Sherri Papini Sex-Trafficking Evidence Almost as Flimsy as PizzaGate Proof
While the particulars of Pizzagate are especially outlandish, it's not a narrative that sprung up in an alt-right vacuum. Just look at the coverage of Sherri Papini's case.

I first learned about Sherri Papini, the 34-year-old California woman who went missing for 22 days in November, from a Today Show headline asking: "Was Sherri Papini kidnapping linked to sex trafficking?" In People magazine's December 9 issue, John Kelly, "a noted serial killer profiler," said Papini's abduction had all the hallmarks of human trafficking, with her mistreatment typical of the "shaming and degrading" of victims that traffickers deploy. Other wide-reaching media outlets—NBC News, ABC News, Us Weekly, the Sacramento Bee—have likewise floated the idea that the mysterious duo of Hispanic women Papini fingered may have been part of a sex-trafficking ring.
Yet there is almost nothing to support the idea that Papini's disappearance was related to sex or prostitution. The whole theory hinges on the fact that Papini was "branded," as her husband Keith initially put it. Police later confirmed that Sherri did have something burnt into her skin, specifying only that it was not a "symbol" but a "message." But even accepting the premise that sex-traffickers frequently "brand" their victims—a common claim also utterly lacking in evidence—Papini's burns could just as easily have been an act of torture or a way to relay a message to Papini, police, or the public. And the latter explanations certainly make more sense than the former when taken with the facts that nothing else about the abduction belied an intent to force Papini into commercial sex and, in fact, Papini's assailants eventually just let her go, according to what she told police.
Who is Sherri Papini?
For those unfamiliar with the case, Papini—a stay-at-home mother of two living with her husband in Shasta County, California—disappeared on November 2 while Keith was at work and the kids were in daycare. The case came to a happy ending on Thanksgiving day, when Papini was found on the side of a rural road a few hours from her home, malnourished and knocked around but not severely injured. She has since been reunited with her family, the Shasta County Sheriff's Department is investigating, and the Papinis are taking some time away from the spotlight in an undisclosed location.
Papini's disappearance, and subsequent return, earned ample national attention. The story seemed to have legs both because of the mystery surrounding Papini's disappearance and because of who Papini is: a pretty, young, white woman with a photogenic family and a Pinterest-perfect collection of hobbies: crafting, baking, exercise, home decorating, party-planning, and prayer. She was quickly dubbed a "supermom" in headlines.
California State Police found Papini roadside in Yolo County, near Sacramento, with one hand chained behind her waist. She was "taken to an area hospital, and treated for non-life threatening conditions," according to Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosekno. Keith Papini has said that his wife's captors beat her, cut off her hair, and "barely fed" her. When she was discovered, Keith said, Sherri was bruised, had lost 15 percent of her body weight, and had a broken nose, "severe burns, red rashes, and chain markings." Police, however, have been less forthcoming with details about Sherri Papini's condition. Whatever injuries she suffered, overnight hospitalization was not required, and by Thanksgiving night she was back at home with her family.
Sherri told police that her abductors had been two Hispanic women driving a dark SUV. She said they wore masks over their faces and spoke almost exclusively in Spanish. Upon first questioning, she provided police with little detail, which Bosenko attributed to her still recovering from the experience. But if she has since provided more information, Shasta County authorities aren't admitting to it. And they say they've yet to determine a possible motive. Authorities have "no reason not to believe" Papini, Bosekno told People magazine. But "abductions are rare in themselves, especially adult abductions." And abductions by women are "even more unique, so there remains a number of concerns that we have."
Red flags, white pride, and Pinterest
The implausible circumstances of the kidnapping have provoked predictable chatter about it being a hoax, perhaps designed to draw in donations (the Papini family raised $49,195 on GoFundMe while she was missing). There are a lot of things about the case that simply don't add up as of yet, namely: why go through all the trouble and risk of abducting and holding Papini for three weeks, only to let her go free? And why target this random suburban mother?
Then there's Cameron Gamble. On November 18 Gamble, an Air Force veteran, self-described "kidnap and ransom consultant," and active participant in church-led "high-risk ministries involved with human trafficking"—posted a video offering $50,000 to Papini's captors if they would return her safely by November 23. Gamble said the reward money was coming from an anonymous stranger who had taken an interest in the case, and directed people to a website,, where they could provide tips. But police were clear that Gamble was not associated with their efforts, and discouraged his vigilante undertaking. Sherri's family, too, said they were not associated with Gamble, the money, or the now deleted website.
Also raising amateur web-sleuths' suspicions: some archived posts on a now-defunct white-nationalist website,, written by a "Sherri Graeff"—Papini's maiden name. The posts, from 2003, discuss how proper "skinhead girls" should look and act (feminine) and detail Graeff's alleged history of high-school skirmishes with Hispanic classmates, whom she believes targeted her because she was was "drug-free, white and proud of my blood and heritage." In one encounter, Graeff supposedly slammed a woman's head into the bleachers, "broke her nose and split her eyebrow." The post concluded:
Being white is more than just being aware of my skin, but of standing behind Skinheads…and having pride for my country. Being white is my family, my roots, my way of life. It's always there. There's no denying it. It's nobility. It's strength. It will be there to lift me up when I really need my pride, when I need to 'keep walking.'
The Papini family has not commented publicly about the Skinheadz posts. But Sherri's ex-husband David Dreyfus, whom she divorced in 2007, told the Sacramento Bee "that was not her. There was someone who made a malicious post. That is entirely uncharacteristic of her and not her at all."
OK, so who is Sherri Papini? Besides a cipher for America's hopes about supermoms and fears of stranger danger and immigrants and sex trafficking?
