After a Century, the Federal Tea Board Is Finally Dead
Imported tea was required for decades to pass a literal taste test before it could be sold in the United States.

"I see no reason," the late Sen. Harry Reid (D–Nev.) once declared on the Senate floor, "why those in this country who enjoy drinking tea need someone else to tell them what tastes good."
Yet for nearly 100 years that is exactly what the government did, thanks to one of the strangest agencies ever to be a part of the federal bureaucracy.
In addition to the usual beverage regulations aimed at ensuring proper storage and safe handling, imported tea was required for decades to pass a literal taste test before it could be sold in the United States. The task fell to a group of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appointees, who would gather annually in a converted Navy warehouse in Brooklyn to smell, slosh, sip, and spit the various oolongs, greens, and Earl Greys that tea merchants sought to sell to Americans.
This was the federal Board of Tea Experts.
The board's members would taste dozens of teas over the course of several days. The process was more an art than a science. According to a 1989 Washington Post profile, there was no uniform method for tasting. Some board members worked in silence while others slurped their tea or gargled it loudly. Some preferred to taste the tea hot; others let it cool first. The warehouse where they gathered was outfitted with pictures of old-timey sailing ships, a kitchen sink, several kettles for boiling water, boxes upon boxes of tea, and large windows. The board's then-leader Robert H. Dick told the Post thatto properly inspect the tea, "I have to have a north light."
When Reid voiced his objection to the tea board in 1995, the agency had already survived two decades' worth of efforts to shut it down. Congress finally ended the board's oversight of tea imports a year later, but the federal Board of Tea Experts technically still existed for another 27 years. It was officially terminated on September 19, 2023.
The bizarre history and surprising longevity of the federal tea-tasting board is something of a mixed bag for anyone who wants to see more federal programs iced for good.
On one hand: The board was eventually shut down.
On the other: If it takes nearly 50 years to get rid of something as useless and insignificant as the Board of Tea Experts, what hope can there possibly be to do away with larger governmental entities backed by more powerful special interests? Hardly an election season goes by without some (usually Republican) presidential hopefuls promising to abolish this department or that agency—the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency are perennial favorites. Are those efforts doomed before they begin? Will those promises always be empty?
The weird tale of the Board of Tea Experts holds a variety of lessons for anyone interested in shrinking the size and scope of government. It's a warning about the stickiness of bad ideas, about an inertia that can limit even the smallest attempts at trimming the state.
"This is the reason people are upset about government," Reid said in that 1995 Senate floor speech. "What an absolute waste of taxpayers' money is it to have them spend $200,000 a year swishing tea around in their mouths."
A Tea Board Is Born
Anthropologists believe human beings were drinking tea before recorded history. In China, where tea was first cultivated, accounts of the drink's benefits for keeping healthy and staying awake date back at least as far as the Shang dynasty (founded around 1700 B.C.); physical evidence of tea consumption and the tea trade goes back well over 2,000 years.
The relationship between tea and the state is ancient too. According to one Chinese legend, the drink was invented when leaves were accidentally blown into a cup belonging to Emperor Shennong, who was fond of sipping boiled water. The resulting brew tasted good, and presumably gave the mythic ruler one of humanity's first caffeine highs.
Tea made its way to Europe (and then the Americas) in the 1600s. A 1657 listing from a London coffee shop offered tea for sale starting at 16 shillings per pound—roughly $190 per pound today. Governments all over the world tried to subsidize and monopolize the tea trade at various times, and many collected bountiful revenue from their citizens' and colonists' addictions.
In the New World, that quest for revenue helped spark a history-altering backlash. The uprising in Boston Harbor on the night of December 16, 1773, wasn't the first tax revolt in American history, and it wouldn't be the last. But it remains the most memorable, and a crucial part of the country's founding mythology. The lingering cultural memory of the Boston Tea Party might have even played an indirect role in the creation of the federal Board of Tea Experts more than a century later.
"Since the British drank a lot of tea, they would pick the best teas, and then a lot of times when they had something they didn't want, that was left over, or maybe even damaged or something, they would fill the order from the United States with some of that tea," Dick, whose tenure on the Board of Tea Experts lasted from 1947 until 1996, explained in a 1984 interview published as part of an internal history of the FDA.
Worried that British tea exporters were taking advantage of their less sophisticated American customers, Congress passed the Tea Importation Act of 1897. The act created a new federal commission charged with ensuring the quality of the nation's tea supplies. But from the start, the board's standards seem to have been quite open to interpretation. When the Tea Importation Act was first passed, it merely said "that the tea should be rejected if it was unfit," Dick explained in that interview. "Well, unfit meant different things to different people."
Over time, tasting standards for different types of tea were put into place. Imported tea had to match the federally approved flavor profiles to be legally sold, with the tasters responsible for setting the standards. After the FDA was created in 1906, the tea-tasting board was rolled into the new agency, which would eventually grow to regulate cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and, of course, food. But the Board of Tea Experts remained a unique element of the FDA's sprawling portfolio. "Tea is the only food or beverage for which the [FDA] samples every lot upon entry for comparison to a standard recommended by a federal board," noted a 1996 analysis from the House of Representatives.
As the Post detailed in its 1989 profile, the annual gathering of the tea-tasters was not meant to identify the best teas or set particularly high standards for what would be allowed into the country. Rather, "the task is to select the worst that are still drinkable" and then use those standards as the basis for what would be permitted to enter the country for the rest of the year. At the height of its vague yet absolute powers, the tea board employed testers based in Boston, New York, and San Francisco; their job was to translate the board's standards into practice. A separate but related entity, the Board of Tea Appeals, provided due process for anyone wronged by the tea-tasters' opinions.
Even with some standards in place, bureaucratic laziness sometimes prevailed. At one point, Dick recalls being told by a then-senior member of the board that "you don't need to look at all of those teas because you can look at the prices and you can tell which is the good tea and which is the bad tea." Too bad consumers couldn't be trusted to do the same.
If the board was protecting consumers, it doesn't seem to have been protecting them from much—the board rejected less than 1 percent of the teas submitted for approval each year. But Dick argued the mere threatof rejection was a protection.
"If you eliminate the Tea Act then you've got a case of where somebody is going to take chances," Dick said in 1984. "If they have a poor tea, they don't know whether it will be rejected or not, and they don't know whether it would be sampled or not, and they may be tempted to ship it. So, it would make a difference."
There is a long history of domestic industries using made-up or exaggerated concerns about consumer safety to seek political power, then using that power to limit competition or create cartels. It's tempting to project that narrative onto the history of the Board of Tea Experts.
But there's a problem with that theory, says Ryan Young, a senior economist at the pro-market Competitive Enterprise Institute. There was not much of a domestic tea production industry in the 1890s. Even today, the vast majority of tea consumed in the United States comes from abroad, primarily India and China.
