The Abundance Agenda Promises Everything to Everyone All at Once
Some progressives want to remove bureaucratic obstacles to growth—in the service of Democrats and big government.

In summer 2023, American progressivism was spending big and riding high. Despite razor-thin majorities in Congress, Democrats had spent the last two years enacting hundreds of billions of dollars in new subsidies—for green energy, public transportation, domestic manufacturing, scientific research, and more. This progressive pork was now in the hands of Democratic President Joe Biden to distribute as his administration saw fit.
Yet when California Gov. Gavin Newsom looked upon the piles of fresh federal cash, all he could do was despair.
"We're going to lose billions and billions of dollars in the status quo," he complained to New York Times columnist Ezra Klein in June. "The beneficiaries of a lot of these dollars are red states that don't give a damn about these issues, and they're getting the projects."
Newsom was right about the distribution of the funds: More than 80 percent of the new federal funding for clean energy and semiconductors was headed for GOP districts, according to the Financial Times. His outburst spoke to the anxiety of much of liberal America.
Despite a string of progressive policy victories at the federal level, a Democratic Party under the grip of progressives, and ironclad Democratic control over some of the country's largest and wealthiest cities and states, blue America just wasn't delivering what its boosters said the country needed.
"We need to build more homes, trains, clean energy, research centers, disease surveillance. And we need to do it faster and cheaper," Klein himself had written a few weeks before his Newsom interview was published. Yet "in New York or California or Oregon…it is too slow and too costly to build even where Republicans are weak—perhaps especially where they are weak."
The blue strongholds' failure to build had added countervailing losses to all their wins.
These states aren't just losing federal grants. They're losing residents to states where housing construction is easier. They're losing companies to places where the regulatory burden is lighter. They're losing voters, tax dollars, congressional seats, and more to places that build the things people want. If the trend keeps up, the progressive vision for America may be lost as well.
This threat has provoked some surprising self-reflection from liberal wonks, writers, and officials.
America, and particularly blue America, has consciously wrapped itself in red tape, regulations, and special-interest carve-outs, to the point that it has become nearly impossible to convert either government subsidies or private capital into needed physical things.
As Newsom said to Klein, "We're not getting the money because our rules are getting in the way."
A hodgepodge coalition of legacy publication columnists, traditional think-tankers, upstart Substack writers, and obsessive Twitter posters have rallied around the straightforward idea that what the country needs is more stuff, and it isn't going to get it with that thicket of rules standing in the way. Their call to action is what Atlantic writer Derek Thompson calls the "abundance agenda."
According to Thompson, America has produced a lot of technology that allows people to complain about problems, but not much in the physical world to actually solve those problems.
Our "age of bits-enabled protest has coincided with a slowdown in atoms-related progress," he wrote last year. "Altogether, America has too much venting and not enough inventing." Thompson's complaint echoes entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter Thiel's famous 2013 quip that "we wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters." What we need instead, argues Thompson, are policies that will kick-start material growth and technological development here in reality.
For libertarians and free marketers, this new abundance agenda has a lot to offer. Many of its intellectual forefathers and policy foot soldiers are themselves libertarian-leaning. Even when they're not, the abundance agenda remains a directionally deregulatory affair. Once seemingly fringe libertarian hobbyhorses such as abolishing zoning, occupational licensing, and immigration restrictions are now being aired prominently in mainstream center-left and progressive spaces.
At the same time, most of those who favor the abundance agenda are either agnostic about big government or actively supportive of it. In its most statist iterations, the deregulatory elements of the abundance agenda are mostly about clearing away the bureaucratic and constitutional obstacles to government-provided services and government-sponsored megaprojects.
For some abundance-agenda adherents, it's a partisan project as well: The goal is to make blue America more efficient, more effective, and more appealing in the service of making America more Democratic.
And yet: The fundamental policy goal of abundance agenda liberalism is to clear away bureaucratic and political obstacles to useful projects, especially in the housing market. Is this a devil's bargain that libertarians should be willing to make?
Getting the Public Out of Public Policy
Discussions about the abundance agenda quickly get bogged down in wonky specifics. But its pursuit of limitless individual potential powered by limitless growth and energy is nothing short of utopian.
In a 2022 essay for Works in Progress, Benjamin Reinhardt described this futuristic end point through the eyes of someone living in a world of abundant energy "too cheap to meter."
You would wake up on your artificial island off the coast of South America, commute to work via a flying car and Singaporean space elevator, put in a few hours working on new longevity drugs in zero-gravity, and then jet off to Tokyo for a quick dinner with friends before commuting home.
As you return home, Reinhardt writes, you hope that one day you have "the resources to pull yourself out of the bottom 25 percent, so that your kids can lead an even brighter life than you do. Things are good, you think, but they could be better."
In order to achieve this sci-fi world of abundance, we have to unshackle ourselves from growth-phobic institutions riddled with "veto points" stopping new housing, energy, and more.
The American government of today is a highly participatory one. Individual people have substantial opportunity to have their say in public hearings and courtrooms on everything from new housing projects to new power plants.
It wasn't always this way.
As recounted in Yale historian Paul Sabin's book Public Citizens, this level of citizen input was the product of laws passed in the 1970s inspired by slow-growth activists such as Rachel Carson, Jane Jacobs, and Ralph Nader.
This group of writers, lawyers, and activists argued that the midcentury liberal era's love of growth and bigness had left corporations free to pollute the environment and flood the market with dangerous products. Meanwhile, unchecked, opaque government bureaucracies built or approved harmful megaprojects that bulldozed private property, often without the owners' consent, and devastated nature in the name of "progress."
To hold fundamentally untrustworthy bureaucracies accountable, citizens were empowered to sue bureaucrats when they didn't follow new environmental regulations or disclose enough information about the projects they approved.
The thinking at the time, writes Sabin, was that "aggressive litigation might make the government work better."
These anti-growth, anti-bigness policies also drifted down to the state and local level. Throughout the 1970s, state legislatures passed their own, often much more expansive environmental reporting laws that allowed citizens to sue to stop private projects such as new housing and businesses, as well as major infrastructure projects.
Local governments, meanwhile, tightened existing zoning codes to drastically reduce the amount of housing that could be built. They also gave local residents (via public hearings, referendums, and discretionary approval processes) more say over the approval of housing that was still technically allowed.
Empowered to sue over projects they didn't like, local "not in my backyard" (NIMBY) activists grew increasingly successful in stopping everything that smacked of progress in their neighborhoods.
Free marketers have been critical of these laws from day one.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), which has enabled citizens to challenge the approval of both large infrastructure projects and single-family homes, was enacted in 1970.
By 1979, Reason was accusing the law of having "done more damage to home building in that state than anything since the last ice age and the San Andreas Fault." It took several decades for mainstream Democrats like Newsom to start making similar complaints.
Indeed, these laws initially sparked little pushback from liberals. But as their costs have continued to mount in terms of housing units not built and energy not generated, a growing chorus of progressive voices has started demanding reform.
One example is the rise of California's rabidly pro-development "yes in my backyard" (YIMBY) coalition in the mid-2010s. Irritated by ever-rising housing costs, the new YIMBYs started to demand that restrictive zoning laws and procedures that gave neighbors the ability to say "no" to new housing be abolished.
These largely left-wing YIMBYs were fighting for property rights and freer markets in building. Yet their rhetoric is more likely to stress left-wing notions of equality and inclusion: The privileged few shouldn't get to say "no" to housing for the hard-pressed many.
Zoning reform has since become a core of the abundance agenda. Its critique of citizen veto points over housing has quickly spread to other areas of the regulatory state.
When it comes to the approval of infrastructure projects, community input is "fundamentally flawed," wrote Jerusalem Demsas for The Atlantic last year. "It's biased toward the status quo and privileges a small group of residents who for reasons that range from the sympathetic to the selfish don't want to allow projects that are broadly useful."
Riddling the system with these "veto points" has also given rise to a related criticism of modern American governance: what the Times' Klein calls "everything bagel liberalism." (That's a reference to the all-consuming "everything bagel" from the 2022 film Everything Everywhere All at Once that sucks up so much of the universe that no individual thing ends up mattering.)
The policy implications of the metaphor are clear. If everyone can say "no" to your project, then everyone is going to demand something before they say "yes" to it. That in turn weighs down projects, public or private, with prohibitively costly carve-outs and payoffs.
The abundance agenda's criticisms of excessive veto points and the special-interest carve-outs they breed has made its supporters more friendly to the libertarian view that market incumbents often convert regulation into a protection racket.
In addition to NIMBY housing regulations, abundance agenda supporters criticize occupational licensing laws for propping up the earnings of incumbent day care workers and hair stylists at the expense of consumers and excluded workers. They criticize immigration restrictions that keep out high-skilled foreigners to protect the wages of native-born Americans. They attack "Buy American" laws that force businesses to purchase domestically sourced materials.
"I think a lot of people don't know how much the government does to restrict access to a lot of kinds of goods that we don't have serious disagreements about whether people should have access to them," says liberal pundit Matt Yglesias. "There's a lot of pretty pure rent seeking in the system."
On the flip side, the growing popularity of the abundance agenda has seen free marketers use that framing to pitch their longstanding deregulatory beliefs to a wider left-of-center audience that might otherwise tune them out.
Discourse, a publication of the pro-market Mercatus Center at George Mason University, has published a series of essays on the abundance agenda, most of which argue that a long list of free market policies are necessary for true abundance.
Both libertarian and progressive abundance-agenda supporters have reached back in history to find forgotten strands of liberalism that prioritized growth and progress.
An Abundance of Takes
In Neal Stephenson's sci-fi novel Anathem, there exists an order of rationalist monks whose whole purpose is to explain that every supposedly new idea was actually discussed to death centuries ago. If these monks existed in our universe, they'd likely say that, actually, there's nothing all that novel about a progressivism that extols the virtues of growing the private sector and government.
As recently as the mid-2000s, there was a boom in this kind of thinking. Writers like Brink Lindsey (then a vice president of the Cato Institute) and Gene Sperling (one of President Bill Clinton's economic advisers) made their respective cases for a "liberaltarian" or "pro-growth progressive" coalition.
The liberal-libertarian fusionists saw dynamic markets as necessary for the good jobs and tax revenue progressives wanted. They also recognized redistribution as a just and politically necessary means of shoring up popular support for the economic dynamism the libertarians prized.
As a bonus, a growing economy would convert everyday people to socially liberal values, or at least make them less willing to go in for reactionary politics. "It is easier to have a melting pot if it is a growing pot," Sperling wrote in his 2005 book The Pro-Growth Progressive.
Nevertheless, there's a lot that distinguishes today's abundance agenda from the pro-growth progressives of old. The most obvious one is the contemporary group's means of communication and organization. Notwithstanding Thompson's admonition about too much venting and not enough inventing, the abundance agenda is definitely "too online."
Today's abundance-agenda liberals own a lot of real estate at legacy media outlets: Klein writes a column at The New York Times, while Thompson and Demsas write for The Atlantic. More often than not, the prestige publications' version of the abundance agenda is a filtered, polished rendition of broad ideas and specific policies first circulated on social media and in digital newsletters.
Where else but #EconTwitter would thousands of professional wonks and interested laypeople gather to chew the fat about the latest National Bureau of Economic Research working paper explaining low growth rates, or dunk on clips of anti-housing activists saying a new apartment building will ruin their neighborhood?
Where else but in subscriber-supported Substack newsletters could writers find it possible (and profitable) to pen thousands of words on the particulars of energy-permitting regulations or international variation in public transportation project costs?
Out of this wonky internet churn, individual failures to build get synthesized into a coherent group identity around an abundance agenda and its larger call to action.
A representative episode was the uproar over La Sombrita.
La Sombrita was Los Angeles' "radical" new design for shading its bus stops that, on closer inspection, turned out to be a mostly useless piece of metal that cast almost no shade.
Its primary virtue was that it was so small and ineffective that city workers could just go out and hang them from bus stop signs. More substantial shade structures would need multiple sign-offs and approvals from L.A.'s sprawling city bureaucracy.
A quarter-century ago, this small-scale boondoggle might have attracted little notice. Instead, it quickly went viral in the abundance-agenda corners of Twitter, which then produced thinkier Substack pieces about how La Sombrita explained America's material stagnation, which were then followed by coverage in major traditional news outlets.
No "failure to build," no matter how small, would escape the movement's all-seeing eye.
Yglesias, who writes the Slow Boring newsletter on Substack, argues that the online nature of abundance-agenda liberalism has helped rehabilitate market-friendly centrist "New Democratic" thinking from its low ebb in the late 2000s and early 2010s.
That kind of proto–abundance agenda "had a lot of purchase and a lot of institutional backing 20 years ago and then came to be discredited because the particular institutions associated with New Democrats came to be associated with the invasion of Iraq" and the Great Recession, he says.
