Ben Smith's One Neat Trick for Going Viral
The Semafor editor and former BuzzFeed News editor in chief on the online media explosion of the 2000s.

In the mid-2000s, the news media underwent rapid change, beginning a transformation from stodgy to spicy. Social media networks and trailblazing online-only news outlets changed the way everyone used the internet. Perhaps no one had a better view of the whole news landscape than Ben Smith.
Smith was the first editor in chief of the recently shuttered BuzzFeed News, a New York Times media columnist, and a co-founder of Semafor. In his new book, Traffic: Genius, Rivalry, and Delusion in the Billion-Dollar Race To Go Viral, Smith charts the rise and fall of Gawker, HuffPost, Breitbart News, and BuzzFeed News.
In the 2000s and early 2010s, these sites dominated news cycles and pulled millions of eyeballs due to their unique abilities to shape media narratives in surprising and irresistible ways. It seemed they would define the new century while legacy outlets such as The New York Times would be lucky to survive in the new, massively online mediascape. But Donald Trump, revenge lawsuits, untimely deaths, and the vagaries of the internet ended up disrupting the disrupters.
In May, Reason's Nick Gillespie interviewed Smith in New York City about the ever-changing media landscape. They discussed his controversial decision at BuzzFeed to publish the Steele dossier (which contained allegations about collaboration between Trump and Russia, along with other salacious details), what the firings of Fox's Tucker Carlson and CNN's Don Lemon mean for journalism, and the future of Semafor.
Reason: What is your book Traffic about?
Smith: How totally insane this particular media moment is with, sort of, social media flying apart, Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon getting fired, and these great platforms of the 2010s shutting down. I mean, in some sense, this is the origin story of all that and the story of all these kind of wild characters and outsiders downtown in Manhattan, 20 years ago, thinking that they were inventing a new media and that they had discovered these new kind of forces of the internet that they were going to channel and use to overturn everything that then existed.
What was Gawker, who was behind it, and what was its peculiar genius?
You have to put your head back into that moment when places like The New York Times, CBS, and Condé Nast seemed just incredibly vulnerable as businesses. They just weren't on the internet. They were like emailing around PDFs of their stories three weeks later. They seemed fossilized.
We were coming out of the Iraq War, and there was a sense that the media had really, on the biggest story of the generation, totally failed. And so there was—from a business model perspective, but also culturally—this sense that these were these kinds of discredited, failing institutions, and a lot of appetite from readers for something new.
In that context, this British journalist named Nick Denton, who had been at the Financial Times, who came of a very elite British pedigree, rolled into New York with this idea that if he just started a couple of blogs, he would build a huge digital empire. But mostly he just started blogs, the first of which was a tech blog called Gizmodo, but the most legendary of which, started soon after, was Gawker. It started with these young writers, young women who were great stylish, funny writers like Elizabeth Spiers, who were just these total outsiders to the media industry throwing entertaining stones at it. Spiers went and infiltrated the Condé Nast cafeteria and just mocked the folkways of this ancient media class essentially.
They were these incredibly hierarchical institutions where the junior staff literally stayed on the periphery of the offices because they were scared to walk through the middle where the powerful people were. Gawker challenged that. Also it was sometimes incredibly cruel and petty and bitchy and gossipy in the spirit of the British media, but also because they were outsiders and they had no power. It seemed totally fine to act that way, basically, and I think it gradually evolved into this pretty, in some ways, influential empire of blogs.
Was there a story at Gawker early on that highlighted Denton's take on journalism?
One of the iconic stories, which was on Gizmodo rather than Gawker, came when they got hold of an iPhone that they were not supposed to have. I think the traditional tech media, which they were also at war with, would've probably talked to Apple. They just basically obtained this phone illicitly and published all these heretofore secret specs. An engineer left it at a bar. They didn't steal it per se. Apple sent the police after them, which was incredibly valuable for their reputation. That's who they wanted to be.
So they were always looking for opportunities to prove that they were outsiders who would do what nobody else would do. The other, and probably more lamentable, threat of that is that they would publish sex tapes, which somehow, again, it's very hard to imagine the moment in which that seemed like a normal or acceptable thing to do.
Nick Denton's philosophy of what the internet could do was this very specific, very ideological point of view, which is just that it ripped the mask off the media, and off its audience. You could look at the traffic, you could see that people wanted pornography rather than high-minded stuff, so give it to them because that's what they wanted. And you could print the conversations—the bitchy conversations that journalists would have at bars but not print. That was the spirit of it.
Huffington Post became a major player in this space as well. What was The Huffington Post?
The other thing that was happening then was that Democrats were freaking out that George Bush had just beaten John Kerry, and they were looking for a way to channel this new internet media, which was presumed to be young and progressive. That's who was on the internet; it went without saying that the internet was of the left in some sense.
So Arianna Huffington, a conservative turned liberal, Californian, Greek, great character, and Ken Lerer, this very savvy New York P.R. guy who helped sell AOL, and Jonah Peretti, this tech guy, basically went to start what would become essentially this vehicle for promoting Barack Obama in the primary and then in the general election. Their fourth partner—again, it's one of those things where you have to think back about a world in which this made sense, they were hoping to be a liberal version of the Drudge Report—so it made sense to go to the Drudge Report and pick off Drudge's deputy, this guy Andrew Breitbart.
He had this incredible power in the culture, but also Matt Drudge paid him irregularly, whatever he felt like, and never gave him any public credit. It was a very strange story.
But in any case, it made sense for them to go to the right-wing place and hire that guy because they were all on the internet. The relevant world was the internet, as opposed to the establishment media, as opposed to right versus left. All the right-wing bloggers and the left-wing bloggers had more in common with each other than with these old media people.
HuffPost had this idea of itself, like Arianna would give speeches saying that people were reading it because of its coverage of the Iraq war. But what Jonah Peretti, my old boss, had sort of realized was that was not what traveled on the internet. What traveled on the internet was kind of salacious celebrity coverage. And so he developed this thing called "the mullet strategy," which was serious upfront, party in the back. So there'd be the big headline about Iraq and then scroll down for the good stuff.
Jonah Peretti was working at The Huffington Post, and then he started BuzzFeed. What was BuzzFeed?
Jonah came from this different place. He was not a journalist, he was—it's funny, another term that has fallen out of fashion—but he had come up as a culture jammer. He did weird pranks.
Nike at one point had this thing where you could customize shoes with your name or with any English word. And he tried the word sweatshop and the customer service representative wrote back that it wasn't an acceptable term. He wrote back that actually, in the terms of service, which he had read, was "a word in the dictionary." And they went back and forth several times until he wrote to them that he was OK with them not printing the shoe, but could they send him a picture of the 7-year-old Vietnamese girl who had assembled it, and they did not respond.
And then he forwarded that email to a few friends, and within weeks it is everywhere on the internet. One of his friends has posted it to a blog and is getting a lot of traffic. He's on The Today Show debating a Nike spokesman about sweatshops, which he knows nothing about.
