Hate Crimes, Hoaxes, and Hyperbole
A reality check for all sides

Swastikas spray-painted on softball dugouts. Steve Bannon getting appointed to the White House. There's been lots of spooky stuff going down in America since Donald Trump was elected president. When I reported last Friday that there had been "no violent hate-crimewave" happening—emphasis on the word violent—it was to dispel widespread rumors of a post-election surge in physical attacks on gay, transgender, and non-white Americans by emboldened and bigoted Trump supporters. Thankfully, this still holds true. While the public expression of nativist, racist, sexist, or anti-LGBT sentiments may have experienced a post-election upswing, incidents of actual altercations or attacks have still been very rare.
Several of the most prominent early reports of Trump-inspired violence against people of color were later admitted to be fabrications or directly contradicted by police statements. Pointing this out seems to really anger people, who assume my intent is discredit all such reports, or to deny that there's any bigotry among Trump supporters. Neither is true. Rather, I saw a lot of distortions being spread and a lot of people who were really scared. I heard from LGBT and Jewish and non-white friends of mine, in private communications and on social media, who honestly believed it was open season on them this week. And I didn't want to see people I care about fearing for their very lives and physical safety because of a massive amount of misinformation floating around.
This isn't helped by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which states that more than 400 hate crimes have been committed in America post-election. But the vast majority of the examples SPLC gives involve incidents like one elementary student telling another that he would be deported, or a white woman laughing at a black woman who overheard her saying racist things, or a man in a car yelling "fag" as he drove by a gay couple—things that may be intolerant, unkind, and legitimately scary for those targeted, but not what most people would conjure when they hear "hate crimes" or "hateful extremism." And pointing that out doesn't equate to condoning these acts, or dismissing the hurt and fear they inspire in people. It is simply an attempt to separate what is really happening in America right now from what is hyperbole, hysteria, or hoax.
The bottom line is that when it comes to physical aggression inspired by this election, we are looking at a little more than a dozen incidents reported, over a 10 day period, in a country of roughly 318.9 million people—none of which resulted in serious injuries. And these incidents vary widely in how much they can be attributed to politics, prejudice, and hate versus tempers, egos, and mental-health issues flaring along with the election results and our collective heightened emotional state.
Regarding the rash of hateful graffiti and signs popping up this week: while some was certainly meant to offend or inspire terror, other times it has turned out to be the work of anti-Trump forces who intended it as commentary on how they perceive "Trump's America." For instance, the message scrawled on an Elon University whiteboard post-election—"Bye Bye Latinos Hasta La Vista"—was actually "written by a Latino student who was upset about the results of the election and wrote the message as a satirical commentary," according the school's vice president for student life. The same for a Nazi flag that went up over a house in San Francisco last week.
In Pittsburg, California, a sign reading "You can hang a n****r from a tree / Equal rights he will never see!" was posted aside a house, and shared in a photo on Twitter November 12 by a man who wrote: "My sister texted this to me 10 minutes ago. Our democracy is being tested even in California." This post was retweeted more than 4,200 times. But it turns out the sign was posted by a black man, on his own house, long before last week in protest of a grievance the man has with the court system. "Police said they planned to cite the man for the banner's message," reported the East Bay Times, "but upon further review Monday discovered that they already did so last week."
True, these incidents make up just a small percentage of the offensive graffiti and messages reported this week, but they serve as a reminder that the most simplistic explanation—racist imagery spread by racists—isn't always the correct one.
Below, I've compiled information on any reports of election-inspired attacks, stalking, robberies, or physical altercations that I could find. (It is surely not a complete representation of such incidents, but I'm also not "cherry-picking," as some have suggested, and tried to include all such stories I could find.) The picture that emerges isn't a wave of hoaxes, a wave of attacks on minorities by Trump-emboldened bigots, nor a wave of attacks on Trump supporters by intolerant liberals—though all have occurred—but something more complex and, hopefully, a little less frightening, even if the stories that have happened are still horrible.
Anti-Trump Protester Tackled at Ohio State University: A young man leading an anti-Trump rally at Ohio State University (OSU) was tackled down a flight of stairs this week. The victim, Tim Adams, suffered bruises and bumps but is OK, he told local news. His attacker, OSU student Shane Michael Stanton, was arraigned in court Tuesday on assault charges. Stanton was initially assumed to be an angry Trump supporter, but OSU Students for Trump said he was not part of their organization and, according to the Franklin County Board of Elections, he is registered as a Democrat. Friends and classmates claimed Stanton was a big Hillary Clinton supporter, that he has Asperger syndrome, that he has a hard time sometimes in social situations, and that while they didn't know what motivated the attack, it definitely wasn't pro-Trump bias. The young man's father later confirmed to the Columbus Dispatch that he does have Asperger Syndrome.
@ananavarro @TheLantern He has a mental illness and was a Hillary supporter. Get your facts straight, I know him personally. Please.
— Lucas Abreu (@lucabreu96) November 15, 2016
Adams said Tuesday that he would drop the assault report he filed against Stanton. He posted on Facebook that he had made the decision now that "it was clear that my assault was not politically motivated in the way that we previously thought, nor was it committed by a Trump supporter."