Thanks to new voices and institutions online, he adds, "there's been a rebuilding and rediscovery of what was correct in that political tendency."
As a sign of its success, the online movement has started to spawn traditional brick-and-mortar institutions in the real world.
One can see this in the rise of an abundance-agenda-adjacent think tank, the Center for New Liberalism (CNL)—previously known as the Neoliberal Project, and before that r/neoliberal. (In its earliest forms in the mid-2010s, CNL was just a humble subreddit, or online forum.)
"It was making really wonky memes about the federal funds rate," says CNL co-founder Colin Mortimer. "It very quickly turned into a community and refuge for non-Bernie [as in socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders] Democrats who wanted a place to talk about still wonky but general politics."
That subreddit community followed the upward ape-to-man trajectory of any successful internet-spawned political movement, growing into a successful Twitter account, a podcast, a website, local in-person meetups, and eventually acquisition by a decadesold center-left think tank, the Progressive Policy Institute, in 2020.
The CNL has since spun off into its own independent organization, where a large part of its mission continues to be convincing center-left policy makers that "we just don't have enough stuff" and "we should make it easier to replace that stuff or build new stuff."
That's not the only abundance-agenda institution to grow beyond the confines of simple posting.
For a time, billionaire Stripe co-founder Patrick Collison was content to write about the causes of and obstacles to economic growth on his personal blog. His company has since plowed significant resources into more traditional publishing endeavors to expand on those ideas.
It has launched Stripe Press, which publishes and reprints a number of books helping to lay an intellectual groundwork for growth-obsessed abundance agenda-ers. That includes J. Storrs Hall's Where Is My Flying Car?, which pins our stagnation on regulations that crushed energy production, and Stubborn Attachments, by George Mason University economist Tyler Cowen, which argues we have a moral duty to future human beings to increase economic growth by as much as possible.

State Capacity Statism
The abundance agenda and libertarianism have a significant natural overlap. Nevertheless, the former's goals are higher growth and "more stuff" generally, not a smaller state.
That goal has created an odd-bedfellows coalition of big-government liberals and small-government libertarians and conservatives, all interested in some pruning of the regulatory state. But the progressive members of this coalition want that pruning to unleash the best big government has to offer.
If free markets or small government institutions are seen as an impediment to higher growth and empowered, competent government, then they too have to go.
Klein's "everything bagel liberalism" is a useful framing for discussing the problems of excessive process and special interest carve-outs. He first deployed it in the context of all the cost-increasing regulations attached to affordable housing development in San Francisco. The development he profiled managed to escape a lot of these regulations by relying exclusively on private money.
Nevertheless, Klein's column made it clear he wanted the government to play a significant role in solving the state's affordable housing problems, and indeed, its problems generally.
"Government needs to be able to solve big problems. But the inability or the unwillingness to choose among competing priorities—to pile too much on the bagel—is itself a choice, and it's one that California keeps making," he wrote. That's a far cry from the libertarian view that government will inherently get bogged down with needless process and/or get captured by special interests.
Even where liberal adherents of the abundance agenda support getting rid of government regulation on market actors, it's often part of a larger political project of making progressive policies work and progressive-dominated regions more powerful.
The abundance agenda in many ways started as an effort to liberalize zoning regulations on new housing construction in expensive coastal metro areas. A large part of that was early YIMBY activists and writers correctly understanding that restrictions on market supply are driving up market prices.
At the same time, this focus on zoning speaks to a progressive anxiety that blue America is losing people, power, and influence to places where housing costs are cheaper.
"The population center of gravity keeps shifting to places where they let houses get built is something everyone understands. The political economy consequences of that are dire," says Yglesias. "Do you want to concede that the overall model in Texas is just better or do you want to zero in on how much of that excess growth is caused by housing elements and then do something about it?"
The libertarian political project is to shrink the state generally, not just reduce permitting times for federally approved infrastructure projects.
Many activists and policy wonks who support the abundance agenda argue it's often undesirable and certainly a waste of time for anyone to pursue those larger changes to the nation's political economy.
That's the view taken by Alec Stapp, co-founder of the Institute for Progress. Stapp got his start working on the big questions of tech policy, such as antitrust and privacy regulations.
"It's trench warfare," he says. "Both sides are really well-funded. They've been having these arguments for decades. Has legislation been passed? Have rules and regulations changed? Not really."
Stapp launched his institute with the goal of sidestepping those bigger policy fights in favor of focusing on the "inputs to innovations," such as high-skilled immigration and federal science funding.
"Lots of people talking about should we give [the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation] more billions of dollars or take away their funding," says Stapp. Instead, his group asks: "For any given budget, whether it's a little smaller or a little bigger, how are they spending it?"
That could well be the best way to be an effective policy entrepreneur. But it requires one to make peace with a state far larger and more intrusive than any libertarian could be comfortable with.
Even some abundance-agenda adherents who share the goal of freer markets and a less intrusive state have nevertheless embraced the idea that the modern world requires us to have a better functioning government before we can have a smaller government.
"Our governments cannot address climate change, much [less] improve K-12 education, fix traffic congestion, or improve the quality of their discretionary spending. Much of our physical infrastructure is stagnant or declining in quality," wrote Cowen in a 2020 blog post advocating "state-capacity libertarianism."
"Those problems require state capacity—albeit to boost markets—in a way that classical libertarianism is poorly suited to deal with," he continued. "Even if you favor education privatization, in the shorter run we still need to make the current system much better. That would even make privatization easier, if that is your goal."
Old-school libertarians have criticized this notion. David R. Henderson of the Hoover Institution perceptively replied to Cowen that "the latent power that a large-capacity state would have could more easily be drawn on than the power that a small-capacity state would have."
"Even if large-capacity libertarians wouldn't want the state to throw people in prison for producing, distributing, or using drugs," Henderson warns, "they might not get their wish."
The Liberaltarian Moment?
The liberaltarian movement never quite panned out. Will the abundance agenda be a similar flop? It's always tough to read the tea leaves, but there's reason to think a "liberalism that builds" might be a stickier concept.
The pandemic era's trifecta of huge spending, high inflation, and empty shelves has reinforced the notion that you can't just spend your way out of material deprivation. Center-left policy wonks and lay policy enthusiasts are increasingly hungry for ideas about how to grow the pie, not just subsidize and redistribute it.
Pandemic-era migration from blue to red America has made clear the role liberal states' homebuilding regulations are playing in pricing people out. That has helped keep liberalizing zoning reforms on the top of the agenda at the state and local level.
Lastly, the success of congressional Democrats and the Biden administration at squeezing through big spending bills has, ironically, removed one source of friction between the big- and small-government sides of the abundance agenda. Like it or not, those billions in subsidies have already been approved. That's one less point to argue about.
Provided it does stick around, where will an abundance agenda lead us?
One optimistic view is that an abundance agenda will succeed in smashing the veto point–riddled institutions of the 1970s. The inherent inefficiencies of government will mean that its schemes will still flounder, while private capital is at last unshackled to build our housing- and energy-rich future.
Or perhaps Henderson's pessimism is on point. Abundance-agenda liberals (and a few useful-idiot libertarians) will succeed in making a more effective state only to see it slide its interfering tentacles into more and more areas of the economy and individuals' lives.
Maybe the abundance agenda will be truly transcendent, as in Reinhardt's energy-rich utopia. With the problems of material scarcity basically solved, questions about government control versus private initiative will become hopelessly archaic. Taxation will still be theft, of course. But when energy is too cheap to meter, who'll even notice the state pirating a few electrons?
Most likely, we'll end up somewhere in the middle, with the abundance agenda adding another pro-growth, deregulatory spice to the "everything bagel" of Democratic governance. Regulations will become less burdensome, but they won't disappear. Progressive politicians will have to be more mindful of the costs of permitting procedures and "Buy American" rules, but they won't get rid of them entirely.
That seems to be the direction where Newsom's California is headed. After complaining bitterly about CEQA, the governor unveiled some incredibly mild tweaks to the law. They weren't earth-shattering stuff by any means, and they won't fix the state's failures to build.
But directionally, they're deregulatory. Perhaps real abundance starts on the margins.
Rent Free is a weekly newsletter from Christian Britschgi on urbanism and the fight for less regulation, more housing, more property rights, and more freedom in America's cities.
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to post comments
So when Xi leaves will they just release a million homeless people back into the streets of San Francisco?
Will the locals accept the needle infested sh*t-covered streets again now that they know it can be cleaned up in a week?
Gonna get interesting
I'm making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website...
The epidemic of feces deposits on San Fran’s sidewalks is part of a smear campaign.
It’s a shitty deal.
The City by the Bay’s dream of a clean streetscape has been stoolen from them.
They will just attempt to paper over the problems.
They are flush with cash, and just piss it away.
Brown journalism.
A high school student gets reprimanded over his hairdo. Another high school student gets beaten to death by 20 other students.
The hairdo student is the only one who gets relentless national news coverage because reasons you’re not allowed to notice.
Only Columbo could solve this mystery.
“The abundance agenda” Is the left stealing from Joel Olsteen now?
If any of those 20 students have manifestos, the guess is that they won’t be officially released.
I was unaware of either story I had to go to the Daily Mail to read about the killing. Who does the American media think they're fooling when they hide stories like this?
American media should be disbanded. A good case can be made that ABC, NBC, WaPo, NYT, etc. are not in the Jews business, and are really just propaganda arms of the DNC and the democrat controlled White House. Which puts them in serial violation of federal and state election laws. And as an ongoing criminal conspiracy, subject to prosecution under federal RICO laws.
They aren’t in the “jews” business? Nice.
Jew too VM?
When the guy who owns the American government shows up, things better look nice.
They did the same thing in Chicago at Clinton's convention in 96. They'll do the same in 2024 at FJB's.
According to the narrative, Reason is a leftist publication that damns Republicans while constantly praising the political left.
That means this article cannot possibly exist. If it did then the narrative would be a lie and the people spreading that lie would be called out as liars.
Since nobody is going to do that, the article must be a figment of the imagination.
Pour sarc. The article praises the left for a slight push to deregulatory efforts because blue states aren't getting all the taxpayer money due to it.
But we know you have to sling shit against the wall any time dems are even slightly criticized by Reason.
Ideas! Never talks about people!
Poor JesseBahnFarter-Fuhrer! The article never ONCE praised (or even mentioned…)… TRUMP, Trump, Trump… TRUMP-TRUMP!
ALL Praises to TRUMP, who gives us the very air that we breathe, Comrades!!! Do NOT piss off JesseBahnFarter-Fuhrer!
Jesse didn't mention Trump either, you retarded troll.
Hey Chumpy Chump... "Stormy" Daniels has now been promoted to SPERMY Daniels, and don't you forget tit!
I told ya so!!!!
The Sad Saga of the Stolen Erections
And lo, it came to pass, that Tim the Enchanter blew upon His Magic Flute, and led me to a secret cave (the Cave of Caerbannog), whereupon mystic runes carved into the very living rock foretold of a day to come.
This sad, sad day has now manifested itself, just as foretold. The Promised One had been delivered to us, and was to fertilize His Queen, Spermy-Stormy Daniels, in an amazing scene; a glaze of Vaseline. Their offspring were to be called Strumpets… Which is a concatenation of Stormy and Trump. They were to number in the millions… About 332 million; enough for all residents of the USA to be issued one Strumpet per each resident, to sit on his or her right shoulder, and make sure that each resident stayed WAAAY Righteous. Each Strumpet was to progressively exert more and more Righteousness Control over each resident, by covering them in Strumpet Vines.
Sad to say, the Bad Bider-Grunch stole Trumpsmas AND Trump’s Erections! The stolen erections prevented the birth of the 332 million Strumpets, in the world’s WORST mass murder (genocide) so far! Even Saint Babbitt could NOT save the Strumpets!
This is the Sad Tale of the Demise of the USA!
Butt my tinfoil hat TOLD me that Der JesseBahnFarter-Fuhrer is PISSED because Trump wasn't PRAISED to the Highest Heavens, nor even mentioned!
(If YOU can have a PERFECTLY fashionable tinfoil hate-hat, I can at least have one small hat that tells me the obvious, simple truths!)
Strawmen and lies is all he has.
Constant lusting for forming a Fascist Foursome with Der TrumpfenFarter-Fuhrer, Spermy Daniels, and Pepe the Racist Frog, is all that Der JesseBahnFarter-Fuhrer has to offer!
And meth. Don’t forget that.
Jeff is far too fat to be on meth.
Meth laced Double Stuff Oreos?
I'm going to let your lies stand because the people who believe them are as worthless as you.
You apparently don't know what the word lie means. Let me give you a clear example of you lying about a statement just a day prior.
sarcasmic 6 days ago (edited)
Flag Comment Mute User
How is what I said hypocritical unless the quote says using labels is hypocritical? It’s doesn’t, so it isn’t. Which means you’re lying as always.