And the whole experience, he's sort of like, "What happened here? This is really interesting. This is some new thing in media," and he gets sort of obsessed with capturing it. Through a series of weird pranks and then figuring out how the internet works at Huffington Post, he then launches this thing, BuzzFeed, which is really a laboratory for really weird stuff that they think might travel around the internet. And it's with no sense of journalism or not journalism; it's just web culture memes and measuring each one's traffic and figuring out what people will share.
Let's talk about Breitbart, because it is funny at Huffington Post you have four kind of main founders and I think three of them will say how Andrew Breitbart really didn't do anything. Breitbart would say, "I actually did everything." And he's not around to talk about that, but what was
One of the things Drudge did was link to Reuters stories and A.P. stories. And so Breitbart started this thing,, that subscribed to the wires and captured the traffic from Drudge, when Drudge felt like letting him do that. And they kind of only communicated by instant message; it wasn't like they were tight.
But he gradually, I think really particularly watching Nick Denton and Gawker, decided that there was space for confrontational, outsider right-wing media and started these blogs which evolved. Actually [Breitbart's] great moment of triumph was exposing Anthony Weiner's indiscretions.
Breitbart was kind of a right-wing culture jammer. He would either take found material and recontextualize it or get a piece of video and expose it in a way that the people who took it didn't expect it to be done.
He had grown up in Hollywood, basically, and worked in the entertainment industry and lived in L.A. He had this basic belief that culture is upstream of politics and that Republicans were so hopelessly lost in the culture wars that by the time everything got to Washington, they were lost. I don't think he was actually a cultural conservative, which is confusing. He was a partisan, fighting Republican who wanted to start inflammatory battles, but interestingly, not particularly about, for instance, gay rights. A complicated person.
What was going on at The New York Times during the '00s and the very early teens?
They were panicking. They were selling everything other than their core assets from The Boston Globe to real estate they owned. A.G. Sulzberger, the current publisher, talks about basically throwing all the furniture into the furnace to keep the ship going. Rented out floors in their building. Tried a paywall when no one would pay and then tore it down. It really seemed for a long time like they were just the inevitable losers of this transition. It was sort of conventional wisdom to talk about them going out of business, to kind of pity them. This is as late as 2015.
Jonah Peretti, the BuzzFeed CEO, was asked to address the New York Times board and give them advice. And then Cliff Levy, who's one of the senior editors, interviewed him and asked him, "If we hired you tomorrow to be CEO of The New York Times, what would you do?" And Jonah says to them, with a straight face, "Well first I would ask you for a raise. And then I would go into my office, lock my door, and cry." Just to give you a sense of sort of the arrogance and sense that we had the wind at our back and these guys were screwed.
A lot of other media institutions had watched the bloggers and watched the internet and tried to copy them fast. They'd launch little blogs. They were jumping around trying to copy the internet, basically. And the Times didn't do that. They watched and they waited and they followed slowly and deliberately, and it worked. And they really were able to build this. Once people were ready to subscribe to things, partly trained by Netflix, trained by Spotify, the Times was able to build a real business.
Gawker,, BuzzFeed News, all of these entities were, it seems, focusing less on content and more on traffic. What led to their demise?
We all made different mistakes, but the biggest version of the story is that if you were paying attention to traffic in the aughts, in the early 2010s, what you saw was this huge tidal wave of Facebook. And I think BuzzFeed was the first: Jonah was the first to see it really clearly and to orient his business toward it. He built this enormous scale by creating the kind of stuff that people were interested in sharing on Facebook in a technical way that was easy and friendly to share on Facebook.
Facebook had tried to acquire BuzzFeed, and Jonah was close to Zuckerberg, talked to him all the time, and had a sense of how the platform worked. The theory was these social media platforms are the new cable companies—Facebook, but also Twitter, Snap, Pinterest, and the publishers who figure out the kind of content that works on social media. The same way what had worked on cable, like MTV, was not some preexisting thing repackaged. It was really people figuring out this new medium. The details were a little fuzzy, but this would wind up being a successful business. And that was just totally wrong.
What was wrong about it?
The mechanism by which the money would change hands. There were periods when Facebook was starting to pay publishers and license stuff, and we had shows on Snap and on Twitter and they were paying us money. I was like, "We're taking in millions of dollars directly a year from these platforms. This is the future that Jonah had predicted." But I think there were a number of things. One was that these platforms were mostly reliant on user generated content and loved it because it was free.
And in fact, professional content didn't, by their metrics of traffic, perform better than random user-generated stuff they didn't have to pay for. And it's obviously a better business to get things free than to pay for them. And I think you can say, "How's that working for them now?" I don't know. Not that well, they're unraveling and losing relevance. And is there some world where they were competing against Netflix and The New York Times for quality stuff? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.
How does the 2016 election play into any of this? There was maybe a decade or so where people were into social media, people were into new media, and then it's like, "It led to Donald Trump being elected, so now we have to figure out how to kill it."
I think there are a couple of things. The first is just that there was this notion that your personal news feed on Facebook was this place where there were pictures of your friends' kids, silly memes from your high school friends, and also really interesting journalism and cool entertainment. It was all mixed up together. And that was sort of nice.
And I think before we get to political outrage at Facebook, at some point it was insane people screaming at each other all the time. And that was not a great user experience. Actually, Facebook had seen Twitter growing and been like, "Why are they growing? It's news, let's copy it." It opened the floodgates to news onto the platform and it'd become an incredible traffic source for publishers, but also a more and more toxic, contested place.
You made the decision to publish the Steele dossier, the source of the idea that there was a pee tape of Donald Trump—which I hope to God, even if it's true, it never sees the light of day, because I already have nightmares. Most of the Steele dossier has been debunked.
What went into your decision making to say, "Okay, we're going with this"? And then what's the effect of something like that on trust in media?
I certainly came to that decision with a sort of Gawker mindset in a way, that we should be saying to our audience the same thing we're saying to each other. That it seems crazy that you and I would have a conversation and then a lawyer or doctor or teacher or construction worker who is in our audience would say, "Hey, what are you talking about?" We'd be like, "Sorry, you're not smart enough to understand this."
A lot of journalists had been given the dossier. It was compiled by, actually at that time, a very well-regarded former British spy who was involved in the FIFA investigations and knew a lot of journalists from that.
We, like I think everybody else, got the dossier later and through a weird side door, so we weren't bound to secrecy. But also we did what everybody else did; we sent a reporter to Prague to see if she could figure out if Michael Cohen had been there. She went from hotel to hotel showing his picture. And it's amazing: People at hotels, I guess in Prague, will just check their guest registry for you, if you're sort of a charming, friendly reporter, apparently. And we went to Moscow to talk to see if anybody at the Ritz-Carlton would discuss this with us.
I was already thinking: Every journalist in Washington has seen this thing, all the intelligence officials, a lot of the senators. Harry Reid has written an open letter to James Comey saying he knows that Comey has compromising information on Trump, demanding he release it. [Arizona Sen. John] McCain is acting super weird in a way that you don't really understand unless you know about this. So at some point you're kind of like, "This is the dark matter of Washington and everyone is in on it, except for the reader." It's hard to explain what's going on, actually, without some reference to it. So we're thinking: How do we cover it?