Man Punches Hispanic Stranger on Street: In Redwood City, California, 34-year-old Michael Goggins was charged with two felony counts of resisting arrest and a misdemeanor hate crime after allegedly yelling a racial slur at a Hispanic man the day after the election, punching the man in the chest, and then biting police when they tried to arrest him. The victim was uninjured, according to police, and Goggins told them he had punched the man for being a "traitor." Goggins remains in jail with bail set at $50,000 and a trial set for later this month.
Woman Knocked Over by Trump Supporters at Villanova: A black Villanova University said she was pushed over on her way to class by a group of white men yelling "Trump! Trump! Trump!" The university and local police are investigating the incident.
Woman Punched at Brooklyn Restaurant by Trump Supporter: In Brooklyn, a woman eating at a French bistro was allegedly punched by a male Trump supporter after fighting with him about politics. According to the Brooklyn Paper, both had been dining at Bar Tabac in Boerum Hill last Saturday when he overheard the woman and her dining companion talking disparagingly about Trump. "The man asked [bar manager Jonas Leon] to throw the women out of the restaurant, but he refused, and instead moved the gent and his companion to a different table," the paper reported. "The guy paid his check and exited the restaurant at 6:50 pm, but then dashed back in again—nearly knocking over a kid on his way—and slugged one of the ladies in the face," according to Leon. Another diner corroborated this version of events. The victim filed a report with police, who are investigating.
High School Girl Attacked for Pro-Trump Comment: In Woodside, California, police are investigating an attack on a female high-school student, Jade Armenio, who said she was beaten up by classmates for making positive comments about Trump on Instagram.
Boy in MAGA Hat Beaten Up at Anti-Trump Rally: In Rockville, Maryland, a 15-year-old boy was beaten up by fellow teens after he showed up to an anti-Trump rally wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat. "Hundreds of students from Richard Montgomery High School were carrying signs reading, 'Love Trumps Hate,' and chanting near the Rockville courthouse," WTOP reported, when the Trump-supporting teen was attacked by multiple students. Rockville police officer Michael English said the victim had not been the aggressor. A bystander who witnessed the attack told WTOP, "they jumped him and beat him up pretty bad," but the boy's injuries were not serious. So far, one 17-year-old had been identified as a perpetrator and charged with second-degree assault.
Muslim Women Harassed, Robbed on Campuses: Muslim women were targets of alleged hate crimes on a spate of college campuses.
- A Muslim student at San Diego State University had her purse and car stolen by two men, one white and one Hispanic, who reportedly made pro-Trump comments and disparaging remarks about Islam.
- At the University of Michigan, police are investigating allegations that a drunk man threatened to set a female student's hijab on fire unless she took it off.
- University of New Mexico student Leena Aggad said that a young man in a Trump shirt tried to tear her hijab off on election day.
- In Queens, 19-year-old Fariha Nizam claims she was on the bus November 10 when an elderly couple started yelling at her to take off her hijab and tried to yank it off her at one point, until "other people on the bus started yelling at this couple to leave me alone ," according to what she posted to Facebook.
Muslim Woman Fabricated Campus Attack: In one of the first incidents to get serious post-election attention, a Muslim female student at the University of Louisiana reported that she was robbed and had her hijab ripped off by two white men wearing Trump hats. A few days later, she admitted to local police that she had made up the story.
Men Assaulted Over Trump Support in Boston, New York City, Connecticut
- In Meriden, Connecticut, two men have been charged with assault in an attack on a man holding a Trump sign.
- Boston police are looking into claims by a 21-year-old man who says he was attacked outside of a bar by someone who overheard him professing support for Trump and dissing Hillary Clinton.
- New York police are investigating a complaint from Corey Cataldo, who says he was attacked on the subway for wearing a Trump hat.
Gay Man Attacked in Santa Monica: In one story widely-circulated last week, a gay man was allegedly beat up by Trump supporters outside a bar in Santa Monica for being gay, and there were pictures of his bloodied face and body to prove it. When the man himself added more context, however, it was revealed that he had argued heatedly with Trump fans about politics inside the bar and, later, was jumped outside by unidentified people. Ball said he could not remember the name of the bar, and could not tell if his attackers were the same people he had argued with inside. Ball posted pictures of himself at a hospital, but was called into question when local police said they had received no report of the incident and had spoken to area hospitals, who also reported no such patient. Ball, who is Canadian, later provided a Calgary newspaper with a copy of a hospital discharge report from West Hills Hospital, about a 45 minute drive from Santa Monica.
Man Made-Up "Trump's Country" Tale: A 20-year-old man in Malden, Massachusetts reported to police that he was followed from a bus station by two white men who shouted racial slurs at him, made references to lynching, and said that he was in "Trump's country" now, forcing him to run and hide to get away from them. But according to Malde Police Chief Kevin Molis. the man later admitted to police that he had fabricated the story to help raise awareness about "things that are going on around the country."
Dear @TowsonU.