Most of Sherri's social-media accounts have been deleted since her return, but what's left, or archived, paints an interesting picture. Sherri got married to to Keith, whom she had known since high-school, in 2009, two years after divorcing her first husband. Her blog posts on their wedding website reveal someone highly excited ("I LOVE BEING A BRIDE!") and a bit demanding about wedding planning. On Pinterest—one of Sherri's few social-media accounts not hidden or deleted (though the username was changed recently)—Papini's posts suggest someone equally enthusiastic, creative, and detail-oriented when it came to planning everything from children's parties to home decor to Halloween costumes.
Papini apparently tried to capitalize on these skills—a business called "Start From Scraps" is registered to her and her husband, and an archived version of shows Sherri offering to teach scrapbooking classes. Papini also attempted to sell her handiwork via online craft emporiums. It's unclear how successful any of these ventures were, and the scrapbooking business seems to have been abandoned sometime around 2012. (Sherri is also listed as one of three owners of a Butte County, California, business called Living Interiors, along with Francisco A. Santoyo and Eric Joseph Zapf.)
Much has been made of one of Papini's Pinterest boards, named "Cultural Differences," which allegedly featured memes concerned with illegal immigration and Muslims (here's one screenshot). That board has since been deleted. But the boards that remain still show some glimpses of someone tougher than your typical mommy-blogger, and with some right-leaning or unusal interests. One board, which Papini named "One Tough Mama," is devoted to guns and memes about guns, including one (captioned "Amen!") announcing "I will defend my rights against all enemies foreign & Obama." There are other boards devoted to "homesteading," canning and preserving food, and "the end of the world?"—a board featuring fall-out shelters, concealable knives, and tips on wilderness survival skills, emergency preparedness, foraging wild foods, and living "off the grid."
Signs of sex trafficking?
The bizarre nature of Papini's story certainly doesn't disprove it. Occasionally the inexplicable and unthinkable really does happen. Or perhaps Papini's assailants were strangers to her but were acting at the behest of someone with a more personal motive for wanting to scare and hurt her. Maybe Sherri Papini faithfully related most of what happened to her but does actually know who abducted her and is afraid or hesitant to reveal that info. Maybe police and the Papini family know more than they're telling the public and media.
Some red flags aren't reason enough to write the whole thing off as a hoax or scam. Yet whatever Papini may have endured, evidence that the abduction was motivated by sex-trafficking is flimsy to nonexistent, and Papini fits the typical sex-trafficking victim profile about as well as much as she is a typical kidnapping victim (not at all).
Much of mass culture would have Americans believe that sex traffickers snatch up random kids from school playgrounds, abduct suburban moms from Hobby Lobby parking lots, and spend years "grooming" good teen girls to run away from home and pimp them out. Or that traffickers are all part of some highly organized, multi-person operation that ships sex slaves around the country or globe. But in the U.S., sex trafficking—defined under federal law as forcing or coercing someone into prostitution or aiding in the prostitution of someone under 18 years old—is almost entirely comprised of cases involving just one to a few perpetrators and one to a few victims, according to both studies of the underground sex economy and the kinds of cases that officials prosecute. And while violence, threats, and—to an extraordinarily lesser degree—physical restraint or abduction are sometimes elements, most cases fall somewhere between mutual benefit and outright abuse or exploitation, with victims concentrated among teen runaways, people already involved in sex work, and women with vulnerabilities such as homelessness, mental illness, undocumented status, drug addiction, or extreme poverty.
Members of these marginalized groups make up the vast majority of strangers targeted by kidnappers, sexual predators, abusive pimps, and others with unsavory sexual agendas. Why? Because the authorities and the American public are much less likely to pay attention with such victims, to trust them, to turn them into People magazine phenomenons. To devote ample public resources to their recovery, assume good faith, and punish their perpetrators harshly. Sometimes these victims aren't even noticed.
It's also easier for perpetrators to find, coerce, and target those in their own general peer group, as there's more opportunity. And with the internet, a would-be sex trafficker can easily find an untold number of girls and women with at least some degree of willingness to participate in prostitution, and they can make just as much money off these individuals as they would someone like Sherri Papini—all without the difficulty and cost of monitoring or restraining someone 24 hours per day, or the added risk and potential penalties that this entails. Plus, most prostitution customers value (at least some degree of) agency and sexual desire in those they patronize, meaning there's not really as big a market for literal sex slaves as pop culture conjures. It just makes no sense from any angle for your average sex-trafficker to—without any personal motive—add in all this kidnapping, effort, and intrigue.
It's somewhat surreal that major network TV programs and national news outlets looked at the facts of this case and felt comfortable crying sex trafficking. A white woman tells a possibly true but statistically implausible story of kidnapping at the hands of two Spanish-speaking strangers, her husband—not the police—says she was "branded," a mysterious anti-trafficking missionary and YouTuber with a cash reward suggests sex-trafficking is afoot, and that's good enough to run with it? People were (rightfully) appalled when Donald Trump suggested many Mexicans sneak over our border for the express purpose of raping American women, but when morning news anchors leap to link the disappearance of a pretty blonde mom at the hands of Hispanic ladies to sex trafficking, despite an utter lack of evidence to support the claim, everyone shares the story on Twitter.
A tale of two 'trafficking' panics
It's hard not to compare the reaction to Sherri Papini sex-trafficking rumors to those surrounding another recent story involving trafficking: PizzaGate.
A far-fetched conspiracy theory fomented on fringe-right message boards and blogs, PizzaGate claims that John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and a slew of other high-ranking U.S. officials are involved in a global child sex-trafficking ring that is somehow brokered through a family-friendly D.C. pizza joint called Comet. But what started as speculative paranoia, or possibly trolling, resulted this week in a North Carolina man shooting up Comet in order to free the child sex slaves he believed were inside. No one was hurt, and he was taken into police custody without incident, but the melee still serves as a troubling reminder of how online misinformation can produce dangerous real-world results.