It wasn't really this grand principle. There's a very specific thing that happens, which is CNN reports that this previously secret document has been briefed to President Obama and President-elect Trump. And that it alleges that Trump was compromised by the Russians. And at that point, to me, it's like, "I'm holding in my hands a list of suspected communists in the State Department." You can't show the document. You can not report on it. Which is where we were. But you can't show it and then say, "But it'll burn your eyes out if you look at it." I just think that's not a tenable position. So that's why we published it.
After BuzzFeed, you worked as the media columnist at The New York Times. Why did you leave?
For one, writing about the media is super weird. You wake up in the morning, punch one of your friends in the face. At some point you're just moving people from the category of friend to enemy. And how long do you want to do that? It's weird to write about your own industry. I like to make trouble, but how long do you do that before you just become Gollum?
But the other was that I had this front row seat to this really strange moment that, in some ways, reminded me of this moment of total dislocation and change that we'd been in the middle of in the early aughts when this whole new scene was being created. I've been talking to Justin [Smith], my business partner, for years actually about doing something. And the moment just felt right. And I had spent three years of reporting and talking to people and chronicling this moment of this whole new thing and the crazy trajectory and crash of social media. It felt like this new moment when readers feel really alienated from a lot of their options, feel really overwhelmed and it seems like a good moment to try something new.
What's your elevator pitch for Semafor and why do we need one more news site?
I don't really see it as we're slotting into some lane to the left of something or to the right of something. What people want has changed, I think, and the problems to solve have changed. People feel incredibly overwhelmed and are unsure of what to trust. I think it's a moment when people connect to individual journalists more than necessarily to kind of a faceless brand—we've seen places like Substack.
We're trying to take great journalists of a certain type who break news—great Washington reporters, the best Wall Street reporter at The Wall Street Journal, Max Tani and I are covering the media—and present what we're doing in a way that's totally transparent. We actually do it in a very stylized way. We say here are the facts in this story, here's my opinion, and here's the opinion of somebody who disagrees with me. Break that up in a very clear way and try to bring in as many views from other publications, from other people, as possible so that you don't have to do that thing where you read an article, you think it's probably true, but then you Google seven more articles just to triangulate what's really happening. The valuable thing you can do is try to do that work of unscrambling this totally messy landscape of people. And that's what we try to do.
What is Semafor's business model?
We sell advertising and we do events. That's how we make money. When you hear journalists talking passionately about the business and which is better, they're just talking about their books. Media's a pretty tough business. What is Disney's business? It's 19 different things and they do them all pretty well.
For news, which is a particularly hard business within media, you shouldn't go out there with some ideology that one dollar is better than another dollar. All these things have their problems. Subscriptions tempt you to pander to your subscribers. Advertising can be corrupting. Or you can build a good relationship with your audience and make money in a bunch of different ways.
Recently both Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon got canned by their organizations. How does that factor into your view of the media landscape?
It is part of the same phenomenon of consumers and of advertisers and of corporate media companies saying, "This is not what anyone wants, this level of screamy polarization." And ultimately these big corporations that own these broadcast channels are just pulling the plug and saying, "Move back to the center."
Do you think that will happen at MSNBC as well?
This is all relative. Fox has always been, as long as I can remember, essentially the most important institution in the Republican Party. It is obviously this polarizing and partisan thing. But Carlson was doing something different. Most of it is just preaching to the faithful about whatever the Republican candidate wants and kicking the Democrat. Carlson, I think, was not all that interested in helping Republicans win. He was interested in taking the attention of all these Republicans and moving it way out toward Viktor Orbán and Nayib Bukele and global right-wing populism.
Do you have any comments on Vice essentially going tits up?
It was an incredible hype machine, incredible brand. It did a certain amount of incredibly cool content, but not a lot. It was not totally on the internet. It was always a pure brand more than a media thing. The founder, Shane Smith, just I think the greatest salesman of Gen X, took more than $100 million in cash, probably quite a bit more, out of the company. Which is crazy for a company that's not worth that much more than that.
This interview has been condensed and edited for style and clarity. For a podcast version, subscribe to The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie.
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It's too bad that Gawker got sued out of business! This is anti-free-speech thought control by the courts of Government Almighty!
See … About Hooker Hulk Hogan… “Hooker Hulk” gets $115 MILLION, v/s “Stormy Daniels” gets only $130 K, for each of them being skanky hos. The MALE skanky ho gets almost THREE orders of magnitude more money!!! How is THAT for sexual equality?!
But what gets my bowels in an uproar even more, is that through the courts and policemen enforcing court orders and/or contracts here in these kinds of cases, Government Almighty is the Pimp Daddy and hit-man enforcer of it all! And then they go and jail $50 and $100 poor hookers, to “protect us from trafficking in sex slaves”.
If Government Almighty is going to be the Big Pimp Daddy and hit-man enforcer, for the rich and famous, then could they PLEASE stop being hypocrites, and stop punishing the “little people” for doing the same things!??!
As a socio-economic and sexual-political experiment, I think someone should get Hooker Hulk Hogan to fuck Stormy Daniels. Which of the two would owe how much money, to the other?
I think I have fingered out WHY does Government Almighty play Big Pimp Daddy to the rich and famous, while punishing the dirt-poor hookers?! When $130 k or $115 million gets thrown around, Government Almighty gets to tax the payment and the lawyers, and grab at least 1/3 of it. Easy-peasy on the big transactions… When a small-time hooker turns a trick “under the table” (a kinky place to do it!), it is MUCH harder to collect! Especially if he or she is paid in smack or crack or Ripple wine…
I am UTTERLY crushed to have fingered out that Government Almighty (which claims to LOVE me and want to PROTECT me from sleazy sex), is actually just wanting to line its own wallet!!!
I'm making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website...
Sqrlsy Speaks!
Too handsome and it looks like he bathes.
The Best opportunities To Earn $62,000/Month. We all spend a lot of time on social media every day – Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and the list goes on. If you’re used to getting a lot of likes or comments, or if you’re great at motivating others through your posts, you might want to consider turning this into a profession. It appears unbelievable but you won't forgive yourself if you do not check it...
Here————————————➤ https://Www.Topearn7.Com
I think that this frog is mouth-brooding her babies, and they're trying to get out! So they're getting smacked upside the head, for their own good! Stay IN there, froglings! Else some predator "out there" will EAT you, in a NOT nice way!
The momma-frog makes me think of Sidney Powell and other Trump lawyers... MAGA, Making Attorneys Get Attorneys! MAGA lawyers trying to NOT let the lies escape from their mouths! They are making scarcely ANY sincere efforts, though, unlike this momma-frog!
"Making Attorneys Get Attorneys"
Still amazed that you think this is a good thing and not frightening fascism.
I like fascists because they like Trump.
Trump LOVES fascism because Hitler loves Trump! To be SAVED, ye must let Trump-Hitler into yer life! Eternal Life is Given Unto Us FREELY for the asking by the Triumph of the Triune God of TriumpHitlerMammaryFuhrerness!
