarians are neutral to laws like Scotland pushing 7 years for being mean or using taxpayer money to funde bullshit science. Lol.
The desire to cudgel oppressors, Mencken points out in his dissection of Nietzsche, is natural. Libertarian spoiler votes repealed laws coercing women and gays. To steal credit, Dems season schadenfreude by rubbing Comstock republican noses in their loss of power to harass former victims. Union soldiers watching southern elections during Reconstruction doubtless enjoyed watching ku-kluxers squirm in anguish as blacks cast ballots. Since both parties are essentially the same, the only issue of interest is what opposition noses should be rubbed in.
Mencken, in his vivisection of Kafka, underscores the inevitability of bureaucratic nightmares. Green Party spoiler votes unraveled threads in the tapestry of regulations suffocating small businesses. To hijack applause, Republicans sprinkle smugness by grinding socialist noses into their crumbling economic models. Revolutionary patriots observing royal decrees in colonial times certainly reveled in watching redcoats twitch in frustration as farmers disregarded tea taxes. Since all bureaucrats blend into a monotonous grey, the only real spectacle is deciding which administrative snouts to dunk in the public inkwell.
You’re really becoming quite proficient at Hankspeak.
I told ChatGTP to write me a paragraph as if it was an ancient hippie with dementia who can't remember anything after 1992, and then posted the results.
Why is that not conversion therapy?
It is. To believe that one's thoughts and feelings must conform with one's body type is the definition of sexism.
You may be a stupid RINO fascist (interesting new use of the term "RINO", btw), but you're pretty darned right about this. I think they call it "affirmation", just to make sure the principle can't work both ways. But, of course, logically it does.
Thanks for trying to have an adult conversation on this board. But it won't happen. The usual suspects are too invested in having the usual arguments about the usual things (themselves).
"If we don't win on November 5th, I think our country is going to cease to exist." Hitler of Orange according to Doonesbury.
It's odd how these mystical clones, Trump, Bolsonaro, Milei... utterly committed to paranoid initiation of force, present to the eyes of dupes as something other than fascist dictators.
"If we lose the race on November 5th, I fear the very fabric of our reality will unravel," whispers the Phantom of the Orange in a spectral murmur, as per Dilbert’s prophecy. It’s curious how these enigmatic duplicates—Trump, Bolsonaro, Milei—smeared with accusations of conspiratorial coercion by the war machine, appear to the gullible as autocratic overlords.
Trump Media is ‘a scam’ and people buying its stock are ‘dopes,’ Barry Diller says
I wanted to short this bloated worthless piece-of-shit but the interest rate from my broker was 400%.
Yet I would still be up quite a bit because it has quickly cratered. I hope this scam falls to $3/sh before Donnie can sell any of it.
You should definitely let your politics guide your investments.
Don't feed the troll.
Only a troll would point out that Donnie's sham company has zero revenue?
DJT is a scam just like Donnie is.
"‘dopes,’ Barry Diller says"
The same Barry Diller that spawned the Killer Dillers?
The same Barry Diller that donated hundreds of thousands to DNC PACs in 2020?
The same Barry Diller that was investigated for insider trading in 2022 and the investigation was dropped after he apparently donated millions again to Democratic Party PACs?
That Barry Diller?
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a TDS-addled lying pile of lefty shit and an asshole besides.
Remember that turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
..interest rate from my broker was 400%.
Perhaps you should straighten out your finances.
Why shorting Trump’s DJT stock could cost you a 500% fee
“There is very little stock available to borrow to support new short selling — less than 50,000 shares — and with demand to short this stock extremely high, we are seeing stock-borrow rates at 500% to 600% fee levels,” Dusaniwsky told MarketWatch on Tuesday.
DJT is such an obvious scam investors are lining up to take advantage of its shittiness. It's not often something is such an obvious piece-of-shit. But this is Fatass Donnie we are talking about.
Perversely, the large number of shorts will cause upside spikes on occasion.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and an asshole besides.
"take advantage of its shittiness. It’s not often something is such an obvious piece-of-shit. But this is Fatass Donnie"
At least your trolls made sense before Open Society canned you. You really are lost without the talking points, aren’t you?
He doesn’t have a broker.
Apart from the business itself (which is a true, Trump-style money loser), almost its entire value is derived from the fact that it's the only place Trump posts his unique ALL-CAPS rants. He's been let back onto Xitter, so if at any point he decides to re-engage on that platform the value of NASDAQ: DJT will fall to penny stock level. And it's not really an "if"; it's a "when".
"He'll have the Justice Department investigate pharmaceutical companies that make puberty blockers, and he'll push for a law "prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states."
Like the UK is in the process of doing as it is becoming increasingly apparent that child gender dysphoria "gender affirming" treament is ideologically driven quackery that does real harm. The that there does not seem to much taste by left libertarians to talk about such care being mandated in places such as California is telling.
"Strap in, because it's about to get worse. The increasingly influential "national conservatives" have nothing but scorn for those who want to limit government power and force the feds to mind their own business."
A largely irrelevant group of right wing bogeymen for the social left to pearl clutch over.
Who you gonna put first? Kids and young adults who are mentally ill and might do something truly harmful to themselves? Or leftist political ideologues who want to use those kids to advance their agenda?
"Over the past several decades, as our politics took on a quasi-religious fervor, we've been running a dangerous experiment: concentrating vast new powers in the executive branch, making "the most powerful office in the world" even more powerful."
More powerful on paper. In reality the presidency is weakening. The obsession with identity politics and culture wars, issues important to none but a few diehards, is the give away. If that's not convincing enough look at the government's confused and contradictory handling of the covid pandemic. Looking for guidance on homelessness and other domestic issues? Forget it. Foreign affairs are no different. Biden's Gaza policy is weakness personified. Reagan ended Israel's assault on Beirut in a matter of minutes during a phone call to their PM. Russia policy isn't much better.
He'll take OCR off the "book ban" beat—and instead sic them on teachers who cover critical race theory, transgender issues, or "other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content." They'll face "severe consequences" under federal civil rights law.
Why lie that teachers “cover” critical race theory? In fact they implement critical race theory, which does violate civil rights law since their implementations are racially discriminatory. Are so-called mainstream libertarians returning to opposing civil rights laws? I ask because it seems like just last year these same libertarians claimed the Mises Caucus taking that same position proved their extremism. But today they agree. How extraordinary.
In fact they implement critical race theory...
What is critical race theory, in your understanding, and how are teachers "implementing" it?
Understand what Critical Theory in general is, then the implementations of it with regard to race become obvious.
But, of course, the same revelations don't apply to sex, gender, and orientation criticism because those criticisms were legit while the race based ones are just socialist propaganda, right Vernon?
I always struggle to figure out what you're trying to say, but in the unlikely event that I understand your question, then, yes, a Critical Theory perspective can be applied to any human interaction. That's both the point of CT and why it's so ridiculous. Human relations are far more complex than just "power" differentials.
This scumbag backs murder as a preventative for, well, perhaps jaywalking:
February.6.2022 at 6:02 pm
“How many officers were there to stop Ashlee Babbitt and the dozens of people behind her from getting into the legislative chamber to do who knows what?…”
"What is critical race theory, in your understanding,"
Like the Nazi racial theories it is heir to, CRT is a hate-filled ideology focused on the relationships between race and ethnicity, social and political laws, and media. It's key concept is intersectionality - a pseudo-religious doctrine focused on how racial identities result in discrimination or privilege.