For almost anyone to the left of the fringe right, the Comet pizza conspiracy—with its convoluted trail of circumstantial "evidence," its aptness to see symbols and meaning in everything, and its production of a deluded vigilante gunman out to save the children—has served as a simple source of mockery, incredulity, and condemnation, a "predictable" outcome of right-wing fearmongering. But while the particulars of the PizzaGate story might be especially outlandish, it's not a narrative that sprung up in an alt-right vacuum.
For more than a decade, U.S. officials and an ever-expanding rescue industry have promulgated false statistics and ideas about the scope and nature of prostitution, both voluntary and forced, in America. It's these same basic (and false) claims—that there are hundreds of thousands of missing and sex-trafficked children in the U.S., that the sex trafficking of minors is a highly profitable and coordinated enterprise—on which Pizzagate truthers staked their story. Their ideas about slick, sociopathic, and pedophilic sex traffickers echo those on the websites of so many nonprofits, newspapers, and government anti-human-trafficking campaigns. Their vigilante tactics are even celebrated in slightly different contexts.
And you know who else has entered private businesses with guns drawn in order to free non-existent (minor) sex slaves? American cops and federal agents, all the time. They regularly raid homes and massage parlors and strip clubs and casinos and all sorts of places where they suspect prostitution is taking place, under the mantle—sometimes earnest, sometimes not so much—of rescuing minors from sexual exploitation. They build cases by perusing internet evidence (message-board postings, emails) for secret symbols and coded meaning. Yet the public mostly shrugs when cops, Christian missionaries, A&E TV series, and FBI agents do these things, because we've heard for years from the press, President Obama, and a huge and incredibly high-powered group of politicians, celebrities, foundations, activists, and academics, that—contra all evidence—there are hundreds of thousands of sexually exploited children "in our own backyards," that this sort of "modern slavery" has reached epidemic proportions, and that every high-profile child or adult disappearance is probably linked to sex trafficking.
As coverage of the Sherri Papini case illustrates, the gap between PizzaGate believers and regular consumers of sex-trafficking stories put forth by law enforcement, legislators, and most of the media is probably much smaller than a lot of people realize.
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Supermom = dingbat
Yeah but would.
Red flags, white pride, and Pinterest
That would be an excellent album title.
LOL - look at you.
Maybe you can include that comment in your shitty book!
good idea
Yolo County
I don't care.
It's a conspiracy, I tell ya!
Among all of your lame comments, that's one of the most lame in a while. Too lazy today to even think up a coherent thought, shreek? Maybe you should go back to your insane website and argue with dajjal (yourself).
U mad bro?
Don't go away mad, shreek, just go away.
It's funny how he has so much spare time to just do nothing. I'd have to be awfully bored to spend all my commenting time on meningless boring comments.
Grab it's motherfucking leg
In Trump's America would anyone even bat an eye at that story? It's gonna be pussy grabbing from here on out.
Yes, if it's a minority man grabbing a white woman's pussy. The perps and about fifty others of their kind not related to the incident will swing from trees, and nobody will bat an eye at that.
What a retard
Crikey, that story is like something off Unsolved Mysteries. Something is not right there. So this lady is kidnapped by two Hispanic women who don't speak any English and then did what to her? Just beat her up a little and then left her beside the road? I'm not buying it.
My conspiracy theory is that she is the local drug dealer selling "mother's little helpers" to the other stay at home moms. Somehow, she pissed off her supplier (would explain the hispanics), and this was retaliation/reeducation. I at least find that slightly more plausible than sex-trafficing.
That's also a good and plausible one, I give it 3 weepy braying Lifetime awards out of 5!
I share your suspicion.
And who sex traffics a 34 year old "super mom"? Maybe a way to stir up suspicion about unpredictable foreign foreigner illegals who do weird things to nice Merican supermoms and who knows why?
If she is such a super mom, why were her kids in daycare full time while she stayed home and ran? A 2 year old can go to a part time program, and there is not one person I know who would want their young children in daycare full time if they didn't need to work. That is suspect.
I'm struggling to understand the point.
We're saying that because she was a skinhead in high school and doesn't like illegal immigration or Muslims, . . .
What are we supposed to conclude from this?
That she's unworthy of our sympathy?
That she's not a sex trafficking victim?
What does her being a skinhead in high school and not being fond of illegal immigrants or Muslims have to do with anything?
I can see the possibility of a connection, but it's not a likely one in my opinion. Someone knows a lot more than we know, and likely that person is her.
Ken, if she was really some kind of white supremacist and decided to do more to act on her beliefs than just post on the internet, and the whole thing looks fishy, then there's a possible motivation for making up the story as the perpetrators are allegedly two Hispanics.
Actually, one doesn't suggest the other at all.
Having been a skinhead in high school and not being fond of Hispanics or Muslims in no way suggests that a woman broke her own nose or purposely starved herself to the point of losing a tremendous amount of body weight.
Just because it doesn't suggest it to you doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to other people. You can't think about it in strictly logical terms. What Dylan Roof did made complete sense to him. If she's a nut, you have no idea what she would or wouldn't do.
There's nothing personal in this comment and I respect the people's privacy. But the story doesn't add up. If it is true, it's one of the craziest stories I've heard that turned out true, and yes, there have been several of those. Nothing surprises me these days. What's the most likely truth in my honest opinion? She was having an affair, or affairs and/or just got mixed up with the wrong kind of people, got kidnapped and beaten and then released. And she might just have reasons to not want everyone to know that. Just speculation yes, but it would be my first guess if I were an investigator on the case. 2nd guess, her and the husband pulled off a hoax to get donations on a website. Less likely because of her injuries. Occam's razor, that is all.
Bitches be crazy.