There may have been legitimate reasons to worry about the quality of tea being imported into the U.S. at the time the board was created, says Young. But it was private industry, not government, that solved it.
"Back then, groceries were often sold out of crates and barrels, often with no way to know who the producer was or where the product came from," he says. "Brands are an extremely important self-regulation device in markets. They improve trust and accountability, whereas anonymous producers can get away with all sorts of shenanigans."
By the middle of the 20th century, private self-regulation had solved the problem that the Board of Tea Experts was supposed to fix.
But government programs don't just go away when they become obsolete.

The Long, Slow Death of the Tea Board
Can drinking tea help you live longer? Some studies suggest as much. Research published in Advances in Nutrition in 2020 found that regular consumption of tea is correlated with a lower risk of death from various cardiovascular issues, including strokes. The study's authors attributed tea drinkers' longer life spans to "flavonoids"—a pigment found in many tea leaves that is thought to be a powerful antioxidant.
I know of no peer-reviewed study suggesting government bureaucracies tasked with tea tasting have longer than average life spans. But the available evidence suggests that, indeed, they are quite difficult to kill.
"These tea-tasting people are just like lizards," Sen. Reid declared in 1995, comparing the board to critters he said he'd catch as a kid, ones whose tails would grow back even after they were yanked off. "You grab them and jerk something off and they are right back."
By then, the Board of Tea Experts had survived more than a quarter-century with a target on its back.
The first attempt to eliminate the tea board occurred in 1970, when the Nixon administration tried to redirect the board's budget of $125,000 (almost $1 million today) to other parts of the FDA. Nixon was looking for an easy public relations coup, according to a contemporary New York Times report. Killing off the tea-tasting board would be a symbol of the federal government's commitment to belt tightening, or so he thought.
The tea industry fought for the board's survival, arguing that the president had no power to drain the board's budget unless Congress first repealed the 1897 law that authorized it. With Congress apparently uninterested, Nixon quietly surrendered.
The attempt at least provided one lasting moment of hilarity. While digging through boxes of documents at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in 2021, Ashton Merck, a postdoctoral researcher at North Carolina State University, came across a letter ostensibly mailed from a dormitory at the University of California, Berkeley. The letter writer claimed to represent a group of individuals who were "appalled at [Nixon's] proposal to eliminate one of the few remaining bastions of tradition and culture in this country" and the planned liquidation of Dick's job as the only full-time employee of the board.
The name of this alleged group taking the time to bend the ear of the most powerful man in the world? "The Committee To Keep Dick Tasting."
In the ensuing years, the tea-tasting board routinely turned up on lists put together by groups like Taxpayers for Common Sense as a target for federal budgetary pruning. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan both made half-hearted attempts to kill the board, without success.
In the '90s, Congress finally organized a serious revolt against the board's existence. Reid, an unexpected advocate for shrinking government, took on the role of Sam Adams. In a 1993 speech supporting his bill to cut off funding for the tea-tasting board's expense reimbursements, including a $50 per diem for each member, Reid reached for the obvious metaphor. A "congressional tea party" was necessary, he said, to "dump the tea experts overboard."
The bill passed. But even after losing their per diems and expenses, the board simply poured another cup.
Two years later, Reid aimed to bag the board for good. Working across the aisle with Sen. Hank Brown (R–Colo.), Reid pushed through a proposal to cut off all taxpayer funding for the board's staff. But that provision was struck from the final version of the bill during a conference committee meeting, following what The Washington Post termed "last-minute lobbying" from the industry.
"It's a sign of how difficult it is in Washington," Brown told The New York Times in September 1995. "Defeating some of this nonsense is going to be a long tough job. The tea board is quite resilient."
At that point, Reid boiled over. No longer content merely to pull the metaphorical tails off the tea bureaucrats, Reid and Rep. Scott Klug (R–Wis.) drafted bills to repeal the Tea Importation Act of 1897 and abolish the Board of Tea Experts for good. The bill passed both chambers of Congress unanimously and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on April 9, 1996.
The Board of Tea Experts had boiled its last kettle. Or so it appeared. Technically, the tea-tasting board outlived the man who played the biggest role in killing it. Reid died in late 2021, after a long Senate career that culminated in an eight-year stint as majority leader (during which time he battled a congressional Tea Party of a different kind).
Fifteen months after Reid passed away, the federal Board of Tea Experts was finally gone for good—after existing in a sort of limbo for more than two decades in which it had no members and no budget. Its obituary: a brief September 2023 notice in the Federal Register, which records the doings of the executive branch agencies, announcing that the FDA was removing "the Board of Tea Experts from the Agency's list of standing advisory committees" in accordance with the law passed by Congress in 1996—yes, 27 years prior.
Time To Kill
A lot of things happened in American politics during the two and a half decades that the Board of Tea Experts existed in a sort of bureaucratic limbo. One of the more amusing moments took place on a debate stage in Michigan on November 9, 2011, where Gov. Rick Perry of Texas had a political moment for ages.
"And I will tell you, it's three agencies of government when I get there that are gone: Commerce, Education, and the, uh, what's the third one there? Let's see," the presidential hopeful said, awkwardly trying to recall what he wanted to tell you.
This was near the peak of the GOP's Tea Party era—a small-government populist movement that recalled that other, more famous story about the intersection of tea and American politics—and the candidates vying for a chance to challenge President Barack Obama were competing to see who could make the most aggressive promise to slash government.
"You can't name the third one?" asked moderator John Harwood, incredulously. The crowd laughed. Other candidates shouted suggestions. But it was hopeless. "The third one. I can't. Sorry," Perry concluded, before meekly adding, "Oops."
Perry's campaign limped along a little while after the remark, but for all intents and purposes, that was the moment it ended. It was a moment that mattered not only because of the comedy of a polished politician coming unglued on national television, but because it highlighted the humongous gap between Perry's campaign-trail blather and the reality of governing. How could anyone believe he had a workable plan to close entire federal departments when he couldn't even remember his own talking points?
A few years later, then-President Donald Trump appointed Perry to run the Department of Energy—the same department Perry couldn't remember he wanted to abolish.
With the annual federal budget deficit now nearing $2 trillion and the national debt reaching unsustainable levels, it's important for politicians to have big goals for cutting government. But ambition means nothing if not backed up with a practical plan of action. That's the difference between Nixon's failed attempt at killing the Board of Tea Experts as a public relations maneuver and Reid's serious, yearslong effort that finally buried it.
Trying to tear down old programs that no longer make sense—if they ever did—also cuts against the natural tendency of most politicians.
"Every new president and committee chair wants to make a mark, and so they push to create new programs of their design," says Chris Edwards, a budget policy expert at the Cato Institute. "They don't bother trying to repeal the related old and outdated programs because that would use major political capital they would rather use creating new programs."
