The Post-Neoliberalism Moment
Anyone advocating neoliberal policies is now persona non grata in Washington, D.C.

Back in the day, columnists for the Financial Times were of a type. They were predominantly pale, male, Oxbridge-educated world travelers. Their politics ranged from centrist to libertarian right. Most importantly, they were fans of neoliberalism.
The term neoliberal has been stigmatized far more successfully than it has been defined. For our purposes, it refers to a set of policy ideas that became strongly associated with the so-called Washington Consensus: a mix of deregulation, trade liberalization, and macroeconomic prudence that the United States encouraged countries across the globe to embrace. These policies contributed to the hyperglobalization that defined the post–Cold War era from the fall of the Berlin Wall to Brexit.
Neoliberalism was embraced by policy makers from both major parties. For free market Republicans, neoliberalism meant scaling back barriers that stunted market efficiency. For moderate Democrats, it was viewed as a set of policies that could lift the poorest of the poor out of poverty. What united those across the political spectrum was the belief that neoliberalism fostered greater economic interdependence, which could, in turn, generate global peace and prosperity. After all, why would China ever go to war with the West if it could get rich by trading with it instead?
In recent years, however, the Financial Times has hired some new voices who share a deep suspicion of neoliberalism. Last fall, economic historian Adam Tooze's inaugural Financial Times column pushed the idea of a "polycrisis"—a series of disparate shocks that threaten the world as we know it. The neoliberal failure to avert or alleviate the polycrisis has become a central theme in Tooze's recent work. Meanwhile, another recent Financial Times hire, Rana Foroohar, wrote multiple columns, a book, and a Foreign Affairs article exulting in the demise of neoliberalism as an economic model.
Foroohar's Foreign Affairs piece was frankly titled "After Neoliberalism." In it, she called China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) "a seismic shift that removed the guardrails from the global economy." She predicted that politics "will have a greater impact on economic outcomes than it has for half a century." She concluded that countries will have to "rethink the balance between growth and security, efficiency and resilience." Foroohar might still be an outlier in the pages of the Financial Times, but her philosophy fits snugly with the prevailing sentiment in the world's major capitals. Anyone advocating neoliberal policies is now persona non grata in Washington, D.C.
Despite America's growing political polarization, Democrats and Republicans seem to agree the globalization of yesteryear should be put out of its misery. In his 2017 inaugural address, President Donald Trump declared: "We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength." In this dimension, President Joe Biden has represented continuity rather than change. He kept Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs in place. His administration has continued to veto any appointments to the WTO's Appellate Body, thereby hindering the ability to settle trade disputes. The Washington Post recently concluded that he "is making it clear that the United States' rejection of full-throttle globalization during the Trump administration was no aberration." Biden's Office of the United States Trade Representative was so pleased with this assessment that it blasted the article out to trade reporters. In his 2023 State of the Union address, Biden declared, "On my watch, American roads, American bridges, and American highways will be made with American products." The line earned him his biggest applause of the evening.
In the 16 years since the 2008 financial crisis, neoliberalism has taken a rhetorical beating; New Yorker essayist Louis Menand characterized it as "a political swear word." Until recently, no coherent alternative set of ideas had been put forward in mainstream circles—but that has been changing. A welter of think tanks ranging from the Institute for New Economic Thinking to the Roosevelt Institute have sponsored new initiatives in heterodox economics. In 2020, the Hewlett Foundation announced a five-year, $50 million commitment to "help develop a new intellectual paradigm to replace neoliberalism." That funding has started to yield benefits to its proponents. Foroohar has described Hewlett's conferences as "a kind of Mont Pelerin Society for people who want to move beyond neoliberalism." After attending a Hewlett conference this past spring, The American Prospect's Robert Kuttner wrote, "We've just about won the battle of ideas. Reality has been a helpful ally. The core neoliberal claim that the economy would thrive if government just got out of the way has been demolished by the events of the past three decades."
These ideas are being shaped by powerful officials. The primary difference between Biden and Trump in this area is that Trump's opposition to globalization was based on gut instincts and implemented as such. The Biden administration has been more sophisticated. Policy principals ranging from U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai to National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan have been explicit in criticizing "oversimplified market efficiency" and proposing an alternative centered far more on resilience. This shift is evident in the administration's signature economic policy accomplishments to date: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act all represent a pivot to industrial policy—a focus on domestic production.
Given the various shocks hitting the global economy over the past decade, it seems intuitively obvious to focus more on resilience. But what if this intuition rests on a false premise? The claims of a "post-neoliberal" paradigm rest on the belief that there is a tradeoff between resilience and efficiency, between strategic autonomy and globalization. But it seems increasingly clear these values are not mutually inconsistent. The best hope for economic resilience might come not from post-neoliberal policies but from neoliberal ones.
"If all politics is local, the same could soon be true for economics," Foroohar argued in her Foreign Affairs essay. She elaborated: "Nationalism isn't always a good thing, but questioning the conventional economic wisdom is. Rich countries such as the United States cannot outsource everything save finance and software development to emerging markets without making themselves—and the broader economic system—vulnerable to shocks."
Foroohar and others argue the "China shock"—the sustained negative economic effects felt in U.S. manufacturing regions in response to China's entry into the WTO—widened the divide between America's haves and have-nots. In an April 2023 speech, Sullivan declared that the new Chinese competition "hit pockets of our domestic manufacturing industry especially hard" and that this "wasn't adequately anticipated and wasn't adequately addressed as it unfolded." Other critics were even more outspoken. University of California, Berkeley, international relations and legal scholar David Singh Grewal has argued China's rise falsified David Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage in trade. "In a world of semiconductors, electronics, and pharmaceuticals—in addition to wine and wool—the old model of trade no longer applies," he wrote recently in American Affairs. "Comparative advantage is given not so much by nature but by industrial policy….This means it is possible for one country's gains to come at the expense of another country." Unsurprisingly, the Hewlett Foundation promoted and sponsored Grewal's work.
The pandemic and the economic chaos it unleashed convinced many that too much efficiency led to too little resiliency. Shortages of everything from cars to toilet paper seemed to show problems with relying on other countries when an infectious disease is running amok. In one interview, Katherine Tai explicitly referenced COVID-19 to illustrate the flaws of neoliberal globalization: "Whether it was personal protective equipment, masks, gloves, or ventilators early in the pandemic or the semiconductor chip shortage that impacted all of us, we see global supply chains that were designed for efficiency, chasing the lowest cost, without recognition that concentrations of supply and production create significant risks and vulnerabilities."
For post-neoliberals, the final nail in the neoliberal coffin was Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the knock-on effects it had on the global economy. Food prices spiked as Ukraine became unable to supply grain. Europe became acutely aware its dependence on Russia for cheap energy had increased its strategic vulnerability. Russia's invasion suggested the benefits of global trade were insufficient to tame revanchist claims on territory. Given China's aspirations to reunify with Taiwan, any lessening of the power of economic interdependence to function as an adequate constraint is a wake-up call for America's grand strategists.
The proponents of post-neoliberal ideas can now cite respected peer-reviewed scholarship to buttress their claims and can count powerful politicians in their corner. On the China shock, they can reference David H. Autor, David Dorn, and Gordon H. Hanson's work demonstrating that U.S. labor markets failed to adjust properly to Chinese imports. On the risks created by the pandemic and great power competition, they can reference Henry Farrell and Abraham L. Newman's work on weaponized interdependence, demonstrating how Chinese control of rare earths or Russia's control over energy can threaten the U.S. and its allies. One Trump official told historian Chris Miller, "Weaponized interdependence…it's a beautiful thing." As for the Biden administration, Kuttner happily concluded that it "has explicitly disavowed all aspects of neoliberalism, including the assumptions about free trade."
Post-neoliberals have been positively giddy about their newfound status in the past year. The Roosevelt Institute recently published a retrospective by some Biden alumni on the policy revolution they have wrought. In the foreword, Todd N. Tucker enthused that today's debates "are taking place within a new, exciting, and suddenly broadly shared paradigm that offers a sharp break from neoliberal 'free-market' ideology." The combination of real-world events, academic analyses, and policy relevance has infused post-neoliberal ideas with energy.
But are these ideas actually correct?