I remember that. It's a terrible thing to say, but the poor husband likely got a lucky break there.
I completely agree. I was only pointing out the reason for including the possible skinhead angle - I did not intend to convey that I thought it likely or significant in any way.
I wouldn't rule that out, Gorija, but it would be a few notches down the list after the more likely leads turned up nothing.
Gojira, damnit.
My first guess would be marijuana traffickers and the black market labor that springs up around that.
The creepiest place I've ever camped the night on the road was in Mendocino County. The place was rife with black market scumbags. The people who are attracted to the areas outside of town to pick it in season are scarier than the Jamaicans, Colombians, and Easter European gangsters you see in town. Usually, when you're camping on a bike, the most urban it is, the more dangerous it is. Up in that area around the marijuana growers, it's the other way around.
Shasta County abuts the Emerald Triangle.
It's even more rural than Mendocino County. I'd be awful surprised if there were a bigger industry in Shasta County than marijuana cultivation. I bet it dwarfs tourism.
All speculation at this point, but if we're going by Occam's razor, the first guess in rural northern California is the scumbags that are attracted to the black market. They hire scumbags to guard fields and grow houses, and there wouldn't be any mystery about why they might want to keep her for weeks at a time.
Or maybe she found a grow house and it took them that long to get her to leave. They'd have to beat me up to get me out of there, as well.
Those places are paranoia inspiring nuthouses.
The grow houses rob each other all the time, and you can't call the police to help you when you're sitting in a house full of weed.
Meanwhile that weed is a worth its weight in . . . silver.
So they're all armed to the teeth.
And if the house you're guarding gets robbed despite you sitting there all day armed to the teeth, the cartel that runs that house is gonna come after you for their losses.
People who live in Mendocino who don't grow have moved out for being subjected to home invasions repeatedly--people assuming they're a grow house. I heard a story about a robber forcing his way inside, realizing there wasn't any weed, and then making an offer to buy the house.
I love that area up there. I'd like to live up there someday. Hopefully legalization will get the black market out of town.
"Just because it doesn't suggest it to you doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to other people."
I'm fully aware that other people can be incredibly stupid.
But having been a skinhead in high school doesn't suggest anything beyond having been a skinhead in high school.
Incidentally, having listened to black metal in high school doesn't open people up to suspicion when the cat goes missing either.
Ken, I think you're seriously losing the concept of subjectivity here. Just because others disagree with you about how significant certain associations are does not axiomatically make them stupid.
Can't tell if you're referencing the fact that there's a (rather good) metal band also named Gojira.
I'm not, just a huge fan of the films (seriously it's weird; I even have hundreds of toys/comics/pieces of memorabilia), but I do rather like the band.
I meant Ken, with the line about being into black metal, though my understanding of the insane taxonomy of metal sub-genres is that Gojira is "technical death metal" not black metal.
Gotcha. I would agree with you that Gojira is death, not black. Of course, such lines are blurry.
I'm not 100% on the distinctions and differences, I tend to go with a 3 way split:
Thrash and Thrash like (Metallica, Slayer, etc primacy on fast rhythms and semi-harsh vocals)
Power (Iced Earth, Iron Maiden at times etc, Soaring clean vocals, fast guitar solos)
Extra Heavy (heavily down tuned guitars, harsher vocals)
Obviously with hybridization.
Then there's stuff like Prog Metal (where do you put the latest Opeth album in those groups?) but since it's a smaller genre I'm less concerned.
just randomly namedropping but if ya dig thrash, you should also trace down the roots, and take in some 'hardcore punk' and "crossover" as well. Discharge, Anti Nowhere League, The Exploited, Agnostic Front, Warzone, all of that sort!
I didn't call you stupid.
But assuming that people beat the shit out of themselves and starved themselves because they were skinheads in high school is not an excellent example of smart thinking.
Notice, I'm not criticizing you, here.
I'm criticizing the idea.
Smart people can believe stupid things. I love it when smart people disabuse me of stupid ideas. That's one of the reasons I like coming here.
So, my wife wants a nose job & a new hair cut. She wants to lose some weight. she really wants to be a celebrity, go on talk shows, and have people follow her tweets, but our efforts to get famous are not working.
We concoct a scheme -- fake a kidnapping. She goes on a crash diet. she cuts her hair. We raise money online. I punch her in the nose. We mix in the lucky fact that, one week prior, she burned her arm with a curling iron, and the mark looks a bit like the cryptic word "TYME"
But, on whom can we blame these crimes? Mexicans! sex traffickers!
her (possible) alt right past is relevant only to the identity of the kidnappers. A democrat would blame it on Haven Monihan, Putin's hackers, Exxon, Duke's lacrosse team, or whatever.
The new being kidnapped by Hispanic women diet. Not advocated by Dr.Oz.
Wh-wh-where can I get in on this? And can they look like Milinda Clarke and Rosie Perez?
What does her being a skinhead in high school and not being fond of illegal immigrants or Muslims have to do with anything?
I interpreted her (possible) dislike of illegal immigrants as being maybe an explanation of why a couple of Hispanic women would kidnap her, beat her up, and leave her by the side of the road. E.g., maybe they had seen some of her social media postings and decided to "teach her a lesson." Maybe that's what the "message" that was allegedly burned onto her skin was about.
Maybe, if this really was her and not someone else as her ex claimed, one of the women was the Hispanic classmate she had supposedly beaten up in High School who nursed a grudge all this time.
Or perhaps her dislike of Hispanics was her motivation for hoaxing the whole thing, if it was a hoax.
Or maybe END was just getting her social signaling on. Who knows?
Stories like #Pizzagate never turn out to be true, you loonies.