The Board of Tea Experts is not the only federal agency or program to be successfully closed or privatized. Edwards points to the Office of Technology Assessment, an internal congressional study committee that produced reports on a wide range of scientific and technological issues for about 20 years before being shuttered in 1995 for being duplicative and unnecessary.
But the vast majority of the traffic is moving in the opposite direction. According to Downsizing the Federal Government, a Cato-affiliated project that Edwards runs to track the sprawling size of the federal government, there were 2,418 grant or subsidy programs on the books this year, more than double the number that existed in 1990.
That's why the best time to plan to close regulatory bodies and other government agencies isn't when they become obviously unnecessary—it's when they are created.
At first, every government agency has some reason for existing, even if it's not a good one. Even the Board of Tea Experts, which was rooted in those late–19th century worries about Americans being served subpar tea. Once it's created, regulators and their rules warp markets and create constituencies that benefit from preventing change—including the regulators themselves.
In the mid-1980s, Dick was arguing for the tea board's continued relevance by pointing to potential consumer harms that were no longer realistic in a world with grocery stores and extensive private quality-control operations. Nearly 30 years after the Board of Tea Experts was effectively shuttered, there's no indication that Americans are drinking worse tea—because the board and its standards weren't accomplishing anything the market hadn't already sorted out decades ago. And, of course, the FDA still holds the power to regulate tea (as it regulates all food and drink in the United States), even in the absence of a special board tasked with sipping each imported batch.
Is there a way to ensure programs and agencies that have outlived their usefulness are actually shut down? Young of the Competitive Enterprise Institute points to Texas. The state's Sunset Advisory Commission, which periodically reviews government agencies and recommends to the state Legislature when one is no longer serving a purpose, claims to have played a role in abolishing 41 agencies, consolidating another 51, and saving taxpayers more than $1 billion.
With mandatory sunsets, Young says, "ineffective or unneeded agencies can still shut down, even if Congress can't muster up the courage for a vote."
Absent some kind of institutional reform, federal programs only seem to end up on the chopping block when they make an enemy of someone in a powerful position. Without Reid, the Board of Tea Experts might very well be holding its annual tasting session right now.
When any changes do happen on their own, they tend to be incredibly slow.
In October, the Prune Administrative Committee—a federal entity that oversees the "handling of dried prunes"—took the first step toward abolishing itself after an internal review found that the costs of the board's regulations "outweigh the benefits to industry members."
But it isn't going away for good just yet. No, the committee will continue to exist for at least another seven years, during which time it will issue no rules or regulations. If America survives that wild experiment with ungoverned dried plums, the committee and its parent, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, will decide whether to make the arrangement permanent.
"Inertia might be the strongest force in all of politics," says Young. "If it takes 50 years of reform efforts to close down a tea-tasting board, then larger reforms are doomed without some kind of institution-level change
More Wasteful Than the Tea Board?
The Board of Tea Experts was a uniquely silly and superfluous part of the federal bureaucracy. No other product has ever been subjected to literal taste testing by federal officials before it could be legally sold.
Sadly, it is not the only silly or superfluous part of the government. A comprehensive list of pointless and wasteful government programs would be too long to print, but here are six others begging to meet the same fate as the tea board.

Popcorn Board: Created by Congress to "develop new markets for popcorn and popcorn products." The board funds itself by charging fees to popcorn producers—fees that presumably are passed along to popcorn eaters. Maybe that's why it's so expensive at the movie theater? Similar user fee–funded boards include the National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board, the National Mango Board, the National Potato Promotion Board, and the National Watermelon Promotion Board.
Mushroom Council: They say no one wants to see how the sausage of government gets made, but what about the shit it's grown in? A part of the Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Mushroom Council is supposed to "maintain and expand existing mushroom markets and uses." Imported mushrooms are taxed 0.0055 cents per pound to pay for that critical work.

Denali Commission: Created in 1998 to fund infrastructure projects in Alaska, the Denali Commission was targeted for elimination by both Barack Obama and Donald Trump—but Congress keeps funding it anyway. Mike Marsh, the commission's inspector general, wrote in 2013 that the agency is "a congressional experiment that hasn't worked out in practice" and urged Congress to "put its money elsewhere." In FY 2023, the Denali Commission had a budget of $13.8 million.

Christmas Tree Promotion Board: A 12-member board (one for each day of Christmas?) created in 2011 to "expand the market and uses of fresh-cut Christmas trees" and funded with a new fee of 15 cents on all real Christmas trees sold in the country. Nothing says "Merry Christmas!" like a new tax on the people who are already using your product. Interestingly, this was not created by an act of Congress but by the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service, which Congress authorized in 1996 and gave the ability to create new boards and agencies like this one. Oh, administrative state, how lovely are thy line items.
Corporation for Travel Promotion: Established in 2010, this 11-member board within the Department of Commerce is charged with "providing useful information to those interested in traveling to the United States," as if there weren't already dozens of websites and tour books doing the same thing. It's now known as Brand USA. Foreigners seeking visas to enter the United States pay a $4 fee to fund the corporation, even though they likely don't need to be convinced to visit.

Rural Utilities Service: The Rural Electrification Administration was created as part of the New Deal in 1936 to expand the nation's power grids and phone lines to far-flung homes and communities. These days it's pretty difficult to find homes that lack electricity or phone service, but the administration is still around (though it was renamed in 1994). This tiny corner of the USDA—yep, it's not even part of the Energy Department—cost taxpayers $154 million this year.
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Based on the photo, it’s apparent that tea increases the risk of becoming bald.
Reminds me of the discussion about the auto board in Dave when the titular character asks (IIRC) why we're paying for ads to make people feel good about a car they've already bought.
"But ambition means nothing if not backed up with a practical plan of action. That's the difference between Nixon's failed attempt at killing the Board of Tea Experts as a public relations maneuver and Reid's serious, yearslong effort that finally buried it."
"Team D" FINALLY cut Government Almighty over-reach, where "Team R" had failed! If ONLY they had had TRUMP in power, this would have turned out MUCH better, much more quickly!
I didn't know that the FDA grew up out of "Tea Experts", so thanks, and Eric Boem!
Now I am SOOOO thankful, also, that the FDA has become more wise and benevolent over the years, and now, instead of nattering about the taste of teas, they no longer tease us with teas steeped in stupid... They PROTECT us medically ignorant savages from DANGEROUS deadly implements of Mass Medical Murder, such ass cheap plastic flutes!!!
To find precise details on what NOT to do, to avoid the flute police, please see … This has been a pubic service, courtesy of the Church of SQRLS!
Well, as long as the experts are telling us we don't need to listen to experts, we can rest assured and complacent.
As for all the other boards and programs that support specific commercial interests, remember, there is no capitalism like crony capitalism.