I’ve never said trump cultists or forever trumpers. So there’s a lie. I have said Trumptards and Trumpistas, and I have compared his followers to Obama’s cult of personality. But I never used the terms you claim.
As usual everything you say is a lie.
JesseAz 6 days ago (edited)
You said forever trumper fucking yesterday retard.
And you’ve used trump cultist dozens of times.
sarcasmic 1 day ago Flag Comment Mute User Dude, that’s the subject of many articles on Reason as well as one of the things you and your fellow Forever Trumpers keep whining about. Are you daft? (that’s rhetorical)
Such a lying fucking retard.
The only people you are impressing are total loser cunts like yourself, so I really don't care.
It is showing you how often you lie while accusing others of doing so. Because youre pathological.
The guy who feels the need to drop lies, insults and personal attacks on all of my posts is calling me pathological?
Cute. Very cute.
Again, you're only impressing your fellow loser cunts.
Oh?? Has he been homeless?
Nope. Nor had CPS called on me. Nor had cops bring my kid home for keying cars. Etc.
I didn't tell you the end of that story. I went up the management chain and complained about the lady who called CPS, and I got her fired. Turns out her employer didn't appreciate her lies.
Did you burn her steak as well?
So youre such a malcontent you went and cried to management claiming to be a victim because CPS was called on you for putting your hands on your kids.
Such a hero.
He doesn’t have any fucking kids, or even en ex wife. He might try out his hands in other people’s kids though. Violently, not sexually. As he’s probably been rendered completely impotent from decades of aggressive alcohol abuse.
I literally just dropped an example of your lying. And best you can do is this? Lol.
You entered the thread this morning throwing shit dummy.
The things you call lies are me contradicting the voices in your head.
And you call me pathological.
What you call lies are your own word for word posts. Lol. But even given that you lie about what you said.
I repeat. Pathalogical.
No, you keep lying, you stupid drunken pussy.
You are such a pathetic cunt.
You see, all of your arguments are against people, without exception. The people who are impressed by that are people I wouldn't want to interact with in the first place. By getting your fellow worthless people to identify themselves, I know who to ignore because I know they will, like you, always argue in bad faith.
So you're unwittingly doing me a favor. Thanks!
all of your arguments are against people, without exception.
A) disproven by all the arguments I've made today.
B) you didnt make a fucking argument, you made an accusation. Literally about other people.
C) you're pathological.
Pathetic, lying cunt
I beginning to think sarc is just a bot.
I don’t think current technology allows a bot to be this stupid.
You’d think Reason was your mom the way you cry when anyone criticizes it.
No way I’m going to complain about one of the few useful articles these days on the basis of, “But the rest of your stuff now isn’t good like this.” Nor am I going to stop grousing about the rest of the stuff’s not being good like it was 20 years ago.
And for sarc.
If we gave illegals work permits they would all get jobs and make America rich!
New York Post
Only 2% of the 140K migrants who have come to NYC have applied for work permits
Who knew! Seems they prefer getting the equivalent of $400 a day without working.
Why are you racist against dreamers?!?!
Dreaming of welfare.
Here is where Jesse is lying, and his news source is lying, by omission.
Asylum applicants are FORBIDDEN FROM LEGALLY WORKING for 150 days while their case is pending.
So since a large number of these migrants have not been in this country for 150 days yet, then duh, many of them have not applied for a work permit yet.
Did Jesse bother to find this out? Did the NY Post bother to inform its readers of this fact? No and no.
Furthermore, this figure includes ALL migrants, including children. Does Jesse think they are going to be applying for work permits too?
They lie to you because they don’t want you to be informed, they want to propagandize you.
Edit: Oh oh, wait, at the very bottom of the article, there is this disclaimer:Migrants aren’t eligible to apply for the work permits until they’ve lodged their asylum application papers — and even then the wait time can be up to another six months.
But they have done zero work to try to figure out how many of the 98% fall into this category, how many are children, etc.
So they are following the rules and waiting in line, as Jesse et al. demand. And their reward for doing so is to be spit upon and accused of being worthless lazy fucks.
…a large number of these migrants have not been in this country for 150 days yet,…
Immigration is so new!
The facts are in the article in the link. Read the article instead of Jeff’s narratives and lies.
Most of then have been here much longer than 150 days.
I know you rely on false narratives instead of facts. This is an example.
Most of then have been here much longer than 150 days.
And you know this how? It certainly wasn't in the article.
How many of the migrants cited in the statistics were children? Do you expect them to be applying for work permits too?
Do you think a reputable news source would lump all of these different populations together - migrants who are legally forbidden from seeking work, migrants who are too young to seek work - and include them all in the denominator of a statistic like ONLY 2% HAVE APPLIED FOR A WORK PERMIT? Do you think that is a responsible or reputable thing to do?
Perhaps, the only purpose of publishing a story like this is to continue a narrative of LAZY MIGRANTS MOOCHING ON WELFARE even if it means lying with statistics to do so?
Google is your friend.
Google is your friend.
The upshot is that, conservatively, at least 70000 of the arrivals since sprint 2022 could apply for work permits, but fewer than 1500 have actually applied for work permits.
Nobody has been lying with statistics: the numbers in the article are accurate, as are the conclusions. The fact that you are a lazy bum advocating for lazy bums doesn't mean other people are lying.
This is NOYB2 defending a reporter not doing his job, pushing a narrative over facts, because NOYB2 happens to agree with the narrative.
Fatfuck, you need to go away. Your lies don’t get any traction here. You’re wasting your time. Plus everyone hates you because you’re such a malignant, sniveling, dishonest, morbidly obese, sea lioning, slovenly, whiny, idiotic piece of shit blubber.
Or just end your miserable life. But you’re too selfish to do that.
Where did I "defend the reporter"? I didn't comment on the quality of the writing at all.
I am simply stating that: (1) the conclusions stated in the article are correct, and (2) it is you, Chemjeff, who is misrepresenting the facts.
The facts don't change based on the quality of the reporting.
And the fact is that 98% of asylum seekers who could apply for work permits have failed to do so.
If there is one thing jeff hates it is facts. Because it ruins his narratives.
And exercise.
And portion control.
For fuck's sake sarcasmic, quit falling for Jeffy and Buttplug's propaganda and horseshit just because they're attacking your enemies.
First off, Jesse's own article acknowledges what Chemjeff is pretending is his big gotcha:
"Migrants aren’t eligible to apply for the work permits until they’ve lodged their asylum application papers
Secondly: "Only about 2% of the tens of thousands of migrants who have poured into the Big Apple since the asylum seeker crisis started have actually applied for work authorization permits, the latest data shows.
Roughly 3,200 asylum seekers in New York City have filed the required paperwork needed to start earning a legal paycheck — some 18 months after the relentless migrant influx first began, according to figures provided by City Hall.
18 months is roughly 520 days, sarcasmic. Not 150.
Does JesseAz swoon in your arms when you white knight for him?
(That's the correct response, right? Whenever you might be wrong you're supposed to attack the other person to change the subject. At least that's what I've learned from you and everyone else here.)
Never mind that I conclusively demonstrated that Jeff was lying to you.
It's all about Jesse.
Never change, Sarcasmic.
Tell you what.
I'll stop thinking of you as a colossal piece of shit when you point out your buddy JesseAz's lies.
Which we both know will be never.
Everyone is still waiting for you to give an example of my lies. You've literally failed every time.
But continue running to the arms of a fat leftist shit because he is the only one nice to you. Lol.
You literally chose to believe Jeff's lie instead if reading a fairly short article. You intentionally remain ignorant.
Everyone? No, just the people who think you're honest. And that's fine, because anyone who respects you isn't worth the CO2 they exhale.
So everyone but you and fat leftist jeff. Got it. Good point. Everyone does not include leftists.
How about you acknowledge your own lies, you feckless, drunken, dead beat dad piece of shit?
I repeat, there is NO WAY Drunk Pussy McDouchebag here has any kids outside of his drunken delusions. He’s far too worthless and unlovable to have a family.
I’ll stop thinking of you as a colossal piece of shit when you point out your buddy JesseAz’s lies.
I'm so old I remember when sarc pretended he engaged in ideas rather than attacking people. Now he explicitly admits ideas are irrelevant. No doubt tomorrow he'll pretend to be about ideas again. Whatever is most useful to his attacks.
I'd settle for people arguing against what I actually say.
Instead they have to lie and misrepresent what I say and argue against that.
You see, all of your arguments are against people, without exception.
Here's an example of sarc's hypocrisy from this very thread.
It just goes to show even idiots are giants in their own minds
I did argue against what you said. What you said was an accusation followed by a denial of facts because you agreed with Jeff's narrative. That was the sum total of your "arguments."
Jeff was lying to you
you mean, when I posted that correction at the bottom of my comment?
maybe that was when I was acting like a Nazi or something
You lie, that's a fact. There's a strong reason most of the commentariat calls you "Lying Jeffy".
now that's gaslighting right there
Look at sarc getting mad because someone read the article instead of sucking Jeff off. Lol.
sarc may have difficulty counting past 40. And after a few 40s, perhaps getting to there could be a challenge.
I actually look forward to his Sunday afternoon shitposts when he's drunk far too much. They're pretty amusing.
Of course the next day it was all Tulpa.
I don't drink anymore, so it will have to be Tulpa.
Not that you give a shit. When given proof that I was impersonated you still insisted I was running multiple accounts to impersonate myself. I've never met someone more hostile to truth than you.
Yet you still act like an ignorant alcoholic?
It’s only been a few weeks.
Got to start somewhere.
I do like the derision in that statement. It takes a real piece of garbage to mock someone who is quitting an addiction. I knew you were low, but man. I don’t think it gets any lower than that.
Not that I'm surprised.
You're right.
If you are going dry and plan to stick with it I won't mock your alcoholism any more.
Sarc wants people to say how brave he is for giving up alcohol for 2 weeks as he continues to be an asshole to everyone. Lol.
Part of breaking an addiction is admitting the problems it caused you and the people you attacked while in its throws to make amends.
Youre not doing that. It is why you will fail. Just a heads up.
And Jesse reveals himself yet again to be a human piece of garbage.
It is good that there is no evidence that Biden has alcohol abuse disorder and is trying to quit drinking. The issue if this were the case? Biden wouldn’t be able to successfully maneuver 12 steps.
Congrats on going dry.
Thank you.
Yet you are still a lying piece of shit who is now trying to garner kudos about “going dry” when we all know it’s temporary at best. Someone who is really about going dry and reforming themselves doesn’t seem out the pats on the back like you are. It looks like typically victim claims to me. Fuck off.
^^^ another human piece of garbage
Do you think he knows that beer still counts as drinking?
Vodka with orange juice is just a breakfast drink. Yes order was intentional.
Bitch, your drunken ramblings aren’t ‘proof’ of anything.
TFA answers those questions, including the fact that the city, state and feds are refusing to fully track this information.
A simple web search shows that at least 100000 arrived more than 150 days ago. About 30% claim that they are children, leaving at least 70000 adults who we can and should expect to apply for work permits, yet less than 1500 have applied for work permits.
No, YOU have done zero work to figure this out.
The vast majority of them evidently are "worthless lazy fucks".
So are you, chemjeff.
Your numbers and the article's numbers don't match. Shouldn't a responsible journalist try to figure this stuff out?
You are criticizing ME for not doing the reporter's job? WTF?
We both know that if some left-wing reporter was using statistics in this phony-baloney way, it would be torn apart mercilessly around here. But because you *defend the narrative*, you also defend the use of shady statistics to propagate that narrative. It's bullshit and it points to your moral bankruptcy that you put ideology over truth.
The vast majority of them evidently are “worthless lazy fucks”.
Oh really? How do you know this?
How many of the migrants are disabled and unable to work?
How many of the migrants are in school of some sort?
How many of the migrants are staying with relatives who are happily supporting them?
How many of the migrants are spouses of a migrant who is working to support them?
And how do we know that the Post isn't cooking the statistics on the number of migrant applications to work, just like they cooked the statistics on the total number in the denominator?
The whole POINT of the article was to propagandize you and it worked. It was not to inform but to push a narrative.
Fatfuck, stop making things up. No one believes you.
Now fuck off.
Why don't you stop being an asshole?
Why don't you stop supporting refugee status for child molesters, fat boy?
They didn't cook any numbers. They stated the numbers, the sources, and the relevance of the numbers accurately.
Do any of those circumstances prevent them from applying for work permits? No, they don't. Hence, the statement is correct: 98% of (eligible) migrants have failed to apply for a work permit.
Furthermore, if you want to ask the question of what percentage can work and/or needs to work, you can apply some common sense reasoning of estimating that; it doesn't change the conclusion significantly.
Well, you probably can't because you obviously lack common sense, but normal people can. I'm not going to walk you through it.
I'm criticizing you for being a lying, manipulative p.o.s., Chemjeff.
Jesse posted a link. You posted a link to a product.