The China shock was undeniably real. Some American communities struggled mightily from the loss of manufacturing. But there are two problems with the way post-neoliberals frame what happened.
First, it is presented as an ongoing and persistent problem. Yet economists agree the shock began fading more than a decade ago and has completely dissipated in recent years. Arguing for more protectionism now over the China shock is like arguing for closing the barn door long after the animals have left.
Second, the costs of the China shock had less to do with trade policy and more to do with federal, state, and local authorities failing to respond to it. Writing in 2020, the Cato Institute's Scott Lincicome observed a vast gulf between affected regions: Some American towns thrived with new investments, while others were "still reeling from a trade shock that ended a decade ago." This suggests the problems from the China shock had less to do with import competition and more to do with variations in community response.
This is not just the conclusion of the free traders at the Cato Institute; it is the conclusion of the authors of the original China shock paper. In a follow-up paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research in 2021, they rejected the idea that admitting China into the WTO was a mistake: "We are aware of no research that would justify ex-post protectionist trade measures as a means of helping workers hurt by past import competition." Their point was not that admitting China into the WTO was a net negative for the U.S.; it was that the failure to adjust the domestic social safety net prevented China's entry from being a win-win outcome. "Few economists would interpret our empirical results as justifying greater trade protection," they explained. In fact, "quantitative models indicate that U.S. aggregate gains from trade with China are positive."
Even with these caveats, post-neoliberals would argue this simply reinforces the importance of location in economic production. Both the pandemic and the Ukraine war have shown the fragility of the global supply chain, they'd argue. Europeans as well as Americans have articulated such fears. During the early stages of the pandemic, European Commission Vice President Věra Jourová concluded that COVID "revealed our morbid dependency on China and India as regards pharmaceuticals." NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated in 2022 that the Ukraine war "demonstrated our dangerous dependency on Russian gas. This should lead us to assess our dependencies on other authoritarian states, not least China."
Yet the more economists study the effects of the pandemic, the less evidence they find for the argument that globalization reduces resilience. Almost all of the shortages that occurred during the pandemic had little to do with globalized supply chains. Rather, they sprang from two causes. First: In many instances, producers and suppliers were caught short by radical shifts in the composition of demand. Semiconductor shortages were not due to a reduction in production but a shift from using them in automobiles to using them in video games. By the time auto manufacturers realized they had overestimated the falloff in demand, the semiconductors they needed were being used to power Xboxes. Second, and relatedly: Some firms relied so heavily on lean manufacturing techniques that they lacked the inventory to cope with even a mild perturbation in their supply chains.
Meanwhile, the more globalized supply chains were, the more resilient they were in the face of the pandemic. One study of Indian producers found that in the areas hardest hit by the pandemic, it was the producers who relied on more complex supply chains that were more able to weather the storm. Apparently, such firms tended to be more conscious of the risks from disruption and thus better prepared to cope with shocks.
This phenomenon was not limited to the subcontinent. Economists Pinelopi K. Goldberg and Tristan Reed recently looked at whether the global economy suffered from shortages due to disruptions in the global supply chain. They found the exact opposite. That's because an economy with thoroughly nationalized supply chains increases its vulnerability to localized shocks. Even in instances like personal protective equipment (PPE), the evidence strongly suggests economies more reliant on imports were able to recover their stocks far more quickly than those that tried to produce more PPE indigenously.
"In sum," they write, "despite the prominence of resilience concerns in the public debate in the past three years, the evidence to date provides no support either for the view that global supply chains were not resilient during the pandemic or that the world economy would have been more resilient if there had been less dependence on foreign inputs and trade…unless a sector is highly dependent on a single import source (as is the case with the dependence of the energy sector in Europe on Russia), international trade seems to contribute to resilience, not compromise it." They conclude "it is unlikely that trade restrictions will improve countries' resilience." In other words, a more globalized economy might prove to be a more resilient economy. The post-neoliberal emphasis on the location of production is largely misplaced.
The big lesson to draw from the pandemic is that globalization weakened robustness—i.e., the ability to maintain the status quo in the face of shocks. While resilient structures can bend without breaking, robust structures have the resources to withstand sustained shocks, so it would be wise for companies to hold greater inventories. Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, recently offered a simple diagnosis for this problem: "Stockpile strategic reserves and turn to trade with other places."
European dependence on Russian energy does highlight the potential problem of weaponized interdependence. Farrell and Newman stress this point in their new book, Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy. As their book's subtitle suggests, the primary weaponizer of interdependence is neither Russia nor China but the United States. Indeed, Farrell and Newman have repeatedly warned about the dangers of relying too much on weaponized interdependence as an instrument of foreign policy. As they note, Chinese efforts to bolster its capacity for economic coercion were constrained by the ill will they had sowed over the past decade. They also warned that "American officials, like their Chinese equivalents, had difficulty understanding how their own actions helped feed the widening gyre."
Meanwhile, weaponized interdependence seems no more effective than more conventional economic sanctions. After the United States coerced Iran into signing a nuclear deal in 2015, one would be hard pressed to find another successful example. U.S. sanctions against Russia failed to coerce Moscow out of Ukraine; Russian efforts to coerce Europe to stop supporting Ukraine failed as well. The Trump administration's efforts to pressure Iran show weaponized interdependence can wreak havoc on a middle power but cannot necessarily compel it into acquiescence.
Make too many efforts to weaponize interdependence, and you can erode the mutual benefits of interdependence. U.S. and European officials like to claim they are not interested in decoupling from China but in derisking. Ask anyone who knows anything about economic sanctions—including the U.S. Treasury—and they'll tell you that "derisking" is when coercive measures force out more legitimate economic exchange than originally intended. Aim for derisking, and you may come closer to decoupling instead.
As China is forced to be less dependent on developed economies, the constraints of complex interdependence also fall by the wayside. Eurasia Group's Ali Wyne warns we may soon have "weaponized detachment," the condition "in which greater economic independence emboldens states to act more aggressively." This is why Farrell and Newman do not want the United States to retreat from globalization: "Instead of withdrawing from global networks, the United States must learn to live with them. Doing so will give the United States new powers and generate enormous vulnerabilities, and policymakers will need to carefully manage both."
Post-neoliberals believe that after decades of dealing with derision from economists, they finally have social science research on their side. But the very experts they cite most have made it clear that while neoliberalism has its problems, post-neoliberal policies would lead, on net, to economic and strategic losses.
A key assumption behind post-neoliberalism is that policy makers can implement the right policies in the right way to nudge markets in the right direction. Talk to Biden administration policy makers, however, and one senses a bit more uncertainty about the whole process. Phrases like, "we're all trying to figure this out in real time" and "we're building the plane as we're flying it" abound. Congress has forced additional changes to some of their trade ideas. The closer one gets to Washington, D.C., the more skeptical one becomes of the government's ability to implement the best version of post-neoliberalism.
Many critiques of neoliberalism are grounded in reality. Even some libertarians have acknowledged that economists underestimated the effects of the China shock. The pandemic and the Ukraine war have raised valid questions about when and how globalization actually works. Climate change is beyond the scope of this essay, but there is no denying that globalization has been part of the problem as well as part of the possible solution. And as China turns more autocratic and nationalist, the case for export controls will get stronger.
But while the post-neoliberal critique is worth considering, it is flawed in multiple ways. The China shock has been over for quite some time. The alleged tradeoff between resilience and efficiency might not be a tradeoff after all. Weaponized interdependence is a thing—but its impact on international politics is far from widespread, and the biggest weaponizer has been the United States. There are costs to globalization, but the benefits are still greater. Post-neoliberal policies could produce a Western economy that is both less efficient and less resilient. The International Monetary Fund has estimated the costs of continued geoeconomic fragmentation could exceed 7 percent of global economic output. Some of that is due to strained Sino-American tensions, but not all of it.
Post-neoliberals are having a moment. If it continues for too long, the result could be a less productive, less resilient, more warlike economy.
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You will have nothing and eat bugs and like it.
What about the two minutes hate?
notfeaturedI'm not eating any crickets until they are humanely raised -- with one cubic meter of free space per cricket, and individually hand-watered with an eye-dropper, by people paid a living wage to care for them.