Sad day. Today I learned that bohem hasn't committed suicide. He should do it reluctantly and stratigicly.
Conservaturds making friends, gathering votes, and influencing people by... PEDDLING KOOL-AID AND SUICIDE!!! How's it workin' for ya, servant and serpent of the Evil One?
EvilBahnFuhrer, drinking EvilBahnFuhrer Kool-Aid in a spiraling vortex of darkness, cannot or will not see the Light… It’s a VERY sad song! Kinda like this…
He’s a real Kool-Aid Man,
Sitting in his Kool-Aid Land,
Playing with his Kool-Aid Gland,
His Hero is Jimmy Jones,
Loves death and the dying moans,
Then he likes to munch their bones!
He’s truly, completely a necrophiliac,
His brain, squirming toad-like, is REALY, really whack!
Has no thoughts that help the people,
He wants to turn them all to sheeple!
On the sheeple, his Master would feast,
Master? A disaster! Just the nastiest Beast!
Kool-Aid man, please listen,
You don’t know, what you’re missin’,
Kool-Aid man, better thoughts are at hand,
The Beast, to LEAVE, you must COMMAND!
A helpful book is to be found here: M. Scott Peck, Glimpses of the Devil
Hey EvilBahnFuhrer …
If EVERYONE who makes you look bad, by being smarter and better-looking than you, killed themselves, per your wishes, then there would be NO ONE left!
Who would feed you? Who’s tits would you suck at, to make a living? WHO would change your perpetually-smelly DIAPERS?!!?
You’d better come up with a better plan, Stan!
Fuck off, Shillsy.
Says the necrophiliac suicide-loving BITCH who LOVES the Sacred Fatilized Egg Smells SOOOOO much... That She will Perfectly encourage the barely-surviving, abused pregnant mother to bring said Sacred Smell to term... To then RECOMMEND SUICIDE for her teen-aged resulting daughter, if said daughter turns out to have the WRONG POLITICAL BELIEFS!!!
Fuck off, Shillsy.
Stop being a suicide-loving servant and serpent of the Evil One, Evil One Junior!
Fuck off, Shillsy.
Fuck off, Shillsy, and stick Tim's wand up your ass while you're at it.
The only question that matters is how the origin of the Board can be blamed on Democrats and its demise credited to Republicans.
"Butt twat about Hillary?" usually works pretty well for that sort of thing! (Use BLM or AntiFa instead of Hillary from time to time, to avoid repetition and boredom.)
So broken. Always seeking to deflect from any bad economic decisions by democrats. They have good intentions after all. Just here to spread ideas, definitely not to throw shit against the wall. Democrats are the actual good ones.
So glad you graced us with your presence sarc. You add so much to the discussion.
Hey Mental-Giant-in-Its-Own-Tiny-Mind!
From the article (Can you READ?):
“But ambition means nothing if not backed up with a practical plan of action. That’s the difference between Nixon’s failed attempt at killing the Board of Tea Experts as a public relations maneuver and Reid’s serious, yearslong effort that finally buried it.”
Nixon- "Team R"- Did ya KNOW that?
Reid- "Team D"- Did ya KNOW that?
Introduced in the Senate as S. 3725 by David B. Hill (D–NY)
Signed into law by President Grover Cleveland (D) on March 2, 1897
Did ya KNOW that?
Today's "Teams R & D" are DIFFERENT than the "Teams R & D" of a century and more ago! Did ya KNOW that?
(I don't think that you should be allowed out in public without a diaper, 'cause you used to wantonly poop uncontrollably when you were 1 year old.)
Lol. Retarded tribalist shill.
It amazes me how many morons by the "southern strategy" party switch crap. More delusional than the communists who claim communism has never been tried.
Dems have always been pro regulation, pro control, etc.
One Southern Democrat switched parties, and he was the one that had fathered black children. All the rest, including the ones who filibustered the Civil Rights Act, stayed Democrats until the day that they died.
There was no switch. The record of congress proves it.
chemjeff radical individualist
May.15.2022 at 8:09 pm
Ding ding ding, you are correct. (Democrat)
But reading that platform through modern eyes, you would think it was written by a Republican think-tank.
The fact of the matter is, in the 1850's, the Democratic Party was the right-wing party. They were socially conservative and fiscally conservative. It was the Republican Party that was the SJW crowd of the day, willing to go to war if necessary in order to eliminate a social and moral evil.
Oh wow, you're posting a fifty-center’s shilling as evidence?
Nothing in that platform has anything to do with today’s Republicans or their stances although the intersectional Democrats certainly fucking fit.
“that all efforts of the abolitionists, or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery, or to take incipient steps in relation thereto, are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences”
What Creamjeff (and you) are doing is somehow ascribing slavery to the modern Republicans and then saying same-same. The juvenile sophistry of which would be hilarious if you weren’t earnest. Instead it’s pathetic.
Fucking retard.
"What Creamjeff (and you) are doing is somehow ascribing slavery to the modern Republicans and then saying same-same."
This, after Chemjeff wrote... "It was the Republican Party that was the SJW crowd of the day, willing to go to war if necessary in order to eliminate a social and moral evil."
Mammary-Fuhrer, WHY do You Perfectly cunt-tinue to advocate torturing and killing all of the new-born baby Christians, and then DRINKING THEIR BLOOD in Satanic shituals? WHY, Mammary-Fuhrer, WHY??!?!?!
If you can't come up with an answer, fuck off. I don't need to read your sperging out.
So then I take it that You can SNOT cum up with an answer to, WHY do You Perfectly cunt-tinue to advocate torturing and killing all of the new-born baby Christians, and then DRINKING THEIR BLOOD in Shitanic shituals? WHY, Mammary-Fuhrer, WHY??!?!?! And WHY do You Perfectly cunt-tune to push for SUICIDE? Ye death-lusting necrophiliac!!!!
The retarded squirrel is too ignorant to even understand the left never gave up their racism. From LBJ talking about control over them, to forming ghettos, to still preaching segregation to this day.
When slavery didn't work, they switched to creating a government dependency. When that didn't work as well they switched to CRT.
The left has been racist the entirety of the democratic party.
Yeah, we know, Team R is Perfect, and Demon-Craps are PURE evil! SOOOO predictable, and SOOOO simplistically dishonest!
Yet today shit is “Team R” that wants to enslave us all, gagging us and tying us to chairs, then propping our eyelids open with tooth-picks, and FORCING us to watch campaign porn videos of Dear Leader Trump and Queen Spermy Daniels!!! "Don't let them steal His Erections AGAIN, Dearest True Maggats!!!"
In Ohio campaign rally, Trump says there will be a “bloodbath” if he loses November election
“And if Spermy Daniels doesn’t show up on time in the middle of the night, for my assorted short-notice goings-on and making of campaign porn videos… Handlers and flunkies take note… There will be a BLOODBATH!!!”