Show your work where they haven't been here '150 days'
You ramble on what you believe but nothing to back it up.
BTW you have to apply a head of time to get one. The 150 day mark is when they make it offical.
I know facts. They stink right?
San Francisco hurries to move the homeless out of downtown as foreign dignitaries travel to the city. Apparently they could have protected their citizens from assaults and stepping in shit the whole time. But only do so when China comes to town
Bureaucrats and permission-givers need jobs TOOOO!!! And inspectors of the rights of endangered species of bacteria and slime molds! WHO will think of the endangered species of bacteria and slime molds, if not you and me?
REAL abundance might be obtained by getting heavy industry and mining OFF of our planet! Yet here we are, with the Fish and Wildlife and Endangered Species of Bacteria Bureaucrats denying SpaceX permission to launch, until such time as SpaceX PROVES ABSOLUTELY that NO bacteria will die, in this universe, or in any other parallel universe, either! The Bureaucrats MUST always have MORE Power and Money!!!!!
Yet MORE "everything bagels" for bureaucrats and permission-givers is twat is needed here, folks!!! For BOTH sides! (So they say, at least.)
WHEN will we have a compromise in which we shovel LESS shit onto the Government Almighty bagels... Of BOTH sides?
Hey conservatives!!! How about a “Grand Compromise”? Y’all give up your “abortion boners”, in exchange for lib-tards giving up their “gun boners”?
This looks like a prime opportunity for me to explain a few things I’ve learned on this planet, while becoming a geezer. A few things, that is, about human nature, and excessive self-righteousness, tribalism, the “rush to judge” others, and the urge to punish.
“Team R” politician: “The debt is too large, and government is too powerful. If you elect ME, I will FIX that budget-balance problem SOON! But, first things first! THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE ARE GETTING ABORTIONS!!! We must make the liberals CRY for their sins! AFTER we fix that RIGHT AWAY, we’ll get you your budget balanced and low taxes!”
“Team D” politician: “The debt is too large, and I’ll get that fixed soon, I promise you, if you elect ME! First, the more important stuff, though: THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE ARE OWNING GUNS!!! We must PROTECT the American People from guns and gun-nuts!!! AFTER we fix that RIGHT AWAY, we’ll get our budgets balanced!”
And then we gripe and gripe as Government Almighty grows and grows, and our freedoms shrink and shrink. And somehow, the budget never DOES get balanced!
Now LISTEN UP for the summary: Parasites and politicians (but I repeat myself) PUSSY GRAB US ALL by grabbing us by… Guess what… by our excessive self-righteousness, tribalism, the “rush to judge” others, and the urge to PUNISH-PUNISH-PUNISH those “wrong” others! Let’s all STOP being such fools, and STOP allowing the politicians OF BOTH SIDES from constantly pussy-grabbing us all, right in our urge to… Pussy-grab the “enemies”, which is actually ALL OF US (and our freedoms and our independence, our ability to do what we want, without getting micro-managed by parasites)!!!
Shorter and sweeter: The pussy-grabbers are actually pussy-grabber-grabbers, grabbing us all in our pussy-grabbers. Let us all (as best as we can) AMPUTATE our OWN nearly-useless-anyways pussy-grabbers, and the pussy-grabber-grabbers will NOT be able to abuse us all NEARLY ass much ass these assholes are doing right now!
The problem of the eurozone is not China, rate hikes, or the Ukraine war. The curse of the eurozone is central planning. Subsidizing obsolete sectors and zombie firms, bloating government spending, and massively increasing taxes on the most productive sectors are driving away technology, industry, and high-productivity sectors. Government current spending is now the main component of GDP in countries like France or Belgium and is rising all over the eurozone. Implementation of politically imposed economic decisions has crippled euro area opportunities, and energy policy is a key area of stagnation in the economy. A misguided energy policy makes industry less competitive and the economy more vulnerable as power and natural gas prices for households and industries are significantly more expensive than in China or the US due to the accumulation of taxes and regulatory burdens.
Good thing the US isn't following suit with bills like the Inflation Reduction Act... oh wait.
US Debtclock dot org puts Washington’s federal debt at $33,718,656,000,000. Thankfully, Biden has been part of the Washington spending machine for all but four of the past half-century. He’ll know what to do if there ever were a problem.
Thats okay. Household debt is at 17T
US DebtClock puts US “personal debt” at $25T. Possibly using different factors.
Moody’s just downgraded US credit outlook to negative. Part of the reasoning was an impending borrowing showdown, which I thought we just had. I suppose the massive spending by Biden and DC may now make that a frequent event.
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"Debt" is the least of our worries. Unfunded liabilities of the US government are upwards of $210 trillion.
The US debt is now up to:
Up a billion dollars in under ten hours.
Clearly this is lawfare against the True Patriot Hillsdale College, and the sluts had it coming.
I don't really understand what you're bitching about here, aside from trying to invoke "Believe all women".
If Chen was raped why didn't they immediately go to the police? If someone raped me the very first place I'd go is to the cops, if I didn't need the hospital.
But, "Chen said she gave the school a written account of her assault and it arranged for her to meet with an outside lawyer it hired to investigate the rape allegation. She did not report the incident to police.
Villarreal accusation has more veracity, she told her parents, some classmates, and then went to the police to file a report. "Scott Hephner, police chief for the city of Hillsdale, confirmed that Villarreal reported the alleged rape on Aug. 30, 2021. He said that after police conducted an investigation they recommended charging Villarreal’s alleged attacker with criminal sexual conduct.
“The request was denied by the prosecutor’s office,” Hephner said."
So what the fuck is the college supposed to do here, Jeff? One made an accusation without any evidence and the other was declined by the prosecutors office.
If they expelled the accused who would get sued?
Your shilling is so fucking pathetic. This is just another reason why I despise you.
Jeff didn't get the in depth talking point.
The fact that the alleged victims did not want to report the alleged rapes to the police says a lot about their allegations. Meanwhile their lawsuit against the college says a lot about their motivations.
The US Constitutions rightly guarantees that anyone being prosecuted for a crime has the right to question their accusers in court. It looks to me, like these students want the right to sue but don't want to be questioned about their accusations.
I guess your post is relevant to the article, in the sense that the "abundance agenda" and organizations like Center for New Liberalism, are full of contradictory policies. It seems they want to remove rules for government, but not private enterprise, to be efficient. IMHO, that's a very dangerous route that will make us less abundant.
E.G., taking money from producers for a "social safety net" encourages less production, and more social safety net spending. How civil is it take by force from producers, to only give it to non-producers? It isn't civil, or moral.
More free speech tension on college campus.
Well, it's not "incitement to violence", at least legally, to just put up a sign advocating for something, even if that something is violent or detestable.
Frankly I think the faculty should butt out of these things and let the students on all sides express their views unhindered.
Well this is new for Jeffy, seeing as he didn't bother to condemn his team when they were screaming that having Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro give talks at universities was incitement.
The wokies don't like it when their own measures hurt them instead of conservatives.
Well, this should give a bunch of you some instant hard-ons.
Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump’s 2025 Immigration Plans
Finally, the nation would have its precious bodily fluids free of foreign contamination!
I can out-Trump The Trump! Yes, I can!
All humans are an invasive species, everywhere except for Africa, where they evolved!!! Send them ALL back to Africa, and without ANY hearings about asylum, etc.! Pronto!
Here Jeff pretends that illegal and legal immigration are the same thing again.
Fifteen years ago every country on earth would have no problem deporting illegal entrants, but now Jeffy and his pals want everyone to think it's practically Hitler.
Hey Marxist Mammary-Necrophilia-Farter-Fuhrer... Issue all of that them thar illegal sub-humans their "magic papers" to legalize them, and then ALL associated problems GO AWAY, and Perfect You will have Perfectly ZERO problems with it... RIGHT?!?!?!
Here Jeff pretends that illegal and legal immigration are the same thing again.
No, that is your team. How many times do we have to hear from your team about the "illegals" who are requesting asylum?
You're really sticking with your "NO U!" argumentation tactics, huh? How the fuck have I conflated illegal and legal immigration?
As I've mentioned before when you've tried to pull this slimey horseshit. My mother is an immigrant to Canada, and my brother and sister are immigrants to the US. Why the fuck would I be anti-immigration?
"How the fuck have I conflated illegal and legal immigration?"
Which PROVES that You Perfectly BELIEVE in the Udderly Awesome POWERS of Government Almighty-Issued Pieces of MAGIC Papers!!!!
"Papers Please, Supposed Citizens!!!"
(I think that the USA should dump all of its elderly, homeless, and cripples onto Canuckistanistanistan, after STEALING their "papers please", and then accusing them of being illegal sub-humans!!! And then Marxist Mammary-Farter-Fuhrer will take them ALL in, and take care of them... Because She Perfectly LOVES them ALL, just ass She loves all of the Sacred Fartilized Egg Smells!)
Either address what I said, or fuck off, Troll.
“How the fuck have I conflated illegal and legal immigration?”
Which PROVES that You Perfectly BELIEVE in the Udderly Awesome POWERS of Government Almighty-Issued Pieces of MAGIC Papers!!!!
Can You READ and THINK, Perfectly Dense Wonder Child?
I'm not insane enough to understand the connection between conflation and "MAGIC Papers".
You want to go get one of the nurses to explain it to us?
“How the fuck have I conflated fairies and unicorns THAT HAVE THEIR MAGIC PAPERS and fairies and unicorns THAT ARE NOT BLESSED BY GOVERNMENT ALMIGHTY?”
Only Perfectly Self-Righteous POWER PIGS worry about these kinds of things!!!
Pretty sure the orderlies didn't say that.
The orderlies at Your Perfect Clinic are actually, secretly illegal sub-humans, and they DESPISE You, for Your Perfect Self-Righteousness, and are secretly spitting in Your Perfect Food, Perfect Bitch!
We really need to have SQRLSY put down. I hear some veterinarians have mobile services where they come to you for that.
And I am sure you have corrected your team each time they tried to claim that a migrant requesting asylum at the border is an “illegal immigrant”, right?
People who cross the border illegally are illegal migrants. No subsequent actions, amnesty, or lack of prosecution change that fact.
In nations with anti-gay laws, people who engage in gayness illegally are illegal gays. No subsequent actions, amnesty, or lack of prosecution change that fact.
Ditto trannies, accused “groomers”, abortionists, heathens, infidels, vaxxers, mask-wearers, atheists, dirty hippies, Jews, witches, or, the very WORST of them all, being one of those accused of STEALING THE ERECTIONS OF OUR DEAR LEADER, right, right-wing wrong-nuts? ANY methods are OK, so long as they are used against the CORRECT enemies, am I right?
False. The law allows migrants to cross a border at a border crossing and request asylum. That is LEGAL.
False. Only for the Mexican border.
Try to pull that shit coming from Canada and you're going back.
New deal with U.S. allows Canada to turn back migrants at the border
The deal also allows American authorities to turn back asylum seekers travelling to the United States from Canada.
Does the deal also allow the witches to be BURNED?!?!
I don’t know. Ask Trudeau and Biden who negotiated the deal.
Are you looking to burn someone again, Shillsy?
My tribe’s lies leading to violence are GOOD! YOUR tribe’s lies leading to violence are BAD! That describes YOU, MarxistMammaryBahnFarter-Fuhrer the Jesus-Killer! That is why you and some of your fellow troglodytes hate me and what I write! All the Demon-Craps have stolen the election(s), so they are all VERY evil, so it is OK to kill them and steal their shit, right?
So MarxistMammaryBahnFarter-Fuhrer the tribalist witch-burner…
So how long till you feel that you’ve built up your tribalistic lies enough, sufficient for you to be justified when you come over here and kill me, and steal my property? Why do you want to steal my property? I DO own MANY books, but they are CLEARLY too long and complex for you to read and comprehend!
Fatfuck Jeffy will keep lying.
That's gaslighting.
Calling you names isn't what "gaslighting" means, you fat fucking shill.
It is always illegal (=against the law) to cross the border except at designated border crossings.
However, this illegal behavior does not prevent people from seeking asylum in the US under current regulations.
Most of what sarc and Jeff post is projection.
As a legal immigrant, I have no problem with that: remove everybody who isn't here legally or whose loyalty oath is likely to be insincere. Remove them quickly and with minimum fuss. Furthermore, punish employers and banks who do business with them. Perfectly legal, constitutional, and fair.
Aren't you from a former communist country?
whose loyalty oath is likely to be insincere
Do you *really* want the government to be policing loyalty to the state?
Noy-Boy-Toy-Boy BLEEVES that the USA can make totalitarianism WORK, unlike ALL of those other nations, throughout all of history!!! The USA is SPECIAL, now that Noy-Boy-Toy-Boy joined us here, AND is telling us how it should be done!
Loyalty to the constitution, you fat piece of shit. Although I can see where a far left statist, such as yourself, would conflate a loyalty oath with the government.