Rotherham is nothing "like" Pizzagate. Spend one minute in a British "council estate" that resembles a mini-Karachi and you see just how plausible a Pakistani child-sex ring preying on the neglected teenaged daughters of Chavettes would be.
Now get your Bayes on and calculate the prior probability of a Satanic Illuminati cabal operating out of a pizzeria.
Bullshit. Coelacanths mean Nessie is totes possible!
Jews did 5/28.
Sikhs did 7/11.
Stoners did 4/20
Mathematicians did NOT do 0/0/0000.
Rotherham was like Pizzagate in that there were initial reports of it on right-wing blogs, which were dismissed because they were just reports on right-wing blogs.
Whoa! Freaky.
My point is not that Pizzagate is necessarily true, just that it's foolish to dismiss things simply based on the type of sources that report them. Real news can bubble up from the "undernews."
+1 John Edwards
Well the ones based entirely on batshit interpretations of "oddly-placed words in emails" never do.
GIOMORE posted this on 12.9.16 and 1:18. 12+9+16+1+18 is 56. 5+6=11. See? He posted it at 1:18!
And who is GIOMORE? We may never know!
1+2 = 3, 9-1= 8, 8*3 = 24! It's Kiefer Sutherland!
I figure it's GILMORE's evil twin. He's a Count of some remote province in Italy, scheming to take Gilly's inheritance.
Now that'sa spicy a-theory!
I am-a Count-a Giomore! And I am-a here to lay-a claim to the-a family estate! Your profound-a knowledge of men's-a fashion will not save you!
"Furthermore, Tony Podesta's favorite artist is Biljana Djurdjevic, whose art heavily features images of children in BDSM-esque positions in large showers. Here's one with a row of young girls in a shower with their hands behind their backs in a position that suggests bondage:"
Also, Bill Clinton cigar-pussy, Anthony Weiner sexting minors, "Lolita Island" etc.
But yeah, it's all just massive billows of smoke with no fire anywhere, like Rotherham and the Dutroux scandal.
You aren't addressing the satanism aspect.
Also what does Bill Clinton cheating on his wife with another adult have to do with this?
Aside from general sexual impropriety, which I get.
If you made any attempt to link that to the incredibly-stupid "Pizza-based Code Language", I would have awarded you a single point.
I have seen evidence that pizza-related coded language predates the Podesta emails. E.g. cp = cheese pizza = child porn. Of course, that does not prove that all the pizza references in the emails are anything other than pizza references, though there are an awful lot of them, and some of them are sort of odd.
But why would anyone assume that it was child molesters, even if there is obvious coded language. It's a pizza place. And all pizza places are coke dealers.
There is a lot of creepy art featuring children associated with Comet Ping Pong, the owner, and the Podestas.
So sp=sausage pizza = same sex porn.
You know who else put children in large showers?
My 7th grade PE coach?
Middle school football coaches?
Jerry Sandusky?
It's all crazy-talk! See? They said "Satanism", so it can't be true!
Until, if course, the story turns out to be true in whole or in part, at which point everyone saw the signs and why didn't the authorities DO something?
This poor man has been listening to too much fake trafficking news as well:
No, my good man, that's NOT the worst case scenario for your wife that's gone missing in Mexico on her 3 month backpacking trip.
Either this guy is a complete moron or he's at least part of the reason why she's gone missing.
I'm not going to say anything disparaging about a guy who's desperately trying to find his missing wife. But if my wife or daughter went hitchhiking in Mexico... alone... for three months (I would be a failure if I didn't talk them out of it because it's a bad fucking idea) and went missing, I wouldn't consider them being thrown into a burlap sack and forced to work in a brothel as the "worst case scenario".
I agree with you. My comment was about the bizarre statement the guy makes about trafficking being behind that. Who would think like that? As you easily assessed right there, anyone would assume foul play is involved, but wouldn't even think up this sex trafficking non-sense and say that's the worst case scenario. If I were an investigator in the case, that statement would be a huge red flag for me, regardless of whether there is a basis for it, or not.
My intention was not to disparage anyone. I'm a very analytical person, it's basically what I've been doing for the last 20 years.
Mexico is dangerous as hell. I used to go down there a lot and went into places that I wouldn't even think about going now. Let my wife go camping alone in Mexico? HELL.NO. Might as well just let your wife go walking at night in West Baltimore.
My comment was about the bizarre statement the guy makes about trafficking being behind that. Who would think like that?
Someone who listens to way too much NPR.
I still don't buy it. The guy should be under extreme emotional duress right now. Under those conditions, it's just weird to be speculating and making statements about shit like that. Instead he should just be making a plead for help in finding his wife. It makes no sense.
Won't I look like the asshole when they find her at an Asian massage parlour in Miami, tarted up and forced to perform happy endings-- perfectly safe and healthy, but with a little less dignity.
No, worst case scenario is buried somewhere out in the desert.
Google up "Dutroux scandal" or similar.
Meant as a reply to
Stories like #Pizzagate never turn out to be true, you loonies.
How about this:
"For yet another coincidence, Lauren Silsby-Gayler is the former director of The New Life Children's Refuge in Haiti. It is a matter of public record that she was caught, prosecuted, and sent to jail while in that role for trying to abduct dozens of children, most of whom had homes and families.....
When the Clintons gained influence in the region, one of their first acts was to work to get Silsby-Gayler off the hook. Among the Podesta Wikileaks are State Department emails discussing their case."
From Wikipedia:
"In the days following [Silsby-Gayler's] initial arrest, Dominican Jorge Puello took on the role of legal advisor. Puello later acknowledged that he is under investigation for sex trafficking in El Salvador and wanted in the United States for smuggling people across the Canada?US border. Puello was incarcerated for short terms in both Canada and the US."