It springs from Critical Theory, a creation of Marcusian psychopaths that reduce the human condition to levels of power and dominion and nothing else.
"and how are teachers “implementing” it?"
Curricula, messaging, gaslighting, group pressure tactics, social shunning tactics, new social taboos, etc.
Of course you already knew all this Jeff, White Mike or T20 or whoever the fuck you are. You were hoping to discredit without actually having to present an argument.
While I'm reluctant to wander into discussions about the Middle East, but it's remarkable how easily college age westerners have adopted 30s style antisemitism. This is the generation that grew up with CRT so one could easily surmise that they see ethnic hatred as a moral imperative.
Skin color is the most important thing
Instilling a critical consciousness about hegemonic forms structural oppression. With a view towards politicizing individuals in class via their group identity. In the case of CRT, it’s about race. it’s BIPOC as the oppressed and whiteness as the oppressor. Be sure to check your intersectionality chart daily to see where you fit on the oppression scale.
An example of administrative CRT in schools would be Baltimore county schools problematizing my wife’s whiteness in an official dispatch. To remind her that she can’t ever fully understand black student’s standpoint epistemology and therefor they may need to be treated differently.
In class, it’s mostly about instilling a critical consciousness in the students. Use any discussion you can to reiterate the inequities and short comings of our current system. Maybe like teaching the 1619 project like it’s actual history and not neo-Marxist screed. Etc.
“Even if it was, is making those sorts of calls what we hire presidents to do?”
If you wanted sexual orientation and gender identity covered by Civil Rights legislation, then yes, that is what you wanted presidents be hired to do. If you did not realize what makig LGBT a civil rights issue would lead to, that is nobody's fault but yours.
If you wanted sexual orientation and gender identity covered by Civil Rights legislation, then yes, that is what you wanted presidents be hired to do.
I agree, actually, even though it could be that we fall on opposite sides of whether there should be that kind of civil rights protection for LGBT people.
The way I see it, though, is that some politicians, presidential candidates included, ramp up the anxiety of the electorate over those issues because making those issues seem highly important can motivate voters to a degree their other policies won't. In some cases, it could even motivate voters to their side when the candidate's other policies would drive those same voters away. In other words, it is a distraction from the fact that the candidate's policies wouldn't be that popular if more voters looked into them more closely.
There is no such thing as “LGBT people.” Ls, Gs, and Bs are distinctly different groups, and the Ts are something completely different from the other three.
^ This.
The idea that homosexual men have anything in common with asexuals (or even homosexual women) is ridiculous.
But I would go even further and say that there are no sexual identities at all. There are millions of men and women who have same-sex attractions to varying degrees and nothing else in common. Some are professionals, some are homeless addicts, some are virtuous, some are depraved. They are in every social strata, of any personality type, and of every ethnic group and belief system.
The people who "identify" as "queer" and "LGBTQ2S+" on the other hand, are a cult.
Not exactly to refute your last sentence, but I struggle with a definition of "autogynephile" that doesn't either invoke biology or inherently include biological women (or wallow with pride in endless, irresolvable, No True Scotsperson Fallacies).
But, again, I'm one of those weirdo hyper-religious cult types that thinks that sex evolved as a product of reproduction and not that some divine force just gave humans exceptional cognizance of their own sexual pleasure and reproduction just kinda happened on the side.
“But I would go even further and say that there are no sexual identities at all.”
There is no such thing as a homosexual or a heterosexual person. There are only homo- or heterosexual acts. Most people are a mixture of impulses if not practices.
– Gore Vidal
"on the other hand, are a cult."
It's not a cult or religion. Cults have a coercive leadership and manipulate their members. Scientology is an example. I'm reading John "Drumbo" French's account of his time with Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band. Now there's a cult. You've got physical and mental abuse of the much younger musicians by Van Vliet (aka Beefheart) mixed with occasional favorable treatment and setting the band against each other. LGBTQ is nothing like this. It seems you merely want to slander those who identify with the name. It's more of a political movement which got its start rioting against heavy handed police raids, now mostly pressuring governments to enact preferred legislation.
"The people who “identify” as “queer”
I see nothing wrong with it. It's appropriating a slander. Black people, among themselves use the word 'nigger' as a term of endearment, and expats in Hong Kong rather proudly call themselves 'gwei lo,' a Cantonese insult meaning foreign ghost. Perhaps you would identify with the local Hong Kongers. They are mystified by otherwise sane white people calling themselves gwei lo, and maybe even suspect they are cult members. I assure you they are not.
Yup. Vidal was spot on, it's behavior, not identity.
Or maybe it's just yet another [WE] identity mob of Gov-Gun packing gangsters out to expand their 'Gun'-gang THEFT and oppression over all those non-member 'icky' people.
Tends to happen when the political ideology running the nation is what-ever [WE] identity gang is the biggest WINS/RULES! (hut hum; 'our democracy' without a Supreme Law).
Maybe ensuring Individual Liberty and Justice for all is precisely about NOT picking [WE] identity gangs to join and arm with 'Gov-Guns' against 'icky' people.
Mothers Lament is correct; The political demonstration of LGBT is nothing but a marxist cult and nobody gave a F what they do in their own private lives even before the cult started.
"The political demonstration of LGBT is nothing but a marxist cult"
I don't believe you know much about Marxism, cults or LGBT. I gather you don't like them, but to conflate them into one identity is a foolish mistake and won't persuade anyone except for people who don't know any better.
That’s funny. You think I conflated them together? The ‘cult’ conflated them all into one-identity. It’s all part of building [WE] identity mobs of Gov-Gun power and having enough (i.e. ‘majority’) for their ‘democratic’ Power-Madness reign. It’s so bloody obvious what the left does.
Poking poop-holes is disgusting. That's my opinion though. I really couldn't care less what others do but I think it's complete BS they think the Gov-Guns should entitle them just because they like to poke poopy buttholes.
I don't believe you know much about sexuality, cults or communism. I know you have an emotional reaction against them, but little of substance.
MORE self-projection. Why it's as predictable as water is wet.
Do you think your "emotions" around poopy-butthole poking is a legitimate excuse to wield Gov-Gun-Force usage insisting that everyone's response to poopy-butthole poking be rays of sunshine and joy? Wouldn't that kind of enforced "group think" be exactly that of a 'cult' or 'communism'?
Maybe the substance should be Individual Liberty since unless a crime is committed there is no actual Justice to ensure on the subject short of the Justice required to ensure one's own Liberty against Gov-Gun-Forced thought police.
"There is no such thing as a homosexual or a heterosexual person. There are only homo- or heterosexual acts. Most people are a mixture of impulses if not practices.
– Gore Vidal"
That is absolutely false. Sexual orientation is proven to exist. It is easy to determine clinically. This is as close to "settled science" as mind science gets.
"Sexual orientation is proven to exist"
Sure, but it is not stable and fixed. 'Mixture of impulses' is what Vidal says.
He's wrong.
True. I’ve had a number of gay people express their ire at being lumped in with trannies.
Well, it's a group defined by what they are not, and that may bring a modest degree of cohesion, but not much more than that.
And the Q’s are right out. It’s literally anti-normative. It can’t stand with any of the others as soon as there’s cultural acceptance.
It’s literally anti-normative.