Please protect your Black students from this. Multiple students have contacted me now. pic.twitter.com/JtgrvYEbp6
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) November 10, 2016
Towson Stalking Took Place in April: A story about two black Towson University students who were followed and harassed by white students shouting racial slurs at them made its way into myriad roundups of election-related violence (and reported on by the Baltimore Sun) after Shaun King shared it on November 10 to the tune of thousands of shares. Towson University (TU) officials opened an official hate/bias incident investigation the same day. But on November 16, the school announced that while "the student who posted about the incident on social media believed it was a recent occurrence," an investigation by the school's Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity and the Towson University police "determined that the incident occurred last April, when two TU students were approached by a non-TU affiliate as they walked back to campus."
Black Woman Threatened With Gun at Gas Station? In one widely-shared Facebook tale, Ashley Boyer, a black woman, claimed she was harassed and threatened by four white men while pumping gas at a Smyrna, Delaware, gas station on November 9. Boyer later deleted that post, stating in a subequent Facebook update that she had reported the incident to police and "charges were filed, fugitives were caught." But neither Smyrna police nor any nearby agencies had a record of such an incident, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. Brian Donner of the Delaware State Police said "there is no record of this occuring in Smyrna, if at all."
No Record of Asian Student's Reported Run-In With White Trump Supporters, Cops: Last week, University of Minnesota student Kathy Mirah Tu claimed on Facebook that she had beens accosted by a white man while crossing a campus bridge. Shaun King's tweet of her story was shared more than 5,100 times within the day. "I was stopped in my tracks by a white male, who yelled at me to 'Go back to Asia,'" Tu posted, in an update that had received more than 17,000 shares by the next day. "Shortly after that moment, I was stopped by that same man who told me 'Don't you know it's disrespectful to walk away from someone when they are talking to you?'" Tu claimed the man the man grabbed Tu's wrist and threatened to hit her but she punched him first, after which the man's friends called the police. Tu described how the police showed up and handcuffed her but eventually let her off with a warning. Yet both campus cops and Minneapolis police deny ever responding to or receiving a report about any such incident.
"Go back to Asia," said the white man, emboldened by Trump, to the American citizen. I have 3,000+ emails in my inbox of these nationwide. pic.twitter.com/Ypx6rtMkzH
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) November 10, 2016
Woman Attacked by Trump Fans While Catching Pokemon: A student at Ohio's Capital University, Brittany Daughenbaugh, said she was assaulted Thursday by two white men wearing pro-Trump clothing. She was left with bruises and a concussion after allegedly being punched in the face by the men, who said, "Don't worry, honey. President Trump says this is OK."
Florida Student Charged for Fake Election-Night Robbery Report: A female student at the University of South Florida police was arrested this week for falsely reporting that she had been robbed by two white men on election night. The 19-year-old, Fatou Gueye, was charged with false report of commission of crimes.
Chicago Man Beaten After Traffic Incident: While white Chicagoan David Wilcox was allegedly beaten up by a mob of angry black Democrats for his political views, the truth is slightly more complicated. The altercation started over a traffic accident, not politics. Regardless of how it started, however, it does seem to have devolved into Wilcox being beaten up, as onlookers cheered, for being perceived to have voted for Trump (something he says is correct, though there's no way his attackers and onlookers could have known that). In video of the incident, people can be heard razzing Wilcox for being a "white boy Trump supporter," and saying "beat his ass," "you voted Trump!" Wilcox was not severely injured but was left with significant bruises and scrapes. He filed a police report but no one has yet been arrested in conjunction with the assault.
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What about that elderly white woman whose cash cow was stolen by an orange skinned male suspect still at large? How is that not a hate crime?
Straight up racism.
Sexism. Get it straight. Oh, wait, saying "straight" is a hate crime. Never mind.
You're right, "Gay up racism," sounds so much better. Amirite? East German judges?
*frowns, raises scorecard:*
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*golf clap*
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The author appears not to understand that speech itself, particularly when it takes the form of a hoax or "parody" distributed by insidious Trolls, can be a crime. Surely she wouldn't dare to defend the "First Amendment dissent" of a single, isolated judge in America's leading criminal "satire" case? See the documentation at:
You win the internets this morning.
That same suspect is implicated in mob-driven effort to evict a black family from their home.
Because orange is the new black.
I heard that the orange guy drove an Indian woman insane and stole her cheetos.
So, basically, what we have here is the Liberal Left making so much bogus noise that if any real incidents exist, they will arrive in the public square pre-discredited, allowing the Liberal Left the delicious feeling of being an embattled minority living under censorship .... without any actual inconvenience.
Pretty much.
No wonder Europeans are looking upon all this with their hands on their mouths in horror.
I think that may be from watching some things closer to home.
Fake, but accurate.
Served in small, but generous portions.
Is truthieness out of fashion now?
Since voting for Trump = hate crime, there were > 60 million hatecrimes committed last week alone. the election itself was also a hate crime.
or a white woman laughing at a black woman who overheard her saying racist things,
I wholly condone this.
A black Villanova University said
This violent attack on the English language is the worst assault of all in this laundry list of deplorable conduct, ENB.
MAGA! (Making America Grammatical Again)
What color is the hat?
The United Colours of Benetton. What else?