Trump’s Big Lie and Hitler’s: Is this how America’s slide into totalitarianism begins?
The above is mostly strictly factual, with very little editorializing. When I post it, the FACTS never get refuted… I only get called names. But what do you expect from morally, ethically, spiritually, and intellectually bankrupt Trumpturds?
Totalitarians want to turn the GOP into GOD (Grand Old Dicktatorshit).
LMFAO..... The [Na]tional So[zi]alist party ... "was betrayed by a secret coalition of Jews and socialists...."
"Cruz argued that, when there were accusations of cheating in that contest, "this Congress appointed an electoral commission to examine claims of voter fraud" including five members of the Supreme Court, five members of the Senate and five members of the House of Representatives. He claimed that they "examined the evidence and rendered a judgment, and what I would urge of this body is that we do the same," calling for a "10-day emergency audit" to investigate the 2020 election results."
LMAO..... "The terms of that agreement were that Democrats would allow Hayes to become president, and not start another civil war (the previous one had ended 12 years earlier), if Republicans agreed to pull the last remaining federal troops out of the South. As a result, the period known as Reconstruction — one in which efforts were made to bring about racial equality in the former Confederate states — officially came to a close, condemning generations of African Americans to white supremacist governments in the South.
HELLO!!!! The federal troops were in the south to free the slaves.
OMG..... scattered with so many blatant lies. And pretending Trump is Hitler for questioning the election results... Apparently according to Salon Hillary most definitely is also Hitler for the same ?crime?.
It really takes a massive amount of blind stupidity to advertise such BS.
Laughing at something is hardly a refutation.
I laugh at what you said! So there, ye have been refuted!
Ted Cruz of Texas argued that America should rely on a white nationalist precedent to resolve the election (presumably in Trump's favor) because "recent polling shows that 39 percent of Americans believe the election that just occurred, quote, was rigged. You may not agree with that assessment. But it is nonetheless a reality for nearly half the country."
There! Ironclad "Team R" so-called "logic"! Whatever you chose to believe becomes a "reality"! And... Lots of people believe that "Team R" today is largely fascist!
Scorched earth banana republicanism.
Work for the CIA and global deep state.
Simple formula.
That way you can publish psyops like the Steele Dossier, make millions and never say sorry.
You made the decision to publish the Steele dossier... Most of the Steele dossier has been debunked.
Meanwhile no retractions or analysis and most of the sarcasmics, White Mikes and Brandybucks of the world still swear its stories are real.
Being elite means never having to say you're sorry.
And not defamation. But say you didnt rape someone the jury agrees you didnt rape....
It's not defamation when you lie about leftists.
Oh look, Sarcasmic's here and he's stealing nicks again.
This must be more of that honour and integrity he was taking about.
Stop talking to yourself dumdum.
It’s sad that you’re not even a tiny bit funny with this.
Now everybody is a fake sock spewing bullshit. Just like the real media.
Sarc is socking as ML this morning. Just so bad at it.
Black supremacist mows down 62 white people at a Christmas parade
21 months later: No motive
Transgender terrorist attacks a Christian school and writes a manifesto
5 months later: No motive
White killer shoots up a Dollar Tree
Hours later: Motive declared a hate crime, details of manifesto are released
Manifesto seems manufactured too. Just like the Mexican gang shooter who was suddenly a white supremacist.
And the news stories read like campaign ads.
""As it began to unfold, and I began to see the truth of it, my heart ached on several levels," he said, noting the shooting appears to be an extension of a racial divide in the state highlighted by political turmoil, which he said has been fuelled in part by Gov. Ron DeSantis."
"This divide exists because of the ongoing disenfranchisement of Black people and a governor, who is really propelling himself forward through bigoted, racially motivated, misogynistic, xenophobic actions to throw red meat to a Republican base," McKissick said in reference to DeSantis.
All the witnesses are dead along with the shooter, and just before his dad gets a text saying to check his computer for a narrative convenient manifesto.
"Shortly before the attack, the gunman sent his father a text message telling him to check his computer, where he found his writings. The family notified 911, but the shooting had already begun, Waters said."
I guess having masked local agents LARPing as racists and marching at events wasn't paying off, so they're upping the game.
This kind of scenario was predicted months ago when their little marches weren’t being effective on anyone but idiots like shrike.
Democracy! is much more important than freedom.
Idiots like Sarcasmic.
Shrike isn't actually fooled. He knows how phony it is. But he's a politruk and a propagandist and he's paid to lie. Sarcasmic's evil comes from gullibility while Buttplug and Jeff's are conscious choices.
Notice he started socking as you as soon as you talked shit about him.
Is that really sarcasmic? I muted the spoof JesseAz on Friday and sarcasmic’s post went to grey too, but those posts didn’t sound quite like him.
Based on who he socks as being everyone he hates and it started after someone socked as him... and how he is terrible at everything including socking... yeah.
So I just did an experiment and muted you here and then went back to an old thread from May and you were muted there too, but sarc wasn’t. I think the sarc/spoofer is someone else.
Maybe it’s whoever was running all of those socks that got outed last week. *shrug*
Sarc did all the spoofing. Tulpa is just him when he's drunk.
He created a new account. You can see the ID of the name.
Not sarcasmic, just the other day he swore he had too much honour and integrity for that.
It must be that darned Tulpa again. Every Sunday when sarcasmic gets shitfaced drunk, mean old Tulpa appears, steals his nickname and starts to imitate him.
Nobody else ever socked anyone. It was all sarc.
Mostly sarc.
2 days after Trump's mugshot and black people all over social media cheering for him.
Black supremacist? I thought it was a red SUV.
They should release the Nashville shooters writings.
Open Society demands it. We believe in 100% transparency.
Open Society loves transparency like a pedophile loves children.
Black supremacist mows down 62 white people at a Christmas parade 21 months later: No motive
Look, Darrel Brooks was a human pile of filth, but he didn’t set out on that day with the plan of plowing through a Christmas parade. It literally was an unmotivated attack because he doesn’t give a shit about running over people. And it’s not like he targeted specifically white people because the whole reason he was in Waukesha was to beat up his hoe (a black woman) for failing to bail him out of jail.
Yeah, he talked about hating white people. He’s a short, skinny black dude so he hates a lot of black people too, and has a chip on his shoulder and wants to lash out at everything.
NEW ???? 3rd largest US Oil Refinery to shut down after devastating fire in Garyville, Louisiana
Well, that's going to suck for gas prices.
Like the pajama class cares.
Military Times: A ‘lethal threat’: why the far right sees more scrutiny than the left
The numbers are hard to argue with. Right-wing ideologies were behind a majority of the nearly 600 domestic terror attacks that occurred from 2010 through 2021, according to data shared with Military Times by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank based in Washington, D.C. During that period, right-wing extremists were charged with 353 plots or attacks that caused 147 deaths, the data show. In the same time frame, far-left extremists carried out 126 plots or attacks, killing 23 people.