I don't think this sentence says what you think it says. I'm fairly certain you think it says something other than what it actually says specifically because of the LGBTQ* movement's anti-normative and rhetorically subversive actions.
*Or whatever label you choose for the social collective activist group (or, as Mother's Lament suggests, cult) claiming its victimization with the Lavendar Scare and its visible origins with the Stonewall Riots.
“Queer” via the 90s definition of the term and Queer theory, is specifically anti-normative. It’s what Queer actually means in that context. Gays and Lesbians finding social acceptance like they broadly have in the US, eventually clashes with any Queer agenda.
Much like trans undermines feminism. And effectively physically neuters a lot of gays and lesbians who take that route.
I thought it was germane to the conversation of LGB not exactly lining up with the other alphabet identity markers.
"eventually clashes with any Queer agenda. "
Some of the best anti gay marriage diatribes, and certainly the funniest, come from the queer people. As far as sexual preferences go, there is no difference between gay and queer. The differences are political and social.
Much like trans undermines feminism. And effectively physically neuters a lot of gays and lesbians who take that route.
I don't disagree that it's a destructive or destructively disruptive ideology. My assertion is that it's a difference of degree and not kind.
“Queer” via the 90s definition of the term and Queer theory, is specifically anti-normative.
"Gay" by the 90s activist definition of the term is specifically anti-normative.
More critically, the very idea that it's normative or anti-normative is a deification or animism that ascribes heterosexual reproduction as heteronormative rather than just an impartial fact.
Factually, the distinction between the T and the LGB is less clear and established than the distinction between the blacks or whites and their respective nationalism, Sunnis and Shias, Protestants and Catholics, etc., etc. To pretend that heterosexual history his normative and LGB is part of or aligned with the norms but T is against it is selective, and largely unsubstantiated (if not similarly unable to be substantiated) whimsy.
There is no such thing as “LGBT people.” Ls, Gs, and Bs are distinctly different groups, and the Ts are something completely different from the other three.
Very well. I used sloppy terminology. The LGBTQ+ community, then. While people that use one of those labels may be different from people that use a different one in ways that can be large or small, they do tend to work together* for their rights. That is because all people that fall under one or more of those banners have to fight against similar kinds of bigotry. Some may have gained more ground in their struggles for equal rights, but they all feel the moral disgust and disapproval of a large portion of the population.
*There is tension between some of the groups and within some over various things and to varying degrees. People are people whatever category they are placed in by others or that they place themselves. That means that there will always be disagreements. But, as I said, they do mostly have a common cause.
I agree, actually, even though it could be that we fall on opposite sides of whether there should be that kind of civil rights protection for LGBT people.
One of the underpinning notions behind civil rights legislation is that these are immutable aspects of the individual, such as genetic race or gender, and yet the trans letter of that group states that is that those characteristics are in fact mutable.
I'd love to hear from someone serious on how one's gender is mutable and yet your race is not.
Furthermore, if one's gender and race are in fact mutable is it really a bridge too far to assume one's sexual preference might also be mutable? In fact, it's a more reasonable assumption that sexual preference is mutable and race and gender are not. That would be a reasonable assumption.
It's not even a question if it's ok to discriminate against someone based on their preferred sexual activity. In fact, it's a matter of law that you must in some cases and are absolutely not allowed to in other cases. In short, it's batshittery from sex obsessed hedonists by and large.
I can be prohibited by law from hiring a sex offender that had sex with a 17 year old as an 18 year old, but be required to hire someone that cut their own dick off due to delusional behavior.
The science is clear that sexual orientation, at least in men, is inflexible and persistent and is fixed at an early age. Sexual behavior is not the same thing—humans can engage in sexual behaviors for reasons other than sexual attraction or "preference".
So did you make a choice to lie about people factually discovering they're homosexual or bisexual... or not... or is overt and compulsive lying just an innate facet of your personality?
Can anyone translate that for me?
Your ideas are every bit as specious, obviously tautological, oxymoronic, and personally/politically motivated as anything sarc, chemjeff, SPBP2 would assert.
One sentence of 30-something words is too difficult for you to disentangle but the entirety of human sexuality you’re pretty sure you’ve got irrefutably nailed down for all of humanity? Are you trying to make yourself look dishonest and/or retarded? Because a 13 yr. old would recognize your ideas as oversimplified and superficially retarded.
Still too many words that are too big?
More gibberish.
You're between lying and asserting a tautology or false dichotomy as fact. It's obvious you're doing it. Even people you think you're defending or advocating on behalf of would say you're wrong. In being so obviously tautological, oxymoronic or dishonest, you look stupid. Stupid to the point that you make the people you're nominally advocating on behalf of look stupid by proxy.
Even an 8 yr. old can see the "Innate character trait vs. expressed behavior" bullshit by substituting virtually any other more broadly understood and studied human behavior in its place:
"The science is clear that left or right handedness is inflexible, persistent, and fixed at an early age. Humans can engage in handed behavior for reasons other than 'preference'."
"The science is clear that addiction is inflexible, persistent, and fixed at an early age. Humans can engage in addictive behavior for reasons other than 'preference'."
"The science is clear that sports fandom is inflexible, persistent, and fixed at an early age. Humans can engage in fan behavior for reasons other than preference."
You're spouting idiotic nonsense and it's obvious. Still too opaque?
"the simple freedom of our citizens to offer prayer in our public schools and institutions,"
I may decide to read the rest of this article when I have more time, but I wanted to comment on this line from Reagan. I think that the reason this amendment proposal went nowhere is that it is completely unnecessary. People, students and adults both, already have a 1st Amendment right to offer prayer in public schools and institutions. What they don't have the right to do is impose their beliefs on anyone else. And schools and those that manage public buildings and spaces can certainly enforce rules of decorum so that everyone can fulfill their reason to be in that public space without disruption. Thus, a teacher or other school staff can tell a student that they can't pray out loud in the middle of them trying to give direction to the class, just like they couldn't sing the latest Beyonce song out loud at that time. But I think that case law is quite clear that any student can pray quietly at basically any time they want, groups of students can gather voluntarily to pray together outside of class basically any time they want, and they can form clubs like the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) that meet outside of regular school hours and pray. Teachers and staff can pray as well, but they can't pray to a captive audience of students, as that would be putting their authority as teacher behind that action, pressuring them to conform. (Personally, I don't think schools should allow adults to pray with or in front of students during most school events, as that tends to endorse a particular religion or set of religious beliefs, but the recent Kennedy decision basically says that it has to be almost overtly coercive to violate the Establishment Clause.)
To boil my point down more succinctly, this kind of "culture war" effort by Reagan was making a mountain out of a molehill. And that is usually the case with culture war issues. (Some racial issues as well. I believe that there are real, lingering racial inequalities in this country, but getting into "microaggressions" and the like is not winning anyone over in the middle that they want on their side.)
The problem is that it works for politicians to do this. Politicians can't divide the electorate any more than the electorate lets themselves be divided. And some people will want to be divided, as they derive too much of their self-worth from their identification with a group and see themselves (and their identity) as being threatened by other groups. So, they turn to government for protection from their perceived enemies and to punish those same enemies. Worse still is that the popular media* feeds this because it makes them money. And it makes them money because people get psychological rewards for getting fed more of what they are already feeling subconsciously.
An interesting hypothesis I once read (too long ago and too lazy to try and look it up again) is that people have become kind of starved for certain kinds of mental and emotional stimulation. And hearing 'bad news', being warned about things that they should be afraid of, and otherwise having their anxiety increased is filling that void. That obviously isn't healthy to be that anxious that often. Sustained high stress levels have many negative mental and physical health consequences.