The Laura Silsby-Gayler case was the cause of great diplomatic tensions between Haiti and the US; the Clinton's did not intervene to "get her off the hook", but to diffuse the situation and help the other missionaries who didn't realize what Silsby was doing was illegal. Those other missionaries were let off, Silsby served her full sentence (including time already served).
This is normal practice for SecState - US ambassadors also were in contact with the Italian government during the Amanda Knox trial. Further, Silsby has 0 connection to any kind of international child sex trafficking ring; while she certaintly was guilty of kidnapping her excuse of taking the kids to hotel-turned-orphanage WAS true - she herself was just incredibly ignorant of law and her own circumstances.
(a) There's a shitload more sex trafficking and child abuse going on that anyone thinks, or
(b) For some reason, these people show up in the Clintons' circle at an implausible rate.
Or of course, its all just a big nothing-to-see-here coincidence.
You only care cuz she a pretty white girl. Where are the stories about violence towards black girls that happen every day?
Keith Papini has said that his wife's captors beat her, cut off her hair, and "barely fed" her. When she was discovered, Keith said, Sherri was bruised, had lost 15 percent of her body weight, and had a broken nose, "severe burns, red rashes, and chain markings."
These crash diet plans are brutal!
White people. SMDH.
Neither of us got a response to our SJW channeling. 🙁
So after doing their very bestest to help Queen Hillary get crowned, Reason is now going to push the "no way are DC powerbrokers involved in organized pedophilia; no need to leave our chairs and investigate because that's obviously crazy talk" line of journalisticish transcribing. Not surprising.
Yup, it's all a big looney joke, just like Rotherham and the Dutroux scandal.
I am grateful for Reason, for their daily links and comment forum. Seriously. And I am especially grateful that they will never get one thin dime from me in donations or subscription money.
Whether there's any meat on the PizzaGate bones, I couldn't say.
But there is a very strong similarity between the Podesta brothers and the police sketches of two men being sought for a kidnapping of a young girl in Portugal, and by an amazing coincidence, the Podesta brothers were staying not far from the young girl's house.
Google "Podesta brothers Madeleine". You'll get a bunch of right-wing blogs, but take a look at the police sketches.
/tinfoil OFF
That is one of the weirdest aspects to all of this. Those two sketches look just like the Podesta brothers. Now, AFAIK, it has not been established that they were in the area at the time. I've read that they could have been, and that they could not have been. They also seem to be friends with Clement Freud, a convicted pedophile who lives near where McCann went missing.
If it turns out that there really is nothing to Pizzagate, it will still be worth noting as an amazing set of coincidences.
It feels to me like the "Clinton Death List." I looked into that, and it was obviously padded with a lot of coincidences, but there were still a dozen or so cases that could not easily be explained away. And how many other politicians have a similar list of "coincidences"?
So after doing their very bestest to help Queen Hillary get crowned,
Utterly moronic.
Anyone who criticizes Daddy Trump is a Clinton supporter. IT IS KNOWN.
Well, remember that Pedoesta is a legitimate kook in other ways. Why does no one bring up all his insanity about being abducted by aliens, and riding that line so hard he got Clinton to spend a month promising to reopen Area 51?
It's always been clear to me he's merely "humoured" by the others in the DNC. He's their Vermin Supreme, their Quayle.
I wouldn't put it past his pals to be treating it all as a big joke even with those others in his 'inner stable' of friends.
Remember Dahmer received a victim back from the police because everything else about him was so outlandish.
He's such an insane twit normally that it's being blown off as a joke.
It's entirely possible if such a thing is occurring it centres around him and not the DNC.
Her nickname is Killary after all, not Dillary.
So, where is her right hand in that picture?
Since we're on a tabloid-roll today, here's a story about Judge Reinhold being thrown in jail overnight for freaking out at the TSA
I imagine the person who was trying to screen him had a form for that.
He's a special snowflake, no?
He better pray for a Hung Jury.
ENB can always be relied on for a solid one-two. Bravo.
Papini is: a pretty, young, white woman with a photogenic family and a Pinterest-perfect collection of hobbies: crafting, baking, exercise, home decorating, party-planning, and prayer. She was quickly dubbed a "supermom" in headlines.
California State Police found Papini roadside in Yolo County, near Sacramento, with one hand chained behind her waist. She was "taken to an area hospital, and treated for non-life threatening conditions," according to Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosekno. Keith Papini has said that his wife's captors beat her, cut off her hair, and "barely fed" her. When she was discovered, Keith said, Sherri was bruised, had lost 15 percent of her body weight, and had a broken nose, "severe burns, red rashes, and chain markings."
Why when I read this do I get scenes from that Ben Affleck movie, Gone Girl going through my head?
I have the novel, plus another couple the guy (girl?) wrote. Been meaning to get around to it.
Lehane is pretty good. He also was a writer on the HBO television program The Wire.
Been meaning to get around to that, too.
Oh. Em. Gee.
Gone Girl was written by Gillian Flynn.
Who also has upcoming projects at HBO.
I read the book before I watched the movie. Both are pretty good. The wife is a stone psychopath. Whom Jezebel looks to for advice.
It has always existed, of course, but was, as we all know, recently popularized in an essential passage from Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl. You know, THAT PASSAGE:
Why does the author keep winking at me like I know what the fuck she's talking about?
You see people buying into this nonsense all the time ? men chasing a non-existent dream girl and, worse still, women doing their best to contort themselves into the preposterous mould because they think it's what men want. But the truth is, we've all been brainwashed.
Is it me or does it seem that the Jezebel crowd is really concerned with what men really want. Do they all secretly just want to become Mrs. SomethingOrOther?
It occurred to me as well. She didn't even spend a night in the hospital.
The first thing I thought was that she ran off with a guy, had second thoughts and had to square it with her husband.
Sometimes you just need some space, you know?
It's the obvious first guess. See my post above, I sort of elaborated on that.