Go tell those nice young men in their clean white coats to take you away and get your meds.
The best way to understand Democrats and their position on minorities is to recognize they are and always have been the Tammany Party. They supported Jim Crow as an exchange for votes. That offer began losing its appeal as Americans began to oppose Jim Crow more, so Democrats sought out a new group they could buy with the same offer.
Democrats did not change philosophies at all, they just changed who they offer to discriminate on behalf of.
You may have heard of George Fitzhugh, one of the most prominent of the antebellum Democrat theorists. He was not just a slaver; he was an out and out socialist.
That's who you are defending.
Sayeth Wikipedia:
Sure, I have always ADORED George Fitzhugh!!! You BUSTED me!
ABC, WHY do You Perfectly cunt-tinue to advocate torturing and killing all of the new-born baby Christians, and then DRINKING THEIR BLOOD in Satanic shituals? WHY, ABC, WHY??!?!?!
So, Shillsy, why are you a fascist?
Of course they don’t. Ignorance is their strongest stat point. They dump all level upgrades into ignorance. At character creation they even decreased charisma to add to ignorance.
Shitanic shituals are the strongest strengths of the JesseBahnFarter-Fuhrers and their Loyal Dog-piles and DogShit piles!!! Pile ON, ovary-one!!! Bark, bark, bark, Woof-woof-woof!!! MAN the barricades; The Deep State and the Lizard People are trying to steal Dear Leader's Sacred Erections yet AGAIN!!!
Awe, poor sarc. Sad.
“The only question that matters is how the origin of the Board can be blamed on Democrats and its demise credited to Republicans.”
Poor little troll.
The Board of Tea Experts, as they were called, was created as part of the Tea Importation Act of 1897.
Introduced in the Senate as S. 3725 by David B. Hill (D–NY)
Signed into law by President Grover Cleveland (D) on March 2, 1897
It’s Sunday morning, Sarc, pour yourself an extra big glass, and party with Shillsy. The orderlies aren’t around and he’s got full computer access.
Perpetually wrong drunk ass is wrong?
Thank god for the mute.
He'll never respond. Facts scare the living daylights out of him.
More importantly it is saint Patrick's day so he has an excuse to be a fucked up drunk all day.
I wouldn't expect him to get over his hangover until sometime later tomorrow.
That’s only half. Slacker. Can’t defend Republicans?
You're the one who can't admit you were half wrong, and the important half.
Wrong? I didn’t assert anything. Just making fun of the usual suspects’ visceral need to praise Republicans and blame Democrats.
Sho nuff y’all dance like political marionettes.
You never seem to get it. I don't like Republicans, I hate Democrats. I mean I really, really hate the Democratic party. I don't think you really understand how much I loathe them.
You might be playing "boaf sides", but after the German NSDAP, the Democrats have been the second most evil political party in Western history. Mussolini's Partito Nazionale Fascista didn't fight a civil war to enslave Blacks and genocide native tribes. Francisco Franco's Falangists didn't resegregate the Civil Service, filibuster the civil rights act or intern the Japanese. Marshall Pétain didn't put the Cherokee on the Trail of Tears or create the paramilitary anti-black terror organization known as the Klu Klux Klan.
Hating children for the sins of their fathers and grandfathers. You’d be at home in North Korea.
ok, I admit it. You nailed this one. The Democrats did ALL of that and continue to be racists today.
Cancer deaths in the United States spiked in 2021 and 2022 among 15-44 year-olds "in large excess over trend," marking jumps of 5.6% and 7.9% respectively vs. a rise of 1.7% in 2020, according to a new preprint study from deep-dive research firm, Phinance Technologies.
Excess deaths remain high despite 8 boosters.
In other news today, deaths due to car accidents remain high, despite efforts to develop geothermal energy. Also, suicide rates remain high, despite efforts to improve quantum computers, AND sunspots are getting worse, despite more and more people using better dandruff shampoos!
Spontaneous tumor regression following COVID-19 vaccination
Pick twat ye BLEEVE, and go find shit to "support" yerself! Shit is twat ALL of the Already-Perfect People are already doing!
Chemotherapy regresses cancerous tumors too. You know how? By poisoning them. Chemotherapy is a round of poisoning just weak enough to kill cancer but not kill you. And you're comparing the mRNA injections to that.
Should we force everyone in the country to undergo chemotherapy on the off chance it might shrink an undiagnosed tumor?
Fucking idiot. Your lack of knowledge around basic health and biology always astounds me. You don't get shit even middle school students know.
Should we force everyone in the country to NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE VACCINATED 'cause "experts" Mammary-Necrophilia-Farter-Fuhrer and JesseEvilBahnFarter-Fuhrer trotted out some Magic Buzzwords?
Killing people is good ass long ass anti-vaxxers have their way in promoting anti-vaxism ass THE most fashionable of ALL Marks of Tribal Virtue!!!
Just LOOK at the interactive graph right at the top of this link!!!! COVID deaths among the unvaccinated VASTLY outnumbered, and still outnumber, the deaths among the vaccinated!!! WHY do You Perfectly Lust SOOOO Much for death and suffering, LYING servant and serpent of communicable diseases?!?!
PS, "food" is dangerous! People get sick and even die from food poisoning!!! Be SAFE!!! STOP eating!!!!
Yeah, your false dilemma fallacy doesn't change the fact that if something kills cancerous cells, it probably devastates healthy ones too.
Overdoses of highly concentrated plain table salt kills cancer cells... Are ye ready to try a TOTALLY SALT-FREE DIET and see twat happens, twat?
Does Perfect You have ANY room for nuance and complexity, in Your Already Perfect Mind?
Another false dilemma fallacy. Those meds aren't doing you any favors.
Also, your tracker turned out to be bullshit.
Covid-19: US tracker overestimated deaths among children
COVID death tolls: scientists acknowledge errors in WHO estimates
Tiny errors were made... So now we MUST allow Mammary-Fuhrer to PROHIBIT vaccines for all of us! Mammary-Farter-Fuhrer Knows Best!
(You will Perfectly find excuses to BLEEVE twatever You WANT to BLEEVE, Mammary-Farter-Fuhrer!)
Who said anything about “PROHIBIT vaccines for all of us”, you insane moron?
Esteemed Greasy-Pants, Marxist Mammary-Fuhrer reads my mind ALL of the time! So I'm returning the favor, and telling the readers twat She REALLY stinks, in the darkest bowels of Her So-Called "Perfect Mind"!
Spoken like a lunatic that once admitted he eats shit.
Citation please, Perfect Liar and Perfect Slave to the Evil One!
Do you ever have a comeback that doesn't dissolve into babbling gibberish?
"Tiny errors were made"
Two or three times over isn't a tiny error you dishonest retard.