I'm actually looking forward to Reason making comments subscription only. I have no intentions of giving them money, so not being able to comment and get into arguments here is probably going to be a boon to my mental and physical health.
*popular media is more than just the so-called "mainstream media" that the right calls out for left-wing bias. It includes social media platforms, talk radio and podcasts, and conservative versions of traditional news outlets like cable news and newspapers. Everyone of any political affiliation can find popular media that matches and reinforces their views.
Or maybe Commie-Indoctrination Camps by 'Gov-Guns' was the mistake.
As-if 'Guns' were a tool to teach kids with.
BTW, this asshole backs murder as a preventative for, well, perhaps jaywalking:
February.6.2022 at 6:02 pm
“How many officers were there to stop Ashlee Babbitt and the dozens of people behind her from getting into the legislative chamber to do who knows what?...”
JasonT20, thank you! I read your every word and agree with you!
More stridently put, I would say (I think) somewhat the same thing as follows:
Hey conservatives!!! How about a “Grand Compromise”? Y’all give up your “abortion boners”, in exchange for lib-tards giving up their “gun boners”?
This looks like a prime opportunity for me to explain a few things I’ve learned on this planet, while becoming a geezer. A few things, that is, about human nature, and excessive self-righteousness, tribalism, the “rush to judge” others, and the urge to punish.
“Team R” politician: “The debt is too large, and government is too powerful. If you elect ME, I will FIX that budget-balance problem SOON! But, first things first! THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE ARE GETTING ABORTIONS!!! We must make the liberals CRY for their sins! AFTER we fix that RIGHT AWAY, we’ll get you your budget balanced and low taxes!”
“Team D” politician: “The debt is too large, and I’ll get that fixed soon, I promise you, if you elect ME! First, the more important stuff, though: THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE ARE OWNING GUNS!!! We must PROTECT the American People from guns and gun-nuts!!! AFTER we fix that RIGHT AWAY, we’ll get our budgets balanced!”
And then we gripe and gripe as Government Almighty grows and grows, and our freedoms shrink and shrink. And somehow, the budget never DOES get balanced!
Now LISTEN UP for the summary: Parasites and politicians (but I repeat myself) PUSSY GRAB US ALL by grabbing us by… Guess what… by our excessive self-righteousness, tribalism, the “rush to judge” others, and the urge to PUNISH-PUNISH-PUNISH those “wrong” others! Let’s all STOP being such fools, and STOP allowing the politicians OF BOTH SIDES from constantly pussy-grabbing us all, right in our urge to… Pussy-grab the “enemies”, which is actually ALL OF US (and our freedoms and our independence, our ability to do what we want, without getting micro-managed by parasites)!!!
Shorter and sweeter: The pussy-grabbers are actually pussy-grabber-grabbers, grabbing us all in our pussy-grabbers. Let us all (as best as we can) AMPUTATE our OWN nearly-useless-anyways pussy-grabbers, and the pussy-grabber-grabbers will NOT be able to abuse us all NEARLY ass much ass these assholes are doing right now!
Or do you ENJOY seeing extra tax money of yours endlessly wasted ass BOTH SIDES pussy-grab each other in grandstanding maneuvers that actually do us no good whatsoever?
The likes of Der TrumpfenFarter-Fuhrer and Ron DeSatan spend OODLES of taxpayer dollars “making the libs cry” with UDDERLY stupid KulturKampf wars (“Drag Queen Shows” cum to mind), while said Libs spend OUR money getting their panties in a wad concerning should-be-free speech (“trigger warnings” etc. for the snowflakes) on campuses. And ONLY brilliant geniuses like me can actually see that we’re all, collectively, getting abused by letting the political pussy-grabber-grabbers, grab us by our pussy-grabbers!!! WTF will it take for us to WAKE THE FUCK UP?!?!?
"The modern presidency is a divider, not a uniter. It has become far too powerful to be anything else."
I hate to bring the bad news to Mr. Healy, but the presidency has been a divider for over two centuries now.
It's the nature of the beast when you have two political parties competing with each other.
But the nature of the beast shouldn't be so totalitarian and UN-Constitutional.
Didn't read beyond the sub-headline, eh? I'm sure Mr. Healy will give your comment every due consideration.
Worse still, recent presidents have deployed their enhanced powers to impose forced settlements on highly contested, morally charged issues on which Americans should be free to disagree.
Yeah, personally I think the 'worst' part is that Obama can executive order something into existence and then later Presidents are simply not allowed to reverse those executive orders.
This means only one party is allowed to create 'super executive orders' that can only be reversed by...who exactly? The judiciary? Congress? It's unclear if anyone can reverse those.
Which is really just saying that the President isn't the only office that has way more power than was ever intended. It's a serious problem, and one side is actively cheering it on since they would much rather have a King than a President.
Both sides are actively cheering it on.
And it's not a "king" they want - it's a benevolent dictatorship.
That's why MAGA is indistinguishable from Leftism. They both want the same thing. They only difference between them is their definition of "benevolent."
Making America Great Again is about restoring the USA (by it's definition) instead of sinking into a [Na]tional So[zi]alist nightmare.
Your BOAF SIDEZ isn't fooling anyone but complete morons.
Of course both parties can un-executive order each other. Didn't you read the article?
The one's discussed in the article are not the 'super executive orders' I'm talking about, obviously. I'm talking about DACA, which is an example of what I'm talking about.
The judiciary decided they liked DACA, so they discovered that they can just prohibit later Presidents from reversing it.
Hence the idea that not just the President is to blame for outsized power in government. The judiciary has taken a bit for themselves, too, although they try to mask it behind the power of some other branch or office as they see fit. It still amounts to capricious exercises of undelegated power.
The way that some around here describe the "culture war", you would think that before the 'hostilities' commenced, that it was a level, neutral battlefield. Then all of a sudden, BAM here come the lefties trying to tilt the culture insanely to the left! They are the aggressors! We conservatives have to fight back to prevent the culture from being dragged in an insanely left-wing direction!
But the reality is, if you go back to, say, the 1950s and early 1960s, when the "culture war" wasn't very salient, American culture was profoundly conservative. The cultural changes of the late 1960s and 1970s were in part a reaction to the often stiflingly conservative culture and trying to make it less so. And the backlash of the 1980s, the counter-backlash, etc., from then on has always been fought on the "conservative" side of the field. The question has always been, "should American culture be *very* conservative, or only *somewhat* conservative?" There isn't any movement of any meaningful size or influence that wants to create a truly liberal American culture.
Take abortion for example. There is no where in this country where anyone has a right to "abortion on demand up until the moment of birth". If there were, that would truly be a very liberal abortion policy. But not even liberal California goes that far. The abortion debate has always been between the conservative approach to heavily restrict abortion, and the moderate approach to still have abortion restrictions but leave many more decisions up to the individual and the doctor. There is no one in the debate representing the liberal point of view.
So I think the people on the right who claim "the left are the aggressors and we need to fight back" need to step back for a moment and realize how many of their own conservative preferences are already baked into the cake of American culture.
The cultural changes of the late 1960s and 1970s were in part a reaction to the often stiflingly conservative culture and trying to make it less so.