Loyalty to the constitution?
The Meeting of the Right Rightist Minds will now come to Odor!
Years ago by now, Our Dear Leader announced to us, that He may commit murder in broad daylight, and we shall still support Him! So He Has Commanded, and So Must Shit be Done!
And now, oh ye Faithful of the Republican Church, Shit Has Become Known Unto us, that Shit is also in His Power and Privilege Ass Well, to murder the USA Constitution in broad daylight. Thus He Has Spoken, and Thus Must Shit Be Done! Thou shalt Render Unto Trump, and simply REND the USA Constitution, and wipe thine wise asses with shit! Do NOT render unto some moldering old scrap of bathroom tissue! Lest we be called fools, or worse!
Proud Boys and Punk Boogers, STAND with TRUMP, and stand by! And if ye don’t agree 110%, then we don’t need you polluting our world, because all who disagree with us in ANY way are LEFTISTS!!!
There, I think that’s a wrap! I’ve covered shit ALL! You can take the rest of the day off now.
(You’re welcome!)
Yes. Your point being?
No, not at all. Neither do I want the government to police morality.
However, I want immigrants to be admitted based on loyalty to the Constitution and evidence of good moral character. In fact, that's not just my wish, that's US law (as well as the law in most other countries). Immigrants swear an oath to that effect. I had to conform to that law, and I expect others to do the same.
The article you reference, is like so many about Trump: it's made-up BS that exists in liberals; minds but doesn't exist in reality. Much of it thanks to the ongoing BS reporting, gas lighting and lies about Trump, at the behest of Big Government proponents, mostly in government. Those in power fear his popularity, because they'll lose power and the wealth that comes with it.
Just look at how Trump deregulated via EO because Congress didn't want to deregulate (and reduce the State's power) and the economic results. Then how Biden undid Trump's EOs via Biden EO and the economic results. That's the impact of the administrative state.
What were the economic results that were directly from Trump's EOs?
It’s been covered here Fatfuck. Don’t pull your sea lioning bullshit.
Like what?
What were the economic results that came about directly from Trump's EOs?
Why are democrat cities rejecting 'migrants' please explain it to us.
Klaus Schwab:
“In the new world, you have to accept total transparency. It will become integrated into your personality”
“But if you have nothing to hide you shouldn't be afraid.”
Does not include government, epstein clients, or favored officials.
Let's see Schwab's bank records, his diary and all his security camera footage. I'm sure he's got nothing to hide, right?
Well well, looks like Nardz has been busy.
Is this like the Anthrax letters where the spores turned out to be from the feds own strain? Some siezed tweaker jam taken from FBI lockup?
Because what redneck would be mailing his own stash out?
Probably Hunter's mail routed to the wrong box.
About the article:
If we can't have the libertarian utopia that we want, the next best thing IMO is a government that actually works well.
I am reminded of how the unemployment system completely collapsed during the COVID pandemic. Because in many states it was an old and antiquated system that had neve been updated in any meaningful way since it had been computerized in the 80's and 90's. Granted, some level of strain on the system was to be expected given the sheer number of new applicants and the unprecedented nature of the pandemic. But it was embarrassing how underprepared these systems were. Unemployment insurance is not a new concept, it has been around for decades, why were they not prepared?
That is just one example among many about how government simply cannot deliver on what it promises to do. And if we can't have government get out of the way and have the private sector step in, as we libertarians would like, the next best thing would be for the government to actually meet the promises that it makes. When it says "let's have an unemployment insurance system", make one that actually works.
If we can’t have the libertarian utopia that we want, the next best thing IMO is a government that actually works well.
That would only encourage dependency, the same as it currently does.
A dependency on what? A government program that is going to exist anyway whether we like it or not?
This is fundamentally why welfare is immoral.
It seems even more immoral to take a government program that the people have said that they want, and try to screw it up.
The first option is to eliminate the welfare state, or at least try to pare it way back.
But if we try to persuade our fellow citizens that this is a good idea, and we fail to do so, then the next option would be to create the welfare state that they want, but with minimal waste and maximum efficiency and strict rules. That way, the people are getting what they say that they want, we aren't getting a government that is excessive in its implementation of this program, and the tax dollars are being used effectively.
It seems even more immoral to take a government program that the people have said that they want, and try to screw it up.
No input from cons or liberty is required for the government to screw it up.
And will always more immoral to chain people to dependency than to just take their stuff.
People will always vote for something they perceive as free dummy. And even more when they perceive they are already pot committed to the program. 15% of their paychecks have been paid into the 2 primary programs. Each year. Of course they want some of their earnings back.
When you ask people if they would rather have 15% more a year or in a private account they say they would rather pay now. Half the workforce has been paying into the system for 20 years.
But even without that taking from one to give to another is always immoral.
Oddly the people you hate the most, the right, contribute more to charity than the left who merely wants government to force transfer payments. As you've openly also stated in the past. Involuntary charity isn't charity.
Didn’t then president Obama (D) attempt multiple times to reduce the tax deduction from some charitable donations?
I don’t want to appear to be focusing on one side/tribe to the boaf sidez crowd so I’ll say something nice about Obama. A wonderful quote has been attributed to him, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Agree.
I dont remember him doing so. But doubling the personal exemption made it so 80% of people don’t need to itemize.
Should also be pointed out that one of the reasons SSI is so insolvent is Obamas lowering thresholds for SSI disability that added 5M non retirees to be paid out from SSI.
He also attacked Paul Ryan and the gop plan to raise the dispersement age.
Oh so you do read my comments. So you were lying when you claimed to have me on mute then?
I see you decided to take a break from spreading Team Red propaganda to try to post a semi-serious comment. What's the matter, is The Federalist website down or something?
And even when you tried to offer a semi-serious comment, you didn't even answer the question that I had posed. IF we are going to have a welfare state, don't you think that it should be run well?
People will always vote for something they perceive as free dummy.
Hey look, you are largely right. That was baked into my premise above, that we are stuck with a welfare state for a while. So what was the point of your little rant again? Oh right, here it is:
Oddly the people you hate the most, the right, contribute more to charity than the left who merely wants government to force transfer payments.
Oh I am aware of the statistics. I just find it difficult to reconcile the statistics with the general attitude that I see around here towards the poor, which tends to be far from compassionate.
So, what is your proposed solution for how to deal with entitlements?
"Oh so you do read my comments. So you were lying when you claimed to have me on mute then?"
This is all this garbage piece of shit has left to bitch about after being spanked so thoroughly.
I've never said I had him muted. When I mute people I dont respond to them.
But jeff and sarc are just here to start shit. An article slightly critical to dems and they knew their plate was packed (pun intended] woth throwing shit in thread.
LOL your role here is literally to push right-wing propaganda. And you accuse ME of starting shit?
Who is the one who started in with the insults in this discussion?
When are you going to answer my question?
But jeff and sarc are just here to start shit.
Says the guy who can't make a post without lying or deliberately misrepresenting what someone says in order to goad them into defending themselves.
“LOL your role here is literally to push right-wing propaganda. And you accuse ME of starting shit?”
Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding. Your posting history here hasn’t disappeared.
"Says the guy who can’t make a post without lying or deliberately misrepresenting what someone says"
Self-awareness isn't a Sarcasmic superpower.
Sarc, look at the 2nd post made this thread. Stop being in fucking denial. Youre not a victim.
Cmon ML. Just because he lies about what he has posted in the past and I cite him word for word doesn't make me right.
When did I claim to mute you dumbass? I just don’t engage with your infantile repeatedly debunked talking points. Everyone but sarc already knows you’re full of shit so I let them handle you.
But please. Post when I claimed to mute you. Youre the same as sqrsly to me.
This was months ago and I'm not going to dig through months of old posts to find that one comment. If you've changed your mind then whatever. I know you are not honest enough to admit that you did.
But let's see, now this is you avoiding the question again.
IF we are going to have a welfare state, don’t you think that it should be run well?
"IF we are going to have a welfare state, don’t you think that it should be run well?"
See, shit like this is why everyone knows you're a Democratic Party fifty-center.
If you were libertarian you wouldn't believe that it was in any way possible for a welfare state to be run well.
Libertarians don't oppose a welfare state because of an independent streak, but because they don't believe that it could ever work. The nature of government makes it impossible. That's why they believe welfare should be left to charities and private organizations, because real world data demonstrates that they are effective while government always fails. That's why we oppose the welfare state, Nazi.
Your comment is one-dimensional and simple-minded.
Of course it is possible for a welfare state to be run well. And by "run well", I mean that it functions in an orderly and professional manner that is responsive to the customer's needs. There are small-scale examples of well-run 'welfare states' with rural public school boards. They tend to be well-run and not the centers of controversy that the large urban ones are.
There are many reasons a libertarian would object to a welfare state. That a government would tend to run one poorly is just one reason, not THE ONLY reason.
I also note that you like to throw in the Nazi epithet randomly for no reason. This is your gaslighting technique. Fuck you, troll.
“Your comment is one-dimensional and simple-minded.”
No it wasn’t. It’s basic libertarianism, page one, chapter one, first paragraph. You really think you can just type any old bullshit and get away with it, don’t you?
Who do you actually think this works on?
“Of course it is possible for a welfare state to be run well.”
Alright. Give one fucking example. There’s been hundreds of welfare states in the 20th century. Give one example of a well run one.
“I also note that you like to throw in the Nazi epithet randomly for no reason.”
We’ve been through this one hundred times before. I call you a Nazi because you hold Nazi views and endorse Nazi policies. Sure you’ve swapped some of the villains but every doctrine and cant you’ve left intact.
I call you a Nazi because you hold Nazi views and endorse Nazi policies.
No, you make accusations without evidence.
Alright. Give one fucking example.
I did. You ignored it. Which is typical.
No it wasn’t. It’s basic libertarianism, page one, chapter one, first paragraph. You really think you can just type any old bullshit and get away with it, don’t you?
Here is a clue for you. Why would a government-run welfare program fail, while a private charity succeed? Would the government-run welfare program ALWAYS fail? Would the private charity ALWAYS succeed? There is nothing magical about government or the private sector that guarantees one will always fail or one will always succeed. The INCENTIVES are different generally for government vs. the private sector, and that makes it more *likely* that private sector solutions will be better and more cost effective, but that doesn't mean that the private sector solution will ALWAYS work and the government solution will NEVER work.
I favor private-sector solutions most of the time because I think they produce superior results most of the time, but I am not such an ideologue to think that they will be the superior solution 100% of the time even if the data say otherwise.
Because your fellow travelers control the media, so people are fed leftist bullshit.
Jeff ways retreats back to semi honesty when dem policies become such failures. No matter how many times the policies he espouses fail, he always claims it is just due to bad management, the government will get it right next time.
The lefts belief that failure is not an option is one of the reasons for so many crisis. Failure is a natural part if markets and life. Failure needs to occur to allow proper allocation of resources.
Jeff's utopia isn't liberty, it is top down design from a central global government.
dem policies become such failures
Note Jesse says "dem policies", not "government policies". As if all the Republican policies have been such spectacular successes. Such as: Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, etc. As usual, Jesse is just a propagandist for his tribe, intentionally concealing the failures of his tribe.
Failure needs to occur to allow proper allocation of resources.
Hey guess what, we both agree. The only disagreement is on the consequences of failure.
"Medicare Part D"
What the fuck is that, Lying Jeffy?
One of George W. Bush's crowning achievements.
Wait, you're against expanding Medicare now?
Also, Jesse regularly attacks Bush, the GOPe, RINOs and the neocons and you're trying to pin this on him?
Shhh. Ruins their narrative. Even did so yesterday when Jeff was throwing shit. He even commented on it.
No, I don't want to expand Medicare, but you knew that, you gaslighting troll.
No, I wasn't pinning Medicare Part D on Jesse.
But Jesse loves to point out government failures when it's the other tribe. Not so much when it's his tribe.
And, let's point out, you didn't know what Medicare Part D was, and you claimed I was a liar for bringing it up. So, now that you know it is a real thing, and I wasn't lying, I will accept your apology now.
Still doesn’t understand what gaslighting means.
We finally found an entitlement Jeffey is willing to criticize. I'm shocked it was initiated by a Republican. Whoever could have predicted that?
I've criticized all the entitlements, by the way.
Sure you have, every time doing so helped you attack the right.
Lol. Above you called welfare leeches “customers”.
Too funny.
As usual, Jesse is just a propagandist for his tribe, intentionally concealing the failures of his tribe.
Which, if true, would make him...just like Jeffey.
ooo sick burn, bro! Why don't you go back to inventing rationales for why The Left is to blame for everything, including that pimple on your ass.
Ordinary observation, not a burn, you discount DNC politruk.
hey, 4chan loser, go back to the lower depths where you belong
Chemjeff: "ooo sick burn, bro!"
Also Chemjeff: "hey, 4chan loser"
Lol. He can't keep track of his own invective.