You're more Perfectly Full of Shit than any sewage treatment plant!!! Twat next, Twit-Twat, the Earth is flat? PROOF, Mammary-Farter-Fuhrer, PROOF!!!!!
Joe Biden takes classified documents seriously, ask sarc. Which is why he spent the last year promoting everyone he blamed for his mishandling of classified documents. But he did return them after he was asked 40 years later and after he used them to promote a biography for 8M.
That's (D)ifferent.
You're missing so much context, so much nuance. All of these intersecting nexuses that only they can divine, and somehow those divinations always mean that they are allowed to do whatever they want and their enemies are allowed to do nothing.
Its like they stopped thinking for themselves based on the Sesame Street song about which one doesn't belong. They don't look to the law, they look to the differentiators in order to use a law solely against their enemies.
Federal judges, guess which political leaning, continue to redraw electoral maps with the primary basis being race.
Skin color is the most important thing
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment only applied to the immediate aftermath of the Civil War.
But the Insurrection Clause applies in perpetuity as an example of States' Rights.
No wonder all my tea tastes like shit all the sudden!
Sure, trying to save grocery money, but reusing toilet paper for bagging tea ain't gonna make it.
Axis of Evil (Russia, Saudis, Trump) conspire to inflate gasoline prices ahead of election:
Opec+ members extend production cuts in bid to boost oil price
The largest US refinery in Port Arthur TX will shut down "for maintenance" this fall. Trump facilitated the sale of the American asset to the criminal Saudi regime.
Saudi Arabia Now Controls the Largest Oil Refinery in North America
The move is a huge boon to Aramco before a big IPO, experts say.
By Robbie Gramer, a diplomacy and national security reporter at Foreign Policy.
Can't believe you've spent the past 3 years going to bat for this chump. 🙂
Behind the scenes, Biden has grown angry and anxious about re-election effort
"History suggests it will be tough for him to recover. Biden’s 38% approval rating at this stage in the calendar is lower than that of the last three presidents who went on to lose re-election: Trump (48%), George H.W. Bush (39%) and Jimmy Carter (43%), according to Gallup survey data."
Good thing you Dems would vote for released-on-a-technicality Harvey Weinstein because you're really just single-issue abortion fanatics. I still expect that issue to carry you to victory. But Biden deserves to be a 1-termer since he sucks at everything else.
Biden’s 38% approval rating at this stage in the calendar is lower than that of the last three presidents who went on to lose re-election: Trump (48%), George H.W. Bush (39%) and Jimmy Carter (43%), according to Gallup survey data.”
See, this is why I like you.
Every other wingnut media liar FALSELY claims Sleepy Joe has the "worst approval rating ever" without the seeking reelection part.
I quick Google search finds Dumbya's 22% approval rating in Dec 2008.
oh, for our math-challenged Team Red boys - 22% is worse than 38%. Looking at you Jesse and MotherLament.
Hey, you're the neocon here, Mr. Axis of Evil. Not us.
This fall during your war of liberation for the people of Russia and Saudi Arabia, you can tell us again about how the Cheneys, Paul Ryan, Pierre Delecto and McCain were the "good" Republicans.
war of liberation for the people of Russia
Unlike you, I side with the people of Ukraine.
Go die to the Kremlin firing line.
Of course you do, billions of billions in support so far. And of course that's going to mean American troops and boots on the ground, right?
After all, a small nuclear war is good for combating global warming.
Still angry that Zelensky rejected Fatass Donnie's bribe to kangaroo court Biden?
Impeachment was just a slap on the wrist. The Pro-Soviet Team Red Trump Senate protected him.
Lol. Even after all the evidence has come out about Hunter. The State department memos from just months earlier praising the Ukrainian prosecutor. You persist. Lol.
Hey, outside of the bank records, the 200 bank issued Suspicious Activity reports, Wire transfers from China listing Joe Bidens home address, the Privat bank transactions, the LLCs, the texts, the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners he said he didn’t meet, the voicemails to his son, the two business partners advertising Joe as “The Brand”, the “big guy” and “the chairman”, the two whistleblowers testimonies, the recorded phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko, the video of Joe bragging about the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor, email showing Joe’s VP office helping Hunter directly, and Hunter’s statements about having to give his father half his income, there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE.
Turd lies.
You're still evading, Plugly. Does your support for Ukraine mean American troops and boots on the ground?
I like Obama-style executions of tyrants.
Ah they Libyan boondoggle. So you want to bomb Russia and the Saudis. Thanks. Exactly what I expected from a neocon.
I'll be saving that one for the next time you try to pretend you were against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Yeah, fuck all those wedding parties.
Yes. You side with the MIC. Soros told you to.
I am on the side of good - liberty, due process, freedom of speech, open society, defense against tyrants.
You are not.
“We call ourselves the Good Guys and call everyone who disagrees with whatever we say or do are the “Bad Guys” and claim they hate liberty, due process, freedom of speech, open society, defense against tyrants.
How can people not understand this? We can never do anything wrong because we’re opposing Bad Guys.
It’s so simple to understand.
Everything we do is justified because we’re the Good Guys and they’re the Bad Guys.”
Youre on the side of globalist and fascists seeking global control under the guise of liberty. Youre no different than the 15 year olds in the red guard under Mao.
So, if we're not with you, obviously, we're against you.
Why don't you go put your money(shot) where your mouth is, and go over there, enlist, and go to the front lines and fight yourself, neocon dipshit.
To be fair, Biden is polling at 100% with the true libertarians here.
Fake news, our rig count is up!
"Axis of Evil"
Anyone still doubting Buttplug is a Neocon?
"to the criminal Saudi regime"
Say, Buttplug Cheney, why are the Saudis a "criminal regime"? Are you planning on invading them?
You don't get energy.
We (the USA) is cranking out record amounts of natural gas. Prices are at historic lows for this century.
We are also cranking out record amounts of crude oil. But the Axis of Evil (Russia, Saudis, Trump) artificially inflate oil prices.
Thanks for talking about the last thirty-five years of oilfield development in the states while ignoring the fact that Biden banned drilling on public lands, but that's not what I asked.
I asked why are the Saudis a “criminal regime”? And, are you planning on invading them?
Well, the Saudis killed and dismembered a reporter for one.
One of Donnie's "enemy of the people" so you are supportive though.
Is the proof as strong as your "yellowcake". Enough to go to war?
Also, you might want to explain to Assange how what the Saudis did was different.
Ukraine arrested and killed a Chile/American journalist yet you just above cheer on Ukraine.
Strange set of principles.
His "principles" are to defend the Democratic Party above all else.
Just spinning from one pile of bullshit to the next. You realize everyone here except the drunken moron sees what you’re doing, right?