That was the propaganda, but it wasn’t the reality. It was mostly the pretense of comm-symp academics who were frustrated that the world wars didn’t start the global socialist revolution.
The question has always been, “should American culture be *very* conservative, or only *somewhat* conservative?” There isn’t any movement of any meaningful size or influence that wants to create a truly liberal American culture.
This is gaslighting on an epic scale, especially considering the domination of the ideology of cultural marxism in the nation’s entire educational complex, mass media and entertainment, the tech industry, and even corporate boardrooms. It’s why they get so hung up on right-wing alternatives, or why they started chimping out when Elon turned Twitter into a relatively neutral political ground rather than the left-wing information conduit it had been before he took over.
Take abortion for example. There is no where in this country where anyone has a right to “abortion on demand up until the moment of birth”.
Colorado, Alaska, New Mexico, Washington DC, Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon, and New York would like to have a word with you.
Illinois joins the chorus.
That was the propaganda, but it wasn’t the reality. It was mostly the pretense of comm-symp academics who were frustrated that the world wars didn’t start the global socialist revolution.
Oh sure there were actual radicals out there who wanted a socialist revolution. I am referring to what actually happened. The radicals didn't get their socialist revolution. The broad mainstream of the protestors did get their liberalization of American culture to an extent but it remained overall conservative.
This is gaslighting on an epic scale, especially considering the domination of the ideology of cultural marxism in the nation’s entire educational complex, mass media and entertainment, the tech industry, and even corporate boardrooms.
I'm starting to realize that the repeated invocation of "cultural Marxism" is another type of converse fallacy. To wit:
Marxists believed in the class struggle between the class of oppressors and the class of the oppressed.
Here is this other group of people who object to a class of people oppressing another class of people.
Since this kinda-sorta sounds like the Marxist class struggle, then that group of people must be Marxists!
However, this is a fallacy: a person who objects to oppression doesn't have to be a Marxist fighting the class struggle. Is it "cultural Marxism" to object to, say, laws criminalizing sodomy, on the grounds that these laws are oppressive particularly against LGBTQ folks?
Oh sure there were actual radicals out there who wanted a socialist revolution. I am referring to what actually happened. The radicals didn’t get their socialist revolution. The broad mainstream of the protestors did get their liberalization of American culture to an extent but it remained overall conservative.
Which is why the cultural marxists switched to taking over western culture rather than economics. In fact, they are quite explicit about it, particularly Marcuse.
Since this kinda-sorta sounds like the Marxist class struggle, then that group of people must be Marxists!
Chemtard wants people to believe that academics like Marcuse and the rest of the Frankfurt School, Gramsci, Freire, Noel Ignatiev, Gayle Rubin, etc. never existed, and that Cultural Marxism doesn't exist.
However, this is a fallacy: a person who objects to oppression doesn’t have to be a Marxist fighting the class struggle.
Once again, chemtard tries to argue that the last 50-plus years of academic scholarship that reflect the marxist ideology of oppressed/oppressor never existed. It's why he argues that critical race theory doesn't exist, either.
Which brings us back to Chemtard's original proposition that alt-right (i.e. most) Americans are dickering about somewhat or very conservative policy goals. Because anyone not eagerly embracing the noble Neo-Marixist vision must be a "conservative". So much for his libertarian pretense.
the last 50-plus years of academic scholarship that reflect the marxist ideology of oppressed/oppressor never existed.
Of course it exists. But isn't it also true that one can oppose the oppression of a downtrodden group by an oppressor group without being a Marxist advocating class struggle?
No. They're arguing from the same Oppressed/Oppressor dynamic, and their scholarship fully reflects the changes over time.
Just because they aren't doing this "No True Marxist" line you're trying here doesn't mean they don't ascribe to the same ideology.
Fine, have it your way. When Trump claims that the Jan. 6 prisoners are "hostages" and implying that they are being oppressed, then that makes Trump a Marxist. Right? Right?
Of course not, that would be silly.
My point is, there are millions and millions of people out there, not professors and not academics, who would justifiably be upset if they saw a downtrodden group being oppressed and think that was unfair, who have never heard of Marcuse and who have no idea what the Marxist class struggle is. Just having concern for an oppressed group doesn't make one a Marxist.
And I think the same goes for a lot of beliefs that are labeled 'cultural Marxism'. Sure, guys like Marcuse might have written about it or even advocated for some of it, but that is not the only way to reach those beliefs. Again it's a variation of the converse fallacy:
If one is a Marxist, then one advocates on behalf of the oppressed.
Trump advocates on behalf of the oppressed (Jan. 6 prisoners).
Therefore Trump is a Marxist.
Marxism is a analysis of the oppressed as an economic class - the workers as opposed to the owners. The J6 bunch don't seem to have a coherent economic agenda. They seem to be driven by a faith in nationalism, and the collective spirit of America. On trade, if they follow Trump, they also follow Bernie Sanders. On most other economic issues, debt, unions, etc they seem to side with employees or property owners.
How do you not get the difference between the government overstepping their bounds and what the very forthright Marxist are arguing about in regards to oppression?
If you buy into and perpetuate the neo-Marxist framing of “the oppression”, and you can’t differentiate between a neo-Marxist “solution” and genuine reform, then you’re doing neo-Marxism.
Colorado, Alaska, New Mexico, Washington DC, Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon, and New York would like to have a word with you.
Well I do stand corrected. It looks like CO, AK, NM, MI, DC, NJ and OR do not have limits on abortion based on gestational age. But IL and NY do. Nonetheless, these represent only a subset of even liberal states (and AK and MI are not even liberal states). On the other hand, all of the other states, including ALL of the conservative states, and most of the blue states too, restrict abortion in one manner or another based on gestational age.
All of this is misleading anyway. Left wing states include all kinds of exceptions including for mental health which effectively remove any limits at all. Jeffey tries to hide this inconvenient fact.
However loose the legal rules are around late term abortion, there would still have to be competent doctors willing to perform them. I don't imagine many doctors that take the time to become specialists in obstetrics are going to be willing to perform an abortion on a 7+ month pregnant woman, and killing the fetus, when delivering it safely is an option instead. Nor do I expect that there are actually going to be many women in that late of a stage that would try to insist on an abortion procedure that would kill the fetus when delivering it safely is an option instead.
That is the thing that makes me really wonder about abortion opponents that get so worked up over late term abortion. How many Kermit Gosnells do you think that there are in the medical profession? How many women would wait that long to decide whether to have an abortion? Frankly, the only reason I can think of that a woman might wait that long before seeking an elective abortion would be if the state was so restrictive and made abortion so hard to obtain that she wasn't able to get an abortion earlier.
And the abortion opponents in state legislatures were in such a hurry to implement their bans that they didn't consider how they would be hampering doctors caring for women that wanted to be pregnant, but now they have a severe complication that puts them at greatly heightened risk. Did they not think about that? Did they not care? Maybe saving fetuses was so important to them that women that might die because hospitals would be so worried about running afoul of the law that they would tell a woman to stay in the parking lot until it was enough of an emergency that they could be sure that anti-abortion state prosecutors wouldn't come after them.
And the empirical evidence remains: even in places with lax late-term abortion rules, there are still just very very few of them. The number of women who endure 8-9 months of pregnancy and then decide "you know what? I've changed my mind, get this thing out of me" is just vanishingly small.
It’s still murder.
"get this thing out of me” =/= an act of murder.
Your pre-conceived notions and biases fill that part up all on its own.