According to the data, 26 veterans and service members since 1990 were driven by their far-left beliefs to commit both violent and nonviolent crimes, while 333 veterans and service members were driven by their far-right beliefs to do the same. Among the violent crimes, 71% were committed by people aligned with far-right movements, while 6% were aligned with the far-left.
The Patriot Front, a white nationalist and neo-fascist hate group, takes applications from prospective members, many of whom claim to have ties to the military. Far-left movements tend to comprise more broad ideological positions rather than forming into specific groups with such bureaucratic entrance procedures, Lipowsky said.
Cue to right-wing wrong-nuts to show up here in droves to declare that Military-Times is Deep-State LEFT WING, and so can NOT be trusted!
I mean as long as you don't count 2B in damages, over 20 deaths, and all the leftist violence as domestic terrorism, you can push the narrative you want.
This is the same group that claimed a black guy murdering a family over drugs was a white supremacist. Lol.
I mean as long as you don’t count 6,910,651 deaths from COVID worldwide, see ... Covid viruses are ALL right-wingers! It is known! And all of the supposedly "human" right-wingers (the Covid-virus's 5th column) agree that we should NOT get vaccines, and we should ban and shun those who do!
Florida School Run by Idiots Says Vaccinated Students Must Stay Home for 30 Days After Each Shot
This is the same school where a teacher told students not to hug their vaccinated parents for more than five seconds.
(End subtitles and excerpts).
See? We are ALL data-driven by now! My data says the OTHER (evil) tribe believes in vaccines, so MY tribe must BAN and SHUN the BAD tribe (and their cooties) as much as possible!
The unvaccinated are now CLEAN and the vaccinated are UNCLEAN! Civic-minded BAD! Afraid of micro-chips in vaccines GOOD! Black is white, and good is evil!
And here's the off-topic heckler's veto...
Death-and-disease-lusting is an uncomfortable topic for death-and-disease-lusters, so I can see why Marxist Mammary-Necrophiliacs would call this topic "off topic".
Killing people is good ass long ass anti-vaxxers have their way in promoting anti-vaxism ass THE most fashionable of ALL Marks of Tribal Virtue!!!
Just LOOK at the interactive graph right at the top of this link!!!! COVID deaths among the unvaccinated VASTLY outnumbered, and still outnumber, the deaths among the vaccinated!!! WHY do You Perfectly Lust SOOOO Much for death and suffering, LYING servant and serpent of communicable diseases?!?!
Sard and shrike are too dumb to know there were 100 nights of rioting and terrorism in a single city over a single summer.
But they only care about defending dems at all cost.
And since shrike and sarc are ignorant....
The FBI defines terrorism, domestic or international, as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government or civilian population in furtherance of political or social objectives.
The BLM riots were done for political and social objectives. They threatened through assaults, fires, and even murder. Democrats threatening Supreme Court justices. The riots of leftists under Trump. The dozen or so times liberals ran down conservatives in cars. Etc etc.
But no, only the left can define domestic terrorism.
We even have evidence the FBI is fabricating incidents to raise the right wing narrative. Going as far as to split the J6 riots to make it hundreds of events instead of 1 event.
It’s a nice little racket they’ve created.
And considering the definition of “far-right” is so nebulous that Bill Clinton and JFK would be considered such by modern Democrats, it has no fucking meaning.
Trying to overturn a stolen election isn't a political or social objective, so calling the J6 political prisoners terrorists is a leftist lie.
^It is a lie, but this isn't me.
I think sarcasmic's hoping you'll think this is a legitimate post so when someone does the mute test it'll disappear and give his other sock posts legitimacy.
He obviously isn't into his second forty yet if he can still scheme.
Sarc can prove it isnt him by calling out sarc.
^It is a lie. I think nazis are great if they vote for Trump.
I don't doubt after embracing authoritarianism you're now leaning towards the Nazi's, Sarcasmic.
Just please don't do it while pretending to be me.
I embrace Nazis. Hard.
Just a reminder ML. Sarc, non sock version, claimed Joe Biden respects the constitution.
I don't really care who's doing it, but is it too much to ask that the trolls at least learn what people's actual arguments are instead of just the same tired projection and hyperbole? Put some fucking effort into it.
Sarc and Shrike are too wrapped up in attention whoring and their personal grievances to notice what others actually think.
Or if not convincing, somewhat humorous?
ML: My money is still on shrike being the spoofer. The tell is all the homoerotic crap, and we all know how obsessed with penis he is.
R Mac: Exactly
Shrike's a liar and a propagandist but his stupidity is usually born of lazy dishonesty, whereas sarcasmic is genuinely Fetal Alcohol Syndrome retarded like this guy.
Maybe Shrike is drunk though, which could be giving a false sarc positive.
I mean, I already have Sarc and this bullshit artist muted, so it's easy enough to tell that it's not the real Mother's Lament anyway.
I love the word.
It’s no secret that shrikes are formidable predators. The grayscale songbirds of the open country might look as harmless as mockingbirds, but these black-masked “butcherbirds,” as they’re known, pack more fierceness ounce for ounce than any other bird in the country.
I first heard it used by Nathiel West in 'Miss Lonelyhearts' - great novella. The main protagonist is named Shrike.
Shrikes are leftist. They all voted for Biden.
Samefagging your own socks is pathetic, Pluggo.
sarc is such a fag.
They also worship former nazis.
What's wrong with nazis? They voted for Trump so they're ok by me.
Poor , pour sarc
More of sarcasmic's honour and integrity.
We never claimed to have any because we don't.
Guess you bored him ML and now going as me. Sarc is really terrible at this.
Covid is right wing now? Man you’re really getting desperate.
With that claim, I was being just as "factual" as most of ye right-wing wrong-nuts!
Find me ONE single Covid virus that will admit to being left-wing or libertarian! Or voted or spoke or posted comments in such a manner! That means they are ALL right-wingers!
Any virus that doesn't profess it's undying love for Trump is leftist.
Still terrible at this sarc.
Nobody claimed covid was left wing you gibbering idiot. You’re the only “person” attributing political leanings to a virus. Now go ask the staff for your meds.
Liar. I claimed the virus is leftist.
Me too!
No you didn't, sarc. You double masked like a good boy and got your 20th booster.
Considering the vaccinated still carry and transmit the virus, but are about 1000 times more reckless with how they acted in public…..
Reckless like not wearing a mask? You a leftist like Sarc?
Reckless as in they go out in public when they're sick/symptomatic because "I'm vaccinated."
"The numbers are hard to argue with."
The numbers are amazingly easy to argue with. As usual, Buttplug never got past reading the headline.
"while Black separatist groups make threats of violence against the government, they carried out “minimal observed acts of violence” last year, the DHS assessment states."
Keep in mind that the DHS is definitely counting unacted threats from whites though. "findings from the Department of Homeland Security, which also determined that white supremacy was behind more domestic terrorist attacks and plots than any other ideology from 2010 through 2021."
Then there's the matter of percentages. Only a very small fraction of the rank and file military identify with the left, but:
"According to the data, 26 veterans and service members since 1990 were driven by their far-left beliefs to commit both violent and nonviolent crimes, while 333 veterans and service members were driven by their far-right beliefs to do the same."