The one common thread running through all of this commentary is United States foreign and domestic policy! Whatever you call those policies theoretically, in practice they boil down to global interventionism. Every one of the shocks and crises listed was caused by government interventions that could not even remotely be described as laissez-faire. For just one example, the 2019 pandemic was not the cause of the economic dislocations in the United States. The nationwide official lock-downs caused almost all the problems, not the lack of resiliency of the supply chain. Burying this essential point in a tsunami of words and philosophical fine points won’t help rehabilitate neoliberalism. And if neoliberalism is just another word for interventionism “lite” it doesn’t really matter what it might be replaced with as the cause du jour for policy wonks.
The main reason the supply chain broke down is that people were sent home for 14 days if they tested positive, and the tests showed almost everyone testing positive. And then other workers refused the shot and were let go.
No, it wasn't. See below for a detailed explanation of why US policy was tangential, at best, to supply chain disruptions.
"The nationwide official lock-downs caused almost all the problems, not the lack of resiliency of the supply chain."
Perhaps, but not In the US. China was so aggressive about shutdowns that it closed entire cities. In one of my old jobs, textiles, we would have two catalogs a year, 1/15 and 6/15. Those deliveries would have a 120 day lead. In foreign supply chains, the factories are usually near the ports for ease of shipping. China literally shut down the entire city (including the port) for 5 months. The factories were closed, the ports were closed, the shipping companies were closed, even movement around the city was heavily restricted. The order that hadn't shipped yet? It didn't get finished. It certainly never shipped.
After the city reopened, the factories went back to finishing the open orders, but the backlog of orders meant that it took two months longer to produce, because these aren't factories owned by the companies, they are independent textile factories that produce products on a per-order basis for multiple companies. So now the order is seven months late, with an additional two months in production time, before delivery, which puts it off-season by 3 months.
You can't make a new order with a different factory because, first, no responsible company takes on a new supplier without doing due diligence to make sure they don't use slave labor or have a history of failing to meet deadlines or have been caught substituting substandard materials for the higher-quality materials that were contracted, or any of a hundred other legal, logistical, and financial things that a company worries about in their supply chain. Nine months to vet a new supplier is blazing fast, 12 is fast. 18 months is more common. And even if you did instantly get a new supplier, they are as likely as the first to get shut down or have a backlog.
Second, you can't place a new order because the money for each season is generated by previous seasons. Revenue is never static, it's always being used for future profits. No one has enough cash lying around for an entire catalog. That's how capitalism works, if you're doing it right.
So now you have to wait for your existing delivery to arrive (or pay a substantial amount to bring it in by air rather than boat). When it arrives, you will be selling it out-of-season. Guess what happens to your selling price? And if you are a small (or even mid-sized) company with limited borrowing capacity, guess what happens if you have no revenue for almost a year and when you finally get your product the selling price is reduced by 30% or more?
And that's an industry with a huge number of independent factories and no specialized production, so companies with production in areas that weren't locked down can fill some of the demand. Now imagine what happens to something like semiconductors or computer chips or pharmaceuticals or any other industry with a much smaller pool of production facilities and much less production capacity, worldwide.
"Burying this essential point in a tsunami of words and philosophical fine points won’t help rehabilitate neoliberalism."
Your "essential point" is based on a naive belief that US decisions during the pandemic were the culprit for supply chain issues. They weren't.
If you mean government interventionism in general, regardless of the specific country or policy, sure. But literally no government can control policy for another, so the only way your point makes a difference is if the world were completely different than it actually is.
"And if neoliberalism is just another word for interventionism “lite”"
It isn't. It's another word for free market capitalism. And despite the fact that an unprecedented disruption in the supply chain caused huge problems and widespread business failures, it also allowed us to recover from those problems in a remarkably short time. Today, less than four years removed from the start of the pandemic, businesses have largely made up the 12-18 month backlog in supply. Without free market capitalism, that wouldn't have happened.
When you can explain how dozens of cargo ships stacked up outside west coast American ports waiting for American trucks and dock workers to unload them is due to Chinese lockdowns, then maybe we can talk.
It’s due to the ships getting backed up in Chinese ports and leaving closer together than usual. That results in more (in this case dozens more) ships arriving at their destination at the same time. It’s exactly like the difference between a highway at normal hours vs. rush hour.
But it’s even worse than that because it’s not just about having room for ships to come in and out of the port, it also about how much room there is to store containers that they take off ships, but haven’t put on trucks yet. That was another huge problem in this case.
They can only unload so many ships in any 24 hour period. They can only load so many trucks in a 24 hour period. Plus, as containers pile up, it takes longer to find the right container, shift the others that are in the way, pluck out the right one, and put it on a truck. They store them in stacks of five or more per stack, so you can’t just have a truck drive up, load up, and head out in five minutes. And remember, each ship can hold over 1000 containers. A truck can hold one of the small ones and a flat train car can hold one big one or four small ones.
I don’t think you understand the scope and scale of international logistics. The number of ports that can unload those large containers ships are limited. There are less than a dozen on the West Coast (a decade ago it was less than 10, but I assume they have upgraded some since I retired), which is why some boats went through the Panama Canal to ports on the Gulf and the Atlantic seaboard. You don’t seem to have the most basic understanding of the scope of what just-in-time inventory requires or the limited amount of slack there is for disruptions.
Are you one of those people who think that a company can switch suppliers instantly? Or think that switching from China to Indonesia or Vietnam or India can be done quickly (BTW, quickly in supply chain management is 12 months, which is probably 11 1/2 months longer than you think counts as “quickly”)
Even if every American dockworker and truck driver worked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, there was no chance that they could have handled the ships that were trying to offload. There were too many.
Not only that, these are the same ships that usually constantly sail between China and the West Coast of the US. There weren’t container ships just lying around i used. Which is why the shipping cost per container for textiles went from $5,000 per container to $30,000 per container. Low supply and high demand makes prices rise, if you didn’t know. And the comoanies that could just ate most of that cost, since consumers couldn’t afford to have retail prices jump 25% or more.
Is this becoming clearer to you, now? Saying that it was US Covid policies that caused the problem is another way of saying, “I don’t understand supply chain logistics at all”.
The core neoliberal claim that the economy would thrive if government just got out of the way has been demolished by the events of the past three decades.
Rubbish. As the balance of this same article points out.
Any reasonable business has multiple suppliers for key resources. The lesson is that these should be in different countries rather than in only a single authoritarian state.
Correct. And the phama, and renewable industry has one supplier, china
The neo-liberal claim hasn't been demolished, because the government never truly got out of the way.
Real neo-liberalism has never been tried.
Even Hunter diversified.
Most businesses will consolidate down their suppliers if they can, and this is what happened prior to COVID.
Not really. Supply chain risk has always been a large cost on business accounting sheets. They will largely seek to diversify in case of a disruption. Granted the risk was largely ignored for the decade or two prior to covid, but it has always been a basic economic principle to diversify risk.
I remain unconvinced that the corporate eggheads are competent.
In a world where government stays out of business, the incompetent will drown on their failures, leaving only the survivors who make sound decisions. But we live in a post 2008 world where businesses are “too big to fail,” so government props up people who are deemed important. This then acts as insurance they don’t have to pay for, and subsidized failure.
If government got out of the way, businesses would have to make smarter decisions.
If wishes were fishes we'd all swim in riches.
This is a commentariat that always supports government run by and accountable to the wealthy. The poor are leeches and moochers. What the hell do you think government run by and accountable to the wealthy is gonna do? It's gonna bail them out when they 'need' a safety net.
I remain unconvinced that 'libertarian thought' is remotely interested in even reducing or questioning cronyism.
Wtf are you blathering about?
J(ew)Free's been rather upset lately that his brand of Authoritarian Libertarianism hasn't been more popular here.
"...I remain unconvinced that ‘libertarian thought’ is remotely interested in even reducing or questioning cronyism."
Imbecility will do that.
#10 on the dumbest things about leftards is believing Socialism will fix Crony Socialism. Open the water valve to stop the flood level of stupid…
Here’s a thought. Maybe the ONLY purpose/agenda a monopoly of gun-force should have in a non-criminal society is to ensure Individual Liberty and Justice for all. If you want to stop cronyism then shut-off the F'En valve ... Gov-gun socialism.
"They will largely seek to diversify in case of a disruption."