But what about when I went to the grocery store and tried to use my White Privilege to jump to the front of the line and the cashier told me "Hey You, Get to the back of the line". I cried for hours!
This isn't helped by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which states that more than 400 hate crimes have been committed in America post-election
Nothing is helped by the SPLC. If Trump really is the person they fear he is - and he isn't - I hope he sends a detachment of TrumpTroopers to the SPLC headquarters to destroy it and everybody inside.
+ 501st Legion?
I know B&W legionaries and they would PAY to perform that service.
That's not true. Morris Dees's bank account and mortgage payments on his mansion are greatly helped.
You would have a man who gave us Jungle Love live in poverty, perhaps?!
I honestly don't get how any journalist anywhere can quote them.
They've been exposed 100 times over. Over the course of decades. They're one of the most blatantly partisan whackjob outfits on planet earth.
Yet they're still sourced as "experts" by the MSM on anything to do with racism.
If you think about it for a minute, you might realize its because they serve a convenient purpose; they make the points editors want to make, but with the imprimatur of being 'outside experts'.
They basically exist to validate the worst fears of the cloistered urban-left about the rest of America. Everyone except them are irredeemable racists and hatemongers.
"I honestly don't get how any journalist anywhere can quote them."
Union rules. SLPC is the scriptwriter for this sort of thing.
Particularly ironic given that their leadership is overwhelmingly white:
"But the vast majority of the examples SPLC gives involve incidents like one elementary student telling another that he would be deported, or a white woman laughing at a black woman who overheard her saying racist things, or a man in a car yelling "fag" as he drove by a gay couple?things that may be intolerant, unkind, and legitimately scary for those targeted, but not what most people would conjure when they hear "hate crimes" or "hateful extremism."
One of the problems with referring to those three incidents as "hate crimes" is that none of them are actually crimes.
One student telling another that he would be deported--not a crime.
Saying racist things and laughing about it--not a crime.
Yelling "fag" at a gay couple--not a crime.
English vocabulary follows German rules in compounding. The last word determines what it is, and the first word is a variation of that.
So, for instance, a "house fire" is a type of fire, and a "firehouse" is a type of house. Also, a "house cat" is a type of cat and a "cat house" is a type of house. That's the rule. You may find an exception somewhere--but I can't think of any.
Point is, when the SPLC compiles a list of "hate crimes", that should be a list of crimes.
Those three examples were not crimes, and, therefore, they should not be considered "hate crimes".
And thanks to Trump having total control of the United States Supreme Court, some of those never will be.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Not a crime "yet"
Indeed. And since the SPLC promulgates the term "bias incident," which they, themselves, define as "conduct, speech or expression motivated, in whole or in part, by bias or prejudice. It differs from a hate crime in that no criminal activity is involved," it is clear that they are being willfully mendacious.
As an aside, HM, I received one of the best compliments known on these here InnerToobz. I was mistaken for you!
Somebody call my (((Mama))) and the SPLC!
I've never seen you in the same room as me.
Also, Mirai Kuriyama is best girl and I will duel to the death anyone who claims otherwise.
I will duel to the death anyone who claims otherwise
*unsheathes katana* She is yandere. Mizuki Sera is best girl. Very moe.
You disgust me. You must now commit seppuku You have dishonoured your family name.
Not my fault you can't handle 5 Gum.
This cultural appropriation is a hate crime! Make it 401 crimes SPLC.
TBah! Anime Milo would take any of those girls out with his rapier wit alone.
Has anyone created anime Milo yet? C'mon, we know how much he loves anime. He would be honored.
If I'm you, then you're me, so I guess I should be thanking myself for my compliment to me.
This went so, so Meta rather quickly.
Get a life, nerds. *resumes reading Alan Dean Foster's Flinx novel
Nice virtue signaling, bacon.
English vocabulary follows German rules in compounding. The last word determines what it is, and the first word is a variation of that.
Not only that (and somewhat off on a tangent), someone pointed out to me that adjectives are deliberately ordered and that breaking that order sounds out of place.
Shareware? Really, zScaler? Really?
Bah. I just grabbed the first site after googling "adjectival order," there's a bunch.
The Wikipedia article isn't bad.
Wait. So are you saying they are pirate ghosts, or are they ghost pirates?
It's a question of emphasis.
Regardless, a pirate ghost is a type of ghost, and a ghost pirate is a type of pirate.
Following that rule, because a pirate ninja is a type of ninja, pirate ninjas as pussies.
Conversely, a ninja pirate is an ass-kicker because he's a type of pirate--and if he finds out that you called him a ninja, he'll probably want to kick your ass.
That ninja-pirate-zombie-robot is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear!
You can't be both a zombie and a robot.
You can't be both a zombie and a robot.
A wizard did it. Some assembly required.
Yelling "fag" at a gay couple--not a crime.
If they weren't in a Prius nobody would have known to yell anything.
Woman Knocked Over by Trump Supporters at Villanova
At a university? Video or it absolutely did not happen.
The vast majority of these "incidents" never happened.
"Gro?" means big in size, not "great".
"Gro?artig" or "ausgezeichnet" would be better choices.