There was a case of a missing guy in the woods here locally. He came out of the woods two days later, bruised, with a few scratches, and he immediately ran into this bedroom, shut the door and wouldn't talk to anyone, including the police and search and rescue who'd been looking for him.
People do weird shit.
They certainly do.
This has sasquatch written all over it.
I think you mean STEVE SMITH. Or Warty. There's a recent Paul Verhoeven flick about just that.
To uh, put it lightly. It's quite bizarre! Reminded me a bit of a 'hardcore' version of American Beauty but inverted.
She didn't even spend a night in the hospital.
If her story is true, I don't see why she would need to, necessarily. And if she has the kind of crap insurance coverage most people have, she'd have been looking at paying $2 - 3K out of pocket. So I'm not terribly suspicious of this fact, in isolation.
Unlike Jackie wozzname, who claimed to have been gangraped for hours on broken glass and never went to the hospital.
That fact isn't in isolation. It's combined with a 15 day kidnapping by two women with no ransom demand and where she was released out of the blue.
I honestly haven't studied the details (been too distracted by the babe). The whole thing sounds weird, but weird shit happens. On the list of "Why didn't come to the ED days ago for this", her condition is mid-range, at best. But, as you correctly imply:
Meaning comes from context.
No, no... I get it. She's a damn cute mother of two.
I don't know what happened and the family clammed up pretty quick. But then the husband was probably leaned on as a suspect. I wouldn't be to forthcoming with the police after that either.
I was thinking more Surf Ninjas. At least as to how she got those bruises.
this sentence really needed some scary-music and a zoomed in shot of her photo which is suddenly shown in negative-contrast.
Like this
Hey, is that Tobias Funke?
It needs the guy from Unsolved Mysteries narrating.
Nah, I'm thinking the Ancient Aliens guy.
"I'm not saying its sex trafficking, but . . ."
No, Oak Island guy: "IS IT POSSIBLE that this woman was kidnapped by Mexican pizza-making sex traffickers?"
She was probably kidnapped by an anti-Basic Bitch hate group.
+1 pumpkin spice latte
So wouldn't "alt-right vacuum" indicate some volume of space entirely devoid of the alt-right?
No, she's talking about the space between your ears.
Bitterness really suits you.
Welp, that's what you get when you cut wholesome natural sugars out of your diet!
Forget it, Free. She's rolling.
BTW, can we please dispense with the argument of, "Rotherham was real, therefore equally serious credence must be given to every bizarre fever-dream that somebody shits out on the internet #satanismaccusationsfromthe80swereactuallylegit".
An example of something means it is widespread. That's just science, asshole.
The concept of being un-virtuously correct is difficult for people to grok.
But, technically correct is the best kind of correct!
This is more "correct but mostly by accident, process and thinking was bad".
"correct by chance/volume."
It also doesn't help that the people supporting the Pizzagate concept really, really want Clinton and Co. to be behind a Satanic child sex ring. If this was actually investigated, and completely confirmed that no such thing existed, these people would be disappointed that children weren't sexually abused so they could demonize their political opponents.
Confirmation bias certainly does swirl around Pizzagate.
No kidding. I read about these things purely as entertainment, with the assumption (hope?) that they aren't true.
My favorite example is that someone discovered that the Good Humor logo is a heart-within-a-heart, just like one of the pedophile symbols, therefore, they must be part of it!!
Reading that made me think "well clearly that's why people assume sex trafficking happened!"
I live in the general area where she went missing. I was in a few stores in Redding the past few days and several of them have donation jars at the registers to give to the Papini family. Is this just to feel good? I have yet to hear what overwhelming financial burden they have incurred that they cannot deal with, that we should feel obligated to donate to them.
Not surprisingly the events around her disappearance and return are a common topic in these parts. Most people I have talked to about it here do not buy the sex trafficking motive. Most believe it is either she was having an affair or she and/or her current husband had a business deal with someone that went sour.
She came back malnourished, so the pizza delivery bills are going to pile up.
Stay at home mom with two kids in daycare leads me to believe they are quite financially stable. Unless that daycare is head start...not clear.
LoL. Nice try but Rohm's 'boys' were all AoC!
although now I'm thinking really strange things about Elian Gonzalez, closets, and Tom Cruise.
I know what I'm doing this weekend!
I think she is a chick with nice tits.
The more I read, the more I think she might be straight up nuts. And of course gets hotter with each new pathology.
I'm not really a dirty talk kinda guy, but I gotta admit that racism adds titillating new dimensions to the whole dominatrix role. Were I in a different life situation, experimenting with whether actual race mattered or which particular master race was preferred might be interesting.
No one was hurt, and he was taken into police custody without incident, but the melee still serves as a troubling reminder of how online misinformation can produce dangerous real-world results.
Holy Fuck how has the forum not roasted ENB for this line of unequivocal garbage*?
Nobody died or anything but don't use the internet because people own guns.
I mean Jesus Christ.
Never trust a "stay at home mom" who needs to put her kids in daycare to "go jogging."
like Dawn replied I'm shocked that someone able to profit $8730 in a few weeks on the
As Harold said I am startled that a student can get paid $7187 in four weeks on the internet .
hop over to this site
People were (rightfully) appalled when Donald Trump suggested many Mexicans sneak over our border for the express purpose of raping American women
That is not all what Trump said. At least a fucking smidgen of journalistic objectivity and faithful recounting of statements, please?