In what world? Diversified suppliers increase costs. Companies want their factories to be in the same country (the personnel necessary to manage customs from one country is vastly cheaper than having to have teams to manage the myriad customs laws, especially tariffs, from multiple countries), production cost is decreased by volume (as anyone who watches Shark Tank knows), so splitting your total order into 4 orders of 25% each costs a LOT more even if you are keeping it in the same country, and having a single port handling your product is immensely simpler. Splitting your production is like saying, "Eh, I don't care if my stuff costs and extra five or six points to produce.". Which is a long way of saying you don't like making money.
"Granted the risk was largely ignored for the decade or two prior to covid"
You mean just-in-time inventory? The predominant (and most profitable) supply chain behavior of companies big and small? Even after Covid, almost everyone has gone back to it because it is the cheapest, most efficient, most profitable way to operate a business. And once the once-in-a-lifetime pandemic passed and people looked long-term, even with the massive losses the supply chain disruptions cost, it still put them ahead of where they would have been if they had adopted more cost-intensive practices.
"but it has always been a basic economic principle to diversify risk."
Risk, yes. Supply chain? No. Because a diversified supply chain (and/or at-once-inventory strategy) is much, much more expensive. And increased cost compared to your competitors is the definition of risk.
That claim has to be the absolute gold standard of gaslighting.
Whoa there "economist." "Govt get out of the way?" $35T in debt funded by insane fiscal and monetary policy. Maleinvestments funded by central banks and enable by govt.
As for the deindustrialization of America..dude..this was driven by massive deficits funded by money printing in order for govt to buy votes, fight wars, and enrich the well connected.
It goes like this corn pop, print trillions give to govt to buy votes, offshore the inflation to China who benefits from rounding up those pesky peasants to factory towns and are forced to work below their market rate. the dollars for the goods come back to the US to buy more US govt debt continuing the deindustrialization of America.
Sorry free markets didn't do this...the govt and its print/borrow/spend corruption did. Goodbye were never about sound money, free markets, limited govt, and peace. End the Fed. Close down most federal agencies and programs..
Maybe I missed it, but when did the government ever "get out of the way"???????
Imagine a schoolyard bully grabbing the free market's hand and forcing it into their face. "Stop free trading yourself!"
"Any reasonable business has multiple suppliers for key resources. The lesson is that these should be in different countries rather than in only a single authoritarian state."
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Having multiple suppliers in different countries is throwing money away. Just those two would probably raise your production costs by 15-25%. With the exception of shortening lead times, there aren't two more expensive things you can to do in supply chain management.
I guess too many people started to notice the global “free-trade” train was actually domestic production (taxpayers) subsidizing their competition (foreign). There is a difference between —fair-trade— and calling gov-gun favoritism ?free-trade?.
If you Reason writers would spend even 1/2 the amount of time addressing “free-trade” domestically you wouldn’t look like such propagandists when it came to foreign trade.
And P.S. “For moderate Democrats, it was viewed as a set of policies that could lift the poorest of the poor out of poverty.” Seriously? Are you just making that stuff up. Democrats have NEVER EVER EVER viewed free-markets as “lift the poorest”.
As you point out, globalization was never about free trade. Free trade requires all trade partners to participate in free market actions. Globalization was never this. It was always favored trade to help favored global entities. Nothing more.
Unbalanced heavily regulated "free trade".
Free trade simply requires your own government not punishing you for buying things from people who live within different political jurisdictions.
What you describe is bilateral free trade. Generally that's how politicians excuse unfree trade. They're not taxing their consumers, so it's not fair! We need more taxes to balance it out!
That's what you're demanding when you claim free trade has to be equal. You're demanding taxes to make things fair.
That's right.... Because F'En [Na]tional So[zi]alists like yourself has bankrupted the USA. You want to pretend you can spend, spend, spend without ever having to *EARN* what you have spent. Well Tariffs are just balancing all the self-entitlement you keep spouting.
It all made sense before the Nazi's took over the US government. It's main purpose was 'international' affairs and as such taxed 'international' trade for it's 'general welfare'.
Yep and the govt elites in DC did this on purpose so they could deficit spend to buy votes, fight wars and enrich their tribes
Free trade does not require either partner in a transaction to participate in anything, that's what makes it free.
You be sure and remind yourself of that every-time someone rips you off.
Who, exactly, is being ripped off when an American buys a cheap widget from China?
You obviously don't buy from China very often.
Every "Free" Trade Agreement would be more honestly referred to as Managed Trade Agreements.
"Free trade requires all trade partners to participate in free market actions."
Maybe in a philosophy class. In the real world, not so much. Only an idiot thinks that the only thing that counts as "free trade" is trade completely unfettered by government action.
Let me guess. You don't think that we have free market capitalism in America? Given who you are, it wouldn't surprise me. You probably think that we're almost indistinguishable from the Soviet Union.
Many markets are just like the Soviet Union now.
That is demonstrably, factually, philosophically, and structurally untrue.
It's just whiny bloviating from someone who has never had to make organizational decisions or understand the realities of America's market, where a mistaken analysis results in financial losses or, depending on the scope of the decision, the failure of your business.
Only someone who has never been responsible for important business decisions could believe such a nonsensical thing.
Yes; Do go on and explain the differences in healthcare or soviet union housing with city owned complexes or soviet union education.
The only thing your selling is Denial-ism.
Yes. Do go on and explain how those things are similar. Private health insurance plans that customers can choose between vs. not. Free market choices on where to live (regardless of who owns the buildings) vs. not. Choices between private, public, or homeschooling vs. not.
Making vague references to tenuous similarities and thinking it's a substantive argument is pathetic. Make a substantive point, if you can.
There is, of course, no such thing as “free trade” or “free markets” or “fair trade” in the first place. They are all shorthand for the sake of discussion for, respectively: the absolute minimum of government regulation possible of imports and exports; the absolute minimum of government interference possible in the transactions between and amongst individuals and associations of individuals; and the intentional or inadvertent interference by government officials and regulators in trade for the benefit of someone or some specific sector, to the detriment of someone or some specific sector, or as a generic way of fulfilling a campaign slogan.
So you only accept purist definitions of economic systems? Because that's what it sounds like.
After all, why would China ever go to war with the West if it could get rich by trading with it instead?
What they forgot to ask was why would China bother trading with the West when it could just steal their ideas and make things themselves instead?
This is still one of the insane things I see at this magazine. They will continually attack tariffs while ignoring theft despite theft dwarfing the overall costs of tariffs. Advantaged trade by ignoring theft is not free trade.
Because what you are calling theft is not actually theft. Intellectual property is not actually property at all. Repeating the error (or the lie) does not turn it into a truth.
I really tire of this silly discussion point. You are not entitled to the labor of others.
Let me simplify your argument.
You hire a painter for your house. He finishes painting. You end up paying him solely for the cost of the paint used instead of labor.
IP is not magically generated. It is generated through time and effort. You are essentially advocating for stealing the labor of others without consequence. This is why corporations spend billions a year in security. Yet in your world breaking and losing entering and stealing someone else's labor is fine.
Your belief system is simplistic and ignorant to reality.
If an inventor spend 10 years coming up with a novel invention, you claim he should give it away for free.
Yeah. There seems to be another retarded subset of libertarians who don't recognize intellectual products as property. I assume they were heavy into music and video piracy. And I suggest they try the same with software, but in an open challenge to Microsoft.
I’m not going to let you get away with pretending that that’s what I said or believe. An inventor DESERVES to be compensated for the work and the creation of something new if it’s useful. Obviously, if someone else uses the idea to make a profit and doesn’t compensate the inventor that deserves to be punished. What actually said is the intellectual property is not property. Pretending that using your own real property is exactly the same for legal and moral purposes as being compensated by people who profit from using your ideas is what I am heaping scorn upon.
Let me simplify your argument.
You hire a painter for your house. He finishes painting. You end up paying him solely for the cost of the paint used instead of labor.
Let me simplify your argument.
If I hire a painter to paint my house I now have a painted house. I don’t really care how the painter divides up the bill. The question of whether I and the painter engage in this transaction comes down to whether the total amount is worth it to me for a painted house and whether the painter believes his time and materials is worth the amount earned. If I paint the house myself I haven’t stolen the painter’s business. If I paint my house blue I haven’t stolen the quality of blue-ness from my neighbor who also had his house painted blue.