Oh, and "machen" goes at the end.
Wow, sprechen sie, "German PWND," en Deutche, Rhywun?-)
auf Deutsch.
Germans are so cool, they don't speak in languages; they speak *on* them.
Brought to you by Bill and Irving.
And Cylons
Only the sexy kind.
So hot
Fleshy in all the right places.
TRUMPCRAFT must be 2017's meme campaign.
It can't. Starcraft is a three-faction game.
Now, World of Trumpcraft, an MMO we all play and can't get out of...
"You must bring 10 vials of proggie tears for Warchief Guiliani. He needs them to lubricate torture racks in Hipster Extermination Chamber"
Et tu, Pan?
What? It is!
Er...Was last time I played, which was...first two levels of Brood War?
HM just thinks you're a giant nerd now is all. You probably don't like women with giant floppy asses either.
It's true. Only Gilmore (@0:42) deigns to attend my house parties.
That can't possibly be Gilmore. While it's true that he ain't go nowhere 'less they be thicc sluts up ins, he won't even leave the house without a perfectly pressed three-piece suit on.
He just came from the tub.
2:27 clearly proves it's him.
I was hoping i was the mariachi midget. i was disappointed.
I'm Canadian. We prefer our women with giant floppy heads. And asses of fire.
Square wheels too? You fucking heathens!
I meant the analogy with 3 parties.
Starcraft has three serious factions not two serious factions and one bunch of loosely associated sprogs.
I can convince myself otherwise. Zerg became a joke after the ending to Wings of Liberty
I kek'd. LOK'TAR OGAR!
Make Aiur Great Again
How many snowflakes have been murdered? Or does that just happen to Trump supporters of color?
The media does not count that as a murder.
so first-world problems, right? Some days people have no awareness of the type society in which they live.
We all know about pussy gate, but how many of you know about posse gate?
gate posse
How many know about gate posse?
Blind squirrel?
But how should this diversity shape our politics? The standard liberal answer for nearly a generation now has been that we should become aware of and "celebrate" our differences. Which is a splendid principle of moral pedagogy ? but disastrous as a foundation for democratic politics in our ideological age. In recent years American liberalism has slipped into a kind of moral panic about racial, gender and sexual identity that has distorted liberalism's message and prevented it from becoming a unifying force capable of governing.
One of the many lessons of the recent presidential election campaign and its repugnant outcome is that the age of identity liberalism must be brought to an end. Hillary Clinton was at her best and most uplifting when she spoke about American interests in world affairs and how they relate to our understanding of democracy. But when it came to life at home, she tended on the campaign trail to lose that large vision and slip into the rhetoric of diversity, calling out explicitly to African-American, Latino, L.G.B.T. and women voters at every stop. This was a strategic mistake.
How can this be? Shrill, bitter harpy playing up social divisions wasn't a winning strategy?
the only differences being "celebrated" are those of race or ethnicity. Otherwise, it's multi-hued group think and therein lies the problem with the diversity movement. It's a fraud, intellectually and philosophically.
Holy shit, some of them are starting to understand. Finally.
Every one of us is just a brain being carried around by a vehicle that sustains it.
When the left talks about "diversity" they talk only about the meaningless vehicle, not what goes on in the brain it supports. Diversity of thought is the only diversity that matters.
The only connection actual "liberalism" and "identity politics" ever had was the fraud perpetrated on Americans by the Democratic party calling itself "liberal".
Yeah, talking is probably what Hillary is best at, and she isn't very good even at that.
But the fixation on diversity in our schools and in the press has produced a generation of liberals and progressives narcissistically unaware of conditions outside their self-defined groups, and indifferent to the task of reaching out to Americans in every walk of life. At a very young age our children are being encouraged to talk about their individual identities, even before they have them. By the time they reach college many assume that diversity discourse exhausts political discourse, and have shockingly little to say about such perennial questions as class, war, the economy and the common good. In large part this is because of high school history curriculums, which anachronistically project the identity politics of today back onto the past, creating a distorted picture of the major forces and individuals that shaped our country. (The achievements of women's rights movements, for instance, were real and important, but you cannot understand them if you do not first understand the founding fathers' achievement in establishing a system of government based on the guarantee of rights.)
E Pluribus Unum is for chumps.
+1 Al Gore.
In large part this is because of high school history curriculums, which anachronistically project the identity politics of today back onto the past, creating a distorted picture of the major forces and individuals that shaped our country.
Almost like Marxist critical theory might be the defining component of progressive pedagogy...
It's clear we need to do something about the epidemic of KKK sleeper cells on our nation's college campuses.
(Making America Grammatical Again)
The ultimate lost cause.
"it was clear that my assault was not politically motivated in the way that we previously thought
Interesting phrasing.
I think that means "Someone from my own team took a runner at me for being a boorish, loudmouth asshole."
I think it means that had it been politically motivated in the way they previously thought, they'd be pressing charges.
So these incidents are roughly equal mixtures of violence by Trump supporters, violence against Trump supporters, or made up stories. Sounds like the anti-Trumpers are two-thirds of the problem.