However loose the legal rules are around late term abortion, there would still have to be competent doctors willing to perform them.
Which doesn't change the fact that abortion on demand up to the moment the infant's feet exit the magic birth canal trip is allowed in some states.
Oh wait; You mean the dismissal of Roe v Wade wasn't actually about letting the State decide?
Color me shocked.... NOT.
It was an attempt to allow Gov-Guns to FORCE reproduction onto every woman who dare mate and have an accident occur. It is exactly the same premise as FORCED organ donation from vehicular accidents and a massive threat to Individuals ownership of themselves. It's a disgusting show of Gov-Gun Power-madness by the right carrying water for a leftarded created cause.
And as it is with all Power-Mad agenda's it's literally floating on complete BS imagination, hypocritical claims and an inability for one to mind their own F'En business.
Nonetheless, these represent only a subset of even liberal states (and AK and MI are not even liberal states).
Now you're trying to split hairs because the whole basis for your argument was shown to be incorrect. And the claim that Michigan isn't a liberal state given their voting record is absolutely laughable.
How about this framing instead:
I made a strong claim (no states have abortion on demand until birth, because American culture is not as liberal as many here think it is), which you showed to be false. Fine. So I modified my claim in the presence of this new information, which is that while there are a few states which do have rather permissive abortion rules, it is still only a minority of even left-wing states, and while that does mean American culture is not as conservative as I initially thought it was, it is still not super-duper liberal either.
I think that sounds like a much fairer framing, don't you?
But lets get to the real heart of it.
You thought you found something to trash talk the right about.
“Oh, Whoops. Turns out majority Republican Voters actually supported Roe v Wade”
Okay now revert to T A R R I F S and when that fails because the Left just wants those increased then um, um, um….. what about National Debt? Oh nope; The left stunk up that one too. Okay back to Abortion again.
The lefts mentality is so easily spotted and self-explanatory. It's all about [WE] identity mob RULES (i.e. 'Our Democracy') without any real care or concern about the actual principle/subject. So long as this [WE] identity mob gets to RULE and STEAL everything their hearts desire.
This is gaslighting on an epic scale
It's OK to say lying or even retardation-inducing.
If I were trying using rhetoric to convince old people who were living on tuna sandwiches to contribute their grandkid's inheritance to my Ponzi scheme I would be among the most despicable people on Earth, but if I do the same thing to get them to contribute to Marxist Ponzi schemes, I'm performing and unquestionably good public service, even if the lies, deception, and intentionally confusing rhetoric are the exact same.
So I think the people on the right who claim “the left are the aggressors and we need to fight back” need to step back for a moment and realize how many of their own conservative preferences are already baked into the cake of American culture.
If this were true, the left wouldn't be trying to deflect from issues that conservatives push back on as "dumb culture war issues," in order to prevent resistance to their control of those issues.
Womb-slaves should just GIVE UP on cuntrol of their own wombs, those pathetically silly cunts!!! Whiners, all of them!!!
Oklahoma now vying with Idaho for most fanatical!
Woman with Cancerous Pregnancy Was Told to Wait in Parking Lot Until She Was 'Crashing'
From there, we see that MOLAR PREGNANCIES ARE NEVER VIABLE!!! Yet fascist assholes like sore-in-the-cunt cuntsorevaturds want to endanger women in the Sacred Name of Unique Human DNA, which is present in a womb-slave!
From the listed source…
There are two types of molar pregnancy — complete molar pregnancy and partial molar pregnancy. In a complete molar pregnancy, the placental tissue swells and appears to form fluid-filled cysts. There is no fetus.
In a partial molar pregnancy, the placenta might have both regular and irregular tissue. There may be a fetus, but the fetus can’t survive. The fetus usually is miscarried early in the pregnancy.
From quoting Barry Goldwater [R], to having Abe Lincoln [R] in headquarters to crying about the demise of Roe v Wade [R] I'm wondering what part of [D] you're all suppose to be supporting?
How about the parts of the "D" party that (unlike Dear Leader Trump) still actually support democracy, and the multi-party system? When is Dear Leader Trump (or His Flunkies and Supporters, on His Behalf) going to trot out for us, a true example of a 1-party state that has EVER brought about long-term peace and prosperity?
So you support [D] because it's not [R]? Brilliant. Absolutely Brilliant. /s
And P.S. as I've told you again and again. The USA **IS NOT** a Democracy. It's a Constitutional Republic. When you figure out WHAT the USA is you won't be so afraid of a One-Party system. Never-mind there is enough contention between RINO'S and MAGA'S to sustain instant opposition.. Oh no; You won't be satisfied unless it's Hitler versus Jesus.
Or more bluntly put so you might comprehend (not called leftarded for no reason).
Your scare (one-party rule) is literally a by-product of your own UN-Constitutional political beliefs. A majority [WE] mob getting to RULE Supreme is *exactly* a ONE-Party RULES ideology. Which is VERY SCARY.
When you finally decide it's a US Constitution constructing three competitive branches of governing with LIMITS (a Constitutional Union of Republican States) then and only then you won't be scared of your own ideology.
So when's the last time that in the USA, a person was put in jail, fined, or killed for the "crime" of trying to run for, or support, a WRONG political party, in this "one-party" nation?
Definition of a "one-party state": ... For normal people speaking normal English!
Has the left ever NOT actively tried to lock-up Republicans?
- Obama's IRS scandal.
- Biden's White house censorship threats.
- The over extensive prosecution of people that weren't even at J6.
- The endless prosecution of Trump himself.
Pretty sure most non-ignorant non-bias Dnglish speaking people have noticed the law-fare game the left is playing.
Fuckwit, the US is a constitutional republic and a representative or indirect democracy. It is not a direct democracy.
The claim that the US is not a democracy confuses direct democracy with indirect democracy, and in my experience is a confusion that persists only amongst the more ignorant of American conservatives.
One may argue about how imperfect the US is as a democracy, but as long as people continue to vote for their representatives and presidents, it's still a representative democracy - by fucking definition.
I've seen plenty of Republicans refer to "our democracy" or otherwise refer to the United States as a "democracy." It is really rare for anyone to need to distinguish between "direct democracy" and a constitutional republic, democratic republic, "indirect democracy" or whatever other term you think more precisely labels the U.S. system of government. There are no whole nations governed as a "direct democracy". There are no examples of "direct democracy" in the U.S. other than, perhaps, really small towns that could have all eligible citizens meet in a single town hall to vote in person on individual issues.
People only get pedantic over how the word "democracy" is being used when they don't have anything intelligent to say in response to you.
Or maybe [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s] like to use 'democracy' propaganda to VOID the Supreme Law of the Land and the very definition of the USA and pretend their 'democracy' can literally revolutionize this nation into a Nazi-Empire.
Call me a liar. That is EXACTLY what the left and their 'our democracy' touting is doing.
Call me a liar.
If you insist.
You are a liar. Democracy, as normal people understand and use the term, means that government has the "consent of the governed," as expressed in the Declaration of Independence. It means that we have a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" as expressed by Abraham Lincoln. It means that "We the people," as stated in the Constitution, refers to all citizens. Democracy was hardly perfect when those words were spoken and written. Not all adult citizens could vote, for instance. But government was accountable to the people that were able to vote, and we now have much better suffrage in this country.