See quote above about projecting. They can't help it.
To be fair, he’s likely more focused in polishing off his current 55 gallon drum of Ben & Jerry’s.
How many progressives have you murdered today?
Probably a fuck of a lot less than MAGA you've attacked and children you've castrated today, you fat gruesome fuck.
I haven't attacked or castrated anyone. Why would you think I have?
Yep, people who claim criticisms of the left are invented are clearly balanced analysts.
that pimple on your ass.
He goes by Jeffey. Say his name!
There are valid criticisms of the left, and then there is what you come up with, which is paranoid inventions that everything is their fault.
If that were true you'd point one out. But you can't so you fall back on generic whining to protect your team.
Say his Name!
Okay, let's start with this:
The Green New Deal is an overly ambitious plan full of taxes and regulations that would do more harm to the economy than any good it would do for the environment.
That is my criticism of it.
But that is not your team's criticism of it.
Your team's criticism of it is more like:
And when anyone tries to argue "no, that's not actually what will happen", we are accused of defending it.
Your team creates this idiotic black/white tribalistic thinking where either one must accept the entire narrative of the tribe, including the most batshit insane criticism of the Other Tribe, or one becomes a member of The Other Tribe.
So either one must believe that the Green New Deal repesents LITERAL COMMUNISM, or one must totally embrace the Green New Deal and is probably having sex with AOC at this very moment.
I represent someone who opposes the Green New Deal but who also opposes the batshit insane nonsense that has been spewed about it. And for that I'm called a 'progressive'.
Sure you'll say something now to protect your image. Show us one single time when you addressed this to another leftist.
I represent someone who opposes the Green New Deal but who also opposes the batshit insane nonsense that has been spewed about it.
The GND that promised to support those unwilling to work? Of course we already see this bureaucratically with Dems redefining disability to provide income to their voters. What's interesting and revealing to me is how leftists pretend to want to debate the issues seriously, but can never quite get to it because every comment of theirs focuses solely on irrelevancies like whether this represents true communism or not as if the definition is what matters.
Your team creates this idiotic black/white tribalistic thinking where either one must accept the entire narrative of the tribe,
Do they? I don't feel I have to. So I think this is just some bullshit you made up because it allows you to attack those you hate. Meanwhile I see your team claiming anyone who disagrees with them is greedy/racist/sexist depending on the topic and should be fired for expressing mainstream opinions. This has been going on for decades with various degrees of openness. But sure, the team you hate created this.
How absurd, especially from someone who whines that others engage in blanket condemnation.
See there we go. Nothing I say is good enough for you.
You: You never attack left-wing policies!
Me: That's not true, but fine, here is my criticism of a left-wing policy.
You: Well, you didn't attack left-wing policy in a way that I deem acceptable!
So what's the point of engaging with you in the first place? You think I'm a leftist and nothing I do or say will change your mind.
Nope. So just GTFO.
Buh bye bitch.
Technically, the GND is more like German national socialism/Italian fascism, since it imposes government controls on private industry rather than nationalizing them.
And with government being directly responsible for half of US GDP and strongly regulating the rest, the "death of America" as a free nation based on individual liberty and free markets is already a done deal. The question is whether we can reverse it.
So what’s the point of engaging with you in the first place?
I wonder what he thinks engagements means? All he does is shitpost and whine that others aren't sufficiently deferential. This is what I call left wing privilege: they never meet the standards they hold others to, yet they're the first to complain that others don't treat them as they're a decent and rational person. This entitlement comes from the double standards left wingers enforce in our education and media institutions. The very people who whine that expectations of decorum including respect are used to silence them are the first to claim outrage if others treat them similarly.
You think I’m a leftist and nothing I do or say will change your mind
If you were interested in ideas this wouldn't matter. It's also interesting that you could just stop pretending to not be a leftist and it wouldn't be an issue. Or you could not be an asshole about it. You have many options, you just refuse to choose one because they conflict with your primary goal here.
Oh FFS. YOU are the one who is continually going on about "leftist" this and "leftist" that. Not me.
What does a person have to do to convince you that he/she is not a leftist?
YOU are the one who is continually going on about “leftist” this and “leftist” that. Not me.
Right. You're the one droning on about right-wing this and right-wing that. But that's different, because you're a leftist and standards applied to others don't apply to you.
What does a person have to do to convince you that he/she is not a leftist?
They'd have to not be a leftist.
They’d have to not be a leftist.
How do you define that?
Here's what someone else wrote when asked to define the right:
chemjeff radical individualist 3 hours ago
Flag Comment Mute User
No, ML, I am not going to provide a definition of “rightwing” for you, because that is irrelevant to your claim that “there’s no such thing as right or left”. One must only observe the world and see individuals segregate themselves into left-wing and right-wing to see that yes, there is such a thing as left-wing and right-wing. I’m not going to play your trolling games.
And so now, you are going to demand my definition, and/or play these semantic games about what really is “left” vs. “right”, and otherwise troll and troll while calling me names.
Suddenly Jeffey is into semantic games. I'm shocked to discover he refuses to answer questions he demands of others. Shocked.
Fine - if you won't define 'leftist' then I will.
Since I don't support "progressive or socialist ideas" that aren't also part of the libertarian mainstream, I don't favor bigger government, and I don't favor policies that result in economic and social equality, then I'm not a leftist.
So why are you calling me one again?
Also, you are not very smart if you think that is some sort of gotcha.
ML was claiming "there's no such thing as left or right", and then when I challenged him on it, was demanding my definition of "right wing". It doesn't take Spock-levels of logical deduction to see that this is just a trap. He doesn't need my definition of "right wing" to attempt to prove his claim. He just want to try to beat me over the head with some game.
If ML was a fair and honest interlocutor and I thought my definition of "right wing" was essential to the conversation, I would be more than happy to provide it. As it stands, however, ML is a bad-faith scumbag who is more interested in playing gotcha games and calling me a Nazi and I am not interested in playing his games.
This is different than the question that I asked of you. You accuse me of being a leftist, and I ask you what your definition of it is. Do you have any standard whatsoever? Why do you accuse me of it?
Since I don’t support “progressive or socialist ideas” that aren’t also part of the libertarian mainstream, I don’t favor bigger government, and I don’t favor policies that result in economic and social equality, then I’m not a leftist.
If this were true at some point you would choose to criticize those policies. There’s a very important concept in economic called revealed preference. It notes that what people prefer based on their decisions is routinely different than their stated preferences, and that in these cases their behavior reveals their true preferences. This article is about the lefts political policies becoming so obviously detrimental even left wingers are noticing. If you opposed these policies it would be normal to expand on this crititicism. And yet you don’t.
Now one such example might be happenstance. But in your case, along with sarc and Laursen, you literally never do this. Literally every single comment is an effort to distract from any commentary damaging to the left. In tens of thousands of comments not one has ever initiated a criticism of the left. Instead you try to draw the conversation away from the subject by posting unrelated content and trying to draw others in by suggesting it will make them mad. Or you protect the left with whataboutism. Or defend it with some irrelevant tone policing. In fact the only time you ever advance a criticism of the left is when you’re desperate to retain enough credibility to attack the right again. So it’s clear attacking the right and protecting the left us your sole interest.
We know you by your actions, not by your professed beliefs.
First part not true. Second part 100% true.
Jeff can't stand i call out the GOPe all the time which is the majority of the GOP. While he cites articles praising Dark Brandon thinking we won't click on his links.
I'm not talking about whatever you label as "GOPe". I'm talking about your tribe. You are a propagandist for your right-wing tribe.
And what tribe is that, Nazijeff? The Jews?
Hey, gaslighting asshole. Go back to 4chan.
Still doesn’t understand what gaslighting means. Probably thinks it’s something to do to Jews,
You cite right-wing websites.
You push right-wing narratives.
You believe in right-wing myths.
There is no right-wing trope that you don't peddle in.
There's no such thing as right or left, Jeffy, but if you didn't have that rhetorical crutch you wouldn't be able to pigeonhole him.
It's completely obvious that you're a Democratic Party shill, but it's hard for you to turn around and accuse Jesse of being a Republican shill because he obviously hates the party leadership.
That's why you choose ephemeral descriptions like "right-wing". So you don't have to explain what you mean.
There’s no such thing as right or left
That is absurd even for you.
I specifically didn't say he's a "Republican shill", he's a right-wing shill. He parrots right-wing talking points, posts from right-wing sources and pushes right-wing narratives.
It’s completely obvious that you’re a Democratic Party shill,
Whatever, gaslighting asshole. Is this where you make up things that I believe without any evidence whatsoever?
“That is absurd even for you.”
How is that absurd, Fucknuts?
I’ll tell you what, Lying Jeffy. If your appellation wasn’t ephemeral bullshit, describe your definition of “rightwing”.
Tell us what you think right-wing is and how Jesse matches it.
“Is this where you make up things that I believe without any evidence whatsoever?”
Here’s hard evidence: “IF we are going to have a welfare state, don’t you think that it should be run well?”
Libertarians don’t think it’s physically possible, but authoritarian fascists do.
No, ML, I am not going to provide a definition of "rightwing" for you, because that is irrelevant to your claim that "there's no such thing as right or left". One must only observe the world and see individuals segregate themselves into left-wing and right-wing to see that yes, there is such a thing as left-wing and right-wing. I'm not going to play your trolling games.
And so now, you are going to demand my definition, and/or play these semantic games about what really is "left" vs. "right", and otherwise troll and troll while calling me names. Because your point here isn't to discuss anything of substance, it's just to continue calling me names. So fuck off.
I will also point out that you called me a "Democratic party shill" when I also posted this:
The first option is to eliminate the welfare state, or at least try to pare it way back.
Is that something a "Democratic party shill" would write? Obviously not.
So you are just a stupid gaslighting troll. As usual.
…I am not going to provide a definition of “rightwing” for you…
Can’t do it.
"No, ML, I am not going to provide a definition of “rightwing” for you"
Of course you're not because it was bullshit to begin with.
"The first option is to eliminate the welfare state, or at least try to pare it way back.
Is that something a “Democratic party shill” would write?
It's definitely something a Democratic party shill would write when astroturfing, especially when you append a big "HOWEVER" like this: "IF we are going to have a welfare state, don’t you think that it should be run well?"
As I wrote:
Because your point here isn’t to discuss anything of substance, it’s just to continue calling me names.
“Because your point here isn’t to discuss anything of substance, it’s just to continue calling me names.”
What a lame dodge. Who the fuck do you think that you’re tricking with your grade school sophistry?
Everyone reading the thread can clearly see you’re making halfwit excuses because you obviously don’t want to provide a definition.
These are the games you play.
First you make an obvious bullshit claim ("There’s no such thing as right or left")
Then when called on that claim, you make a ridiculous demand ("even though it's totally unnecessary for me to defend my claim, I demand that you define the term 'right-wing' for me!")
Then when called on that ridiculous demand, you make a lame statement that I am somehow dodging your ridiculous demand pertaining to your bullshit claim.
Because you are just being a bad-faith asshole with no integrity whatsoever.
So, I am not going to indulge your ridiculous demands and I am not going to endorse your bullshit claims. Your demand is unreasonable and is an obvious trap for you to avoid having to discuss your bullshit claim which is obviously false, which was:
There’s no such thing as right or left
You are the one dodging and deflecting, and you are playing all of these games to avoid facing that fact. You do this by continually attacking and going on offense instead of doing what a person of integrity does, which is, actually revising or correcting your claim, or actually trying to defend your claim on its merits.
But you had no intention of ever making a serious argument, the entire thing was a charade to launch another opportunity to call me names, because you are a demented 4chan troll.
So let's just end this whole charade right here:
Your claim of "There’s no such thing as right or left" is false, you know it is false, you only wrote it because it was a convenient argument at the time to defend your pal Jesse and attack me, you don't care it is false, you won't ever admit it is false, and now you are playing this game to avoid having to fess up to this.
“That is just one example among many about how government simply cannot deliver on what it promises to do. And if we can’t have government get out of the way and have the private sector step in, as we libertarians would like, the next best thing would be for the government to actually meet the promises that it makes.”
You contradict yourself: first you show one of many examples of how government doesn't work, then you expect it to work to "meet the promises that it makes."
The abundance agenda is just another false promise from people who don’t recognize that government is evil and should be limited to dealing with people who harm others. It’s evil, because it starts with theft to fund its activities. Private enterprise doesn’t engage in such theft, unless the government is paid off and allows it; otherwise, courts (a legitimate government purpose to resolve disputes) would remedy theft by private individuals or businesses.
FWIW, I investigated CNL, and was unable to find how it is funded, as they don’t tell us, or provide an IRS 990. That lack of transparency suggests it doesn’t want us to know and is likely the government trying to co-opt the reality that big government doesn’t work to solve problems and can’t deliver on its promises to do so, while it asks us to fund government while it continues to fail.