That includes reporting bias. That is, if a Trump supporter merely farts anywhere near a Clinton supporter, it gets reported as a hate crime.
God bless you ENB but I'm afraid the narrative is already set here. No way this is going to change people's minds because Facebook and other bull shit.
No amount of evidence will sway them.
In fact evidence to the contrary is evidence of the conspiracy systemic bigotry.
Still no mention was what happened at UPenn? Really? Come on, man, you're not even trying...
What happened at UPenn?
Something about Trump going to sleepovers with Jerry Sandusky.
Just heard a Trump supporter grab a Muslim woman in a hijab in a #assassinateTrump t-shirt out of her Prius and forced her to eat a hot dog with extra relish.
Can anyone confirm this?
Was it a Hebrew National?
All starting points for hate crimes begin with that premise I thought.
No, but he did he force her to sing Hatikvah afterwards.
Needs MOAR Bellicosity. Also, should be sung in English, not funny, sad language.
Then our shape-shifting reptilian Annunaki overlords wouldn't be able to properly synchronize their cellular structure to the hymn's special acoustic structure.
No, serious talk, if your country is surrounded by enemies who want to eradicate it, having a funeral dirge as an anthem is either tone-deaf, or the most earth shattering instance of sarcasm I've ever seen. If second, I stand in awe.
There has always been a push to replace it with Jerusalem of Gold, which to be honest isn't much better. Maudlin, bittersweet sentimentalism is pretty much "Hebrewness" defined.
Look, Poles only spent 123 years stateless, but can't you copy their anthem, a.k.a. three minutes of raised middle finger?
Even our battle hymns sound like this.
Killing our enemies is pleasant and relaxing. I like it.
Written during an actual battle (Warsaw Ghetto uprising--author died later fighting the Nazis). Can be stung stirringly as well as sexily (I've sung it in concerts and it comes across somewhat less seductive than Ms Albertstein's version). FWIW.
Ha. Cool.
They're sad because they're all going to hell for killing Jesus.
Also, should be sung in English, not funny, sad language.
There's a perfumery or something at the mall run exclusively by Israelis on I'm guessing student visas, since they're all in their early to mid twenties (although with the swarthy types you can never be sure). Their English has a delightful foreign tinge, but their Hebrew has no poetic lilt whatsoever. Farsi is loads better.
Is that a Euphemism? I can't tell anymore.
was it a hello kitty hijab?
I find it amazing that while the evidence doesn't support the claim, we do have overt actions like '#assassinateTrump' that are met with indifference.
The children in Texas who made a play about that were scolded severely. Well, maybe their diaper pins were taken away, something.
'sup Radley?
Pain levels of minorities, college students and Clinton supporters! THEY ARE REAL PAIN LEVELS AND WE MUST RESPECT THEM! NO MOCK SJWS!!!!
That entire stream of concern trolling was pure cringe. I really don't know what they wanted, and I suspect neither did they.
Can anyone confirm this?
Sounds legit.
*retweets frenziedly*
"And I didn't want to see people I care about fearing for their very lives and physical safety because of a massive amount of misinformation floating around."
So you're too classy to look behind your friend, say "OMG it's the Grand Wizard!" and duck?
Pointing this out seems to really anger people, who assume my intent is discredit all such reports, or to deny that there's any bigotry among Trump supporters.
This should come as no surprise ENB, since that is the exact same tactic they use against anyone who points out that the 1 in 5 statistic is bullshit, or that don't immediately believe the victim *cough*mattress girl *cough*.
We are all blighted by original sin and only tithing to the alter of their batshittery can appease them.
Where did you get the crazy idea that you can appease them? You are guilty for being white/conservative. End of story.
I believe that vandalism and obstruction of public roadways should also be classified as violent acts if motivated by the election - which would add a whole lot of incidents to the "Democrats' fault"* column.
*Actually, crimes are only the responsibility of the perps and those who support them, blame *doesn't* go to people who weren't involved but happen to have some of the same political beliefs as the perps.
This isn't helped by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center
Is anything?
And in the wonderful world of Massachusetts
I'm sure that hotline is as real as this one.
Your link is certainly not real.
ENB, not sure if it's too awkward to bring it up here, but I appreciate your speaking up on Twitter about this. I'm a guy, but the rest of what you talked about sounds like my life too. Glad you made it through; I almost didn't, and I'm still dealing with it. You are not alone, kid. Thanks.
I'd be very careful about taking anything she says at face value. She's a professional liar and a serial fabulist.
You act like you came off a boat.
Serial Fabulist would be a good name for a band.
Or a yacht.
It's what Sabrina Erdley had planned on naming her boat until Richard Bradley et al. grabbed her by the narrative.
His father should have, IYKWIM.
Hey, my father came off a boat!
See, it's better to form your opinion of people based on the voices in your head than on what they actually say or do. DD just knows. Don't question the voices in his head.
I find having a conference with the voices in my head to be quite productive sometimes. It's like multi-tasking!
Was one of those things supposed to be 'spooky'?
Did anyone even know who the fuck this bannon guy was a month ago?
Apparently him and Milo are totes alt-right.