It is generated through time and effort. You are essentially advocating for stealing the labor of others without consequence.
Is this some Labor Theory of Value shit right out of Das Kapital? Labor does not have an inherent value. Only the useful products of labor have value and that value is assigned at the time and point of sale by agreement of the buyer and seller.
And in case you're completely unaware of what China does, they're not taking public information. They are breaking into systems to steal the information. Not only is this theft, it increases domestic causes that force companies to pay for enhanced security. Even this cost for security dwarfs the costs of tariffs.
Sorry, but youre advocating theft.
For what it's worth, I agree with you that intellectual property has tangible value and should be considered property for purposes of NAP violations.
However, 'punishing' IP theft with tariffs is a bonkers idea.
If an individual in China has stolen IP that an American citizen produced, the way to resolve that situation is to hold that Chinese individual legally responsible in whatever legal jurisdiction is most appropriate.
If the government of China is the one stealing IP from American citizens, the way to resolve that situation is through diplomatic negotiation and treaties, possibly sanctions or something of that nature.
But using tariffs as a 'punishment' is ridiculous, because guess who are the one punished by tariffs on Chinese goods? American consumers! So to punish alleged crimes by Chinese individuals or the Chinese state, you want to punish Americans? That is what is bonkers.
Frankly I think 'IP theft' is a post-hoc rationalization for Trump's (and Biden's) actions, not a valid justification for Trump's (and Biden's) tariffs.
Right... Punishing me through domestic taxes is BS too. I want a new treaty! /s
But using tariffs as a ‘punishment’ is ridiculous, because guess who are the one punished by tariffs on Chinese goods? American consumers!
Yeah, well, people don't believe that. When Trump says he's putting tariffs on China, his followers believe China pays the tax. You can convince them that it is paid for by consumers, but when they return from the hive they'll be saying China pays the tariffs.
What's stupid is punishing domestic traders MORE than foreign traders. Sure it's a tax on citizens just like domestic taxes ... what's the difference? Nothing.... So unless you admit to purposely trying to create an absolutely UN-Fair taxing system you're just blowing hot air.
Repeating the error (or the lie) does not turn it into a truth.
Depends upon how many people believe the lie. JesseAz has repeated lies about me so much that people consider them to be truth.
Lies is what he does. Just like Trump.
Poor sarc.
There's one of the idiots, right there. How dare I move in on victim territory? That's Trump's domain. He is The Victim.
Poor, poor sarc.
Poor, poor sarc.
It's his only trolling lure and the fish aren't biting anymore.
"Keep trollin', trollin', trollin'
Though the webs are swollen
Keep them dodges rollin', sarc-hide
Through drink and lies and whether
Hell bent for leather
Wishin' my gal malt by my side
All the things I'm pissin'
Good vittles, vibes, and listin'
Aren't waiting at the end of my ride"
"What they forgot to ask was why would China bother trading with the West when it could just steal their ideas and make things themselves instead?"
The majority of companies voluntarily surrender their IP for the cost savings that production in China provides.
You do understand that you have to tell a factory how to make your product in order for them to make it, right? Sure, the first few hundred times it was a surprise, but since the 80s it's been a known element of manufacturing in China. Most companies just consider it worth it.
Anyone that says otherwise is either phenomenally ignorant or lying to you. As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". So what is it when it's "Fool me the hundred-millionth time ..."?
"Washington Consensus: a mix of deregulation, trade liberalization, and macroeconomic prudence"
Can you let me know what year Washington lessened regulation? When they didn't alter trade policy? And when they showed prudence?
Putting a statement like this and accepting it as true shows you are a retard.
The whole article and discussion represent a philosophical tour de force with almost no actual connection to reality. The so-called “neoliberals” never actually practiced what they touted, although it’s possible that the conservatives and moderate democrat officials mentioned in the article may have refrained from imposing as much regulation on trade as they perhaps could have based on their policies. The so-called failure of “neoliberalism” is, likewise, a rhetorical ploy in an attempt to try to justify ramping up the level of regulatory interference in trade.
Retard? Or realist? Isn't it sobering to thin that this is how things have been with so much influence from this consensus? Imagine how awful things would've been if the opposition to it had free rein!
And I'm serious. It's like how the calorie-conscious adult advanced world gains 2-3 lbs./yr., so imagine how fat we'd be getting otherwise.
Good point.
Macroeconomic prudence = 34 trillion dollars in debt and Quantitative Easing and stimulus checks for all and student loan balance transfers to taxpayers?
Just like "defending democracy" = "keeping our most popular opponent off the ballot, by any means necessary"????
"Defending The Establishment" would be more accurate but that wouldn't fly outside of the Establishment.
Rana Foroohar, aparently she was 100% right. I don't know her other than what was mentioned in this article, but everything mentioned that she said is correct. Think of how many people have to cow tow to the ccp, including the entire hhs, Hollywood, all pro sports.
Don't forget American universities.
"There are costs to globalization, but the benefits are still greater"
Good name them and refute what you denounce what you have stated earlier in the article using actual examples.
Until then, perhaps you should concider a move to canada in order to make use of their maid system
Ahh he is a graduate of tufts law is a video put out by tufts of important things about the indoctrination center
1. They have 2! Mascots
2. The have a lot of diversity centers!
3 they renovated over the last 100 years!
4. If you kiss someone under a gate you will marry them! (proceeded by photos of fag or interracial couples, see 2.
I stopped there because I caught all the info required.
Daniel, you almamater is a joke, you should commit suicide or become a welder, all you doing now is making sure less and less people donate to reason. Your arguments are not coherent, consistent, or substantiate with evidence.
Tell us how you really feel.
My bad. I woke up and decided to read a reason article instead of skipping to the comments.
I can see skipping to the comments is a far better choice
About 90% it's a wise choice. Then there's the Wolfe and a few others.
Always is.
A university professor bending the knee to “climate change.” Am guessing like others that do so, this is for top men in government to figure out and for others to do something.
I recall when then president Trump told Germany it was too dependent on cheap Russian energy and the Volk laughed at him. Relying on inexpensive Russian energy while practicing color revolutions on her border may have played well in political echo chambers, but not as much in the real world. If neoliberalism was really just neocon globohomo in practice, then yeah, it was destined to fail.
The government quietly erased 439,000 jobs through November 2023, a closer look at the numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows.
That means its initial jobs results were inflated by 439,000 positions, and the job market is not as healthy as the government suggests.
"Time to stop trading off the payroll data," tweeted David Rosenberg, founder of Rosenberg Research Associates. By his calculations, he says the downward revisions came to "an epic 443,000," adding, "more than 40% of payroll growth in 2023" came from "the fairy tale ‘Birth-Death’ model" the BLS uses to "guesstimate" its jobs reports.
Again, the government sector in December ranked high in job creation. It created 52,000 jobs in the final month of 2023. As FOX Business's Edward Lawrence points out, that brings the three-month average of jobs created by the government sector to 50,000 per month. Lawrence says Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su "would not answer if this is sustainable when I pressed her."
Shrike will be here shortly to claim these are good things.
The job creation under Biden has been largely inflated with false job reports and dependence on government jobs. The Argentina economic method.
I am shocked to learn that a Democrat administration has been inflating job numbers.
Well, Biden didn't create 87,000 new high-paying jobs with great benefits.
In the IRS.
More dem led insurrection as protestors take over California Capitol.
Were there any “split second” decisions where security shot and killed protesters? If so, there are a some that visit these comments that would support that and recognize the heroes in blue for a job well done.
As long as they don't have low visibility to shoot at unarmed protestors to justify it, not sure the usual true libertarians will complain.
What was the fire extinguisher situation?
They were filled with bear spray.
The insurrectionists may have had insurrectional bears in trunks.
No no, I get it. If a violent aggressor charges an officer who is pointing a gun at that aggressor, the officer should just let the protestor beat him.
You still know absolutely nothing about this subject. Your ignorance is profound.
If I'm wrong, then prove it. Provide an argument, with facts, backed up by references and citations.
Your statements prove you know nothing about this. You are the cite. Unarmed person trespassing in a public space <- this does not rise to the use of deadly force.