The most fundamental manner in which "consent of the governed" must be able to manifest, of course, is that the current officeholders have to leave office when they are voted out. Trump failed that test, and since so many of his loyal followers didn't want him to leave, despite having lost, they failed as well. Whatever fever dreams you have about Democrats turning the U.S. into a fascist state, that was the greatest failure of democracy in the U.S. that has occurred at least since the Civil War. If you cared as much about the Constitution as you say you do, you'd be at least as outraged by what Trump and MAGA did as any Democrat.
This is the slimy pile of shit who supports murder as a preventative against, well he really is too stupid to determine:
February.6.2022 at 6:02 pm
“How many officers were there to stop Ashlee Babbitt and the dozens of people behind her from getting into the legislative chamber to do who knows what?...”
You call me a liar while you go on to insist 'democracy' defines the nation EXCEPT that part ?what-part? of the supposed Supreme Law that doesn't exist that instructs Trumps Crucifixion because he questioned the most shady election results ever seen.
Then you proceed to explain you believe that because the founders claimed Independence from Britain and "We the people" wrote a stated purpose (Pre-Amble) for the US Constitution that 'democracy' can just fill in all the rest of that Supreme Law how-ever it wants.
Every excuse, manipulation and deceit it takes to conquer the USA for their [Na]tional So[zi]alist Empire. Right down to "WE" can re-write the entire definition because of 'our democracy'.
Nothing you stated did anything but re-enforce exactly what I said. insist ‘democracy’ defines the nation EXCEPT that part ?what-part? of the supposed Supreme Law that doesn’t exist that instructs Trumps Crucifixion because he questioned the most shady election results ever seen.
The part where the states decide their processes for allotting their Electoral Votes. The states certified the results of their elections, with Republican governors of Arizona and Georgia signing that the people of their states chose Joe Biden's electors, along with Democrat governors of other disputed states. Both resisted efforts by Trump to pressure them into refusing to do so. If Trump had significant evidence to present within each of the disputed states, he failed to persuade any state courts or state supreme courts to disallow any ballots. He failed to persuade any federal judges as well, including some he had appointed.
With all legal challenges expended, he wanted enough members of Congress to vote to reject the electoral votes of enough states to deny Joe Biden enough Electoral Votes to have 270 or more. That was never going to happen, as the new Congress on Jan. 6, 2021 had a Democratic Party majority for the House and only a dozen or so Senators had signaled willingness to object. His final hail mary was for his Vice President to unilaterally declare some Electoral Votes invalid. None of that is remotely what the Constitution requires Congress to do when it counts the Electoral Votes of the states.
With the "Green Bay Sweep" plan thwarted by Pence not going along with it, the hail mary falls flat, and Trump tries the only thing left. Instead of trying to calm the violence, he first tweets out about Mike Pence not having the "courage" to do what was right (for Trump). Meanwhile, Jan 6 rioters were chanting "Hang Mike Pence."
Trump wasn't just "questioning" the results. He was trying to disregard them without any legitimate plan on how to do so constitutionally. Whatever it takes to stop the enemy, right?
Then you proceed to explain you believe that because the founders claimed Independence from Britain and “We the people” wrote a stated purpose (Pre-Amble) for the US Constitution that ‘democracy’ can just fill in all the rest of that Supreme Law how-ever it wants.
I have no idea how you got this from what I wrote. I really only have a vague idea of what you mean.
Nothing you stated did anything but re-enforce exactly what I said.
In your mind, maybe. But it is pretty clear to me that you see only what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear.
"I really only have a vague idea of what you mean."
I know that *is* the problem.
The USA ***IS NOT*** a Democracy. You can't just re-define the nation (fill-in the Supreme Law) by popular representative vote in Congress which is exactly what you were trying to preach.
Until you self-projected with, "it is pretty clear to me that you see only what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear" and steered off into an episode of how you think the only (apparently) thing the Constitution says is Congress must count votes UN-questioned. Fraudulent or not. Which lets be honest; it's just your attempt to crucify Trump while you make up imaginative stories about how questioning election results is somehow civil war unprecedented stamping a big fat never-mind on a running history of questioning election integrity.
But by and large, that’s not the definition of “democracy” leftists are using. It’s way more akin to the Marxist definition. Just like “the people” only means them.
And most of their grand ambitions undermine representative democracy. Like, the bigger and more centralized a government gets, the less representation you actually have. And there’s a huge administrative and regulatory state that nobody actually votes for.
So according to this source, the "Marxist definition of democracy" seems akin to direct democracy. Okay, fine. But I am struggling to come up with an example of a left-wing figure in America today who seriously advocates for this type of democracy. I mean, sure, Democrats as a general rule want to make it easier for voters to vote, but I don't know of any who think that *all* questions should be subjected to a vote of *all* the people. This is seriously not a gotcha game or pretending ignorance, I seriously don't know of any serious person advocating for this.
Just like “the people” only means them.
Well, that is a conceit that every party has.
And most of their grand ambitions undermine representative democracy.
That is true. They tend to want less-accountable bureaucrats running more and more things (like CPFB).
But I am struggling to come up with an example of a left-wing figure in America today who seriously advocates for this type of democracy.
LOL, seriously? What the fuck do you think the Popular Vote Compact is all about, or the complaints by multiple leftists that the Senate is "undemocratic" because lower-populated red states get the same number of Senators as blue states?
It’s implied every time they use the term “democracy” to mean what The Party is actively engaged in. This is why everything anyone on the right does to stop them is a “threat to democracy”. Democrats are doing “democracy”. It doesn’t matter that your actual representation in government is being drastically reduced in a thousand different ways.
And the Marxist definition literally hinges on there can be no true democracy until everyone is socially equal. So essentially there will never be democracy. In effect, It’s the party that knows what’s good for “the people”.
I generally agree that everybody thinks they’re the people. But Marxists were very explicit about “the people”, though. The people are the party, and the people on the right side of the revolution. That’s why you’re an enemy of the people if you step out of line.
This is why workers can’t strike in a communist country. The state is a workers state. You’re being a counterrevolutionary if you strike.
Broadly speaking, the left aren’t concerned about legal equality. They’re actually pushing a very radical form of social equality. This is the context in which you should read “democracy” and “the people”when spouted by democrats.
LOL, seriously? What the fuck do you think the Popular Vote Compact is all about, or the complaints by multiple leftists that the Senate is “undemocratic” because lower-populated red states get the same number of Senators as blue states?
An attempt to make the government *more* democratic, but not the "Marxist" direct democracy.
"And the Marxist definition literally hinges on there can be no true democracy until everyone is socially equal. "
I heard an interview with the Greek economist/politician Yanis Varoufakis. He said that Palestinians will never be free as long as we in the West aren't free.
"I heard an interview with the Greek economist/politician Yanis Varoufakis. He said that Palestinians will never be free as long as we in the West aren’t free."
I read a post where you supported bullshit.
Fuck off and die, asshole.
Look at that. You were so busy touting your ‘democracy’ you entirely left out the ‘Constitutional’ part past your very first sentence.
^THAT^ is why the USA is NOT a ‘democracy’.
The definition (i.e. Constitutional) utilizes the tool of democracy in a very specific way but absolutely no where is the definition what-ever the majority [WE] mob wants; it gets. The [WE] mob doesn’t rule supreme in this nation thus the nation isn’t a ‘democracy’.
You continue to be a fuckwit. A constitutional republic is a country that is a republic per a constitution. That doesn’t say anything about representation.