Hey buddy. You never responded yesterday to your Moreno story that is collapsing around the AP. Now Moreno has hired the lawyer that bankrupted Gawker. The AP editor in chief admitted they didn't post the entire response letter, didn't ask AFF about usage, and lied about having geolocation data.
Why no follow up responses?
I decided to play golf yesterday.
Response today - can you prove that Moreno is not a Denny Hastert conservative?
I will wait for your reply.
Stop evading. Do you still stand with the phony story you posted?
I don't know it if is true or not.
Since when do you Trump-tards ask for evidence?
Always. Which is why you try to avoid posting links. They more often than not show you to be lying when you post them.
Almost as much as we give evidence. I posted half a dozen cites this morning, from sources as diverse as the British Medical Journal and the CDC, to video clips on X.
Look at this pedo spin his bullshit.
Since when do you Trump-tards ask for evidence?
1. We're not "Trump-tards". A number of us aren't even fans of the man.
2. We always ask you for evidence. You dodge, evade, obfuscate, lie, and conveniently forget to post your links for scrutiny.
Oh. We are proving innocence now? Pretty consistent with you being a fascist.
Pretty sad when the AFF founder even responded to the AP lies you bought hook line and sinker. Lol.
Waiting for that response pedo.
At least rig count is up, and spittin' tobacco prices are finally leveling off.
Don’t forget bulk cheesy poofs. The dem shill is now pretending that’s an important metric.
Nobody buys your bullshit.
Alright I'm not a legal scholar but this sure looks like perjury to me.
It's (D)ifferent when they do it.
Lol. The cropping of Fani onto Lizzo is pretty funny.
In other news, gamergate 2 is brewing, and once again, it's the progtards who fucked up everything.
It has been going on for a few months. The industry using an activist board largely funded by liberal dark money was exposed a few weeks ago.
How tenacious are such programs in other countries? I'd be interested in knowing.
They apparently require ethical farming and other restrictions.
Importing tea to the UK also involves a focus on sustainable and ethical practices. Many importers prioritize sourcing teas from estates and growers that adhere to environmentally friendly and socially responsible methods. This includes fair trade practices, organic cultivation, and support for local communities. Consumers in the UK have become increasingly conscious of these factors, seeking teas that are not only of excellent quality but also align with their values and concerns for the planet.
It's why I'm not importing any cricket flour unless they can guarantee the crickets are ethically raised, with one cubic meter of space per cricket, and one fresh drop of water per day, dispensed by a certified member of the Cricket Keepers Union, earning a living wage, with adequate family leave practices.
You missed highest quality cardboard to house them.
Or a large jar with holes poked in the lid.
I didn't mean about tea specifically, I meant how tenacious are government programs of any kind when people want to get rid of them?
Consumers in the UK ….
They can buy as they please, no oversight board needed.
Well, we already know what Samuel Adams would have done to the Tea Board....
Hey, /sarc, you've been awfully quiet since your question was answered.
Cat got your tongue?
He will be here on weekdays pretending he doesn't post on weekends again.
Has he really said that before? Is this something else to blame on that imposter who stole the password and email address he forgot?
Yeah. Happens at least once a month.
He’s also claimed he’s not paying the $25 for an account. I’ll politely call bullshit on it.
Fact checking Tim Scott - Trump's black friend/shine boy:
Tim Scott Says Black Americans Were Better Off Under Donald Trump, So We Fact Checked Him
. (later)
Black unemployment hit an all-time high under the Trump presidency, peaking at around 16.8 percent in May 2020. Black unemployment hit an all-time low of under 5 percent last year under the Biden administration.
Another post for ML to add to the shrike racism pile.
He can't help himself.
His daddy was a Georgia Klansman, and his daddy's daddy, and his daddy's daddy's daddy, and his daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy, and his daddy was Robert Carlyle Byrd from West Virginia.
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2 3 mins ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Uncle Clarence has had his hand out for over 20 years.
That fucking cop lover.
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2 19 mins ago
Sandy, I had a genuine fear that a Senator Walker would be shucking and jiving us good liberty-loving Georgians every day.
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2 1 hour ago
Tim Scott 400-1 Whuffo Bro? Whuffo is you in dis race fo, bro?
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2 2 hours ago
Dude, I am from the South. You can’t troll me on race.
Do you remember Spermin’ Herman Cain? He sounded like a slave extra from Song of the South.
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2 1 hour ago
No, you’re a fucking snowflake who only gets offended when one of your Lawn Jockeys is criticized.
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2 28 mins ago
Groveling like a shoe-shine boy, Tim Scott humiliates himself for Fatass Donnie.
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2 38 mins ago
SE Cupp is a conservative commentator who is ashamed of Tim Scott’s groveling ‘Happy slave” act concerning Donnie. It is truly shameful.
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2 3 hours ago
Tim Scott’s twerking and jiving is just him feeling that ole-timey religion.
On the udder hand, Stolen Erections under Biden sky-rocketed to an all-time HIGH!!! Spermy Daniels is SOOOOO disappointed!!!
I told ya so!!!!
The Sad Saga of the Stolen Erections
And lo, it came to pass, that Tim the Enchanter blew upon His Magic Flute, and led me to a secret cave (the Cave of Caerbannog), whereupon mystic runes carved into the very living rock foretold of a day to come.
This sad, sad day has now manifested itself, just as foretold. The Promised One had been delivered to us, and was to fertilize His Queen, Spermy-Stormy Daniels, in an amazing scene; a glaze of Vaseline. Their offspring were to be called Strumpets… Which is a concatenation of Stormy and Trump. They were to number in the millions… About 332 million; enough for all residents of the USA to be issued one Strumpet per each resident, to sit on his or her right shoulder, and make sure that each resident stayed WAAAY Righteous. Each Strumpet was to progressively exert more and more Righteousness Control over each resident, by covering them in Strumpet Vines.
Sad to say, the Bad Bider-Grunch stole Trumpsmas AND Trump’s Erections! The stolen erections prevented the birth of the 332 million Strumpets, in the world’s WORST mass murder (genocide) so far! Even Saint Babbitt could NOT save the Strumpets!
This is the Sad Tale of the Demise of the USA!
Imagine celebrating electoral fraud.
Black unemployment hit an all-time high under the Trump presidency, peaking at around 16.8 percent in May 2020.
What a disingenuous take. You know who else's unemployment rate peaked in May 2020? Every race in the US. Had something to do with not allowing anyone to go to work.
He won't admit it was the lowest black unemployment rate in decades in 2019.
You really do have a man-crush on Tim Scott, don't you? Are you secretly hoping he's gay so you can take his BBC?
Tim Scott is 48 years too old for Plugly. It really is just good ol' fashioned Georgia style racism.
What is this! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! A long-form article touching on actual libertarianism? I'm trying to read Reason here!
Broken clock once a...month...