I'm not sure how a flamboyantly gay atheist can be a neo-nazi, but I don't think progtard.
What was Ernst R?hm, chopped liver?
Great, now you've summoned Underzog.
Same way as publishing an article by David Horowitz makes you a Jew-hater, I guess?
I'm not sure how a flamboyantly gay atheist can be a neo-nazi, but I don't think progtard.
It's believed there was a certain amount of gayness in the Reich. I mean, come on, leather shorts?
And Hugo Boss?
And the entire Sturmabteilung?
Now, it's one thing for you guys to be handling this nonsense but imagine us rubes here in Canada looking from afar! We don't get 'debunked' versions of hate crimes. We just get the CNN version and everyone reacts to it without batting an eye.
I'm in Calgary and my day-to-day is largely clear of fearmongering. I have seen panic moments on social media secondhand though.
Some of the local progs seem to think the KKK is boiling out of the ground like the bugs in Starship Troopers right now though.
No different in Quebec/Ontario. Like Americans care.
The KKK thing too is waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy overblown.
I live in one of the former capitols of the Confederacy and I am white.
I have never. Repeat never seen a kkk person, met one, heard of one in the area, or seen anything resembling kkk BS.
I am not saying the kkk is not out there. They are getting publicity that masks their small numbers.
But there is this
They're statistically fantastically insignificant yet the left thinks they wield some sort of great powers over people.
They're completely unhinged.
You know who else thought a statistically insignificant group wielded great power over people?
IRS agents?
Per ADL, best guess of kkk members: 5000
Number of IRS employees per Grand Criminal Koskinen: 85000
IRS has much more power and is more, and is much more statistically significant.
I have never. Repeat never seen a kkk person, met one, heard of one in the area, or seen anything resembling kkk BS.
That is how it is silently spread.
RE: Hate Crimes, Hoaxes, and Hyperbole: A Reality Check for All Sides
Two weeks in "Trump's America" have brought a lot of ugliness, but not nearly as much as social-media mobs think.
Stupidity starts with a lie.
Coupla thoughts... So major media outlets do such a crappy, biased job in their reporting over the years that it factors into tanking a Presidential election. After they all have weepy heart attacks on air on election night, they come to the next day and continue right on ahead pumping their narrative by breathlessly reporting a bunch of unverified/made up horseshit about the terror and pogroms taking place in Trump's Amerikkka. Every day. I have no doubt that someone, somewhere, in a country of 320 million people, did something shitty to someone else in the last week based on a demographic trait alone, but get a grip.
Also, I'm old enough to remember when someone writing something mean-spirited on a chalk board was not national fucking news. I'm also old enough to remember when chalk boards were used, and not dry-erase boards.
Chalk boards sucked.
reminds me how many people interpreted "commenters criticizing Reason's hysterical obsession w/ Trump" as de-facto "Trump Support".
Either you swallow the most absurd, irrational, exaggerated caricature of X....or you are "defending" X. There is no middle-ground
It seems obviously idiotic when ENB points it out here. Yet this is the very same attitude expressed daily by otherwise sane/intelligent(ish) people
The whole thing is depressing. Election years have always been full of retarded group-thinking... but this year feels like there has been a widespread, wholesale abandonment of reason .... among almost everyone.
Its sort of like Scott Alexander's piece (e.g. "the best thing written about the election"); what was most notable about it?
Is that nothing he said was either complex or not-obvious to anyone paying attention. He was just calmly stating some very simple facts - like "racism is actually fairly rare in America", and "Trump is demonstrably gay-friendly", etc. The only reason it seemed remarkable is that EVERYONE ELSE HAS BEEN BATSHIT CRAZY FOR SO LONG.
Its not until someone pokes holes in the popular narratives that anybody realizes how thin and insubstantial they are in the first place.
But the typical reaction? is to get angry that someone has taken their narrative away from them.
hysterical obsession w/ Trump" as de-facto "Trump Support"
I only ever saw commenters accuse Reason of TDS for highlighting Trump's daily faux pas.
My point was simply to note that the same argument ENB makes above =
("pointing out that bad-behavior are not "Hate Crimes" is not an endorsement of bad-behavior")
is very similar to the reaction some people had when people complained about the magazine's.... excesses (see: Shikha, Suderman, over the last 6 months or so)
The magazine often took half-sentences from Trump and expanded them into forecasts of some Future Tyrannical Dystopia. People who pointed out how ridiculous this was would be subject to screeching and finger pointing as "trump supporters".
It was well-written and comprehensive, exhaustive even. It didn't resort to name-calling or shaming and I saw no distortion in it. Just facts that were presented well.
hoist by my own petard
I have a habit of throwing rhetorical-question-marks in mid-sentence
it was really just one sentence
Ah, understood. #punctuationlivesmatter
You're minimizing the disproportionate targeting of semicolons for deletion.
belated =
Kudos to ENB for sticking with the "debunking" story.
Someone needs to do it. But its clearly not going to win any friends in the outrage-o-sphere.