Yep, I have to agree, sounds like they might've abducted her on behalf of someone else, possibly even one of those she assaulted ten-fifteen years ago. Some people can really hold long grudges! Most likely a case of her past catching up to her rather than being a hoax, but knowing the public perception of "trafficking" (not to mention who is usually involved) it presented an opportunity to hide her own association with the attack and make it look more random. "Abductions" of the sort the public believes happens, are actually usually consensual! There's a lot of low-rent security companies that also post in back pages of 'sticky mags' offers of having your own "abduction adventure" for $5000 or so if you're that damn bored a housewife.
http://jeremymlange.photoshelt.....6Zr9uH4DcI an artist in NYC started it in 2002 but of course after his little social experiment ended actual companies got into the mix, seeing the profit potential. Think of it as coupling Jimmy Johns with BDSM!
Also thanks for bringing up where this moral panic actually originated. If you want to defuse Pizzagate, remind people in it of where these "statistics" emerge from. It's the same far-left professors/polichickens they'd never trust on any other subject on the planet! Are there abusers in public office? Almost certainly. But I guarantee you no group is larger than 20 members, because the more people involved, the more can rat it out.How many MPs were involved in that Westminster thing? Only 20, 25? Sure there were many 'big names,' but fact remains by having such a tight-knit group they could do whatever knowing none there would expose another. When you have a 'full house' of like 50 or more, it becomes easier and easier to expose everyone else anonymously. And to save their own skin, they will!
The only reason there even IS ideas of 'national groups' is because the Catholic church operates wholly differently than any form of government out there, and "try and convict their own." (or rather shuffle them to more obscure posts) The only place you could expect this to emerge is the only part of modern society operating similarly. The public schooling system. In either case, there's no GRAND CONSPIRACY to MAKE the abuse national, it's just a natural result of caring so much about their image they'd rather not publicly condemn one of their own and instead shunt them into alcoves until the heat blows over. Each time it happens, it becomes even more embarrassing to admit what occurred, and so they have more and more impetus to cover it up and keep pushing the culprits around.
Hell, here's one good way to mulch the Clinton connection right off.
What 'paedophile' would have given up such easy access to possibly untraceable children? Were some Clinton associates convicted of those crimes? Yep. But clearly she herself is not involved nor any attached to the state department at the time. Otherwise these kids would've all been 'adopted' by wealthy 'donors' rather than sent home to be turned out as actual prostitutes. (or some just freakin' killed and eaten by drugged up cannibals. Liveleak has some crazy shit out of central america since Killary's coups!!)
I feel like Pizzagate had possibly stumbled onto something related to the foundation, but bungled it by both making wrong (liberal-tier) insinuations and being so goddamn loud about it. It could have been gun-running like in Libya, or it could've been drugs. Child predation doesn't cause such a massive FamousNamePileup, it's usually a couple solitary offenders heading a group of nobodies (Jared Fogle for example). But Iran-Contra style weapons deals do! But we'll never really know now, because all the information's been dumped and shredded.
Thanks, Opizza! (plus we have actual precedent for the Clintons doing these kinds of things back home in Mena)
Think about the 'evidence' compiled. What multinational corporation would be so explicitly involved in child trafficking? The similarities of organisation symbols is more likely a hint to prospective buyers on where to get their goods. Being shaped like known paedo-advocacy group symbols is just a coincidence, but one that caused everyone to miss the more plausible solution. (or perhaps that was the intent all along, psy-ops is a thing after all. Now any further investigations already start off discredited.) Bam, where's my congressional medal, Obama? I solved everything! Excuse the salvo, wasn't aware there was a text limit here before I started typing it up.
tl;dr of the above: With so many legitimate crimes WTF are y'all focusing on this goofy satanist woman for?
It's like investigating a break-in and believing the crowbar must mean the perpetrator is a dentist! And the break-in is part of an ADA insurance scam!
She's a "stay-at-home mom" they say, yet her children are in daycare?
I'd be looking into that angle. Why does an at-home mom put her kids into daycare? That's very expensive babysitting. Perhaps the kids only go once or twice a week when she is working on other projects, working out or...something.
The whole skinhead thing is, most likely, a red herring. Her ex-husband claims that isn't her page and is at odds with who she is.
One can collect a lot of "incriminating" meme images on-line without either believing or promoting them. For instance, I have a directory on my PC full of anti-Trump memes. But another directory is full of anti-Hillary memes. Lump them together and sort them the right way and you could portray me as supporting (or hating) either side.
Were I investigating I'd want her daily cell phone tracking data (geolocating data). It might show her routines or might indicate other activities she was involved in or possibly an affair (though I think it unlikely).
At this point, given the amount of illegal drug farming going on in Shasta county, I'm leaning towards the idea that she came upon something or paid too much attention to some activity while jogging which panicked those involved. It might have been a crew stashing money from a large sale or bundled drugs for their next big sale and they took no chances of her disrupting it.
shooting up Comet?
As I understood it the guy discharged 1 round.
As bad as that is, and as stupid as this person appears to be, that is hardly "shooting up" a place.
The fact that this article doesn't even mention the other girl, Tera, who went to school with Sherri, who was also kidnapped in the same place and was never seen again, shows how disreputable the author of this article really is.
Beyond that, the Dutroux Affair, the Franklin Scandal, the recent Norwegian politician scandal, the FBI stats, the Finders case, the Jimmy Savile scandal and other protected political pedophiles all demonstrate that this is a real problem.
Anderson Cooper reported on a child porn trading ring out of the Pentagon where 5200 remain uninvestigated.
To attempt to dismiss the problem and generate a narrative that it shouldn't be a concern of major priority is intellectually dishonest.
Shame on the author. Poor research. Uninformed point of view.
Why does this author hate this victim?
"The Papini family has not commented publicly about the Skinheadz posts."
FALSE, Sherri's dad, Richard Graeff, told People that "some punks" penned the years-old message, detailing the writer's experiences growing up in Shasta Lake, California, and watching her father stand up against Latinos who labeled him a Nazi. "Sherri did not write that letter," Graeff said in an article appearing in the magazine's Friday issue.