Creamjeff knows all about it. What he's doing here is a form of his favorite rhetorical trick popularly called "lying". He's being deliberately decietful.
Jeff is vermin.
At least you're honest about considering certain people to be something to be exterminated. I bet you wish you lived on the Southern border, so you could kill illegals for sport. Doesn't count because they're not human.
Some folks in these comments support using deadly force for unarmed trespassers,. They’d likely get some armed ones too if that were applied at the US southern border.
Imagine a similar situation but change the politics or nationality of the people involved, and those parishioners of the Church of Trump would change their tune. Principles shminciples.
An unarmed American citizen protesting in an American public space and trespassing. The hero in blue made it home safely.
I recall the 2014 US neocon backed maidan color revolution in Ukraine where bandera types burned a few dozen protesters in Odessa. Those were murders too.
An unarmed American citizen
protestingcommitting acts of aggression and backed by a violent mob in an American public space andtrespassingthreatening the lives and property of everyone inside . The hero in blue made it home safely.there, fixed it for ya
Ok gaslighter…gasheavier.
You are the one being disingenuous, by minimizing what actually happened. Yes, Ashli Babbitt was not carrying a weapon. But the violent mob around here certainly was, and the mob outnumbered the officer. Yes the Capitol is a “public space”, but at the time, it was a “public space” that was off-limits to the general public because of the Electoral Vote certification. Yes she was “trespassing”, but that was the least of the crimes that she was committing at that moment.
You deliberately and intentionally misrepresent what happened in that moment on Jan. 6 in order to cast her – THE AGGRESSOR – in the most favorable light, and to cast the officer – THE DEFENDER – in the least favorable light. Your banal description would apply as if she was alone and not committing any acts of aggression against anyone. But that was not the case.
No one here would be defending this officer's actions if Babbitt hadn't been the aggressor threatening his life and the lives and property of everyone around her. You conveniently omit that.
But as I say below, you and your team’s narrative is not rooted in facts and logic, it is rooted in paranoia and ideology. Ashli Babbitt was senselessly murdered on that day because her intentions were good and the officer was an agent of The Regime stopping Trump’s rightful victory. Ergo she’s a saint and the officer should be in jail, case closed. QED
And BY THE WAY. I am not even saying the officer acted properly here when considered from a dispassionate objective point of view after many years of hindsight and reflection. What I am saying is that I am not going to second-guess his split-second decision in the moment to act in his self-defense and the defense of others when he saw a violent aggressor charging over a barricade towards him. EVERY PERSON has the right of self-defense, that includes you and me and this officer, whether or not he is wearing a badge, and the libertarian instinct among all of us should be to respect that right and not to second-guess a defender's decision when there is AMPLE evidence to demonstrate that his decision was not one of aggression but of defense of his own life and those of others.
That's a lot of words just to lie and distort, Jeffy. Do you honestly believe you ever trick anyone... aside from Sarcasmic?
Ok, gasheavier.
Sarcasmic, you're a lying fuck and you know you are.
Here's what Trump actually said: “We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave than the threat from within,”
How the fuck can you still pretend that Trump was talking about Mexicans? Are you pretending that "communists, Marxists, fascists" is some super secret dogwhistle that somehow only Democrats can hear? Are you getting your news solely from fat fucking fascist vermin like Jeffy these days?
Oh, did ML call me a Nazi again who needs to be exterminated? Their team really goes all in on the dehumanization rhetoric, don't they? It goes with their simplistic black/white world. Either you are a True Patriotic Hero Worshipping at the Feed of God-Emperor Trump, or you are vermin filth poisoning the blood of the nation. There is no in between.
No, but I will now, you fat fucking fascist.
And if you ever want me to stop calling you a Nazi, all you have to do is stop pushing the ideology and policies of the Third Reich.
Don't like being called a Nazi? Stop being a racist and pushing reworked Nazi racial theories, stop being an authoritarian and pushing kangaroo courts, show trials and political prosecution, and stop pushing fascist economics. It's that easy.
"again who needs to be exterminated?"
And when did I ever say that, you fat fucking vermin. You just can't stop lying.
Fuck off ML.
Fuck off fedboi.
And he needs to be fucked with a running, rusty chainsaw.
She wasn't charging him, she was climbing through a window and other officers testified he couldn't be seen from where she was. But it's amusing watching jeffey suck blue cock as long as doing so helps protect those who kill people he hates. A true libertarian hero.
I don't call that vermin a Nazi without reason.
He'll couch his racism and authoritarian impulses in words of virtue and victimhood, but that still doesn't alter what he's espousing.
Funny how you accept the judgment of officers when it suits you but disagree with their judgment when it also suits you.
Sure, take at face value the claims of officers made days after the fact that just so happen to exonerate your martyred saint, but second-guess the life-and-death split second decision of the officer who was actually there with the violent mob smashing shit trying to get at him.
As I say below, you and your team are fixed into your narrative about Jan. 6 which cannot be changed by facts and reason and logic, because it is not defended with facts and reason and logic. Ashli Babbitt was unjustly murdered by the cop, because the rioters were on the side of goodness and justice and America, and no facts of the case will ever change that so there! That is basically your team's argument in a nutshell.
"Funny how you accept the judgment of officers when it suits you but disagree with their judgment when it also suits you."
Funny how you're accusing Marshal while doing the exact same fucking thing in the very same post you're making the accusation. If you're going to be a hypocrite at least have the good sense not to do it in the same post.
"More dem led insurrection"
Still clueless about what "insurrection" means? This is my shocked face.
Anti police movement has led to a record number if police officers being shit include over 100 ambush style attacks in officers in 2023.
I know one example of a law enforcement officer being shit.
Oh well. Too late to edit. Shouldn't use phone before coffee for posting =)
Maybe the statists will show up and double down from yesterday’s offering.
As Biden says and they believe, democracy was almost destroyed that day so shooting unarmed protestors was justified.
Here's the video of Joe Biden calling Trump a “dictator” while simultaneously supporting his chief political opponent getting kicked off the ballot.
You can't even make this stuff up.
This keeps up, the Babylon Bee is going to have a tough time keeping satire ahead of reality.
They and South Park have been having a rough go of it for at least the last 4 years.
Isn’t that the one Sarc usually praises?
Media and Elite universities going after Billionaire Ackman who vows to investigate plagiarism of elite university professors and presidents as well as media journalists. Learned nothing from going after Musk.
One of the benefits of this current Hamas/Israel slapfight has been how it's absolutely buck-broken the left-liberal political establishment.
Being a utilitarian American nationalist never felt so good.
"Billionaire Ackman"
Amazing how his definition of plagiarism changes when it's his wife. Are we supposed to pretend to be shocked by his hypocrisy?
Large green energy projects continue to fail despite billions in government investments.
You know who also had trouble with wind?
Swallwell? AOC?
Passengers on a 737?
Thread winner!
Le Pétomane?
The Biden administration has been more sophisticated. Policy principals ranging from U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai to National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan
Imagine writing Jake Sullivan is sophisticated. Lol.
He raises his pinky when he sips his tea.
Is "Useless, ignorant, prideful, lying fucking ginger" an archaic definition of "Sophisticated"?
Sophisticated, that's the ticket. Biden's first TV ad for President promised he would continue to crack down on China, like Trump was doing.
"After all, why would China ever go to war with the West if it could get rich by trading with it instead?"
Why did the US go to war with so many different countries if it could get richer by trading with them instead? Not everything a political entity does is about economic self-interest.
The US model is waging a war against a non-peer to occupy and install a client state. Win or lose, it can be lucrative for the legislative and MIC classes.
China is endeavoring to integrate Taiwan. The west participating in the conflict is the west’s choice, not China’s.
China is endeavoring to integrate Taiwan.
Taiwan doesn't want to be integrated.
The west participating in the conflict is the west’s choice, not China’s.
And for good reasons. I'm sorry if you don't know them.
Joe Biden, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton et. al. know and support those reasons.
I strongly oppose sending American taxpayer funds and military personnel to a place that is not the United States. Citizens should be free to send their own money or volunteer for the foreign legion.
You should go to Taiwan and help in the defense.
Where "integrate" = "destroy and enslave."