So get this. Guess where one of those people who vowed to never go to America's Trumpland as long as he's there? Yup. America. My wife sees him on FB - he had been yakking on about how terrible the racism will be and but a few days later he's posting pictures of places he's currently visiting. Washington, Philadelphia,Nashville. Apparently NOT SCARY ENOUGH!
Yup. Right in line with how these people role.
Someone's gotta protect all them darkies from racist murdering whites, and who better than Canada-Man? He's basically new Harriet Tubman, liberating all them oppressed people with his presence, and you mock him.
Shame, Rufus. Shame.
I'm sure Neil MacDonald will enlighten us all soon enough.
[Citation Needed]
I can give you a good metric for whether or not people are hyperventilating, flailing, and claiming "fear" as social signaling.
Are sales of guns and ammunition going up, down, or staying the same? If people really were as fearful as the left keeps reporting through the MSM mouthpieces, there should be an accompanying major upswing in sales of arms (one not accounted for by a fear of more 2nd Amendment violations). This isn't happening. Thus, the "genuine fear" is actually genuine hyperbole.
Why is Manny Calavera eating the world with a fork? I had hoped the alt-text might clarify this.
Some of these are hilarious.
Okay are people really that gullible (yes) ----
A leftist puts a picture of "OMG Racism on a white board". I'd bet $100 it was put on there by that twerp. It's too good to be true. Especially when there are documented cases of this happening.
The only thing we had had video evidence for are lefties beating up Trump supporters.
+1 racist cake at Whole Foods.
'Member that guy? I 'member.
Does this mean people are going to stop looking Saun King for his latest hot take?
There are enough violent idiots in this country that I'm sure a few of these claims are true. But come on. That didn't happen.
That won't stop the proggies from pointing a camera and microphone at anyone who will confirm their preconceived narrative.
If they were honest about these things, they'd investigate them before reporting, and report blatant false flags. Sometimes they wouldn't report them at all. There have to be bigger fish to fry than reporting someone punching someone else somewhere over something stupid.
"The bottom line is that when it comes to physical aggression inspired by this election, we are looking at a little more than a dozen incidents reported, over a 10 day period"
You can do better than this.
Cut them some slack. They took the weekend off.
Hey, professional victim's can only be expected to work so many hours a day fabricating transgressions, they deserve a little time off too.
That apostrophe was put there by my iPhone, btw.
Regarding the rash of hateful graffiti and signs popping up this week: while some was certainly meant to offend or inspire terror, other times it has turned out to be the work of anti-Trump forces who intended it as commentary on how they perceive "Trump's America."
Before you can reach a conclusion about any given graffiti, etc., you have to know who wrote it and why. All I have heard confirmed are the "false flags". Are there any confirmed cases of graffiti written by actual racist/bigoted/nativists? If not, I don't think you can say some was certainly meant to to offend, etc.
Yes, either false flags or misunderstood the message from anti-Trump folk.
I think the bigger story here is that the media isn't even bothering to differentiate between "hate crime" and "hate speech" anymore.
When did that happen? I mean when did they differentiate?
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there had been "no violent hate-crimewave" happening
So those riots were love-ins?
How could I almost forget! Some guys with a Las Vegas podcast witnessed the racism flag flying high all over town. Here is the show with the evidence which begins at 45:25*. It consists of Fact Checked Andy's encounter at Walmart, with his child, as they bought dirt.
*I dare you to listen to this show from the beginning, even if you think you are a hardcore geek.
We can pull the country out of the recession by having the government fake an alien invasion. Krugtard embodies the Dem party.
Asperger's Syndrome isn't a fucking mental illness, douchebags.
It also is not correlated with acts of violence. Aspies are far more likely to be victims than perpetrators of violence. Yeah, they have "difficulty in social situations" but that doesn't include throwing people down a flight of stairs.
The picture looked to me like the "attacker" tripped and fell on the speaker.
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This just reeks of agent provocateurs.
This is a little dated, but that's okay, these people haven't changed their script since Stalin. A few years ago I was listening to WBAI during the leftoid ramp-up to one of the Gulf Wars and a caller (more than once) claimed all the protest violence was paid for by the police.
Looking forward to them explaining Portland and other places with that jive soon.
Also my favourite thing this whole election is a white guy yelling into the mic, held by a black guy, that "minorities need Hillary". The possibility of racism did not compute with the SJW.
until I looked at the paycheck saying $4730 , I did not believe that...my... brother woz like actualy bringing in money part time from there computar. . there friend brother started doing this for less than 7 months and resently paid for the morgage on there home and bought a new Cadillac .......
Creating a list of exceptions does not disprove this. Nor does what I am about to say prove it. In Danbury CT one Swastika since 2003, now 6 since the election. I am quite certain time will prove an abundance of hateful actions since this election. Denying it does not help us to heal the very real rift that the election has caused, which is a truth that we must face whichever way we voted.
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True. Of course, those have been hateful actions by Clinton supporters.
The rift was created by Obama's and Hillary's bigotry, hatred, and divisiveness long before the election. And that rift won't be healed until Democrats come to their senses and start treating the rest of the country with decency and respect.
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The SPLC is calling these "incidents," not hate crimes. Can the author provide a link or a source where the SPLC actually called all of these incidents "hate crimes"?