Finally, the DHS includes Islamists as right-wing, and ethnonationalists like Cuban exiles and White supremacists, but doesn't count pro-choice and trans activists or groups like BLM as left.
If they used the same metrics and counted BLM violence, and threats and violence against churches by pro-choice zealots as left. Just like they ascribe any shooter regardless of skin colour to the right. Left violence in 2020 alone would have made the rest of the numbers look like a joke.
And what is the left-right skewness of attacks and plots instigated by the FBI?
The difference between Republicans and Democrats... Democrats will literally and figuratively burn things, cities, institutions to the ground if they aren't allowed to completely control them.
If you want to anger a conservative lie to them, if you want to anger a liberal tell them the truth
Gk chesterton
End Wokeness
“Trans child” who was chemically castrated in order to look like a girl:
“Sometimes I think I’m a boy kinda.. Will you love me if I’m a boy?”
I hope the Mikes and Jeff's of the world get castrated themselves for supporting this shit.
With a rusty butter knife.
What's wrong with the '2-bricks' method?
It's not a vise.
I would've suggested a rusty spoon.
Hello retard from a websight that went belly up, can you give people advice about generating internet traffic?
Also reason really should have made this interview a click/scroll list
"...can you give people advice about generating internet traffic?"
Ass a right-wing wrong-nutter, you should already know that the answer is to "tell the people what they want to hear", whether it is true or benevolent, or not! All the BAD things are the fault of THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE, and you and I are PERFECT, and deserve to be OUTRAGED, until such time as we can justify KILLING them, and taking their shit!
So PERFECT tribalist witch-burner…
So how long till you feel that you’ve built up your tribalistic lies enough, sufficient for you to be justified when you come over here and kill me, and steal my property? Why do you want to steal my property? I DO own MANY books, but they are CLEARLY too long and complex for you to read and comprehend!
Here are more points and "style tips" for Ye ass Ye seek to go "viral"... (Yet another Powell article)
Sidney Powell Says She’s Not Guilty of Defamation Because ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Have Believed Her ‘Outlandish’ Election Conspiracy Theory
Which particular lies are you wanting to hear and believe today, hyper-partisan Wonder Child?
WHY do you evil people love it SOOOOO much when lawyers LIE in court? Is it the lawyers that You love, the lies, or both?
Tucker Carlson
Many-many right-wing gutter-snipes PISS AND MOAN oh so loudly about how social media “censors” them… And then proceed to practice THEIR version of censorshit via Faux News etc.! If the TRUTH reduces ratings at Faux News… Fucker Carlshit etc. may NOT speak the truth! If the LIES increase ratings at Faux News… Fucker Carlshit etc. MUST speak the lies, especially about how that them thar Lizard People STOLE Donald’s erections!!! Even when Fucker Carlshit Himself does NOT believe said lies! YE conservatards with YOUR taste for lies (cravenly caved into, by Faux News) are at the ROOT of the blame! “Tell me the lies that I want to hear”, ye evil lie-seeking fuckers!
Sydney Powell was right. She's now being persecuted as a dissident by an illegitimate fascist government.
So lying in court is some sort of free-speech (or other) "human right", now?
What an "Expert Christian Theologian" Ye Are, Oh Perfect One!
I really am.
Short and to the point, containing ALL that Mammary-Farter THINKS that She Knows!!! We need THIS kind of Mammary-Farter post FAR more often (ass opposed to the all-too-common UDDER kinds of longer Mammary-Farter posts)!!!
Sarc, give it up. The spoofing and the Sqrlsy routine are really just stupid, dude.
Your so smart.
Thanks, sarcasmic.
The DNC's one neat word for going viral: "Trump"
I think the nih knows a lot about funding ccp bio weapons facilities in order to go viral
NIH and the CCP do not deserve ALL of the credit, now! You forgot the Lizard People!
Two of those things exist and actually foisted Covid on the world.
BREAKING: White House visitor logs show that special counsel Jack Smith’s top aid met with Biden staffers just weeks before Smith’s indictment of Trump.
They’re scheming in broad daylight and they don’t even care.
On March 31, 2023, deputy chief of staff for the White House counsel’s office Caroline Saba met with Jack Smith’s top aid Jay Bratt.
FBI agent Danielle Ray also joined the meeting.
Two months later, Trump was indicted. Is it making sense?
RICO the entire Democratic leadership.
That's not hyperbole. It's a necessity.
They don't even try to hide it. WH is claiming Biden didnt fundraise off the mug shot despite him dropping and obvious ask right after he was booked.
Who is going to take action? Mitch McConnell? Mitt Romney?
Enablers like McConnell and Romney should be included in the RICO.
Being a Democrat should be a felony.
Same with RINO's. Libertarians too.
Still terrible. Are you being bad at this on purpose or are you really this dumb?
After all these years are you actually asking sarc if he's really that dumb?
Well, that explains the bag of coke.
Simply put, Factio Democratica delenda est.
Alarming Example Shows Science "Journalism" Can Be an Insidious Source of Misinformation
Alarming Study Shows Doctors Can Be an Insidious Source of Misinformation
"Some information appeared in contexts that confused or misled. A common claim that most COVID-19 cases were found in people who had been vaccinated is in effect true, but deceiving without also considering most people are vaccinated, and a greater percentage of the few non-vaccinated people are infected."
Rebecca Dyer is killing people.
What does Mike Masnick think?
Expect the link from ENB tomorrow.
News flash: wearing a mask can be dangerous to your health:
The study found that the chemicals released by these masks had eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). Inhaling TVOCs has been linked to health issues like headaches and nausea, while prolonged and repeated has been linked to organ damage and even cancer.
Although mask critics will no doubt latch onto these results as proof of the evil of masks, it’s worth nothing that the article both describes the problem and suggests how to fix the problems: for example, more care in the packaging of N95 masks.
[Disclaimer: This comment is made in the spirit of keeping things in perspective, and in no way should be taken as an endorsement of mask mandates.]
You mean defending your 3 years of applauding masks, vaccines, and lockdowns.
Lies. You endorsed mask mandates just now. Doesn't matter if you didn't. I say you did so you did.
You delivered a fierce Canadian hip check to my disclaimer! Ouch!
Youre arguing with sarc dumdum.
More of sarcasmic’s "honour and integrity", and of course White Mike plays along, knowing it isn't me because he claims to have me muted.
Mute can't be turned off so if he reads a post then he's lying about ever using it.
I know a secret technique for telling when someone is being spoofed.
Well, it’s not that secret. Sarcasmic described how to do it on several occasions, but certain commenters here pretended it didn’t distinguish between true and phony sarcasmic comments.
Remember. Dee thinks he is an expert programmer.
He was a FORTRAN early adopter.
I still use Fortran at times =/
Not even 95. They won’t let me put c style hooks in to make interfacing/debugging easier.
I know nothing about programming. Genetics is my wheelhouse.