I also object to the author calling some people “useful-idiot libertarians”. They aren’t libertarians, they’re traitors amongst the ranks.
Those who lament the decline of Western Civilization, the self-hatred, the illiberalism, the fractiousness, the celebration of victimization, should direct their attention to the most obvious cause: Demographic change.
This should not need to be said, but of course it does need to be said: One can lament demographic change without having animosity toward the many desperate people who come to the West looking for opportunity. I don't blame them; I blame our elites.
Of course, there are other causes of decline, but demographic change is the most obvious and salient. Change the demographic, change the culture. It's really that simple.
The other major cause, which is made more potent by demographic change, is the rise of a craven elite who despise the West or who lack the courage to speak honestly about the threats to the West.
America, and particularly blue America, has consciously wrapped itself in red tape, regulations, and special-interest carve-outs, to the point that it has become nearly impossible to convert either government subsidies or private capital into needed physical things.
This is why the left wants policy set at the federal level. By making sure all jurisdictions are equally dysfunctional they can use their control of media and academia to deny their policies have these effects at all. As we see today their activists blame any deviation from perfection on "capitalism" and continue to claim the route to improvement is greater government control.
I'm seeing more non establishment talking points from reason? Did douchbag Koch die?
Even a blind squirrel occasionally gets a nut. Some squirrels get more nuts, resulting in squirrel necklaces.
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There was some hedging in there such as when they stated the deregulatory push to obtain federal spending was a good thing. Almost an excuse to continue federal spending.
Have to also remember Reason has had multiple articles praising federal regulation laws backed by funding.
LOL… 80% of value comes from Red Districts.
The whole point of being a Liberal Progressive retard is to sit around all day lobbing for [WE] ownership so lazy self-entitled criminals can STEAL what *EARNERS* have made.
If/When they ever are required to create anything they’ll suddenly all turn into Red Districts.
As-if any reasonable person ever believes 'guns' (gov-guns) actually makes sh*t without 'gun' slavery.
Left aligned groups want FDA to add carbon impact warnings to meat sales.
If the carbon trigger warning labels have adhesive that California determined to potentially be carcinogenic, a second label may be necessary.
The package would have more shit on it than an English Premier League jersey.
Oh look, it's Jesse once again citing another opinion piece and pushing right-wing opinion as fact.
Notice the framing: opinions are wrong when they're from the right.
But he's not on the left.
Here is a clue for you, Marshal:
Jesse, not that long ago, claimed that he didn't cite opinion pieces.
He is of course lying.
Notice this is not responsive to my assertion in any way. Jeffey realized he couldn't support his claim and so moved on to something else hoping no one would notice the bait and switch.
Your assertion is wrong, your framing is wrong, you are wrong, your existence is a mistake, you should go somewhere else
You exist just to try to trip people up in inventions of your own creation.
You accuse me of something I didn't do, then when I don't do that thing, you accuse me of changing the subject because I'm obviously guilty of the thing that I didn't do? You are nuts. This is the thing I was talking about earlier. I'm prejudged guilty in your mind and nothing I can do or say will change that.
I’m prejudged guilty in your mind
Not prejudged, but judged.
and nothing I can do or say will change that
In the same sense that a white rock cannot convince me it is blue water.
Poor Jeff. Going all sarc.
They finally synced up their menstrual cycles. Totes adorbs.
They’re such victims, with us abusing them by not tolerating their sniveling, lying assholery.
Mr. Houck, a Catholic and a father of seven, was arrested at his home in East Greenville, Pennsylvania, early on Sept. 23, 2022, when his family awoke to find a group of heavily armed FBI agents at their front door.
The arrest stemmed from an October 2021 altercation between Mr. Houck and an elderly Planned Parenthood clinic escort—an incident in which local authorities chose not to bring charges.
More than a year later, however, the DOJ charged Mr. Houck with twice violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a law that prohibits violent and threatening conduct intended to interfere with an individual’s right to “seek, obtain, or provide reproductive health services.”
A jury acquitted Mr. Houck of those charges in January. But according to the complaints—filed by the Graves Garrett law firm—he and his family members continue to suffer “severe emotional distress” brought on by his arrest and the fight for his freedom.
During the raid, agents reportedly pointed their weapons at the activist’s wife, Ryan-Marie Houck, and their children—an act that the lawsuits allege was meant to inflict emotional distress.
The next government needs to hold Nuremberg-like trials of the DoJ, DHS and FBI.
Very glad to see this. Hopefully we'll see a lot more lawsuits like this.
Jeff and sarc applaud/ignore it. In support of the state against conservatives or perceived conservatives.
Got any more lies to say about me?
You have commented against these acts at some point? Cite? Do you know what ignore means?
No, just lots of troubling truths.
""We're going to lose billions and billions of dollars in the status quo," (Newsom) complained to New York Times columnist Ezra Klein in June. "The beneficiaries of a lot of these dollars are red states that don't give a damn about these issues, and they're getting the projects."
If California hadn't destroyed its own industry maybe it could have tasted some of that pork too.
Was it Nardz who posted that link yesterday to production maps showing Blue America has stopped producing anything tangible.
"We need to build more homes, trains, clean energy, research centers, disease surveillance."
Excuse me?
Think of disease as independent thought and it makes sense.
I thought disease surveillance meant sewage analysis. It's actually a pretty good way to track prevalence of viruses.
A black kid was brutally beaten to death last week by a group of white teens.
Just kidding, Jonathan Lewis was a white kid and his killers were black.
Don’t expect to see this on CNN.
White Americans—particularly the upper middle class who have status anxiety—think NOTHING is more low class than organizing in white racial self-interest,
This is socially enforced by them and upper class whites by destroying the lives of those whites who ever dare try.
So while some conservative commentators may briefly weigh in, you will only see whites half-a-step behind in social graces or perhaps employed as Federal informants *really* make a fuss about it.
This incident won’t produce George Floyd like marches or “racial reckonings”.
It wouldn’t matter if these black youths kicking and stomping on the white kid’s head—who killed him, again, out of pure racial animus—had axes and were chopping him up alive, amputating limbs. Or if it happened 10x times.
Upper income whites WOULD NOT accept White Organization.
The entirety of post-War western politics revolves around one principle, which is that European self-consciousness, identity, and pursuit of material self-interest—be it in allyship with others, or the exclusion of others—is fundamentally illegitimate and destructive and evil.
"Pandemic-era migration from blue to red America has made clear the role liberal states' homebuilding regulations are playing in pricing people out."
Had nothing to do with the strict and needlessly extended lockdown policies in most blue states.
It must have been all about home prices and the sudden availability of work-from-home (for the pajama class anyway) . . .
The logic doesn't follow there. If there is a net migration out of cities then it means there is something pushing them out or drawing them away. Prices were down at the beginning of the pandemic. People didn't move out of cities because they weren't building enough shitty apartments
Haven't got past "disease surveillance".
Facial recognition cameras at wet markets.
Are bat's faces that different?
This trope is one of the most annoying to me, the idea that big business is somehow ruining everything and government is powerless to stop it. The truth, as most libertarians know, is that government is the true agent of evil.
One example is citizens stopping pollution. A book on the history of New York City oysters, details of which I have forgotten but may be "The Big Oyster" by Mark Kulansky, tells of New York City sniffer squads, from the 1800s into the 1900s, tracking down pollution sources, and forensic analysts of the late 1800s tracking down pollution, such as soot on clothes drying outside, to show who to sue. This individual responsibility began to be outlawed by courts and legislatures on the grounds it did not take the public good into account; it was up to the government to decide how much pollution the nation could tolerate, and woe betide any individual who thought otherwise (Supreme Court of Georgia, Holman v Athens Empire Laundry Co., 1919: "The pollution of the air, so far as reasonably necessary to the enjoyment of life and indispensable to the progress of society, is not actionable").
Another example is to look at the chart at and try to guess when US government safety regulations kicked in. There's another wikipedia article on "Automobile_safety" of the safety features added to cars long before the US government mandated any in 1964, but you'll have to look that up yourself, I've already got my one link in this comment.
I'm sure the usual suspects will attack me for failing libertarian purity test for saying this, but I think the Clean Air Act did some good.
It did good to get lead out of the air. After that it has been used by activists to fund their goals for regulation absent actual harm.
Youre allowed to note good at one point then point to corruption of good intentions for control thereafter. Nobody is stopping you.
This is especially true after Obama stated carbon was a pollutant.
Recall when the private jet of Climate Tsar John Kerry (D) was determined to have emitted 116 metric tons of carbon over the course of only one year. In winter, folks may need to turn down their thermostats to compensate.
I just don't see how someone accepts them as an entity who can delineate something as pollution and assert control over it as a good thing. It should be more akin to the CDC and do the research. If research shows something it should be up to Congress to adjust the laws or regulations. Not an unelected board. Especially in political or controversial areas.
More especially when the same people crying crisis do not personally act like there is one.
What you missed is that private parties are forbidden from doing what the government claims to have done.
I didn't "miss" anything. I'm quite aware of the problems and corruption surrounding the CAA. But I chose to write a single sentence instead of an essay.
Me: government told private parties to butt out, with the clear implication it was because private parties were too damned good and were interfering in the bribery involved in letting the government "handle" the problem.
You: one small part of what the government did was ok.
Are you that terrified of individualism? Does personal responsibility scare you that much?
Didn’t Tucker put seat belts in his cars well before they were mandated?
Speaking of Tucker, that movie definitely planted the seeds of my future libertarianism.
Chicago is so unpleasant migrants are fleeing BACK to Venezuela after being dumped in shelters and refused jobs, with 20,700 border crossers so-far bused to Dem-run 'sanctuary city'
So much for the narrative.
Amazing what happens when blue states stop spending billions on them isnt it. Just like everyone has told you for a decade plus.
Whenever I say something you agree with, you claim that I learned it from you.
You're just like a piece-of-shit politician who sees a parade, runs to the front, and then proceeded to act as if they were leading it the whole time.
I don't know why you're not in government. You've got the moral compass of a cop or a politician.
You've been pushing for unlimited immigration and telling everyone how good big government is, hypocrite.
No I haven't. I've repeatedly said our immigration system is totally fucked for many reasons, but I've never supported unlimited immigration. And I've never said big government is good.
Not sure if you ignore what I write and instead believe what I said about me, or if you yourself are another lying cunt.
Either way you couldn't be more wrong.
Iis said...typo
This is a lie. You’ve never supported a single regulation on immigration. That is open unlimited regulation. You have ignored and dismissed the costs. You state they all want to work but ignore the evidence posted above. You’ve called those against illegal immigration racist and xenophobic. You've ignored crimes and studies on illegal immigration rates. You've pushed nonsense studies like the one showing after 20 years they may start to pay more taxes than they use. Etc etc.
Another example of your pathological lying.
Contradicting the voices in your head is not lying.
You’ve never supported a single regulation on immigration.
Lie. I've always maintained that there should be some common sense rules like excluding people with diseases or a history of criminality.
You have ignored and dismissed the costs.
Lie. I have pointed out the benefits that you ignore and dismiss.
You state they all want to work but ignore the evidence posted above.
Lie. I've said that most want to, and do work. That many come illegally because if they did the legal route they wouldn't be allowed to work And that is historically correct. If this new batch is different it still doesn't contradict the past.
Fact is you can't argue with what I actually say, so you make stuff up and argue against that.
No, we argue what you actually say. You just lie all the time. Probably because of your alcohol abuse.
Jesse, when are you going to admit to the benefits of immigration?
You have ignored and dismissed the costs. You state they all want to work but ignore the evidence posted above. You’ve called those against illegal immigration racist and xenophobic. You’ve ignored crimes and studies on illegal immigration rates. You’ve pushed nonsense studies like the one showing after 20 years they may start to pay more taxes than they use. Etc etc.
Shorter Jesse: Unless you support the right-wing position on immigration, you are a liar. ALL of the facts are on the right-wing position. ALL of them! EVERY SINGLE ONE!
You claim to be libertarian, but out yourself as an extreme far leftist, and booster of pedophilia.
"extreme far leftist" who wants to abolish the welfare state, sure, whatever pal.
"booster of pedophilia" is a vicious lie.
say, how many progressives have you murdered today?
And sarc again lies and doubles down on essentially open borders. When I brought up the Lott study you said it was wrong. You discounted multiple stories of illegal immigrant crimes claiming they have less arrests than citizens despite your claim being backed by using legal immigrants who can be deported for crimes and are screened for crimes.
As to your defense of they want to work, you literally dismissed it just above. You dismissed the number of available jobs as compared to the number of illegals on NYC just last week.
There are no benefits IF THEY COST MORE you retarded fuck. Lol. Billions a year. I've also shown you the costs for refugees, legal immigrants, etc. All net takers of taxpayer resources.
You are ridiculous.
They’re inveterate liars and fanatics.