Helps them avoid all the concurrent issues.
To Spermy Daniels, Our Queen,
Who Art Drenched in Vaseline,
Thou shouldst be His Purrfect VEEP!
Thou wouldst appeal DEEPLY to His Sheep!
Only Demon-Craps, His Porn, would bleep!
Dear-Leader-and-Spermy Campaign Porn, tit’s DEEP!
To His Agenda, we must all firmly-spermly KEEP!
Spermy Daniels, Thou art a Modern Venus,
To YOU, any MAGGAT, MUST stroke his penis!
So PLEASE do NOT scorn His Porn,
Else of His Powers, He’ll be of scorn!
Spermy Daniels, Dear, Oh My Udder Dear,
Watch THIS, Dear, and hold me beer!
“All who oppose Him, are udderly QUEER!!!”
The Federal Tea Tasting Board should not overshadow the memorable success of its China Trade counterpart, The Presidential Opium Tasting Board first convened the day after the 1841 inaugural.
President Harrison was so diligent in his duty to the nation's opium eaters that he expired before the next meeting
The negative thing about this board is *not* that it's silly to have people taste-test tea. Having worked in the tea and coffee industry a bit, I know from experience that commercial companies do random taste-testing as part of their acceptance tests for shipments. Why do some sort of chemical or biological tests for beans or tea that have gone off in some way when a sensitive human mouth can detect it just by tasting it? (Not that they don't do, e.g., bacteriological tests as well, but if you can tell by taste that something's gone off, you don't need to.)
The negative thing about the tea board is one of the classic negative things about government: it's unnecessary, as commercial companies already do what it did, and probably much better, as they're motivated by trying to put out a good product to stay in business.
My nightmare is that the Dear Leader The Donald will win (or fake-win) His Next Erection... And THEN there will becum (purr-haps initially overseen by Spermy Daniels) a Ministry of Vote-Taste-Testing!!! ALL non-"Team R" votes will udderly FAIL the taste tests!!!
This is SNOT so udderly fantastic a fear!!!
Totalitarians want to turn GOP into GOD (Grand Old Dicktatorshit).
A list of the times Trump has said he won’t accept the election results or leave office if he loses.
Essential heart and core of the LIE by Trump: “ANY election results not confirming MEEE as Your Emperor, MUST be fraudulent!”
September 13 rally: “The Democrats are trying to rig this election because that’s the only way they’re going to win,” he said.
Trump’s constant re-telling and supporting the Big Lie (any election not electing Trump is “stolen”) set up the environment for this (insurrection riot) to happen. He shares the blame. Boys will be boys? Insurrectionists will be insurrectionists, trumpanzees gone apeshit will be trumpanzees gone apeshit, so let’s forgive and forget? Poor Trump was misunderstood? Does that sound good and right and true?
Give it up, Sqrlsy, you're pathetic.
"Trump’s constant re-telling and supporting the Big Lie (any election not electing Trump is “stolen”) set up the environment for this (insurrection riot) to happen. He shares the blame."
Let the record show that Squirrely did not apply this standard when his party lost the 2016 election, concocted a laughable IT WAS THE RUSSIANS!!!! stolen election conspiracy theory, and ultimately inspired a progressive psychopath's attempted mass murder of Congresspeople.
Squirrely, in fact, was so unbothered by this unambiguous act of domestic terrorism, that he couldn't even remember it:
I don’t recall any “HillaryPanzees gone apeshit” and saying “kill him with his own gun”? Got any cites on that?
Needed me to "cite" James Hodgkinson. The leftist who opened fire at a baseball practice. After months of hearing his Democrat handlers claim 2016 was stolen.
In the history of comments I don't think anyone has ever demolished his own credibility like that. 🙂
Twatabout Hodgkinson's diseased mind?
Butt, whatabout that them thar whatabouts? Whatabout Hillary? Whatabout OJ Simpson?
How many brain cells does it take to run a socio-political simulation on the following:
Judge and Jury: “Murderer, we find you guilty of murder! 20 years in the hoosegow for YOU! Now OFF with ye!”
Murderer: “But OJ Simpson got off for murder, why not me? We’re all equal, and need to be treated likewise-equal!”
Judge and Jury: “Oh, yes, sure, we forgot about that! You’re free to go! Have a good life, and try not to murder too many MORE people, please! Goodbye!”
Now WHERE does this line of thinking and acting lead to? Think REALLY-REALLY HARD now, please! What ABOUT OJ Simpson, now? Can we make progress towards peace & justice in this fashion?
(Ass for me, I think we should have PUT THE SQUEEZE on OJ!)
Sandranistas and twatabouts are part of the problem, NOT a part of the solution!
“Sandranistas and twatabouts are part of the problem, NOT a part of the solution!”
No, clown, the problem is partisan hacks like you whose tolerance for “election denial” depends on whether it’s coming from the (D) or (R) camp.
Tune in for more of the same...
Wouldn't it be GREAT if "Team D" would just STOP these crazy threats about bloodbaths?!?!? 'Cause ya know, shit's ALWAYS on THEM!!!
When I read this article I had a flashback to the Onion article "Canadian Battleship sent to... What? Canada has a Battleship?"
I was less amazed at it being eliminated and more that it existed in the first place.
Meanwhile, Scottish exporters are dumping their inferior whiskey in the U. S. market. We need a tasting board to keep track of this problem and make sure only the best whisky is imported from now on.
presidential hopefuls promising to abolish this department or that agency—the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency are perennial favorites. Are those efforts doomed before they begin?
Nobody knew that the Board of Tea Experts existed. It’s an easy thing to overlook.
On the contrary, the Dept. of Education – which is now a thinly-veiled arm of the CRTLGBT groomer cult openly preying on children; and the EPA – which, when it’s not actively trying to destroy the American economy, is an Extinctionist cult…EVERYONE knows who and what they are at this point because they’re operating with total impunity and unapologetic audacity.
I find it odd, Reason – that you’d devote 4000 words to the history of an agency with a board comprised of self-important dorks who aimed to regulate a drink most Americans don’t even regularly enjoy (and apparently aren’t even all that effective, because garbage tea has been mass produced as long as I’ve been alive). I mean, don’t get me wrong – I can totally see you guys self-fellating over such a thing. But that line I quoted, that’s what gives me pause.
Just seems like that’s 4000 words that could have been pointed at why the Board of Tea Experts is just as useless, pointless, and awful as the DOE/EPA – as the basis for why everyone should be behind any politician that’s (genuinely) committed to their destruction and removal.
Probably the most successful terminations of government programs were the elimination of the Interstate Commerce Commission, with the attendant deregulation of rail transportation, and the abolition of the Civil Aeronautics Board, deregulating air transportation. Both resulted in lower prices and healthier markets.
It is really annoying to have all the childish postings that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.