All I know is that my grandmother used FORTRAN in the 60's at her job with the education department.
Is the trick to read what is written and realize that it doesn't sound anything like the arguments that people actually make?
Well they continue to use the same account so can just mute and see multiple socks on one account. He did ML and me today. Or look at source and shows a user ID.
Then again he is so bad at it that it is obvious.
I’ve noticed.
And it’s the same stupid misrepresentation / mischaracterization that all the True Libertarians(tm) engage in for certain people’s arguments.
That is the trick then mute their ass.
Dumbass, they never worked. N95s need to be properly fit tested prior to use or there is no guarantee they will do jack or shit. Did you also realize, Laursen, N95s are illegal to use for any asbestos work? This is because the weave is not small enough to stop the fibers. Now, the fibers are larger than the aerosolized virus particles. Hence, if asbestos fibers can get through, the virus most certainly is.
Another clue for the clueless: when testing, health professionals wear half-face respirators with P100 (HEPA) filters. That should be your clue as to what works.
when testing, health professionals wear half-face respirators
Fitted half-face respirators. Any mask that is not properly fitted is useless for protecting the wearer or others.
Let's not forget that the eyes drain into back of the nose. Anything but a full-face respirator is not going to provide complete protection.
Disney has men dressed as women, wearing dresses greeting children at some of their attractions.
"Received both of these this week from disturbed visitors. [pics]"
But that's not the "real" reason nobody's going there anymore...
Climate Change Severely Impacting Disney Theme Park Attendance
Maybe climate change causes gender anxiety.
Anatomy of an Ukraine prosecutor’s ouster: the Joe and Hunter Biden timeline
Here is the timeline of events that led to the dismissal of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.
They actually had the balls to impeach a sitting US president for requesting an investigation into this.
Jacksonville shooter who targeted Black shoppers had swastikas drawn on rifle
The shooter, a white man, killed three people after writing messages expressing hatred for Black people. He killed himself after opening fire in a dollar store.
Why won't the media report on all the black-on-black crime?
Well, they do. That's how we know about it.
Are you going back to pretending not to be racist again, Pluggo?
He can try all he wants, but he can never get away from the fact that he's a horrible human being.
Why is reason giving this hack, clickbait, useless scam artist of an editor anytime of the day?
You made the decision to publish the Steele dossier
Interviewing a book author is the same as agreeing with everything they wrote. So Nick is a leftist. But we already knew that.
Still no admin privilege's I see, 1167720. Still not impressed.
Also not impressive: Arguing like sarcasmic.
Well. It is sarc.
If a sock says it's sarcasmic or denies it's sarcasmic then that's proof that it's sarcasmic.
sarcasmic 6 hours ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Yeah, I don’t like being impersonated. I know you don’t care because you have no honor or integrity, but I do.
sarcasmic 5 hours ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Thought there’s be at least a handful of people who don’t approve of liars pretending to be other people.
Boy was I wrong.
Stop talking to yourself, dumdum.
Lizzo is hawt!
At least I was never Gay for Pay, sarcasmic. Hope the spray paint high was worth it.
sarc is a fag.
I see 1167720 has been a busy little fucker today. Oddly, Sarc has yet to comment under his own handle for the past few days.
I muted 1167720 merely because he makes the comments unreadable.
Hey man, it took him a lot of quarter BJs to work up enough for a bottle of Thunderbird. It's why he switched to fifty-centing. Twice the pay.
Now he only gives Hoblows because he enjoys the taste.
At least she will cool off quickly, with all that surface area.
Are you effing serious? "Even if it's true"?
Gawker,, BuzzFeed News, all of these entities were, it seems, focusing less on content and more on traffic. What led to their demise?
Well Gawker was sued into bankruptcy by Hulk Hogan.
BuzzFeed shut down a year after they unionized
And Breitbart seems to still be around
Is Nick trying to get a job at Semafor?
BuzzFeed shut down a year after they unionized
Totally a coincidence.
Just ask anchor steam and hostest
From Wiki’s entry on Semafor
Semafor has received criticism for its relationship with persons or entities with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In January 2023, Voice of America reported that Semafor received sponsorship funding from Chinese e-commerce giant, Alibaba Group.
Gina Chua is a Singaporean journalist serving as the executive editor of the media startup Semafor. They/them be trans, she looks like a gorilla who identifies as an orangutan.
Never heard of this guy. I’m sure he is hated by some of our MAGA commenters for publishing the Steele dossier.
The entire group sound reckless in their putting eyeball ratings above journalistic integrity. Even so, I wish good luck to this guy’s second act, where he says he is attempting to present “stylized” balanced news reporting. It is something our society needs.
Is your entire life admitting you're an ignorant fuck? Just like learning what non sequitur means a couple days ago?
"I’m sure he is hated by some of our MAGA commenters for publishing the Steele dossier."
Mike still swears it was true "in spirit".
I kinda hated Buzzfeed and Gawker because they were hacks.
The Steele dossier was sensationalist made-up agitprop financed by a political rival, so it fit their template, but that's not WHY I didn't like them. I didn't like them because of the template itself.
I like Buzzfeed because it served as the model for Clickhole.
What's interesting about Buzzfeed, is how uninteresting it actually was. It was yet another group of hip, young people who were ultimately trying to create a media organization in the same mold as the other establishment media organizations.
It's kind of like watching Youtube desperately trying to become a Network Television channel ala CBS/NBC/ABC. But with younger people with face piercings.
Buzzfeed articles settled to a length that could be consumed while sitting on the toilet, which led to a product with a lot of similarities to Reader's Digest.
In other words, just long enough for your short attention span. Got it.
Thank God he never clicked on buzzed videos.
Never heard of this guy. I’m sure he is hated by some of our MAGA commenters for publishing the Steele dossier.
Based on this collection of words and syllables that came out of your keyboard, and the order in which they appear, am I to presume that you're still one of the only 7 or 8 Americans who believes the Steel Dossier was true?
Don’t see where I implied that at all.
I guess I’ll have to start including a Disclaimer block in every single comment I post.
[Disclaimer: As I have said before, I was very busy with a work project when all the Russian campaign interference accusations dropped. I don’t feel confident to discuss them in depth. In my limited understanding, the Steele dossier has been discredited, but there are still a few signs of Russian influence on Trump’s campaign, although most of the accusations have been discredited.
My commentary was about MAGA anger. Not being a MAGA, I don’t share in this nursing of resentment.
2nd Disclaimer: That it no way implies I approve of Democratic lying and manipulation.]
P.S. Only one of us apparently knows that it is spelled “Steele”. And the one who apparently doesn’t know it is spelled “Steele” is the one who is apparently very confident she/he knows all about the dossier in depth.
You wouldn’t need disclaimers if you would just admit to being the obvious ignorant leftist you are.
The expert programmer also doesn’t understand autocorrect and Steele not being in most keyboars dictionaries.
Disclaimer: As I have said before, I was very busy with a work project when all the Russian campaign interference accusations dropped.
You were paid to troll as White Knight?
"I was very busy with a work project when all the Russian campaign interference accusations dropped. I don’t feel confident to discuss them in depth."