The US sends 281 migrants from Nicaragua, Colombia, Haiti and Venezuela to Spain
The United States government sent a total of 281 migrants to Spain in order to alleviate the migratory influx on the border with Mexico. The information, disclosed by the Spanish media ABC, indicated that the people sent to Spain come from Nicaragua, Colombia, Haiti and Venezuela.
The strategy is part of an agreement between Pedro Sánchez and Biden, during his visit to the White House in mid-2023.
- Venezuela News Network
But Ukraine needs more bodies.
Fixed 0.0001% of the problem. Elect Joe.
Elect Joe or the tripledemic will get you. New fear for the election season.
It’s a TRIplEdeMic, we’re all going to die, unless Joe wins.
You mixed up the link:
Spain needed 281 food trucks.
Can paella even be made in a food truck?
Top Reason scientists are working on the problem as we speak.
"These ideas are being shaped by powerful officials. The primary difference between Biden and Trump in this area is that Trump's opposition to globalization was based on gut instincts and implemented as such. The Biden administration has been more sophisticated."
Maybe. And maybe both Trump and Biden are pandering to the same demographic for votes and dollars.
I like how the assumption is a business man with global business is acting on gut instinct while the doddering Joe Biden is sophisticated.
What he describes is true, the mistake is ascribing it to an individual. Biden is the tip of a machine driving toward far left political control. Biden doesn't have to do anything himself. When Trump, or any non-leftists, is President the entire government machinery keeps working toward the far left's goals until each effort is individually stopped. Did Obama need to tell Lois Lerner to target Tea Party groups in violation of the First Amendment? Of course not. She only had her job because she could be trusted to initiate these actions herself.
This is the result of the left controlling our bureaucracy and education system. It's the very reason why they began the Long March in the first place.
When Trump, or any non-leftists
I thought that was the definition of leftist. You're with Trump, or you're a left-handed leftist.
Poor Sarc, dumping his bait bucket and nobody's biting.
TBF, left handed leftist would be worse than Nikki but not quite as bad as the Devil himself. It’s the southpaw you see, taint natural.
My problem with any critique of “neo-liberalism” is that I’ve heard the term used to mean very very different things. Like, opposite things.
And somewhere along the line there should be some daylight between the concepts of “globalization” and “globalism”. Hating China or the WEF shouldn’t necessarily be synonymous with hating freer trade at the international level.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I've considered globalism as the drive for a global government and the reduction or elimination of borders, whereas globalization is just the free exchange of goods and ideas across borders. The former is bad, because nations are useful, each serving as independent marketplaces that compete with each other, and competition is a good thing. The latter is good because trade is not a zero sum game, and free exchanges are prosperous to all sides.
It's why I can find globalism and the WEF dreadful while pushing for more free trade, deregulation, and fewer trade barriers. Globalism is often opposed to things by trying to push everyone to agree on top-down climate initiatives dictated by centrally controlled people pushing their anti-freedom agendas.
Yeah, that's an important distinction that needs to be made.
The problem is the former tends to capture and manipulate the latter in order to fulfill their own god-complex-driven initiatives. Globalization doesn't appear to be something that will function in a positive manner in the absence of relatively benign generational characters among the global elites, so I don't think there's really much of a way to square that circle out.
These people think they're in the position they are because they're not just smarter than everyone else, but wiser, too. The problem is that they have to be smarter and wiser than the people who came before them, not people today, and they aren't showing that in any perceivable measure.
The term neoliberal has been stigmatized far more successfully than it has been defined. For our purposes, it refers to a set of policy ideas that became strongly associated with the so-called Washington Consensus: a mix of deregulation
Meaning: special exemptions for politically well connected groups and lobbyists.
trade liberalization
I.e. subsidies for trade with totalitarian communist regimes.
and macroeconomic prudence
$34 trillion of "macroeconomic prudence"!
that the United States encouraged countries across the globe to embrace.
Oh, they embraced it alright!
"Neo-liberalism" is a corrupt mix of progressivism, pro-socialist policies, and simple corruption. It is pretty much the opposite of classical liberalism or small government.
“Neo-liberalism” is a corrupt mix of progressivism, pro-socialist policies, and simple corruption. It is pretty much the opposite of classical liberalism or small government.
Add a cup of crony capitalism to that recipe as well.
"“Neo-liberalism” is a corrupt mix of progressivism, pro-socialist policies, and simple corruption."
What are you talking about? Neo-liberalism is closer to free market capitalism than anything else. So the opposite of pro-socialist policies.
Mentions stronger safety net (…code for Bloombergs Maoist jobs programs and welfare state.
Sounds like nouveau neo liberalism wants to subsidize consumption for however many people in the world want to live in the United States and western civilization. So let it be said, we shall create useless jobs programs and subsidize consumption. When the gangland kidnappings start, it just means we need a bigger safety net, amirite?
King of Jordan warns Blinken of catastrophic repercussions of Gaza war
"His Majesty King Abdullah, during a meeting on Sunday with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, warned of the catastrophic ramifications of the continued war on Gaza, stressing the need to end the tragic humanitarian crisis in the Strip," the royal office said in a statement.
The monarch also pointed out Washington's major role "in pushing towards an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the protection of civilians, while guaranteeing the sustainable delivery of sufficient humanitarian and relief aid" to the Palestinian enclave, the statement read.
Blinken embarked on a trip to the Middle East on Thursday to discuss immediate measures to boost humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip and raise the need to take steps to deter the Houthi attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea, among other things.
- Geopolitics Live
“His Majesty King Abdullah, during a meeting on Sunday with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, warned of the catastrophic ramifications of the continued war on Gaza, stressing the need to end the tragic humanitarian crisis in the Strip,” the royal office said in a statement.
The King of Jordan should STFU and be grateful that the US keeps supporting his monarchy and that the US isn't forcing him to take the Palestinians back into his country.
What does the king have against food trucks?
The King of Jordan rules over a tiny country that has 2 million Palestinians so he has to say that. But Jordan and Egypt want Hamas cleaned out of Gaza about as much as Israel does.
Hamas could have had an immediate cease fire at any time, by surrendering to Israel to face justice, and releasing all of the hostages.
The problem is that not all cultures value wealth or peace or the welfare of their citizens as the most important thing.
Why would China go to war with the West? Because it's a nationalistic empire. At the very least, it wants Taiwan back.
Back? The government of China fled to Taiwan back in the 1940s. Taiwan should get China back.
AOC on Immigration
AOC argues that the best way to stop illegal migration to the US is by legalizing it.
"You can either fix it by trying to build a wall. Or you can fix it by documenting people,” she says on The Daily Show.
- some Russian new outlet
Then we should also legalize killing progressives
"Or you can fix it by documenting people"
Which is pretty much the last thing her financial backers want. No champagne socialist or limousine liberal wants the cost of Nannies, poolboys and gardeners going up 300%.
Not to mention child prostitutes.
As long as we allow government coercion none of this matters.
Shout out to Larry Elder for having the courage to tell the truth about Barack Obama:
That's just White Fragility. Elder is obviously a white supremacist.
So, kuckland pointed to this Zerohedge 'debate' yesterday about the events of Jan. 6:
It was only sort-of a debate as it featured Alex Jones, who had no self-control and kept trying to talk over everyone. It seemed he was only there to try to score gotcha points that he could use on his show.
Anyway, it was quite illuminating for me anyway, because now I think I have a better idea of why so many of you are so dismissive of the crimes that occurred on Jan. 6. So the narrative appears to be thus:
Jan. 6 was, if not organized and planned by the FBI, then at a minimum encouraged and egged on by FBI provocateurs (led by Ray Epps) in the crowd. Trump is absolutely not responsible for anything bad that happened that day because he said one time the protesters should protest 'peacefully'. The entire episode is not an 'insurrection' or an 'attempted coup' - that's just crazy talk - but instead should be regarded as a peaceful protest that got a little out of hand. While there were people who did commit some otherwise legitimate crimes, even those individuals should be regarded as 'political prisoners' because they are being prosecuted in an unfair rigged system. The entire effort to prosecute those individuals who did commit crimes is just one more example of the deep state and the security state criminalizing dissent and criminalizing anyone who would question the results of an election.
And for all evidence that runs contrary to this narrative, the Alex Jones & Glenn Greenwald side had a ready-made rationalization to dismiss it all:
Evidence from individuals under oath in a court of law is meaningless because the whole court system is a corrupt rigged system.