Question: do US voters elect representatives for presidency and legislature? If the answer is “yes”, the US is an indirect democracy by definition. You continue to insist, in effect, that as the US is not a direct democracy, it's not a democracy. Ergo, you're a (monomaniacal) fuckwit.
A republic is about who is (supposedly) sovereign, not how representatives are determined.
You continue to be an obnoxiously arrogant piece of shit, regardless of your choice of ignoring me. As that obnoxiously arrogant piece of shit, do you think no one notices that you duck those who call you on your bullshit?
"A constitutional republic is a country that is a republic per a constitution. That doesn’t say anything about representation."
You are, really, a fuckwit.
Are you really trying to sell the idea that the Constitution ....
"doesn’t say anything about (how) representation (is LIMITED)" ?????
Why yes. That's exactly the line of BS the left is selling. That their 'democracy' can revolutionize the USA right out of it's own definition.
What I am really trying to say is that the Constitution establishes that the US is a representative democracy. Because it does.
"What I am really trying to say is that the Constitution establishes that the US is a representative democracy. Because it does."
You are, really, a fuckwit.
It establishes that the US Congress is and goes on to specify very particular details how that representation is.
There are two other branches you’re pretending don’t exist when you just up and say that’s what the Constitution said the US is.
It’s as dumb as calling a Car just a Tire. But actually it’s not just dumb – it’s BS propaganda being used to VOID the Supreme Law of the Land. “The Peoples” law over their government so Power-mad politicians won’t have any LIMITS on their Power over the people.
You might think this isn’t important but it is. Democracy doesn’t ensure a single human right. It definitely doesn’t ensure Individual Liberty. And since there are no assurances for human rights there cannot be any logical Justice applied.
It leaves nothing but "The [WE] mob RULES!" barbaric governing. As-if that's not exactly what is materializing in D.C.
Womb-Slave would be a great female-punk band name.
They are the aggressors! We conservatives have to fight back to prevent the culture from being dragged in an insanely left-wing direction!
But the reality is, if you go back to, say, the 1950s
If you go back to the 60s liberals said if affirmative action requires quotas I’ll eat this bill. Now they say anyone who doesn’t support open governmental and governmentally enforced racial discrimination is a racist. Seems a bit of a move left.
In the 50s our major institutions were largely liberal and included mainstream conservatives. With the end of the Vietnam War the far left lost their mass appeal and began their march through our institutions. Now liberals won’t speak against the far left lest they be branded heretics. There might as well not be any liberals in Academia, forget conservatives.
In the 50s our major institutions were largely liberal and included mainstream conservatives.
lol no - they were conservative, in the sense of being traditionalist and resistant to change.
If they were resistant to change why did they invite radicals to join them? As usual jeffey asserts the left wing mythology developed to support that political narrative rather than reality. Those institutions were conservative in the same way Democrats and liberals are derided as conservative today, i.e., by the far left in comparison to their own positions.
Jeffy is a liar. Always has been.
The key though is to note how jeffey simply ignores how far left the issues have moved. He has no effective answer for it, so he distracts by replying only to a tangential issue of a label, hoping others will ignore that his original assertion we haven't moved left is bunk.
In reality the country has been sprinting left ever since the left successfully took control of our institutions.
It's not clear that the US has moved so far left. Consider the GOP's 1956 platform:
The continued reduction in corporate taxation, the decline of unions, and the rise in income inequality point to an economy moving to the right, not to the left.
As far as social issues are concerned - some of them confuse right and left with authoritarian and libertarian (on occasion switched around). for example, the 1960s civil rights acts were not conservative inasmuch as they were a major change to the status quo, but they can also be considered as moving from authoritarian to libertarian inasmuch as the beneficiaries were given more freedom, while the losers lost almost no rights but did lose the ability to infringe on the rights of others.
It almost seems as if progressives are dialing up the culture war as a substitute for doing anything useful against the large corporations whom they pretend to hate but to whom in fact they cater.
How small can the straws be before shit bags like you grasp at them?
Yes, American culture has "moved left" since the 1950s. My point though is that overall we are still on the "right side" of the field. If it were a football field, then we've moved from, say, the 15 yard line to the 30 yard line. But we haven't passed mid field.
This is revealing. In the 50s we literally treated people like second class citizens. We've moved so far we now have race preferences the other direction, but we've barely picked up a single first down?
These people are delusional. We've made more progress than anyone alive at the time could possibly have imagined.
The 50 yard line is treating everyone equally and fairly. Apparently jeffey believes government enforced race preferences is only the 30 yard line. What exactly does he have in mind? But sure, he's just a "moderate libertarian".
He’s an idiot.
See, this comment right here is a perfect example of what I am talking about. In this entire discussion, when describing "American culture", I have been describing it in GENERAL terms. You bringing in a specific example of race relations does not negate the GENERAL trend. See, if you had asked "but chemjeff, what about the issue of race relations? Don't you think government-mandated racial preferences is beyond the 50 yard line?", I would have agreed with you, while still maintaining that OVERALL, we're still on the right side of the field. And then maybe we could have had a discussion about that. But no, you had to try to use my comment as a launching point to "pwn" me in an insulting and humiliating manner, not even trying to read my comments in good faith, but automatically assuming that I don't favor fair and equal treatment of everyone and darkly insinuating that I *actually* favor something much worse than government mandated racial preferences. This is you being a complete asshole and you know it. You did not even try to respond in a fair manner.
Yep. We've made a lot of progress on race, but women are still stuck barefoot in the kitchen. And gays are still terrified of being outed because they'll almost certainly be fired. And let's just pretend the Great Society thing never happened. Oh wait, you're already doing that.
Anyone who claims we've barely moved from the 80s is an idiot. Anyone who claims we've barely moved from the 50s is a fool.
Haters gotta hate, some people say.
That’s really not helping, but neither would it put us on the glide path to national unity if Trump suddenly mellowed his tone.
[raises hand]
Were we supposed to be on a “glide path” to national unity? I mean, I’ve got all my notes about how Christian Nationalism is bad for pretty much all the reasons that make their Christian God an unreal imaginary boogeyman/sky fairy but, if that sort of unifying nationalism is bad, then most any sort of unifying nationalism *could* be bad, and people looking to maximize individualism and/or individual liberty wouldn’t generally cheer or advocate it, right? I mean, presuming millions of people aren’t dying over it, in which case it could be the lesser of two evils, but in this case, it pretty clearly doesn’t seem to be a both sides waging war on each other sort of thing as much as one side waging a rather literal war, with firebombs and everything, on the previous status quo of gliding towards national unity.
Is it even possible anymore for people who disagree with each other around here to have real conversations, and not "pwn the libs", "win at all costs" gotcha games? I feel like it's only possible for people to have conversations around here if they already agree with each other to a significant extent, and so therefore trust each other to an extent that they are on 'the same team'. But that is just preaching to the choir.
What would it take to have a productive conversation here?
How does that saying end that starts "if EVERYONE you meet is an asshole...?.
But I find it a cross between offensive and amusing that the very people only here to shit on everyone else like to pretend they are interested in productive conversations. Offensive, because "they seem to be implying we are stupid enough to fall for that". But funny, because "do they not realize we can still read their comments"?
What would it take for you and I to have a productive conversation?
You getting a brain would be a start.
Not going to happen. Steaming piles of lefty shit tend to remain steaming piles of lefty shit.
You'd have to be capable of one.