Oh wow, lol.
" Only one of us apparently knows that it is spelled “Steele”. And the one who apparently doesn’t know it is spelled “Steele” is the one who is apparently very confident she/he knows all about the dossier in depth."
"We can't say whether or not it was a pack of deliberate lies as part of a propaganda campaign because your voice typing software didn't include an "e" on Steele"
Mike writes an awful lot of dishonest shit, but every now and then he really manages to surprise me and take his sophistry to the next level.
"I never argue with mystics." --Ayn Rand
She probably did, though.
Diane’s point was that if you are like the millions of Americans that know the dossier was bullshit, you should hate this guy too, and that doesn’t make one inherently MAGA.
But you just had to pull the Liarson Manuever, totally not a democrat simp?
I've never heard of that blur either. There is a huge market for bringing back the Charleton Heston - Mary Tyler Moore Comstockist censorship everybody took for granted until electronics, advances in nuclear weapons and LSD pulled the carpet on the communist and christian nationalsocialist dogma that fed both Kleptocracy factions. The 1972 abortion plank brought women voters to the LP at a rate that HAD to be countered somehow. A way was found and this article clouds it up with the usual fog spray. Just as a dispersed population is harder to kill, dispersed and decentralized media are harder to enslave and destroy, until different corporations replace the papers.
Laursen Speaks!
I like Nazi's because they support Trump.
sarcasmic 6 hours ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Yeah, I don’t like being impersonated. I know you don’t care because you have no honor or integrity, but I do.
sarcasmic 5 hours ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Thought there’s be at least a handful of people who don’t approve of liars pretending to be other people.
Boy was I wrong.
Who the fuck would bother impersonating Sarc? How could anyone have the alcohol tolerance enough to try?
Just think of the stupid 4th year freshman first week of HS political science making comments about libertarianism and you have a sarc comment.
It’s not enough to tell terrible jokes, you have to repeat them?
Ackshully, the AfD picked up steam at the same time Orange Hitler trumped the other mystical bigots in that Kleptocracy faction. Trivia: Goebbels became engaged to Magda Quandt, ex-wife of one of the richest Nazis in the Reich just as US prohibitionists were wrecking the German economy by exporting more prohibitionist limitations the way the packaged them into the Versailles Treaty that so inflamed Hitler. Suddenly nazis got funding, and a year later Hitler was Chancellor and the Magda became Mrs. Goebbels. One of the kids was captured and was a POW at the time of the pro-life Christian suicides.
Apple magnet corn-laws Comstock fish tank George Hitler peace lily rock.
Trump privately ”expressed admiration for Hitler’s generals, while calling his own generals ‘fucking losers,’ and subjecting them and others to racist rants…
We need more Nazis.
Except Trump didn't say that, nor did he call Neo-Nazis fine people as your blogger also alleges.
Time to stop being so gullible, sarcasmic.
During a pre-election debate with Biden, Trump refused to criticize the Proud Boys, instead saying the group should “stand back and stand by.”
Nazis for Trump!
How are the Proud Boy's Nazis, sarcasmic?
Speaking of Christian National Socialists, is this the same cognitively-challenged muthah slammint I mooted long ago, or a sockpuppet clone?
Fuck off, lunatic.
The cheese flys at Winnipeg.
How drunk is sarc today?
Not drunk enough, apparently. When he's down to the hand sanitizer and toilet bowl cleaner we'll probably see him taper off.
I hear bleach and ammonia make a drink with a real kick.
That’ll cleanse his system.
Gawker,, BuzzFeed News, all of these entities were, it seems, focusing less on content and more on traffic. What led to their demise?
Well, speaking for Gawker and BuzzFeed, I would suspect that their demise might have been related to their focus on more traffic vs content. Traffic is ephemeral and flighty, like casual gamers... if you can't provide decent content, they'll scroll down to the next buzzy video of two girls dancing.
Also, while Gawker was sued into oblivion (USA! USA!) I suspect they would have gone the same way as BuzzFeed. And Vice.
Without casting any aspersions to political leanings, quit trying to be like the New York Times or Sixty Minutes. I get the draw of big money and prestige, but if you're really trying to create something different, quit desperately trying to be the same.
buzzy video of two girls dancing.
Citation needed.
As long as there is no cup involved.
That would require Sqrlsy to be with the cup first.
This is a great, and infuriating video.
Australian Senator asks two Pfizer representatives what the biomechanical cause for the vaccines to cause Myocarditis is.
Their answer: Six
He asks again, what is the mechanism of harm that causes myocarditis in the vaccine.
They answer again: Six
He continues to ask why they keep telling him how many cases or what the relative risk of myocarditis is, instead of answering what the mechanism of harm is.
I guess it's infurating if you are scouring the Internet for things to be outraged about. Meanwhile, us normies realize that the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes way more myocarditis than any anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine -- and realize that virually all vaccines carry some risk, so there is always a risk/reward trade-off.
^Zealous dishonesty or gullible stupidity?
It’s Laursen, assume both.
By normies do you mean ignorant leftists?
Sure there are little buddy.
If something occurs that miraculously hands back power to the citizens in the West, trials need to be held with penalties so severe for the guilty, that the powerful will be too frightened to attempt this again for five generations.
There haven't been that many since Nuremburg, so we're going to have to up the ante from there.
Death by slow torture? Level three genetic revocation?
(That's where you execute everyone descended from all eight of a given person's great-grandparents.)
What amazes me is there seems to be an endless stream of new left wing news sites that get taken super seriously.
Semafor being the latest.
What’s your reason for describing them as “left wing”?
… and present what we're doing in a way that's totally transparent. We actually do it in a very stylized way. We say here are the facts in this story, here's my opinion, and here's the opinion of somebody who disagrees with me.
You have a cite for why they’re not, sealion?
The about us paragraphs are always the truth. Just ask sarc and Mike how they are the only true libertarians.
About Semafor’s Bias Rating Semafor is a news media source with an AllSides Media Bias Rating™ of Lean Left.
"SBF showered money on liberal media:
The Intercept
The Law and Justice Journalism Project
they all took it, and none of them broke the story."
Left wing means they are more communistic and less christian. The thing has little to do with freedom or economics, since both religions absolutely worship the initiation of deadly force.
The same thing that gets Fox News... or really anyone who doesn't share the opinions of the editorial boards of most mainstream media outlets as "right wing".
The Democratic platform of 2016 elected Orange Hitler. Obama and Bill's Shill both hemmed and hawed instead of protecting women's health and stopping nazis from shooting and robbing young people over plant leaves. NOTICE how that's changed? Libertarian spoiler votes let voters explicitly spell out their preference for freedom by making looters lose elections. Since the looters are about the same, there is randomness built into which particular losers get the 2x4 upside the head as a wake-up call that it's time to shorten their party platform by deleting some coercion. This mechanism has worked for over a century in the opposite direction. It's sign has changed, and our votes carried about 2 dozen times the clout before the Anschluss.
Serious question, are you sqrl with a functioning cap lock button?
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