Evidence from the Jan. 6 committee, even well documented evidence collected under oath, is meaningless because the whole committee was a sham.
Evidence from Republicans other than Trump or Trump-aligned individuals is to be ignored because those Republicans are part of the 'establishment' that always hated Trump in the first place.
Furthermore, the narrative is non-falsifiable:
If you ask for specific evidence of FBI informants in the crowd, there is "Ray Epps", and the fact that the FBI often uses informants. No concrete evidence is needed for the existence of FBI informants in that crowd on that day. The fact that the FBI has done bad things in the past using informants is sufficient proof that there were FBI informants in the crowd on that day.
If you ask a question like, how come none of the Jan. 6 defendants ever used claims of being encouraged or egged on by specific people in the crowd (the supposed provocateurs) as a type of defense in their trials, it is because they are victims of an oppressive rigged judicial system and that type of evidence doesn't mean anything.
If you ask a question like, why shouldn't a riot associated with stopping the peaceful transition of power be taken more seriously than other riots (such as BLM protests), then that doesn't matter because it wasn't an insurrection and the BLM protests had more violence anyway.
There was always a ready-made excuse for why any objection to the narrative was invalid, and those excuses were (most of the time) not rooted in other facts or other evidence, but in cynicism, extreme skepticism, and paranoia. To the Glenn Greenwalds and Alex Joneses, the fact that the FBI has behaved poorly in the past is CONCLUSIVE PROOF that the FBI was involved on Jan. 6, and even questioning this conclusion just demonstrates that you have a pollyanna childish view of how government works.
It was amazing to see really. The narrative cannot be breached with facts or reason or logic because it is not defended with facts or reason or logic.
It is also amazing to see how a bunch of people can be so skeptical and cynical and paranoid about the FBI or the courts or entire institutions, but they can suspend this disbelief and place so much trust in what Trump says. I mean, not a one of them ever questioned that when Trump said "go protest peacefully", that there was any hidden or ulterior meaning to this. HIS words are to be taken at face value and not regarded skeptically at all. Why does Trump not get the paranoia treatment here? Who knows.
So congratulations, you've constructed your own little impenetrable narrative bubble. Nothing anyone says can ever burst it.
What a pile of implying, half-truths, allusions, misdirection and lies. You're back to your regular trick of rewriting facts and dialogue and then arguing against that.
Fat fucking lying vermin.
I’ll give him the quips about Jones. I imagine that’s exactly how SQRLSY would act in a “debate”.
You should listen to this debate. It is long, so maybe on a long car trip or something. But the key takeaway from this is that the Alex Jones/Glenn Greenwald side of things think that they don't have to actually prove details of government misconduct here. The fact that government has acted badly in the past is proof enough for them that they did something shady and wrong on Jan. 6. That's it, case closed. Their 'proof' that Jan. 6 was a false flag/inside job/instigated by FBI provocateurs or whatever is not based on facts and evidence. It is based on their paranoia and ideology about how government behaves. "Of course the FBI provoked the mob on Jan. 6. Look at what they did in the Whitmer case in Michigan!!!" To them, that is concrete proof. To everyone else, that is a logical fallacy. But they don't see it.
Trust the government.
Yeah, it's a Jeflsy type post. Or is that Sqrffy post?
Given China's aspirations to reunify with Taiwan
And I stopped reading.
The word you're looking for is "annex." If not "conquer."
Only the ChiCom's talk as if Taiwan was always theirs to begin with; like it's some wayward child they want to come home. And that "unity" has anything to do with their "aspirations" towards the island. Which isn't "aspiration" in any positive sense of the word, but rather naked contempt and a huge step in their efforts toward domination/subjugation.
Climate change is beyond the scope of this essay, but there is no denying that globalization has been part of the problem as well as part of the possible solution.
I should have stopped reading at the ChiCom propaganda like I said. But I kept reading and sure enough we went into full on Clown World.
So I wonder which it is. Is he a paid Chinese stooge, like so many of our Republicans and Democrats - or... Daniel, if Chinese nationals are threatening a family member, blink twice.
Reunify? Taiwan was where the legitimate government of China fled to in the 1940s. Taiwan should get China back.
neoliberalism means whatever the central planners who hate liberty want it to be.
end the Fed, cut most of the Federal Govt, end all foreign interventions and go back to the gold standard and only trade wiht countries who also go back to the gold standard..that would be real neoliberalism.
We can’t try austerity now, the recovery is too fragile….
No, that would be insane. Depending how broadly you define "intervention" (if you only include boots on the ground, agreed. If you mean military aid to allies? Nope), each element of your post would wreck the US (and through it, the world) economy.
The gold standard? Seriously? Even Austrian School economists don't take that seriously any more.
Just Go Brandon?
Leading JP Morgan analyst Michael Semblast predicts that Grandpa Biden will abruptly withdraw his candidacy before the election due to a catastrophically low trust rating. Officially, this will be done with the wording of deteriorating health.
What we wrote about earlier is beginning to be voiced in the Western media. In fact, the grandfather will play the role of a lightning rod for the Democrats, on whom they will hang all the dogs. In such conditions, the Democratic candidate must have powerful charisma from the very first days. There is practically no time left for media promotion. And, it seems to us, the best person for this role is... Michelle Obama. The first black woman president of the United States, the migrant crisis and hundreds of thousands of young Americans who will vote for the Democrats simply because they allowed them to enter the country.
- Two Majors
Well, that's the sensible plan. The problem is his two leading replacements within the administration are an incompetent VP and a small town mayor who failed miserably at running Transportation.
You forgot the governor of our largest socialist state.
If one of the parties dumps their geriatric candidate, the other will have to do so immediately. Pretty much ANY Democrat Congressman or governor under 70 would beat Trump. Pretty much ANY Republican Congressman or governor under 70 would beat Biden. The voters have that much distaste for another Biden-Trump match. The parties know that. They'll both stay in, or they'll both go.
That makes the assumption that the parties are both in control of their candidates. The democratic party could convince Biden to step aside, but the party is about to fragment into a big-labor union party that's big on trade protectionism and anti-communism (even if they are pretty cool with socialism-lite), intersectional minority party that's perhaps shockingly okay with real gritty shoot-the-kulaks communism, and the wackjob sex/drugs/facebook-communism crowd. There's not a lot of old school democratic machine politics figureheads left to pick from. Meanwhile, the Republican party is doing its damndest to replace Trump but their voters clearly aren't having any of it. Trump chased out all the moderates and now the primary system is an echo chamber filled only with the remaining loyalists. The Party wants Trump gone like a bad flu, but on some level the old Republican party is dead and the only thing standing in its place now is the Trump Forever party, wearing its skin like a suit.
I'm voting for a third party, but if you asked me for an over-under on Biden winning November even if he were dead I'd put it at 60/40. The primary system is really showing its uselessness this year because the overwhelming majority of people will not vote in either one for a person running for president. I would be shocked if it totaled more than 5% of the general electorate.
One problem is liberal is synonymous with "traitor". So whether you're selling me progressive traitors, classical traitors, or neo-traitors, I'm not interested!
I'm sympathetic to the ideas of neo-liberalism as set out here. But, I think one might say part of the reason neo-liberalism has fallen so far into disfavor is that, at least as it has been practiced in the last couple of decades, it might be better termed, "neo-liberalism, asterisk". When institutions of the neo-liberal regime were faced with adverse consequences of their decisions, their policy has been consistently one of favoring government intervention, support, and collaboration. And those adverse consequences get passed on to the relatively politically powerless, who get told to shut up and deal with it, "because neo-liberalism". You see this in the bank bailouts of 2008, the COVID regime, monetary policy, federal pharmaceutical regulation and a thousand other venues. In that context, it really, really, shouldn't be surprising that neo-liberalism has gotten a bad name.
Anyone mentioning Ayn Rand and women having individual rights is in for a Republican lynch mob burning crosses on their front lawn. Nobody but nazis had ever heard of Maeces, Rottbutt or Hai-ick until the Gee Oh Pee got mad at Ayn Rand for campaignig against Ronnie (Prohibitionist girl-bullier) Ray-gun. When was the last time you saw one of God's Own Prohibitionists mention Atlas Shrugged?