I don’t know if you’re a lying cunt, but you’re definitely a lying pussy.
This. He has continually claimed they are just here to work and no costs. Has argued such for years. An example is above as he ignores the article regarding work permits while repeating Jeff's false narrative.
I didn't say there were not costs. I said the benefits outweigh the costs.
You’d suffer an aneurysm if you told the truth.
And I've shown you dozens of times the benefits do not exceed costs. Why do you continue to double down on being wrong? If the benefits were better why is it costing the US tens of billions THIS year as one data point. Are you this fucking retarded?
Some of the issue may be the meteoric violent crime rate in that Democratic Party stronghold city. Banana republics may be safer than Obama’s “home” city.
Listen to the voice of sheer panic and terror in the form of James Clyburn as the democrats are horrified of the possibility of Joe Manchin running for president under "No Labels":
All these dummies have to do is allow a non-senile, non-pathetic man who actually knows where the fuck he is run in place of the old pedophile creep and all the third parties will stand down and sll their problems are solved. Why they won't do it is utterly baffling to me.
If the trend keeps up, the progressive vision for America may be lost as well.
I doubt it, but if it was true I'd celebrate it.
Progressives are some of the most disgusting human beings on the planet. Their movement is one of the most essentially racist and anti-human movements in America.
Somehow, for some reason, people think they're 'for progress' yet somehow their policy prescriptions haven't changed for around 100 years now. Their rhetoric and justifications have changed, but the essential nature of their beliefs have not.
"Its primary virtue was that it was so small and ineffective that city workers could just go out and hang them from bus stop signs. More substantial shade structures would need multiple sign-offs and approvals from L.A.'s sprawling city bureaucracy."
We'll ignore that that was it's *only* virtue - being too small to provide any shade and the light to dim to do anything beyond accentuate the darkness.
But hey, it got some grifters paid.
Jobs program for millions of worthless middle men “Experts”.
Guys like Ygelsias, Derek Thompson, Ezra Klein, urban planners, land use planners, transit planners, economists, data collection, TECH, new software upgrades , public policy degrees, sociologists to crime scenes, administrators, mental health experts, grant writers, grant administration, tech upgrades for grant writing. All these guys are getting paid in some cult like online bromance with (white progressive wonks) fans of bureaucrats and wonks.
Bureaucrats and wonks do not build anything, but are highly paid big government shills running out of other peoples money.
"in New York or California or Oregon…it is too slow and too costly to build even where Republicans are weak—perhaps especially where they are weak."
Bruh, that is NOT how you Bowf Sidez an issue.
He wants his brand of progressive priorities enacted. He's angry at the democrats for not caring enough about his pet project and hates Republicans outright. Nice and neutral....
If the trend keeps up, the progressive vision for America may be lost as well.
Britches... I'm trying to figure out if you're concerned the progressive vision for America will be lost, celebrating it, or just reporting it neutrally as informationism.
Our "age of bits-enabled protest has coincided with a slowdown in atoms-related progress," he wrote last year. "Altogether, America has too much venting and not enough inventing." Thompson's complaint echoes entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter Thiel's famous 2013 quip that "we wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters." What we need instead, argues Thompson, are policies that will kick-start material growth and technological development here in reality.
So let me see if I have this right, our forward thinking, you-won't-own-anyfin-and-you'll-be-happy crowd, is suddenly starting to sound a lot like *checks book-length-pdf of notes* Vladimir Putin. Or Xi JinPing... You know, those outdated despots who claimed on the world stage at several points along the last 15 year arc of history that "the real wealth" is in things like minerals, oil, steel etc?
I do gotta say, it's real funny watching these narrow-chested, wheezy inhaler-having Journolist class don their men's extra-small hard hats and stumble around in their proverbial poor-fitting tool-belts.
on the world stage at several points along the last 15 year arc of history that “the real wealth” is in things like minerals, oil, steel etc?
Apropos of this I just watched an excellent talk on the future of electric cars that could have come off exactly like all other 'alternative energy future' talks, except the guy giving the talk was a brutal realist. He explained who controlled the world's supply of Lithium, he showed the lithium mining process, he showed pictures of huge fields of de-commissioned wind-turbine blades being buried in massive fields in places like Plano, Tx. He explained how Germany had pivoted away from oil and nuclear, and had pivoted towards coal. He showed how Coal was the #1 source of energy in places like China, despite what you hear in the media. He explained things like how many batteries were going to have to be produced in an electrified future etc.
So yeah, sure we're going to 'mitigate the effects of climate change with technology'. We're going to do it by producing massive amounts of batteries which will be thrown away, all charged up with coal plants.
Touching Biden compilation.
What's Biden touching?
That for which he has a minor attraction.
Oh, he’s just kidding around.
His stimulus package is for members of the youngest generation.
Guess we know who Reason plans on endorsing this election after this love letter to Newsome
Wil they ever stop chasing after the left like a fat lesbian after blue hair dye?
Once seemingly fringe libertarian hobbyhorses such as abolishing zoning, occupational licensing, and immigration restrictions are now being aired prominently in mainstream center-left and progressive spaces.
Well, your libertarian hobby horse of “abolishing zoning” looks a lot like this:
Where once you could build a single-family house, you can now build a four-plex with DEI requirements, 25% of the units must be low income, and they’ll be rent-controlled.
and immigration restrictions are now being aired prominently in mainstream center-left and progressive spaces.
Yes, indeed they are. The mainstream center-left and progressives are running away from open borders almost as fast, if not faster than they did from defunding the police. So I guess there’s that.
^^Notice the “more research is needed” theme. Another twenty six figure forever salaries for white millennial middle men should do it.
Wouldn’t mind a twenty six figure salary.
The idea of big government and less regulations is a literal oxymoron. The majority of the executive branches function is writing, interpreting and enforcing regulations. Even if you mean huge government spending, that requires massive regulation to insure the money is not wasted, is not spent on fraud, is not sent to criminals etc. Additionally, since we live in a representative Constitutional republic, and the money spent by government is collected from the public, the public has both a right to examine how the money is spent and campaign for how they want it spent. The larger a spending program the more bureaucracy is required to administer it, the more people who will demand their cut of the pie. And you'll still end up with massive levels of fraud and waste and red tape. The only way to reduce bureaucracy, red tape and regulations is to drastically reduce the size and scope of the government. Anyone who is campaigning for something else is either naive or lying.
"The larger a spending program the more bureaucracy is required to administer it, the more people who will demand their cut of the pie. And you’ll still end up with massive levels of fraud and waste and red tape."
Meanwhile, Chemjeff, up above.
"chemjeff radical individualist 4 hours ago
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IF we are going to have a welfare state, don’t you think that it should be run well?
If we are going to have a police state, don’t you think that it should be run well?
The best operated extermination camps in all of Deutschland.
Look, asshole:
Option A is to abolish or drastically reduce the welfare state. If we can’t get Option A, what is Option B?
I would like to have as my Option B a welfare state that doesn’t suck ass. How about you?
Are you going to offer anything meaningful? Or are you just going to call me names?
That's a rhetorical question by the way. We both know what the answer is. You don't give a shit about anything of substance.
"I would like to have as my Option B a welfare state that doesn’t suck ass. How about you?"
That would never ever happen, you delusional crank. Your fascist utopia can't happen, human nature determines that.
If you had a single libertarian bone in your body you'd know this.
lol, your rural public school board isn't exactly 'fascist utopia', and that is the type of thing I have in mind here
And so if you reject Option B, what do you propose for an Option C?
Oh wait, you don't have an Option C, you don't have any options at all, all you care about is bashing Democrats
Option A is to abolish or drastically reduce the welfare state. If we can’t get Option A, what is Option B?
*checks most libertarian governors policy* open the borders and expand that welfare system to non citizens at taxpayer expense. Enrichment isn't free, you know.
B is not a realistic option. In what alternate universe do you live where government runs anything well?
Frankly I don't think you give a shit about the welfare state or anything else really that is policy oriented. Your gameplan seems to be more about generating outrage against The Evil Tribe and stoking fear about The Others. The particulars of a policy don't seem to matter very much. They are just vehicles for the above two strategies.
So the issue of welfare is really just a method to paint Democrats as being a bunch of tax-and-spend progressives who punish hard work and reward laziness, and to scare honest citizens into thinking that their tax dollars are going to subsidize 'illegals' and sundry other foreigners who don't deserve it. HOW that welfare is disbursed doesn't matter. WHAT that welfare consists of, and whether there are types of welfare that are more justifiable than others, doesn't matter. The individual stories of people who are on welfare, who aren't necessarily lazy and who may have genuinely fallen on hard times due to no fault of their own, don't matter at all. All that matters is that welfare as an issue is used as a weapon against tribal enemies.
In fact, to even start to think about the technocratic nuances of the welfare issue is to reveal one's self to be nothing more than a Democratic shill sympathetic to progressives! Because real libertarians must not think about issues, they must focus on messaging and narratives. Real libertarians must stay on message and never waver from using welfare as a tool to attack The Left. Any deviation from this message is to side with The Enemy.
That's an awful lot of words for what could be more simply expressed as "STOP PICKING ON THE DEMOCRATS!!!"
Rants like that are why we call you a shill. Unless they are being paid even the most fervent devotee wouldn't have bothered writing that much passion and mock outrage.
Fatfuck Jeffy is just poison here.
No, not "stop picking on Democrats". They certainly deserve blame where appropriate. The issue is ignoring all else and using the issue only to blame Democrats.
After all, you are the one who said that you consider them evil on par with the Nazis. So of course you will use every issue to push narratives and blame them. The whole point of discussing welfare policy is to use it to blame Democrats. The whole point of discussing ANY policy is to use it to blame Democrats.
Welfare? Democrats want to punish hard work and reward laziness.
Abortion? Democrats want legal abortion on demand until birth.
Crime? Democrats want to defund the police and make citizens vulnerable targets for criminals.
Immigration? Democrats want to flood the cities with illegals who will steal your jobs and lounge about on welfare.
Capital punishment? Democrats want to keep murderers alive because they are pro-crime.
Taxes? Democrats want to steal your paychecks to pay for their lives of luxury in DC.
Guns? Democrats want to confiscate your guns and make you slaves of the government.
Free Speech? Democrats want to silence your thoughts and force you to speak only the opinions they approve of.
Etc., etc.
None of this means they are blameless. It means that it's dishonest to use issues solely as vehicles to blame one side or the other. Which is what you do, routinely.
You never were interested in discussing the issue of welfare on its own merits. It was always about using welfare as a vehicle to blame Democrats. And anyone who objected was lumped in with the Democrats as a co-conspirator.
Not everyone. Definitely you.
I'm still trying to figure out which part of all this is suppose to be untrue or not single-sided.
When one takes the time to actually pull-up the party to blame I'm estimating a good 80-90% are indeed from the Democrats and the 10-20% blame that comes from Republicans are EASILY well covered by everyone here. No-one ran around praising the Cares Act (Democratic Written/Pitched). They cursed Trump and Republicans for not BLOCKING it.
I agree. IMHO, the abundance agenda is just more big government people co-opting libertarian policies (free markets - it's in Reason's motto) by promising abundance (another government promise) while taking more of your money to do it. "Liberal oxymoron" describes it well. Just like Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" which increased inflation. Don't fall for the lies.
The reality is the government class today, are leeches sucking the blood of the productive class. If you want more production and abundance, you should remove the leeches.
And I'm not sure what these "policies" that will expand technological development here at home will be, but wasn't it... yeah, I think it was reason, yep definitely reason that claimed "all industrial policies suck". So, have fun with your 140 characters.
the Center for New Liberalism (CNL)—previously known as the Neoliberal Project
I can see why they dumped that name like a hot potato...
"Stapp launched his institute with the goal of sidestepping those bigger policy fights in favor of focusing on the "inputs to innovations," such as high-skilled immigration and federal science funding."
". If these monks existed in our universe, they'd likely say that, actually, there's nothing all that novel about a progressivism that extols the virtues of growing the private sector and government."
Indeed not. Mussolini whipped up a system for this in the 1930s, followed by a landscape painter with a tiny mustache.
The wonks believe themselves Philosopher Kings. Aristotle promoted a slave class. The modern philosophers promote a tax slave class based on income. Tax slaves are redistribution and rationing items (on the lines of the YIMBY chart you posted above- whites and Asians own more square footage so they shall ban square footage). The subsidy class are consumption items with tax slave class money.
From those who study, risk, work and save to those who do none of that- - for eight billion people worldwide! The Hubris these progressives carry is fanatical.
"Or perhaps Henderson's pessimism is on point. Abundance-agenda liberals (and a few useful-idiot libertarians) will succeed in making a more effective state only to see it slide its interfering tentacles into more and more areas of the economy and individuals' lives."
You know, like that California Yimby group I often link to which pushes zoning reforms, DEI- based urban planning and rent control.
Anybody here know about similar developments in other countries in recent times?